Monday, December 26, 2011

Gymnastics For Super Bodyweight Power

There are athletes that are very strong at what they do. Wrestlers can take down the best of them, some basketball players are very strong down the line, football players are extremely strong when it comes to tackling and pushing past the defense in the running game, shot putters can throw with power but one breed of athlete stands out from the rest when it comes to Bodyweight. The Gymnasts. The way they move and the way they have to use their body is just incredible and its all in their own body.

Their abdominal strength is off the charts and that's because its a major factor and piece of the puzzle that not many people realize. When you have the abs of a gymnast, you are strong everywhere. Strength in the core requires focus, concentration and power.

Most acrobats are originally gymnasts and one of the requirements to be an acrobatic is to learn Hand Balancing. The reason why that is it's because Hand Balancing carries over to a lot of other gymnastic stunts. Being able to stand on your hands is quite an impressive feat because you're not just using your hands but you're whole body. You're in a different state of mind and your body needs laser-like focus to even hold a handstand let alone walking or doing stunts.

Now do you need to go to a gymnastic school to get the best for your buck? Not really because certain schools charge way too much money and if you're willing to pay for it you'd be lucky to even find a good coach and teach you the progressions you need. I went to gymnastics in college and I didn't progress that much especially in hand balancing because you had a coach that had to teach more then one person and it was hard to get real one-one training. You don't need to be a gymnast to get the great benefits of this kind of training. Using basic principles and learning the secrets of the handstand is really all you need to get in great shape for whatever you want to do.

This isn't just for men but women as well. Male gymnasts are strong as hell for what they do but ounce for ounce I feel women are the stronger and faster gymnasts. Yes their feats are different but I see it more impressive a woman holding a handstand then a guy. The cost for a couple courses in Gymnastic Conditioning is far lower then a school and you can have even better progress as they take you step-by-step and give you everything either as a beginner or advanced athlete. If you're a fan of gymnastics but are below the beginning phase and need something to work with don't look no further then here at Basic Bodyweight Building Blocks.

If you're a woman and want to get that beautiful toned figure and be stronger then most guys then get your hands on this Body Sculpting Bodyweight Exercise For Women as this takes the best of basic gymnastics and other methods and can mold you into the woman that's within you and take your fitness to levels that most women envy and without the fear of bulking up because it won't let that happen.  Never get bored with your workouts and learn fun, progressive and powerful ways to become strong, athletic, powerful and flexible. 

So it doesn't take a gymnast to become strong and flexible like one. No more spending thousands of dollars on gymnastic schools. Because of this type of training, you can take it anywhere you want. You can train in a hotel room, house, cabin, at the park, your backyard just about anywhere you want and can still have the workout of your life. Start off doing only 5 minutes a day of exercise. You can squeeze in 5 minutes of your day can you? When you get up in the morning or before bed. If you have kids that are taking a nap, use that time to train. There's no excuse so make an effort and not procrastinate. Training a few minutes a day saves you 2 hours of regular training getting to the gym, changing and trying to find an empty place to lift or use the treadmill. Plus it saves you time for the things you want to do during the day. At best if you have kids, get them to work out with you as this helps build bonds and to challenge each other.

Whats also great about this kind of training is that it doesn't take much time to do and it strengthens the joints and ligaments and doesn't compress the spine like heavy weight lifting does. Learn it and go through your own pace. Give yourself time to do them right and once it gets easy, move on. Progression is key and having fun is a must. If you're not having fun then you're not doing it right. You can do all the exercises you want but if you don't smile and just go through the motions you won't see the big picture. Keep track of what you do and find what works for you best.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Can YOU Become A Real Life Avenger?

In many ways, comic books help us stretch our imaginations to places we never thought of before. Read about superheroes that have powers beyond the strongest or smartest of men and takes us on a rollercoaster ride with their travels, adventures and triumphs over those who do harm. Now in the next year of 2012 heroes from those same comics are coming back onto the big screen with The Avengers. You will see your favorites, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man & the strongest of them The Incredible Hulk on the same team. What nerd and comic book fanatic can ever ask for?

I have a personal favorite but I don't want to give it away but who's your favorite? Are you into high tech technology and use it as a weapon for goo like Tony Stark? How about being a god and having the Hammer to destroy the evil that's in your path like Thor? Why not have superhuman speed and take out Nazis with your bare hands like Captain America? Or better yet use your anger in a positive manner and bring out the ferocious monster that gives you Optimum Super Strength like The Incredible Hulk? Well, my friend you can become one of the avengers in your own unique way. Not like the comics or the movies but you do have the ability to build your mind and body in ways that separates us from the animals.

When it comes to Tony Stark, he's a charmer that researches and develops weapons. When he becomes Iron Man he turns into a superhero with a suit that makes him fly and have super strength. Now I can't help you on how to fly but I can however tell you how you can find your own research and turn yourself into a super being yourself and become far stronger then the average human.

The Incredible Hulk is big, powerful and has strength 100x higher then 10 of the strongest men on the planet and when he gets angrier he gets stronger. How can this apply to you? Well simple really, you can use odd objects like the Hulk and toss, twist, push, pull and press overhead anything you get your hands on. Does the Hulk lift weights, put up machines, no he throws tanks, parts of a building, uses light poles like a sword and just uses his supreme power and strength over anything he picks up. You can learn to do the same thing in more of a practical manner like using Stones, Barrels, Kegs, Logs and Rocks for example. In Bud Jeffries' DVD course Odd Object Lifting Series you will learn the best of lifting some of the coolest things you can find and turn yourself into a Hulk yourself.

Thor is the God of all superheroes and his best weapon is his Hammer. Now back in the Golden Age of Wrestling in India and other middle eastern countries, wrestling was the king of sports and one of their primary tools was using thick looking clubs and whats called a mace where they use a stick with a ball on top. They would use these tools to help their upper strength & flexibility. They were used for hundreds of years. These clubs can help build strength in ways that weights and bodyweight exercise doesn't hit. Now because of Ryan Pitts at he has modified the clubs and the mace and turned them into a nearly perfect version of Thor's Hammer. With this you can train like the God himself and gain strength in your shoulders, wrists, lower arms and whole lot of the upper body in general and take your conditioning to levels even Thor himself will be impressed.

Captain America out of all the superheroes shows real compassion and value's the strength he has. Some guys are very strong and never respect the strength that they have an some take advantage of that strength and use it to bully people who are weaker then they are. Not Steve Rogers though, as a weakling himself he understood the value of strength and unlike other weaklings he never once felt of backing down from a fight. Once he became Captain America he used his new found strength the way it was meant to be used. He used his speed to run down his enemies and used his upper body strength in ways that can be only experienced. You can learn this as well by doing sprints either on a track or on a hill a couple times a week or no more then 3x a week.

Running sprints can build explosive power and amp your metabolism up far greater then you can imagine. For upper body strength one of Chris Evan's exercises when he was training for Captain America was doing Handstand Push-ups. This exercise builds strength like crazy and can turn you into a pressing machine. You can learn this from either Ultimate Guide To Handstand Push-ups or from Gymnastic Handstands and learn the secrets of upper body strength.

Whether we like it or not we all strive to be the hero that saves the day, some help those in need and others want to build strength even when we're weak. I was once weak too a long time ago but I learned the values of having strength now and helping those build it themselves. Learn to be your own Avenger and put your heart and soul into your training because you'll never know when the day comes when you'll need it.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Unleashing The Wild One

Every one of us has an animal spirit living within. Sometimes we don't even realize when it comes out. We all have some sort of power or desire to be the wild animal that gives us that power and strength.

No matter what someone says we all want to the person that's stronger, powerful and more agile then the next person. We have developed a sense of the beast that gives us great strength and great power and about 99% of the time we don't even know how to properly unleash it with vigor, mind power and overall physical strength. We want to move like a wild animal in the jungle and have the ability to climb like a gorilla or chase down our prey like a cheetah we all want that one way or another.

What if you had a favorite animal that you wanted to imitate and move with power and grace. When you move like a wild animal, you want to become that animal, be apart of that animal's psyche and learn its power and strength. Whether you're a bear, gorilla, tiger or whatever be that animal and don't think of anything else. Your results will come quicker and your body will change for the better both in and out.

When you get your hands on Animal Kingdom Conditioning 1 & Animal Kingdom Conditioning 2 you will say goodbye to dull cardio and say hello to real, old fashioned natural human growth hormones. For both courses you will have a total of 40+ animals to choose from. Training this way opens your body to a whole new light as your workouts will be shorter and much more complex as each animal works multiple muscle groups and with the right speed, you will be breathing hard in no time. When you're breathing hard you're turning on the fat burning furnace and building a body that's lean, mean and animalized. With this type of training, you can grow younger and become healthier. Moving this way helps build muscle, strengthen joints, builds stronger organs and best of all, keeps you young. If anyone doesn't any one of those attributes then you shouldn't be human.

When you get your hands on these kick ass courses don't be contend with just one animal, practice them all one at a time and find to frequent in your workouts. Most people contend with just one thing and one thing only and hey its better then nothing but they're missing the big picture. One thing doesn't mean great. Its like a salad, just lettuce won't make the salad look beautiful, it needs different ingredients like tomatoes, crutons, olives, peppers and at times dressing. When you get all that together, nothing looks so pretty. Thats the beauty of animal exercises, you have a varity to choose from and when putting them together you can build a beautiful, strong, lean and muscular natural body. So you going to stick with just lettuce or you going to build the coolest, kick ass salad on the planet? Its up to you.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Mastering Muscle Control At Legendary Strength

The art of muscle control has been a lost subject and its very rare seen today by top physical cultrists of the 21st century but Logan Christopher has brought back this dying art to life in a whole new realm at Legendary Strength. No matter how much you think this course won't give you strength then you haven't learned the true arts of Physical Culture.

Back in the early 20th century many of the old-time strongmen performed great feats of strength ranging from bending steel, tearing phonebooks, lifting odd objects, hand balancing and quite a few made challenges to all comers to see if they can lift they're signature lifts like the bent press, apollon's wheels, The Thomas Inch Lift and many more. All these feats were impressive but I feel nothing was more impressive then a real old school bodybuilder performing some staggering and incredible muscle control. These guys were able to move their muscles in ways that just seem impossible to the human eye and many wondered how the hell they can do that. Imagine being to relax and contract your muscles at will and and having one of the ultimate forms of the mind/muscle connection.

I have always believed the true masters of this art were of Maxick, Otto Arco, Matsyek & quite possibly the greatest bodybuilder of all-time John Grimek. These men took muscle control to levels that made them look not only superhuman but made them the very legends that they deserved to be. Just imagine what it would be like to move your stomach muscles in a variety of directions or the back muscles in ways that the average man just can't help be in awe of. The man who first coined the term Muscle Control was Alois P. Swoboda and he created one of the first mail-order courses on the subject before 1910 when Maxick brought out his version of the art. Although Swoboda was the first of his kind his popularity was overshadowed by guys like Maxick & Arco.

Muscle control can be used in a varity of ways but believe it or not it can generate some brutal strength that you never thought you can have. From learning this Maxick & Arco became the first athletes on record to lift double bodyweight in the overhead press in their respected weight classes of 150 pounds or lighter. So don't think for a second this won't help your lifts.

It wouldn't be possible to do muscle control if you don't use your mind. In order to generate individual contraction and relaxation you need to think into the muscles you're using. Without this you won't achieve high level muscle control. This is critical if you're a weightlifter or hand balancer or like Maxick & Arco bodybuilders. You have to think into the muscles you want to contract and relax otherwise you'll just be moving more then one muscle.

Now with all the ways to create strength and have the body of a greek god you can actually build your health through muscle control as well. Because of the contraction and relaxation of the muscles used it helps create blow flow to the organs of the body and helps create nerve impulses that keeps the functioning of the body strong and healthy from the inside out. Not only does your body work like a unit but your organs get stronger too, the stronger they are the stronger your body is overall. Using deep breathing and moving individual muscles you can even make a workout that is not only meditative but also controlling your awareness of the surrounding muscle groups.  This can help with your Yoga training or just old fashioned bodyweight exercise.

With great muscle control and with enough practice you can build a great body. Whether you focus on this exclusively or using other methods, your body will begin to take shape and you will have lithe, good hardened muscle and you can do this all without equipment if you choose to do so. Also I may add doing this form of training is fun to do. As you progress you will find ways to move your muscles that would impress your friends and family. Now this doesn't mean showing off and making yourself look like an ass but if you learned it well enough it can even help you generate momentum and possibly win bodybuilding competitions if you're into that kind of thing where muscle control is critical.

So whether you're into bodybuilding, gymnastics, wrestling, weightlifing, MMA or just want to be healthy and strong Muscle Control will help you get to where you want to go and beyond. If you go to Legendary Strength and go to the products page you will find a picture of Otto Arco in one of his most famous poses in physical culture. Click on the link and this will be your first step to finding a new way to build strength, health and build a newfound love for Physical Culture. Muscle Control has never been done in this type of fashion before and Logan Christopher is the one guy that can bring that rarity to life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Physical Culturists

Now back in the late 19th early 20th century, physical culturists knew the real ways to get in shape, they used deep breathing, muscle control, gymnastics and some form of weightlifting. These guys taught and trained using methods that seemed almost new to the public when they published courses and for sports. Some of the biggest names of the era were some of the most conditioned, well developed and certainly the most powerful men on the planet. Most of these men hardly used any weights to create the perfect body yet their strength was just phenomenal.

If I had to pick the best PC of the time and possibly the best at his sport is Martin "Farmer" Burns. This man was as healthy in every aspect of the word. He trained everyday in deep breathing, muscle tension, bridging, wrestling and diet. At the age of 50 he had a fight with one of the top boxers of the time and champions as well, Jim Jefferies. The fight lasted 4 seconds, the moment Jefferies shot in, the Farmer took him down and put him in a step-over toe hold and this champion of the boxing world was in his early thirties and was in awesome shape yet an old man beat him to the punch.

The Physical Culturist's of today are no where near superior as the men of yesteryear, these men trained their bodies as a whole not like bits and pieces of different muscle groups. They never isolated their muscles like the guys that do today. They took basic principles and made them the gold standard for pure unadulterated strength, conditioning and endurance. If you don't believe me look them up.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why is wrestling more superior then any other sport?

That's a really good question to ask. I believe wrestling is more superior because it takes mental toughness, inner strength, serious conditioning and the biggest key in the sport, balance. In wrestling you have to move your body in every possible angle and moving around in pace where you need control, explosiveness and durability. Its very hard to make it in this sport and what you are taught first is conditioning because if you start doing the techniques first you will injure yourself and you will dead tired in less than a minute in a match plain and simple.

When you do the conditioning learn to teach your body how the animals in the wild work. Work almost like a gymnast as well because if you can move your own bodyweight like its a piece a cake you got nothing to worry about. Wrestling will test you like you never thought before. If you're in a match and you're down to the wire tied in a double overtime and starting to feel the fatigue set in, that's where real mental strength comes into play (conditioning as well) and it only takes a second to realize if you've won or lost. Its not just a sport, its part of daily life.

Its the oldest sport known to man and always will be. Some people win some people lose and no matter what happens either way you learn to look at it from a different prospective, there's always mistakes and we learn to correct them and take charge of what lies ahead, that's how we grow and that's how we make minds stronger than before by creating more techniques and developing better strengths. There's an old saying and read carefully as you read this to understand my point here: "Life is more like wrestling than dancing." Put that in your head and tell me its not superior.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Conditioning & Its Reasons

In every sport or just training in general requires exercise for particular reasons, weight loss, and weight gain, building strength, key flexibility and most important developing endurance. There are three types of endurance: Cardiovascular, muscle and strength. All three must be used at almost all times cause you don't want to get tired easily or you won't get any work done especially in sports like wrestling, submission fighting or judo. You can have all the techniques down to a science but if you get tired in less than a minute you are dead my friend no question. This is why we need to work on conditioning. Moving your body in a variety of angles from every direction.

Best training method to use for all sports is using your own bodyweight. Whether you're 100 or 300 pounds is all you need to work the body like never before. Some weightlifting is OK if that is what works for you but mixing in bodyweight training. The three most important exercises to develop your conditioning is squats, push-ups and bridging. Now any of one of these can whip you into shape fast I know that for a fact cause I have gained a lot from them. Gymnasts are pretty much the only athletes that lift their own bodyweight like it was light; it’s scary when you realize what these kids can do. I work on my conditioning every day and it’s keeping me healthier and stronger all the time.

I may go overboard at times but it pays off in the end but like in all kinds of training you suffer consequences with over training, getting injured or not doing enough. This is why you need to train smart and use your brain. Adapt and improvise, teach yourself to make your training more fun and enjoyable but by also keeping your focus on the stake at hand and what you want your body to do.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Build Mentally Tough To Grow Strong!!!!!!

A lot of fitness gurus and experts feed you a bunch of crap to make money for themselves and never give that one guy/girl to show their true potential in how they can be mentally and physically tough. Truly anything is possible when you have the right tools and the right people to give you the opportunity to show you what you can do for yourself and become your own superhuman.

One of the biggest secrets you can find is to build your mind power to achieve the goals you always dreamed of. A lot of people say if you work hard you'll get ahead in life, well some of it is true and some of its bullshit and for good reason. Some people bust their ass all their lives and the people who are around them never get the recognition they deserve. There are some people who should be getting paid then most pro athletes for the hours and hours they put themselves through to get some food and a little house/rent money to use to live.

Genetics won't always get you where you want to go. You can have the most kick ass body in the world but if you don't have the right attitude then you won't be as successful as you want to be. You can be the strongest person on the planet but if you don't know how to give yourself the proper ways to recover and build pure inner power, your strength won't last too long. You can be the best wrestler in your high school or college gym but if you don't have the condition to go when you need to you'll be dead in a heartbeat.

The best program doesn't always come from a DVD, a book, a cd or an app on your Iphone. The best workout program comes from your heart and creating whats in it for you and not duplicating someone else. Building self-reliance and finding your own research and building a program for yourself is one of the ultimate secrets of Think & Grow Strong. This will help you build mental toughness that will take you to levels you only saw in your dreams.

Learn the secrets of how Arthur Saxon's 370lb. Bent Press, how Logan Christopher pulled off 301 KB snatches in 10 min as well as pulling a fire truck with his hair and better yet, learn how a man named Charles Garfield set a lifetime record in bench pressing 365 lbs. without very much to hardly ever trained on the lift itself. Learn to access that inner power within you that turns you from weak to strong within minutes or less. Would you like to know?

Get Think & Grow Strong  and be amazed at what you can increase in the potential of becoming something beyond your capabilities and something beyond of what you can truly be. Be tough, be strong, be mindful.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Condititioning For Catch Wrestling

No matter what sport you're in, you can have the talent, the techniques and the know how all you want but if you arn't in condition then you're going to die out within a short period of time. Other sports can be rough and can tear you down but nothing takes the place of wrestling and not WWE style but shooting and submission or in other words Scientific Wrestling.

Conditioning for wrestling is a whole different breed of fitness. It takes heart, it takes inner power and to prove you're tough enough. Even for some WWE wrestlers when they first began training in certain cities around the country and the world never experienced anything this type of conditioning, some have been through boot camps in the NFL, in College even one in the Navy SEALs had never experienced a type of conditioning. Karl Gotch however took training and conditioning to a level that was unheard of at the time. He took basic principles of conditioning and molded them into a way where it was effective, it worked and it made you or broke you as an athlete.

One of the most important aspects of conditioning is Bridging. Working not just the neck but working the whole body as a unit and taking your level of strength and functional muscle building to a stratosphere that you cannot imagine unless you have experienced it. There are many ways to do the bridge so you have a variety of what you can do but you also need to learn to work your body at as many as you can.

When you combine the bridge with Squats & Push-ups you will become a lethal conditioning machine. When you use these for the Karl Gotch Bible by using a deck of cards your conditioning will soar beyond the skies and beyond the moon. Sticking to the fundementals will take you further in your fitness, your health and in your sport. For wrestling, real wrestling, conditioning is key and I hope I can use this right because i'm very passionate with conditioning, to quite Karl Gotch "Wrestling and Conditioning go together like a horse and carriage, one without the other is worthless. The most expensive car won't run without water, gas and oil." He was right and beyond. He got it right on the dot and I give the late Gotch all the respect he deserves and I wished I had met him before he died, it would've be a real honor.

Get into the heart of conditioning and learn the character of what real wrestling is and how all these wrestlers are just in fantastic condition.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Building Your Way Through Bodyweight Exercise!!!!

Some people spend years training and don't get anywhere. They try this program, go on that diet and never really see the big picture on how to get in awesome condition. As we get older it gets harder and harder to stay in shape and find the right program that keeps you strong, healthy and in phenomenal condition.

Albert Einstein once quoted the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome." Many people try so many programs, sometimes the same one for many years and keeps thinking their bodies will change but never does. That is not the real way to get in shape.

To stay in great shape you need basic exercises that progress to harder more difficult exercises. Also I believe its better to shorten your workouts down to less then 20 minutes a day and not always at once but spread out throughout the day. You get to concentrate and focus on the exercises that matter the most and this helps build self-mastery.

Twin brothers have got you covered on how to develop a powerful a body and even if you haven't worked out in years or new to exercise they will teach you the basics by using Baran Brothers' Basic Bodyweight Building Blocks. With no equipment, no supplements, can train at any age and save loads of time which can help you keep up with being with your family and friends.

Starting at 5 minutes a day and progress with the exercises until you can go up to 20 min. of training. Plus its fun because most programs are boring as hell and never really getting you anywhere. Get yourself this course and take your conditioning to new heights and build your fitness to levels that have been impossible before.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Ultimate Unicycle For Superior Strength & Conditioning

What if you could use one piece of eqipment that will rid fat a day in just minutes a day? That wold be awesome huh? Well there is that one piece of equipment that does what most people have trouble getting and thats powerful, strong and enduring abs.

The mighty Power Wheel develops the abs and body unlike any other device and will get you strong in a far shorter period of time then you will getting to the gym and training. This device has 2 ways to use unlike any of the wheels you've seen the infomercials. This wheel can be used for the hands and the feet as you can use the handles to run and do rollouts and use a velcro strap for your feet with a rubber cable to hold your feet in. This alone can give you workouts that are only limited by your imagination.

One workout that will take your upper body to levels of strength that will go through the roof. Strap your feet into the peddles and start walking on your hands and see how far you can go. Its said that our legs are 3x or more stronger then our arms so imagine the strength you will build from walking on your hands.

Another great thing that will build a powerful body is the way you need to stabilize certain positions in the exercises you perform so being loose is no longer an option. Like an animal in the wild you need to be able to move in various ways in order to work as many muscles at the same time and the Power Wheel helps with just that. You need to flex the abdominals and flex the muscles needed to stabilize your movements and if you don't you will be wobbly and you will fall.

Whether you're a beginner or in the advanced stages thats all covered in the DVD with your purchase of the Power Wheel so you will be trained the right way to get powerful and strong body not just the abs. Get the abs you want and save the time going to the gym and after spending a few minutes on this thing, you can have more time to the people you care about and if you have children even better. Get your kids to workout with you as this helps form bonds and builds character for you and your child. For example, once you are done with an exercise let your child grab onto the handle and walk with it or chase you for a few seconds. This is one way of many to get you into awesome shape.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Four Products That Can Turn You Into A Muscle Building Machine

My friend Logan Christopher at Legendary Strength has put up four new products that will turn you into a strength machine in ways that have been lost and now are found again here at Four Courses Product Release. These four courses will show you the lost secrets of strength that haven't been seen in many years and after years of research and training they're all here in one package. Here's what you will be learning.

---Arthur Saxon Power Pack

Learn the secrets of what you will learn about the only man in the iron game to put 370 lbs. overhead with one arm.

Why light weights are for pansies. Are you One?

Find how you can learn about the Bent press from the best on the planet.

How you must think outside the box in order to build the best results.

Secrets of One-Arm lifting such as the bent press, snatch, clean & jerk and much more.

Use "Trick" exercises to make any crowd be in awe and how you can do that.

Plus many more from this pack.

---Mastering The Art Of Muscle Control

Be able to do muscle control anywhere, anytime and be able to impress friends and family

How Maxick used muscle control to aid in his lifts to become one of the first three men to officially press double bodyweight overhead.

Building strength using muscle control

Can you do "The Rope"?

This one muscle control exercise can increase your vitality and improve your health dramatically.

Learn Progressions that will take you from here to there fast and safely.

Do muscle control exercises that even Mr. Olympia contenders will pay attention to.

Can you contend with Muscle Control acts that true masters flaunt?

How to Structure a Muscle Control Training Session

& Others that will take your muscle training to a whole new level.

---Drills that raise Strength, Flexibility & Athletic Prowess

If you want to be skilled & coordinated then you must do this before any session.

How to fix your energy for Weightlifting

Are you Energy Deficient? Learn these exercises for Testing and how you can improve over time.

One drill that will shoot your flexibility through the roof by rubbing specific spots on the body.

All this and more on this DVD.

---Explode Your Body With Bodyweight Exercises

Learn 3 Major Training Formats to develop Unstoppable Speed.

What is the number one exercise for Expolisivness? Learn it here

Brutalize your workouts combining Kettlebells & Bodyweight Training.

Find your weakenesses and turn them into your strengths.

You can get these packages seperatly or you can get them all at once. These will get you on the right path for strength & conditioning and put you ahead of your competition. These won't be around for long so get them sooner then later. You never know when this sale will end.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Get The Secrets Of Fundamental Leg Training

Some people say this burns fat, some say this builds muscle. For the most part it takes a good portion of effort to get out of breath or do this many reps but no matter how you put it, leg training builds muscle and burns fat then any other muscle group. When you do various squats, you're hitting more then just the quads, calves and hamstrings, you're hitting the hips, groin, butt and believe it or not the heart. The heart is one of the most important muscles in the body and the lungs are a very important organ. Working these together and hitting them hard will burn fat like a furnace and build muscle that have people turn heads.

Gymnasts are by far the strongest athletes on the planet as far as bodyweight exercises are concerned but you don't need to be one in order to get strong and healthy. Bodyweight exercise can be done anywhere, fit into any schedule and you can get a hell of a workout in less then 15 min. It can be boring doing something for an hour and someone telling you that you can't get strong on bodyweight exercise is a bunch of crap. In my friend Bud Jeffries' system Ultimate Bodyweight Conditioning (Squats), you will learn what to do to get in the best shape possible without ever needing to go to the gym.

There are many variations for Leg Exercises but Bud will give you exercises that are for the beginner, intermediate and advanced trainee along with exercises that specialized and full body training. Here a few exercises you will in this massive course.....

The One Leg Sprawl

The Ple Squat
The Boot Strapper

The Mountain Jump

The 180 Degree Jump Sprawl

The Mike Bruce Sprawl

The Sit Through Sprawl

The Leg to the Wall Sprawl

& Many More....

Get your hands on this course an get yourself some Thoroughbred legs and never use a gym for the rest of your life. Have the world be your gym. You can do these at the beach, your office, hotel room, cabin, forest, great for traveling, in your home ect. You can't go wrong with this course and you will save hundreds on gym fees and thousands on equipment and be able to use your saved money for food, housing and the simple things in life. Get strong, get tough and get powerful and agile legs.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Legendary Strength & What’s In Stored For You

How many websites can say their motto is someone becoming strong and healthy in the best ways possible? Well, many but not many can lay claim that their stuff actually works and that individual keeps coming backing for more and wants something new to try or be coached by the owner and have that person share their darkest and secure training secrets to help those in need succeed at a level that goes beyond the imagination. The real motto is to not only reveal the secrets to Becoming Superhuman but have that person hit PR's, Lift heavier, run like the wind and all do it with the proper ways to get them there.

At Legendary Strength it is important that each person knows and understands that the old-time tested methods of the strongmen of yesteryear worked and worked with perfection. Imagine for a moment that back then there were no trainers, no live instructors, no yoga classes, no pilates studio and no seminars that teach the latest and recent updates for strength training. These men and women of the time had to learn from a course here and there and actually put in hard work and blood and sweat and tears to get what they wanted. They didn't have lat pull down machines or itty-bitty pink dumbbells, they had Olympic bars and plates, they had kettle bells, gymnastic rings, Indian clubs, chest expanders and just pure old fashioned dumbbells that the gym rat today would look at and say "what the hell is that?"

The site also has some "new" courses out as of this moment that teaches you the ways of how Aurthur Saxon trained on his legendary unbreakable feat of the Bent Press & The Two Hands Anyhow. It will give you the true secrets that took many years to find and had been tested by those who practiced it which is not many. This is one of the most forgotten lifts in the Iron Game but it is now available for the first time in this type of fashion. You won't find isolated movements that go with this feat. This feat took every inch of the body to a level that is unheard of today in the fitness world. It is without question one of the most impressive lifts of all-time and now you have a chance to learn its value and heart & soul with the one man who made it look easy but never will be.

A coach who understands the values and methods of what you want to achieve can either make you or break you as an athlete. Yet a real coach will be there to not only answer questions but give you time honored lessons on how you can achieve a level of strength that brings the mind, body & spirit together. That's what Logan Christopher has done and will do for you along the way to your destiny as a strength athlete or whatever you want to be. I've been coached by him a bit personally and I can tell you for damn sure he's one of the best I've ever worked with. He was the first guy to see me fall back into a bridge and kick over & back. He only gave me one small tip and I made it over without doing any of the progressions for that feat. He is the best at what he does and he is very wise beyond his years and I can tell there's no stopping him.

One of the dying arts of the old-time strongmen is Muscle Control. It is a training method that has the muscles move individually with a series of flexing and relaxing. One of the most famous men of this art was Otto Arco who by far was the very best at this and moved muscles you wouldn't believe that can move. Because of this practice it helped him achieve a level of strength unlike any other and not was it in weight lifting but gymnastics and wrestling as well. How would you like to learn the very same methods and take your strength to levels that originally were unimaginable? You would want that don't you? I have practiced a few forms of muscle control and its helped me press 88lb. kettlebells without much trouble and helps my handstands, stretching and strength training. What can it do for you is up to you. Find what you want and learn this art for what it is.

Come and see what all the fuss is about and find the true methods of strength training and learn to take your training beyond the mountain and the sea and run right past those that have blocked you from reaching your goals and your destiny to be super strong and superhuman.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Cheetahs & The Way Of A Lean, Mean, Fighting Machine

The Cheetah is the fastest cat in the animal kingdom bar none. It is said that this lean and powerful cat can reach speeds up to 70mph, that's more then most cars can go up to especially when the cheetah can hit it in 5 seconds when a car takes 7. Its just breathtaking when you see a wild animal just surge through the jungle at a blazing speed that can take you down within a heart beat. Because of this wild cat its influenced sports and physical training in a way that needs to be seen to believe.

Once a day, the cheetah hunts for food and when he spots its breakfast/lunch/dinner that's when it just soars like a lightning bolt and charges it's prey. After he eats he rests and meditate throughout the rest of the day and is very much at peace (until trouble roams). For the most part we need to learn this type of philosophy from the wild cat. After you have had a wild and exhilarating workout, take a rest and meditate. Let your body sink in for a while and let the flow of super energy flow everywhere on your body.

The biggest influence from the cheetah is the Olympic sprinters who are the wild speed demons of sport and competition. The lean and muscular physiques of these athletes are second to none and are the fastest people on the planet. How do they get that way? By just sprinting and tearing up the pavement. Yes there are other exercises involved in their training but at the same time, they use all they have just to go for short run.

Another influence of the cheetah is other sports like football, baseball, basketball and many others. Football players for example are dominant in the running field (no pun intended) and the most muscular guys on the field in my opinion are the running backs and the linebackers. For running backs, sprinting is a major key to out maneuver their opponents. I'd say one of the greatest running backs, Walter Payton took on a whole new meaning to the term "out running." He was one of the most fit guys in the history of the game and whats one of his secrets? By doing Sprints particularly Hill & Stair Sprinting.

When you do a Sprint you're building up levels of hormones that burn off fat and build muscle faster then the leading injections and can increase your HGH levels as high as 530%. That's an extreme high percentage which is a good thing because with that percentage you are going to feel younger, you'll get leaner and you will have energy that you haven't had since you were a kid at the playground. Whats the leading growth hormone injections percentage increase? Believe it or not its just over 50% which is more then 10x less then if you trained on sprinting. How sad is that and all these athletes and celebrities use them to what? Look good, hit a ball harder, run faster, swim with ease? Its all crap.

The best steroids you can take without any bad side effects is running hard or exercise very hard for a short period of time. For 8-20 seconds, you don't need any more then that. You can have a 15 minute workout where most of that 15 minutes is rest. After a hard sprint, walk back to the starting point and just for a few minutes catch your breath and when you're ready hit another set. Do this no more then 8-9 times. In the beginning, 4-5 is fine and never go at 100%, that alone can get you injured so hit a sprint as hard as you can without killing yourself. Work up to a comfortable hard sprint.

If you don't want to do hard sprints then another way would be to just turn yourself into a wild animal. Whether you're a bear, gorilla, tiger or whatever you can do this as well and get yourself huffing and puffing in no time flat. This is one of the fastest ways increase your speed, agility and strength all at the same time and you don't need to do for an hour or even a half hour, 20 minutes is all you need and if you're a beginner 5 minutes would be a great start.

Train like this no more then 2-3x a week and on your off days, do some stretching, deep breathing and meditation as your recovery training. Recovery is just as important as physical and when you sleep, your HGH levels will take on a life of their own as they help your body recover quicker. Whether as a cheetah or any other wild beast, get the body you always wanted and have fun while you do it. If you have kids they will get in the action too as being a wild wo/man brings just as many of the benefits as the adults.

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