Wednesday, June 7, 2017

#1 Woman’s Herb of Chinese Medicine

Hey Ladies,

Dong Quai – #1 Woman’s Herb of Chinese Medicine: Angelica sinensis, or Dong Quai (also spelled Dang Quai, Tang Kuei, and a variety of other ways) has long been used it Chinese medicine, particularly by women. For this reason, it has earned the nickname the “Female Ginseng.”

Dong Quai has a reputation for helping many women with various symptoms of menopause and pre-menopause.

The Kupperman index lists a number of these:

· Hot flashes

· Paresthesia (burning or prickling sensation in the skin)

· Sleeping issues

· Irritability

· Depressive mood Dizziness Fatigue

· Joint pain

· Headache

· Heart palpitations

· Tingling

Many women face these hurdles and the majority of this is due to the communication within the body becoming weaker over time. Hormones play a huge role in women’s health and well-being. So, since humans MUST age, why not age gracefully?

Dong Quai is considered one of the best herbs for helping restore natural fertility. For women that have gotten off birth control, Dong quai can assist in getting back to a normal cycle.

It is also considered a Uterine Tonic. Traditionally it has been used for stagnation in this area, which would include PCOS, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids.

Sounds Amazing, Right? It is, and now until Sunday June 11th it is on sale $5.00 for ONLY $19.99 Don’t Wait, grab a few today.

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