Tuesday, March 19, 2013

5 Tips To Help You Gain Muscle

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. Drew Stegman. I looked over his site and I find him very interesting in his approach to weightlifting, bodybuilding and Nutrition. Its basic, simple and no B.S when it comes to building the muscle you want. Without further ado here is the 5 steps to help those who want to gain muscle fast.....

With everybody these days trying to lose fat, it’s fairly easy to forget about the importance of muscle on your body. Whether you simply want to increase your metabolism or look at yourself in the mirror and know that you’re totally hot and ripped, muscle mass is necessary to do so.
Here are five simple ways to build muscle, rather you’re trying to pack on a few pounds or you want to look like a professional bodybuilder:
1. Cut Back on the Cardio: Doing cardiovascular exercise is fantastic if your goal is weight loss, since it allows you to burn additional calories and gets your heart rate up into its target zone. But if your goal is to gain muscle, I’d recommend cutting back on the cardio a bit. Too much cardio can actually burn muscle, which is the case with the long-distance marathon runner; sure they might be lean and have no fat on their body, but they’re lacking in the muscle department. This doesn't mean that you should ignore cardio completely, but definitely cut back on the long distance stuff. I would limit your cardio to no more than three 30-minute sessions each week and spend the rest of your time and effort focusing on lifting weights.
2. Don't Overdo It: Many bodybuilders, weightlifters, fitness enthusiasts and even average gym goers all make the same mistake – they overtrain. When it comes to most things in life, more is better, but when it comes to building muscle, doing more will simply end in failure. If you overtrain, you’re either going to get injured or simply get burnt out. Whatever the case, you won’t be able to build any muscle and if you get injured, obviously you’ll be out of the gym for weeks or months at a time. So keep your weightlifting sessions under an hour and don’t workout more than 5 days per week. Even with five days per week, you’re still pushing it – I’d even recommend scaling that back to 3-4 days per week.
3. Mix Things Up: Why would you want to do the same thing over and over again anyway? Variety is what keeps people from getting bored in life and when it comes to packing on muscle, things are no different. Your muscles (and body for that matter) all operate under one simple principle. Once they get comfortable with what they’re doing, they stop adapting. And when they stop adapting, they stop growing. Always make sure you’re switching up your workouts every 4-6 weeks, so you can keep your muscles constantly confused and in the state of muscle growth. Trust me, you won’t regret this decision once you finally decide to give it a full-blown shot.
4. Keep Eating: Many people focus on calorie restriction when trying to lose weight, which is completely understandable. But when you’re trying to gain muscle, you need to play by a different set of rules. Quite simply, you have to eat big to get big. If you’re not supplying your body constantly with the nutrients and calories it needs to grow, then don’t expect to get very big. But you can’t eat anything – you need to consume a constant balance of protein, healthy fats, complex carbs and fruits and vegetables as well. If you starve your muscles, they’ll wither away, so don’t let that happen to you.
5. Take a Break: Remember point two. Even if you’re mixing up your workouts and continually confusing your body, you won’t gain much muscle if you workout too much. In fact, you’ll probably find that you gain the most amount of muscle when you’re resting. Many people don’t realize that muscle growth does not occur in the gym; it occurs outside of the gym when you are resting and eating. When you hit the gym, you’re breaking down your muscles and then your body has to go back and rebuild those muscles once you've broken them down. But if you’re always working out, you’re body won’t have enough of an opportunity to rebuild these broken down muscles, so they won’t grow. Every six months or so, take a rest week and you’ll be amazed at the effect it has on your body; not to mention your state of mind. Your mind and body will make a full recovery and you’ll be more than ready to hit the gym once this rest week has ended.

This was an article written by Drew Stegman. For more muscle building tips check out his website: http://how2gainmusclefast.com/

Monday, March 18, 2013

My Take On Isometrics

            While I was recovering from my accident and learning about Bodyweight exercises, I first learned about Isometrics in a specific manner from Matt Furey’s course Gama Fitness. Not understanding very well, I just went through the “non” motions and just tried them out. They were good and I learned how to hold certain positions especially for my legs because I was still in that stage of just getting in shape.

            While using those Isometrics and others from another book, I started noticing my strength in certain areas. My ankles were getting stronger, I was healing from arthritis from my lifting days and my days in Shot Put/Discus and my body began to repair itself to the point where there was very little pain and I was moving in ways I couldn't do as a teenager. Because of that, I strengthened certain weak points not just in my legs but my shoulders, my neck, my back and even my torso. Now granted I don’t have a 6 pack of washboard abs but because of my training, my core became pretty damn strong and when I did lift weights again every now and then, some of them got better than I ever did when I lifted full time.

            First learning Strength Feats from my boys Logan Christopher & Tyler Bramlett, they showed me about short bending and how to bend certain types of Steel. I ordered Ironmind nails to get me started and the best I got up to was the Green nail which to me was just incredible, I hadn't got to the spikes yet and was learning about phonebook tearing around that time. They gave me little hints and learning from my books on Isometrics I began incorporating that into my feats. How did it affect my strength? Let me sum that up by saying I was able to easily rip a brand new 1700 page phonebook the moment my sister gave it to me and my first 60D penny spike was at my friend Logan’s former gym. So safe to say it affected me in an awesome way.

            I have mentioned certain secret weapons I have that give me that edge in the Isometric realm but my biggest weapon has always been my will power to run through what I wanted to accomplish. I wanted to desperately bend a wrench even it was a little toughie and I did it, it doesn't look much like a wrench but damn son that S.O.B took me out after putting it out of its misery. You can have all the equipment and all the tools you want but your real weapon is what’s inside you that defies logic, reasoning and in the case of Dennis Rogers or Bud Jeffries, the laws of physics.

            Is Isometrics the end-all-be-all type training? For some that’s all they can do but to the majority, no it shouldn't because you want to be able to move and work your body from as many angles as you can both static and dynamic. There are guys out there that give this type of training a hard time and others look at it as if it was the highest honor and then there are guys that are so damn stubborn that only one type of training is all they will ever use and say it’s either that or nothing. For me, I love variety. Using different elements and styles gets my mind going and there are times where I can’t choose just one in particular so I just make it up.

            My take on Isometrics is everyone should use them to a certain degree especially if you’re in a sport or rehab. It strengthens the tendons in ways you can’t get with anything else and wouldn't it be awesome to not get injured as often? Even just for that purpose it could make a hell of a positive impact on your life. Learn them as much as you can or use them as a backup it’s up to you but the main point is, they teach you how to use your body internally more than any other method. There are thousands of different Isometrics just ask Steve Justa. Expand your knowledge and apply them to whatever you want to do, it’s shocking sometimes what you’ll find using them. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Practice Develops Knowledge & Wisdom

          We develop certain things that make us unique. Sometimes it comes naturally for us but the rest of us have to practice these things in order to be really good at them. What do you desire to do? Do you want to be a great athlete, a business man, a writer or better yet a better coach, well in order to make that desire is to practice and believe you’re practicing more than anyone else. My desire was to be strong, and a hell of a good writer. I practiced by applying the things that helped me reach my goals and not only did I get strong but I kept it consistent in various areas of my life but writing has been my love for a long time next to fitness. I was telling stories and writing about people long before I became an athlete. I learned my writing from my mom and I expanded what I learned to create my own style, I was determined to be great at it in my own right.

            To learn is to practice. It’s like if you never touched a kettlebell but wanted to be great at snatches, juggling and presses and so on but in order to do them you have to actually do them. Now there are those that say “Practice makes perfect” but what does that really imply? If you practice and its consistently terrible, does that mean you didn't practice enough, no it means you just have a consistent application at being perfectly terrible so it’s time to switch things up. There are certain things that we’re not good at and no matter how hard we try to perfect them it’s not always going to come in our favor. If we find something we love then the practice of that might be better and you’re going to get better because you’re mind is in the right place and it’s going to happen.

            Should you practice what you want to do more or less? That’s actually a tricky answer but I believe I might have an insight to how both work but one will do more than the other. Personally if you want to be the best at something you should do more of it because if you practice more and learn how it can make you better greater things will come and you developed that knowledge by understanding how it’s applied yet you also did it and have that experience. For less practice, there are those that have certain gifts and even though they practice a little, it still has that mindset that just translates to how their bodies move, the way they think and how aware they are with that natural instinct. Both have good qualities but the more you apply the more you develop and it becomes a second language to you.

            To be strong, is to simply practice. It’s not how strong you are physically or mentally, it’s the strength to apply the things you want to be really good at. Some of us can’t be huge and have a 700 lb bench press or be able to do certain feats of strength like tearing a deck of cards or bend wrenches and rip phonebooks in half, but we can get strong in areas for those who can’t because we end up practicing differently and that’s the beauty of it. Practice what you love no matter what it is and never stop learning it. Be strong at what you do and apply it the best to your abilities no one else’s. Knowledge knows and understanding, wisdom is how you apply it into action and doing it, mastery takes a lifetime but day by day practice makes it all that much sweeter. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Making The World Your Little Playground

            It doesn't matter if you’re locked in a cell or have the freedom to run around outside, you can find a way to adapt to training any way you want. A lot of people look at exercise as a closed minded ordeal that you have to be in a gym in order to get results. There are guys in prisons that have very limited space and yet some of them do some basic training methods like push-ups, squats and Isometrics yet are pretty damn fit. What about those who have an outdoor lifestyle, they don’t use smith machines or leg extensions, they use trees, the water, the playgrounds and benches. Imagination is a key to developing the type of fitness you want.

            Anybody can move some kind of weight but if they can’t move their bodies well and handle awkward positions it’s going to bite them in the ass one day. To move with power and grace is essential, you don’t have to move like your instructor exactly to the T but you want to be able to move your body naturally according to the realms of your structure, moving like a wild animal is a great example of this . Move the way you can handle and if you need to progress in certain stages than do so but the more your body moves in a natural state, the stronger and healthier you get.

            A key component in developing your fitness is to find ways to gain that positional strength to help with your Range Of Motion and nothing does that better than Isometrics. When you’re in a locked position, your muscle fibers fire off harder than anything else and because you’re pushing/pulling against an immovable object, your body’s nervous system shifts into overdrive and it causes the fibers to shoot at a higher rate, thus building strength in various positions and building muscle from odd angles that you can’t get anywhere else.

            No matter where you are, you have the world as your playground, in your imagination, you can create anything you want. Believing what you can do can accelerate your progress by 10 fold. If you live on a beach, your imagination can run wild, if you happen to be in prison, it’s a bit tougher but you can still be fit and strong so use what you have but make it count no excuses. Your imagination can work wonders and help you unlock the powers of your potential. There’s no excuse for finding some form of training but the more natural the exercise, the better off you’ll be. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

One Of The Fastest Fat Burning Methods

To burn or not to burn? That is the question. The way certain people train, they try different things like weight lifting, bodyweight exercise, aerobics, sports specific strength training and/or Yoga. We don’t always look to finding ways to not only build muscle but burn the fat off as well like a furnace. If I had to pick one of the fastest methods to burn fat faster than just about anything else is the use of Isometrics.

            When it comes to Isometrics, when done properly they torch the fat as if it was being cooked on a grill. There are many ways to use Isometrics and you can do them just about at any given time. Some look at them as just positions or holding a plank. Isometrics incorporates the 2 structured links that bring harmony to the Mind/Muscle Connection because if you try to do one or the other it’s not going to fit right so using the two is like bringing PB & J together or Fruits & Veggies, The bat and the Baseball or a football to a quarterback that kind of connection. Anybody can hold some kind of position but when you hit the muscles in a specific position whether you do it all out for a few seconds or easing the tension and hold for more than a minute the way your mind fights, the body will follow.

            I've experimented with many types of isometrics including various postures, holding in an arm Wrestling position, parts of a body weight exercise like the Hindu Push-up and tried unusual types of Isometrics from the Nebraskan Wild-man Steve Justa. When you a hold a position, your nervous system shifts into overdrive and your working more than a specific muscle, your whole body comes into play. I've held positions ranging from 5 seconds to 10 straight minutes and the same principle applies no matter what you do.

            I've been experimenting holding and pulling in various positions for Arm Wrestling and what I've noticed is how the muscles begin to tire after a bit but the power is still there. No matter what you want to work on, I would bet Isometrics will help you get that little edge you need. Fat Burning using isometrics will strip fat off your body because when you hold a position, the body builds internal heat and because of the strength to hold the position all the fibers start firing and that causes the body to burn fat. 

            Isometrics when you apply them with intensity and using specific breathing patterns, they can make you feel lighter and move better with speed. Ease up on the tension of a specific hold and hold for 1 min. You will that after that one minute you work that position with a dynamic movement and your body moves with a bit more speed and power but you feel lighter at the same time. Steve Justa uses one particular method doing Jerk Reps which means you’re still contracting but using very little movements to the point where an inch or so is all you need. This still gives you that lighter feeling and your body feels good and relaxed afterwards. Keep your mind open and remember that when you practice Isometrics, your body will begin to change, kind of like natural reconstruction, your muscles will be more defined, your tendons will feel like steel rods and your strength will increase and fat will pour out of your body like crazy.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Warrior Upper Body

Day 1

Short Swipe

Subject Suggestions:          What Is R.E.A.L. Functional Training?
                                                Are Your Functional Workouts Functional?
                                                #1 Functional Training Mistake Revealed
                                                How To Train To Look Great And Perform Even Better

You've probably heard of functional training right?

Functional training is in these days and it’s definitely here to stay but I see way to many people take it way too far down the “functional” path. Here’s what I mean…

Do you ever go the gym and see people standing on fluffy discs filled with air doing ridiculous exercises with pink bands? Is this real functional training?

I can’t remember the last time I was caught in a situation where I had to stand on an air filled disc and do side raises with a pink stretchy band. This is where most people go wrong, deciding to perform worthless “functional” exercises thinking that their doing themselves a favor.

So what is real functional training? And why should you do it?

If you take on serious functional training workouts, you will build an awesome looking body that looks great and performs even better! It’s the true key to lasting, powerful results and don’t you let anyone tell you otherwise!

Here’s what R.E.A.L. Functional Training means according to my buddy and functional training guru Tyler…

Realistic Exercises
Executed With Perfect Form
At A High Intensity
Leaving You With A Body That Looks Good And Performs Even Better!

This is a great philosophy to hold your workout standard to and this is what I have seen gets people the best results! If you perform real movements, with good form at a high intensity you will get awesome results!!

Tyler’s a sharp dude and focuses on teaching people his R.E.A.L. Functional Training philosophy and his PM-3 method which promises to build a body that looks great and performs even better.

 Ben Bergman
P.S. Tyler’s new program takes all of his PM-3 ideas and put them into a brand new system called The Warrior Upper Body System. It literally teaches you to go from basic bodyweight and weighted exercises all the way to complex and bad to the bone bodyweight training and hardcore weight training. It covers every exercise in great detail and includes 45 done-for-you upper body workouts! PLUS today you can get it for 74% off.

Monday, February 25, 2013

. My Review Of Justametrics

When it comes to underground of the Physical Culture world, no one has held that title better than the man himself Steve Justa. For those that know little of him know about his book Rock, Iron, Steel that brought a whole new meaning to the term “Backyard Warrior.” This man was one of the top strongest men in the world with unofficial world records in lifting odd objects and other unusual styles of lifting. What some don’t know is his hand on how he uses Isometrics.

            A while back, he lost a large portion of his strength due to Type 2 Diabetes and his recovery is nothing short of a miracle. For a man once weighing near 400 lbs. lost a ridiculous amount of weight and had to completely turn his diet and training around, he began to work almost exclusively on Isometrics and changing his diet from drinking sodas and bad food to eating seaweed, high potent supplements and good whole foods. He has literally studied more on Isometrics than just about anyone in the Physical Culture World.

            Isometrics are a key ingredient to developing super strength because for one, you have nearly unlimited amount of exercises to use and can do them just about anywhere. Another look at them is that it builds the nerves in the body that help generate power in the tendons, ligaments and those little muscles most people neglect, most work on the major muscles. When you look at the DVDs onhow he uses Isometrics, its quite a sight despite being in a garage with a “little” rack he built but the principles still applies.

            There are some who believe isometrics is the cream of the crop for fitness and there are others that just seem to believe that its just as much bullshit as building superhuman strength through isolated movements. Justa’s intake on them is very unique and more philosophical than you would just train them. Just working so many muscles and tendons all in a period of time can be used anyway you want, work for holds, time what he calls jerk reps and how to apply them to anything you want to achieve. I like his style and he gives a pretty weird insight but hey it’s normal for him and I admire the man for that.

            Now granted he’s not your typical fitness dude and he even makes old school guys look weary but in the end he’s a man who lives in his own universe. The man dresses up as if he were Mel Gibson in Mad Max, you know, post-apocalyptic warrior type thing, end of the world fighting to survive type of guy. For him it’s another day at the office but for others he’s as weird and a little messed in the head but he doesn't give a damn. He’s not rich and live in a nice house; he lives practically out in the middle of no where in Harvard, Nebraska and doesn't many luxuries but yet, he’s got what he needs and mostly made himself. You see most guys in the old days trained in backyards, back woods and lifted or practiced different feats of strength but this is where Steve just takes it to a whole new level which at times I can’t even fathom but I love his idea of mastering your own style and making it your own.

            The reason why anyone in this wacky world of ours called Physical Culture should learn from Steve Justa is because he’s develop a way of training that can turn you into an athlete or just want to get crazy strong. Learning from him can give you a different perspective on how one should be training, yeah we all can lift a weight, lift a few barrels and do some basic bodyweight training but no one is at a level he’s been at and most likely never will be at. On these 2 DVDs alone, he shows practically over 1000 different Isometrics and a plethora of ways to do them that no one has seen.

            One of my favorite scenes on the videos is how he shows a unique way to train for Arm Wrestling. I modified my own method from his philosophy and my arms and whole body felt like they were on fire, worked different directions, held for certain periods of time and once did a total of 200 jerk reps and I felt incredible. He even talks about how he went from being one of the strongest men on the planet to literally falling over from the Diabetes to coming back far stronger and healthier than ever. It’s one of the most remarkable stories I ever heard.

            Watching the DVDs at first you might think “who the hell is this guy.” I know how you feel, I felt the same way but I kept an open mind and just paid attention to how he trains and what I can do to learn. I respect him for what he wants to do and I do love his style of training; no bullshit, just go out and do it, pace yourself and master your own way of training. Sure he’s a bit rough around the edges but that’s ok, I admire guys that are unique and would be a hell of a trip to train with him.

            If you’re serious about building strength in ways most people can’t, then get your ass in gear and get these DVDs, the investment is worth 100 times more than you’ll ever imagine. Imagine having strength from multiple angles, infusing rich blood into the muscles to stimulate growth and power, having tendons that are as strong as an ox and working many exercises as often as you want, however you want and in any amount of time you want.  Also, Isometrics have been known to help burn fat faster than almost every other method and you’ll learn how to lose weight. Get strong and toughen up your body like never before.

Monday, February 18, 2013

What’s The Point Of Daily Training?

            Many people get discouraged about the use of daily exercise because in their mind reading from the dumb-ass magazines, it has to be hardcore and the go big or go home attitude but most can’t deal with that and they just leave it alone. They don’t see the point but what if we shifted that mindset, instead of telling them and showing them the hardcore style; let’s show them how to progress on their own.

            Others might say they don’t have the time to exercise. Unless you’re working 24 hours a day, I think you can put in a little time to train. Doing a set of push-ups really quick doesn't take that long. You’re sitting at your desk, typing away when every few minutes or so, do a few simple exercises that take about what a few seconds on your counter-top  How about when you get home, you’re tired and worked a hard day, do some deep breathing exercises to help keep your energy up. There are many ways to make time yet you keep that negative mindset of not making the time. Do it.

            Daily exercise is beneficial because it helps release stress and builds up hormones in the day with the right amount of exercise but its tough to find your starting point. If you’re new to daily exercise it’s important to ease into it and build yourself up. Starting with a minute of exercise is very simple to do, if one minute is too much, start with 30 seconds. I want to encourage you to do what you can and make it a habit to have fun with it. The benefits of training helps your body function better, you’ll be happier because of the amount of endorphin's released, your attitude will change for the better and you’ll glow even more.

            The key to successful daily training is to have fun. Go to the park, play in the snow, throw the football around, be a wild animal. There are many ways to have fun. Jack Lalanne first emphasized this when he did his show way back in the 50’s and it’s still being used today.

            One of the things I've modified lately into my training is what’s called Animal Flow, it’s combining different elements into one program like Animal Exercise, Yoga and others but in a sufficient and safe manner and can be done anywhere. Another style of training I highly recommend is the use of Isometrics. There are many versions of this method but I can only think of a couple guys who have practiced just about every style possible on Isometrics and that’s Bud Jeffries and Steve Justa. If you’re really into wanting to build strength from every possible angle, Isometrics can help get you there and they’re crazy fun to do.

            With your daily training it’s important not to worry how well or bad you are, the important thing is to adapt, keep your body moving and do what you can. One of the most important figures in Wrestling was Karl Gotch who once said “You must adapt and improvise.” What this means is that you don’t have to do the same old routine all the time, to get the results you want, get fixated on what works for you and disregard what doesn't and adapt to how your body works into it.  There is no right or wrong on how you exercise, learn basic principles and learn how your body fits that exercise. We all have different body types and we all have to adapt to what our bodies can handle so don’t try to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jack Lalanne or whatever, be yourself and learn to take things one day at a time. You have only one life, use it to your best advantage and be happy.

Monday, January 28, 2013

You Have Great Choices

Confused on what to get?

I knew a guy that hated going to Baskin Robbins for ice cream. If you're not familiar with the place the idea was they had 31 different flavors. This guy hated it because he didn't know what to choose. He'd rather go to a smaller ice cream place that only had ten flavors.

Well with these workshop videos you might be feeling the same. There is something for everyone, but there just may be too many choices.

To help you narrow it down this is what's most popular:

#1 The whole set (this makes it easy, no need to pick, just get it all)

I have to say the crowd has made some pretty good choices on this one. 

Ben Bergman

Friday, January 25, 2013

Get the Complete Super Human Workshop Videos

There’s about 15 hours worth of training information available here!

Go Here To Find Out Why

This includes from the massive and massively strong Dru Patrick:

8 Day a Week Program for Massive Strength and Muscle
Bench Press Secrets from the Raw World Bench Press Champion
Pulling a Monster Deadlift

For you bodyweight guys Logan Christopher taught his most complete info ever on:

Front and Back Lever Training
The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups

The amazing Bud Jeffries covered what he does best…stuff no one else is talking about

Extreme Power with Isometrics Volume 2
Myofascial Mobility: The Next Evolution of Mobility Training to Unlock Your Body
The Mind Force Training Behind Big Bending (which largely futures his son Noah Jeffries)

And then Eric Guttmann showing you how to stay young and healthy by going outside the box

Agility and Explosiveness Workout
Moving Freely for Life: Full Body Mobility

There is something for everybody and that’s the great thing.

Learn It All Here

With workshops in the past they’ve only released the whole set. Either buy it or not. Those where your only choices.

Now Logan has told me they’re trying something different.

You can pick up any one course (complete by itself) you want. You can get two, three or five if you want too.

You can also get the whole shebang for a substantial discount.

Not only that but for those of you who like DVD’s they’re available. For those that want to pay less and be able to download the videos to your computer there’s that option too.

There’s a lot more details over here so check out this page.

Check It Right Here

Ben Bergman

P.S. Also rest assured as everything is backed by a 3 month money back guarantee. This is a limited time deal so you’ll want to act now.

Go Here Now

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