Friday, January 13, 2017

HIIT: The Ultimate Training Regimen For Quick Workouts

People want results and they want them NOW!!! That's the main ideal mindset for a lot of people that believe that if they go all-out hardcore they'll immediately get results by the end of the workout or the next day and if they don't they'll call a program fake or say it doesn't work. Training for results takes time and strategy. They're lead to believe that hardcore, back breaking workouts will turn them into a god or goddess and have them drooling over the belief that if you do their "superior" system they'll be your friend but if you don't they treat you like garbage.

I get it, I don't like long workouts either, a lot of times their boring to me. That's why I personally feel that High Intensity Interval Training develops the best results in the shortest amount of time. The thing to realize is though in order to get the results, you need to put in the work; there's a reason the Intensity is in the title. You put in the highest level of effort in a short span of time that can range from 10-30 min. The other great thing is that for optimal results you only need to do them three times a week at maximum, 1-2 days minimum. This leaves you with more time to do other stuff that goes on in your life; kids, going to school, building a family, being around loved ones and so on.

Personally I believe themed workouts bring out the best in you because it creates imagination, develops creativity and YOU can make it fun. That's why I put in the Superhero Workouts. These workouts are extremely intense, no more than 25-30 min. and I get to challenge myself while having a good time. There are many ways to do HIIT; you can do them with or without equipment, they can be done as a finisher or they can be done with a single exercise such as The Burpee. One of the very best forms of this training is by doing Sprints; you run as hard as you can for 30 seconds or less either on a track, field or hill or no more than 60 seconds in place, don't need to do more than 6 to start with and do a maximum of ten. If you read the previous article on the Workout I had done which is very advanced that's another idea too. It is the system that creates the most fat burning, hits those Fast Twitch muscle fibers like nobody's business, develops insane loads of natural HGH so forget Steroid injections and you get to burn calories during and hours (sometimes days) after a workout.

I like bodyweight workouts the most when it comes to this kind of training because they can be done practically anywhere, anytime. It can be done with weights too but unless you travel or have a home gym or go to a gym it can get rather difficult. Some of my old sprint workouts lasted no more than 10 minutes since all I did was run up a hill really hard and walked back down and repeated 4-9 times. Want to see that fat melt like Margret Hamilton, have a body that looks like it was carved from granite, a metabolism that would scare the hell out of family at gatherings and what about the ability to generate levels of hormones that hit your sex drive harder than an 18 year old regardless of your age or sex? Hell of an idea huh? Do some research on it, test it out for yourself and as you get better, be able to eat the things you love and burn it off. The better you eat the higher the results but you can still build a decent level of natural muscle mass (no to be mistaken with heavy bloated bulky muscle) while on your current eating habits.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Big Time Superhero Workout That Will Test Your Limits

I love the ability to see how far I can push my body. Not to the brink of failure of course but enough to where it gives me an ideal of being able to endure crazy intensity while managing to recover as best as possible. Last night I did that very workout that targeted every muscle and had it at a level of intensity that was new to me and taking on a challenge that just sparked a massive fire within me. The Superhero Workouts have now reached a new level of intense training that targets fat burning, muscle building, a powerful metabolism and generates an insane load of HGH. This is a highly advanced workout that takes time to build up to and is extremely challenging but it's fun and it doesn't take long.

Along with this Superhero Workout I added in a finisher that really tested my strength & conditioning doing one exercise that is a combination of 3 exercises utilizing the basic components of Pulling, Squatting & Pressing.

If you're up for a challenge, be prepared to get your ass kicked....

5 60 Sec. Sprints (In Place)

4 Circuits Of the Following....

20 Mountain Climbers (10 Each Leg)

10 V-Ups

10 Hindu Squats

10 Jumping Jacks

This first part of the workout alone is grueling. Take as much time as needed to recover. The circuit may not be much but once you get into the later rounds it hits you like Zeus' Lightning Bolt.

The Finisher is a workout based on Lifeline Fitness' TNT Cable Workout.

15 Sec. On/15 Sec. Off of a Curl/Squat/Press Combo. I used 80 pounds of resistance so it was near advanced level of weight used. I did this protocol for a total of 6 min. averaging 2-3 Reps per round.

You can see the 10 min. Version Of the Finisher here>>>

Have fun with this one and be on the look out. A big sale is coming at Lost Empire Herbs where you can save quite a bit on one of their most popular products. Details are soon to come in a couple days.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Better A Home Gym Than Going To One

Although mainly my style of training is Body-Weight, there comes a time to use Equipment every once in a while that is challenging, fun and full of possibilities. I have set up an area of equipment in our den where there's different types of Hammers, a Mace, Spikes to bend, Resistance Cables that can be used as any machine in the gym, a Sandbell and a (Sand) Kettlebell. You don't need a ton of equipment to get what you need out of it. They're merely options.

A home gym to me is a far better investment than going to a place down the road and have to follow certain rules in order to "enjoy" yourselves. The gym is great in some aspects; you get to meet people, listen to different types of music and have equipment at your disposal. However, many people aren't going to give you the space you need to train, you sometimes need to wait in order for someone to finish with a specific machine you want to work on, the music is presetted to specific music that the managers or owners wish to put on, a lot of the equipment is more machinery than old school barbells and dumbbells andfor the most part, you have to follow certain rules in order to keep everyone happy.

In a home gym, you set up where it's most appropriate for your place, pick your own music, the equipment is right there and you own it, make up your own rules and you get to do a workout within a few feet instead of having to burn gas and get stuck in traffic. I feel more at ease with my home gym because I get to tackle my own thoughts, my own motivation and I get inspired using my imagination. If there were any plans on going to a gym anywhere, I'd rather have it be old school where there's little to no machines, mainly free weights, kettlebells, pull-up bars, racks and mats to drop the weights on. Sure you only pay a certain amount a month at a gym but at the same time, you don't own anything there, you may get bickered at times for being at a station too long and you have to cater to other people's behaviors. A solid trainer doesn't spend much time talking to other people, is there because its important to him/her to work hard and make the very best out of what is useful for them.

I have no problem having a training partner from time to time but yet training alone and even better completely alone gives me an opportunity to be myself and train the way I want to, use the amount of time that is suited to me, use equipment that I love to use. If you're going to set up your own gym keep the equipment to a minimal such as....

Kettlebell (preferably a loadable)

Dumbbell (Preferably loadable)

Resistance Cables

Pull-Up Bar


Olympic Style Barbell Plates



All these can be put into a small space of a corner. Sure the more equipment you get the more space you're going to need so it's important to choose wisely unless you have a good amount of space for a backyard than go for it. All my equipment is in a maybe 4x4 space so that's small yet some of these puppies are huge.

By the way; if you're looking for good solid Kettlebells, feast your eyes on Onnit's Iron Man 40 lb. Kettlebell. This bad boy was made to motivate training to a very high degree. It is craftily made to enhance your imagination and make your exercises look even more bad ass. Looking for better quality Olympic Barbell Plates than look no further than Captain America's Shield Barbell Plates. These will inspire you to train like the good ole Cap himself and lift weight like an Avenger. Superhero Training is my big thing and if it came to Equipment I would use the types that have a Theme such as DC or Marvel. I swear by the Universe if there was a way to have a Darth Vader Kettlebell or Beta Ray Bill's Stormbreaker Hammer I would want those in a heartbeat. I can be very nerdy but I like being strong at the same time so you can have the best of both worlds. Having a Thor Hammer and a bigger hammer closely resembling an inspiring John Henry Mystique to it is already a dream come true.

Having themed like equipment just brings out that extra fire to train intensely and with an insane purpose. Who needs steroids when you can have a kick ass looking Hammer or Kettlebell resembling your favorite Superheroes. What if it was possible to have a hammer for women crafted like Harley Quinn's? How about a Mace with the head shaped like the Hulk? There are so many cool things that can be found and the best place for custom free weights to me is at You can't find many equipment of that caliber in a regular gym. Most people are afraid to touch a hammer or a heavy barbell. Having a Home Gym represents what you own and what makes you the happiest to train with and it belongs to you. Invest in a home gym, it works wonders.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Welcome To The New Year

It's 2017 and it's already off to a good start; no celebs are dead, Superhero Films are coming up and already have 3 weeks under my belt of Superhero Training. Mighty things are coming and hopefully this year will bring many new surprises, beautiful moments and kick ass stories that will live on for generations to come.

I already started my new year's resolution over 3 weeks ago getting back in my Superhero Training mode doing Sprints/Burpees, Circuits & Finishers marking a territory I haven't tackled in a long time. Deciding that during the winter, go into hibernation and build my Superhero Physique; in the spring start it off 2-3 times a week Hitting the tire with my trusted 30 lb. Thor Hammer then in the summer take on Big Bertha (60 lb. hammer) and do my damnedest to hit a goal of totaling 50 tons or more in a single workout (100,000 lbs.). Sounds impossible but you know, I believe I can do it.

Having a goal is always amazing and you do the best in your nature to reach that goal. If it comes up short, it'll suck for a moment but in the end, I'm taking on a task not many men will attempt and that alone gets me fired up. Imagine being able to lift and strike a hammer into the quadruple digits and totaling that weight at the end of a workout. Moving a hammer of this caliber takes strength and endurance that most would never believe can be done. I feel the need to do this not to boast or go on a rampage acting like a complete ass; it's to show that when you set your eyes on something and you keep moving forward with it, something is bound to happen.

People will get you down with the goals you set for yourself; many will criticize, call you nuts, tell you there's no way in hell you can do it. The only person stopping you from reaching your goals is the person you see in the mirror everyday. Words can be harmful from others but the real harm comes from not believing in yourself. Every new year someone sets a goal and bashes into everyone what they're going to do and set a huge expectation. Most people never exceed past a couple weeks with their goal because for one, they put too much pressure on themselves and two, they only saw a fraction of what they want to become and half-assed themselves into oblivion within a short period of time. This goal of mine is one of many this year, it is a feat I feel can be achieved, not just believe but actually feel. I've already got a total of over 70,000 pounds in a single workout done and I know that 100k is just within my grasp. Whatever goals you set, set them for yourself and don't let anyone get in the way of them because the more you go after your goals even in the face of negativity, the stronger you will become.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Why I love To Provide Resources

Over the years I have shared and promoted many different types of workouts, courses, supplements, books, games & many more different things. This aught to give you an indication of my personality, I don't believe in just one thing, I don't believe in force-fed training systems and I certainly don't believe in creating heat just to help make a living. People have different tastes, have different goals and have different aspirations as to what gives them hope of achieving amazing results so I do my best to bring you the best resources I can find and help you find top notch places.

I can be biased at times when it comes to certain types of fitness but in the long run it is important to give people the opportunity to change their own lives and help them and share with them what can be exciting, unique and jaw-dropping workouts and courses that provide the quality that I have personally researched and either attempted something or I see what certain things have done for people. I want people to feel good about what they find from me, sharing knowledge and helping them find something that suits their interests and not always using personal feelings towards certain things. I don't care about winning any awards, making a billion dollars (although that would add a little touch), if people like my stuff or not (just don't use to your own personal gain and spread stuff I wrote by making it your own) or that my opinions create a whirlwind of someone's existence; all I care about is that people enjoy my style and know that if there was a way to give them the best resources possible to search and learn what they would like to do or are interested in I will find it and if I can't that's ok.

I have no real gimmick or put on a freak show that is spectacular and has videos of heavy entertainment, I'm just me. Just a guy who loves fitness, is human enough to admit that I do have a small issue being on camera and talking to folks, doesn't hide who I'am and that I never BS anyone. I do however tell people at times what I want them to hear because I have hid my true personality on multiple occasions and that around certain people I do put on an act but in the end I'm still here and willing to help the best ways I  can. I don't truly believe in shoving down a product in someone's face acting like its the end all be all. There are certain things people have turned away from when I suggested a product or information about fitness styles and my blunt opinions about them and I'm cool with that. I offer a service to bring you top quality information and products from the biggest names I either know personally, corresponded with, love by reputation and because I do find them incredibly beneficial. I know I do get repetitive on a product or 2 but it isn't to force you to buy them or because someone told me to; its because I personally find it fascinating or have participated in specific forms of training that people can use to their own modifications and share it with the world.

When I show my true colors either on social media or in person; two things will happen, either you'll like me or you won't it's that simple. When I share certain sites, workouts & other courses, its for a purpose. Part of it is to make a living because we all do something to help pay the rent/mortgage but the other 95% is to just help others find cool stuff to give them the chance to find their niche in fitness and provide info that let's them know that they'll either take it with a grain of salt or think its a complete waste of time which does happen from time to time but those moments where you helped someone get fit and bring happiness into their lives through training; its the greatest feeling in the world to me.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Superhero Recovery Workouts

Even the very best superheroes need recovery time. Some heroes have tremendous stamina and the ability to heal fast yet all heroes max out at some point and need to recuperate whether its for 5 minutes or a whole week. Recovery is essential to muscle building and developing incredible stamina and healing muscle fatigue.

My superhero workouts last between 15-25 minutes worth of work but in between sets I do need to let my body "heal" or recover in order to be fluent and strong in the coming sets of Sprints/Burpees and Circuits. Sometimes I do deep breathing, tapping on certain muscles or joints to get some extra jolt, loosen up certain areas to keep from fatiguing and other things but on my of days; its mostly deep breathing, stretching and keeping my joints loose. I might throw in some Playful Movement or Animal Flow to get in some great agility and flexibility.

Doing recovery workouts is being very smart and makes you more intelligent than most people and not that I think people are very dumb but they don't realize how important recovery time is. Many have led to believe that if you train hard all the time your body will adapt and recovery is just a cool down. Believe it or not if you bust out too hard too often and with little recovery, that's where you can end up injuring yourself and risking tearing muscles and joints when it isn't necessary. That's where I feel pity for those poor souls who pop in those infomercial DVD's of workouts based on P90X, Tae Bo, Insanity, Jillian Michaels and many more. They don't teach recovery because that doesn't sell DVD's; hardcore workouts and having you keep going regardless of your form and safety is what sells and it's become a bit of a harsh reality when you can't think for yourself.

I believe in being as efficient as possible while bringing challenges and progression using simple tactics and strategies that give you the most benefit. I'm more self-reliant than anything else because it's more important to be an individual than be with sheep that follow orders. It's extremely easy to follow someone else in the sense where you can just follow along and do nothing but be ordered to do this or that. What I do my best to instill in people especially training my girlfriend is a basic foundation and progression system that does the best possible job for different individuals. I train her on sprints 2-3 days a week giving her an idea of what to shoot for and best to give her suggestions and ideals for being able to recover in the process because her work schedule is not the norm for most people. Everyone cannot work the same exact way because not everyone has the same schedule, body type, the ability to handle exercises the same way and definitely doesn't have the same exact progression speed and tempo. Some people need to recover longer, others may need some extra boosts because the amount of exercise is not enough to hit that threshold. I can take a beating in certain training aspects but like everyone else, do need recovery time that works for my level of fitness.

Train smart and train with the best effective ways because when you're at your best, you can create results within weeks instead of months or years. People think for the most part they're training the best because someone blindly told them it was the best yet after months and even years of kicking your ass to the ground and putting all your effort, nothing to show for it. You can do amazing things when you learn from the right people and learning how to combine things for your style because trying to be someone else or follow blindly someone else's program without thinking for yourself. This sounds like a contradictory to an article I wrote some time ago called Follow Blindly With Pride. What I was doing my best to teach wasn't about just doing whatever a program tells you to do, it was to give you an opportunity to learn but learn for yourself something you've never done before and see where it leads, if t doesn't work stop doing it. Recovery is a serious element to your success and it's worth more than its weight in gold than you've been led on about. Recover with the best intentions and you can't go wrong.  

Monday, December 26, 2016

Building A Superhero Physique

I'm not always about the aesthetics on fitness branding but at some point having a body that is considerably healthy and strong is essential. I'm not talking the bodybuilder look or having the physique of a male model but one where it's solid, powerful and you stand out. I like the build between Batman & Spider-Man which is a cross between a solid muscular frame and ectomorph features. If you're going to build a superhero body, the next thing to do is to do Superhero Training.

It's not easy work and it's not going to happen overnight especially when someone is my size at a solid 267 lb. frame at under 6'. That's where I believe having that look is more for fat burning and establishing powerful muscular entities similar to a fullback or a Tight End in Football. My training as of late consists of Sprinting/Burpees, Circuits & Finishers. Three times a week, I lay down a workout that is tough, intense, heart pounding and loading up on insane compound exercises that include Squats, Push-ups, V-Ups, Kicking, Punching & Mountain Climbers. The circuits range from 3-4:30 Total Minutes per round. The Sprints or Burpees last 30-60 sec. and doing 5 rounds of that total. Finishers range from 3-5 minutes at best using 2-9 exercises that are done for time example I did a superset of Sand/Steelbell 360's and V-ups; the objective is to do as many rounds as possible in allotted time doing 10 reps each (each way on the 360's).

  I don't do the same circuit or finisher twice, I change things up to keep it interesting but still as intense as my body can handle. The Sprints/Burpees change time every two weeks and once I hit the 6 week mark, i'll be sticking to 1 minute rounds of Sprints/Burpees and doing 10 reps each exercise doing a circuit of 4 and doing whatever finisher gets into my head. It's extremely advanced version of Sprint Training and it's not for the weak at heart, this will turn little boys away and have hardcore fanatics rush on in unless its too much for them. This is the closest to doing crazy conditioning for sports such as MMA, Football, Track & others without hitting that Pro status. A superhero takes training seriously and thrusts into the very depths of his/her abilities and take on challenges that would make the average person run for the hills and run for their lives. When you challenge yourself in ways that is unique and full of possibilities, you will find training to be something of a wild entity and doing something not many are willing to do.

Take it seriously but also have fun, use your imagination. Sprints can be done in many ways; running hills, on a track, in place or moving really fast in Battling Ropes. I prefer indoor sprinting due to the weather in my area and it works for me. After workouts I take a nice cold shower to help my muscles recover and eat a good portion of food from burning a ton of calories and continue to burn after the session is over. My physique will come in the coming months and during the Spring & Summer I'll be training with my hammers once every 3-4 days to build that powerful muscular frame and build solid tendon and grip strength that is functional and full of fat burning and building an insane metabolism. You can do Superhero workouts using weights but I do feel Bodyweight is better in the sense where all you need is YOU and it can be done anywhere and anytime. The hammers are just an added bonus or alternative in order to get fresh air, vitamin D and train differently with a zest for Norse Mythology.

Get Superhero Strong

Friday, December 23, 2016

Cold Showers Building Endurance

For a while now I've been experimenting the method of Cold Water Therapy mainly Cold Showers; yes even in the winter time when it's 20 degrees or lower outside. I've gotten to a point where I can get in and just let the cold water hit me and i'm talking as old as it gets and I mean FUCKING COLD!!! It forces your body to open up on the inside because in order to stay warm, the body burns calories from the trillions of cells rushing through the bloodstream thus when you are literally turning red that's blood rushing throughout your body. Now what does this have to do with endurance?

When you first expose yourself, you breathe hard and fast because your body is in a state of shock and your lungs are needing to produce more oxygen (I'm no scientist, I'm going by how my body feels from starting out till now) but what it really does is that once you become acclimated to the rush of cold water hitting you, you begin to breathe far deeper and thus the greater the deep breathing, the greater your body produces oxygen and burns fat like crazy. When this happens you also produce possibly insanely powerful testosterone and for guys can build up a sperm count by nearly 500%. Who needs steroids when you can produce hormones naturally using techniques like this.

When your body produces insane amounts of oxygen it can lead to greater stamina in your exercise routines or even better in the bedroom with that special someone and believe me, stamina is something you want to have in those reserves. Add in HIIT exercise and holy shit your woman might just be in serious trouble. It takes a powerful level of mental toughness to do Cold Showers and it doesn't get easier but it does get very interesting. If you want more info on Cold Water here's a really fun video by The Art Of Manliness on the benefits of Cold Water Therapy......

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Ultimate Weapon That Will Build Muscle Just By Swinging It

Doing my superhero workouts is becoming a great habit since i'm near my second week into them. They are going to be my Winter training sessions since i'm not the biggest fan to be outside although it is fun from time time time. In the Spring & Summer however, one type of workout that has brought me strength that I never had before or since will be back with a vengeance and doing so twice a week to build steel powered muscle, vibranium corded tendons and obliterate fat like no other is my hammer workouts using two of my most precious and mighty tools of the trade; my Thor Hammer & Epic Sledgehammer made by the modern Blacksmith of the Gods Ryan Pitts.

When you work with sledgehammers, you're getting a feel for that manual labor, back-breaking man's work that will form muscle in ways conventional weights can't and never will. In the past I've called the Thor Workouts Thorsmithing in which means instead of building tools, you're developing a physique being carved out by your own merits and smashing your way to glory. The Epic Sledgehammer workouts are even worse but way more interesting because even though you're smashing a tire to smithereens, you get to be the Mighty John Henry for a period of time. Being able to break through barriers of strength and feeling the surge of the ultimate levels of Testosterone & HGH that steroids cannot ever be measured otherwise. I do take steroids and they're called Hammerbol, its not a pill or a drink or an injection; it is pure hammers that is a tool for very few who are willing to subject themselves to.

Hammers can be fierce, intimidating, full of fear and downright scary as hell. They may look cool and they give off mighty vibes but when you pick them up (if you can) and thrusting it downward onto a tire will bring you power and strength that only the Norse Gods can truly understand. Imagine, hitting a tire 100's or even more than a 1000 times with 30 pound Thor Hammer or a 60 pound Epic Sledge and feel every ounce of your being going into that strike and having the surge of energy that is so strong, average humans run in fear. Only two people have ever joined me in a Hammer workout, one is a beast of a man, the other is a modern day Superwoman less than 5ft tall of pure explosive dynamite. It takes guts to do this kind of training; moving literally a total of 10's of thousands of pounds in a single workout would make most people beg for mercy. I have literally smashed tires with a 60 pound hammer 1000+ times on multiple occasions, that's over 60,000 pounds total in a single workout, that's 30 tons or more being thrown in and I beg for more. It gets you out of breath, it sucks out your soul and your life force is in sheer agony yet it brings out the very best in yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. These are the only true weights I will ever lift, barbells and dumbbells are no longer in my league compared to the hammers. Anybody with a half brain can lift a dumbbell or a barbell but very few can move a hammer with sheer velocity and insane amount of guts just for the opportunity to feel the embodiment of our strength ancestors.

Want to know the closest of feeling like a god of strength and amazing universal muscular empowerment, take on the hammers, I guarantee you it will get you addicted.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Do You Even Superhero Train Bro?

Funny things aside, we all should strive to have that spirited Superhero/Animalistic style training ideal that could take us to the far reaches of our soul and develop our bodies with pure powerful hormones and maximum metabolism strategy. HIIT is nothing new but with a little imagination we can create workouts that bring out the very best in our abilities. Ever wondered what it be like to have the physique of Captain America, Batman, Green Lantern and other heroes? Why do bodybuilding when you can have a body that is far easier to obtain and be able to eat what you?

My ideal physique is a cross between Batman & Spider-Man, a build that is rugged but not bloated or skinny as hell. At 5'10 and 267 lbs. I'm no where near that but with patience, training hard, eating as good as I can while having a cheat day every now and then I believe I can attain it and be able to have that physique at around 230-240. That's the beauty of body-weight exercise, you can turn them into styles of training to help you be big or smaller depending on how you train, eat and program your strategies. For the most part I like being muscular and looking more like an NFL Fullback than a marathon runner that looks like African children should be feeding him something (bad analogy I know).

My style of training these days is utilizing sprints/burpees, circuits and finishers while using compound movements and MMA simulation in a circuit. Its not about training to be a Superhero, anybody can be a hero but being fit to not only look good but be functional and strong, agile enough to help others when needed. Your imagination is the key and applying it to action can have a massive impact on your progress. Already done 4 workouts of Superhero Sprints and seeing some definition and fat melting like Judge Doom at the end of Roger Rabbit sounding like a discount wicked witch of the west. You see, when you go hard for only less than a few days a week, it may not be much but when you think less is more and gaining more than losing it puts you in a different perspective. There are many ways to do HIIT but I find this to be top of the line that anyone can do whether a beginner or an extreme lunatic with a hard-on for crossfit. It's tough and kicking your ass six ways to Sunday but with consistency, you bring in a level of fitness many never achieve.

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