Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"You Can't Get Strong On Bodyweight Exercises"

You hear this a lot in gyms from every state in the country. This quote has also been made by guys who don't know jack shit about bodyweight training at least not in the same way they think they do. To them bodyweight exercise are warm-ups or pilates and all that funny looking aerobic type stuff. Why is that, how can they say such a thing? Truth of the matter is they have been sold a bill of goods by ghost writers in fitness magazines that in order to get strong you need to lift weights, take these supplements, have this type of protein powder and never need to use your own body as a source of strength training and muscle building. Well I feel pretty damn sorry for those dumbasses.

Have any of those guys heard of Gama, Karl Gotch, Kurt Thomas, Charles Atlas or one of the best football players in the world Herschal Walker? 9 out of 10 times only maybe 2 names they have heard of and thats really sad and i'll tell you why. All these men used almost exclusively nothing but bodyweight exercises and its made them somewhat superhuman. They busted their asses for years to build a level a strength and conditioning nobody can match. Take for example Karl Gotch, one of the greatest catch wrestlers whoever lived. He made his mark not as a famous professional wrestler but one of the most gifted trainers the world has ever known. His conditioning methods were second to none and he made some of the biggest marks on japanese wrestling. His training consisted of three foundamental exercises.....Push-ups, Squats & Bridging. One of his methods was using a deck of cards and shuffle them making the red cards push-ups and the black cards squats or vise versa.

I don't know about you but I would love to see one of those morons who believe bodyweight training are for warm-ups to try this out. He won't last more 20 cards. It takes strength to do a push-up no matter how you slice it but to take it to another and turn it into strength/endurance is a whole new ball game. This type of workout alone can jump start a person's conditioning within a short period of time. Take the time to learn the exercises before you jump into the cards.

Now can bodyweight exercises make you stronger? Well how about for starters most of my training is purely bodyweight and i'm 5'10 242 lbs. and I once deadlifted nearly 400 pounds without having too much training on it. I may be a big dude but I also have flexibility and did a whole deck of cards in just over 21 min. How about another guy by the name of Logan Christopher. This guy is 6'2 and 185, thats pretty skinny for a guy that height but he has strength that have impressed some of the strongest men in the world and most are far bigger then him. He has won a contest to determain the most conditioned athlete of the year and at the same time his training has helped him bend steel, rip phonebooks, bend horseshoes and in my opinion has one of the strongest necks around holding as much as 600+ pounds in a bridge.

Ultimate Bodyweight- Squats

Ultimate Bodyweight- Push-ups

Advanced Bridging Course

Scientific Wrestling

Monday, May 16, 2011

Put The "Fun" In Functional Fitness

When it comes to fitness equipment theres not a whole lot we need to get a great workout. Yet if you want to take advantage of getting in shape and not spend thousands of dollars on equipment why not just go with cables. Using cables is one of the most revolutionary way to build a foundational fitness program and in many ways are better then barbells and dumbbells. Can you haul that type of eqipment in a gym bag, I don't think so. Plus its a pain in the ass to travel and all you're getting is a bad back so when it comes to resourcefulness cables take the cake.

With cables you can adjust them in seconds and like dumbbells you can change sizes and strengths to fit your needs. Lifeline USA has taken fitness to another level by the father and son who have revolutionized the fitness industry, John & Bobby Hinds. They even have a Unicycle that you can use to develop a powerful core and you can either hold onto it with your hands or strap in your feet and go for a "walk." Bobby Hinds is most famous for is his jump ropes which are one of the best conditioning exercises ever used by athletes in Boxing, Wrestling, Hockey, Basketball, Baseball, Football ect.

As far as cables are concerned you will find equipment that can hit muscles in ways free weights, machines and boyweight exercise can't and thats what you need to get a strong and enduring body that can take your strength to levels unheard of. Take it from me I have used various methods over the years and Lifeline USA has been my best source for cheap and high quality equipment. Here are a few things you will find that can elevate your strength & conditioning.........

Chest Expander

Power Wheel

Portable Power Jumper

Pull-up Revolution Pro

Beaded Jump Ropes

Power Push-up

PowR Walk Pro

And many more....

Some high ranked Universatities even have said this website has the best equipment for their Student Athletes and some of the best pros in the world have used them. Want to train in a way like the Pros? Then find the best equipment that works for you.

Tumbling Your Way To Greatness

Becoming a gymnast takes years of practice and conditioning is at its best for bodyweight exercises. Now what if you didn't need all those years and learn some gymnastics faster and get in condition quicker and get healther all at the same time. My man Logan has a course called Tumbling Illustrated. You will find that tumbling can be a fun and interesting fitness program. Remember as a kid you used to do rolls while playing and it was just fun to do? It be fun to do that again huh?

Learn how to take control of your body and live your childhood dream. Theres no need to spend a ton of money on gymnastic classes. Not to knock gymnastics, I practiced a bit myself and I loved doing tumbling training and handbalancing. The training was incredible but it does get expensive so why not find a better way to train without going through so many fees. Some people believe you can't get started without being a gymnast. Hate to burst your bubble its a myth and you can even start at this very moment.

Some tumbling exercises can even help people with back issues and can work the spine to keep you healthy and strong. With a great variety of moves you will never find a boring workout in this manner. Like with every program start with the basics and work into them to build up to the difficult ones. If you work them too fast that can lead to injury so learn the right speed and form to get the most benefit.

Here will be what you'll find in the course.........

5 Roundoffs

24 Handbalancing moves

8 Combination Rolls

12 Hand Springs

55 Novelty Stunts

8 Dives

6 Cartwheels

& Many More..........

Learn to train like a gymnast without needing to be one.

Tumbling Illustrated

My Detication Workout To The Late Karl Gotch & My 6 Year Anniversary

Yesterday was the 6th year anniversary of the day I broke both my legs in a cliff jumping accident. Since then I deticated workouts to celebrate what I had accomplished over the last few years and this time was no exception and added a twist to it. So what I did was for this particular workout was the Karl Gotch Bible that the old-time wrestler created to make one of the greatest conditioning elements in the world. Karl Gotch always said to work the foundamentals push-ups, squats and bridging. I took out one of my decks of cards, shuffled them around and hammered out what I could. I varied the push-ups to work different muscles from different angles but stuck with the hindu squats/jumpers. I finished the whole deck in 21min. and 13sec. Thats a new PR for me.

After that I did some bridging and stretching/energy drills and finished the workout in less then 45 min. Now I don't know about you guys but it was fucking tough and whoever tries it is in the ride of your life. This takes toughness to a whole new level. This was a very high moment for me because when I first started walking again I couldn't do 10 cards let alone regular hindu push-ups and hindu squats so to say this was a huge accomplishment would be an understatement. I've done plenty of workouts to be a bit of an expert on how tough you have to be to pull off certain exercises. Now what if you wanted to be a conditioned athlete and take your workout to a level only the elite can achieve. With enough practice and by your creativity you can become somewhat superhuman and achieve a level of conditioning that the average joe only dreams of.

Take a look at Conditioning For Combat Sports by The Great One himself as he puts a young man through a workout that will blow you away. Also if you want to see some true conditioning elements take a look at Submission Master by Gotch student Yoshiaki Fujiwara. His students demonstrate along with him the brutal tactics of Catch-As-Catch-Can Wrestling with some very important exercises for the whole body. Its in Japanese but it gives you certain points and helps you understand key factors. I believe you won't be disappointed.

Scientific Wrestling

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Take Your Core Strength To The Next Level

One of the most difficult parts of the body is the one most people need work on next to the tendons and ligiments of the body and thats your Core which is your lower back, upper/middle/lower abdominals and the obliques. Strengthen these together and you got yourself a pretty strong body. A lot of people feel the need to isolate the core one muscle at a time by doing hundreds of crunches, hundreds of side bends and whatever else they need to do. Truth of the matter is if you only isolate a certain muscle, that muscle will get strong but not the rest of you.

Take into consideration of the cavemen, neandrathals and other anchient men of early civiliation. They had to bust their ass trying to survive by pushing, pulling, swimming, fighting, running and yet they were the fittest men of their time and never once did they do crunches or side bends because thats not what they needed to function in the world. Their Core became powerful by what they had to do to survive. Now they may not have had six-pac abs (or did they?) but they were very strong and very intelligent in that particular time period and they had to be otherwise they'd be eaten or crushed by wild animals.

Now we know that man invented the wheel and it was one of the biggest things to change the course of civilization and the world for that matter and now theres a great way to use this marvalous invention and it comes from one of my main guys Jon Hinds.

This one peice of equipment can turn your core into one strong powerful peice and you only need a few minutes a day with it and unlike other ab wheels, you can use either your hands or you can strap in your feet. Jon has invented one of the best fitness equipments in the world and its been proven how much strength it can build a person and the types of exercises you can use. You will not be isolating the muscles but like a real athlete you work the whole body as a unit and build real world-class functional strength.

This bad boy is called the Lifeline Power Wheel and it will make your abs work unlike any other and when you strengthen your center (torso) your whole body will come into affect the way it suppose to. Go check it out and let Jon hook you up and build the strongest core you can possibly have. I have used it myself and after only a few minutes my body is just done and thats what I want, get in get out with the best possible results. Here are some of the exercises you will find to build a powerful Core..........



Walking On Hands


And Many More......

Go ahead, take your first step to building a powerful body and a strong as steel core.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Hammers Of Thor

Even if you're not a comic book fan, you can still feel like the superhero/God in your own training with the use of either sledgehammers, clubs or a combination of the two. My man Ryan Pitts has created some of the most unique peices of equipment on the planet and not only do they make your training that much more interesting the tools just look plain cool as hell. They can turn your grip and your whole body into one well rounded machine and thats no lie.

Because of the new movie Thor coming out pretty soon he has developed a set of clubs that look just like the God's weapon of choice and trust me when I say this when you get your hands on these babies even the go himself may not be able to handle you. I've played around with similar clubs and his sledgehammer they kicked my ass all over the place. I can bend steel, rip up phonebooks and lever a 12 lb. hammer but nothing compares to the type of workout these bad boys will put you through. With practice and will power your tendons will become steel cords, your wrists will move in complete unison with the body with both strength and flexibility and more then not your hands will have a bonified bone-crushing grip.

Grip strength is a must for any athlete or the average joe and very few things done right can give you a grip that can destroy metal itself. What Ryan has put out for you can help you achieve a level of strength and power that certain things just cannot do. He has taken an idea that was used by middle-eastern wrestlers from centuries long ago into a powerhouse of all-around strength and athleticism. I have seen on film how strong these wrestlers were with clubs, maces and their own body and now take that old-school tradition along with minor touches with Thor's Hammers and the sledgehammer and you'll have total weapons of mass destruction in your hands (Use them for good and thats with total sincerity). Take your strength to New Levels and gain an advantage on your compeition with a grip of steel and a body of pure power and condition. Now Its HammerTime!!!!!!!!

Stronger Grip

Webmasters Earn Money Here!


Keeping It Simple Works Period.....

In the modern gyms today you have to do this for triceps, biceps, quads, hams, calves, chest ect. ect. Unless you're in rehab why the fuck waste your time with individual muscle groups. Excuse the language but sometimes some trainers just piss me off because not only are they teaching a client the wrong thing but at certain can even get them injured and even some trainers tell you to do as many as 20 or more exercises for 10 different muscle groups to get a full benefit in exercise.....Bullshit. Whether you're a weight lifter, bodyweight enthusiast or a strongman the very best program you can do is a simple one. Now that doesn't mean easy, simple and easy are two different things.

Yes in some cases you can do 20 or more exercises in a workout but each one hits the whole body in a different fasion and my favorite form of training is doing energy drills. Work the joints in various places from your neck to your toes and with the right amount of time and being smart you can do all the exercises in either 5 min. or an hour. Now a real simple program for a weight lifter really is only no more then 5 exercises total doing presses, pulls, squats and rows. This works the whole body and you can do it in less then 20 min. max. Now people buy into that bullshit senerio that they need this for that muscle and that for that muscle and its just plain stupid. Back in the golden age of physical culture before steriods was huge and supplements were "the way" of the future you had men and women busting their asses working on basic lifts and full body calisthenic work. Some of them did a combination of both like George Hackenshmidt and Otto Arco. Both men were strongmen in their own way but both used bodyweight and weightlifting and they were so basic its stupid.

For a simple Bodyweight Program its usually around push-ups, squats, sit-ups and pull-ups. You really don't need much more then that but supplement exercises like muscle control and self resistance can help build certain muscles bodyweight exercises cant touch. It doesn't matter what people say in my opinion basic exercise is the best way to go. Here are a few places to pick a plethora of exercises and only need to master a few of them. Personally you can do exercise throughout the day or in one big workout choose only 5-7 exercises and go for no more then 20 minutes. It saves you time, gym fees and gives you complete freedom.


Ultimate Bodyweight Conditioning - Squats
Ultimate Bodyweight Conditioning - Push Ups
Advanced Bridging Course
click me

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Taking Natural Pain Killers

No not the pills you take when you have a minor/major injury. These pain killers will revitilize your body and recharge your system. Like your car the oil needs to be changed otherwise it will die without notice and thats because if you don't take care of your joints and ligiments your body will die out prematurely.

When you learn to take care of your joints, tendons and ligiments, your body will be more resiliant to injury and your workouts will be much more efficiant.With the right exercises you will find your joints more mobile and flexibile but with the wrong exercises they can make you prone to injury and if you're in pain you are really doing something wrong. Don't waste your time with training that can cause you limitations to your daily life and put the effort into turning your joints into solid steel but fluid in movement.

If you stimulate the body the right way you will heal much quicker and you will start to live much better and pain free. In my case I have to work my joints, tendons and ligiments on a daily basis because of my legs and the way I need to keep them flexible and agile and keep my body charged and powerful. I have had days in my weight training years where I would be so stiff I couldn't get out of bed in the morning and my joints would ache like hell. Once I learned how to keep my body supple and flexible the pain would be gone and I can handle anything I wanted.

The real benefits of supple joints is that as you age and keep a consistant watch on your exercise you can feel like you can take on the world even after your prime or better yet never know if you reached your peak yet. For Strongman Bud Jeffries, keeping your body supple is one of if not his biggest priority for the weights he lifts or the bending and breaking he performs. At 270 pounds he needs to have a strong body all around.

In this course you will find the following ways on how to keep your body recharged and supple......

Cables that are used to help your joints in the ultimate manner.

Can high reps wear out your bones?

15+ Exercises for the low back.

Find around 10 exercises to keep you lower arms in great shape.

Neck Pain????? There are 10 exercises to fix it.

And any more. Take charge of your body and revive the system with Pain Killers.

Pain Killers

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Building Super Strength & Endurance for MMA

In the world of MMA, you need many tools to win a fight. You need strength, power, punching ability, grip agility for grappling, flexibility to get out of holds and awareness of avoiding your opponents punch and takedown strength. There are many great fighters but they will tell you that your conditioning will be your number one priority. In the words of Karl Gotch "Conditioning is your best hold." Some say you don't need strength just technique. In some ways this is true but because of leverage you can aquire wheres the power going to be if your opponent is going to get away from it easily? Bodybuilding workouts will give you a body from the outside but your opponents will figure you out and find your internal weakness. So you have a choice, do you want to look pretty and prance around the cage or do you want to stalk your prey and make your opponent afraid of you?

In this course, the man who has created Bud Jeffries, he will help you reach your goals and get you on the right path. He may not look like a pretty boy and ripped to shreds but he is one of the most powerful men on the planet. When he first came out with this he was well over 350 pounds. Although still very strong, he was also one of the most conditioned for a man his size. He's lasted as long as 15 min. in the ring with a few tough fighters and for a man his size thats nothing short of incredible. Almost 99.9% of men at that weight would rather sit on their ass eating chips and watching TV but not Bud Jeffries. He will go the extra mile unlike anyone else and now that he has lost well over 110 pounds in the last couple years that extra mile turned into an entire stateline. Heres a little peak of what you'll find.......

You will find as many as 50 workouts to find that ultimate nich in your conditioning and skyrocketing your power to another level.

A very powerful technique from the words of Old-Time Strongman Paul Anderson that has been proven in a scientific fasion in the last 50 years.

Learn the power of Qi Gong. Internal power that can take your being to another level that hasn't been used before or since.

Learn the secrets of becoming super strong but still be fast as lightning on the feet.

Make your punch like a freight train with enough force that may be even the FBI may keep on file.

Follow the most cutting edge training secrets of today that have been passed down by some of our strongest ancestors.

And Many More........

How can you not want this kind of info and become a feirce animal in the ring, in the weight room, in the outdoors and more importantly in yourself. Have Bud help you and take you far beyond your current level whether you're a greenhorn or an experienced fighter this course has something for everyone even for those who arn't fighters but want to jump their conditioning up a notch.

Super Strength & Endurance for Martial Arts

Handstand Push-ups For Total Upper Body Strength & Power

When I got into bodyweight training I started doing it for recovery in my legs and build up to a ridiculious number of squats. After that I began finding exercises that were very difficult to do and getting up past 15-20 would be in the realm of dreams for most people so I gave the handstand push-up a try. At first I couldn't hold a handstand on the wall for more then 5 seconds before I fell on my ass. I kept at it and learned various techniques and in a short period of time I was hitting numbers that most people at my size can never imagine. It is difficult to hold a handstand let alone do 1 rep of a handstand push-up. After getting stronger in this I did a little research.

For the most part if you want to get good at start something you have to start with the basics. Some people think they're more advanced but if you asked them to do a basic thing they won't get within an inch of what they say they can do. Learning a foundation is a key to great success if you want to go beyond what you're capable of. Take my friend Logan Christopher for example, here is a guy who looks like he can be a very limber individual but if you put the 2 of us together most likely at first you'll probably guess i'm the much stronger one right? I mean hell i'm 240+ pounds and can do things not many people in the world can do but I hate to disappoint you guys but the truth is, Logan is actually pound for pound stronger then I'am and I'm not ashamed to say this.

Back to my research, I discovered many techniques on how to do handstand push-ups and tried many variations but nothing has come close to what Logan teaches in his Ultimate Guide To Handstand Push-ups Course. This book will take you through all you need to start learning the basics, intermidiate and advanced variations of the handstand push-up. After learning just a few techniques from him I've become much more aware of where I'am, where my hand placements need to be and how to make the exercise harder or easier within seconds. As far as I know I'm one of the strongest men in the world to press up his own bodyweight at a considerable heavyweight level being 240+ lbs. but that still doesn't make me the smartest man in strength and conditioning. You can be strong but in order to get there you must learn balance,corridnation, flexibility and a good amount of strength.

I will tell you right now Logan & I weren't the best at what we do at first. We had a tough road to go on but with will power and a constant founding of determination and motivation we made it through but yet we still have a lot to learn. Thats the thing with all of us is that we all have a road to go through and we all need to find a source of motivation to keep us going. Why not start with a great teacher who can help you and encourage you to do the best you can be.

In the course there will be chapters on......

Basic Handstands

Handplacements For Targeting Either Shoulders Or Arms Or Both

Wrist Exercises To Warm Up

Advanced Techniques

How To Build Iron Claws For Handstands On The Fingertips

Isometric Techniques If You're Stuck

Frequency In Doing Handstand Push-ups

Specific Workouts

& More..............

I encourage you to pick up The Ultimate Guide To Handstand Push-ups. This book will help you skyrocket your strength and it can help your pressing movements in the weight room. I firmly believe that Handstand Push-ups are one of the best exercises for gaining massive strength in the upper body and building mental toughness with your awareness and sense of Kinestetics.

Ultimate Guide to Handstand Pushups

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Recovery Tips After Hardcore Training

We all do some form of training where it takes us beyond a average level and takes us to limits we didn't know we had and its very difficult to recover from the next day. How do you train after doing such a brutal workout? This past Monday I did the Karl Gotch Bible where I varied the push-ups and kept the Hindu Squats. My goal was to finish the workout in 30 minutes and I surpassed it and finished in under 27 minutes. I don't know about you but damn that feels good to get pass a goal. After a few hours I did another training session doing a series of chest and arm exercises from a course called Sinkram.

The very next morning I didn't want to get out of bed I was so sore in my shoulders, chest and legs. Even though I was sore I was not going to deny a workout at least once in the day. I have been known to train 7 days a week without fail and the reason why I do that is not because I need to prove how many workouts I do, its how smart I can be to train daily that doesn't need to be brutal day in and day out. A lot of people feel that you need to train only 2-3 times a week and have to do this or that for recovery and take 4-5 days off. Well if you can do that in the long run more power to you but thats not the only way to go and heres why.

Our bodies were made to keep moving, we work different angles of the body and if you're smart this helps you stay healthy for life along with a balanced eating plan. There are times to train hard and there are times where you need recovery any one of my secrets is after a hardcore workout (day after) I would work on deep breathing exercises and some form of qi gong. If i'm very sore in a particular area like the legs or lower back, chest, shoulders ect. I woul do very little to no work in those areas until they "heal" because I want to give those areas a rest but the rest of my body is working from different angles at light to moderate intensity. This is where I like to work on muscle control and stretching/loosening the body. The only time I work the sore areas is when i'm stretching because when you're sore and you leave it sore over a period of time with no exercise it can tighten up and you may not be as efficiant in your next big time workout. Stretch the muscles slowly and with intention.

I always felt stretching is a key component in recovery periods because at my next harcore session not only do I want to be stronger but more limber then the last time. Just do a couple stretches and each day do a stretch a little longer howver don't go to the point where you're in pain, its not how far you can go or how long you stretch its how smart you stretch and the way you breathe....Breathing is the major key to recovery and for good reason.

Each day as I get stronger I amp up a workout just a bit to just about 70% of the intensity of the work I want to do in a brutal workout the next time around. My training really consists of 1-2 hardcore workouts a week along with moderate work the rest of the week until i'm fully recovered. I may not do specific routines because I get bored after a while but I always want to have at least one day where I push myself up a notch.

My keys to recovery training is as follows.....

1. Breathing

2. Stretching

3. Work at moderate pace that doesn't compromise your ability to train the next day

4. Meditate (either moving or not)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Are You Up To The Outlaw Challenge?

If you're a typical weightlifter in a commercial gym there are certain rules you feel you HAVE to follow....Do this for biceps, do this for back, do this for legs blah blah blah. Well try telling that to Strongman Bud Jeffries. At 5'11 and 270 pounds he doesn't look like a typical weightlifter, hell he couldn't pass the "normal" standards of what is a bodybuilder but he doesn't care about that nor the rules.

This particular challenge is unlike anything else and something you only persue if you got the guts. Whether you're a weightlifter or not this type of challenge can take your conditioning to the next level. No matter how you slice it you will become stronger and throw away the typical "rules" of the trade in hitting the weights.

Bud Jeffries is the one guy that can make just any challenge thrown at him a walk in the park and he'll tell you flat out that its not just physical but more mental and thats not an easy thing to take and its the truth. He is not your typical weightlifting and physical training pretty boy; he is one powerful and over the top freakishly strong. Here is a list of accomplishments he has done over the years...

1000 Pound Squat (Starting at the bottom)

3000 Kettlebell Swings

Partial Squat of 1850 pounds

Lifts Rocks up to 300+ Pounds

1000+ Hindu Squats

Pulled A Bus

Bends Rebar, Flat Steel and Mangles 60D penny nails and 10 inch spikes

Thats just a small amount he has done but nonetheless he knows what he's talking about when it comes to building strength. The Outlaw challenge is lifting a 150 Pound Dumbbell 1000 times using various exercises. Are you up to the challenge? Do you got the guts to step out of the pretty boy gyms and make a name for yourself in your own training? Well lets see what you're made of and let Bud take you all the way.

Outlaw Challenge

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Make Your Kettlebell Snatch a dominate workout Component

Working with Kettlebells there are many ways to turn your workouts from boring to extremely fun and the KB Snatch is no exception. I have personally done 83 Snatches with a 53lb. Kettlebell in 5 minutes. Compare that to my bud Logan who is as of official standards to be one of only 3 men in the world including John Brookfield to hit 300+ Snatches in 10 min. Thats pretty damn impressive considering he is 6'2 and 185 pounds. Not a big dude but really powerful. He has put together a series that can take your Snatch to the next level and then some. The Snatch can make or break a conditioning workout so if you don't have the technique down you're in a world of hurt.

Task into consideration if you're a fanatic of kettlebells that many workouts can put you in the elite level of Octane Strength & Conditioning but also if you're careful you will be bruised and it will sting. Work on technique and keep the body in alignment for the Snatch.

Kettlebell Snatch Domination

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Superhuman Workshop Weekend

When you go to a seminar where theres just a great deal of energy in the air and even as some things go around something jut stirs in the back of your mind., then you turn around and see Bud Jeffries and now its really on. This wasn't your normal type laid back and do some things for the day type seminar. This was hands on in your face get off your ass and train type seminar and not just physical but mental as well.

I have met a few people in my life that are a bit on the above average when it comes to strength then you meet a man who bottom squatted 1000 lbs. Thats not above average my friend thats just over the top freakish (and thats the simplist way to put it). On a serious note this was one of the greatest weekends of my life and even though i'm known for my memory, I know this will stick with me for the rest of my life. It wasn't just fun but it was very educational with a few laughs and jokes and some outlandish type strength training.

First night was more on psychology with a dose of hypnosis and visualization training. It was an interesting experience and it gave a whole new prespective on mental conditioning. My bud Logan hypnotized a couple people and the way he presented himself was raw and emotional and a good portion of it worked. Then Bud Jeffries walked into the gym and then it went all uphill from there. The man is a freak of nature and thats putting it with great respect.

The second day was probably my most favorite because I got to have full hands on training with the two strongmen. We tore up phonebooks, some ripped up some cards out of a deck and just destroyed good solid steel. Now I don't personally squat weights anymore due to my problems in the lower legs but I did take a shot at partial squatting 500+ pounds which to me felt awesome. Worked on some crazy bodyweight training. Now may I say Bud is nearly 6' and weighs in at a whopping 270 pounds, a good portion of that is powerful functional muscle along with over the top power in the tendons and ligiments. I've heard and seen on video what he's capable of and saw upclose and personal what he can do with steel but the best thing I really saw him do was a full on headstand handstand push-up on the wall at 270 f*cking pounds. I weigh 240 and done quite a few of them myself but at 270 thats just not human.

The third day was just incredible when we all played around with kettlebells and barbells along with a few sledgehammers and tires for superhuman endurance. It was a little emotional at the end for obvious reasons but I truely feel that this was something that just totally helped my life a tad more then usual and it was a lot of fun. Made friends with great people and having the honor of meeting Bud's son Noah who is a 13yr old strongman prodigy with a few things up his sleeve in the Clay Shooting world. This kid is the strongest I have ever met and he's not only that young but pretty damn big too at 6' and nearly 270 himself. I kid you not I personally watched this kid bend a 5 pound 4ft 1/2 inch thick flat steel bar into the breast cancer logo and lets just say that's not normal even for a strongman.

Overall, the presentations were great, Bud & Logan did a hell of a job and I personally believe this is a great moment in both their careers as strongmen and as business men. Meeting Bud to me is like meeting Hulk Hogan or Babe Ruth to me he is that Iconic in the Field of strongmanism and Physical Culture. For that I want to leave this on a high note starting with Bud......

My friend you have turned on a new light in my pursuit to be the strongest I can for whatever I wish to do, your small time to train me was a huge breakthrough for me and I will never forget that. You have taught me so much in a short period of time that I'm still shaking a little. You are one hell of a man and not only are you the world's strongest man but you have just as much as a strong and generous heart both literally and figuratively. I am damn proud to not only call you a mentor but a great friend and I hope one day sooner or later we cross paths again and just hammer out a workout then kick back and tell stories. Your son is one of the most polite young men I ever have met. You raised him well and I see a lot of potential in him and you will agree with me on that. I can't describe in true words really how much this meant to me. You are truly the world's strongest man at your size and power and it was a true pleasure to see a master at work. You are one of a kind and it was an honor meeting you.

Now Logan.....

Dude to me this was a high point in your career and I know in my heart it will only get higher from here on out. I can't thank you enough for letting be apart of this and giving me a chance to not only reach new levels of power but to keep myself educated. You are a true friend in every sense of the word and I'm honored to call you not only one of my best friends but also a brother. That's how much you mean to me bro. You have a such a vast knowledge for physical culture at your age its just unbelievable. You have my full on support for whatever lies ahead and I'll do what I can to help out if needed to. I realize it wasn't easy setting up for this crazy ass weekend but you handled yourself very well and its always a pleasure to learn from you and throw in a few laughs to spice up certain moments. Your mom would be so proud of you man. I'm not really on being so emotional and sentimental but this calls for an exception but you are one of the best teachers and friends a guy can ask for and you will always be a treasure to not only our crazy world of the strongman but a true man for who doesn't let anything get in his way. Almost anyone can and should learn from you.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Thoughts On WWE Tough Enough

Back in the old days (yes even the 80's) it wasn't easy getting into the wrestling business. It was mostly word of mouth or men and women who have met wrestlers in the gym and if the wrestlers felt like you wanted it bad enough they'd recommend a trainer to toughen you up. Some of the best wrestling trainers nearly took out a wanna-be wrestler and wanted to see how long it took him to quit and how long can he last in the ring doing conditioning drills and ring work. Some trainers were wrestlers themselves at one time or another and some were better as trainers and some were great wrestlers and trainers.

The conditioning is a very brutal process, one wrestler went through NFL camps and said wrestling training was far more brutal. Another wrestler quit the first day but then came back and began one of the greatest careers in the business, even one wrestler was a Navy SEAL and found training as a wrestler was worth the price. You see it takes much more then physical ability to bring something to the table in the ring, you need character, poise, charisma and you need a body that people want to see along with how you present yourself as a character.

Here are a few trainers that have helped pave the way for some of the greatest wrestlers in wrestling history:

Hiro Matsuda- Trained Hulk Hogan

Eddy Sharkey- Trained Road Warriors, Jesse Ventura and Bob Backlaund

Verne Gangne- Trained Iron Sheik, Ken Patera, Ric Flair, Verne's son Greg and Ricky Steamboat

Stu Hart- Trained the Hart Brothers (Bret & Owen), Greg Valentine, Superstar Billy Graham & Chris Benoit

These trainers took these men to limits most of us can't fathom and look where they are today (with the exception of the late Hawk, Owen & Benoit), they went on to have some of the greatest careers in wrestling. Nowadays on the internet you can find schools all over the country, in canada and abroad. Some schools cost way too much, some cost too little without ever stepping into a ring and some even cost when you don't train at all. Very very few schools give you hands on training and some even require experience as much as 2 years in the ring. To get to the WWE or TNA takes hundreds of matches, psychology in the ring, mic work and most of all a good character to sell as a product.

Back in the early 2000's WWE Tough Enough started a new trend of reality TV but began to show what training in the ring looks like when up-in-coming superstars are thrown into the ring and trainers will find out who stays and who doesn't. The first couple seasons were ok and had good trainers such as Al Snow who was trained by a couple of the Andersons (Ole & Greg). The winners went onto a moderate career but a couple didn't last long due to either injuries or wanted to persue other career oppertunities.

Now theres a new season with a new host and trainers in the names of Stone Cold Steve Austin, Booker T, Bill Demott & WWE Diva legend Trish Stratus. Austin as the host takes on 14 contestants including 1 Current Miss America and they all have one thing in common and thats being the next WWE superstar & Diva. I have a feeling this season aside from tensions, craziness and pissing off trainers these new contestants are in for the ride of your life. They will live together, eat together, train together and everything else inbetween (hopefully none of that Real World shit). After seeing the first episode I knew how great this show will be and plus you get to see Stars that have revolutionized the wrestling business and know a thing or 2 about getting their asses kicked in the ring so I don't see a whole lot of sympathy from Austin or Booker so it should be very interesting to watch.

If you feel you want to get in condition like an old scohool pro wrestler like early steamboat or Ric Flair back in his training days in minnesota or better yet like the great legends Karl Gotch & Billy Robinson then look here and if you find yourself on Tough Enough you'll pass the conditioning with flying colors and work on the other things. Also if you don't want to be a wrestler and just wanna get yourself in awesome shape then here are a few links to look at that I personally recommend.

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