Tuesday, March 17, 2015

ST Patty Day Fit

   Top of the mornin' to ya laddie. It is the day of St. Patrick in one of the most celebrated Holidays of the year. A day of green-filled adventure of happiness, drunken shenanigans across every major bar in the country and possibly having the hopes of finding a little Irish gold under the rainbow. I'm not a drinker so I'm not in the habit getting wasted off my ass and having a hangover the size of Dagda's Cauldron but I'm somewhat a fan of the Irish culture and those awesome accents that you can't help but smile about (at least to me). I 'am however going to have my own fun filled day of playing with Animal Exercises, awesome food (not traditional Irish Cuisine like Cabbage & Corn Beef) and watching a little underrated Disney flick titled Darby O'Gill & The Little People, where a young Sean Connery burst on the scene years before he became the first and most bad ass James Bond in History.


    Since reading up on a little Irish History, I've also learned of a fitness course that turns little boobybuilding wanna-bes into full on powered men of muscle and strength called the Dagda Course. If you're a fan of Non-Traditional fitness than you'll love this my fitness junkie friend. It's not a trend that is used in everyday gyms or used by the latest meathead who is strapped for cash to model on but it is one of the most serious and fun muscle building courses out there that takes you back to the days of the Irish All-Father with a zest for food and drink and carrying his trusted Club where on one end, can destroy armies but on the end can heal lives. With that type of imagination using a club from the brain child of Scott Sonnon the Clubbell it will take on a whole new meaning to the stories of Dagda. On one path with the clubbell you'll burn fat, destroy flab and crush death destroying illnesses like Diabetes, Obesity and low testosterone but on the end of the spectrum, you'll gain muscle, mobility, flexibility, stamina, strength, coordination and dominate your workout like the Irish Myth himself dominating his enemies.


   I don't care if you're out at the club having a blast and I believe everyone is entitled to. Having fun and interacting with others, I went to places all the time when I lived in Santa Cruz, CA going to concerts, the Boardwalk, the beach anywhere where the fun was especially with my boys and whoever I was with at the time. I do however have more fun these days training and seeking out new adventures to go on and have a blast doing something most people won't do or think it's too weird for them to do. Go Clubbing in a different way where your liver can still be intact and go to sleep happy and energized and not passed out drunk and wake up next to a buck-tooth barmaid with a donkey in the living room and some dude pissing in a potted plant. You never know what really might've happened, so be smart on this green lit day.


    Be happy and merry on this wee day of St. Patty and have fun wherever you are. Be like King Louie who is tired of moping around and wanting to be like YOU!!! Dance, be wild and go animal on this incredible day, give some love to others and have a positive outlook on life. It's a day of joy and full of leaf clovers that could bring you the luck of the Irish. Never let a dull moment get in the way of being filled with heart and awesomeness; not Guinness and shots that will have you end in the hospital or end up in an alley somewhere with a homeless dude named Buck.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Jungle Fever

    Not it's not a disease infected virus or have a drug addict having a withdrawal in the bush; it's the love and good feeling you can have after doing a few animal exercises or adding them into your routine. Most "human" exercises today are terrible, you got your cardio machines, your weighted machines, little pink dumbbells and those god awful sweat induced prissy gyms that only care about your money and not your damn health. Do you really think machines are really going to help you in the real world? Do you really think that doing tricep kickbacks on a bosu ball is going to truly help your balance? Seriously people get some brains will you? A lot of those machine infested exercises take away the freedom of moving your own body; if you want to lift something, lift it or learn how to progress to a specific level of lifting. When you move like a wild animal, you're utilizing every muscle in your body that has some awkward movements because not everything is up and down or a straight line. There are curvatures and a few twists and turns. It can also be fun if you use a little imagination.


    Sure you may not want to eat bugs, chase after a gazelle or wrestle alligators but it is important to follow one of our basic components of the human entities; our animal instincts. Even as humans, we have urges and the need for movement and fight or flight. We are taught to control our urges by various aspects of society and it is a valuable tool to learn self-control but yet it is important to act on what is instinctive and utilize what makes us human in the first place. Living up to that with a sense of balance, not controlled strictness because let's face it, whenever we are very strict of something someone ends up breaking free sooner or later. It's like trying to fill a balloon full of water more than it can handle, it's going to eventually pop. When it comes to your fitness, be instinctive, act on what values you as an individual and do things geared towards your personality and interests. Be bold and challenge the norm but also have fun with it, not push yourself to the brink of death or punish yourself with a 2 hour workout and not sleep for 24 hours. Using a little of your instincts you can change the very course of how you live your life.


    With one animal movement at a time, we can change the landscape of the obesity epidemic (sounds like a plague) that is taking over our country and cities across the world. When I was a kid in the 90's and early 2000's, most of my P.E teachers didn't give us a chance to really have fun with our exercise. I learned a lot from them don't get me wrong but I was mostly taught "do this, do that and see what you can do." It isn't as vague as it may seem but looking back on it from 97'-03' it sucked quite a bit and I never really was taught any real technique because the teacher had to teach so many kids at times how could they keep up? It almost felt like torture on some days and it made me hate exercise at times. There were times where I loved going to lift weights or play basketball but others it felt like here you go and let's see how you run with it. Fitness is about structure, learning the value of teamwork and making it interesting, not this very bleak look at some basic stuff that a ten year old can learn and feel miserable. Kids crave activity whether they admit it or not or even understand the concept yet also they have an expanded imagination that is beautiful yet mysterious. Disguise exercise as play and I guarantee you it will be a little more interesting and favorable among the young ones. Get in the habit of utilizing Animal Movements for kids because it can help the in ways typical exercise can't like help their self-esteem, burn off fat, build natural lean muscle, gain stamina, wear out excess energy so they can relax while in other classes, form games to keep things interesting. There are so many ways to do it its mind boggling.


    Being able to benefit the way of the animal is a beautiful thing for both adults and kids. I love the idea of giving someone the chance to be themselves while they do something cool and exciting. It can be a bit goofy at times but who cares. They're getting fit while having a good time and they become accustomed to its concept of movement, imagination, playfulness and the ability to take their strength to another level. If I knew at 13 what I know now, my life would've been way more interesting to me and would be far fitter and probably developed a six pack in the process but things happen for a reason and I do the best to my abilities is to stay athletic as possible while being a bigger guy. I love Animal Movements, it's incredible to feel my body was worked in a very short amount of time and get amazing benefits in the process. Doing a 10-20 min. workout is like playing a game that is fun and get practice all this cool stuff. What would it be like to you and/or a child to have natural strength, high levels of happiness, incredible stamina, elf-esteem through the roof and sleep like a baby? That's just some of the benefits anyone can have if they apply themselves in animal fitness. Let's spread the word by learning, teaching and valuing a high level of getting anyone who wants to learn; young or old the awesome tool of moving like your favorite animal and get in awesome shape inside and out. Are you with me?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Movement Is Life

    It's not always just moving and doing regular exercise, it's how you move that makes the difference. There are simple movements, creative movements and just plain dumb movements. How you move dictates the efficiency and quality of what separates you from others. For me, I don't move quite like a gymnast or an acrobat but what I create in various movements helps me challenge what I can do and learn the value of moving really is. You don't have to show a spectacle or look like you belong in the circus but moving with efficiency and good technique that is suitable to your body type but then again it's not everyday you see a 260 pound man doing cartwheels or a bad ass husky ninja doing the splits or doing push-ups on a wine bottles so make the best in how you move and be alive.


    Creative movement breaks you away from "the pack"; you know those stuck up fitness people who would rather have you on a machine that does very little for your overall balance on the body than to use what your body is capable of and give you the tools to be free to make your own style. I like some gyms where you are challenged in the best way possible but most of the others are just plain (in my Danny McBride voice from Your Highness) tedious and boring, you literally have no room to really move unless you're walking and going to your next calf blaster machine or Smith Bench Press. I get it if its cold out and you don't want to work out in that type of environment it's ok I have that issue too but I don't act like a little whiny little 6 year old because "I don't have a way to work out without my gym." You don't need that crap, the world is your oyster, find the treasured value of moving with freedom and creativity. Practice different disciplines like Hand Balancing, Muscle Control, create different combinations, Animal
, Move like Tarzan (in the most efficient way of course) or take up swimming in a much warmer climate and do Self Resistance Training for indoors. Pick what you're interested in or do a combination of anything you want to do, you have options.


    Learn how to use your body's abilities, modify if you have to especially if you're a beginner. Like they say you learn to walk before you can run or built up to doing calculus in mathematics by doing arithmetic. We all START somewhere and we work up to certain things; no gymnast started out doing backflips and tumbles like a pro, nobody hits a homerun the first time using a bat and no one sure as hell deadlifts 1000 pounds if they never lifted before. It takes practice and skill to develop all of these things and if you want to be the very best you can be it will take time. Learning various movement is about challenging your brain, creating adventures and finding what to use next that hits the right spot. Your body is very powerful; I realize not everyone is a greek god or a sculpted bodybuilder (before 1960) I'm certainly not one, I don't have a six pack or looking like an Adonis and sure as hell don't look like a supermodel (although I do have that boyish face looking ten years younger than I'am) but I do the best I can and it's far from perfect but that doesn't matter because I enjoy the challenge and it makes me happy.


    It's hard out there for a pimp (sorry I had Hustle & Flow on the brain, damn you Terrence Howard) but seriously, it can be freighting out there in the unknown and it's scary to do things you normally don't do or have never done. I was always afraid of falling into a bridge on my head because I was scared I'd crack my skull open (already happened at a much younger age) but I didn't, I kept at it and learned to control my body to the point where it became natural to me and it felt amazing to go back and fall into the position and stretch every ounce of my body like my life depended on it. I was scared of learning to do Cartwheels (you read that right) but I learned to trust myself by pretending I'm playing and pretending I'm a cool ninja or something. I was even afraid of lifting heavy rocks because I felt it would drop on my head and kill me, but it has never happened otherwise I wouldn't have written this and it feels good to lift something that is natural and challenging in case I need that strength one to save someone's life or move heavy boulders out of the way if needed. Movement is an adventure, living with a sense of daring and unlocking your true potential.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Progression Into Super Mode

    Sounds like an additional level or an upgrade in a video game don't you think? Seriously though, there are ways to progress in any area of fitness or sports, you start somewhere most likely at the very bottom of the totem pole. Unless you're superman, you're not going to have the strength to lift 100 tons in a press; you can however progress to heavier weight with specific strategy. You're not going to be as fast as the Flash or Usain Bolt but you can build up a level of explosiveness and speed that would take down the average guy and you sure as hell won't have the stamina like Lance Armstrong or Jack Lalanne, yet you can progressively have greater endurance than when you started with if you follow a good system. I believe in finding creative ways to achieve levels of strength, endurance, flexibility and all others without risking major injury, I just don't condone it and getting hurt as a badge of honor is just idiotic in most cases. I do believe in taking yourself past your limits but in a safe manner that doesn't involve scarring, tearing muscles everywhere and even ripping out joints. I have pushed myself this past month using the Superhero Sprint System and to most people on paper looks ridiculously deranged and I should be put in the nuthouse but in reality I have tweaked it a bit that still has nearly the same principles of the program but to my liking and it's working. I can hear my fat crying and screaming in agony like the Wicked Witch Of The West (not the Mila Kunis version). I have pushed so hard these last couple workouts I look like I'm ready to drop dead but in fact I'm just waiting for that opportune moment for when my body and mind are ready I blast on it like a bat out of hell.


    It is not your job to push past limits that are set by someone else. Nobody ever should decide what limits you should be past or "can" past because they don't have your body, they don't have your possible injuries or what your mental establishment is. I have people pushed me because I didn't know at times how far I can take it, they didn't set a bar for me to push towards, all I did was ask for a little nudge that I normally wouldn't do when I'm alone, there's a difference between pushing the limits set by someone and pushing because you want the push. Work within your own limits and set the bar your way no matter how small or big even by the tiniest fraction. You're not going to be the next John Cena or the next Kobe Bryant or take it harder than Bruce Lee it's impossible to reach their level; you can either be way beyond them or fairly under their level but never exactly like them so prioritize the standards for which you set. This is one of the reasons why I can't stand some of the crossfit stuff or that dumb ass P-90X crap or even those magazine workouts, most are not that sustainable, it's difficult to follow someone on film in exact moments without feeling like you're going to die and he's on camera looking like he just got laid after his wife came home and why in the hell would you want to beat some other time clock on a dumbass name of a workout that is meant to make you sound like a weakling? You have one body and one life, be creative and set your own bar not the bar chosen for you, come on you're better than that.


    There is a difference between training hard and training smart; some look at training hard is pushing to failure every workout and push to the limits like they're in Dragon Ball Z (which can be a motivator in some cases) and others look at training smart as being cautious and being a scared twerp with the complexity of a five year old and thinking they're being "smart" about what they're doing. Training hard from my observation for the true warriors is taking things to another level and putting yourself to the test that requires focus and physicality for which you get as high as possible in what you do; smart training is based on strategy for how you handle a progressive load whether it be an amount of weight or sets/reps you have concocted and how you move on reaching a higher level one step at a time. When you combine the two despite the differences you're taking your limits to another realm based on your knowledge and wisdom of what makes it work and what might happen. You have the abilities to create your own style of training and what prompts you to make it work. Don't beat yourself up because you don't have incredibly insane strength yet, it will come when you make the decision to progressively get up that part of your mountain. Just because you didn't beat the clock doesn't mean it wasn't a great workout, you did and it came out the way it was meant to.


    Here's an outlook of my current training so far: First 3 weeks of training have had me run in place (sprint), do a circuit and Sprint again; I don't push so hard that I pass out or have a heart attack but I push enough to where I'm aware of what's happening and I can still think within my body as I breathe deeply and rest for as long as I need to. I have completed every workout I put myself through without fail and still managed to keep my sanity and not be put in an iron lung. The last couple workouts had me out on the field doing 2 brutal sprints and a circuit & repeating that 4 times; sounds crazy right? Here's the kicker; first off the circuits are actually tougher than the sprints, at least from what I've noticed but for the most part on the sprints, I don't go 100% full speed because if I did, I would not only tear something but my lungs would be so messed up that an Iron Lung wouldn't even begin to work so I go as fast as I can but at a certain percentage so I can still maintain myself in the workout. It's still brutal and only rest when I need to but I have created a blueprint in my mind of what I want to do and go with my intuition on how it'll play out. You can't lose if you develop your own blueprint, you can make mistakes and you're going to have to correct them but there's nothing to lose on when you have devised the strategy yourself. Test your limits the right way and you'll be on your way to gain that Super Mode of muscle, fat burning, weight loss, endurance and gaining a perspective on how you train with the right amount of intensity, strategic sets and reps and making a statement that the workout doesn't own you, you own it and it's your bitch.

Monday, March 9, 2015

If You Love It Who Cares

    I do my best to bring you cool ideas on fitness and other things. I have many opinions about the good, the bad and the extremely weird styles of training but if you are passionate about something; do it and do it with love, pride and give back from what you have learned. There are things I can't stand in this field at times, one of them is drugs, another is giving lousy advice that can lead to injury and I can't understand feeling forced to do something you don't want to do and think you'll be happier that way but you are a human being and you choices, how you do them and what you're willing to go through them is up to you. I promote kick ass fitness and creative ideas on how to get in awesome shape both physically and mentally but I also draw the line and if you have ever read my stuff, you ought to know by now, if not then start reading.


    How you do things is a reminder of who you are and what works and what doesn't. Many people live their lives doing things that don't work for them but expect great things to happen; that's almost like saying you're dating a girl who is a complete bitch and treats you like crap but you think down the line she's going to turn into this loving and caring person out of the blue trust me I've been there I tried it. Do things that define your personality, bring you a flow of awesomeness that gives you joy and feeling incredible about yourself. So what you wear weird clothes, who really cares you like to watch cartoons at an older age, does it really matter how many push-ups you can do in a minute and why do you give a shit what people really think of you? You're awesome in your own right and the right people will come along to support what you do even if you screw up because they know the real you. I've had people turn their back on me, shut me out and verbally abuse their words on me because I didn't live up to their standards, didn't like to dress up to every damn gathering and even because of the way I exercise and you know what; screw them, what I do reflects my personality and if they don't have the guts to let me be a part of them even at my worst, they don't deserve a damn thing from me.


    Most people's approval is pointless. Not saying everything regarding an approval is pointless it's usually the objective from other's opinions. Sure if you want to school well you have to keep your grades up and yes sometimes a good appearance while applying for a job would need approval if you want to get hired I get that I've done it; yet if you're a gothic looking person and you like what you wear, awesome. There were a lot of things my friends and family didn't approve of especially how I live and what I do with it, some still don't but that's their opinion and they can have it. Most of approvals are meaningless recognition like trying to please people that don't need pleasing. However, even I want some approval on some things like being able to feel like I'm being accepted and people share my philosophy, to me that's a sign of approval or something like being to do something awesome and it's being spread around by people who recognize my work, to me that's a sign of approval. What I don't see the need for approval in my own way, is that what I wear shouldn't concern anybody; I dress like a I'm going to the beach: Shorts, T-Shirts and an occasional sweatshirt and sweat pants, I don't wear jeans or button down shirts and I certainly hate dressing up for practically anything unless it was my own wedding. You don't need approval for who you are and who you try to prove yourself as. Want to know the most common thing (at least from my observation) I've ever noticed about "needing" approval from people, is what you wear or how you look; think about it, how often have you heard "do I look ok in this dress?", "Is this tie on straight?", "Should I wear the tight one or the loose one because I'm afraid they won't like me", and many more. Most people in reality are very shallow when it comes to approval and the real people that like you for you no matter don't need anything from you because you are all that matters.


    Getting back to things that don't work for you than expect something great to happen, stop it, seriously you're killing me smalls. There will be things that you may not like and you have to go through them like a human being but that doesn't mean you have to suffer what doesn't work for you. Build a foundation for what works for you and how it can help you in any area of your life. I love helping people and if it involves lifting and giving someone a chance to feel better at ease within that context it makes me feel great and always has but when they take advantage of that and utilize their own agenda against what I represent and force me to do what they want, that pisses me off and I'm not somebody's toy they can play with just so they can get what they want out of me, you don't do that to people. Life has it's struggles we all go through them but it also has its shares of laughs, loving one another and have an understanding of what works and how to compromise so no one is feeling stressed or emotionally distraught. If what you do is making you feel depressed, angry, makes you doubt yourself and makes you feel miserable; you have a problem and you need to fix it any way you can that is sustainable, productive, positive and meaningful. I like to cook a certain way because I'm not a fan of stoves, I train in ways that are interesting to me and not give me something I hate to do, I have a particular way of folding clothes that is simple to me and I wear clothes that feel comfortable to me not what makes me miserable; starting to get the picture, find a way to better yourself by doing what is comfortable for you but also gives you interesting challenges. Feel good about yourself, if you love what you do than who really cares what other people think, it's your thing and how you show it bares to the people you believe worth showing to. Do a sport you love, go to your favorite movie, write a book if that interests you, workout the way you feel to and laugh what you find funny. If it works for you, you will feel happier, have a higher self-esteem and you get more things done faster.

Friday, March 6, 2015

It Is Good To Get All That Energy Out

    One of the most common things that you see in children (you parents know this very well) is when they get all hopped up and start running around like the house is on fire and you need them to blow off steam. This happens with adults too at times when we can't sit still and get hyper at times we can't fall asleep because your mind is on something and you just get so worked up over certain things. Blowing off steam doesn't always mean grabbing a beer or two to get away from something and it certainly doesn't mean getting high (although I see certain reasons needed to for some people) off of weed or whatever makes you see something that isn't there. One of the very facets about fitness is its ability to teach you to get all that energy out of your system and have a more calming demeanor. Go to the gym, go for a run, do animal movements (perfect for taken down a kid if you need him or her to chill out) or go lift some heavy stuff and just do what you need to do to get those endorphins kicking in and letting your nerves wind down.

  Being hyper is a common thing especially among kids and hormonal teens, all those little tweaks that happen in your body, adrenaline is running and you're doing your best to calm down and nothing is working. Take care of it by working your body for as long as you need to. Taking a walk and deep breathing is a start but for the most part, it's really telling your body to move and utilize your body's abilities to do various things. When I'm in hyper mode after being at a concert or coming home full of adrenaline, I do different things like Bridging, moving like a wild animal or push-ups. Even one time I was so hyper I was bending this steel bar I had and used every ounce of energy I had to twist and pull from every direction I can think of. By the end I was ready to pass out because it takes a lot out of you. Have a little fun with it while it won't scare the living hell out of your spouse/sibling/parent or whatever.
   What seems like a polar opposite of what you think happens, getting all that energy out productively actually calms the nerves in your body and bring flow back into your body on a much different scale. I don't believe I ever met anybody that got a ton of energy out of their body from working out and saying "man I'm pissed off." Your body is brushing with endorphins and adding a cold shower into the mix helps regenerate everything and lets the body use its cooling system. Funny on how the body works. Go outside if you have to; I wouldn't be howling at the moon like a retarted werewolf scaring your neighbors but moving your body in a fast pace manner for even a few seconds can elevate your emotions and clear out the cobwebs. Every time I hold the bridge for three minutes, my body just begins to float and when I'm done I feel like I'm in heaven, floating with calmness and awareness and feeling refreshed and happy. Animal Movements are great to get everything out of your system because they don't take that long for you to be huffing and puffing when you do it right.

  Want to pass out without the need to be drunk? Go do some Animal Movements or create moves from Gold Medal Bodies and see how long you last. Movement is life but so is sleep, so in order to balance things out, you have to take care of your need to chill out. Don't take those crappy sleeping pills full of chemicals and crap that can harm your insides and I can understand the need to drink a little something but it's not the only way. For me, my drug is exercise, when I need a fix, I take care of it and I feel like a new man afterwards without the side effects of withdrawals and feeling the need to do it every 5 minutes just to feel good, at times one time is all it takes and my ass is knocked out like a rock. You know how they give names for these "diseases" kids have like ADHD or whatever they came up with, they just want to feed these kids drugs so they can sit down long enough so they focus on a board they'll be staring at for an hour and having them feel like they're nearly comatose. I 'am very much in tuned with a kid needing an education and finding a way to focus so they can get their school work done but feeding them drugs is not going to help your cause. Remember back in the day when we were told drugs were bad and whoever took them were losers and now drugs are great for "helping" in school; what a crock and very contradictory. Be productive by giving them something they could enjoy doing, something fun and letting their imaginations run. 

  Moving like a Wild Animal creates structure, helps out self-esteem and takes lazy kids out of the house, hyper kids become calmer and kids with attitude issues lighten up because of the endorphins. Don't force it on them or be so damn strict they'll hate you for it, make a game out of it and help them find a way that works for both sides. It's not easy but it's far better health wise than taking some crazy drug that can screw up their bodies later in life just so they sit still for an hour every class. Be smart about it and make it fun for them.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Inhuman For Your Thoughts

    Over the decades we have been influenced by our favorite superheroes and comic book characters within all walks of life. They inspire us to believe in a world filled with wonder and imagination. They help us escape reality for a while and get sucked into a really cool story involving major players like Captain America, Superman, Thor, The Hulk, Aquaman and many more. It's the centerpiece of finding within that raving hero that lives inside many of us. We do have heroes in real life plus many villains and we want those heroes taking down the bad guys. But do superhumans live among us?


    In reality you can't fly or shoot lasers out of your eyes or have strength like the Hulk but we do have however some amazing human beings being able to do extraordinary things. Great minds like Einstein and Tesla, incredible athletes that seem to have god-like powers like hitting a homerun 500 feet, run the 100 meters in around 9.5 seconds, picking up 1000 pounds, bending/snapping wrenches in half and even withstand high doses of electricity. I'm learning about a series of heroes in Marvel called the Inhumans; earthlings that have superhuman abilities from an ancient entity that harnesses their senses and abilities that is different to each individual. Some of you may know more of the Royal Family of the Inhumans such as Medusa, Black Bolt, Karnack, Triton and the Satyr Gorgon. They're kind of like the Ancient Greek Family the Olympians just on a different scale with different powers but all related to each other. What's amazing is that some of these characters have near real-life counterparts that have insane abilities. Triton who is like a fish with the body-like of a man who is practically the king of water, we have athletes that have abilities to swim for long periods of time under water; Medusa as you may have guessed has the long hair and can control even the tiniest particle at will to create some serious damage, think there isn't someone out there that has crazy hair like strength? Some women do but one of the strongest hairs belongs to a man named Joseph Greenstein aka The Mighty Atom that had the hair strength to hold back a plane. Why not Blackbolt, the king of the Inhuman Royal Family (who's also married to Medusa) that has the ability to fire sonic screams to take down enemies, there's a woman out there I forgot her name but her screams had reached decibel levels that are off the chain. Let's not forget Gorgon; a animalistic entity that has the upper body of a man and the lower body of a wild goat (sounds similar to Pan don't you think). He is a trainer of the Inhumans that can take down a city block just with the strength of his legs in a mighty stomp. Some of the strongest athletes in the world have immense leg strength even though they don't have the legs of a satyr; they can run incredibly fast, lift insane amount of weight and have super muscle that allows them to lift well over a ton.


    We may not have superpowers but with the right training and the right tools, we can become far stronger than the average human and develop incredible athletic ability. To get an idea of developing incredible strength, one can lift odd objects like rocks, stones, logs, kegs, heavy pipes, furniture anything that has you working the stabilizer muscles in an awkward position. Develop explosiveness through jumping or sprinting. Imagine having your own set of abilities that sets you as a unique individual and be able to generate great power in the blink of an eye using a technique(s) that gives you incredible energy. Use your gifts and abilities to possibly save lives, help others and get a realistic edge over your competition. How sweet would it be to hit a ball further, speed down the field with no one able to catch you, hoist up another human from falling and even protect the ones you love with intensity and insane strength? You can do the ordinary routines and live your life like nothing's going to happen but why not have that Superhero Mentality and infuse your imagination to grow stronger and build incredible muscle that is useful and functional. You have a choice. What would your favorite hero want you to do?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Development Of Another World

    Most exercise programs today suck, that's just a fact. I mean you have your shake weights, tv's on the cardio machines, too much volume for a beginner and you even have people who actually believe you can develop massive amounts of muscle only by thinking, I'm not making this shit up. I've been there, I've gone through some weird stuff when it comes to exercise and it isn't pretty; I've even collapsed a couple times and that should never happen no matter what you're doing, if you're on the verge of passing out stop it immediately. And it's not always the programs that suck it's the people who came up with them that have no sense of imagination and no skills on making it interesting and it's a lot of that "Do or die" BS.


   Sometimes the real world can be very deceitful, things aren't always what they seem and what you see isn't what you always get. Although things in reality have their moments of beauty, love, tenderness and the loyalty of those few that are around us but on the other side of the coin; there's hate, depression, murder, broken hearts and there's even Kayne West my god man what has this world come to? I've seen some pretty gnarly stuff go down on an emotional level and I have been beat up and I've been hurt plus an occasional verbal confrontation I don't wish to get into but yet have also seen some kick ass stuff happen not just in my life but the people around me, feeling the joy and positive energy that brings great fondness of others. If you learn your awareness and harness your intuition, you'll learn the real trick to seeing which side of the coin you rather be on and making things happen for you.


    Magic is real in the sense where when you take action and allow it to attract what you want, magical things happen. No you won't be seeing Unicorns or flying dragons (unless you're on some form of Acid) and you certainly won't actually see Godzilla tearing it up with a 50ft King Kong on the main street of Sheboygan but what you will see is much more awesome then that (actually I'll take the lizard and the ape in a small town any day) but seriously; when you open up your mind and take action by applying the little things it will come up a big impact. Everyone at one time thought Leo Di Vinci was a total nut job and he had some sort of weird vibe with Satan or something but yet he wasn't just ahead of his time, he was a man that thought outside the box and took a risk. He didn't get to see what his achievements have become; he already lived them. Walt Disney was turned down by practically every single corporation that he asked to build Disneyland on and look what came of it, he never gave up on making dreams a reality. Awesome things happen in the fitness world just as much when you practice being in a whole different world and seeing as if it was as real as the nipples on the Batsuit in Batman & Robin (let that sink into your brain cells).



   When you apply your imagination and the action taken in your passion and interests; they make you feel more alive, becoming larger than life and running over the fear of what others think you can't do. Applying action down to the smallest detail from your imagination creates a larger picture than you can ever imagine. When you work on Hand Balancing; picture being in the perfect handstand, training for the 100 meters? As you're bursting down the track picture as if you had no choice but to run for your life because there's a damn cheetah on your ass, what about lifting incredible weight, picture as if you needed to save someone's life and they're trapped and you're the only person who can save them. When you apply your thinking with action, certain things begin to happen in your body, your nerves are jacked, your muscles begin to flare up and your adrenaline reaches levels you didn't think were possible. You can open up a whole other universe just by the power of your thoughts and when use that type of thinking into action, some of the most unexplainable things begin to emerge; you may make more money, develop strength at a quicker rate, have a greater sense of awareness and you may even create a sense of physical energy that can help your love life (that's always something awesome). Dare to imagine and use to create what you want in your life cause otherwise, the world would be boring as well without the greatest nation in the universe and that's Imagination.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Overthinking And Complicating Things

    One of the most common themes that happen in a fitness regimen is overstressing what the hell to do. You are given or have been taught to do this massive amount of exercise by doing long ass cardio and lifting little baby dumbbells in the most dumb positions and feel you need to do this for that, this machine working this muscle, do Zumba for 2 hours and try to fit in a few extra stuff for your upper/middle/lower chest. You are racking your brain over useless crap but it's not your fault. You have had your head fill with deceitful lies and being told if you don't do this you won't get the results you and you end up feeling miserable and depressed because you have become so discouraged you just want to rip the hair out of your head (unless you're bald).


    Exercise isn't meant to be this complicated or confusing. I've been there and people gave me a hard time when I asked them stuff and they took it so personal they act like I murdered they're favorite cousin or some crap like that. There are simpler ways to do things and there is no one size fits all exercise program. We have different needs, different body structures and most certainly don't have the same strength, aesthetics, flexibility or the endurance as others do. It's become complicated because of the far too much variety (most of which is completely useless, have you ever seen someone last more than 2 weeks on a shake weight regimen; might as well learn porn if you're going to do that) and not enough of the simplicity and sustainable resources that will work. Exercise and Fitness in general in my blunt opinion ought to be fun, adventurous, challenging that is reasonable and learn new levels of mental training. Making things complicated will only make you suffer and lose out the great things that can be provided with the right leverage and knowledge.


    Life can have crazy things happen and fitness can be a part of that. Some people need to travel and won't always be able to use a gym at their convenience because of meetings or making conference calls, going door to door or whatever so when you're in a bind and still want to keep your results going, you're going to need to improvise. This is both a mind and body challenge that is awesome to learn and gives you tools to learn when you get into a situation where what you need can't always be around but you can do some things. The last time I went to Disneyland, with all the walking which was mostly my exercise I would improvise at times to keep myself from getting bored. During the lines for rides I would push/pull and even squat in various places without making a scene, I know I really made a scene when I held a free standing Hand Stand while waiting for the doors to open The World Of Tomorrow; longest Handstand I ever held. Improvising is using your imagination. In tahoe, instead of my regular training I would climb rocks, trees, lift heavy boulders, swim and hike. People think way too much and not look at the clear picture they forget that's in front of them.


    Instead of thinking nothing will ever work because of the timing and the amount of work that is being told to do start thinking that you can find ways to make it work for you. Exercise can be done anywhere and anytime if you look in the right places, sure it be really weird to be lifting a boulder in the middle of a supermarket or doing 100 Burpees in the bank line or even lifting 50 pound dumbbells in the middle of a restaurant on a first date and you just had a handful of tacos a half hour earlier. Do your research, find what appeals to you and give yourself options. Don't restrict yourself to a single program that is only meant for the gym or whatever. Learn what you can that can be useful to you anywhere you go that is both indoor and outdoors plus if you have any equipment or not because not every workout is meant to have an apparatus or a wire attached to it. Be open to possibilities and welcome new challenges. I have been to a wedding where it was over 100 degrees out in a black tux in the middle of one of the hottest places in my area of the woods and stayed that way for hours on end and still managed to get in a great workout at the end of it even though I was exhausted and needed to hydrate every 5 minutes. Don't make excuses, create options even if you're working 15 hours a day 6 days a week, make the time and use what you can.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Gymnastics For Non Gymnasts

    Sounds like a contradiction don't you think? Isn't Gymnastics specifically for athletes in that sport? Not always because Gymnastics before it was a competitive sport was entitled for those who wanted to become efficient in movement and skills that required practical strength and agility. It is the style of Calisthenics at another level of athleticism but not everyone has to be a gymnast in order to benefit from this. Some of the old-time strongmen were masters over their own body in such as ways as Hand Balancing, Acrobatics, Ring Work, Climbing and other styles of natural movement. The way I'm to let you learn is how to master your bodyweight not like a competitive gymnast but something you can do when done correctly can be used throughout your later years without the nagging injuries or age-speeding process those in the competitive field experience.


    Anyone with a brain can move some sort of weight around and be able to pick on things quicker than trying to master your bodyweight. A military press is far easier to learn and master than a Handstand, Pull-Downs are so freaking easy a 5 year old can manage it but how many can master the Rings; trust me I firmly believe I'm one of the heaviest men around to actually train the Rings and I'm telling you it's way harder than it looks. Just to stabilize and flex every muscle in the body just hold a steady pull-up let alone those insane skills like the Muscle-Up or Iron Cross. This isn't some Crossfit exercise to mess around with on "Fran Day" the real skills don't involve kipping or breaking your shoulder just to do little witty dips, it takes full on concentration with the muscles in proper alignment and control to make even the most basic moves look insane. Mastery over your own body is a difficult but fun task if you apply yourself with the right mindset. Being able to balance yourself in certain positions are crazy feats of strength within themselves and not just making a couple moves but a whole sequence that you can create on the floor, the rings and the Parallette Bars.


    When you practice these moves to create a new skill set or a new level of different skills performed you can develop sequences of movements that are not only bad ass but help you build muscle and burn fat like nothing else on the planet. Sprints may be the ultimate fat burner but bodyweight movements especially as close to Gymnastics without the hours of training as you can get are the most difficult strength feats known to man. These moves can have a profound effect on your psyche even in the beginning stages; think how cool it would be to have ninja-like moves, hold a Handstand with ease, doing incredible skills on the rings and move through the air with such strength and grace. Be able to switch from one move to the other in the blink of an eye, impress your friends with skills they never dreamed of and take on a creative plethora of skills that help you feel young and vibrant as if you were playing.


    These are in no shape or form isolated movements like tricep kickbacks or building an upper chest with leg extension machine; these are full body movements that require you to develop laser-like focus on the muscle control of your movements. Your Core will be tested to stabilize every muscle in your system and you will need to learn how to keep the body as straight as possible in many movements but for the most part you'll learn to jump, squat and press/pull with precise technique that will take you to new progression levels as you get better. Have some fun and learn great moves that work every muscle and do so with crazy strength and agility it'll being that awe dropping athleticism you were meant to have.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Power Of The Jungle

    It is a known fact that the more muscles you use in a given movement the more muscle is developed. We as humans can practically adapt to nearly anything within the right mindset and the right amount of logic and environment. You don't see Gorillas in the Squat Rack, you don't see a Cheetah running on a treadmill and you certainly don't see a Cricket doing the bench press. It takes a lot of strength to move in a fast way because in order to work the movement, your core needs to strong and need a good solid base within the arms and legs. We will never be strong or as fast as a wild animal (maybe not even Tarzan for that matter) but we can have an upkeep on our levels of realistic and functional fitness based on the animals we all love, admire and fear.


    Breaking through the "Human Exercise" concept is a physically philosophical way to look at what we can achieve in terms of real strength, stamina, speed and agility using our bodies to move in an adaptive way like the animals. When I talk about human exercises I'm talking like toe touches, lunges, push-ups and Jogging; two of these are very good no doubt but mostly everything else gets boring fast in a lot of cases. Once you have mastered a typical "Human Movement" where's the challenge after that? I'm not referring to training like MovNat or the Ido Portal Method, these are incredible forms of movement that expands the human anatomy in how we find ways to move in the most basic to advanced levels of that formality but yet Animal Movements are a different breed of training and that one should practice from time to time because you're moving in awkward positions and forming patterns of movement you can't fit in weighlifting or the machine crap. You're opening up the possibilities of finding ways to move that is more natural, vastly strengthening the tendons and organs and adding tons of Human Growth Hormone without drugs or injections. Think about that; being able to increase testosterone to fight off fat and build lean and powerful muscle, super strong tendons that are like Iron Cords and a Core that is so insanely powerful it can help you be less-prone to injury.


    I love moving weights (or odd objects better yet) from time to time when I feel the need to but because of the knowledge and exercise wisdom I have developed and participated in, I've kept up my strength and fitness using methods based on realistic movements and Animalized Training. I can still pick up hundreds of pounds, curl in the 70 pound range and even Row up to a 150 lbs. Dumbbell with no straps or belts or anything. When you can add in Animalized Movements into your routine or by themselves you can develop strength in areas most methods won't even touch because it is that unique and it is that damn powerful. I have learned how to adapt in how I train. It took me a long time and I still have plenty to learn but when it comes down to it, when you can adapt within other areas and develop a variety that you can be great at; you're developing knowledge most won't achieve because most people are so narrow minded they're forgetting what can be truly useful in how their potential can climb.


    I've said this before; we all have an inner animal within us because we have those instincts that is within our blood, that fight or flight mechanism which makes us part of the animal world in a different light. Due to the lack of what society has going on right now, it's more important now to stay as fit as possible in the long-term to help fight off disease, have a good metabolism, make better food choices not diets (the word die is already killing the word, pun intended) and build a solid base on how to stay fit with less to no injuries, stronger bones and a developed immune system. We are lacking in all these things today yet we have more resources than we know what to do with. Bring out your inner Animality and bring forth your right as a living Animal (a good portion of animals share the same blood color) to reach potential levels that the average man/woman can't even comprehend and have that advantage that will rise even among your offspring because strong children mentally and physically help create a better world.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Art Of Movement

    We were not built to functionally utilize our universal gift of strength and athleticism through isolation. Unless you're in rehab or a "bodybuilder" that's the closest to isolating the muscles you'll be noticing or taking on. Functional is being overused and it has become a joke among the mainstream media of fitness. Functional in reality really means being able to move with whole body or certain sets of muscles in a state of realistic use. Sure you can curl a good amount but can you do a pull-up have the skill to climb? Sure you can balance a little on a bosu ball but will that really matter if you can't balance on an uneven stretch of a sidewalk? Wow you can bench press 300 lbs. good for you but will that come in handy if you need to lift up a log or a heavy boulder off of somebody? When you utilize every muscle into one given movement or series of consecutive moves you're building real functional power along with agility and awkward type strength. What I consider moving weight I'm talking some real heavy stuff none of this 3 pounds crap or 10 pound lateral raises I'm talking heavy presses, pulls, odd objects, squatting and have some crazy grip strength.


    When you can creatively move in various ways to achieve newfound levels of athleticism; you're developing aspects of the human body that is useful, real functional strength and putting your body in awkward positions. Whether it's Hand Balancing, Animal Flow, Gymnastics, Lifting, Crawling, Jumping & Squatting you're programming the body to be used what it was meant for. Real world training is not always up and down or left and right; it's working into positions that seem out of element to the human eye. Sure you can do a pull-up but will that fair out if you need to change positions while rock climbing? Think about it, it takes a great deal of skill and strength to move in the most amazing ways. It takes practice and a well-rounded mind and body to do things that go beyond the normal level of fitness. It's amazing to watch someone who is over 200 pounds to do Cartwheels (they're fun but I'm far from perfect) or someone with a shredded physique lifting some serious weight (without the use of steroids) and it's even amazing to be able to do what I call chain movements; mixing different moves into one fluid motion (watch Ido Portal or Mike Fitch) it is mind-blowing. Being able to climb a tree or jump in perfect motion into a lake or ocean with a beautiful dive. Be creative in how you move, when you do that, movement becomes Artistic.


    When you truly want to progress in how you move, there's no time table from start to finish. Progression is key but if you're constantly timing and speeding up without understanding the concept of technique and awareness you're decompressing your progress and not expanding your level of achieving great strength and agility. Timing and speed is good to a degree for testing out what you can do but the real progression is when you develop in your own timeframe and it doesn't matter if it takes you 2 minutes or 2 years; it's still your way of reaching what you want to achieve.


    Movement is life, we spend 1/3 of our lives practically sleeping but the other 2/3 is being on the go and using our bodies in various ways. Movement is freedom, expressing your love of what you can do and creating opportunities for yourself to move even if you're in a wheelchair or have no arms, you can make things happen when you learn to believe in the possibilities instead of the limitations. How you create those possibilities is up to you and the way you live your life through your own set of possibilities. Not everyone can perfect everything or master everything but you can however master what you see as a possibility and make things work for you in your own unique way. I was taught to do this or that or get a normal job or go to rehab when I broke my legs and do what people tell you to do and if they say you can't do it it's most likely true; but you know what, I say screw it I'm going to do what I love, I'm going to rehab by myself even if not one person is behind me and I certainly can care less what people say I can or can't do because I find the possibilities and firmly believe in what I can accomplish even in the toughest situations. Move the way you want to because you are capable of doing amazing things and that's the beauty of movement, it is an aspect of life that can be used in a variety of ways regardless of your age, sex, creed, religion, sexual orientation or possible deformity that people will ridicule you on; so show them what you are capable of despite what has become of you. Be movement and be free to challenge the norm and open the window of possibilities.

Monday, February 23, 2015

What Makes Me Push That Extra Mile?

    We all have experiences where certain things give us a perspective of what happens in our lives. In my experiences they've been tough, hard and had their moments where I was happy as a clam but it's no fun when you're called certain names because of what you look like or being told you'll never be able to do this or that and it's certainly not fun when you get your ass kicked by some people. I won't say I had troubled childhood because I didn't but I have seen things up close that nobody should go through, feeling like a nobody or being picked on for being fat. For the most part I was happy in many areas, got to go to different houses and play, be around friends and family and get to go certain places like Disneyland or South Lake Tahoe hell even Vegas but there also times where my life felt empty and I was going through so many things in certain times of my life. I went through hell after I broke my legs and not being able to walk, I got beat up a couple times, I even had an experience where Thanksgiving became the very least holiday I look forward to; I got depressed because at one time I had nowhere to go and people I trusted didn't even bother to help me and I hated it for the longest time. You're probably wondering what the hell do these things even remotely have to do with fitness? I'm getting to that in a bit. This isn't about confessing sins or have people feel pity, I just want to be honest and upfront with you.


    Whenever something peaks my interest, no matter what it is I tend to push things far greater than I expect myself to do and some people in my life never understood why I take things a step further. When something doesn't interest me and I have no reason to put my heart and soul into it yet being forced to do it either by someone or myself it has never gone well and I have come to accept that. Some people in my life look at what I do and make themselves believe and even going out of their way to tell me that what I do is just a hobby, something to pass the time and should do something that is contributing according to their philosophy and ideals of what contributing is. I'm going to say this without any hesitation because it's worth it to me to say; being told what I do is a hobby is an insult and offensive to me because they have no clue what I have put myself through to get where I'am today. I'm not a professional athlete, I never won an MVP or being called a team player hell I never even made it to a competition in anything except in High School but I will tell you this; I rehabbed all on my own, I became literally passionate and driven to better myself in many ways and even helped others along the way, what I do is far beyond a hobby; it is my livelihood and every drop of sweat, every drop of blood and every single exercise and workout I took on became a part of my soul to dominate in everything I chose to be great at. It's my passion to do this, I was destined to be the very best I can be in this field because it wasn't just an interest it's my entire being down to the very Core of my individuality physically, emotionally, spiritually and even Psychological. Whoever tries to tell me what I do is a hobby doesn't know one (excuse my language) fucking clue how wrong that statement is and that it makes them even weaker because they don't know what real passion is.


    I haven't taken a day off in nearly a decade because I'm never satisfied. I'm always hungry for the new adventure that awaits me in my training. Everyday I'm in constant battle to do even a couple moves for a few minutes but in the end, I always go with my intuition and feel out what I'm going to do. I get asked every now and then why I don't take a day off and or how do I go at it every single day without getting hurt or not "recover" when I'm supposed to. First off; the reason why I don't take a day off is because I love it so much and it brings me more joy and challenge to my life than anything I've experienced. I have been hurt a few times but never to the point where I can't do something, I get creative and do something that challenges me of something soft and ever flowing; my recovery is a mystery even to me but I firmly believe because I don't take it to the brink of complete over consuming of my nervous system where my organs and bones are at risk and I pay attention to how my body reacts and heals itself. I don't go hardcore everyday but I never settle doing something completely crazy or shedding something lighter and putting a smaller touch on something I can do. It's a journey and I continue to walk in the path of my very own road.


    I push myself in ways that would freak out the average person and I do it not to prove I'm the strongest, the biggest, the fastest or a good writer; I do it because I don't want to live my life being average and doing the same thing everyone else is doing. I wish to be different because I'am different. I want to do things that scare the living hell out of others not to the extreme but beyond a level they would never understand. I want to be the very best at something that gives me respect I have never earned before. I push myself because I want to say that I'm proud to have done things I never thought I could do and that when it really matters to me, I make it my mission come hell or high water to make it happen. It is my duty to write, to help and challenge myself to lengths that only I can reach and more no one else has my passion or my will to go that extra mile. When you're passionate about something, you hold onto it like your life depended on it and you never let it go otherwise you'll let others walk all over you and you'll never learn to get back up. It's a battle worth fighting for and when it helps you bring real happiness in your life, nothing is more beautiful and loving than having a passion for something.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Realistic Superhero Training

    You have to realize by now that most of the workouts in the muscle magazines that promise the same results that actors have used for Superhero Films is complete bullshit. First off, 99.9% of those workouts are not only unrealistic but are also dangerous and are not for a beginner. You have to remember that these A-List stars pay a shit load of money to have people cater to them and you need to realize they spend far more time training than they want you to believe. What should look like a less than hour workout really is a 3 hour slugfest to get in shape extremely fast and to speed it up, some of these actors even take certain "boosts" to get there even quicker, believe if you were getting paid 10-20 million per movie and they needed you to be shredded in less than 3 months what would you do?


    Talking about being sold a bill of goods, the mad truth with Hollywood Vs. Real Life is staggering. If you got a full time job, raising a family, paying a mortgage and you need to commute to that job, you'd be lucky to get in an hour of training maybe 45 min. at best. Hollywood is based on one thing really and that's the moolah, if you're a rich actor and are up for a role plus they want you in incredible shape, training while filming becomes your whole life for 6 months or whenever the amount of time shooting and this includes interviews, training a minimum 3 hours a day being on a super strict diet that would make the average person scream bloody murder. So it would be easy to sell to the masses what these actors are doing to get in shape for these roles, granted I'm a huge fan of these guys and the superheroes they portray are bad ass to the bone but I realize there's more going on and I wasn't born yesterday. They do put in some serious effort I'll give them that and I admire they want to share or their trainer likes to share with the public but that's the tip of a massive mountain they're not showing you and why would they? In the real world, people have other things going on and in order to get what you want out of your training, you make the time and use it when you can whether it's 10 min. or an hour if you have that window, take it.


    There's always going to be these marketing ploys about shedding this amount of pounds in 10 weeks or being able to look like Captain America in the first month but realistically, your results will come in when they're supposed to. We all have different body structures and we all need to customize what works best for us because you can't expect the average shmuck to do the same exact routines as Wolverine done to the very tempo because there is a chance it could kill him. Results are based on what the effort proceeds in the outcome of that training. You may not be ripped inside of 6 weeks but your body will change if you understand the principles of a well-rounded system that gives you the time you need and what you bring to the table as far as effort is concerned; if you do too much, your body's going to respond by showing you certain problems within your muscles and your Central Nervous System. If you do too little, you're not putting in the right amount of intensity your body can withstand and your body is left with the same shit when you started. If you find that balance and you strategize it to work around your needs and goals, your results will come when they're supposed to. Starting to get it?


    As you may have read I'm going through a training system that consists of workouts that are to be done 3x a week that allows me to use the amount of intensity and rest I need to get the job done. I have tuned it to my liking and within the first couple workouts I'm already seeing small changes in my body and I haven't been injured, burnt out or bored. It involves sprinting and circuit training. Normally I don't associate myself with circuits even without adding sprints into the mix but the way I have strategized it, it seems to be working and I'm getting what I want out of it. Superhero Sprints takes the glamorous Hollywood bullshit out of the equation and pits you into a system that is fast, quick and can be done anywhere; yes Sprints can be done indoors, you'd be running in place for 30-60 seconds but if you're out on the field or track, 30 seconds is the highest you only need to Sprint. Sprints jump start the nervous system and make everything in your body surge with incredible power that burns fat, puts on muscle and increases growth hormone which helps you stay young, vibrant and pump your heart and lungs full of strength and blood that in riches the fluidity within your muscular system. It has been said that with a Sprinting Program 3x week you'll be jumping up Human Growth Hormone as high as 500%, that's 10 times more than the leading injections athletes and actors use. So if you really want to change your physique naturally and with a strategized training program with a realistic food composition go with a Sprinting program. Would you really rather train on a treadmill for an hour and then go "lift" for another 45 min.? Didn't think so, you will only need maybe an hour or less a week and get even better results without the wear and tear on your joints or ligaments. Keep track and keep yourself flexible and supple, it goes a long way to getting the results you've always dreamed of.



Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Laughter Is A Treasure

    We have different types of humor we laugh on: some of it is witty, wicked, stupid, dark, sarcastic and just plain weird. I do have a few sides of humor and there many things that make me laugh out loud and hard to breathe. Laughter is something we all have in common, we end up laughing at something we find hilarious, some things are not funny like bullying a kid or poking fun at a traumatized individual but for the most part we find a way to laugh and feel alive. I have never had any major depression in my life, it's just not possible, sure I have shed a few tears and have been down but more sooner than later you'll find me laughing my ass off and just having a good time. It depends on what you're into but in the end, find a way to make yourself crack up. One of my ways to laugh is when something funny comes up in my head and I start laughing for like no reason, I have literally had people to tell me to stop laughing because they found it weird or they think it was about them or whatever. I can laugh practically at any time and at times for no reason but that's the beauty of life is when you can laugh just by your thoughts.


    Giggling, blasting, can't breathe, chuckling; these are all things when laughing happens, it changes moments, it makes dull moments disappear when you end up laughing. It relieves depression in that very moment and it perks people up when you do it in the right moments when you least expect it. Some people just don't have a sense of humor which is sad (talk about oxymoron) because there's no emotional balance there and very little of life within your personality. Sure there are things that aren't funny but what's to stop you from finding what is and having a great time in those moments where it becomes a true test of our most sacred treasure; it isn't gold, silver, war, greed, that picture of Snow White in a sexy outfit that's the same color as her dress (now you got that stuck in your head) or The Beattles rocking it to Hokey Pokey (no wait that's AC/DC ); it's pure unadulterated laughter.


    Now granted there are some places where laughing can be a bit rude and make you look like an ass say for a few examples:


A Dwarf couple getting married at Disneyland where Goofy marries them
During A Presidential Speech at the The Improv
At a police station where arrests are being made and the sirens sound like Lucile Ball
Daffy Ducks Funeral
Even at a Strongman event when a lifter is deadlifting 800 pounds of chocolate easter bunnies
Or when a family member has died in an area like at a hospital and his/her last words were "Did you fart?"


Sure these may sound funny but people expect you to be serious about that sort of thing because being on good behavior and controlling yourself is what we were taught to do as kids.


    Laughter makes the he heart strong and vital (except if you were Mr. Dawes sr. the owner of the bank in Mary Poppins). Certain things just want to make you burst out and turning redder than Donald Ducks temper tantrum for me it's usually from Stand-Up Comics like George Carlin (Airport Pre-Boarding and Pre Skit), Robin Williams (Scottish GPS), Eddie Murphy (Impersonating Bill Cosby) and a few others plus things like Family Guy, Adam Sandler movies, Married With Children "I have an egg and some M&M's, I can make an omelet" "No thanks Peg I'm still pleasantly nauseas after last night's feast of the three-legged chicken." Certain lines or characters that just have a way of pouring out laughter kind of like a favorite line of mine from Spaceballs "What's the matter Colonel Sandurz..Chicken." Hey I rather die laughing than getting murdered by some asshole who's a fan of Charles Manson. I really don't believe you can live a full life without having some form of laughter or doing something positively fun and making joy out of something. Laughter is a sacred treasure that opens up the chest of the soul, it's not money or possessions or hell it isn't Weird Al doing a song based on Metallica's Master Of Puppets (I'd actually would like to hear that), it is within your being to laugh and feel empowered with love and happiness.

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