Showing posts with label Efficient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Efficient. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Healing Up Well

 Training to get back to your full strength is never easy and can be frustrating because you're at limited capacity. Some of the simplest tasks can be difficult but you push through because you don't to just lay around and not do a damn thing. With the way my hip has gone, it's healing up pretty damn well. Been seeing a chiropractor and going for a few more adjustments and had a massage yesterday which really loosened everything up.

Little by little I'm doing what is helping with recovery like the Isometrics, Stretching, Step Ups, some Crawling and other things. Yesterday, I did some sledge striking for the first time in a while with my 31 lb Giants Hammer, getting in 120 reps. Could easily do more but didn't want to push it any further than I had to. I felt it for sure but I wasn't in pain (merely discomfort). I expect things out of myself and not to prove how tough I 'am or trying to hide the pain but to progress little by little while being aware of what I can and can't do. Sometimes we push ourselves beyond what we know is right to do and rarely it comes out good, most of the time it ends up biting us in the ass.

It's not just knowing your limits either, it's about understanding them and finding ways to adjust so you can maintain or get better as time goes on. It's easy to act all macho and that pain is temporary and keeping that "pain is telling you you're not dead" mentality but unless it's under severe circumstances, for normal everyday life, there are ways to make the pain worse and add time onto it and not get rid of it completely. Learn the difference between pushing through pain as if your life depended on it and recovering so you can be efficient. 

My hip is getting better to the point where my flexibility is coming back and it's not shooting down my leg so much along with not being able to sit right. When you know things are working, it gets better as time goes on. When it's not working, you need to reassess so you can find the right "formula" for you to recover. Experiment and be aware of what feels right and what doesn't. We all recover differently and it's not a good idea to push the same direction of a method because some things don't work for certain people and injuries and pain tolerance is different. Work with your own style to get back to your strongest again without pain and suffering.

Train to be efficient, don't train to suffer more pain than what you're already dealing with because that could lead to problems not just in the physical but the mental as well. I know what it's like to be in pain but also take the frustration with that pain onto others which is never a good idea cause you might say things in the heat of a moment that can never be taken back. Pain can do a number on us and no matter how much we deny it, it can put us on a path that hurts others along with ourselves in the end. So train to get yourself out of pain so it doesn't cost you more time later. 

Keep being amazingly awesome and have a kick ass day.   

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

How Important Is Form Really?

One of the things I've learned throughout my fitness journey is to be in control of an exercise as much as possible. Making mistakes along the way through trial and error, it's important to understand that although form may not always be what makes or breaks you, it's the control that really pits the findings of avoiding getting hurt and getting injured. In some videos you see people making all kinds of mistakes and flopping around like a fish out of water and can't control themselves if they tried in a fucking boat. 

When it comes to exercises like Push-ups, how far do you go before you lose control of your form or better yet, how much control do you have over the amount of tension concentrated on the movement itself. For some, it doesn't take long before their arms turn to jello or they think that arching the back for a regular pushup is a good idea. Let me put it this way....This is a work of art and control, this is bullshit form and think this is in some way good for people.

In weightlifting or just typical weight training, control is a must otherwise something terribly wrong can happen, granted that the heavier you go, the greater the form and control but even then you can get hurt. Some bodyweight fanatics admire guys like Herschel Walker who's a genetic freak and has done hundreds to thousands of pushups, squats, situps and such a day for decades; the weird thing is, his form isn't always pretty looking and looks like he does half reps or TUT (time under tension) throughout the movements which has worked for him well and is still a hell of a specimen (despite having a few issues in the political arena these days) but those particular movements aren't always meant for people with different body structures. Hell even the Great Gama didn't practice the best form when it came to the Hindu Push-ups, Hindu Squats, Sapates and other things because the form and control was very different in order to work his body for a specific purpose, it sure as hell wasn't completely for health sake.

It can be stingy to how we control a movement and which muscles to focus into as we move throughout any specific exercise. There are certain things you can get away with but you can't teach people the same exact style as you because different body types come with different structed areas of the muscle groups, you can't teach a 6'6 man at 25 pull-ups the same way you teach a 5'1 75 year old granny, the mechanics yes, absolutely teach that area the best way you know how but the structure in order to perform pullups is different due to arm length, shoulder distribution, the control of the torso so it doesn't swagger and other things. 

Training is meant to help prevent injuries as much as possible, not to cause them. There are ways to train like a madman and not have as many injuries or if any if they can help it. We can't 100% avoid injuries from training, it's a part of the game and it's important to understand that no matter what we do, whether microscopic or something completely stupid, there is a chance of injury. However; if we practice our control and keep a solid focus on making a movement work to our advantage so the chances of injury are reduced, that's a far better option than just seeing how many reps you can do and think you won't suffer the consequences when your form turns to shit. 

That's one of the things I love to learn from guys like Matt Schifferle, his style of training is to put tension and control into every movement he does in order to make any exercise he does efficient and maybe not spectacular looking but solid enough to where the muscles are worked and it takes on a life of its own even at a low-skill setting. His books in particular like Overcoming Isometrics & Suspension Calisthenics give you an inside scoop to how you can practice controlling your body in order to make exercises effective to their highest degree. His style is more Low-Skilled compared to say someone like those guys from Barstarzz that at times are so advanced that an extremely small percentage of the population can pull it off. The hand placements, the straightness of the core, the curvature of the spine as it moves and the level of tension throughout the body is what will make or break you. 

Swinging a sledgehammer is another and it's going to tell you if you're in control or not. If you can barely swing it and your core is too loose, it's going to wreck your back and put strain on the hips, elbows and shoulders. People who work for a living with sledgehammers understand this as well and after many years, some are wrecked regardless because it is really hard physical labor. The point of this area is to understand what you are working with and learning the mechanics while training safely and effectively. As you can see here working with a near 73 lb hammer, I have to keep my body tight in many areas otherwise I'm risking serious back problems and greater chances of blowing a disk along with hernia problems. Also, I wouldn't be training with a hammer that big all the time. With a much lighter hammer, the mechanics are a bit different but the principle of keeping your body safe as you work throughout the movements is the key and to avoid injury whenever possible. I can do hundreds of reps if not up to a thousand or more with a 25 lb hammer and not get injured or have any serious issues but it's only because I pay attention to my body and keep on eye on being not so much stiff but keep control of how I move with precision and speed.  

Depending on the type of exercise you do (not kipping pull-ups or crappy form in olympic style lifting), keep control of your body and the movement you perform. Never take such a risk that it becomes a serious injury sooner rather than later. Like I said before, we can't 100% avoid an injury, but we can avoid them a good portion of the time if we learned control and utilizing the best form possible to make ourselves stronger, healthier and in far better condition than the person who can literally be going to the hospital due to stupidity more often than he is training. Be safe yet bold, strong with control and be amazingly awesome in the things you do. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Rest Periods: How Long Do You Need Before The Next Set?

In my time of learning different forms of exercise, Playouts, programs & styles I have found that when it comes to rest periods, there's something bigger than you haven't completely seen yet. Most trainers would tell you that shorter rest periods are the key to developing muscles. In reality, its not good to generalize how often to rest between sets and not take into consideration what effects it has on the Central Nervous System.

You've heard of the tabata style HIT that is one of the biggest rages in fitness today or resting for no more than 30 seconds between sets. I'm going to tell you a hard to hear truth that will piss off a lot of people and hard to convince public on actual rest between sets or exercises......

Your body can only push so hard during an exercise and if you're told to go hard and then rest for an equal or shorter amount of time, that can create greater harm on your body than you can realize. That no pain, no gain line is bullshit plain and simple. If you're in pain during your training, you are doing something very wrong or you are forced to keep going even though your body can tear a joint or even worse break a bone in the process. If you're highly conditioned and your body can handle the stress, sure shorter rest periods can be ok but you at some point need to let the body recuperate. This isn't the military or training for competition and that's where many trainers are so damn stupid that they have convinced people to use this mentality.

Let me ask you something...Have you ever thrown up in a workout, passed out, bled, felt dizzy or felt that your energy is flat out gone somewhere between when you started and ended a session? I have done at least 4 of these things in my lifetime and its not worth your life to be in those situations. Its really about how an individual can truly recover and be efficient in their next set of exercise because here's a fact, if you're sloppy at any time during your session and you keep going, your body will give you a hard lesson in what its like to feel pain in places you didn't think pain existed in. If you rest too early, your energy can be depleted and you can lose the ability to recover at an optimal rate, however if you're too late to recover you're not giving the body the fuel it needs to feel the muscles. There has to be a balance there.

Here's an example of what i'm talking about; Hill Sprints: A powerful exercise where you run up a hill as hard as you can and then walk down the hill and repeat until you have done the allotted amount of sprints. The recovery process aught to be enough to where your breath is at a solid level and breathe deeply and calmly; if you haven't recovered enough, your run will deplete your energy levels and your speed will become way too slow and nowhere near the level you want it to be. Your recovery is what brings in highly oxygenated blood to your cellular tissue and builds up your hormone levels. Think of it this way, when you swim and come up for air, if you're not breathing effectively coming up and back into the water, you will be depleted and you can drown; same thing with exercise, if you can't recover you won't be efficient and you can get hurt or worse end up in the hospital with heart problems, kidney failure, floppy limbs and your chest will feel like a crowbar is hitting it every time you take a breath.

Rest is needed to get the most out of your session, the more conditioned you are, the greater your capacity is and resting at times mean just taking a few breaths and you're good to go, its all in determining what your level of fitness is at. When I do sprints, I use to do the 30/90 protocol which is better than the 30/30 or less concept in my opinion. There were times where I needed about 5 minutes or more to get into another set and be effective, others it could mean just a few breaths but I never truly bought into what someone else said because I'm very intuitive and have an understanding of my body and what I need to do to be great in the exercises I perform. Somebody can give you ideas and give you tips but in the end, it should come down to how much YOU need to be at your best. When it shoved down your throat, you can rest (no pun intended) assured that they're not looking out for your best interest. Most trainers today don't really know what the hell they're talking about and when you teach something you read out of a textbook more than teaching them to be intuitive they're not a real trainer. Through trial & error, mistakes & learning from others in the last 2 decades of being around fitness I can tell you first hand is that the more intuitive you are, the better.

A trainer ought to help students learn to rely on themselves and pass on knowledge that will give them a greater outlook that teaches about how to avoid injuries, utilize the ins and outs of being at your best from start to finish and teaching the value of recovery. I have exercised everyday for nearly 12 years, fought a few minor injuries and pushed myself in ways many can never understand but because of those experiences I have learned how to use my rest periods and be at my best whether it was for 5 minutes or more than an hour. Your rest is the key to how you perform at an optimum level. However long you rest is up to YOU not someone else.

Herb Of The Day: He Shou Wu

He Shou Wu is taken in order to slow down ageing, nourish Jing, strengthen knees, lower back, bones, muscles, tendons and fortify the blood.

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