Showing posts with label Strength Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strength Training. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thor Hammers Aren't Always Needed To Smash

Working on the grip is an essential part for building overall health and strength. I have written about why building grip is needed to succeed in many aspects of training but not all exercises are created equal. When it comes to grip strength and conditioning, very few can match the Sledgehammer. Now you don't always need to smash a tire with one or even hit the ground with those rubber ones or smash into the sand, a sledgehammer or even a Thor Hammer for that matter can be used like a Club or Mace or even a Kettlebell for that matter.

Whenever I use a Thor Hammer or in this case of it's Viking Name: Mjolnir, I love working exercises like a club or a mace because with the thickness of the hammer, it's working more than just the shoulders and core, it's hitting the grip with a vengeance. Whether it's nearly 14 lbs or 30 lbs, either way this thing will make you stronger in ways that even the gods would be impressed by. Just today, I worked with the lighter of the two hammers for up to 200 reps of various exercises that really hit the spot. Mainly in the 10-20 rep range each way or per exercise, that's quite a bit cause you're squeezing the handle with every swing and that's putting solid stress on the tendons and ligaments.

They say, the more muscles you use in an exercise, the better your overall health will be. There's a time for isolation (like rehabbing or isometric training) but from a big picture standpoint, hitting multiple muscles at the same time really gives you another perspective of strength training. Thick Grip Training has reaped many benefits and workouts don't have to take as long because when you work with a Thick implement, you're forced to stabilize your body and be in complete control otherwise you'll end up dropping the implement or falling in the case of pull-ups or something. 

Having Mjolnir in your hands is an incredible but also an intimidating feeling. You can't get sloppy with it otherwise you'll pay a price so whether you're hitting a tire or swinging it like a club, mace or even a kettlebell, be careful but also pay attention to what you're doing and treat it with respect or else it'll bite you in the ass or in this case, dropping on the foot, stabbing you with those sharp corners and hitting the legs. If you want powerful forearms and a grip like a vise, this is the implement that will get you there. 

While you're at it, to really kick things into high gear, take the Thor Hammer Formula before your workout and notice the surge of energy coursing through you. Be strong, have a blast and be Amazingly Awesome. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Supplementary Exercise And Actual Sport

I got this comment on one of my YouTube videos about a person disagreeing about the exercise I used as a conditioning exercise and it didn't help him at all in MMA sparring and he got tired really quick and felt embarrassed. I felt bad for the guy and was giving him a rundown about as embarrassed he felt, I wanted to let him know that he doesn't need to be and maybe I'll explain it better here so for those who felt the same way. I've been there myself and I understand what some go through.

There's no question that in order to be good at or be in shape for any sport, conditioning is a priority and understanding the mechanics of your sport whether it be Wrestling, MMA, Hockey, Baseball or whatever sport you choose to be in. This is painfully obvious. Now the trouble with certain aspects is sometimes we as athletes can get in over our head that if we train hard enough and do all the pushups, weights, squats, burpees, we would be ready for the sport we partake in. That's not always the case.

A favorite line I like from the late Billy Robinson where he says "you can do 5000 squats a day and it still won't make you a better wrestler" so despite the supplementary work you put in, it's not going to make you any greater at your sport. This doesn't mean that supplementary exercise don't do anything at all, their essential in many formats. Before Karl Gotch taught anyone a hold or takedown, he would put them through the ringer and see how tough they were, that didn't mean they were a wrestler by the time by the time they learned one freaking move, you were a wrestler by how much time you were on the mat and developing the skills for that, the exercises beforehand were merely a test that became a daily thing. 

To be the best at your sport, you worked hard on that sport. Some people developed faster than others and some had greater specific skills than others. Take baseball, Rickey Henderson for all intents and purposes had an incredible skillset of speed, power and eye at the plate and was the very best leadoff man in history. His supplementary exercises were Push-ups, Squats, Sprints & Flexibility work, did those help him? Very much so but those alone didn't make him a better player, the skills he build as a player made him great and was in a class on his own. Now let's take someone like Honus Wagner...From a completely different time period of the game but had skills maybe not on the same level as Henderson but in his time, Wagner was stealing bases, hitting homeruns and having batting averages that still baffle people to this day. He hit 101 Homeruns in his career, that's not even a glimpse of what today's standards consider a homerun hitter but if you look at the era he was in and look at the statistics of that era, which was before the Babe came along, Wagner was in a sense one of the greatest power hitters of that generation. What were his supplementary exercises? No one really knows and most likely just stretching and working farms in the offseason. 

When it comes to MMA, it can be unpredictable. You can do all the conditioning exercises required to GET READY for a fight but the moment someone steps in that octagon/ring there are chances he's going to tire out somewhere in the beginning or be dead by the end. An actual fight as opposed to just the training is a completely different animal. Even the sparring is slightly different because you're not going 100% as if you were in a fight, sparring is more about finding the strategies needed and getting in some work to prepare for a fight. The breathwork is very different when it comes to sparring and conditioning work. The perfect example of this is the fight with Maurice Smith Vs. Mark Coleman, Smith a kickboxer and Coleman a wrestler. You would think a wrestler had better sense of conditioning right? In this case, Smith had a greater upper hand and despite going the distance, you clearly see between the two who had more gas in the tank. 

Breathing is mainly the founding culprit between getting tired or having gas left in the tank. I know this well because I made the mistake of believing that despite my years of doing thousands of pushups, squats and doing so many crawls and sprints I was going to be ok even in sparring. I panicked a lot and was gassed sometimes in less than a minute against guys that not was I stronger than but in much better shape outside of sparring and BJJ. Ok maybe not in better shape than all my opponents because some guys in there were fucking machines and can go for hours if they wanted to but many did take notice of the strength I displayed. Once I learned to be aware and breathe better, I lasted longer and wasn't tapping as much. I even went a few rounds without getting tapped at all, that to me was an accomplishment than ever trying to make someone submit. Even going against a UFC fighter was a hell of an experience. 

What's the point of all this? Don't put supplementary exercise up on a pedestal and use them as the main factor in your sport. Your sport should be the main factor and supplementary training is an add on to give you a sense of direction. Doing a thousand pushups a day won't help you hit 450 ft homeruns, doing hundreds of hill sprints won't turn you into Usain Bolt and no amount of squats will give you the athleticism of Pele. However, those things can be great to get a few tweaks in as you master your sport. Supplementary Exercise won't make you great, they will help you be on the right track to being great.    

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Sledgehammers And How They Take On Another Approach To Training

In one aspect of training with sledgehammers, you can essentially get a full body workout within a few minutes but in the overall aspects, there's nothing like holding one in your hands. This old school style of strength and conditioning has been used by fighters and enthusiasts for decades that go back to the old days of boxing and wrestling where athletes used hammers, axes and other tools to not only get stronger and fitter but to sharpen their coordination, enhance their conditioning and develop grip strength that just blows people's minds. 

The performance side of the coin is an added benefit because of that little nudge that edges an athlete's levels from mediocre to almost superhuman. The attributes alone would make any man or woman beg to possess. As you know, Sledgehammers are asymmetrical and performing movements such as the striking requires a certain blend of balance and coordination in order for the body to work like a madman and burn calories that would result in some awesome muscle building results. 

Now there are a variety of weights to use but as I've written in the past, the heavier the hammer is, the different the technique is in order to successfully and efficiently swing with control. I started out with a 10 lber and worked from there and for most people, it's a pretty good start. That's the bare minimum, now when it comes to the max, it all depends on your goals and quite frankly, you can go as high as you want but I caution you to understand the mechanics and how you control a hammer regardless of the weight.

When it comes to conditioning and continuous strength, you'll want to be able to handle a hammer that with great accuracy and speed, almost like a sprint. If you can do 30 reps within 40-45 seconds, that's cruising considering how you swing. There are also different variations of swings you can do for certain goals but the main two would be the rotational style that many use and the double handed chop style that is mainly used for lighter hammers for speed and conditioning. Now around 10-30 lbs using a speed style is more than enough (unless you're Bud Jeffries and can cruise through with a 40 or higher as if it was a 10), as you get heavier, you'll be focusing more on the power aspects and assuming you can lift a very heavy hammer (say 50 lbs or more), your whole will be forced to come into because there's no way you'll work a hammer that heavy the same way as say a 25 lber. 

Check out the video below for what I mean by this....

You can check out the tiktok video where I do more of a chopping motion and can move pretty fast with a 25 lb hammer. I did a workout yesterday where I did this exercise and worked up to a total of 552 reps using a deck of cards as my numbers count. That type of workout is not only brutal but your forearms will be pumped to the max and your lungs will feel like they just went through a marathon. The intensity, the heavy breathing, the pump and the surge of strength that can only be described as incredible. Using a 73 lb hammer is a whole different feel and a very different aspect of strength as you can see here.

Said it before, very few or anything can match having a hammer in your hands and going to town on a tire that pits you in the realm of the gods. Take it on and see what you're made of. Be strong and be amazingly awesome. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Developing A Physique That's Dangerous Through Natural Strength

 Let's forget for a second about false confidence and let's dig into the heart of building a physique that's real and functional in a practical manner while also being prepared for performance. If you ever pay attention to animals in the wild, you'll notice they can be totally at peace but even while in that state, it also radiates incredible strength and potency. It's important to remember that training in this manner, it isn't to create harmless sheep or just to feel good in your own skin. 

It's also not about building an ego that relies on crazy skills or lifting so damn heavy that it gives you confidence which can render false. Being soft isn't always ideal either when you train this way and living in fantasy land in order to become the best version of yourself. It's really up to you what you want to focus on but the true mission is to train for preparedness in performance. Training whether doing Animal Moves, lifting or other means is to truly shoot for practicality so the body is able to thrive when put to the test. 

There's great potential to be dangerous and you have a choice to be hard if needed be. Realistic training such as Isometrics, Movement Conditioning, Lifting & Carrying or even sledgehammer training for that matter should give you a direct advantage for competition and/or demanding scenarios if you're in sports, MMA or the performing arts. Being shielded, resilient and having a tolerance of pressure. Often times, the muscles and movements we display aren't just for show, they give us an understanding of how to tackle life's obstacles and whatever curve balls they throw at us. As a species, we can be a menace and many of us like it that way. Some of us can make training look pretty but don't forget that there's some harsh work there too and just because it may not look like much to the naked eye, training hard when needed can make a huge difference. 

Taking care of the body is a must obviously and sometimes "soft" training is needed in order to balance out the hard stuff by mastery yet making the body capable of withstanding power and understanding of pushing our limits (to a certain degree). Don't live in fear of your own power because in reality, we may not always know what we're capable of but also shouldn't be afraid of it either. We do put limits on ourselves and at times hold ourselves back (done this plenty of times myself) but the more we set our mind to becoming stronger, the more we find out where our true strengths are. In order to take full charge of developing the physique you want you have to go deeper than just typical means. That doesn't mean taking steroids or PED's, it means what are you willing to do naturally that brings the very best at what you can do and progress. By continuing to master ourselves utilizing both soft and hard training, we can become a great threat. 

Are we being stripped of our natural strength? Some will blame environment, others will blame their job or blame some lame politician (well maybe Donald Trump). Any one of those things can be a factor but realistically, the only thing to blame is ourselves. We buy into crap that make us believe would do us better; the influencers, the pseudo-science, trainers that get their info from horrible textbooks and programs that involve standing on stability balls while attempting barbell squats. If we are to become our strongest, we have to look at what we can do and progress from there. Some training methods can be very demanding but that's a good thing to the extent where if we want to get better, we must progress otherwise if we jump in blindly and not know what the fuck is there, it's going to bite us in the ass and sadly, too many people get bit and have to pay a price that's completely unnecessary.

We need to take back back what's ours and be the true masters of our bodies. Go from pet to beast and strengthen ourselves as naturally as possible. Train hard but train smart as well and be amazingly awesome.    

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Harnessing Your Individuality When It Comes To Training

We all had a hero in some form or another growing up as kids and we admire certain people as we get older but as time goes on and we learn a thing or two, harnessing our own individuality can be a tough gig yet it's part of a necessity that many loathe and can't stand. Some will go to extremes to be like somebody else (HOLLYWOOD wink wink) whether it be in business, fitness, movies, sports or whatever. We tend to promote ourselves as one of a kind but also put too much emphasis on who we are expected to be instead of putting emphasis of who we are and what makes us a unique person.

The reason many can't stand or loathe people being their true selves because mainly they're afraid of their own soul and that being an individual with a single point of unique traits is very hard to achieve. Almost anyone can act out or program themselves to be somebody else because it's easier than building yourself from the ground up. Fitness is right up there with that kind of approach.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be like Michael Jordan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barry Sanders and other cool actors and athletes that looked larger than life. In reality, I was short, stocky and about as unathletic and uncoordinated as can be. I wasn't that good at Basketball, couldn't look like a bodybuilder if I tried and I didn't have the aggressiveness to play football. Those traits prevented me from doing a lot of what I wanted to be. As I grew up and learning what my strengths and weaknesses were, little by little things fell into place of what I expected and accepted of myself as opposed to what I was told to be and how to do things by others' standards and expectations.

Once fitness became a part of my very existence, I made a vow to myself to learn everything possible and focus on creating my own style from the things I learned. I've mastered many exercises but don't follow a trainer or guru to the T, I learned how to strengthen my body without the aid of Physical Therapy and never once used a Personal Trainer to show me the ropes. I learned to harness my individuality and continuing to evolve. Is it perfect and is my way meant for everyone? Hell no. Once you understand the value of not trying to be exactly like a Michael Jordan or Arnold or Barry Sanders, you learn the true meaning of being able to strengthen yourself inside and out. Another is, these people are the GOATs of their chosen sport or acting, you can't have the same exact accolades or try to be the way they were. There are people out there with better skills and have more titles to their name but don't have the same recognition. 

We train to better ourselves, not to showoff and try to be better than somebody else. We win, we lose and we're human with different capabilities, traits and fortitude. You can make it known what you're capable of and have a great level of strength, conditioning and a powerful will but in the end, you and you alone are the very best at what's happening right now. Certain things will fade and adjust to what comes next but never underestimate the power of your own individuality. Learn to progress and grab a hold of what makes you the best version of you. You can be a great wrestler and do all sorts of moves and submissions, you can be a great powerlifter that sets records and have strength beyond belief or you can develop an all around level of anything you set your mind to. Your training is what you develop to do something great later on no matter how big or small, victories come in all shapes and sizes. 

Be an individual of your own accord and make the most of what makes you great. It's a long journey but it doesn't have to be boring or so extreme that it becomes unrealistic. It can be interesting and you'd be surprised what you're capable of if you just open up your soul and become something you were meant to be because it's you and no one else. 

Friday, September 9, 2022

The Benefits Of Animal Movement Strength Training

Fitness methods come and go and we never know what the next trend will come next. For some, a method is not a trend or something just discovered, it's a lifestyle or better yet, a style they take beyond the norm because it's part of their life and they want to master it. That's what Animal Style Training is like for me, I always go back to it no matter what I try and the path takes me back to a place where I can be my true self from a fitness stand point. There's always something to try and take on with the challenge and the ideals but moving like a beast in the wild just feels different than anything else.
Practicing it for so long, it always fascinates me on its origins and why it has stood the test of time. If you do enough research, you'll find that Animal Movement Training has its roots in Martial Arts & Wrestling. On the eastern side of the world, the mighty Shaolin Monks use animals as a testament to their success in Kung Fu and other arts by mimicking animals in their unique form. In the west, animal moves are a traditional conditioning method in Wrestling. Anybody who's been on the mat can still feel in their memory the pain and lactic acid build up from crawling like a bear or going backwards like a crab, walking like a duck or moving like a seal. 

In recent decades, Animal Moves are used more as a warmup in MMA schools and football teams use this method for conditioning. The Bear Crawl is the most common animal used because it's so damn simple yet can turn a weak kid into a rugged machine within less than a few months if not weeks. As good as that sounds, the benefits alone are far beyond just warmups and conditioning style exercises. The warmup version is just a beginning to what really comes into play. 

Believe it or not, moving like an animal in the wild takes on shapes and forms beyond what we could normally understand or what we've been taught. It's more of an untapped resource more than we realize and when you start to get into it, there's a boost of strength, agility and challenging aspects you may have never experienced before. Here are some benefits to help you understand this:

1. The Expansion Of Your Performance & Function

Our bodies are far more capable of doing amazing things than other traditional or conventional methods call upon. When we focus on something one dimensionally, the body will reflect on this and we wouldn't be using our full potential in the aspects of sports or in life in general. Nothing wrong with using other forms of exercises, matter of fact, some are pretty damn essential to do but yet, the demand for more versatile movements needs to be utilized. Practicing Animal Style Movements can do phenomenal things for our functionality and perform at a greater level. We are challenging the norm by moving in ways that are more in the 3D variety more than just focusing from a single point in training.

2. Quality Of The Movements & Mobility Training

As we practice moving like a wild beast, we form patterns that are in 3D which has a high potential of developing great mobility and joint lubrication. The muscles can be shortened or elongated but also with many cases, the activity in these positions build an incredible reservoir in the range of motion of the joints. Learning the aspects of the Lizard Crawl for example shows how the Core is in constant motion of twisting and rotating throughout the movement. This in turn will train the spine very well. The hips are getting mobilized and the shoulders are getting worked as well because of the support they provide while also rotating as you take each step. This exercise alone is a full body movement that develops incredible strength and movement quality in the body.

3. Restoration & Rejuvenation Of The Body

Our bodies and our brains were developed with similar movements to the animals. Think about it, as a baby, we learned to crawl, progressed to walking and than to sprint like there's no tomorrow. As we age, it becomes more and more important to maintain our quality of life by moving and keeping our strength, mobility and efficiency for as long as we can. For a lot of us, Animal style training can be seen as a fountain of youth that will revitalize the body. Animal moves also has great potential to target injury prevention and possibly getting rid of aches and pains. This method makes you feel like a kid again. 

These are just a small portion of the benefits you'll find when you practice Animal Movements. Be strong, get wild and be amazingly awesome.    

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Should You Count Your Steps Or Reps In Animal Workouts?

During workouts, we utilize a set/rep scheme to determine our fitness levels whether for strength, conditioning, endurance or how much we can handle during a certain set. In most circles, this can be good to figure out where you are and how you progress but sometimes, reps don't really seem to matter because the main focus is improving your technique, utilizing tension or using timed sets. Red Delta Project emphasizes those three methods together to help you get the most out of a workout.

When it comes to Animal Workouts, most of the time, rep counts don't really matter but more how long can you last before you start breathing hard. In many cases, a few seconds is all it takes. When I play my Animal Dice Game, it consists of using a step method to count how many times you move throughout an exercise. It can be used as a rep count as well but you don't always have to keep a record of how many steps or reps you do during rounds. In some workouts, you can time it and just play around until the time is up or you can just go until you can't move anymore; either one will get you results fast. 

For a period or ever so often, I do keep a record of how many steps/reps I do in a workout especially if the amount is doubled per animal. I kept a record for a month to see how many I can do and during that month, I recorded over 10,000 Steps/Reps of Animal Exercises. The most I ever recorded in a day was around 2000. Consider that some of those rounds have you doing up to a hundred reps or more depending on if you multiply the dice and you keep going. The highest multiplier I did during certain workouts was around 5 times of what the round called for, so if let's say I rolled a 20 for the bear crawl, I would have to take 100 steps and they can be either fast paced or just "walking" it for that amount. In most workouts, I don't do more than doubled the amount which can still kick your ass in less than a few minutes.

Considering that you don't count your reps and do timed rounds for different animals, you can still end up doing up to several hundred to a thousand or more in a workout. That can be brutal but effective training and developing levels of strength and conditioning that would just astound people. When it comes to the ADG, you never know when you'll start to fatigue, it can happen in one round or 30, you never know. I'll always say that's the beauty of it, no workout is ever the same twice and you never know what you'll have to prepare for cause it can be a breeze one minute and stupid exhausting the next. The bear crawl is considered the foundation for Animal Movements and the easiest to start with; with that in mind, if you had to do even 20 steps of the bear crawl, the next one could be 20 Frog Jumps and you can wear out your legs and be huffing and puffing like the Big Bad Wolf needing oxygen after trying to blow the brickhouse down. 

The thing to remember with this specific Animal Workout is that the more times you multiply the amount per animal, the less rounds you'll end up doing. In one sense if you just did the regular numbers and went for 15-25 rounds or rolls, doubling the amount can take you down to less than 10 and you'll be done. Doing multiple rounds or rolls with a 5 times multiplier can be considered a superhuman feat but until you actually do it, you'll never understand the feeling of it. 

One of the perks of the ADG is that you can do this with a partner and do all sorts of games like Tag, Medley, how many yards you can go for and so on. If you're playing tag, roll for an animal and whatever comes up, both parties have to do that animal. If you're doing distance like a race, roll for an animal, next roll is how long the distance is and it can be feet, yards and if you're insane, go for kilometers. Imagine the amount of reps/steps you take with those kind of games. If you were to do these games for a week, the numbers can rack up in the tens of thousands possibly, talk about being in shape or getting in shape pretty damn quick. 

So with that in mind, should you really be counting? IMO, that's up to you but it's also not entirely necessary unless you have a specific goal in mind like doing 5000 Reps in let's say ten days or you want to average out a certain amount per workout. Regardless of what you do, with consistent training using animal movements, results will come fast and you'll develop skills and other attributes that other methods are obsolete to. Get strong, be wild and be amazingly awesome. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Developing A Thick Back Without Barbells, Dumbbells Or Even PullUps

Building muscle can be easy or at times very difficult for some people, it just depends on the circumstances but also it bares some merit in how you develop muscle from a certain point of view. Some actually build more muscle in certain places around the body where other areas tend to be more difficult to develop. Red Delta Project Owner Matt Schifferle didn't understand how he developed his calf muscles that even Bodybuilders much bigger than him were curious how thick that area was. When he finally understood it, things started falling into place.

For years, I never quite understood how I developed my back because regardless of what I did, my back always seemed to be the most muscular out of all the areas around my body. It was weird. When I finally read Overcoming Isometrics and the explanation of Neuro-Muscular Proficiency, meaning the engagement of the muscles used, things started to make sense. My back was being engaged more than I realized in just about every exercise I did. 

Even guys like Matt & Mike The Machine Bruce even made comments to the thickness of my back. It's not a brag or anything like that, I just think it's cool I was able to do it. The idea of having a thick back shows what you're willing to work with and the type of training you would do to get there. The back muscles themselves next to the legs are the largest group of muscles in the entire body. Some of the greatest bodybuilders in the world had thick backs but do the muscles and surrounding tissue have the strength to make you near injury-proof?

When I was weight training in my teens up until about 20-21, all I cared about was just being strong and seeing how much I can lift. I didn't care about the consequences of what some of the weight I was using when it came back and bit me in the ass. I had no coach, no firm understanding of stretching and progressions and I paid a price even at the age of 19. After my accident, the gears switched and it became more of becoming strong both inside and out, learning the aspects of flexibility, developing strength from another perspective and forming more of a health format not just for muscle building but to keep myself from being injured as much as possible while training everyday. 

I do credit the Bridging I learned that helped me build a strong spine and neck but didn't have a real clue on how it made my back look, I had some idea and liked what it developed into but I never quite got the memo about muscularity. Pull-ups weren't always my strong suit and although I could do them (not many), something always drove me to do different things. Bridging, Gymnastic Work, Animal Movements, Isometrics and heavy resistance cables ended up being the factors on the development for the most part now that I think about it. Bending Steel, Ripping Phonebooks, Sledgehammer Training and Sandbells had a hand in it as well but nowhere near the level of the others. 

In reality, I don't know which form of exercise really targeted my back to its fullest engagement but all in all, I feel like I have developed a strong, muscular and thick back that I rarely ever got hurt with. I did have lower back issues a few years back due to picking up something while moving a family member and walking it up a ramp. It hurt like hell after that and it comes and goes now but for the most part, it's practically healed up and I don't feel pain, just irritation every now and then. Will that injury be a factor as I get older, probably but I'll do my damndest to make sure it's at bay as long as possible.

Barbell deadlifts were never my thing and never did any sort of consistent training yet managed a 1rm of 405. I did it in a friend's garage and I thought it was less cause the guy tricked me and put on weight while telling me not to look at it and just do it. When he told me what it was, at first I wanted to kill him but then the shock struck in and I never thought in my life I would be able to do that. 405 in most circles with that lift was nothing, barely a beginner in powerlifting but when you hit it and you hadn't done any consistent training, it meant something.

Isometrics & Heavy Cables were favorites for back training because unlike Barbells and Dumbbells, they felt in my eyes a greater sense of engagement because you focus so much and hitting the amount of contraction really made a difference. When it came to the cables, I always would do the 10-20 rep range cause that's where I felt comfortable at. With lighter weight, I'd do up to about 50 reps and would do supersets of Cables & Step Ups as a form of Upper Body Strength Training & Lower Body Conditioning. The majority of those superset workouts would come out to a total of 500 reps each. I would do a certain amount with the upper body and do the same reps with the lower. My exercises for cables would be 5 exercises for 5 sets of 20 each for a total of 100 per exercise. I would do the same with step ups and the workout would come out to 500 total by the end. I would have barely any rest at all and the set up for the cables would be my rest otherwise I would go back and forth without stopping. Here's a video where I do three of them as a demo.

The Isometrics for the back would be Deadlift Holds (using a dowel with the strap), Upright Rows and Bow & Arrow. Along with Core Training, that's the majority for the back, not a ton of exercises but they're very intense. 

So it is possible to develop a strong and thick back without machines, weights or pull-ups. Pull-Ups are awesome for the development and are an ideal exercise (just ask Mike Bruce). They can be tough but if you're passionate about them and you have solid mastery, they're one of the best around period. Stay strong guys and if you're wanting to build a thick body that has meaning, I got your back on some of the best resources around (pun intended). Be safe but also kick ass in what you do. 

A couple recent pics of my back development. 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Isometrics As A Cardio Workout?

When most think of cardio; it's running or jogging on a treadmill or going around a town or neighborhood or even doing some kind of aerobics like spin classes. Those have their pros and cons like anything else but the real form of cardio comes in so many other things we tend to forget. You can chop wood or swing a sledgehammer smashing a tire, do sprints, work with the slam ball, do hundreds of squats or step ups, hell even do plyometrics. All of these give off a powerful cardio affect that actually is a lot more functional than just pure jogging. However; does Isometrics count as cardio?

The legendary Steve Maxwell has said that some of the best cardio is from strength training and he was referring to more on the Isometrics side of it and for years, I didn't think much of it cause I didn't even think it was possible. Cardio in a nutshell is just exercising to get the heartrate up to a certain level and keeping it there for a good period of time or raise it and lower it in intervals like from Sprints for example. When I started to really understand how easy it was to get the heartrate up during Isometric Workouts, it became clear that Isometrics are one of the best methods for getting in a great cardio session. If you really think about it, you can get some killer cardio from Yoga especially DDP Yoga.

When it comes to Isometrics, you learn to provide how much tension is used within the amount of time you're working a hold. If you don't use a lot of tension say 30% of your strength, you can do a hold for a good amount of time like say trying to do a 5 minute Horse Stance; it doesn't sound like that long but when you keep the tension at a certain point and the muscles start to burn and controlling your breathing, at a certain point, it becomes harder and harder to keep a steady breathing pattern. Your heartrate goes up and starting to sweat and you're not even moving. How crazy is that? Now how about using tension where you only last 7-12 seconds? The amount of tension normally would be around 65-80% of your strength so you're really digging into the hold hard and your breathing pattern is different. It's not the same as if you're using lighter or decreased tension. 

Both short and long duration holds benefit the body well and your breathing is a key in both. Never hold your breath whatsoever in Isometric Training or in most training methods for that matter. Last night I did an Isometric Workout where I did both Overcoming & Hybrid Isometric Exercises for 45 seconds each doing a curl, squat, deadlift, plank, bent arm pushup and dead-bug. Those kicked my ass because after each exercise, I was feeling my heartrate go up and I was pushing/pulling/squatting more in the 60-65% strength range and it felt like an eternity, they were that tough. I was sweating, breathing hard and feeling the pump in some of them. I wasn't even moving yet I came out of that feeling like I just ran a marathon. 

Never underestimate the power of Isometrics. They'll kick your ass in ways you didn't think were possible and can build muscle like crazy (not over-bloated type muscle like in today's bodybuilding) and I mean the type of muscle that hardens and is tight. It teaches how to handle tension and controlling it. Strength & Power beyond belief man and with the cardio aspects of it, that's just icing on top of a killer cake. Now that doesn't mean Isometrics are the end-all-be-all, movement is life after all so do plenty of training that's dynamic to get the best of both worlds. Be strong but be safe as well, training is meant to help prevent injuries, not cause them and Isometrics when done right is one of the safest yet most powerful methods to help build an injury-proof body. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

I’m Talking About DDP Yoga


   Yoga for decades even centuries has had a reputation for being a soft, spiritual plus a tough form of exercise. It's supposed to enlighten your body and give off an emotional release with spiritual guidance. The type of Yoga I'm talking about doesn't enlighten (unless you let it) and will beat you to the ground with the way it is taught. It can still be spiritual but in a more aggressive way with a touch of kick ass cardio and Muscle Control that will jump start your heart rate. Diamond Dallas Page has taken one of the oldest systems in the world and taken it to another level with his style of hardcore training and no impact conditioning and strength training.


    I was taught in my early 20's that if you want to get the best out of your training, you learn to be self-reliant; listening to your own body and understanding your own physiology to create the workouts that ae suitable to you and your goals. DDP Yoga embodies this concept when it's leader suggests (even demands) to "Make the DDP Yoga program your own." I love that and that's why I continue to do it. It's the ability to modify whatever you wish to work on and you can make the exercises as easy or as hard as you need to. Granted there are some exercises that elite athletes have trouble with it still becomes a factor when you create more strength, gain flexibility, build a powerful body and taking a beating from the workouts. Don't take my word for it, give it a shot yourself. It's not any of that P90X or Insanity crap that can actually hurt you more than help you. This system is so unique it takes classic strength training mixed with martial arts and cardio into a series of exercises some may have seen but with a whole new twist. It is this unique style that gives off powerful energy as you will find out from doing these exercises.


    To become efficient, you must practice and stay consistent. Now there's a difference between practicing poorly and practicing good form, one way or another if you practice enough, the results will come from that practice. I do the DDP Yoga program nearly every day, practicing the moves I want to get good at and get better at. I do follow a workout from time to time but in my experiences, I follow my own workouts by arranging exercises to my liking and not trying to imitate another person because it's not fun trying to keep up with someone on a video. This does not mean you shouldn't do the workouts, if you want to do them go for it, study them and put some zest into them. To truly experience making DDP Yoga your own, you study the exercises as best as possible like his basic Diamond Dozen or certain exercises in the workouts he performs and build that around what you want to do and making them into your own style of a workout. Be consistent and you can't go wrong.


    The number thing that you won't be able to control is that if you follow a workout or create your own; you better be prepared to get your ass kicked. There's no way around it, it will take you to the woodshed and pin you down for the count. You will sweat, you'll be screaming obscenities and you will be breathing harder than a wrestler who just spent an hour on the mat (slight exaggeration) but you get the picture. Be bold and take the beating with a positive image that you'll become fitter, stronger, healthier and gain more flexibility without ever attacking the joints. Too many people only work on muscles more than joints/tendons/ligaments because it's the muscles that stand out. What about the very things that holds those muscles together, if you pull a muscle sure it hurts but it'll heal faster than a joint because if that attachment breaks it takes far longer to heal so isn't it fitting to strengthen those and have them be strong? Get the workout that has taken the world by storm. It has saved the careers of some of the biggest names in wrestling like Chris Jericho, Jake "The Snake" Roberts and the Bad Guy Scott "Razor Ramon" Hall. It has changed the lives of countless people who have banded together in a membership site which you can join for free and get encouragement and support from these very same people.


    The benefits of this system are so long I can only mention a few but each one is worth the price of the program many times over including…..


-No impact on the joints
-Building great cardio that will burn fat and gain muscle by creating your own dynamic resistance
-Gaining flexibility that will give you energy and that youthfulness you had when you were young
-Lose weight and build muscle
-Help gain new athleticism for your sport or athletic endeavor


And many more


Take a chance and get this program and live your life at 90%. When you buy the workouts you will also receive MP3's of all the workouts so you can listen to them anywhere. Follow DDP on Youtube and others on Twitter. Own your life NOW!!!


Be awesome, happy Monday everyone and welcome to the DDP Yoga Express. It ain't your mama's Yoga.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Enhancing The Natural Abilities In Your Body


               Although we are born with certain abilities and learn either faster or slower than others, it’s still noted that we find something we are strong or weaker in no matter what it is. To enhance our abilities, we must practice what is in our imaginations, how our body is congruent with our thoughts and how we apply certain techniques to create the super strength and speed that we desire. Yes I realize we can’t be the X-Men or have the intelligence of Batman or even have the uncanny supernatural abilities of a Vampire; however, we can jump start our bodies to run a little faster, jump a bit higher and highly emphasize our strength levels without the need for steroids or performance enhancing drugs.
                I find Vampires fascinating not because of the way they look or how charming/evil they are; I’m fascinated by their enhanced abilities at a supernatural level. Once a human is bitten, he/she is driven into darkness without warning or choice but on the other side of the coin they’re given a gift and a curse of powers that generate more than any human; the ability to fly, see, hear, touch, smell and given greater strength, speed and ascended physical attributes. What if (minus the flying part) we could generate our bodies abilities like that even by 1% to save someone’s life, jump higher out of hazardous ground, run faster out of danger and have the strength to carry your family to safety. Most of the time, we can only enhance our natural abilities for a short time because of adrenaline and the reaction to a situation in that time frame.
            There’s energy all around us, in the words of Obi Wan “It surrounds us and penetrates us and binds the galaxy together.” Sure he was talking about the force but it’s practically the same thing just in a different format. The energy we all have can be greatly higher if we use our mind and body as if it were the same thing. Although they’re different yet in unison, it can greatly enhance your life by 100 fold. The way you make certain sound can make you stronger or weaker, the way you visualize and move with it can either make you very flexible or very stiff. When you create a thought, a result comes into play. I’m not if you think you’re going to lose 20 pounds in less than 2 days it’s going to happen, what I ‘am saying is that if you think differently and open up your mind, your results can come much quicker. It doesn’t matter how old you are, how strong or how you think your brain works, just to have one thought and put into action can have the greatest impact. Internalize your energy and let it flow through your body using certain techniques and you’ll find that you can generate greater abilities than you already have.

                Nowadays especially in athletics, drugs are the main course for the competition. Men and women use Steroids either by injection, pills or whatever to greatly ascend their natural abilities to crush their competition. Hit more homeruns, run faster to tackle or score a touchdown, kick a ball further into the goal post, jump higher to grab a rebound and see the basket clearer to make a jump shot; these are all the things athletes can do but it doesn’t need to be that way. With the techniques you can learn from CoreForce Energy, there won’t be any side effects that can have you deteriorate later in life, matter of fact it can help you stay young, vibrant and crazy strong and supple if you practice it. It’s not just athletics drugs are involved; its academics, business, losing weight, law enforcement and even kids are doing them and it’s stupid. You have more power in you than you can imagine. You can create greater strength and abilities if you apply yourself and your body will greatly thank you for it. When you take those drugs and your abilities take hold, remember it’s only for a small time and in order to keep it up you need to keep taking them and before you know it, you’re an addict. You can be smarter, stronger, faster and have better senses if you practice things that don’t require things that can kill you. Be better than that and know that you can be better. My drug of choice is CoreForce Energy.

Happy Monday guys. Be awesome and have a great start to a new week.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Starting Out With Sledgehammer Training


          A friend of mine asked me the other day he was interested in working with Sledgehammers and wanted to know what exercises and weight to start with on the hammer? I gave him a little bit of it because that was what I could figure out to say at the time. To me, it’s a lot of fun and has many benefits in terms of muscle building, strengthening the tendons and building great lung power; but it’s also very demanding and when you start out too fast or too much weight it’ll hit you hard.

            To give you some ideas; I've worked with different types of hammers, the ones you get like at home depot, the Epic Sledge, Thor’s Hammer and others so each one has a different feel or a different set of ways to move with the hammer. Just the basic swing on a tire is crazy enough as it is but there are other exercises that don’t always require striking. When you work with a long implement, the leverage factor will be a bigger point to look at because the weight shifts and you have to move your body to where the weight is in order to move it.

            Some people like using the Mace and although it’s very useful in many ways, I like using a sledgehammer better because it has a better interest in what you can do in terms of lever work and working with weight at a more odd angle. The Mace has more of a rounded ball so it has a smoother way of moving, the Sledge has more of a 4 sided shape like a rectangle or square as the head of the hammer. When you start out, you want to feel how it works in your hands, how your body shifts with the weight and try different things and no matter what you try, your grip will be a factor. If you don’t have a good grip you won’t last too long.

            Start out with a good 7-10 hammer to get the feel for it. There’s a DVD you can get from Bud Jeffries that is part of his Monster Conditioning Program specific to Sledgehammer Training. If you don’t have a tire that’s fine you can still get great benefit from sledge training. The exercises you can do are nearly the same as if lifting a barbell or dumbbell but the weight is shifted to one side so you have to work the stabilizing muscles and your grip needs to be strong and tight. Here’s a website that shows certain exercises although done with a Mace you can do the same with a sledge. Play and experiment with various reps and sets.

            I highly recommend the Sledgehammers from Stronger Grip because if you want to add weight to the hammer; you can put in shot led or steel shot otherwise if you use a hammer like from home depot, it’s expensive to buy more hammers and prices vary depending on how heavy the hammer is. I also recommend you do get a tire because once you get the ground work for non-tire exercises you’ll eventually want to strike it. You can find tires at a junk yard that no one wants anymore or you can get Half Tires that take up less space and have better strikes to work on.

            When you work on getting good with the sledgehammer, your body will begin to change, your muscles will have more definition, your tendons will become stronger and your breathing will skyrocket because it takes strength to use the hammer the way these guys can show you and the heavier the hammer, the more your breathing becomes a factor. Your grip will become much stronger and have that crushing strength. Take your body and mind to Super Muscle level and watch your strength skyrocket in ways you haven’t had before.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Mixing Muscle Control Into Your Workouts

            The Art of Muscle Control was a staple for many of the old time physical culturists such as Otto Arco, Maxick, Sandow, John Grimek, Saxon and also the mighty George Hackenshmidt. When you think into the muscles and learning your own physiology, you’re finding out how your own body works in ways no one else can. In your workouts where you’re lifting maybe heavy weights, pull-ups, kettlebell snatches and/or working with Sledgehammer; mixing in Muscle Control can give you that extra edge in the flow of blood moving into the muscles and keeping them fresh and going just a tad longer.

            I've been experimenting with this lately because I want to find out how I can last a little bit longer or flow better in my workouts so after I do a set of an exercise say swinging the mace 100 times; I would superset it with a muscle control exercise. There are many ways to do Muscle Control but my style isn't just flexing and relaxing it’s moving through an entire range of motion, this style is called FMT a.k.a Focused Muscular Tension kind of the Charles Atlas Tension exercises. There are a series of exercises in FMT and all of them require a focus on the muscles being worked so not only am I building certain muscular power in my training but also keeping my mind focused and breathing deeply so that when “Resting” I’m really adding more flow to my muscles by giving them oxygenated blood. This is one way to look at building your Chi or life-force in your body so you can keep your body going more smoothly, more focused and not just resting the muscles.

            Deep Breathing is a key factor in any exercise because it can make a huge difference in how weak or strong you are. Correct Breathing with natural flow of your body’s movements creates a much more complete image on how you build muscle, utilizing the stabilizers and where you’re focused in. If you plan on doing this, experiment with your own style of muscle control, mix things up to get a feel for what has you flowing and keeping that “Strength/Endurance” factor that helps you down the road to burning fat, building natural and functional muscle and tendon strength.

            When I say mix up I mean keep doing what you've always planned on training but after each set do a Muscle Control Exercise and mix those up and try different ones. This is after you've mastered the Muscle Control Exercises in and of themselves because if you haven’t you’re not going to find that same effect that controls the flow of your muscles and the blood you want flowing. At first these exercises may be a bit unusual and feel a bit weird but keep practicing, find the ones that keep you interested and fresh.

            This is the beautiful part of Physical Culture where you learn how to listen to your body and find different exercises that build a puzzle of how you want to build your body without the need of those crappy supplements and steroids that eventually destroy your body more than give you that life-long process of health, super strength and crazy vitality. Be bold, be different, utilize what works best and throw out what doesn’t. It makes life interesting, more open and more beautiful. Take it in and experiment with it.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Mighty Strength Of Hercules

           A god caught between two worlds; Mount Olympus & Earth. Mythology’s strongest hero is one of the greatest stories ever told. In the training world, it’s the pinnacle for us guys to try to emulate (At least the strength). We are so amped when we develop our strength in many areas but building physical strength comes with a price. Like the 12 labors of Hercules, we too must conquer our challenges even as they get tougher. Unlike the Labors, it’s never ending and sometimes we suffer to get what we want but we should never give up on what can be ours.

            Although we can never have the strength Hercules possesses, we can however channel our energy to create super strength and power by how we use our imagination. Our strengths are different but we have similar goals and although we think differently generally a certain outcome will remain the same. How we breathe can generate or destroy our strength, how we move and think can lead a path of strength or have it be given away. Building strength just by lifting or doing certain exercises may be good but it’s not quite enough. Think big, dream hard and make the impossible possible. Hercules also used his intelligence to help his strength; we too must learn this concept for it is the very key to creating results fast and powerful.

            What do you want; do you want to lift heavy weights, build more muscle or do you want to become super conditioned? Why not all three and more? You don’t have to settle for just one thing, that’s like saying if all you had for dinner the rest of your life was steak, you’d lose your damn mind and just get tired of it. You can develop great functional super muscle by applying the thinking of Hercules along with what you want to achieve. We won’t always look like a Mr. Olympia but we can create strength and muscle using techniques that can help our breathing, our movement, the way we think and going beyond the very essence of our strength and add even 1% of what scientists say about the amount of strength we use.

            To produce results fast, we have to think differently and we also need to use things differently. Grip strength is one of the most important keys in strength development and there are many ways to do it, one of my favorites is using sledgehammers particularly Thor’s Hammer to enhance my grip strength and overall body conditioning. Another is thick bar training if you want to lift great weights; this cuts your workouts in half maybe even a 1/3rd because it takes a lot of strength to move a weight when it’s more than 2 inches in diameter like a barbell or a dumbbell. Some people can’t afford the thick bars so what can you do, use Fat Gripz or Fat Gripz Extreme, these alone can enhance your strength in ways that you never imagined possible.

            Think about getting strong in pull-ups, add thickness to those crazy machines and turn them into strength enhancers. Slap a Fat Grip onto your barbells and dumbbells and instantly turn them into one of the most difficult lifts around. Hercules was a man of superhuman strength and was built like a house but he does teach us the value of our strength and how we can apply it to create strength that all of us want to achieve in some form or another. When you think differently, your body reacts differently. The next time you lift or do a certain exercise, don’t look at it as just an exercise, think as if you’re the mighty Hercules and you have a powerful body, mighty hands and you have the strength and power to make the impossible happen. See how you react and the way your body moves with your thought. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

You Are Your Best Trainer

            Over the last 8 years or so since I've succumbed to the Physical Culture bug, one thing has stretched in my mind more than anything else in my search for great training and that’s being your own best personal trainer. What does that mean being your own trainer? Simple really, it’s not allowing those who tell you to do something and go with creating your own way of training, being self-reliant. It’s not very easy to do because there is so much info out there that you don’t know what works and what doesn't.

          We have a plethora of programs to choose from, like bodybuilding, strongman, 8 days a week, the super programs of crossfit, the next gadget in the infomercials, how to build bigger arms, getting 12 pack abs, grip strength you catch my drift. The secret is finding what works for you. Experiment, do different programs at the same time, piss off the establishment who don’t know a lift even if they had a gun to their head (exaggeration I know but it’s a good metaphor though). Those who try to tell you what’s superior, what’s the coolest trend, how to build a program that has nothing to do with your progression; they’re the ones who keep you from making something of yourself on your own. Trust your instincts, be bold and question things.

            Nobody really just trains and has fun anymore, to quote the joker “why so serious?” We pay to go to the gym and do all these crazy programs and eventually after a few weeks we just give up and quit. It’s not how hard you push yourself, its how much fun to do something you love to do. If you don’t love training but just keep running through the motions, sure it’s better than nothing but you won’t find the results you want. Train and have fun with it, focus on what you want, use your imagination and create something for yourself. Yes I believe if you have a goal you should be focused on it, be determined and willing to go beyond it and strive to excel at your challenges but don’t become a mean asshole to get there, play a little and make it an adventure.

            There’s always someone that follows specific programs and for some it’s the end-all-be-all for others it’s temporary and the rest think outside the box. Mix things up, draw outside the lines. Here’s an example, I’ve learned from many different guys and even some women and yet I don’t worship their craft and take all of them as a god/goddess of the fitness world. I respect what they do but I don’t agree on everything they do, if you agree with everything then you might as well not have a brain of your own. I love some of these people, some as if they’re my family but I also love being creative. I take chunks out of their craft and mold it into my own thing, kind of like Michelangelo carving out David; I take chunks of concrete to create a masterpiece.

            Love what you do, be creative, feel what you want to do. Think outside the box, be weird, be a dork whatever you are who you are and should train according to who you are as a person. Be safe but don’t be lazy, progress at your own pace and train smart. If you happen to get hurt, then you need to change things around and don’t ever stop learning. Think and Grow because eventually, you’ll find something someone doesn’t like or does but only you will love it the way it is and no one can take it away from you. That’s the heart of being your own trainer. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Philosophy Of Rocking Out

           Have you ever been to a concert where your energy became so strong and adrenaline is pumping through your veins and you feel like a million bucks? It’s things like that, that should make you feel when you training. Your body is in a state where nothing can stop you from accomplishing your goal. It’s the rush of picking up a heavy object, doing a bodyweight exercise most people can’t do and you can’t help but wanting more. Most people don’t put any life into their exercise because after all, it’s just an exercise. If you’re in a beginner stage that’s one thing and you’re progressing through stages but even in the beginning, use what you have and believe you will get better.

            Some people like to use certain types of music to get them going. You don’t really need music to jump start your energy but if you choose to use music as an inspiration then do so. Some like pop, mix, metal, classical, hard rock and even worldly types but all have one common agenda and that’s to fire you up. Personally I’d prefer metal and not death metal but like heavy and rhythmic because of the solos and the sound that just hits you like Zeus’ lightning bolt. Music is exciting and it helps you ease the process. However, in order to achieve workout bliss, learn to use your mind as your music because music can also be a distraction and throw off your breathing patterns or your thinking when you’re creating a workout. The more mindful you are, the greater you will achieve.

            Most drag out a workout because the look at it as a punishment and feel miserable and don’t have a sense of happiness towards it. Believe it or not, you can have the time of your life when you train. Think about it, being able to do what you want to do, being happy, pushing through plateaus and living in the moment instead of just feeling like some drill sergeant is walking all over you and telling you you’re no good. Picture as if you’re at that kick ass concert and your favorite band is playing one of your favorites, you’d rock the hell out of that song wouldn't you? It’s the same thing as exercise; make it come alive with power, adrenaline and vitality.

            I recently went to see Black Sabbath while I was vacationing in California, Mountain View to be exact. Went with my best friend and his cousin, I’ll tell you first hand it was the experience of a life-time and most likely will never see that band again and they had the original three members; Ozzy, Geezer Butler & Tony Iommi. I head banged my heart out that night and it was something I’ll never forget. Ozzy was funny as hell but his voice in the lyrics during the songs was just as powerful as if I time traveled back to the 70’s in their heyday revolutionizing Rock Music. Tony’s solos were incredible, even in his mid 60’s he still can dominate that axe better then most of the best today. The point I’m making here is that like a solo riff on a guitar and that feel of Goosebumps hitting your body is a lot like that one moment in your training where everything just feels awesome and you get shivers when something just clicks inside you.

            Make your training as if you’re going to live it and feel more powerful within then ever possible. Build that foundation where you’re going to feel awesome, your body is flowing with strength and vitality and there’s nothing anybody can do to stop it because it’s your time and your moment to shine, just like a concert you’re having a blast and having the best time of your life because you never know when you’ll have that feeling again. Rock out guys and have fun.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Technology Has It’s Purpose To A Degree

            In the world of modern technology, it’s everywhere from computers to cell phones, satellites all over the globe, little robots that can do certain things, apps that have just about every single piece of information you can find and it’s all mostly unnecessary in the fitness world. There are ways to work around that however. There was a time when there was no internet, no cell phones, no computers to give us the slightest bit of info and the closest to entertainment you found was in a movie theater, the radio, Burlesque shows, Vaudeville and the Circus. You actually had to find a way to make life interesting whether it was working on a farm, wrestling with many sparring partners at a YMCA and sometimes the nearest town was miles away and had to ride a horse or in a carriage.

            Machines today have their reason and some of them are good to use but when it comes to exercise, most machines don’t really do anything for you because of how fixated they are. Some people can use technology to their advantage in their training; I was never fond of the treadmill but somehow certain people like them and use them in the gym or their home. To take advantage of this while being productive there has been ways of people getting fit from a treadmill while working at the same time. A great friend of mine Tyler from Garage Warrior has his laptop attached to his treadmill so while he’s doing emails and writing up articles, he can get in a brisk walk at the same time so he’s making something useful.

            To be fit in my opinion is to be as old school about it as possible with as limited machining and technology as possible. Learn to be more wild-like and open to getting strong, certain people like lat pulldowns for the back muscles but in the end if you want a great powerful back stick to basic exercises like Pull-ups, Chin-ups, Deadlifts and DB/BB Rows. When you move a barbell/dumbbell or even your own bodyweight, it’s a different feel; you’re part of a tradition in a modern era that is overrun by microwaves and technological distractions. Learn how the old-timers trained, you don’t have to be exactly like them but learn to use their example of how being fit and strong really is. Lift odd objects to find out how your muscles work in an awkward and unstable position, learn to use your body like an animal seeing how you move with constant change and direction.

            Since there are so many freaking apps for fitness there are only two or three I've ever found that is truly useful, the Tabata apps and the Deck Of Cards. Tabata training is basically an interval training system where you do 4 minutes of intense exercise with 20 sec. on and 10 sec. off ratio, this app can be great for short and timed training. I use it for animal type training. The deck of cards app is by far the very best one I have found that gives you a workout that is never the same and it’s an unlimited deck where you can do an infinite number of cards. You can pick up to 4 exercises that you can type in and you’re off and running, after you do a certain exercise on the card, press a button to go to the next one and it’ll tell you how many reps to do for that particular card, sucks it doesn't have jokers though.

            We can use technology to our advantage in the way we train but you have to be smart about it, let it work for you. Stick to the basics as best as you can and have a kick ass time with them but don’t let technology run your whole way of training, overall its best to turn off your computer, cell phone, radio and just be free to do whatever you want. It’s all about how you find things that work best for you.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Going Back To The Bridge

              Lately I've switched my training around to Bridging and Sprinting to gain some agility, speed and awareness along with burning off bodyfat which has helped a great deal in a short amount of time but the Bridging however is the toughest of them all. A bridge routine can either make you or break depending what your level is at. To understand bridging, it really goes back to Karl Gotch’s DVD Conditioning For Combat Sports where I first learned about Bridging Gymnastics from a visual stand point. The amount of Agility you gain from it is insane and being able to handle your bodyweight in a manner most are afraid of.

            The key component of Bridging whether it’s on the head or hands alone is that it stretches the body in ways not many other programs can give you. The ability to stretch the spine to give that curvature in the spine is essential to lifelong health and functional fitness. Granted it’s not for everyone especially if you've had bone spurs in the neck or have had a mess of injuries to the spine but with the right training, most people can learn how to do the bridge, if you’re brave enough you can take it to the next step and that’s falling into a bridge and progressing kicking over and back while in the position.

            One of the all-time greats in the realm of Physical Culture George F. Jowett once said In both man and the other male beasts, the neck has always been the true indication of the quality and quantity of his concentrated nerve power. A strong healthy man always has a powerful neck, and he always will have one.” He was right because if you look at how strong a man’s neck is that is congruent with the spine, it gives a whole new meaning to the term superhuman. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you have a flexible and strong spine, the rest of your body feeds off that power and energy.

            Our spines are like the electric cord of the human body, it sends nerves into the brain that feeds us our way of thinking and how our body is able to move. If your spine isn't strong enough it has a bigger chance of making you paralyzed everywhere. Give your spine the fuel it needs and your neck should be right along with it.

            Karl Gotch always figured Bridging is a major key to getting in serious shape and I’m not making that argument because I've done a lot of different training methods and Bridging Gymnastics always cooks me in the shortest amount of time because you’re working every single muscle in the body and you’re working your spine and neck to a degree where the stronger you get at it the stronger you’ll be overall. I always admired the way how Bridging works and it takes quite a bit of guts and some serious awareness to do some of the things Bridging Gymnastics offers.

            I've had the great opportunity to learn it from a couple guys and taught it to a few people myself plus being one of the heaviest guys to fall back into a bridge, kick over and kick back at a bodyweight of 238+ pounds. It’s exhilarating and exciting to do something most people can’t. Even if you’re a lighter person and you’re able to do it is still amazing in itself. It’s also fun as hell once you get it down and doing some crazy stunts. If you got the guts to take your training to another level, learn the kick ass ways to bridge, it is one hell of a way to get in shape and it gives you benefits you wouldn't believe.  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Let The Hammer Fall

As of late because of the influence from Super Strongman Bud Jeffries, Sledgehammer Training has been going like hot cakes and why is that? We all realize a hammer is just a hammer or is it, what’s the significance of having this monstrous looking object? It is actually one of the most important tools that can be used to jack up your conditioning like burgers to a grill. You don’t need to look like pretty boy Chris Hemsworth of Thor fame or the folk legend John Henry, hell you don’t need massive muscles to be able to handle it but yet if you want to take a hold of that Hammer, you need a slice of mind power to even take a few exercises on.

            When you bring that powerful hammer down and hit a good solid tire, picture that tire as if it was someone trying to kill you or you have to dig the biggest hole or better yet, picture in your mind, that you’re taking down a building or structure say a pyramid or knocking holes as if you were in the Temple Of Doom alongside Indiana Jones, he’ got the whip, you got the hammer. Training with a different mindset can change your body’s movement within the snap of your fingers, if you just picture hitting a tire that’s cool and all but where the passion in that is, it’s pretty dull. Your tire is your enemy, make it your bitch.

            One of the coolest hammers there is, is Thor’s Hammer. Just being able to hold that thing has something special, something that gives you power and strength the moment you use it. When you train with it, it’s almost like you’re striking fear into those who can’t do it or handle it. For having that Thor mindset, you want to make that Hammer feel worthy only to you, nobody else and picture as if someone else tried to use your hammer but can’t move it like you, swing it like you or even strike terror into a tire like. It’s a feeling like in the movie; nobody can move the Hammer except Thor, in the Legend of King Arthur pulling the Sword From The Stone only one is worthy to take hold of the sword. I love shit like that, kind of reminds me of another reference, in Highlander there can be only one. Might as well be you.

            The sound of striking a hammer is powerful, thunderous even mystical that even the great God himself can be proud of and hearing the sound of Odin cheering your way to victory. Victory isn't always a winning title but victory is the inner power within that fights even when he’s struck down in the face of battle and keeps going until his dying breath. Thunder & Lightning are at your feet; just waiting for you to take what’s yours and pass that knowledge onto those who deserve its power and its secrets. You are powerful, strong and cunning and within you is a soul that is waiting to unleash hell and give everything you have to make everything worth while. Let the hammer fall and make that hammer apart of you as the sword is to the Samurai. Feel it, see it and hear the power of the gods giving you the power you deserve. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

5 Tips To Help You Gain Muscle

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. Drew Stegman. I looked over his site and I find him very interesting in his approach to weightlifting, bodybuilding and Nutrition. Its basic, simple and no B.S when it comes to building the muscle you want. Without further ado here is the 5 steps to help those who want to gain muscle fast.....

With everybody these days trying to lose fat, it’s fairly easy to forget about the importance of muscle on your body. Whether you simply want to increase your metabolism or look at yourself in the mirror and know that you’re totally hot and ripped, muscle mass is necessary to do so.
Here are five simple ways to build muscle, rather you’re trying to pack on a few pounds or you want to look like a professional bodybuilder:
1. Cut Back on the Cardio: Doing cardiovascular exercise is fantastic if your goal is weight loss, since it allows you to burn additional calories and gets your heart rate up into its target zone. But if your goal is to gain muscle, I’d recommend cutting back on the cardio a bit. Too much cardio can actually burn muscle, which is the case with the long-distance marathon runner; sure they might be lean and have no fat on their body, but they’re lacking in the muscle department. This doesn't mean that you should ignore cardio completely, but definitely cut back on the long distance stuff. I would limit your cardio to no more than three 30-minute sessions each week and spend the rest of your time and effort focusing on lifting weights.
2. Don't Overdo It: Many bodybuilders, weightlifters, fitness enthusiasts and even average gym goers all make the same mistake – they overtrain. When it comes to most things in life, more is better, but when it comes to building muscle, doing more will simply end in failure. If you overtrain, you’re either going to get injured or simply get burnt out. Whatever the case, you won’t be able to build any muscle and if you get injured, obviously you’ll be out of the gym for weeks or months at a time. So keep your weightlifting sessions under an hour and don’t workout more than 5 days per week. Even with five days per week, you’re still pushing it – I’d even recommend scaling that back to 3-4 days per week.
3. Mix Things Up: Why would you want to do the same thing over and over again anyway? Variety is what keeps people from getting bored in life and when it comes to packing on muscle, things are no different. Your muscles (and body for that matter) all operate under one simple principle. Once they get comfortable with what they’re doing, they stop adapting. And when they stop adapting, they stop growing. Always make sure you’re switching up your workouts every 4-6 weeks, so you can keep your muscles constantly confused and in the state of muscle growth. Trust me, you won’t regret this decision once you finally decide to give it a full-blown shot.
4. Keep Eating: Many people focus on calorie restriction when trying to lose weight, which is completely understandable. But when you’re trying to gain muscle, you need to play by a different set of rules. Quite simply, you have to eat big to get big. If you’re not supplying your body constantly with the nutrients and calories it needs to grow, then don’t expect to get very big. But you can’t eat anything – you need to consume a constant balance of protein, healthy fats, complex carbs and fruits and vegetables as well. If you starve your muscles, they’ll wither away, so don’t let that happen to you.
5. Take a Break: Remember point two. Even if you’re mixing up your workouts and continually confusing your body, you won’t gain much muscle if you workout too much. In fact, you’ll probably find that you gain the most amount of muscle when you’re resting. Many people don’t realize that muscle growth does not occur in the gym; it occurs outside of the gym when you are resting and eating. When you hit the gym, you’re breaking down your muscles and then your body has to go back and rebuild those muscles once you've broken them down. But if you’re always working out, you’re body won’t have enough of an opportunity to rebuild these broken down muscles, so they won’t grow. Every six months or so, take a rest week and you’ll be amazed at the effect it has on your body; not to mention your state of mind. Your mind and body will make a full recovery and you’ll be more than ready to hit the gym once this rest week has ended.

This was an article written by Drew Stegman. For more muscle building tips check out his website:

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