Showing posts with label Natural Strength. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Strength. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Developing A Physique That's Dangerous Through Natural Strength

 Let's forget for a second about false confidence and let's dig into the heart of building a physique that's real and functional in a practical manner while also being prepared for performance. If you ever pay attention to animals in the wild, you'll notice they can be totally at peace but even while in that state, it also radiates incredible strength and potency. It's important to remember that training in this manner, it isn't to create harmless sheep or just to feel good in your own skin. 

It's also not about building an ego that relies on crazy skills or lifting so damn heavy that it gives you confidence which can render false. Being soft isn't always ideal either when you train this way and living in fantasy land in order to become the best version of yourself. It's really up to you what you want to focus on but the true mission is to train for preparedness in performance. Training whether doing Animal Moves, lifting or other means is to truly shoot for practicality so the body is able to thrive when put to the test. 

There's great potential to be dangerous and you have a choice to be hard if needed be. Realistic training such as Isometrics, Movement Conditioning, Lifting & Carrying or even sledgehammer training for that matter should give you a direct advantage for competition and/or demanding scenarios if you're in sports, MMA or the performing arts. Being shielded, resilient and having a tolerance of pressure. Often times, the muscles and movements we display aren't just for show, they give us an understanding of how to tackle life's obstacles and whatever curve balls they throw at us. As a species, we can be a menace and many of us like it that way. Some of us can make training look pretty but don't forget that there's some harsh work there too and just because it may not look like much to the naked eye, training hard when needed can make a huge difference. 

Taking care of the body is a must obviously and sometimes "soft" training is needed in order to balance out the hard stuff by mastery yet making the body capable of withstanding power and understanding of pushing our limits (to a certain degree). Don't live in fear of your own power because in reality, we may not always know what we're capable of but also shouldn't be afraid of it either. We do put limits on ourselves and at times hold ourselves back (done this plenty of times myself) but the more we set our mind to becoming stronger, the more we find out where our true strengths are. In order to take full charge of developing the physique you want you have to go deeper than just typical means. That doesn't mean taking steroids or PED's, it means what are you willing to do naturally that brings the very best at what you can do and progress. By continuing to master ourselves utilizing both soft and hard training, we can become a great threat. 

Are we being stripped of our natural strength? Some will blame environment, others will blame their job or blame some lame politician (well maybe Donald Trump). Any one of those things can be a factor but realistically, the only thing to blame is ourselves. We buy into crap that make us believe would do us better; the influencers, the pseudo-science, trainers that get their info from horrible textbooks and programs that involve standing on stability balls while attempting barbell squats. If we are to become our strongest, we have to look at what we can do and progress from there. Some training methods can be very demanding but that's a good thing to the extent where if we want to get better, we must progress otherwise if we jump in blindly and not know what the fuck is there, it's going to bite us in the ass and sadly, too many people get bit and have to pay a price that's completely unnecessary.

We need to take back back what's ours and be the true masters of our bodies. Go from pet to beast and strengthen ourselves as naturally as possible. Train hard but train smart as well and be amazingly awesome.    

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