Showing posts with label Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2012

Make Just About Any Angle Your Strength

The legendary Catch Wrestler Karl Gotch once said that to become strong and agile you always work your muscle from every possible angle. Muscles grow and look larger than life but like everything else there’s a consequence, if you work too much muscle and not enough of your tendons, you will be more vulnerable to injury. Isometrics is the key method not to just hit a muscle from a certain angle but every angle imaginable. Holding a certain position and hammering in only that particular spot will give you a sense of great strength from that position. One of the beauties of Isos is if you hit a spot where you can’t go anywhere else, that’s where you press, pull, squat or whatever to get beyond that position and no matter how you slice it, your strength will skyrocket with enough practice.

 If Isometrics had its own star pupil it would most likely be Steve Justa. This man has got to be one of the most odd ball characters in the entire realm of Physical Culture but yet the way he works his strength and power takes on a whole new dimension both literally and figuratively trust me watch what he does sometime. Out of everything he’s accomplished in the world of Strength, I believe his most treasured wisdom is when he brings up Isometrics. A lot of strongmen credit Isometrics but no one has put them in the same realm as Justa has. His story about his hay bailing and the way he told Bud Jeffries about his dilemma about Diabetes and how Isometrics both saved his life and job is nothing short of remarkable.

 I feel that if you want to accelerate your strength and speed in any sport you do, add in Isometrics and tell me if they didn’t improve your throw or shot or even your ability to kick a ball. Isometrics build positional strength and in sports you need to have a strong position from every possible angle whether its tackling, throwing a football or baseball, shooting a basketball from a long distance or kicking a soccer ball down the field you want to have the ability to be faster than the other guy. Think about this, you’re a pitcher for the New York Yankees; you have a good arm and can throw a hefty 93 mph fastball or a ok 86 mph slider, would you want to increase your speed of the ball by 3 mph on any of your pitches? Be pretty damn sweet if I say so myself and the ball will feel lighter in your hands as if it was the size of an egg, light and strong until it cracks the mitt like speedy Gonzales running into and past a brick wall. Each position you bring the ball as if simulating a pitch from little spots here and there will get stronger to the point where when you throw the actual pitch, it’ll take off like a rocket and the batter won’t realize what the hell hit him.

 Grip strength is the basis not just in sports and the strongman business but in your specific business like carpentry, plumbing, construction, landscaping even a bagger at a grocery store, you need to able to handle things and your hands need a certain amount of strength otherwise you won’t be able to do your job very well. Would you believe that most of your grip strength is mainly isometric? It’s true if you really tested it and if you practice holding an object with your grip for a short or extended amount of time, you’re going to feel it whether you like it or not. For us strongmen, we need grip strength to perform the feats we do, sometimes the things we do don’t always involve the grip but it is practically mandatory otherwise you won’t perform the feats you want to tackle. Bending steel and tearing phonebooks are two of the purist forms of grip strength and like I said before, Isometrics are usually the most credited method for pushing beyond the limits.

 Another form of Isometrics is Muscle Control which is mostly used in Yoga, Martial Arts and Bodybuilding. Contrary to popular belief, muscle heads are pretty smart when it comes to certain things and the way they pose is just unbelievable despite how big they are. Back in the day however, a few guys named Maxick and Otto Arco took this to a level that can never be duplicated again. Their posing was unprecedented and even bringing the little muscles were just off the chain. Check them out sometime on Youtube if you can find them and just watch how they can change from one muscle to the next in heart beat its awesome.

 Now that you’ve read a little more on Isometrics, I think you’re getting a sense that there really are no excuses and you can do this method just about anywhere, if you go to church and pray you can do it, think about it you put your hands in prayer and when you ask for guidance press the hands together hard and tell me you don’t feel a little more energized? You can be in class and press or pull on the desk and you can have no one ever notice it. You can be watching a movie and flex during certain scenes so don’t ever say you don’t have time to exercise because you usually can make the time but it’s up to you to make the effort.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Getting Mad? Get Out & Train

We all have certain emotions that get to us through stress, certain people in your life and many other things but getting mad and taking it out on the wrong things can lead you to a path of destruction that you will have a lot of trouble getting back from. I have had a bit of temper and it makes me sometimes the biggest ass in the world. Whenever I got mad at something, it drove me to a point where I have put holes in door with one blow of my fist and have thrown certain things at a wall or even have punched my own window and shattered every square inch of glass from one hit. I’m not ashamed to admit this and have paid a price with scars both physically and emotionally. So after a few years of self discovery I wanted to learn to control my temper.

 Anger isn’t always the healthiest thing to have because it could affect your body in ways we can never understand and if you’re prone to high blood pressure it’s as fatal as you can get. Instead of just being angry and going off on someone or hit/smash anything, it’s better to just really walk away and whoever said “Oh if you’re mad just go hit a pillow till you cool off” must’ve been out of their god damn mind because that kind of thing will make things worse for you. One of my favorite de-stressers is just training, getting out and moving around, if you have a tire and a hammer, take it and pound that tire, one teacher showed me what you can do with a heavy medicine ball and just throw it down on the ground until you can’t take it anymore. Stress can make you crazy but doing something productive to channel your rage is healthier than just running around being angry at something.

 I have learned that when you’re mad or angry and you feel like you want to hit something or somebody, might as well be hitting yourself because you’re going to hurt yourself more than taking something out on someone or whatever. You want to find a way to relax and have those endorphins kick in that give you that sense of bliss. If you really want to get a natural high, go sprint on the track or up a hill and see how long it takes you to stop being angry. Sometimes training doesn’t always help, its understandable but that’s one way to help balance your emotions. Another way to balance things out if you get angry is to just walk away, go for a walk and breathe deeply, instead of breathing in anger, breathe in blissfulness and breathe inner strength, if you live near a lake or the ocean, go for a swim or go to your local pool and do a few laps, anything to get your mind off things and be happy with yourself.

 Lashing out in a positive manner can actually help you find what is wrong with your emotions and how you can prevent going into a big rage and turn into the incredible hulk and hurting someone. Sometimes certain people can’t control their emotions so they take meds to calm them down and even that can be harmful on the body itself. There are even people out there who beat the person they love so it’s complicated sometimes. Doing something productive that won’t harm you or others or objects is a great thing to balance out certain problems you may have just use it a safe manner that way it’s a win-win for everyone. I personally have never physically hurt anyone in my life and intend to keep it that way because if I did that I’m no better than a possible murderer so being smart about your emotions is a good practice to learn and use in a safe and healthy manner. Don’t hurt others or yourself.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Got Carpal Tunnel???

This has become a common ailment more then any other time in history. You’re at an office typing all day, playing an instrument till you can’t stand it, gripping too hard on something and yet you can be in a cast for long periods of time if you hurt the fingers. Should it be common to be in handed cast, unable to use your hands the way they’re meant to? I really don’t think so but society today gives people certain things that not only hurts their hands but destroys joints and tendons. If you want to prevent this from happening then you need to learn to keep your hands healthy and strong.

 Another common theme in carpal tunnel is surgery and does it really help? Are your hands any stronger or healthier from being repaired? Most of the time the answer is no because it’ll happen again and before you know it, your hands will be so messed up, you won’t be able to pick up even a toothbrush. Our hands were designed to repair things, fix things, write, pick up, twist and circulate many things that are needed. Now if your hands are so severe from broken bones and don’t have much of a chance than that’s an exception but the fact of the matter is, a broken hand will heal. I have hand problems all my life and don’t have much nerve control on my right hand yet I won’t let that stop me from doing the things I love to do and be able to help people when they need me.

 I firmly believe without a doubt you can heal your hands without surgery and you can make them stronger and healthier then at any other time in your life. When you find the right exercises, you will find out what it’s like to have pain-free hands that flow like water with rich oxygenated blood flowing with strong tendons and ligaments that can tear off a person shirt or even in my physical culture brethrens' cases bend steel and be able to handle use the hands that will have you gasping. It is not too late to have powerful but graceful hands and fingers.

One of the greatest athletes with lightning fast hands was Bruce Lee. The way he handled other martial artists was second to none and his punching and kicking wasn’t just strong, he can also do push-ups with ease on his FINGERTIPS!!!! His fingers and hands were so strong that he can knock a heavy weight man back 5-10 ft from an inch away. Imagine having that kind of power.

 I have known athletes, musicians, entertainers, postal workers, strongmen and carpenters and each one of them must have an immense amount of hand strength to work specific things at a high level. Three musicians I know, a Pianist, cellist and a guitarist all have a gift to play their instruments at a level where everything is precise and graceful with raw emotion and power in their hands that where if none of these attributes were in play, they wouldn’t be able to do their specific instrument.

 Strongmen need strong hands to be able to lift heavyweights, bend steel, rip phonebooks, Juggling kettlebells ect. If they’re hands weren’t strong or fluid, it would be impossible to demonstrate mind-blowing feats of strength. Postal workers are very fluent in how they sort mail and carry loads of it to the trucks, this requires some strength in the hands and fingers otherwise the mail won’t be going anywhere.

 Carpenters have some of the toughest hands around because of the stress that’s put on their hands with tools ranging from hammering, nailing, twisting and holding down certain objects in order to be cut or sawed. The strongest fingers and hands definitely go to climbers whether rock, mountain or even climb and move around certain obstacles on Ninja Warrior.  Rock climbers are the closest to the primates (Apes and monkeys) that have that raw, animalist strength and tendon power that you can’t help but be in awe of. Without those strong hands, don’t look up if you see a guy fall.

 Grip strength and Grip agility is essential not just in certain professions but for daily life. How often do you have trouble opening a jar pickles, most likely often. If you’re hurt and you can’t use your hands than you’re screwed and what can you really do? If you want to be pain-free and have hands that are steel cords but flow like a river than you must learn to use certain exercises that will make that happen.

 A good friend of mine named Garin Bader who is the creator of Core Force Energy, has been a pianist and athlete all his life and very rarely if ever had problems with his hands and this is after learning martial arts to practicing 8-13 hours a day playing the piano to even gliding across the stage on a silk swing during his Musical Magic performances. If you were ever to learn about having powerful and fluid hands, this is the man to learn from.

 Training this way can help heal and revitalize the hands’ circulation and give them the ability to breathe with strength and power in ways you never have imagined before. Don’t ever worry about Carpal Tunnel again and give your hands the food they need in order to help your life in the ways you want to make happen. Never worry about surgery, don’t get hurt opening a door and really don’t trash your hands to the point where they’re use is slim to none. Make those hands strong and your whole body will be strong.  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Can You Become Your Own Avenger? Pt. 5 The Final Chapter

It has come down to this, some of us have waited four years to see this movie come out, some have waited ever since they were a child reading the comic books.  Will it be a great movie? Who knows, it will however impact someone one way or another, I guarantee it. There are even some people who had dreams of becoming an Avenger and have a plethora of powers that will make them stronger, agile, burst with speed and even be more creative in their own endeavors. I’m here to tell you that if you want to become your own Avenger, you got to feel it and find the best resources to find your true powers and grasp them with might, vigor and vitality.

 For most in the Avengers world, we’ve all heard the stories of Thor and his mighty Hammer but what if we really wanted to know the secrets of Thor’s gift of strength and power? We all know Thor is a god among the four heroes yet how does a god get to that level? It really all starts from within. Becoming a god is no easy task and in reality there is nothing more powerful then god himself but yet we can become more powerful then ourselves. You have more power physically and spiritually than you can ever imagine. Just think for a second of having that power, how would you use it? Building yourself from the inside takes practice but at the same time with that practice a rewarding experience that will change the very essence of whom you are and where you want to go.

 The secret to creativity starts with a thought in mind. Being creative shows the uniqueness of who we are as a society not just as individuals. Look at the creativity Tony Stark aka Iron Man shows when he first made that Iron suit in a deep and dark fortress in the middle-eastern desert, as accomplished as he was for rebuilding an empire you can’t substitute success when your life is at stake and this is where he becomes dangerous when he sets his mind to create something that will reward his efforts in the end. In some cases we can relate to that, not building a suit but building our own lives for when we need to be creative the most. If you want to be at your best in any situation, you must have an open mind to find the best resources to create solutions or at least attempt to. It’s being creative that can become your very secret weapon of not only success but to endure the very worst and most of all, the very best of what you can accomplish that will put you ahead of the pack without ever knowing it.

 Captain America without question is the leader of the Avengers and although individually each hero has his/her own agenda, in the end it’s the leader that gets the big reward and the big letdown if he fails. That’s a huge responsibility and that goes for all leaders not just in war but in our society. When you decide to change the very brink of your own individuality whether its becoming fitter, stronger or creating a life that you want, it’s your responsibility to make those things happen and when you take a hold of it, that shows the mark of a true leader because when you lead yourself, you are ready for that next challenge and that’s leading others. Make it your mission to learn to be your own leader.

 I firmly believe that if you practice laser-like focus on anything you wish to accomplish, you want to find that precise accuracy that defines the realm between successes and failure. Look at agent Hawkeye, the most accurate shot of the Avengers. His ability to focus is staggering to say the least. The way he pin points his targets can easily be used in how someone in real life can go after a goal that will hit the nail right on the head. Reaching a goal is not easy and like Archery, you need to practice with the intent of hitting that center, goals are pretty much the same thing, will you accomplish every single goal you attempt? Not always but with practice and the right intent, you will find the right goals to shoot for and one way or another it’s going to hit the center like a bolt of lighting.

 Let’s face it, the Avengers kick major ass and however you slice it, no Avenger is greater than the other, each one has their own great qualities that can be served just as an individual as well as a team. Kicking ass has been a moniker of American culture since the Revolutionary War, wanting to tear down enemies with a vengeance is not only inspirational but at times it can be over the top annoying and out of context. When you really want to be an ass kicker you want a strategy in order to accomplish it but kicking ass doesn’t mean beating someone up or always becoming a solider and go off to war, being a real bad ass is taking charge of who you are and what you represent yourself with vigor, power and might. The real people who are the bad asses take charge of what makes them great and what they’re all about and that can make them dangerous. If you want to be an ass kicker, then learn from some of the best who are bad to the bone powerful and strong not just physically but mentally as well.

 Building your own team of Avengers is not easy but simple nonetheless. You want to build a team of people that have a keen sense of your interests and how each person can be just as important as the other. Each Avenger has his own strength to what he is and what he’s capable of but at the same time each one is very different but each share a common goal and that’s to bring peace to those who want to destroy it. Creating your team is like building a family that will stick with you through thick, thin and thinner and if you truly want to find a role in that team of individuals nothing can stop you. When it comes to a team in my field there are many and I hope I have a role within that team. That team represents the very best in strength and health and when you have a band of brothers and sisters all searching for the same thing, you have a force that will be the focal point of who we are not just as a team but as individuals who help each other.

 To be the very best at something, you got to want it more than anything in your whole life. The desire and drive to reach what you want to be is fierce and has no signs of slowing down and with time, you get better and better and you want to wake up each day feeling strong, confident and have a sense of vitality. One man’s desire to be the very best was none other than Slim The Hammerman. By day he was a rock cutter who destroyed tons and tons of rock, by night he turned into a powerful being of immense proportion as he attempted and later on accomplished being the strongest man at specific feats of strength with his trademark specialty being Hammer Levering. He not only made this happen but it came with a price but yet at the same time, it didn’t stop him from being the very best at what he wanted to do. I’ve known many guys over the years and only a handful ever had that dedication as Big Slim did. If you want to be the strongest person, you go and grab it and never let up on it, that doesn’t mean drop everything in your life but to be the very best you will make the time to do it and be serious about your goal but also build some fun around it because when you love something so much it doesn’t become a goal, it becomes an adventure.

 There are a lot of polls around the internet to see which Avenger you are. If you truly do those polls than you’re really second guessing yourself because there’s a big difference between general testing and observing yourself. If you want to find the true Avenger within you than you must find the qualities that resemble that particular Avenger but seriously though, don’t ever compare yourself to another person or fictional character because there’s more to life than comparing yourself to others. Want to know why I know this? Take one of those dumb ass polls and answer all the questions and I would bet you it won’t come out the way you want it, you’ll be disappointed and you’ll want to redo it over. If you want to become your own Avenger don’t look at something else, look at yourself and see what you can do to become more powerful and more resilient to things that can harm you. Learn to develop your powers from the qualities that you have and find a real positive way to amplify them to make them your own personal quest. That’s one of the true marks of becoming your own Avenger.

 Every Avenger has their a secret power or skill that makes them a valuable asset so why not learn your own secret to what can bring out the power that you truly possess. Learning to harness a powerful force inside you takes practice and there are no shortcuts to what you really want to learn but it can easily be a piece of what you really have and how you develop it. We all have a form of power within us one way or another and it’s different in each of us. The way to explain it is by experiencing it for you. There is an old saying “For those who believe, you don’t need to explain, for those that don’t believe no explanation will do.” If you truly want to harness the power that resides within you, then you got to believe in it, trust it and let it guide in anything that happens in your life.

 In every system of strength training there are tools that will help you achieve what you want but it’s not the tools that get you there, it’s how you use them to get you there. Take for instance, Thor’s Hammer, if you held that hammer in your hands what would it feel like? If you are an open-minded person, you would know that hammer is not just an object or an exercise token of strength, it’s the very presence that will captivate your attention and you will want to wield that hammer with fire, passion and strength and that’s why for most people, its cool looking but also intimidating. A true man or woman of character will take hold of that hammer and find a way to make it his/her strength and bring it to the forefront of making them the strongest they can be. Take a chance and you will see how you can go from being intimidated to the one who’s become intimidating.

 If you ever watched the movie or read the Comics then you know the Shield of Captain America. To me that’s the coolest looking shield ever in my opinion; it’s light, resilient to bullets, protects you and can be used as a weapon all in one form. Having a shield can help you on the road to success. In fitness becoming healthy and strong is a sure fire to shield you from disease and other things but most people either do one or the other and if that’s their choice good for them but I would like it to be more than that. To be both healthy and strong takes different forms and molding them together to create a powerful, creative piece. To really develop a shield physically would be one to train your tendons and ligaments through loosening the joints to doing isometrics. Building this kind of shield helps the body be less prone to injury and helps in recovery of the body’s stress through physical action. Another form of shielding is through strengthening the internal organs from training the body from the inside out. This could done through Muscle Control, a form of Qi Gong, again training the joints in various places and it could done through training the body to where you’re training really intensely for a few seconds and begin to breathe really hard. There are many ways to help shield the body so learn what you can.

 After Captain America realizes what this serum can do for him, he learns that his metabolism runs 4x faster than the average person and that helps him regenerate faster. What if you can have that power to regenerate and have a high metabolism? I would like to think you’ll have greater ability to recover, heal, get stronger, leaner and be able build great natural muscle. When you train hard, I mean really hard, your body’s nervous system kicks into overdrive and your hormones shoot through the roof. You have the ability to stimulate natural Growth Hormone at any age and it all can be done without lethal injections of steroids or taking pills and creams that can probably kill you. Your body is the fiercest machine of anything else on the planet. One way to build a high level of natural HGH is to do Hill Sprints or wind sprints at a track or long stretch of land. Look at how powerful looking sprinters and NFL running backs, they’re some of the most built athletes on the planet and not one was ever more of an exception then Herschel Walker. Doing this for a few seconds and resting for several minutes for very little sets can get your natural growth hormone kick it in gear faster than anything else. When you have a high metabolism and can generate natural muscle growth, you can have a lean body, eat what you want and have better recovery.

 Remember when I talked about Hawkeye? Learning about his Archery skills can actually help you in whatever it is you want in life. Pin point the target you wish to hit and aim for it with the best accuracy you can do, that’s the same as going after a goal and heading straight towards succeeding in it. Learn where to aim and let the universe take its course and put some action into it. Like in Archery, don’t aim too high or too low otherwise you won’t know where that arrow is going to go, aim straight forward and pierce through that point of space.

 Iron Man’s suits are a protective armor with a few weapons at his disposal. How about building your own armor mentally and building a defense strategy to help you get rid of those negative people who don’t want you to succeed or want to dump all their crap on you and making you feel worse. Most people teach in the ways of offensive strategies where you shoot for the goal in mind and run with it, that’s all well in good but what about protection? You need a strategy where you have a defensive line where you can prevent things from happening. One way to look at it is, picture in your mind having a source of great energy that no one you want to get through, it can be a brick wall or a circular form of electricity, either way you want something that works and helps you move forward and get those energy dwellers out of your hair so you can move down the road to success. Think of it as building imaginary armor and like Iron Man, have a few of your best weapons at your disposal. Building on this metaphor can increase your chances of succeeding at what you want if you really learn to harness it.

 Having great power, you have a responsibility to hold onto that power and use for a purpose and not for real personal gain to manipulate others. Each Avenger has their own power they're responsible for, one however is unable to control that power once it’s harnessed but with great concentration and using his intelligence with the best of his abilities, that power can be a great asset to his own curse. You make the choice to do what’s right for you and if you want to learn how you can use that true power within you, you must be responsible for how you use it.

 In my field the real guys don’t teach you how to fly or beat people up or even make you better then the next guy, we want to help you harness the power that can be used to help not only your life but for others. One example would be that I helped a friend move stuff into his Uhaul so he can get to his new place, he told me that’s one of the reasons I trained is to help others when they need it and get heavy things out of the way. There are many other examples but the fact of the matter is, when you train the way we teach you, you will get a better understanding of how fun and responsible it is to have strength and power not just for personal use but use it when it’s needed outside of the workouts, the exercises and the places we train in.

 So for this final chapter, learn the very best of what it takes to become your own Avenger and be there for those that need you in time of need. Harness the power from within and give yourself a chance to shine with the great strength you have developed. Nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams and if no one else believes you, there are those out there who do and I’m one of them. I believe in YOU and I believe in what you can accomplish.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Finding The Flow Of Your Training

All of us have different perspectives about the flow or high we get when we train. It can be a real hardcore workout, smooth and methodical, powerful or having the feeling of just taken on the world and won it in a glorious fashion. When you find how you flow through your workouts, you’ll be getting a sense of what true strength and power lies, not in the muscles but in the mind.

 What is the perfect workout? Is it hitting a certain sets and reps? Is it perfecting the very best exercise performance? Or is it just finishing everything and going home to rest? The answer can be any of those three things but to me the perfect workout is neither one of them. The very perfect workout is when everything comes together and you flow through it like the waves of the ocean. It’s when you create something special that you rarely ever do and it’s powerful and strong but at the same time it’s peaceful and vibrant. Very few people experience that but again it’s never the same for everyone so your definition will most likely be different then mine but that’s the beauty of it.

 Nine times out of Ten your workouts will be great or boring or even good to call it a day afterwards but that one time, that workout will make everything else look like nothing but you accept it and it gives you a sense of accomplishment. All leading to that one moment where you feel the world is yours and you take it in your hands and you felt like you were Zeus himself on the top of Mount Olympus. It may for you often or very rarely it doesn’t matter, what does matter is how you portray that one conquering moment where everything falls into place and you enriched in glorious freedom of power and might that even for a brief second, it consumes you and you want to keep that moment.

 There will be times in your workouts where everything falls into place and you have secured your perfect training session. How can you make this happen? Well, honestly it takes more then a couple workouts. Takes practice and patience and never expect the perfect workout to come, let it come to you and when you least expect it, it’ll happen like a bolt lightning.

 Don’t just find your flow in your workouts, you can find your flow in other things. Did you know the ancient samurai weren’t just warriors of combat and lived/died by the sword? They were artists, poets and men of honor. Like them, the Shaolin monks, the Vikings, the Romans and other ancient warriors of combat they learned many aspects of life that had nothing to do with war or fighting. When you learn many other things, that’s where everything with you comes together to create your own moments of self-discovery and find how things work for you. Find your flow and you’ll find who you are as a person.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Power Of Your Will

In one of the recent superhero films The Green Lantern, it shows the power of how one little ring can channel the will and power of the person or alien that wears it. I'm here to tell you that with practical and focused training, you can learn to harness your own powers without the need of a little ring. Sure you won't be able to fly or use tools that came out of your own thought but with the right focus, you can channel your will and surge out levels of strength and speed you never thought you had.

To channel your energy and harness your power, you must first focus your mind and create the image that you want. Imagine in your mind, you're strong, powerful, got blazing speed, the sound of your power you're using. These are the tools you need if you want to harness that strength that's within you.

In your mind, you have an accomplished goal, now make it happen with the power that's inside you. Learn to use the power of your CoreForce Energy. See it as if it's right in front of you and nothing can bend or break that sight and the only it can is if you let it.

You are strong, cunning and vibrant then anything else around you. See it, feel it, live it, your power is your own and the more you shoot that power the stronger you get. In your mind you see your power burning through houses, mega buildings, the mountains, shoot out to the sea, beyond the horizon and burn through the atmosphere. That power is burning through a hole in the moon and shoots past the stars through the planets and beyond the galaxy.

Your power is your unstoppable force. When giant forces collide they say it's the irresistible force meeting the immovable object, you are one and the same and there's nothing that can break that power. Use this power to tackle the obstacles in your training and take it to a level that only the average human can dream of. Learn to grip that power and never let go.

Learn how to harness your power and find your own style of how to use it. It's no ones power but yours and yours alone. Use the will of your mind to create what you want and turn it into the thing that people never see to believe and become the very thing you dared to dream about and learn everything that you can. Use it wisely as it can bite you in the ass if you're not careful. It takes effort to harness this power so never settle for the easy way. The easy part is actually learning to harness it. The hard part is keeping consistent.

Mastery takes practice, it doesn't happen overnight as you may believe but believe in yourself and your power will run much smoother. Practice it, feel it and get the surging power of your own will. The green lanter's ring isn't on your finger, it's inside of you and you have the ability to harness it however you see fit.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Superman & The Real Ways Of Achieving Superhuman Strength & Speed

We all know the super powers of superman and never will know how fast he really is or how strong he really is so no matter how many times we read the comic books or see Christopher Reeve on the big screen, its a mystery of far these super powers go. Now that's almost similar to the average human and the strongest of athletes, we never really know how far our strength and speed goes. I firmly believe one of the best ways to develop great power and speed is to use our imaginations. Learn to see our power through our minds and how we can bring that out and use it in the worst or best of situations to either save a life, hit a personal/world record, fight back from a bully or save ourselves from a disaster.

Now for all intents and purposes, we can never have the strength and speed of Superman and certainly can never fly like him but yet we can develop strength and speed that can add that extra 1-2% beyond that scientists have said we can't achieve. Its called CoreForce Energy. A system that can help start a chain reaction of strength and speed that goes way beyond your own assumptions for what can bring on a surge of power. What if this system helped achieve a level of power you can use in everyday life or in athletics or in a dangerous situation? Would you want that? Would you be willing to learn it?

What if you learned to increase your speed? How do you see yourself running faster and faster? Do you tense up or do you relax? This is where CoreForce Energy reveals these secrets that will astound you and make you think literally how its possible. The real secret to this is using the flow of your own energy to create a series of fibers within your body that creates strength and speed, the fast twitch muscle fibers and the slow twitich muscle fibers. How you use them comes from within and how you create them is through the use of the brain. This system takes this secret to a whole new level and how you can develop it will shock you. Take a look at how this system works and how it can work for you no matter what you want to do.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Harnessing Your Chi Power

Chi meaning Life Force is a form of energy that surrounds us everywhere from a rock, a tree, the ground, even the air we breathe there is some form of great energy. In order to develop it with power it all starts with the breath. Our breath gives us life and can give us the ultimate power within our very being. Now not all types of breathing gives us a positive outlook. Shallow breathing has great negative effect on the body and is one that should not be dwelled on. Deep and natural breathing however can take away the awful stress and anxiety that happens upon us on a daily basis.

The breath is the first thing to learn to create powerful chi but afterwards comes the mind and intent. Being mindful of your breathing is a difficult task but with practice and the will to get better creating power will become a cinch. Thinking into your body can make or break the chi within you. Breathing in positive energy and breathing out negative energy is one of many basic exercises to understand the power of Chi.

Once you get the hang of breathing and being mindful of creating powerful Chi, holding certain postures can enhance your ability to not only develop powerful Chi but create a beautiful body inside and out. Yoga is a perfect example for this. Warrior One is a favorite of mine and do a variation called the Dragon Pose. When you hold this posture think into the body and channel electrical energy every single part of the body. After holding this pose for a period of time with mind and intent you should start to feel tingly in some areas most notably the hands and legs. Another great posture is holding a horse stance. This posture is where you have the legs a little wider then shoulder width apart, squat about a quarter to half way parallel to the floor, pelvis tucked and have the arms either out to the side or in front of you. Holding this posture isn't easy but with mindfulness can create powerful Chi in the body.

To enhance your strength and internal power, you will learn to think into your body and not always focus on the outside. Thinking internally is far different then thinking externally. Internal Power creates a whole new dimension of Chi and with practice and conviction you can hold certain postures for long periods of time and never even notice it. In one posture I use I use a breathing pattern that makes me countdown instead of counting up. Because of this practice recently I have held this posture for more then 3 minutes and it felt like 10 seconds. Learn to control your breath and think power and universal strength.

If you want to look at great ideals of Powerful Chi Strength my favorites to look upon is the Jedi & The Shaolin Monks. Although one is fictional both share the same goal and thats to harness the life force that makes them powerful and strong. Does that mean you'll move objects and use mind control over someone? Hell no but you can create superior strength that you can't teach with lifting weights or using a cardio machine. You can create heat in your body and yet you can also make it cool with the thought and intent while using your breathing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Packing Effortless Power

The true power of strength is not external but internal. The strength of the mind has limitless possibilites as the strength of your muscles can only go so far. One way to look at it as what the Mighty Atom called the Infinite Light. This also refers to the life force as said in china with Qi, Japan with Ki, India with Prana and the christian faith call the power of god. These all share the same goal and objection to create ultimate power from within.

Another way to look at it is called CoreForce Energy where you learn to channel your mind to create effortless power and speed. A great example of this is Bruce Lee's One-inch punch demonstration where between his fist and mans chest is just over a few centimenters. With effortless power Lee charges that punch and knocks the guy down with great force. How do you do that and where does it come from? The truth is we all have that power within us but to channel it is different for everyone and in order to bring out that power we must use our mind.

To do this is through focus, concentration and pure self-inflicted imagination. The power of imagination is much more powerful then you can imagine but there is a way to bring that out. Take in the power and think the speed of light going at 186,000 miles per second. This power can burst through planets, moons, suns and stars without struggle and without fear of stopping. To master this takes practice and an open mind.

Injecting power mentally is a practice like everything else but with time you can use this power for whatever is important to you whether its strength, sports, combat, business or daily things that happen in your life. The difference between turning it on or off is staggering and to turn it takes imagination and intent. With CoreForce Energy you learn to channel the power already within you and build up strength that seemed impossible before but now can be a reality without many hours of training.

Unleashing the fury inside you creates a powerful body internal and external and with practice you can be far stronger then you can ever imagine. Its the effortless power that creates the ultimate universal power that just consumes your entire being. Learn the power of CoreForce Energy and learn the true secrets of effortless strength.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Nothing Is More Powerful

When we generate strength either through adrenelin or exercise it can become somewhat surreal and yet when that strength bursts out it can be almost superhuman. For the most part you don't need years of training to get a mence amount of strength. Learning to create a surge through the body isn't easy but it is simple through different techniques such as building up energy from qi gong. Building electricity is actually more simpler then you may believe. Do this for example....Focus on your hand, either one and put on your lap now just look at it. Doing this alone can cause a tingling sensation and build energy in your hand. There's your first step to generate great energy in your body.

When you learn these techniques a good thing to keep in mind is using your imagination. Picture yourself being powerful as if you're a laser of light and you can shoot through the mountains, the stars, the moon and nothing stand in your way. Imagine generating so much energy you can knock down walls and just have a ferocious amount of strength and speed. This is where CoreForce Energy takes you on a journey to guide you through a series of techniques and simple teachings to give you the power and strength you've been searching for. Will you become extraordinary today?

A lot of this is cutting edge and revolutionary and I've seen a lot of courses over the years but this one takes the cake when it comes to gaining strength and power faster then a speeding bullet. Scientists say we only use 5% of our brain power to create super strength, well what if you could put in an extra 2% or more would you want to know how that's possible?

Its even possible to protect yourself from injury and that goes a long way because sometimes in other areas building strength can also put a strain on your body and that is a disaster for injury. Well this type of thing won't with you in this course. By learning the keys to unlock your highest potential you will be creating the biggest amount of power through your own terms and building a foundation that can transform you from a sickly person into somewhat superhuman.

So with that in mind....When you get your hands on this course you will find the hidden secrets to apply super strength and speed that have been used by some of the best martial artists in the world and even some of the strongest men in the world have used these techniques yet you don't need these things to learn to become strong. Let Garin show you how you can double even triple your strength in matter of minutes and see for yourself that there's nothing more powerful then the power of CoreForce Energy.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Whether Music Or Exercise Its Got To Breathe

I was watching Eddie & The Cruisers 2: Eddie Lives last night. For those that don’t know or remember it’s the sequel to the cult classic Eddie & The Cruisers. This became a cult classic as well and for good reason. The music in the film is just unbelievable and whether Michael Pare was lip syncing or not or played the guitar it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that his passion for music and his struggle to regain his life is just out of this world.

 In one scene, Eddie was showing a lead guitarist how music should be played. You see the young guitarist play and although very good and can riff like Randy Rhodes or Kirk Hammet he was missing a key thing that can be used for everything in life and that’s breathing. He was going off so fast he forgets that the music has to breathe and live. Eddie tells him what he thinks and shows him how the guitar should be breathing with rhythm and passion and deepness. If you ever saw the movie you know what I’m talking about. It’s a very momentous part of the film in my opinion.

 Now that is out of the way what the hell does that have to do with exercise? Well everything my friend. Like life you have to breathe and feel the true power inside you. It’s not about muscle or how big you are. It’s about heart, passion and the love for what you do.  If you just play right through without being passionate about it then you won’t find the real results you want. Like Eddie Wilson is about music I’m about exercise. It’s in my blood and nothing else matters (no pun intended Metallica lol). I don’t care about having my head on a magazine or wanting so much publicity its stupid to me its all about going out and move with my heart and soul. That’s where true strength & conditioning comes from. Training with your heart and soul is a far cry then to just not think and just go through the motions.

 The fire inside of you will take you beyond what you think your abilities are. Most people who train don’t know a damn thing about heart and passion for what they do. For those that do most avoid because a true man of exercise doesn’t talk or listen to others and he competes with himself not against others. When I train whether for 5min. or an hour I put everything aside and compete against myself and see what comes out of it. I’ve had good days and bad days training but no matter what I’m going to give whatever I have. Does that mean I’m going to push beyond my limits everyday? No. You will find deep down what works for you.

Anyone who is passionate for what they do deserves respect. Those are the ones that go past when no one else will, those are the men and women that take what they do for themselves when most want appraisal by others and those are the ones who truly fight for what they believe in.

I know a couple of real musicians that do what they do with fire, passion and heart. One of them is a concert pianist that goes beyond just your typical piano player and entertainer. He flies overhead on a silk curtain, he’ll play other instruments that are just as powerful as his piano playing and he’ll do a few tricks every now and then that will blow you away. His name is Garin Bader and he’s the creator of CoreForce Energy. A system that will give you super strength and speed fast and you won’t need hours of training or steroids to get big or better yet this system can even take what you love to another level. It doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete, musician, entertainer or carpenter for that matter this course has something for everyone. I consider him one of my idols for what he does. I’ve seen first hand what this man can do and it’s just surreal.

Find your true passion whether its exercise, music, athletics, business or hell being a teacher and when you really love it the most everything will fall into place. It reminds me of Jack Palance in City Slickers when he told Billy Crystal the secret to life “Just one thing. When you stick to that the rest of the world don’t mean shit.” Think about it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Powers Of CoreForce Energy

When you want to generate power at a superhuman rate, it can be very difficult to take hold of. From personal experience, I’ve had days where my body just doesn’t want to do a damn thing. I’m sore, ill or just plain bored. We’ve all had those days and we wish we just had more energy to grab onto and use it for whatever we need to do….Our job, family matters, holding groceries, playing with the kids, hell sometimes we need energy or strength to open a jar of pickles that’s hard to unlock and its just not there at times.

I stumbled upon a course I borrowed from a friend and at first I thought it just looked cool and see what this guy had to say. Needless to say I was stunned by what I saw. This dude is roughly older then most guys in his profession and yet looks 15 years younger then his age. He taught a system where you can combine your muscles with your mind (Mind/Body connection) and learn to use sounds and imagination to become super strong within a very short period of time. Now like most people I thought this was bullshit and this guy is just off his rock and just plain skeptical because I already was strong. At 230-240+ lbs. I was bending steel, ripping phonebooks, levering as heavy as 12 pound sledgehammers and can do sets of 10-12 chin-ups so how much can I really learn?

Believe it or not I had a lot to learn and for good reason. So I checked out what and who this guy was. As a young man he had dreams of being a really great piano player and also being as strong as possible. That’s cool to listen to but I’m not inspired yet. So he keeps rambling on until he started talking about how many piano competitions he’s won and how much weight he has used (to start) and one picture of him changed my entire thought about him when I saw him do 2 finger push-ups in a superman type hold and I thought to myself “Holy shit, how the hell does he do that?”

I began to study his system with a vengeance and before you know it I was getting stronger in the things I love to do and didn’t even do much training on them. I even became faster and at my size that’s quite an accomplishment. I decided a couple years later to seek him out and see what he’s really capable of. I did some training with him and he may be 6’ and 200 lbs. but he was pushing me around like a little kid and weight wise I’m way bigger then he was. After learning from him it was my duty as a student to learn more about this system then ever before. The man I’m speaking of is the multitalented entertainer Garin Bader. He has traveled all over the world performing on the piano, doing magic tricks and doing some insane feats of dexterity and strength. This system is called CoreForce Energy. It’s a system purely based on the methods to create super strength and rapid speed fast. I can’t reveal what he taught me personally but what he teaches is nothing short of Surreal. The way you can build the power already inside you is not that hard to find but you got to put a little work into it to really find the real ways to generate great strength without putting so many hours in the gym which at most can cost you money, your time plus it’s boring as hell.

I have used this system quite a bit in the last couple years and every time I try it out I’m always learning something new and that’s what you want to get out of it. You can always find something new in this course but more importantly you learn about finding something in yourself. We already have an extreme amount of strength in us that we don’t use but if I had to pick the best place to find is right here in CoreForce Energy. There won’t be any of the crap about teaching you to fly or pick up cars off of kids or make you invincible but what you will learn is finding the tools to be less prone to injury, have you training better and smarter, become 2-3 times stronger then you are now, tips on how to start and where to go beyond the realms of your own imagination. They only say imagination can take you so far. Well here is your chance to find the road to success and reach more then what others will say.

Step into the power already within and take your place as the best and strongest person you can be both mentally and physically. Let CoreForce Energy take you on the path to super strength and super speed at a rate you won’t find anywhere else. Become Superhuman.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Do Albert Einstein, Bruce Lee & Dennis Rogers Have In Common?

I know what you're thinking "Why the hell those guys, they have nothing in common." Well hate to burst your bubble there pal but they have more in common in their little finger then most people have in their entire body. What they have is extraordinary imaginations and superior mind power.

Even suffering from Dyslexia, Einstein developed one of the greatest theories in history and even some of the greatest scientists after him are amazed at the power he had in his mind. As a boy he dreamed of being on a beem of light soaring through space gliding through the speed of light. For those playing the home game the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. That's pretty damn fast don't you think? So even with that he developed into the greatest of minds the world has ever known.

Bruce Lee was a man of honor and superior strength for his size. What he developed was one of the most powerful systems on the planet and he trained with a fighting force. At 155 Pounds he was pound for pound one of the strongest and fastest men at his size. While filming the Green Hornet the crew had asked Lee to slow down his speed at around 30% of his best. He was so fast that not only did it make the main actor look bad but the crew couldn't even keep up with him on camera. Not only was he a great Martial artist and actor but he was also unbelievably intelligent in his writing and philosophy on life.

Dennis Rogers is and always will be the World's Strongest Man for the feats he performs. As a skinny kid he once weighed 79 Pounds in high school. Now I don't have to tell you that people at 79 pounds are not very intimating. So what did he do? He became strong, first as an arm-wrestler and defeated some of the biggest names in the sport at one time. After becoming a powerful Arm-Wrestler he shifted towards Strongmanism particularly in the old vaudeville circus strongman of the early 20th Century. He began tearing cards, bending steel and breaking metal until it became not just a hobby but a profession. He's known as one of the greatest phonebook tearers in the world (my favorite feat of strength) and has also been seen by more people then any other strongman in history before or since. He's also one of the most intelligent people around and for good reason. He studies on how to not only be stronger but also more mindful. If you get a chance check him out at

So how would YOU like to develop superhuman powers of your own, both mindfully and physically? Well I know of one man who can help take you there. He's helped me and countless others how to become strong and powerful without all the years of torturing yourself in the gym. No this isn't a course to teach you to fly or that type of bullshit but you will find a power within that has been there all along. Scientist say our best at our strongest is no more then 10%. What if we can get past 2-4 or maybe 10% beyond that? I would definitely want to have that for sure. His name is Garin Bader and he is the author and creator of CoreForce Energy. A system that puts you in the hotseat for developing strength & speed at an alarming rate.

It can supercharge your mental focus and muscles by working together. Want more? Here a few things you will find.....

Learn Rapid Improvement Techniques

Tap Into The Very Power Within To Generate Super Strength & Speed

Apply The Ability To Focus On A Very Small Point Like Bruce Lee

Discover Certain Breathing Patterns For Effortless Power

The Power To Gain More In One Day Then The Time It Took Months Or Years

And Many More.....

Get your hands on CoreForce Energy and never feel you can't develop super powers like Eienstein, Lee & Rogers.

Why Hand Strength & Health Are Keys To Super Strength

There are many ways to build Super Human Strength. You can lift weights, Lift Heavy Objects or better yet work on building Massive Functional Muscle. I mean theres variety in everything you can accomplish but if your hands arn't up to the challenge, all that goal setting won't be worth a lick. Hand Health and Strength are one of the missing links in many people's training arsenal. Lets face it without strong powerful hands you can't be a great muscian, steel bender, phonebook tearer, heavy deadlifter and most of all without strong, functional grip strength you won't be able to do the things that go on in daily life.

Years ago around the time of my recovery of my legs, while I was getting my leg strength up to great levels I realized that if I want to get stronger in the things I wanted to do like bend steel, tear up phonebooks and whatever else I needed to work my grip because lets face it grip strength is neglected a lot in commercial gyms. Its just sad you know. What if you need to save someones life and your grip isnt up to the challenge. Let me tell you a little story.....

Back in the 30's an old-time strongman named Sid Klein was training up in his gym in New York when he heard a man yelled out "FIRE...FIRE....HELP" and the strongman jumped to the rescue to find that the old man's wife needed more help then he did so Sid climbed down to grab the wife and climb back up to save her. Now I don't know how accurate I made that story but the ending is Sid's grip was so strong it helped him save another human being from harm and possibly death. Now hopefully none of us would have to do certain things like that in our lifetime but we should be prepared for it.

Now you do all the heavy weights, you can even try doing Hand Balancing or Kettlebell Juggling but if you don't have the hands for them it just won't come to you. To be the strongest person you can be taking the time to work your hands, wrist and lower arms will take you a long way more then you ever though possible. Take it from me, in my experience grip strength for certain things is almost mandatory. Not may people at 240+ lbs. are doing sets of 10 chin-ups or pull-ups but with my training in the grip i've been able to do that. One of the key things to grip training is just like anything else and thats progression and theres also consistancy and practice.

Now one guy in my opinion who has taken Grip Strength to another level is my man Garin Bader. A concert Pianist with 13 Gold Medals in International Competition is by far one of the best athletes in the world when it comes to Dexterity, Agility and just flat out Strong. In his shows he also does Hand Balancing, plays the Sax, Magic Tricks and he even swings across the stage on a silk curtain just using a pinch grip. Believe it or not he's never had a major injury in his career and thats pretty damn good consiering the types of things he does. He's also a business man and wants to help others get in awesome shape and like him take their hand strength to levels they couldn't imagine.

I have personally seen how powerful Garin is and for a guy his size he's one of the most agile and flexible guys I know. I trained with him one day and not after maybe an hour or so he was showing me a thing or two and he was tossing me around like a rag doll and i'm 40 pounds bigger then him. His grip is off the hook (no pun intended) and he is def. an example of what you can do to get from place to place with a mighty grip. Take a look at his 2 Biggest Courses..........CoreForce Energy and Finger Gymnastics. Read his story and he'll show you first hand what you can do to create the most powerful hands you can take hold of (pun intended).

Friday, March 11, 2011

CoreForce Energy & Its Powers

Want to learn how to fly like superman, shoot lasers out of your fingertips, be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Keep dreaming pal because that only exists in comic books but you do have the ability to create super strength and accelerating speed to become somewhat superhuman. Scientists say we only use 10% of our brain power at our highest potential. What if we can bring that up by let say 2% maybe 3% to start? That would really get you going don't you think? Truth is if we are going to learn our brain power to a higher level then we must focus on what can be brought out in us just by thinking and using our imaginations.

Certain sounds make a valid point that can determine what is fast and what is slow.....Lets say a sound of a punch, during a punch yell out "Baaam." What does it sound like like? Is it fast or is it slow? Sounds slow doesn't it and why is that? You see "Baaam" is still powerful but it has no idea where its going except forward straight on. There's no tourquing point to it and plus with that kind of punch, in a fight the guy would notice it right away and has an advantage of getting out of the way. Lets make another sound....."Waaakkkaa." Picture in your mind what Bruce Lee sounds like when he fights. The way he punches is just severely fast and powerful. To give you a fact, during the filming of The Green Hornet, stunt guys, gaffers and even the director had to tell Bruce to slow down because his punching and kicking were so fast they couldn't even see some of the moves being made right infront of them. The told him to bring his movements down to 30% of his power. Now that is fast my friend no matter how you slice it.

Now you may not be able to kick or punch like Bruce Lee but you can jump start your strength possibly more then doubled the amount. With a few techniques, a little imagination and the effort to learn you can bring in far more strength and speed then ever thought possible. The man behind this dare-to-be-true topic is Garin Bader. For years upon years he has made his mark as a entertaining performer such as a martial artist, magician, acrobatic and most of all (his ultimate specialty) a pianist. He has learned some of the best numbers in the world and has performed countless shows such as Carnigie Hall, Cruise Ships, Las Vegas Showrooms and once performed infront of big time figures such as the Dhali Lama. With his craft he is able to generate such ferocity and powerful peices but with accuracy and stamina that is unmatched in my opinion. I have personally trained with the man himself and I guarantee you if you make the effort and learn this system and being open minded you can become stronger you can become more flexible and your speed with jump. Think of a light switch, once you learned this system correctly you can turn it on or off anytime you feel like it.

Don't sell yourself short and start becoming strong and vibrant and POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!

Look to the right of my blog and you will find the Coreforce Energy Links to the website. As a disclaimer, this is not my system and i'm here to help promote it. I have seen and practiced first hand what this can do and it will only work if you make the effort to put in the work. This is not a course on how to fly or leap tall buildings in a single bound nor is it really a course on how to become superman. Yet you can become much stronger once you make the effort to practice this.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Realm Of Superhuman Power Is Not That Far Out Of Reach

Some of us never get a chance to do the things that goes beyond ourselves. Achieving something much greater then yourself is a very tough task. Never can it be that your power within can't go any higher then what others tell you. Well I say screw that. There is a power within us that not only can save someone's life but also our own. What if you learned a few simple techniques that not only took your strength to the stars but beyond the moon (slight exaggeration)? Its hard to believe that a few key points can not only double your power but even triple it or more. Well I have made it a quest to find what can put me in a state of mind that just gives ferocious strength and great speed. So far in my quest I have found it but also haven't found it. Its there in my grasp but its still a mystery to learn but I keep learning it and the more I have put the effort in, the more powerful i'm becoming.

You can do that to with the help of Concert Virtuoso Garin Bader and his course on CoreForce Energy. The system that shows you how to tap into that part of your brain that produces adrenelin and power and make it happen faster then you can "Damn." I have practiced this system many times over and from having time with Garin personally I can vouch how powerful it is and you can have power that not only can be useful in your daily life but it could also save a life one day. It has taken him many years to learn this and what he has done for it is nothing short of surreal and powerful. We all strive to find the power within us to fight weakness and put in the effort to make ourselves stronger. My strength hasn't even reached its peak yet and i'm still getting stronger throughout each day. Give yourself the chance to create strength that not only puts in for what can go in your life but taking it to the next level whether you're an athlete, musician, painter or sculptor. Give yourself the power of CoreForce Energy.

CoreForce Energy Op 2

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Thoughts On Super Humans

I watch the History channel quite bit alongside its cousin History International and I love the stories on there whether some are true or not with the likes of Haunted History, True Carribbean Pirates, Mystery/Monster Quest and tales of the Samuri or Barbarians it just facinates me. I've been a history buff as long as I can remember, first it was baseball, wrestling and basketball (sports stuff) then just getting into history itself. One show in particular though thats a series really caught my eye and thats Stan Lee's Super Humans. For those who don't know Stan Lee is one of the most famous Comic Book writers in the world and has created some of the biggest names in Super Hero history such as Spiderman, The Fantastic Four & The Incredible Hulk.

He has a man travel around the world in search of human beings who have extordinary abilities to have certain powers. One guy they found happens to be an idol of mine and thats Strongman Dennis Rogers. For those who don't know who he is Dennis is considered pound for pound the strongest man on the planet for the feats he performs. He's held back Harleys, bent 8-10inch Crecent Wrenches into "U" shapes and can rip a deck of cards in quarters not just halves. Those are just a few with many more up his sleeve. Anyway back to what I was saying, the man who travels around is considered the most flexible man in the world. He has found quite a bit of people with powers that are beyond belief. Now are there really super humans out there?

In my opinion I would like to think so. People who posess great power are not really born with that power but they have developed it over time through careful practice and long concentration to perfect their craft. I mean you can't really bend a wrench or dive into a 1ft pool without knowing how it works and what it takes to make it not only look good but without harming yourself as well. Yet I feel that anyone can become super human if they practiced what they want to do and there are many keys but I have a few that just make the top.

Creativity- What you want to do has to come from you, you can't perfect your craft from others. Learning your own way and practice, practice, practice.

Will- You gotta put effort into what it is you want to do. Half-cocked isn't going to get the job done. It takes more then physical power to create the power you want. It has to come from the mind first and the will to go that extra mile.

Learn The Proper Technique- There are major consequences if you don't get your technique down to the point where you know it like the back of your hand. Know how your technique works through your own self observation.

Going That Extra Mile- Perfect your craft like nobody else can. Put into effort that would others think its impossible for them. That one peice of small effort can make a major impact on your way to making your feat look surreal.

So do you want to be super human? Make the effort and learn your own physiology and most importantly use your imagination. If you want to build great power it has to come from the mind. Our minds are the fastest computers and can build data faster then any laptop machine. Work up to what you can do. If you want to learn how to find your way to superhuman strength then I encourage you to check out my friend Garin Bader's CoreForce Energy System. Its a system that helps incorperate sounds with your imagination to create great strength and speed. Does it teach you to fly? Hell no but once you learn to find the power within you it'll make you a more confident person and you will soar through the will of your imagination.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dexerity That Makes Up For Strength!!!!

When it comes to fixing things, playing the piano, lifting weights, moving your body in different directions you have to have a good amount of hand strength and suppleness. To increase our dexerity in our hands, fingers and wrists we need the right tools and exercises to create power and tendon strength in the lower arms. Grip strength is a key to do some of the most phenomenal feats ever. No matter how you put it, you can have a big chest, shapley legs, upper arms the size of cannon balls, a back of North Dakota and shoulders that can carry a mule but if you don't have strong hands you don't have anything. Work your hands the way you train your body. Imagine what it would be like to have hands that can do things with ease and never get injured or get carpal tunnel and yet getting stronger each time you work your hands with the exercises i'm gonna recommend. I've learned these from a guy I recently trained with and now I'm gonna recommend his course to you. These have helped my hands get stronger for my feats of strength in ripping phonebooks and bending long peices of steel. At the same time since using this I have not had one shred of carpal tunnel or hurt my hands in any way. One of the things this course will help you on if you're a martial artist is increase your punching power and grip your opponent unlike ever before. I have done exercises that work and have done ones that havent and this course has the right ways of training your hands for strength, flexibility and suppleness. Now I'm not endorsing this, not asking for any money and spreading the word about having strong and healthy hands that can help with whatever you need in your daily life.

Finger Gymnastics

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Stretching In A Gym Vs. Stretching Internally

When you go to a gym and see people stretching, how long do you think they're stretching, 30-45 sec. each exercise yet how long do you think they stretch internally. After working in a gym and the way I stretched learning from Matt, Ed and others it is a huge difference. Now we've all heard the "Stretch for flexibility and lift for strength" statement and in some cases it is true but theres a difference between truth and fact. Fact is that when you physically stretch the mental stretchng must come first and then and only then you will see the secrets to stretching internally as oppose to just stretching physically. I love it when I can touch my knee with my face but I wouldn't be able to do that if I don't mentally pictured and told my muscles to relax. Anyway the next time you see someone in a gym and see them stretch I believe you can actually tell if they're stretching mentally from how they're energies pick up.

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