Monday, March 21, 2016

Flowing In The Animal World & Exploring

Animal movement is so joyous and fun to do, period. I love the crawling, the jumping, balancing and just living it up. Yesterday I went into my Animal Flow workout and just felt amazeballs without needing to move all that hard for 10-15 min. like I usually do. Just flowing around and being creative integrating transitions, travels & switches that was more slow paced but still challenging.

The ability to explore your body as it moves in different patterns isn't easy by any stretch (pun intended) and it gives you feedback on what to work on and help yourself find your weak spots to generate into strength. My animal spirit is the Ape, I'm not questioning that and I feel whole heartedly that to be true. However you move will develop what you lean towards that spirit within you. We all have one and that's the beauty of exploration, its both a physically and mindful practice that everyone should do. It doesn't matter how old you are or where you come from; unleash your instincts little by little and see what brings out the best in you. 

The urban jungle can be scary and its up to you to find out what truly makes you animalistic. I know that sounds a little philosophical but so what? Animal Movement is not just moving in various motions; it's about channeling your inner self and bringing out what makes us who we can truly be. People are being held back because of various reasons; it isn't proper, it makes us look savage, it's uncivilized whatever the case may be. I'm still learning how to be more open with who I'am because growing up, it was very difficult to show my true self to practically anyone because let's face it, I grew up around a lot of guilt and ridicule and no matter how hard I tried; something always made someone defensive, poke fun at what I was trying to do and tell me it's impolite to be open about things or in other words "hold it in or suffer the consequences" that's how I felt. 

Over the years as I step by step was coming more out of my shell things started happening for me; showed people what I can do, be upfront about things and be accepted. My training has opened up a whole other universe for me where I can be myself, have fun, live without regret. Because I grew up around a lot of guilt not because of things I've done but the people who walk on it and hearing the soles squeak, it's instinctive for me to feel that way so around certain people I shut down and parts of me become emotionally painful. That's one of the reasons why I train, it helps me be open and be happy with who I'am and little by little i'm transitioning that mindset without needing to train but always keep my focus on the very thing that has helped me survive many hardships and helps me be a better man to the woman I love in all of this world.

Whatever you're going through, find something that helps you be a better version of who you want to become, channel your pain into something glorious and creative that gives you purpose and happiness. It's not materials that help you flow through life, its what keeps you flowing within yourself and making bad ass things happen. For me it's exercise and exploring, for others it may be something else but I'm telling you, nothing gives you more of a soul search than learning about your animal spirit and unleashing it without being fearful of it. Explore your true nature and make it awesome for you.  

Friday, March 18, 2016

Animal Conditioning Using Playing Cards

A couple years ago, I was testing out my conditioning as always and I went for a deck of cards workout that was made famous by the late Karl Gotch. Normally it be push-ups and squats so often I would do the whole deck which took me no more than 45 min. to an hour. As of late I've been wanting to do the deck again but with an added twist; I decided to not do only push-ups an squats but Animal Movements.

As you may have read on my facebook page I've been killing it with the Animal Dice Game where you roll a 20 sided dye once for an animal and a second for the amount of reps/steps you take. A couple times I added in a deck of cards to make things a little interesting. Instead of rolling twice, you only do it once to get the animal and you flip a card for your reps/steps. This is pure conditioning as it's going to be in my opinion; you can say there are better exercises but this is the ultimate in randomness and having to do unexpected movements and it's never the same workout which is a good thing if you're in sports or want to amplify your stamina for manual labor, continued strength, lung capacity for running or whatever.

Shuffle the cards as you normally would; have your dye in hand and roll it for an animal then flip the card to take your steps. This workout should roughly take you around 30 min. to complete and rest as little as possible; if you need a break, do deep breathing and drink that water, never sit down. Most decks are at around 52 cards, mine has 55 including 3 Jokers. Here's the repetition scheme for your cards.....

2-10=Face Value
K/Q/J=15 Reps
Ace=20 Reps
Joker=50 Reps

So pick 20 Animals you'd like play with or get them out of a Animal Kingdom Manual or from the DVD and go from there. Have fun with it, make noises if you want; it's not meant to brutalize your training but to help you have a good time while going through something very tough. This is great for kids, athletes in sports such as wrestling, MMA, Soccer, Football, Boxing, Spartan Race ect. My personal deck I use is Here and here's a set to get some 20-Sided Dye. This is an amazing workout with no special equipment and can be done practically anywhere at anytime. I do this in my den or outside when it's warm but if I'm in a hotel room or a very small room I do what's called a Caged Style workout where you're only allowed to move in a short amount of space. I have figured out how to do animal movements anywhere so don't let anyone tell you you need a very wide range of space.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tarzan Is Calling To Me Once Again

Couldn't stay away from my Animal workouts for long. Over the past few days I've been hearing the call from the Ape Man himself & he's making me work harder than ever before. The jungle has been nuts since he got me playing the Animal Dice Game again. With the way he's kicking my ass lately I have hit more than 40 rolls of animals; the show off over here has been warming up with even higher numbers; my highest set of rolls is at 58, that's a lot of movement ranging from 1-20 steps at a time.

Even in the last 4 workouts; 57, 58, 42 & another 42 rolls I'm feeling it everywhere and my core is just getting hit the most because of the contraction to protect my lower back from injury. The endorphin high is incredible and I love feeling really good afterwards. This is pure conditioning and can really put you in Jungle Shape, basically gaining stamina and overall body to strength ratio. Although I'm over 265 lbs; I feel like an athlete under 220 and look like i'm around 235. If you really want to burn off fat and put on real muscle, this is the ticket hands down.

As much as I love my sprints, Isometrics & Hammer Work; the animals are the top of the workout food chain at least to me when it comes down to building insane strength and endurance for bodyweight work. You don't need to do that many rolls worth of animals to get the full benefit, only 5-10 to start and 20 min. worth of work is all that's needed. How much would it cost to you to get fit only 20 min. a day and gain strength, power, stamina & speed all in one workout?

Animal Kingdom Conditioning- $127 ($0.35/day for an entire year)

Animal Kingdom Conditioning 2- $67 ($0.18/day for an entire year)

Animal Flow 2.0- $59.95 w/ DVD ($0.16/day for an entire year)

Animal Workouts DVD- $29.95 ($0.08/day for an entire year)

If you really think about those numbers, that's still under $1 a day to train for an entire year alone just learning about animal exercises and that's still cheaper than the average gym. Just one of these courses alone can save you a couple hundred bucks a year at a gym that you need to drive to, get stuck in traffic, dress into workout clothes and get ready to get on a treadmill and the weights which you might have to wait for at several minutes at a time usually. Get your greatest benefit by saving time and money on a long-term perspective. I can hear the jungle man calling to you now and letting you know its never too late to get in Jungle Shape.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Best Workouts & Equipment While Traveling

I like a lot of things that training has provided but you can't always do what you want when it comes to certain things. Traveling for example can be a pain if you had to lug a kettlebell around or in dying need of a gym that a Hotel has (if that's what they call a gym) specific equipment. That's why I believe the best traveling form of exercise is Bodyweight; can be done in your hotel room, out in the hallway, at a park or hell on a plane (yes I literally have done movements seated on a plane).

Some people would like to travel with equipment that could be useful and resourceful. When I travel I usually take only 2 specific types of equipment that are light to carry but effective regardless of where you are. That would be the Chest Expander & the TNT Cables, they have been lifesavers for me as they give me the type of training I'd like to do that can be done just as in the gym. Hook the door attachment to a door, strap the cables in and you're good to go. Basic exercises like Pulls, Presses & Squats can be done with the cables. The Chest Expander is just as awesome if not more convenient and has nearly as many exercises to choose from. 

When it comes to specific workouts while traveling, hands down Circuits. Doing these for 20 minutes is all you need to get in good shape. The Darebee Workouts work best for training in hotel rooms, waiting for a plane or wherever. I once did a workout that involved stretching & Bridging exercises while waiting for a plane at the airport. I'd rather do a circuit in a hotel room or outside somewhere where i'm staying so I don't sweat all over the place. When it comes to equipment, resistance bands are best and to me Lifeline Fitness carries the best kind and very affordable. Do workouts that are within the 15-20 min range or less unless you're on vacation and may have more time you don't need to train any longer than that. When I'm in Lake Tahoe, I take advantage of my surroundings and head down to the lake to lift heavy rocks, swim, crawl amongst the rocks, climb ladders of the docks and anything else that suits my imagination. 

I get it some like to use a gym and maybe some may need it like Pro athletes or musicians, entertainers or whatever but for the most part unless you're a bodybuilder, powerlifter, strongman you don't need to go to a gym while you travel. Have some imagination. If you got a good small amount of space; you can do some crazy training. Since me and my girl are heading to Disneyland for her first trip to California we'll be walking the majority of the time but in the hotel, mostly calisthenics & resistance training will be used but at the parks in line for rides; Isometrics baby. Push, Pull, Wall Sit, Squeeze & flex in various positions as you stand in line. Be open minded and be resourceful with what you have. Use the environment and use your imagination and you'll never ever need the gym again. Value what you have and make use of your surroundings. Don't make excuses to not train. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Why Cram It When You Can Spread It

One of the fascinating things about Fitness is not only the variety but the mixture of exercises put together. Now I'm not one to be fiddled routines and on occasions I put myself into only one workout for the entire but for the most part; I like to dabble with exercises throughout the day. The reason why for that being done is because sometimes one workout just isn't quite enough or I won't have a usual time to train everything I need to do.

Some folks can only do one workout within the day because that's all they can do which is understandable; job, family, emergencies, unexpected circumstances whatever the case may be you only have this much time to do what's important. I like to look at things from another perspective; doing exercises throughout the day may have some value you may not realize. Not everyone has an hour to exercise to the gym or even at home at times which is believe it or not perfectly ok. I would normally get my training in by the afternoon after promoting or hanging with my girl but at times when I travel or i'm out of my element in another person's home and I would sometimes have to improvise.

I do my best to teach you that when you can train anywhere at anytime there's more to it then just being able to get something in within those factors. As the title implies, you can do things throughout the day but in increments instead of just cramming everything into one specific set of time. Here's an example; in a little over a week i'll be in California for a family gathering and since i'm not there that often, things can get chaotic with me seeing everyone and going all over town and to other cities/towns within 30 mile radius my training won't be exactly the same and I won't always have the time I need to train the way I normally would. That doesn't mean I stop doing what I do, just spreading things out with exercises here and there to get going with the chaos that happens there. My exercises mostly contain push-ups, self resistance, stretching and Isometrics plus the occasional squat but overall I just do enough exercise to where I can get a few minutes in throughout certain areas of the day. Because of this trip, I'm doing what I feel is right for me to do and train even for a couple minutes before something crazy happens and if people give me looks or think something negative; their issues not mine.

Training throughout the day may sound taxing and exhausting but as Doc Brown would say "You're not thinking 4th Dimensionally" but with the right level of intensity and keeping reps down to only a few and the exercises only a few; it can keep you energized the entire day. Wouldn't it be cool to feel giddy & high on endorphins? Being able to stay active without fatiguing and enjoy the vibrations of your body's electrical feeling? It can even help calm your nerves with the right exercises and doing things without people noticing you. Be open to ideas and doing what's important for your body. Give yourself an opportunity regardless of time that your body matters and staying fit doesn't have to be complicated but a gift to have the chance to do something down to the smallest fraction. Make it work for you and not against you, be your own trainer.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Mountain Burpee

Over the last couple days or so I've been in the mood to do Burpees. I never really gave them much thought before and never really liked doing them but my brain kept at me and get in the mood to do them. I did a few variations because as you know I get bored easily and would like to come up with things and just make it up as I go along. Routines most of the time for me don't last more than a week.

One Burpee variation that really caught my eye was combining two exercises and making them one into an exercise that truly hits every muscle in the body. Burpees in general are fat burning torture exercises and anyone that can multiple sets of them has my vote. I watched and tried out other variations just to get an idea but one really kept me coming back to and that's what I call the Mountain Burpee. It's a combo of a Burpee & Mountain Climbers.

Now granted because I don't do Burpees often I get winded pretty damn fast. This however really makes you eat dust in a matter of seconds. Here's what you do.....

Squat Down

Jump Into Push-up Position

Do a Push-up

Do a 4-Count Mountain Climber

Jump Back Into Squat Position

Jump Up


Just doing a few of these is brutal enough and will help you build some solid conditioning. Make it harder by adding a second push-up after the mountain climber. This generates loads of Natural Human Growth Hormone when done consistently but in the beginning not everyday; work up to it and don't need to do a whole lot to get all the benefits. Start doing them in sets of 5, build up to 10, 20 until you can do 50 (because of the mountain climber count, you're hitting 200 climbers at this point). Don't have to do them all in a row, take a break if you need to and when you're rested do another set. Set a goal for the amount of reps you want to achieve or better yet use it as a finisher at the end of a work in tabata style (20 on, 10 off) or do them on your days off. You can do them anywhere at any time. Do a set in your Hotel Room while you're on the road, knocking out a few on a lunch break at work, at the park while your kids play, when commercials come on. Nervous before heading out on a date? Knock out a set of these bad boys and your endorphins will kick in and your anxiety just might fade away (make sure to take a cold shower after so you're not sweating and stinkin' on your date.

I plan on doing these on my trips to Disneyland & Tahoe this year, hitting them up in the hotel room before heading out to the parks, in the cabin before going to the lake or casino.

Comment about your experience with this exercise and give me your insights on it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Time To Take The Wheel Again

Spring is on the rise in a few weeks and the body will have had enough time to recover from winter. Beach Season is coming not too long after this so getting in shape is on a lot of people's priority. The most common place to get shaped is the Core Muscles. People like to see awesome looking abs and that trim waistline. Believe it or not a lot of those that have good looking abs are not that strong in that area. This is where I help you find a solution to not only get muscular abs but a crazy set to boot. 

Crunches, sit-ups, ab machines and Insanity DVDs are the most common things those wishing to get abs flock to because they're either very easy or you just sweat out following someone. I'm here to tell you about the one device that can help develop really strong and muscular abs that takes the boring exercises out of the equation; one that I'm personally using myself to take off some fat especially in the lower areas plus the obliques. Just a few minutes with this bad boy and you'll see results quick.

It's called the Power Wheel. I've mentioned it in previous articles the most recent one being on legendary pro wrestler Bob Backlund using ab wheels to condition his abs and upper body. The reason why the Power Wheel is so effective its because you don't just have to use the handles to roll with but can also put your feet into the straps and do other exercises as well. Even the most simple exercises hit your Core hard and that's a good thing. Doing things that are too easy and in extreme reps won't give you true results. This wheel literally will tell you how balanced you are and that if you don't use the muscles needed for the exercise, you will lose balance. Learn them carefully and build a base. In my case, after a few rollouts I feel it immediately and I barely just get started. I'm seeing results within just the last 2-3 workouts, you don't get results that fast from doing boring crunches and sit-ups. The wheel makes you use every muscle just to balance on the damn thing.

You can't be loose when you use this thing, you have to flex every muscle and make yourself like a steel rod, if you're loose you'll know it right away. Less than 10 minutes of this a day and you'll have stronger abs in a matter of less than a few weeks; do it for 6 months and you'll have powerful abs you couldn't get in years prior. Check it out and for the Nutrition; keep a steady eating habit of real foods and less crap as possible. I even have some products you can look into that'll help trim your waistline awesomely.

Go after the 24-Day Challenge and get free workouts and extra meal plans in the process; using this challenge along with the awesome stuff i'll send and combining these with the Power Wheel; you'll be unstoppable and nothing will stand in your way to get the best abs you can have. Lose weight, gain energy, relieve back pain and eat & drink like a champion. INVEST in your health and INVEST in the Power Wheel.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Finding Comics For Inspiration At An Older Age

When I was a kid, I wasn't into comic books; it just didn't appeal to me as I had books ranging from Disney to Goosebumps & things of that sort. For all I knew back then was comics were for nerds and geeks and that was all that mattered to them. My comics came from watching superheroes on Saturday morning and after school like Batman: The Animated Series, Spider-Man, X-Men, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers & Superman. In the 90's, Superhero TV shows flourished, you couldn't find any kid under the age of 12 that didn't know who Batman or the X-Men were; quite frankly it surprises me that the comics themselves still sold like hotcakes since the Shows were towering over them.

I had one comic when I was a teen not many knew about with me. It was a Fantastic Four comic. I can't tell you where it is right now but I remember reading it in my room a few times and it was the only one I truly knew about. How I got it that I don't remember. When Ironman & The Incredible Hulk came out in the late 2000's, it peaked my interest because it reminded me of my childhood watching the cartoons. In the last near 5 years since I lived in Idaho, I have collected more comics (graphic novels) than ever in my entire life. I found a store here that has at least 3 sections dedicated to comics and one of the first ones I picked up was I think a Thor & Hercules set of comics. I had the Thor Hammers made by Stronger Grip a couple years before that and I just got enthralled to the point I got into the comic book scene. I'm officially a superhero nerd when it comes to that kind of thing. They inspire me to train and get fired up for breaking PR's, inspire me to create and come up with new things to write, they infuse my imagination like Burgers & Fries it just worked.

I'm reliving my childhood all over again in my 30's and learning about amazing stories and classic/new artwork and how the images are so breathtaking & wonderful to view. I find it so fascinating that any book that I find interesting I grab. Most of what I've collected are graphic novels of Marvel and little of DC but always have a heart for both. I've got books on Harley Quinn, Thor, Moon Knight, Batman, Captain America, Spider-Man, The Inhumans & Hercules. I've even got books on Star Wars based on Characters & The Force. I've been to a couple Comic Cons in Spokane, WA and plan on to go again at Lilac City Comic Con going with my girl and her brother.

As you can imagine, as a crazy superhero fan with the movies its going to be one hell of a year. Already seeing Deadpool and moving onto Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn Of Justice (I'm with Bats on this one) its going to be insane. I've become such a fan of both the comics and the films that I have put in my own Amazon Store exclusively for Comics of all types which you can go to here at My Comic Book Store with all the latest updates and Pre-Orders for upcoming comics and graphical art sets of paperback & hardcovers. Whether you want inspiration to train, learn about the characters or just a collector of new and classic books there's something for everyone. I'd recommend because of the craze of Star Wars & Marvel Films coming out get your hands on some of the newest editions of stories on Darth Vader & the Rise Of The Empire/Republic with Deadpool stories and upcoming hero stories based on the upcoming movies.

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Bob Backlund Workout

Most pro wrestling fans today (especially those in their teens) wouldn't know who Bob Backlund was or is. Most today who have heard of him only know about him being another Hall Of Fame guy or the weird looking dude with the Bow Tie and business shirt with red straps that appeared on Raw once or twice in the last few years. What you don't realize was that next to Bruno Sammartino was the longest reigning WWE champion that lasted over 5 years. Back in the 70's & 80's he was the poster boy for the babyface character; Howdy Doody on roids with a boy scout all-american personality.

Former College football player & wrestler transitioned into the pro ranks being trained by legendary pro wrestling coach Eddie Sharky (same guy who trained the greatest tag team of all-time the Road Warriors and former Minnesota Governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura) and ventured out on the road wrestling in the old territories. Backlund was about as a blue-collar american kid as you got. One of his traits back in the day was being in top condition on a frequent basis. We're talking about rough conditioning that would make some MMA Fighters blush and was able to go an hour with some of the top guys at that time including former Intercontinental Champion and 2004 HOF inductee Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. His training is still talked about to this day in some circles.

Since the mid 80's or so when his career was going down little by little he began training differently in order to build strength in his legs after being injured from constant running for cardio and some of the beatings he took in the ring and learned about the Step-Up test from Harvard University. So to substitute running he became a fanatic of the Step-Up Exercise going as fast (with good form) as possible. He would do this sometimes for more than an hour at a time. His other exercise he really got a bug for was the Ab Wheel. He believed that these two exercises were the heavy foundation that saved his career and his health. Granted these two baddies are as simple as you'll ever see but yet some of the most brutal exercises around. Doing rollouts with the Ab Wheel is no joke and will build muscle in the entire core along with strengthening the back, arms and shoulders. The step-ups are crazy in themselves because you're constantly quickening your feet up and down at a steller pace. I've done more than 5 minutes of this exercise and was dying so imagine doing that for more than a freaking hour.

You can do Step-Ups from virtually anywhere there is a step or stairs. Ab Wheels are great but the ultimate wheel is the Power Wheel from Lifeline. You don't just have to grip the handles, you can place your feet into the straps and can do all sorts of stuff that even the legendary wrestler would be impressed by; walk on your hands, do push-ups, pull-ins, hamstring curls, jumping push-ups and so much more. This device alone targets the core unlike anything else and makes machines look weak.

Backlund's best records with these exercises from what I read was 2800 Step-Ups (1400 per leg) and 700 Roll-Outs. That's seriously impressive don't you think? Although he did do other stuff to stay fit these 2 were his golden boys. So next time you want to get in a good workout, do 100-200 Step-Ups & 20+ Roll-Outs and see how you feel the next day. That's the thing I love about the old-timers, their training was off the chain and were revered as legendary and have been used to test guys who were tough enough. I practiced a good deal with the Power Wheel before I came up to Idaho and did stuff off and on in the few years since. Walking on my hands is my favorite exercise, second would be the roll-outs, those kill me every time. Here are a couple of videos of Backlund doing these exercises for your enjoyment.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Train To PLAY!!!

I know what its like to push past limits, do crazy challenges and just overall have a hardcore mindset. I've been there and I've done it but the fact of the matter is none of it matters if I don't play with what I do. People become so confined to a one dimensional idea that they forget there's options to where they can do things that do't require that hardcore mindset to train to be beastly.

I like to think of myself as a Three Dimensional fitness enthusiast; practicing various things because my brain is hot-wired that way....Gymnastics, Animal Movement, Sledgehammer Striking, Isometrics, Swimming, Sprinting, Stretcher & others. Its not that i'm obsessed with exercise, I find it fun and enjoyable, if i'm not interested in something, I find a way to be interested in something else. People like to do one particular style where it's Crossfit, Zumba, Aerobics, Weightlifting, Bodyweight for MMA or whatever. I'm all for those who engage in exercise that keeps them active but on the other side of the coin, I feel bad for those that don't like what they do or get bored but keep doing it anyway. You're not meant to train like a Zombie or act like one in your training. Adventure is the name of the game here; PLAY with your exercise.

The foundation is just pure movement. Create scenarios, games & just live it out. Some like it structured and that's cool, no harm in that but at some point there might be that "F*ck it" moment where you just want to be free and make stuff up just to get your brain cells going. I'm constantly doing different things; I test out routines for days or weeks at a time but I always end up just free balling and making things up as I go because that's where I find myself in my best state of mind. Most of the time its pure bodyweight but I might have an idea in my head on just doing cables that day or hit the tire every 4 days with Big Bertha (59 lbs. Epic Sledgehammer). I don't limit myself because if I do, I not only lose out what's fun but I become cranky and out of whack.

When you invest in Playful Movement as I like to call it, it gives you freedom to do what you want and practice awesome things without needing to go beyond your limits and just be happy. Playful Movement is the practice of moving with a playful physical and mental idea in freedom. Always find a way to play.

***Looking to invest in losing weight & gaining energy in the process check out my Weight Loss Bundle where you can get a healthy snack on the go, a month's supply of Shakes & Slim products plus Healthy Capsules to help ease cravings and trim your waistline. Each month use a different supply of Meal Replacement shakes. I suggest you make an annual purchase instead of monthly to help your budget. Five Extra Workouts will be included to help shed those pounds with fun filled exercises based on a Superhero Theme I'm personally holding. Both men & women will benefit greatly from this. Each purchase will be donated a small percentage to the folks who have made these workouts possible.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Isometrics & It's Value In Fitness

Off and on for over a decade I've dabbled in Isometric Training to help carry over to other areas of strength that I do including various feats like Steel Bending & Phonebook Tearing. This type of training for the most part is one of the most valuable yet neglected because when you normally think of Isometrics it's usually something out of yoga poses or doing a plank but in reality it's one of the toughest areas of strength training period. To learn more on the specifics check out this course.

I'm here to talk about it's value and its importance especially in today's fitness circles. On the deeper level very few people know what Isometrics truly are but that's not their fault. Fitness companies and other areas try to disprove it because it's believed it doesn't hold true value for real strength (which is ironic because most fitness areas have nothing to do with strength) which is quite a shame. Isometrics build not only real muscle but dense hardened muscle due to the amount of contraction needed in order to really have it be effective. There's two types of Isometrics; one is short burst contraction where you flex a muscle for a period of near max power at no more than 10-12 seconds, the second is coined Aerobic Isometrics where you flex or push/pull at smaller intensity for a longer period of time say 30 seconds or more. Which one builds more muscle? It depends on the objective but overall you're developing muscle from another perspective while working the tendons at another level as well.

There's literally countless ways to do Isometrics and can be used in practically every single type of exercise. BTW its nothing new either; it has been used for centuries in various ways from the ancient archers to the NASA Space Program and beyond. Some of the strongest men on the planet used Isometrics to develop strength for specific feats. It's even used in Bodybuilding because of the posing these guys do. I prefer however the type that those from the earlier 20th century used Muscle Control in an Isometric format, flexing specific muscles to contract and relax at a more rapid level.

It's very powerful and can aid in those who have trouble getting over plateaus in their program. I specifically used Isometrics to enhance my strength in pull-ups, feats of strength & even my Animal Movements. I wouldn't be in the state i'm in if it wasn't for this type of training. My neck bridges are a form of isometrics, holding various qi gong poses are Isometric. It's not always about what exercise to do, its the controlled contraction that you start in your mind and working your to the muscles. Yes that sounds weird but its more true than you'll believe. Isometrics have been used not just in fitness but in other areas like in the movies for example in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back when Luke is in that handstand using the force to channel his body to levitating the rocks and even Aretoo; that's a Isometric Exercise. How about like in Man Of Steel where Superman had to hold the beams of that building in the middle of the ocean to save those workers from being crushed; that's a mega extreme form of Isometric Contraction. You see even something as awesome as those are inspiring to me that this type of training has value in ways most don't ever realize.

Superheroes use this type of training whether it's actual training or not, athletes use it, strongmen use it, bodybuilders use it, yogis use it and many others. You never know what you'll find on it until you have read, observed and done it. I have even used it to strengthen my legs after my accident. It develops wonders you didn't think were possible and imagine the dense muscle you can have and the fat that burns really fast doing this correctly. It is not just a form of training it is a very tough skill to practice but its fun and you can create any workout you want around it. For the most part, Isometrics hold the key to real strength most consider to be untouched and have yet to truly discover.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Animal Exercise Under Two Hours Per Week

Getting back to doing Animal Movements in the last few workouts has become quite fun and accelerating. Being able to move in different positions on a constant shift helps develop the body and mind in another style. 10-20 min. a day is all that is really needed. Start out 3x a week to build a level of strength & endurance. Some of the exercises require some flexibility but with practice you can get some pretty awesome stretching. Some people don't do no more than 5x a week on this specific routine and that's ok.

You don't need endless hours of training in order to get fit. People have to work for a living and have other responsibilities yet there's no excuse you can't train under 30 min. a day; 10 min. would be enough for most people. Advanced can do 20 min. or longer depending on the day you do them. I recommend more of a spread of Greasing The Groove; training periodically throughout the day a few minutes here & there. Keep it to where you go after a daily goal of doing your workout as long or short as needed. Animal Exercise overall won't take you very long because of the constant movement and multiple muscles you use in a particular exercise.

Make it work for you and you will be in shape in no time.

Animal Kingdom 1

Animal Kingdom 2

Animal Flow 2.0

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Insane Conditioning For An Insane Life

Doesn't that title sound freaking crazy? Who knows but to me depends on the definition. I'm a believer in being fit and well conditioned. When it comes to Physical Appearance, I want to look a certain way but over the years its not that big of a deal to me. I live a simple, easy going life. I may spend a lot of time sharing stuff with you guys but in person, I'm actually quite private and have a few friends. I train hard at times and I train like I'm doing nothing but always doing something. My insane life is basically not all that insane looking but you haven't been around me.

It's not a crazy idea to be awesomely fit for any occasion; have enough energy to play with the kids, go swimming when its warm out, play catch with your buddies, help out family moving stuff & even have a little fun in the sack with your girl or man. That's the mark of being well-conditioned. If you get tired too easily just walking up a flight of stairs you got some issues. I believe in being shape not for the sake of looking like a Model but to be able to function in ways that are critically important in daily life from taking care of a baby to carrying groceries to even possibly saving someone. For me looking fit comes second or lower because its not about looks; you can look like a model any day of the week if you could do that but where does that really lead you? Sure it'll help with confidence and all which is always a good thing but not every attractive person is strong, full of energy and can even be mentally stable. 

Tip Top shape is a key to living a healthy lifestyle. It's not about being hardcore and thinking you're more fit or this much stronger than someone else no, its about balance, challenging yourself often but not too frequently, opening your mind to greater possibilities & building greater brain power. I love to train but also love to have fun. Being in shape has it's perks you may not even realize. Go outside the box and do things that isn't the norm. When I get a chance I smash a tire more than 1200 times with a 60 pound sledgehammer; most people would find that too weird or something someone should be put in the nuthouse for. Make your insane life a positive one and not to push the volume of your daily life but have a balance that works in your favor. Conditioning is your greatest asset.

Want to get in great shape while being on an insane budget? Trust me, not everyone can afford gyms or spas and get the results they want so one of the things I've used which I've mentioned in earlier articles is the Darebee Circuit Workouts. These alone can benefit you greatly using basic exercises, finding your level of fitness and ideals for programs, challenges and Training Plans. I've gotten crazy fit doing these and my favorites are the Superhero Themed Workouts. A lot of fun and most of the time very challenging but that's why i'm insane when I do these. Power up on these and you can't go wrong. If they're not suited for you, look for ideas on the blog or go to my website which is on the right hand side of this bad boy.  

Monday, February 8, 2016

Train Your Abs Like A Gymnast

There are a lot of programs out there that target the Abdominals but seldom do they target the actual Core, using the entire body with the focused purpose of all the ab muscles from upper to lower and the obliques. Most of these programs target only pieces of the abs or in other words Isolate. Only 2 other programs I know of really hit the Core with a vengeance and not just to shape the muscles themselves but to make them punch-proof strong as hell.

Our Core is the center of our physical structure and without proper training, the stabilizers will become very weak, our posture is horrible and we lose touch of that confident and powerful element of the way we walk and mobilize our body. In my years of study and training different styles, nothing has come close to utilizing the body as a single unit and not a bunch of muscles working one dimensional style. The body was meant to stabilize you in any angle possible and not only to hold ourselves up but to be able to move with confidence and true strength.

The strongest when it comes to Ab Strength are in Gymnastics & Cirque Du Soleil because in order to perform stunts, flips, the rings, handstands & even Cartwheels the abs have to be engaged at peak levels. I've seen both and have trained a little in Gymnastics almost a year worth and have practiced bodyweight exercise for over 10 years. It is one of the toughest sports I've been in next to wrestling and strongman. The stronger your Core is the stronger your whole body is. You don't need to train in Gymnastics or perform CDS in order to achieve great Ab Strength. Most ideals for Ab Training is based on merely repetition, multiple sets of crunches & sit-ups and only targeting certain Muscles; Gymnastic Abs goes beyond this. In order to make real progress its not about how many reps or sets; it's about staying in solid form on a consistent basis whether holding or doing reps. Just yesterday I did a full workout that included rocking, holding, lifting myself up and doing hanging knee pull-ins. Did only 1-2 sets of 10 per exercise but on the 2nd-3rd set I would hold the position for as long as I felt doing and most of the time it was tough holding the body in a position flexed the entire time.

I didn't do a ton of time but I put in a ton of effort because you can't be sloppy in these exercises or you will risk injury; you need to keep the body strong and solid in a flexed position whether holding or moving otherwise things don't work. When you engage the whole body you become one within yourself and controlling every muscle in order to perform the tasks acquired. I have never found a course that really hits the abs as hard as these, I've been through fast pace workouts that require plenty of ab work but never this solid where the whole body has to work in order to strengthen the abs.

If you truly want to get rid of that lousy gut, lose weight and build muscle all at the same time; get this course. It works wonders and can be used anytime, anywhere and can supplement any workout or added as a finisher. You can do these for 5 min. or 20 min. doesn't matter, practice at your own pace and progress little by little down to the smallest fraction.

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