Monday, May 15, 2017

Circuit Training & The Benefits That Come With It

Circuit Playouts go beyond just moving from one exercise to the other and moving as quickly as possible. The ability to train the body through different tempos and form is a top quality to acquire but at the same time, it's critically important to be aware of breathing and the speed to push through with the best intentions. It challenges your conditioning but it also challenges how you breathe and move throughout a single circuit to multiple rounds.

I have mostly done circuits in the 6-9 range of exercises and do my best to get in 5-10 rounds depending on my mood, the shape i'm in at the time and the difficulty the exercises are. If you're an athlete training for a sport say like MMA, Wrestling, Football, Hockey; you want to be able to move as quickly as possible with limited rest periods between circuits and be able to withstand even great stress. What this teaches is that if you can push through a tough circuit multiple times with very little rest, you can handle extremely well in a competitive environment. However, not all of us can have that luxury because for the average person, pushing that hard can lead to many physical problems and your oxygen levels become more depleted than accustomed to over time.

I believe circuit training can be very beneficial but for the sake of health purposes and a goal to build up strength & endurance over time, its important to focus on the 3 main factors to take on high levels of conditioning; breath control, muscular control (solid form) & tempo. If you move too fast too quickly, your body will shut down in a negative way and you'll need more time to recover, if you move too slow or the playout isn't quite right or not enough you won't make the progress you want. It's like the Goldilocks & The Three Bears concept, there's too much, not enough and there's that one that fits you perfectly. This is where experimentation and focus on how your body operates and is leveled to a particular easy or advanced playout.

Everyone is different so build up to what works best for you and adjust according to your level. On some days it's good to back off and do lesser rounds but on your energetic days you can go for as many as 10-20 rounds if you wish. I also believe in how your energy plays out in this type of training. Pushing to the absolute limit can really deplete your energy levels and you won't be boosting hormones at a great rate; matter of fact your hormones and testosterone levels can drop if you do too much. When your energy levels are leveled to where you can be energized during and after a circuit playout can have a great deal of benefits when done correctly. Circuits can be a powerful way to surge growth hormone, testosterone, strength endurance & energetic properties that lead to greater recovery and accumulate amazing muscle definition & natural muscle mass. It wouldn't matter if its weight lifting, bodyweight, cables or whatever; if you can use the energy to your advantage and use the right form of leverage to where you can be as strong going in as you are coming out of it you're still having a great deal of power throughout your circuit training.

Bodyweight circuits are the best in my opinion because not only can you do them practically anywhere but you learn the sensitivity at a greater rate of your body moves freely than by moving weights because with weights eventually you're moving with the weight instead of moving freely on your own. Be simplistic using pushing, squatting, ab play and some grip to get the most out of your training. You can supplement other exercises but stay with the fundamentals and you'll never go wrong.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

A Playout That Turns Boys Into Men & Little Girls Into Strong Women

Many playouts can be challenging and having variety brings a great element of using your brain and your nerves to take in strength & endurance you didn't realize you had. To me such a playout is using a simple deck of cards that can be done in a variety of ways; you can go fast, go slow, do holds, modify and utilize different variations to your advantage and fitness levels.

A awesome playout with the deck of cards is just doing Hindu Squats & Hindu Push-ups. Just these two alone can get you in awesome shape and give you a level of conditioning second to none. The idea of this one is to beat the deck and go a little faster beating it each time but unless you're a pro athlete (Pro Wrestler or someone in Combat Sports specifically) you can only go so fast until you start to lose form and stop focusing on the breathing, the technique and paying attention to the body inside and out. At one point in time for a while I was doing 400 Hindu Squats & 250 Hindu Push-ups at a time with the deck and that wasn't always the best thing for me and ended up hurting myself due to over excitement and adrenaline not paying attention to my body. It's a learning experience and doing that high of reps is a great accomplishment but there's more to it than just hitting those numbers.

You can put any exercise you want with your own deck but don't just do repetitions and thinking that's the best way to get stronger; there is a line you don't want to cross and it'll either make you or break you if you don't pay attention. The deck I like best is the one made for students of Matt Furey and the exercises are Hindu Squats, Hindu Push-ups, V-Ups & Tablemakers. These 4 are the foundation for Combat Conditioning and can be done in great ways that don't always require speed. There have been playouts with this deck where I didn't go for reps but counted breaths or seconds with each card and that becomes a whole other ball game. Doing them in Isometric Fashion develops strength from another universal element and creating power you didn't think existed. It gives that extra spring in your step and puts you in a state of mind that is blissful, peaceful yet excitingly challenging.

You don't need the Matt Furey Exercise Bible to do these 4 exercises, you can put them on any deck you choose but how you apply them for the best intentions is up to you. I mean just the other day I did a total of 300 Hindu Squats  and 100 Hindu Push-ups, V-Ups & Tablemakers each and felt like a million bucks. It never gets easier but it does get more interesting once you're consistent with it. You can make it the most challenging Playout of your life or make it to where its not that difficult but yet still feel great. Make it play for YOU!!!

If you can't get your hands on that specific deck, here is a place where you can pick your own deck and have at it.....My personal favorite deck is here.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Why I Don't Train To Failure

In the past, I have pushed myself in gym sessions and even during certain bodyweight training sessions to the point where I couldn't move anymore in a particular exercise so in other words trained to the brink of failure. I looked at that as a sign of knowing what it's like to have that warrior mentality and pushing through pain and giving it all I got. All it really got me was in fact pain, not sore muscles but actual pain and still feeling the effects of some of those sessions to this very day in places like my right shoulder, ankles & even my elbows.

Going to failure basically means you do so much until you can't move anymore in an exercise like the bench press, deadlift, push-ups, squats or whatever. You keep going until that last rep is so freaking tough, ever inch hurts and its the ultimate struggle. Many take this as a sign that it means you'll get stronger next time around. Don't get me wrong this is true to a degree but for overall development from my own experiences and being around others who've done it, it can actually weaken you because when you go that hard, you're not just stressing the muscles, you're also putting even more stress on the joints and ligaments and the chances of anything tearing are greater when you do go to failure workouts.

Going to failure depletes your energy both mentally and physically afterwards or even during on some occasions and when your energy is depleted, this can lead to a series of problems and can take you out for often times weeks for complete recovery. The type of training ought to be giving you or help conserve energy regardless of how strong you are. This mentality for going to failure is usually by hardcore fanatics either in sports or the gym or whatever it is they're training for. Me personally I can't afford to get injured or something worse because I do have a job, a house I take care of and need to pay for things to help stay afloat when its needed. When you're injured, you can't do the things you want to do, recovering from injuries can be unpredictable and if you have a job where if you're injured and can't do the tasks, you're not getting paid.

I don't train to failure because I need the energy to stay focused in what I need to do. I hate not being able to train and when you don't have the energy to play with your kids, can't squat without feeling some form of pain, not move with efficiency; it'll make you miserable. You need that energy from beginning to end so the very things that are important in your are possible to accomplish.

There is a fine line between a few aches but severe pain is a miserable thing to have. Training to failure breaks down the muscles way too much and the recovery time can take longer than you'd like it to be. I play with exercises every single day and have for nearly 12 years ranging from 5 min. to well over an hour and still have energy to do things with the people I care about. Be smart when you train and train to conserve energy whether you're a beginner or advanced do what's best for you and make the most of it without suffering the consequences of overtraining and putting your body at risk. The body can only take so much regardless of how you set your mind to. The idea is be as pain-free as possible and have strength during and after your playouts.

Playout, Don't Workout.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Does Your Energy Lack These Days?

Have you struggled just to get your ass out of bed in the morning?

Ever feel a slump in the mid afternoon or just after lunch?

Lack the energy at night because of sitting and binge watching?

The truth is, this a very sad reality for many people.

Because of this we take in way too much caffeine from coffee and other drinks just to fight this off. Don't get me wrong, its nice to feel a buzz but after a while but that tends to slip and drop hard and makes things worse for you than you realize.

Plus you're doing this just to get some form of energy going and feel like a young kid, all full of hyped up spring in the step and have that feeling like you can take on the world.

Sadly, this isn't really that normal as you'd like to believe.

Our bodies are meant to have a plethora of energy regardless of our age.

What gets it to disappear and decrease throughout time? There are more than just a single factor and here they are......

*Lack Of Sleep
*Hormones Are Imbalanced
*Problems In The Immune System
*Not Getting Enough Real Food
And so much more....

In Chinese Medicine, they talk about an idea of using Tonic Herbs. Unlike most medicine or other herbs for that matter, which the main purpose is to treat symptoms, these tonic herbs are meant to be designed for your health and support it in the best ways possible.

Your Root Energy & The Power It Contains

This amazingly POWERFUL formula can be taken everyday and the benefits just grow as you take it over time.

For that well-rounded approach that supports you deeply into the body, giving you energy that is packed with strength, check out the Phoenix Formula.

A mighty set of herbs packed into it such as Ant Extract, Pine Pollen, He Shou Wu & Shilajit work together synergistically to get you running and on the go.

What would it feel like to you to have energy that is 10, 50 or even a whopping 100% better than you can imagine and use it to get tasks done, play sports, be with your grandkids or better yet having that kind of energy with your spouse in the bedroom.

You don't need to take my word for it, just take a look at these amazing reviews on the formula that gave others something awesome

“I took this a few times off and on before realizing how much better I felt when I did take it. Six years of midnight shift up until my retirement left me exhausted and badly burned out, and this formula has helped my recovery more than any other sup I’ve tried.” – JC

“It’s like an energy shot. Working great for me.” – Inderjit

“I am on my second bag now, the results have been excellent…more energy and focus, better sleep and a nice libido boost.” – Bryan


“Love this stuff. Gives me the power I’ve been envisioning myself with in a balanced, holistic way. Def some valuable stuff as in incorporates all the right herbs in a good mix. Tastes awful but love the effects.” – Ryan

Forewarning, very much so it doesn't have the best taste in the world but only because it's not loaded with Sugar or Artificial Ingredients. All of that crap tends to create issues in the root as it is.

Just pure and wholesome awesomeness.

So why not join these 5 men and literally hundreds more that are living with universal energy full of abundance. Go HERE NOW!!! 

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

New Product Release Nettle Root Tincture - For Prostate and Hormone Health

There is something new out, and you may be interested.
It is Nettle Root Tincture, spagyrically prepared and wildcrafted from the coast of Oregon.

Nettle Root is first and foremost known for its amazing ability to help restore prostate and hormone health.

It makes you pee better! If you have any prostate issues, where the prostate gets enlarged and squeezes the urethra, nettle root has been shown to help in all of the different ways urinary health is measured.
Beyond the prostate, nettle root acts on the hormones in a variety of ways, which can be beneficial.
Yet it is not just for those with prostate glands either, i.e. men. Nettle root can be great for women too. Several herbalists use it for women in helping to bring their hormones into better balance too.

Considering that men over 50 years of age have a 50% chance of having BPH, and men over 80 have a 90% chance, nettle root is a much needed ally in our modern day life.

Nettle Root Tincture great for optimizing hormone health in men.

3-Way Support of Hormone Health
Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. While a limited supply of estrogen is necessary for men, most men these days have far too much. Sadly, some men have more estrogen than their wives! A number of compounds inside of nettle root have been shown to inhibit aromatization.Several other compounds like secoisolariciresinol, oleanolic acid, and ursolic acid have also been investigated for this ability.
Then there is sex hormone binding globulin or SHBG. Nettle root lignans, such as (-)-3,4-divanillyltetrahydrofuran, have been shown to interfere with the binding of SHBG to testosterone, the testosterone receptor, and the SHBG receptor.
Plus, nettle roots have been shown to have weak 5-alpha reductase inhibitor activity. This enzyme converts testosterone into DHT or dihydrotestosterone and levels of DHT that are too high are implicated in BPH as well as prostate cancer.

If you're looking to optimize your health this could be the thing you have been waiting for.

Grab your first bottle today and save $5 if you order before May 12th

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Free Acur-Ring Giveaway- While Supplies LAST!!!

Just got let in on a little secret!

Starting May 3rd the first 400 Orders will receive a FREE Acu-Ring from Lost Empire Herbs with Every Purchase!

What is an Acu-Ring you might ask? An Acupressure Ring is designed to massage out the tension in muscles and tendons in the fingers, and provides relief for fingers with stiff joints, poor circulation, or tiredness from repeated motions. It soothes sore joints, stimulates acupressure points, and relieves muscle tension.

Many of us use our fingers all day and often get cramps and maybe even stiffness. If this is you, you might consider taking them up on this offer and get your free Acu-Ring today.

Remember, this is a limited supply that will go fast! Act now!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Still Looking for the Perfect Mother's Day Gift?

In case you haven't already found the perfect gift for that special lady in your life(Mom), then there is something I want to share with you!

The Athena Woman's Formula is a strategically developed blend of 7 berries and herbs made specifically to help support healthy living for goddesses around the world!

For thousands of years, special herbs and superfoods have been used to give people an edge.

These herbs are taken long-term for radiant health in those cultures by many.

This new formula has been called “life-changing” by some.

What does it do?
Promotes More Energy*
Mental Focus and Clarity*
Supports Mood and Calms Anxiety*
Hormonal Support*
Metabolic Support*
Immune System Tonic*
Enhances Sex and Beauty
Supports Pre and Postmenopausal Symptoms*

and so much more...
grab a bag or two today $8 off (only $36.99 from 5/1-5/14), and don't worry this formula taste great too! A great addition to smoothies this time of year!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Rest Periods: How Long Do You Need Before The Next Set?

In my time of learning different forms of exercise, Playouts, programs & styles I have found that when it comes to rest periods, there's something bigger than you haven't completely seen yet. Most trainers would tell you that shorter rest periods are the key to developing muscles. In reality, its not good to generalize how often to rest between sets and not take into consideration what effects it has on the Central Nervous System.

You've heard of the tabata style HIT that is one of the biggest rages in fitness today or resting for no more than 30 seconds between sets. I'm going to tell you a hard to hear truth that will piss off a lot of people and hard to convince public on actual rest between sets or exercises......

Your body can only push so hard during an exercise and if you're told to go hard and then rest for an equal or shorter amount of time, that can create greater harm on your body than you can realize. That no pain, no gain line is bullshit plain and simple. If you're in pain during your training, you are doing something very wrong or you are forced to keep going even though your body can tear a joint or even worse break a bone in the process. If you're highly conditioned and your body can handle the stress, sure shorter rest periods can be ok but you at some point need to let the body recuperate. This isn't the military or training for competition and that's where many trainers are so damn stupid that they have convinced people to use this mentality.

Let me ask you something...Have you ever thrown up in a workout, passed out, bled, felt dizzy or felt that your energy is flat out gone somewhere between when you started and ended a session? I have done at least 4 of these things in my lifetime and its not worth your life to be in those situations. Its really about how an individual can truly recover and be efficient in their next set of exercise because here's a fact, if you're sloppy at any time during your session and you keep going, your body will give you a hard lesson in what its like to feel pain in places you didn't think pain existed in. If you rest too early, your energy can be depleted and you can lose the ability to recover at an optimal rate, however if you're too late to recover you're not giving the body the fuel it needs to feel the muscles. There has to be a balance there.

Here's an example of what i'm talking about; Hill Sprints: A powerful exercise where you run up a hill as hard as you can and then walk down the hill and repeat until you have done the allotted amount of sprints. The recovery process aught to be enough to where your breath is at a solid level and breathe deeply and calmly; if you haven't recovered enough, your run will deplete your energy levels and your speed will become way too slow and nowhere near the level you want it to be. Your recovery is what brings in highly oxygenated blood to your cellular tissue and builds up your hormone levels. Think of it this way, when you swim and come up for air, if you're not breathing effectively coming up and back into the water, you will be depleted and you can drown; same thing with exercise, if you can't recover you won't be efficient and you can get hurt or worse end up in the hospital with heart problems, kidney failure, floppy limbs and your chest will feel like a crowbar is hitting it every time you take a breath.

Rest is needed to get the most out of your session, the more conditioned you are, the greater your capacity is and resting at times mean just taking a few breaths and you're good to go, its all in determining what your level of fitness is at. When I do sprints, I use to do the 30/90 protocol which is better than the 30/30 or less concept in my opinion. There were times where I needed about 5 minutes or more to get into another set and be effective, others it could mean just a few breaths but I never truly bought into what someone else said because I'm very intuitive and have an understanding of my body and what I need to do to be great in the exercises I perform. Somebody can give you ideas and give you tips but in the end, it should come down to how much YOU need to be at your best. When it shoved down your throat, you can rest (no pun intended) assured that they're not looking out for your best interest. Most trainers today don't really know what the hell they're talking about and when you teach something you read out of a textbook more than teaching them to be intuitive they're not a real trainer. Through trial & error, mistakes & learning from others in the last 2 decades of being around fitness I can tell you first hand is that the more intuitive you are, the better.

A trainer ought to help students learn to rely on themselves and pass on knowledge that will give them a greater outlook that teaches about how to avoid injuries, utilize the ins and outs of being at your best from start to finish and teaching the value of recovery. I have exercised everyday for nearly 12 years, fought a few minor injuries and pushed myself in ways many can never understand but because of those experiences I have learned how to use my rest periods and be at my best whether it was for 5 minutes or more than an hour. Your rest is the key to how you perform at an optimum level. However long you rest is up to YOU not someone else.

Herb Of The Day: He Shou Wu

He Shou Wu is taken in order to slow down ageing, nourish Jing, strengthen knees, lower back, bones, muscles, tendons and fortify the blood.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Root Bodybuilders Wish They Knew

I don't know if you knew this but bodybuilders are quite often on the verge of being the cutting edge of Nutrition. They don't just do whatever it takes to get ahead of the game like injecting and pumping themselves full of illegal drugs like synthetic steroids, they're also gunning for what's even better. For those that choose to not go to the dark side it becomes an even greater importance.

If you dig deep enough in the Bodybuilding World, you'll be hearing about all kinds of natural herbs that very powerful effects. One of those mighty herbs is called the Maral Root. Its name comes from a kind of deer called the Maral Deer that feed on it. To be specific, the male would battle another male during the mating season, then it would dig out the roots, eat them and restore its strength. The Locals noticed this odd behavior and started using the roots themselves for the following reasons:

*Recover Optimally
*Heal (Recover) From Various Ailments
*Last Longer In The Sack
*Improve Mild Depression
*Enhance Or Even Increase Memory
*Greater Work Capacity
*Increase Adaptogenic Properties
*Enhance Anabolic Properties

In Russia, it is prescribed to their athletes to aid in recovery from intense training. Many people heard of the Chinese Olympic Athletes such as swimmers and those in track that won a ton of Gold Medals used Cordyceps. This wasn't the ONLY herb that they ingested, they also took in Rhodiola, Eleuthero and of course Maral Root. Now what makes this root so damn POWERFUL?

It has quite a few different natural plant sterols that really do the trick. One such substance is called 20-Hydroxycdysone which increases what are called protein synthesis at the most cellular level in the body. This leads to greater muscle tissue. Maral Root also has what are called ecdysterones, a hormone that is usually found in insects and crustaceans, not usually in us humans. This type of component has been seen to show many Physiological effects and could at least be partially responsible for its anabolic activity.

Monday, April 24, 2017

What To Do On Days If You Are Sore

When you've been roughed up in the gym or have gone through a particularly tough workout, you'll feel sore for a period of time whether it's a few days or over a week it happens. I've put myself through nearly 3000 Reps worth of exercise over the course of the last few days or so and yeah being sore at the moment is an understatement. Being sore isn't fun but it is a lesson and it doesn't mean you take a complete day off. With me there's no such thing but how do you handle yourself when this happens?

First off, being sore is a sign that your muscles have broken down and the muscle fibers need the chance to reproduce and grow with greater muscle density so for your next training playout you'll be stronger. Sore however is not the same as pain, that's how a whole other sport basically, it takes longer to come back from pain than it is being sore. Now what options do you have? Unless you're a professional athlete, being sore means you need to lay off the typical intensity you use and focus on taking in some good stretching, deep breathing, some Isometrics and practicing very low impact exercise.

These are just ideas but to get the full benefit you must find that form of recovery because not everyone recovers the same way. When I have sore days, I like to do Animal Flow, where the intensity isn't very high but I do feel it and I'm getting stretched. DDP Yoga is another great option, don't need to do a full hour of ass kicking training but do enough to where it feels really good, your body is being lengthened and you're getting your heart rate up. If you do or attempt the same intensity while you're sore, you're risking breaking up more muscle tissue and not giving it a chance to grow and you'll end up more than just pulling a muscle, you could tear something or worse. Your body needs a chance to grow muscle and letting it do it's job. I've gone through days where I was sore and just kept pushing and I paid the price for it, I ended up with a minor injury to my shoulders and wrists because I didnt allow my body to do it's job.

Many people believe being sore is like having a badge of honor, it's not fun at all and on days where you're so sore you can barely get out of bed there's something wrong there. Some have gone to such extremes (crossfit anyone?) that being sore means nothing but something to push past and get that through the session; when that happens, your body can only be pushed so far until you finally end up in the hospital over stupidity and paying out the ass for torn muscles, a ripped tendon or worse a broken bone regardless of where it is (I've had broken bones so don't even try to argue with me). I do believe however that being sore doesn't mean you should stop training, just lower the intensity and letting your body heal and repair itself so when you go hard again, you'll be at a higher level than the last time.

Many times when I was sore over the last 12 years or so, I practiced Chi Kung; doing different styles, holds, hand movements and loosening the joints, this gave my body the ability to recover faster and always came back stronger and had a greater mindset and will to reach a goal or at times go beyond it or close to it. Recovery is the opportunity to give your body a chance to bring it to optimum levels of intensity, endurance and strength. Sore does not mean give up, it just means back off a bit and letting things breathe and rest.

Be safe while you train and always have a blast. Recover with the best intentions and be on a mission the next time.

Today's Herb, Titan Post Workout Formula

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Shed Fat Using Isometrics

Having some fun lately doing Isometrics, particularly Free-Handed Isometrics (Pitting Muscles Against Each Other) to put on some definition and shed off unwanted fat from certain areas. By far when it comes to safety and developing lean muscle within minutes a day, this is one of the top methods if not the best in fitness.

I've been doing them off an on for practically a decade and they are an ultimate method to train anywhere and anytime. So how does this method shed fat quick or in better terms burn it like Firestorm from Legends Of Tomorrow; well you create the contractions internally and flex a specific muscle or muscle groups and as you contract, you do so as hard as possible for around 7-12 seconds. When you relax the muscle after hard fought flexing, you bring in fresh blood into even the smallest capillaries in your body which in turn brings highly oxygenated blood into the streams and hits the muscle fibers at their highest peak.

The fat shedding is when you hit the muscle hard and bring in fuel for the muscle fibers and as they contract they send shock waves through your system and hence hit the fat in those areas so hard they are practically getting stabbed to death. This is from my experiences with this method, i'm not a physiologist or kinesiologist. This form of contraction and relaxation creates denser muscles which gives the fat a non-fighting chance. When you have denser muscles, you have greater definition and your ability to create testosterone & HGH goes up big time.

This method is a great way to build muscle control and enhance your abilities to flex and relax at will and bring in fresh blood with every Play(Work)out that gives off signals that says "Fat, you're no longer welcome here, get out or learn the hard way." How long can you do this method per day to get great results? It depends on the individual and what they're looking for plus some people burn fat faster than others and the metabolism comes into play in the individual differently. With any means, this is one tough and awesome way to train and you only need maybe 10 minutes or less to get in an awesome Playout. Does this mean they're also good as stand-alone? For some yes due to lack of movement or have had previous injuries and its the best they can do at the time but for the rest, its important to add movement, HIT Playouts, Calisthenics, weights or whatever gives you benefit for moving.


For great Isometrics to build a strong spine and overall body awareness, learn the bridging exercises here...

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

What Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You To Think About

We’re bombarded with their messages every day.

Their ads are filling our airwaves as we have the TV blaring at home.

They make it seem so normal. Like every person needs some concoction of artificial ingredients and frightening drugs that someone cooked up and put into a capsule.

So, you’re hanging out on the couch, watching your favorite TV show. You’re glad to finally be able to relax after another long day at work.

Then they cut to a break, and of course….the commercials come on. A routine you’re all too familiar with.

Images fill your screen of an attractive, yet detached woman sitting by herself - directing her melancholy gaze out the window.

You can’t help but watch, and you start to empathize with her.

I mean, we all feel like that sometimes, right? Detached and melancholy.

Then….the story shifts as they introduce the clever name of some new pharmaceutical.

The screen now shows images of the same woman strolling down the sidewalk with a smile on her face. Now she’s holding hands with her good-looking husband and adorable kid. They all look SO happy.

This could be you, right? This could be just what you need to feel alive again.

You start to wonder….

“Do I need this drug too? Is this what my life’s missing?”

...then the “fast-talking disclaimer voice” comes on and tells you that if you take this drug you might have side effects of “weight gain, diarrhea and vomiting, depression, thoughts of suicide, hypertension, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke or even death”.

The list goes on forever.

If you’re anything like me, this is the point where you snap back to reality, and start to question how a drug with that many frightening side effects could possibly be the answer.

Yet, with all the advertising these drugs are more popular than ever!

Of course, some people need a few of these drugs, but most of them just mask problems instead of cure them.

Some of them are even designed to keep you sick.

As overdoses from all kinds of prescription drugs become one of the most tragic epidemics we’ve faced as a nation, you have to wonder why these toxic substances are so prevalent in our society.

It’s become clear that if we want real control of our health…

...we need to stop relying on Big Pharma’s expensive and dangerous concoctions that are designed to only mask our problems - and keep our bodies addicted and anxious for the next dose.

What we really need are natural solutions that actually support our bodies to work the way they were beautifully designed to.

I started looking into it - there must be a place where people live long, healthy lives without relying on medication.

As I got more and more curious, I started looking into Eastern and South America medicine. I really wanted to figure it out!What are they doing in other countries that we aren’t doing here?

It was obvious, they had some secret I didn’t know. That secret was leading to happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives, almost totally free of pharmaceuticals.

That’s why I was so relieved and grateful when I found Lost Empire Herbs.

Lost Empire Herbs is on a mission to give EVERYONE access to high-quality Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Western herbs and formulas that support your body’s ability to produce its own safe, natural hormones and enzymes, allowing it to heal itself from the inside out.

These guys have done their research - they’ve tapped into some of the oldest natural secrets to living a physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy life.

They have formulas for both men AND women, and they have a number of highly specialized blends that can:
Enhance libido / sexual function
Boost energy and endurance
Provide mood support
Provide menopausal support
Promote brain health / improve memory and cognition
And much more!

At Lost Empire Herbs, they’re committed to researching the safest ingredients, seeking the highest-quality sources, and personally testing the best blend ratios of the highest potency herbs…

...and they do it all to produce the maximum desired results possible with NO side effects.

I haven’t even gotten to the best news yet….

….April 12th - 18th Lost Empire Herbs is holding their much anticipated annual Tax Refund Sale, where YOU can get a 15% discount storewide!

I’m not kidding! When you enter the code “TAXREFUND” at checkout from 4/12 to 4/18 you’ll get 15% off all purchases.

I hope you take advantage of this awesome opportunity to support this amazing company and get your body back on track to healing itself.

It’s time to toss out Big Pharma’s expensive, addictive, and all-too-often deadly cover-up pills out the window, and let your body do what it was made to do.

P.S. Don’t forget - coupon code “TAXREFUND” for 15% off sitewide will only be good until 4/18, so head over to Lost Empire Herbs now to check out their incredible selection!

Monday, April 17, 2017

The Problem You Don’t Know You Have

We need to talk about a problem that is affecting you and so many others in this modern world of ours.

It’s a problem you probably don’t even know you have….but I can tell you that it’s the underlying issue behind your unwanted weight gain, moodiness, fatigue, and lack of libido.

Your problem is Hormone Imbalance - and here in our western culture, it’s not an easy fix.

Many people shell out thousands of dollars for painful, unsure, and time consuming hormone replacement therapies that just don’t do the trick.

But there’s no question as to why people go to such great lengths to combat Hormone Imbalance….

….you truly need fundamental hormone balance in order to achieve overall health.

The balance of hormones directly affects how our bodies function. Balanced hormones translate into energy, weight control, sexual vigor, youthful appearance, recovery from daily stress and physical activity and overall sense of well-being.

Imbalance leads to fatigue, sleep disturbance, sexual dysfunction, depression, impaired immune function, chronic illnesses, disease, and ultimately, early death.

Chinese herbalists have an age-old secret that they’ve used for thousands of years for its infinite benefits….

….the western world is finally getting on board - calling it the superfood of the 21st century - and so many have realized its ability to balance hormones….

….Pine Pollen!

It’s Lost Empire Herbs’ most popular product, and right now they’re having their annual Tax Refund sale so you can get it for 15% off! Just use code “TAXREFUND” at checkout.

Not only is Pine Pollen a great, natural way to boost energy and help balance hormones, it is also an aphrodisiac, and even supports hair and skin health!

In China, it’s considered a beauty tonic for women. Several of its compounds support both elastin and collagen, so it can be applied topically for radiant skin.

If taken orally, its wide variety of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants will help support your overall health.

I’m so excited for you to save big, and to see for yourself how Pine Pollen can drastically improve your health. Use coupon code “TAXREFUND” when you checkout.

This is a STOREWIDE sale, so to take full advantage of this awesome 15% discount, be sure to check out ALL that Lost Empire Herbs has to offer.

Don’t forget! Use coupon code “TAXREFUND” at checkout to get a 15% on all of their products!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hill Sprints: It Does A Body Good

The ultimate form of explosiveness and speed is through Sprint Training period. The funny thing is, you can do all sorts of exercises to play with that will give enormous fat burning effects but the cream of the crop, the big cheese and James Bond of all exercises to burn fat faster than the wicked witch screaming "I'm melting" is hitting Hill Sprints.

The very best athletes on the planet have used Hill Sprints to generate incredible speed, power and explosiveness. To name a few, Ricky Henderson, Marcus Allen, Kurt Angle & others. These types of Sprints are only done a maximum of 3x a week and within a short amount of time, you will burn flab like no tomorrow, have incredible surge of testosterone, recover with greater ease, sleep like a log and have an appetite that would make strength athletes blush (last one was slightly exaggerated).

Because of the way gravity works, the best way to keep solid form as you speed up the hill is stay leaned forward and bringing them heels to that ass. This will help you move with an extra spring and help prevent injuries. I use to do Hill Sprints for weeks nearly months at a time and always felt amazing each session. You don't need to do that many to get the full effect. Doing no more than 10 at 30 seconds per sprint is enough to really kick start your hormones. When you combine this type of training with a solid foundation of healthy foods and (optional) supplementation such as Pine Pollen, Muscle Gain, &/or Titan Post Workout Formula, it will make you feel like a young kid again.

Take a cold shower after session and burn even more calories; think what that can do to shed unwanted pounds, burn fat like butter to a hot plate, grow muscle like a sprinter and have energy that would make friends jealous and your woman or guy wanting you more because of your stamina in the sack. Believe me when I tell you it is the fastest way to burn off fat and you'll be doing far more recovery than running. The recovery should be up to 3x or longer than the sprint time because your body builds up an insane amount of lactic acid that needs to fueled by fresh blood that is being rushed throughout the body, get rid of bad cells and strengthening your tendons.

This is the season to get into Hill Sprints and if you don't have one, sprint on a field or track. Get outside and run like the Flash.

Never forget to....Playout, Not Workout.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

9 Minutes Of Bliss

I told you yesterday about the Playout I've been experimenting where I do 200 Total Reps of Neck Resistance Exercises, DDP Yoga & the 2 Bridges at 3 min. Each. Here's a little add on with the Bridges......

When I want to get that full on Endorphin High and my body is at its core with the breathing, contraction and relaxation into total bliss, I turn to the bridge. What I didn't tell you is that during my DDP Yoga Play is that during towards the end, DDP has you doing a series of exercises, 2 of which are the hip bridge & the cannonball hold. Me liking to spice things up, I switched from the hip bridge to the Gymnastic Bridge where I get the full benefit of strengthening my spine and strengthening my arms and legs, not to mention lengthening the torso to get rid of excess flab on the obliques.

I would hold the Gymnastic Bridge a few times during this ending of the routine (Only for a few seconds) and sometimes my heels are up, at times their flattened, both are very beneficial. Bridging is a powerful element in developing strength and flexibility in the best ways possible. Bridging has been my go to Isometric Exercise and have done quite a few variations to tell you that the more challenging the bridge variation, the more fun.

So what do I mean by 9 minutes of bliss? Well after finishing my playout with 3 minutes each of the front and back bridge, I'm blissed out for quite a while the rest of the day. However that's only 6 minutes so how does 9 fit in the picture? Before I jump into a cold shower before bed, I cap off the the night with one more 3 min. Back Bridge to get a great stretch and power up my neck before heading into dreamland. This has helped me sleep a bit better than usual and helps me be more relaxed and calm during sleep. So there's your 9 minutes, 6 minutes during first playout and capping off the night around 10pm with one more 3 min. bridge to get that high to help me sleep.

For more info on developing a strong Bridge, hit up Advanced Bridging and learn the mighty keys to a strong neck, flexible spine and powerful & functional body that will burn fat, build muscle, strengthen tendons, harness strength from the inside out and learn specific skills that are not only impressive but a lot of fun.

P.S Don't forget to....PLAYOUT, NOT WORKOUT

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