Monday, June 12, 2017

The Sensations Of Bridging

Was there ever a time in your life where you were at peace with yourself and just laid back and felt the world pass by and nothing kept you from smiling and feeling warm, powerful and full of euphoria? I love that feeling. When it comes to certain variations of the Bridge such as the wrestler's bridge, gymnast bridge, wall walking etc; it brings out certain sensations that are so powerful it creates a euphoric state that can be only described as love or blissfulness.

Many people fear bridging as if it was the devil and anyone that practices it is going to break their neck or break their wrists or other some kind of ridiculous thing. Those that fear it, never practiced it fully or never took the time to learn it properly. I've seen a video of a trainer in his gym telling people the negative "side effects" on the bridge and the cause of compression. What he showed was no where near a proper bridge where he only went to the top of his head and held it. That is the WRONG way to bridge. Some people are not meant to bridge due to specific former injuries or don't have the body capacity to put stress on the head that's one thing but to come out and say how horrible it is without stating realistic facts is a crock of s*it.

I have been around bridging exercises for nearly 12 years now, I'm less than 6' tall and weigh close to 260 lbs. That's a lot of weight to bridge the body into yet I have no severe back pain, my neck stretches very well, I don't have a compressed spine and I never once got injured while bridging. I'm not the only one here, countless people have experienced great strength and flexibility while bridging and have even gotten to the point where back pain has vanished within less than a few weeks after years of suffering. Now the bridge in it's glorious forms, isn't just something that gives you a strong neck and it goes beyond being a neck exercise; it has full of worldly sensations and euphoric properties that cannot be experienced by many other methods.

Bridging when it's properly done creates powerful nerve force; the electrical charge in the spine that gives off insane amount of strength coursing throughout the body and strengthens the bodily organs especially the sex organs. It stretches the spinal column and lengthens it as well. Some variations generate power in the legs, hips and core. The abdominals are being worked in ways even sit-ups can't touch and they help burn flab and bring in functional and revealing muscle.

When I do my 3 bridges at night before bed, I get into this state of pure calmness, blissed out and full of life charging relaxation. The world passes by, my body feels like a million bucks, I'am calm, living with love and happiness that is just so beautiful and so rich with deep breathing it is as if life has stillness. After these bridges, I would often just lay back on the mat for several minutes sometimes an hour just feeling incredible and stress is nowhere in sight. So you see, it's not so much a playout or workout where you get fit and test your abilities, it is to feel like you can take on the world but in a great calm state and feeling like nothing mentally can harm you and stress is nothing but a memory. That is the essence of what bridging is. It is harnessing that force within and feeling protected and put into a state where being happy is automatic and releases hormones and positive sensations.

This is my reason to get high; you don't need drugs to feel euphoric. Learn to exercise with proper intentions and applications and you will find yourself feeling things you didn't think could be felt.

Practice these exercises by getting this book.....It has many variations on the bridge and how to do them correctly.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Be Able To Practice Animal Moves Anywhere And Anytime

In certain sports programs, bootcamps & even gyms, people may say that if you want to do Animal Exercise you need to do it outdoors. There's no way you can do them indoors in a closed in space can you? I mean isn't the point of this type of training to be done in a large amount of space roughly 20-30 square yards or more? When I read that in a magazine or on youtube, in the gym or wherever I just sit back and laugh because there's two things running through my head when those people say those things: They either haven't had very much experience in understanding the grasp of them or they never opened up their minds to the limitless possibilities of where and how much space you can do with Animal Exercises.

In my Dungeon, the mats from the wall to the final row is 16 feet in length, the square feet alone is around 200 square feet; that's pretty small amount of space for those specific exercises yet have managed hundreds of yards at a time, hundreds/thousands of steps worth of movement and even had playouts where I did them in place. Now how is that possible and what animals can be done in one stationary spot?

Sometimes you need to stop analyzing and use your brain and imagination to learn the true aspects of animal movements. At the top of my head; the flamingo is a great exercise to do in place, frog jumps, bunny hops, kangaroo jumps, Monkey picking fruit (Squatting up and down as if to pick fruit and put it down next to you), Starfish, Donkey Kicks ok you get the drill. There's a playout called the Caged Animal where you train hard in place doing animal movements or holds. Now if you have a ceiling that's less than 8ft high, you don't need to jump very high and with the donkey kicks, you don't need to kick very hard either but you can still get exceptional results with this kind of training especially the conditioning and lung power you can possess.

On a nice day, its good to get outside in the fresh air and move like a wild animal but on days where the weather sucks but still want to train like an animal, do them in your living room or your garage; there's no excuse. Don't hold back because you think you have no space; that's bullshit and a cop out. Make it work for you.  

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Top Woman's Herbs Great For MEN Too?

Hey Guys,

Just Released Dong Quai! If you know anything about this herb I am sure you think…hmm… that’s a woman's herb? Well, you're right and you're wrong! Despite its amazing hormonal support for women, men have benefited just as greatly. 

As mentioned, despite its strong reputation as a female herb, dong quai can be great for men too. It may be especially interesting to athletes of all ages.

The hormone and sexual effects of dong quai do benefit men. For instance, the ferulic acid found inside has been shown to help improve sperm quality.

Some other benefits that will help both sexes include:

Supporting Cartilage Repair
Protective of Neurotoxicity
Supporting Mood

Even better… this is Amazing in green drinks and smoothies.

Grab your bag ON SALE for $19.99 Today through Sunday, June 11th, 2017

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#1 Woman’s Herb of Chinese Medicine

Hey Ladies,

Dong Quai – #1 Woman’s Herb of Chinese Medicine: Angelica sinensis, or Dong Quai (also spelled Dang Quai, Tang Kuei, and a variety of other ways) has long been used it Chinese medicine, particularly by women. For this reason, it has earned the nickname the “Female Ginseng.”

Dong Quai has a reputation for helping many women with various symptoms of menopause and pre-menopause.

The Kupperman index lists a number of these:

· Hot flashes

· Paresthesia (burning or prickling sensation in the skin)

· Sleeping issues

· Irritability

· Depressive mood Dizziness Fatigue

· Joint pain

· Headache

· Heart palpitations

· Tingling

Many women face these hurdles and the majority of this is due to the communication within the body becoming weaker over time. Hormones play a huge role in women’s health and well-being. So, since humans MUST age, why not age gracefully?

Dong Quai is considered one of the best herbs for helping restore natural fertility. For women that have gotten off birth control, Dong quai can assist in getting back to a normal cycle.

It is also considered a Uterine Tonic. Traditionally it has been used for stagnation in this area, which would include PCOS, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids.

Sounds Amazing, Right? It is, and now until Sunday June 11th it is on sale $5.00 for ONLY $19.99 Don’t Wait, grab a few today.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Roaming The Jungle & Covering The Surrounding Yards

Doing Animal Moves everyday lately has given me a newfound sense of strength, vitality, calmness and sense of energy that hasn't been used in a while. I've been switching things up going for more distance this time around than just counting steps. I've been going for how many yards I can accumulate in a playout. On a good day I'll average around 100-200 yards but if i'm feeling really energetic I go even further. Like a tiger hunting for miles on end, I'm into developing a greater sense of endurance & conditioning and see how far I can go.

My mats in the dungeon up and back is 32 feet so that doesn't sound like much but when you start adding it up set after set of covering that much floor and more it's going to be crazy. My longest distance in a playout is over 530 yards; that's a freaking lot of ground to cover and I was doing one animal that whole time and that was the Bear. Bear Crawls are very simple to do but when you're barely resting and covering practically doubled the distance in one set, you're developing another realm of fitness & going beyond the norm for a typical session using animal moves.

Before we went to Lilac City Comic Con this past Saturday in the morning I covered 245 yards worth of movement just to get the day started. I have to tell you the results I'm receiving from this change in training is staggering; I'm getting stronger in many areas, my leap is faster, my arms are already showing definition, my abs are shrinking, my testosterone is shooting through the roof and my sleep has been much greater in more recent days than in the last few months. This is just the tip of the iceberg and haven't had these sensations in quite some time.

When I have a bit of a restless night; I dive into some Animal Moves until my body has calmed down and when that endorphin high kicks in, I sleep like a baby and my hormones go through the roof. I have energy during the day that keeps my mind sharper and have greater focus and having powerful muscle developing like crazy is just another great look at what I'm doing my best to achieve. At the end of a session, I do some deep breathing of this particular animal for a few minutes and absorbing the great levels of oxygen and mega sensations in the lower areas of my body is just an amazing feeling. I'm nearly 33 and have hormones raging that would make a teen blush all because of utilizing my full body into the movements of mimicking wild animals.

This is just a way of gaining my conditioning and stamina, its to build my body as a whole; fire up my internal organs with oxygen, create explosive power in my legs, strengthen my arms with crawling, developing muscle control to protect my back, move in awkward positions and so much more. When you truly feel the power of animal movements, its no longer regular exercise, it becomes a part of your life and develops both mind and body. You will have energy you never thought was possible, increase the power in your sex organs and become strong beyond the regular types of bodyweight exercise. You are getting back to NATURE!!!

Friday, June 2, 2017

One Animal To Rule Them All

I don't believe that one exercise/program/playout is the end-all-be-all to where if you did one exercise that would be it and anything else would be inferior. There is one exercise however that is so simple yet has been a staple in multiple sports, games and conditioning programs for practically centuries and continues to stand the test of time. It is without question The Bear Crawl.

This exercise alone has been proven to burn fat, build muscle and build strength, endurance, conditioning all at the same time. Some of the greatest athletes on the planet have done bear crawls in their lifetime. The objective is to get on all fours and start moving whether slow or fast. There have been different variations throughout the years but it still has made an impact than any other animal movement.

There have been camps where athletes were doing sprints on two feet and didn't really like it not because it wasn't good but because it was too boring so teachers or maybe even drill sergeants had them doing bear crawls instead and after maybe a couple sprints or more these athletes got a wake up call and decided the two footed sprints were better. What's the point to this? When you sprint on all four limbs, you are hitting practically every muscle in your body from the shoulders all the way down to the legs. You're working the arms harder than before, you need all four limbs to be in balance otherwise you can fall over and your core is activated the entire time in order to stabilize you.

The bear crawl is a favorite of mine when I do my own training and gets me going when I need it the most. It has been a classic conditioning exercise for those in wrestling and if you ever practiced this in a wrestling room you know why. It gets you huffing and puffing faster than you can say "Holy Grizzly Adams Batman" and it is an exercise that has you building loads of growth hormone and testosterone. Think about it; a bear weighing in prime age around 700-1500 lbs. moving at speeds close to 35 mph at a height of nearly 11 feet, that's some serious speed and muscular power. When a grown man at 200 lbs. does this at his top speed it lasts even less than a full 100 meter sprint. Our legs are the strongest in the human body so when you even attempt to make your arms that way, think how strong you'll be on the mat, in the cage, on the football field and on the diamond?

It has put some of the very best begging for mercy and for good reason. It's simple, easy to learn because for one it's one of the first things we learn as babies; in order to walk, we crawl first, on our bellies using our hands then on our hands and feet, then on our feet. It is an exercise that takes us back to our childhood, crawling on all fours and making noises like an animal and never knowing it was a good thing for us just by playing. It helps us rid of back pain, strengthens our joints, stretches our legs and gives us a signal if we have weak wrists. It goes beyond exercise; it is a move that helps us live a healthy life and teaches us balance, coordination and using our brains. When you walk in this position you also have your head going downward which can bring blood flow to the brain, it takes strength to lift up the neck and strengthens the neck muscles.

Go do some bear crawls and start out slow, get use to be in the position and make it work for you. Go a little faster as you get better and play around with it. Make it a part of your daily life even if you're over the age of 40, 50 and beyond.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The One Herb That Everyone Should Take!

This day and age many people run depleted of vitamins, minerals, and tons of other nutrients our bodies desire for optimal health and performance.

Is that YOU?

Too many people have no idea what they are missing, others are taking vitamins from the local pharmacy (that may or may not be good)….and others do not even think about it.

Time to start thinking…our bodies and our lives count on it so check out Pine Pollen and what it can do for you.

Pine Pollen may be one of the most potent and powerful herbs or foods available today. It is the male spore of the pine tree and has been used for thousands of years.

As you’ll read below, pine pollen is a nutritional powerhouse. With everything in it combined, you may find some of these incredible benefits. According to Chinese medicine, pine pollen enters through the five major meridians including the lungs, kidneys, spleen, heart and liver.

· Hormonal Support

· Strengthens the Immune System

· Great Brain Food

· Balances Androgenic and Estrogenic Hormones

· Supports and Detoxifies the Liver

· Great for the Skin and Hair

· Protects the Cardiovascular System

And so much more……. Plus I just got word that prices are slightly increasing next week... So now is a GOOD time to stock up!

Hard to SUM this awesome herb up.... Check it out yourself HERE

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Cut Weight And Increase Muscle With Pine Pollen Tincture

It Gets Old Right? Feeling Tired FOR NO REASON....The Constant BURNOUT! and Lack of Performance??

Well, there is product that can help- :)
Keep reading or check out the product that may be the answer you have been looking for, Pine pollen tincture.

Pine pollen in tincture form is even more hormonally powerful than the powdered form. Sublingual delivery of testosterone, DHEA and other hormones to your bloodstream.

I am sure you lead a busy life,…But when was the last time you thought about your responsibility to your body?

Physically or Hormonally?

Recent science proves you've got one HUGE new health duty you (and millions of others) are ignoring...

It's a silent new health disaster caused by modern food and drug industries that NO amount of exercise and healthy eating can cure...


Combating Hormone Imbalance...

Specifically - a little-discussed growing epidemic called Estrogen Dominance...

Not sure Estrogen Dominance is that big a deal?

Well let me ask you this:

Did you know BOTH women's AND men's bodies already produce both Estrogen and Testosterone naturally?

It's true! Everybody needs and produces a bit of both - and maintaining the delicate balance of Estrogen to Testosterone in our individual bodies used to be so easy no one even noticed it...

...but thanks to literal tons of Estrogens entering our food and medicine supplies at alarming rates since the 1950s (through the cheap and easy overuse of pesticides, chemicals, plastics, soy, hops, flax and fungi in those industries)... has become increasingly difficult for both men and women to avoid estrogen dominance, and the side effects to your health are extreme.

There is something that can help us….

….Chinese herbalists have been taking advantage of its infinite benefits for thousands of years….

….It’s called Pine Pollen.

The secret behind Pine Pollen are the phyto-androgens it contains.

Phyto-androgens simulate testosterone. They work to support the optimization of hormones within our body by balancing out that excess estrogen that we’re bombarded with.

The balance of hormones directly affects how our bodies function. Good balance translates into energy, weight control, sexual vigor, youthful appearance, recovery from daily stress and physical activity and overall sense of well-being. 

Now is a good time to stock up as prices INCREASE May 5th, 2017

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Going For Distance Using Animal Exercise

Yesterday for Memorial Day, I went into the dungeon to do something a little different than the regular dice game i've been doing for playouts. This game was interesting as it involves some Distance Training but with a little flare. First off from the wall to the end of my mats in the garage is 16ft in length; so going back and forth would be 32 ft. I decided that when I roll for an animal I would go up and come back doing that animal. How many revolutions can you do?

I'm not a fan of running or jogging so I adapt to whatever keeps me interested. In this case; the animals. Now unlike Jogging you won't last very long going for distance straight through unless you're a maniac but for the sake of cardio per-se and throwing in that fat burning idea that animal moves give you; let's see how far you travel or stop to take a breather then keep going. How many yards did you do? What was the distance going up and going back? Do you do it fast or do it slow?

Mixing things up can boost your brain power and overall conditioning however because the animal moves have you going in all different directions; your body is strengthened in ways other methods won't do. Go for distance some time. Yesterday I did 21 revolutions going back and forth of 32 ft. That's a total of 672 ft, divide that by 3 and you get 224 yards. That's quite a stretch of distance for doing animal movements. This is conditioning in another unique way to challenge your body in all sorts of ways. Some people only do 50 yards in the beginning and that's fine; build yourself up.

There's a fine line doing 400 meters sprinting on two feet than it is to do the same length doing the bear crawl; most people can't do it because not only are you using twice as many limbs but you're also challenging your balance and speed. You can go even slower creating a "migrating" Playout where you test your endurance instead of going faster. Try for 500 yards at a slower pace than doing 70 yards at a maximum speed. When you do the jumping animals; do as few jumps as possible because if you do short jumps it's going to be tougher. Here's a playout that will test you in your strength endurance (something I plan on doing one day).....

Bear Crawl 100 Yards

Gorilla Walk 90 Yards

Frog Jump 80 Yards

Tiger Walk 70 Yards

Duck Walk 60 Yards

Alligator Walk 40 Yards

Rabbit Hop 30 Yards

Crab Walk 20 Yards

Seal Walk 10 Yards

That's 500 all together. Rest when needed.

This would be the only playout for the rest of the day because once you do it and have completed it, you'll be spanked. When you get to a point where you're resting less and less, your conditioning will skyrocket and you'll be handling your competition like nobody's business. If you're a combat athlete, this will give you a boost of conditioning that can help you last in the cage or ring for quite a bit. Animals utilize multiple muscle groups and tackle the body greater than on 2 limbs. They give you explosive power, strength unlike anything else (and its functional) and your endurance will go further through the roof than many other exercises can attempt.

I still have a ways to go but if i'm at nearly 230 yards already, i'm nearly halfway there pretty quick. I love animal training and it builds me up like nothing else has. Squats and Push-ups are amazing but to me nothing gets me fired up more than an animal move.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Regardless Of Your Age You Can Do Animal Exercise

From the time we were little, we are taught to use our imagination, reach for the stars and learn to use our brain and body for the adventures lie ahead. As we get older, we drift away from the adventures and start following everyone else; fall off the beaten path, take life way too seriously and suppress our child-like qualities by doing what is told of us, there's no room for imagination only the results someone else wants. We even get so caught up with information that most of the time is completely useless yet it overwhelms us and we become confused, disoriented and downright screwed up.

The funny thing about animal exercise is its ability to bring us closer to nature and closer to what our bodies were meant to do regardless of our age. A 7 year old can do it and play with friends; run around and get that energy out, a man in his 30's can do it to maintain shape, be healthy and stay strong, a man in his 50's can do it to strengthen bones, have strength that would make most men half his age envious, a woman in her 70's can do it to slow down the aging process and have healthy bones and strengthen her brain. It is a powerful form of exercise no matter how old or young you are, its like baseball; it is a form of activity that has been past down from generation to generation and brings others together whether it's for competition or just a friendly outing.

Due to the movements that get you going in all sorts of directions, it helps strengthen muscles that aren't normally used and teaches you how to balance your body no matter what direction you're positioned in. It can make you explosive, enduring, strong from many angles & powers up your tendons. You can start from the very beginning and build a foundation or you'll be able to advance very quickly and reap benefits many never get to achieve. You can go fast, slow, it can can condition your reflexes, calm you down from having excess energy, it increases metabolism, harnesses your Growth Hormone, enhance brain activity which can lead to greater memory and sharpened focus, it can even make you stop within 10 minutes or have you going for more than hour because you get so into it your body just can't get enough. I've had major injuries, tennis elbow, bumped knees, burned skin & even busted my head open all before the age of 21 yet in my near mid 30's I have far less pain, stronger than ever when I was in my teens or even early 20's and kept in awesome shape for my size all due to doing animal exercises.

It has healing properties that can only be described by experiencing it and it can possibly take you out of your funk with depression, hypertension, being lethargic and low testosterone. Many in fitness see it as a warm-up and nothing else; that's all great for them but to take it a step further creates a chain reaction that changes the course of the entire process of being in shape both inside and outside. It changes lives, creates endorphins, teaches self discipline and lengthens the quality of life.

Animal Kingdom Conditioning 1   

Animal Kingdom Conditioning 2

Wild Animal Fitness For Kids

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Importance Of Conditioning Using Animal Exercises

If you look in nature, the wild beasts and creatures that are animals in the jungle, the water, swamplands & deserts are in amazing condition; they have strength lasting them long periods of time, some have amazing stamina like the wildcats & primates, others have insanely powerful joints and tendons to stay tough during battles and for survival looking for food. In our society; endurance, strength & conditioning are dramatically specialized and too concentrated on one or the other. I'm here to tell you, too much concentration on one particular thing without bringing the others into play can be more harmful than you realize.

In order to even move in some animal exercises it takes strength. As you progress, you go a little longer and your stamina builds up but even then you still need the strength to hold yourself and be able to move fluidly because if you become sloppy and your strength diminishes, the rest can falter as well. Strength isn't everything yet it is a key attribute but endurance can also be the defining factor and that can determine your level of conditioning. If you're an athlete, you need to be in shape for your sport. Granted in some sports being in shape isn't everything but in most cases if you get tired early in a game/fight you are pretty much useless to the people on your team or against a particular opponent. 

Conditioning is the best asset whether in sports or in life. The beauty of animal exercises, it doesn't utilize just strength or endurance; both are valued and are the essential elements of what makes them superior to many other systems of exercise. They force you to adapt to any direction you're put in; it's not the typical up and down exercises like weights & push-ups and squats. Unlike other bodyweight exercises where you are stationary (staying in one spot of space), they have you move from point A to B, C, D. up, down, left, right, sideways, forwards, backwards, diagonal, horizontal, vertical, front ways, long ways, north, south, east, west you get the picture. When you move your body in all sorts of directions and gain strength from awkward angles, it creates a dynamic point of view where just like in sports, you're going somewhere at some point you never noticed before. 

The importance on conditioning utilizing this ancient style of fitness remains one of the most powerful yet a nearly forgotten aspect of what brings us closer to nature. Animals are by far in greater shape than any of us humans can even dream of. You can be the fastest man alive, the strongest woman, running a marathon like its nothing or go the distance in a wrestling match but none of us will ever have the universal power, speed, stamina, intensity of a wild animal. Emulating them brings us closer to what our DNA gives us the abilities to do amazing things. You can have a great physique yet have amazing functional strength, legs that can go the distance, flexible shoulders, steel-like tendons & have the lungs that would make a marathoner blush all by imitating a wild animal. Become conditioned, fast, coordinated and crazy strong.  

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

More On The Animal Dice Game

No matter what program or playout I end up doing, sooner or the later the bug (pun intended) will bite me to say "go back to the animals, they're your favorite." One of the things I have observed in MMA or Wrestling (the real kind) is that you never know what to truly expect from an opponent, the random things that could happen in their strategy can strike you at any time. Randomness can be your best friend or your worst enemy if you never expect the unexpected. Your brain is going a million miles an hour and what you may not know may end up hurting you in the end. That's what I love about doing Animal Moves and playing the dice game.

If you know how to move like a wild animal, whenever it comes up you're prepared to do it but another animal can come up at any time and if you don't know the moves, your instincts can go in the wrong direction. That's the reason why I made the best decision to learn about Animal Movement, it can be very unpredictable because you may not even know which direction to go but if you have practiced enough of the movement and it becomes a second language to you, you have conditioned your body to move that way and you're prepared for it even at the most random moment.

The dice game goes beyond taking random steps of an animal and I have personally have journeyed my mind and my body to be ready at all times whenever an animal comes up and I know all the animals I have learned like the back of my hand. Although it's a game of physical movement, it challenges your brain to be quick and strong to the point where you know what animal to go with but because the game is never the same twice, you're on constant alert for what comes next. It teaches you the unexpected. Just like in sports you don't always know what's going to happen but if you have programmed yourself to expect the unexpected, it gives you an advantage over your your opponents and when you add the conditioning into the mix, you're a monster among men.

It has taught me to use my instincts on another level, create a greater sensitivity of what can be applied next and has made me physically stronger than practically any other program I have done before or since. With animal moves, you can go in any direction; up, down, sideways, backwards, forwards, diagonal, horizontal, create shapes as you move and so on. Many people believe they're only good as a warm-up when they don't realize it can be the most challenging playout of their lives if they opened up their mind and see the other side of the coin. I challenge anyone to play this game and see how they feel after 20-30 min. I have gone nearly an hour doing this and I was done, many won't go 10 min. and 20-30 sounds like forever. If it's too easy, double the reps or triple it; if you can go for a half hour tripling the amount of steps per animal, that's impressive. It's a deadly game but that's the point, it makes you deadly.

Friday, May 19, 2017

How Long Should Animal Playouts Be?

People in fitness tend to give a general ideal of the amount of timing someone's fitness is at. Some say 10 min. is a good start, 15, 20,30 even sometimes an odd number like 13 minutes but for me it ought to be much lower. When someone starts out, they don't know what the hell they're really doing and just going through the motions. I say once you have them getting used to certain movements, start them off with 5 min. to start. Why 5? Isn't that a little short and very easy to start? Well, you want to build up an individual's stamina and strength and for health purposes, 5 min. is more than most can handle.

Once their consistent, build it up minute by minute. I started out with barely 10 min. before I gave out and wanted to die LOL. Everyone is different so they can't always go by the same protocol and plus, some take longer than others to get used to the movements. Depending on your fitness level and coordination for the animals you're good at, start with what's right for YOU!!!

When you're at a level where 10 min. is easy, do 20, then 30 and after that if you're in world class shape you can go 45 min to an hour or longer. Because animal moves are very intense, it won't really take that long to get really winded, even the greatest athletes in the world have fallen prey to short and intense playouts of the animals. Now really when it comes down to it, you don't need to go more than 20 min. to be in awesome shape. That's the main reason I love the animal dice game; after a while the numbers can get boring and you need a challenge; how do you do that? Double the reps on the dice, too easy? Triple them and so how you really do.

It makes me laugh that people say bodyweight exercises or animals are only great for warm-ups; if you tripled the reps on this dice game alone; you'll be begging for mercy within minutes if not seconds. I once did a total of 1000 reps worth of animal exercises within 45 min. to an hour doubling the reps on the 20-sided dice. It was exhausting and packed full of whole body movements that many consider easy, keep going and overtime, the exercises get harder and it becomes more difficult to jump, crawl, walk and hold certain animal postures. Play the dice game long enough and tell me how easy it was; I guarantee it'll make a world class athlete humble after going beyond double reps. I once did about 10-12 rolls tripling the reps of the movements and I was spanked.

The animals (pun intended) become second nature after practicing the movements so that's when you test out your stamina and conditioning by doing the dice game or picking and choosing certain animals for time or as a circuit. They can be done in some many ways its not even funny. They can turn a weakling into a powerful human being within weeks with solid practice. They don't build bodybuilding muscle because when applied correctly, animal moves utilize the body as a single unit and have you using practically every muscle. Many are so intense that a minute or more moving would spank most people in a heartbeat. They build insane conditioning for anyone, even the very best in sports have done them; some are used in gymnastics, wrestling, MMA, Football, the military and other factions of law enforcement for the sole purpose of targeting the entire body and strengthening it from all angles even areas regular bodyweight and weight training can't touch.

Go as long as YOU see fit, build up and see how far you can go. The most I will ever do is an hour but at times i'll be so into it time flies by. Amazing source of functional fitness, hormone builder, testosterone booster, getting excess energy out, lung enhancement, heart strengthening, tendon builder & provides insane stamina for your daily life.

Animal Kingdom Conditioning 1 & 2
Wild Animal Fitness For Kids

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Longan Berry Fruit Powder

Have you heard of Longan Berry Fruit Powder? This amazing berry has some astounding properties. A tropical fruit tree grown and semi-wild cultivated in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian province, China and is grown organically and collected from the tree at a minimum age of 3 years old.

If you already know about the benefits of Longan Berry fruit powder Go Here for $5 off at $29.99! 

If not, keep reading……and we will explain...

Longan Berry Powder has been known to promote tranquility, balance, improve skin, reduce stress, nourishing of the yin and so much more traditionally! Some great benefits packed in this tasty berry powder! In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) this fruit powder works through two meridians- the Spleen and the Heart. The Chinese function of the Pancreas-Spleen is mainly of digestion. A healthy Pancreas-Spleen allows the Qi to be freed from food. Longan is a great tonic herb for the Heart and works to soothe the Shenwhich the Heart houses.

Longan is also very rich in antioxidants because of its large amounts of procyanidin and tannins. These antioxidants are one of the primary means that it works so well as a beauty herb (especially for women).

This product tastes great too! And mixes well in smoothies (just in time for the summer months)

There is so much more to love about this berry! Grab a bag or two discounted today!

Longan Berry on Sale until 5/21/17 – Don’t Miss Out!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Why It's Important More So These Days To Be In Better Condition Than The Average Person

We live in a society where junk food runs rampant and not enough exercise is instilled. Sure there are many that go to the gym but the biggest purpose for the majority who do only want to look like a pretty boy in a magazine and to have many women show off their ass more than doing real training. It's good to have a goal to be in shape but at the same time you'd want to learn to strengthen more than just muscles but also have some level endurance and flexibility.

Don't get me wrong it's cool to want aesthetics but if you can't be strong, enduring & flexible/mobile what the hell can it really do for you. It doesn't matter how good you look, if you can't go long in the sack or able to move freely as possible, looking good isn't going to help your cause. However, with the right form of training and the ability to eat as healthy as possible, aesthetics can play a great role and will come the way it is meant to.

In this day and age, looking good is not enough anymore; being in real shape and handling life situations is more valuable than having rock hard abs and biceps bigger than the Black Pearl's Cannonballs. If you took maybe 100 people that look like greek gods and goddesses, how many of them are in real shape and can go along with decent levels of strength? Most likely maybe 20% or less. Even more so with the obesity epidemic, staying and maintaining shape is a must. Kids barely even exercise in most schools these days because you have too many written notes, there's no real structure or fun in how exercise is applied; many P.E classes only shoot for teaching specific sports which isn't bad by any stretch but it doesn't teach the fundamentals of kids learning to do Push-Ups, Squats, Sit-Ups, Animal Moves, some form of lifting; hell make them carry a bucket of water if it makes you have them working a little. You know where many kids find exercise; on Youtube. It's cool they found something but nothing compares to learning the real thing and having a coach show you how to apply the exercise with control and able to breathe properly.

Any exercise is better than nothing but it's important to teach the values of understanding your body before moving onto weights or what thereof. Some people go their whole lives not touching a weight and that's awesome yet to get an overall picture its good to have a knowledge and understanding a solid amount of exercises that purely basic and effective.

Circuit Training is very valuable because it's time efficient, doesn't need to be in a huge building and has you building more than just pleasing muscles; it builds strength, stamina, conditioning & flexibility. When you learn to control your breathing & form plus resting as long as needed not what is typically ideal, you can be in incredible shape. Now when it comes down to conditioning i'm not talking Crossfit because that has more flaws than I care to explain but conditioning is being able to withstand stress throughout a playout and it helps you stay in the game even when you might feel shot to hell. Just yesterday I put myself through a Circuit playout that had me doing a total of...

100 Hindu Push-ups
200 Hindu Squats
100 V-Ups
200 Mountain Climbers
100 Hindu Jumpers
200 Side Bends
100 Push-ups
100 Pushing (Jumping Jack Variation)
100 Lunges

Totaling all together 1200 Reps in an hour or less.

You can do lesser reps if you're short on time so it's important to intuitively make the best time for you and do so with intent and making it interesting and challenging. This is a high level playout so for a beginner, cutting it in half would be a hell of a start. You can create your own and not always rely on playouts pre-made. You can adjust the exercise, tempo and time however you wish.    

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