Showing posts with label Realistic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Realistic. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Realism Of Energy Levels

 It's not always easy to understand that sometimes, our energy levels vary from day to day and how our mind and body can take a certain amount of energy to use. In a fantasy world, your energy is constantly boundless, you can't get tired and you channel your energy anyway you want but in the real world, energy varies with certain people and it's never equal. Some days, your energy isn't always there and you force your body to keep going because there are responsibilities, things have to be done and you just have to suck it up; it can be draining as fuck. Other days, everything is there, the energy is just crazy and you can go and do many things with ease and just hit the right spots, we've all had some of those days.

I can be very energetic at times like during my training or being out with people, living it up and working on projects or doing certain things like snow shoveling, moving furniture or going on hikes. Sometimes, my energy just isn't there, even if I am training and use up what I can to get through it. I may not always feel up to things and weather affects me sometimes, mental drainage happens and not always in the best place. It's called being human and you do what you can on a day to day basis. Our mental capacity, our physical energy and effort does have limits and some just can't grasp the idea that there's no such thing as the perfect level of energy.

You can take all the pills, the energy drinks, the coffee, the pre-workout you want but eventually, certain things will happen and something will either kill you or put you in the hospital because you overwhelmed the system and the body needs time to heal. We forget that at times and we then run on fumes while making as much effort as possible and sacrificing ourselves to make certain things happen or getting this project done, making sure the kids are ok and if all the bills are paid; we sacrifice the energy we do have in order to fulfil certain tasks in life. In tough times, it can be difficult to have great energy because you have busted your ass with very little reward and your beating up the body in order to make life better for others such as a family, can't get any more real than that.

Is it possible to have more days with great energy than others? Very much so but it's more of an individual thing than just a general spreadsheet of how to incorporate your energy levels. In some cases, having a booster can do the trick like for some a 5 hour energy drink kicks in and you got into that level of being in the zone. Music can help too especially if it helps get into a rhythm to make things flow and your tasks become a little easier. Some people only have a specific type of energy due to brain chemistry and use it to pay attention to certain things because of what requires their time and capacity. For example, there are people with immense brain power like Mathematicians, Engineers, Physicists, those who have the energy and strength to solve equations with great focus; others like Laborers, Athletes, Farmers and Construction Workers who have the brains to channel into their physical body to do great tasks that do take up a ton of energy and use that body to move things, have the ability to operate machinery and control themselves as best as possible so they don't get hurt in order to make a living. 

Now, when you mix two styles of energy together, it can have 50-50 or more/less of consequences with the tasks you are given to do and using energy to get those tasks done. You won't see many physicists trying to move furniture or dig ditches for hours on end because not only do they not have the physical capabilities to channel that energy, many don't have the strength or the mental aspect to do those tasks. You're also not going to see much of a Laborer trying to keep up with the science and mathematic mind of a Neil Degrasse Tyson or Stephen Hawking because they don't have the capacity or specific energy and focus to do those things (unless there's a Will Hunting out there somewhere which can be possible). There's also the ability to channel the energy we need to do things even through we are exhausted and letting the tank run even though it's about to be empty. That happens a lot in life especially those who work hard for a living in order to build a life for themselves or raising a family. We channel what is possible through mind over matter and screw the consequences later. 

All in all, we do what is possible for us to use the energy we have on any given day. Sometimes we have to go the extra mile and suffer in order to get things done, other times our energy is so big that we have sharper focus and physical capabilities that we didn't think we had, tasks get done with ease and we just feel great and feel invincible. Realistically, we can only do so much and many suffer damage to years of being worn down through physical injuries, mental breakdowns, trying to ease pain with party favors and drinking among other things. Very, very few come out of it without ego or able to heal up certain aspects of damage whether mental, physical, emotional or all three. There's pride in how we use our energy and the outcome of it but there's also ego in the case where you force energy levels and there's no consequences or very little so you push on and things will be alright, that's an extremely rare thing. 

Make your energy count and use it as best as you can regardless of the situation but also remember that our energy will only go so far until it becomes crucial.     

Monday, December 5, 2022

Is It Possible To Keep Up With Yourself Or Your Goals?

There are aspects of the fitness world that we try to emulate such as being so inspired by someone else that we do our damndest to be like them, train like them and follow their style. The truth is, being somebody else takes away your own individuality and rely on other forms of settling into your aspirations. Now, we can try to imitate them and pretend we are them but can never be exactly like them. 

We have trouble keeping up with ourselves so we're going to completely switch gears and become someone else completely? Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with wanting to change in order to grow and evolve. Sometimes we have to switch things up in order to become better versions of ourselves. Do we even know how to keep up with ourselves? Do we always know the direction we're going? No. We hit forks in the road, we may pick up someone along the way and there might be a new destination along the horizon we don't know about.

Setting goals is always admirable whether in the long term or the short term. We make goals such as PRs, certain length of time of a program, a number of pounds to lose or gain or we go for a number of reps or sets in a given workout. Are those goals sustainable and able to match up, or are they so unrealistic that we can't keep up with the demand? Sadly, very few go the first way and the majority go the second route and they don't even know it. It doesn't make them gullible or weak either, at times it's so demanding on us from others that we just simply can't do it and end up paying a price for it. 

I did have aspirations to train like the greats and had set goals but once I understood how unrealistic they were, during certain periods it was too late and I either got hurt or came close to blacking out. I can't be exactly like a Bud Jeffries or a Eero Westerberg, hell even a fucking Matt Furey but I can be me the best way I can and continue to learn. I admire these guys especially Bud, he was the real deal and if there's anyone worth being like (personality wise), it's him. The goals and demand I made for myself with intention but progressed methodically and intuitively paid off in more ways than one. I can go hard but not get injured, move well but not go to extremes like an acrobat and practice what benefits me, not what someone tells me what benefits me.

We have our own aspirations, our own goals, our own individuality and demands that concern our long term payoff as a person. We can't always keep up the demands of someone else, we take things as best as we can and not try to sprint during a marathon, it'll just wear us down and tear us apart in the end. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Developing A Physique That's Dangerous Through Natural Strength

 Let's forget for a second about false confidence and let's dig into the heart of building a physique that's real and functional in a practical manner while also being prepared for performance. If you ever pay attention to animals in the wild, you'll notice they can be totally at peace but even while in that state, it also radiates incredible strength and potency. It's important to remember that training in this manner, it isn't to create harmless sheep or just to feel good in your own skin. 

It's also not about building an ego that relies on crazy skills or lifting so damn heavy that it gives you confidence which can render false. Being soft isn't always ideal either when you train this way and living in fantasy land in order to become the best version of yourself. It's really up to you what you want to focus on but the true mission is to train for preparedness in performance. Training whether doing Animal Moves, lifting or other means is to truly shoot for practicality so the body is able to thrive when put to the test. 

There's great potential to be dangerous and you have a choice to be hard if needed be. Realistic training such as Isometrics, Movement Conditioning, Lifting & Carrying or even sledgehammer training for that matter should give you a direct advantage for competition and/or demanding scenarios if you're in sports, MMA or the performing arts. Being shielded, resilient and having a tolerance of pressure. Often times, the muscles and movements we display aren't just for show, they give us an understanding of how to tackle life's obstacles and whatever curve balls they throw at us. As a species, we can be a menace and many of us like it that way. Some of us can make training look pretty but don't forget that there's some harsh work there too and just because it may not look like much to the naked eye, training hard when needed can make a huge difference. 

Taking care of the body is a must obviously and sometimes "soft" training is needed in order to balance out the hard stuff by mastery yet making the body capable of withstanding power and understanding of pushing our limits (to a certain degree). Don't live in fear of your own power because in reality, we may not always know what we're capable of but also shouldn't be afraid of it either. We do put limits on ourselves and at times hold ourselves back (done this plenty of times myself) but the more we set our mind to becoming stronger, the more we find out where our true strengths are. In order to take full charge of developing the physique you want you have to go deeper than just typical means. That doesn't mean taking steroids or PED's, it means what are you willing to do naturally that brings the very best at what you can do and progress. By continuing to master ourselves utilizing both soft and hard training, we can become a great threat. 

Are we being stripped of our natural strength? Some will blame environment, others will blame their job or blame some lame politician (well maybe Donald Trump). Any one of those things can be a factor but realistically, the only thing to blame is ourselves. We buy into crap that make us believe would do us better; the influencers, the pseudo-science, trainers that get their info from horrible textbooks and programs that involve standing on stability balls while attempting barbell squats. If we are to become our strongest, we have to look at what we can do and progress from there. Some training methods can be very demanding but that's a good thing to the extent where if we want to get better, we must progress otherwise if we jump in blindly and not know what the fuck is there, it's going to bite us in the ass and sadly, too many people get bit and have to pay a price that's completely unnecessary.

We need to take back back what's ours and be the true masters of our bodies. Go from pet to beast and strengthen ourselves as naturally as possible. Train hard but train smart as well and be amazingly awesome.    

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Warrior Upper Body

Day 1

Short Swipe

Subject Suggestions:          What Is R.E.A.L. Functional Training?
                                                Are Your Functional Workouts Functional?
                                                #1 Functional Training Mistake Revealed
                                                How To Train To Look Great And Perform Even Better

You've probably heard of functional training right?

Functional training is in these days and it’s definitely here to stay but I see way to many people take it way too far down the “functional” path. Here’s what I mean…

Do you ever go the gym and see people standing on fluffy discs filled with air doing ridiculous exercises with pink bands? Is this real functional training?

I can’t remember the last time I was caught in a situation where I had to stand on an air filled disc and do side raises with a pink stretchy band. This is where most people go wrong, deciding to perform worthless “functional” exercises thinking that their doing themselves a favor.

So what is real functional training? And why should you do it?

If you take on serious functional training workouts, you will build an awesome looking body that looks great and performs even better! It’s the true key to lasting, powerful results and don’t you let anyone tell you otherwise!

Here’s what R.E.A.L. Functional Training means according to my buddy and functional training guru Tyler…

Realistic Exercises
Executed With Perfect Form
At A High Intensity
Leaving You With A Body That Looks Good And Performs Even Better!

This is a great philosophy to hold your workout standard to and this is what I have seen gets people the best results! If you perform real movements, with good form at a high intensity you will get awesome results!!

Tyler’s a sharp dude and focuses on teaching people his R.E.A.L. Functional Training philosophy and his PM-3 method which promises to build a body that looks great and performs even better.

 Ben Bergman
P.S. Tyler’s new program takes all of his PM-3 ideas and put them into a brand new system called The Warrior Upper Body System. It literally teaches you to go from basic bodyweight and weighted exercises all the way to complex and bad to the bone bodyweight training and hardcore weight training. It covers every exercise in great detail and includes 45 done-for-you upper body workouts! PLUS today you can get it for 74% off.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Developing Real Jedi Powers

 As you can probably tell I’m a huge fan of Star Wars but I’m more interested not just in the Space Opera but its true meaning and that’s the ability to use the Force as a means to become stronger physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. It’s not always what you see in the films but yet what you don’t see is the real importance. I’m not saying you’ll be able to move objects by making them float in the air or you’ll develop magical powers and ignite a light-saber, what I will tell you however is what is real about the Force and what you can do to develop realistic Jedi Powers.

 Miracles happen all the time but what if we learned to harness certain levels of our own power to do certain things that leaves a mystery to the untrained eye. One of my favorite Jedi Powers is the ability to heal and recover much quicker. A known factor in the realm of Physical Culture that has been almost lost today is the way you breathe. Your breath is a big source of your life if not the biggest source. If you learned how to breathe in such a way, you can learn the ability to put yourself in a state where your body heals itself from certain diseases or wounds. Legendary Catch Wrestler named Martin “Farmer” Burns wrote in his 1914 mail-order course which you can get here stated “Deep Breathing exercises alone can make many a weak man strong and many a sick man well.” This statement is as true as you’ll ever get. Healing using this fashion can reap rewards in ways you can’t imagine. I have had bruises, cuts, scrapes and open skin wounds from bending some of the toughest steel you can imagine, once I learned how to harness my breathing to heal, I healed much quicker and gotten stronger every time I did this. How is that possible, it’s something you got to find out for yourself.

 What if you learned to harness the power to create super strength and speed at a moments notice? This Jedi ability isn't that far of a stretch. Scientists have said that with all the strength and speed we develop, we’re only using 5% of our brain at max level. I believe you can achieve this with a few percentages higher and do so without years of training or getting frustrated because of its difficulty. It’s a lot simpler than you may believe. Is it easy? No, it takes practice and patience but if you put your mind to it and learn to infuse your body at the same time, you achieve levels of strength and speed that can practically triple it within a short period of time but again everyone’s different, it can happen within an hour, a few days, couple months who knows but the principle still applies

 Meditation is a very powerful tool once you understand how it works and not always what a book or a guru says, it’s the ability to understand it for yourself and how you harness it. A lot of us Westerners have the notion that meditation is just sitting or standing and trying to bring in positive energy and block out bad stuff, doesn't always work that way. The power of meditation is the ability to create energy by infusing the mind and body together through different factors including breathing, thought, visualization, at times movement and other things. Some people have trouble finding a way to meditate when they sit or stand, I happen to be one of them because its very difficult for me sit or stand still so I use moving meditation, using my body to connect with my thoughts and my breathing. This way helps me be more centered and be more connective spiritually and when I use a certain thought to connect my breathing, things happen in ways I can’t explain, things like calmness, positive attitude, my strength is higher, my thoughts are more clear and my imagination becomes a reality. Others are better at standing or sitting and building greater energy that way, its all about what works for you.

 A great Jedi ability is learning to increase your instincts. Developing this can be used in meditation but as good as it is, there’s more into it than you might think, instincts is using your intuition, being aware of your surroundings, sensing certain things by feel, touch emotional connection and your reflexes. One of my favorite movies is based on a book by Dan Millman called Peaceful Warrior. Having met the author and seeing the film I get a sense of what transpired during his time as a gymnast trying to find his place and learning from an old man named Socrates. Socrates taught the value of learning to use everything around you as a source of finding your own abilities and building them. The mind is a very powerful thing and if you don’t practice using your instincts, it can play tricks on you and may even deceive you. In one scene of the film Socrates puts his hand on Dan’s shoulder after the boy says “There’s nothing going on”, the moment that hand touched his shoulder, Dan began to see things differently and noticed certain sounds, his sight heightened and felt things more than usual like the wind blowing and many other things all in the glimpse of a few seconds, after that, he turns to Soc and the old man says “There’s never nothing going on.” Think about that for a minute.

 Still don’t believe there are some form of Jedi’s out there, well wrong again because the closest I can think of who have the ability to harness instincts, strength, speed, reflexes and spiritual power are the Shaolin Monks. When it comes to athletic and mindful abilities, these guys rank at near top of the list. They don’t just train to be strong and powerful, they train with love, peace and acceptance just like a true Jedi. They teach how to harness your inner power through Chi or in other words life force. Harnessing your Chi can bring wonders to your health, athletic abilities, strength, flexibility and many other things. One way to look at harnessing this Power is to learn what’s called CoreForce Energy by a man I highly admire, respect and recommend named Garin Bader. Remember when I talked about harnessing your Strength & Speed at a moments notice, this is one of the biggest topics this course goes into detail.

 Another look at a Jedi are the Samurai, they didn't just practice living and dying by the sword, they practiced poetry, painting, combat, powerful movements, meditation and a plethora of other things. The man Socrates Dan learned from had a saying in the film “You practice Gymnastics, I practice everything.” Just like the Samurai, Soc practiced not just one thing because if you only put yourself to one ideal and not look at other things in life, you’re limiting yourself. Another look at it is if you believe in one thing and it gives you meaning and teaches you everything else, the rest don’t matter. In the movie City Slickers with Billy Crystal and Jack Palance, good old Jack tells Crystal’s character “You know what the secret to life is? One thing, just one thing, you find that out the rest of the world don’t mean shit.” It’s how you look at things from a different perspective.

 Now out of all things philosophical about Jedi and having great powers, what about the power of the Dark Side? In reality the Dark Side is the other side of the coin, it’s learning too soon and taking it for granted, using your powers for personal gain, anger, hatred, lust for power, all the things that a true Jedi practices to avoid. In spirituality there’s God and there’s Satan, the foundation for good vs. evil and overcoming unexpected obstacles when you’re being overpowered by something or somebody. Really, no one is born a monk, a murderer, a sadist, Christian, Jewish, Islamic or even a lawyer or a cop, its developed overtime who we become from different influences, background, history and Creed. The Dark Side clouds the judgment of everything around us and it’s a factor of taking the easy way out, cheating and bullying others to get to the top. A real practice is to look at things from various perspectives, how to build a positive and productive outlooks. Some fall to this side of the coin too late, picked it up early in life or got caught in the middle and had to make a choice.

 Don’t fall for what you can make a real impact on and believing in the good of others and being happy with yourself. Avoiding the Dark Side isn't easy, it’s a constant challenge and the real power is within you to find out where you go and what you’re willing to do to get there.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Big Muscles Don’t Mean Jack Shit

In every major muscle magazine, you’ll find a minimum of 3 articles that “teach” you how to build giant looking muscles. Come on are you fucking kidding me, most of these guys can’t write a single program that shows any realistic approach to building massive muscles with functional strength. Having big muscles can actually ruin your chances of having success in your exercise program, sure some are genetically built to have big muscles and still find a way to be extremely flexible and very strong. If you don’t believe that then take a look at a couple of muscle bound looking guys I know of.

 In my opinion, if you have 23 inch biceps, so what, sure they look cool and sometimes grotesque but just because you have them, doesn’t always mean you’re a strong dude. What can they really do except look good in a pose down? Big arms can only go so far but when you have strong tendons to go with them that are a whole new ball game. Back in the day when Bodybuilding actually meant something, they didn’t just train to look good on a stage but had superior strength to back it up, one of the very best of them was John Grimek who was by far one of the most massive men of his time actually pulled off some fucking awesome feats of strength such as phonebook tearing, nailbending and tearing decks of cards, I don’t even think he liked bodybuilding that much he just got stupid strong with a mega boy to go with it, next two would be Bill Pearl and Reg Park. All three of them had a powerful physique but yet overshadowed their even greater functional strength.

 Functional strength is essential to everyday life and not always in the gym either, holding groceries, opening a jar of pickles, saving one’s life and even taking up furniture for that matter. Training for everyday functions is a key to your vital success in having a strong body. Just looking good has far more disadvantages than you’d believe, seriously pal, if you have a great body but can’t defend yourself or even please a woman in the bedroom than you got some issues. I don’t care who says it and whoever doesn’t believe it isn’t helping himself very much but sex is the best exercise there is period. Now I’m not all about that, sex alone isn’t the mainstay for a healthy body or even a healthy relationship, there are other factors to be done there but with the right resources and techniques you can learn, you’re in for a hell of a good time my friend. So for my sake, value your body as a strong, functional and healthy practice and you will see certain things come about you didn’t even realize before.

 Big muscles really aren’t good enough to get by on realistic strength and fitness, just because you got a pump doesn’t mean you’re superman. Building strong tendons however, give you that level of strength that you can’t justify on just muscle building itself. It’s more important to build tendon strength rather than building muscle. If your tendons aren’t up to par, your strength is rapidly diminished and your big muscles are going to wear down on you and then who’s the bitch now.

 Bodybuilding from 1900-1960 was the type focal point of physical culture, many guys weren’t that big back then, at best the biggest guy that had a great deal of muscle of him was no more than 220 lbs. and didn’t just have a great physique but had strength that still holds records to this day. From 1960-present day, Bodybuilding has become a steroid infested culture that just lost it pride and joy of being a great physical culturist, not all bodybuilders today do steroids and some have lived long and healthy lives, it’s the habit of wanting more and more and too much of anything isn’t good for your health but yet these dumb fucks don’t give a rats ass to what they do to themselves. Today Bodybuilders are like supermodels, they put so much on themselves, one type nearly starves them to death to have that “beauty” look and the other tries to pack on so much muscle that they deprive themselves of walking like a normal human being and it’s sickening to me.

 To be truly strong, you want to have real muscles that can do things for you in your time of need or do things that give you the most benefit for the muscles you want to build. Muscle building is about learning your body, what can work for your particular structure and how to build the tissues and tendons that hold everything together to get the complete package. If you want real muscles than you need to find the realistic approaches to get them and they’re much closer than you think. Learn and find a way for you to build some raw, functional and some real fucking powerful muscle.

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