Showing posts with label Hard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hard. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2023

Dopa Band Conditioning Workout

 Yesterday, I did one of the most intense workouts I've ever experienced and if you know how intense I can be, that's saying something. It was one of those workouts that has that inspiration from Wrestling and testing my mental toughness to the point where I just needed to see what I can continue to do to keep going.

This particular workout was divided into two parts (all together did my best to rest as little as possible where I only really marked off the set) with doing work with the Dopa Band and Step Ups just using my bodyweight. The Step Ups provided a cardio element while the Band was done with explosive movements and fast paced work. It was so intense that by the end, I thought my heart was going to rip out of my chest. Did a total of three exercises with the band and 2 supersets of exercises were added in to really tackle my conditioning and mental toughness.

Here's how it went down....

-Dopa Training & BW Step Ups

Alt Waves x 15/15 For 10 Rounds

4x50 Step Ups (25 per leg) = 200

Superset 1

Alt Rows x 50 (25 Per Arm) 

Step Ups x 50 (25 Per Leg) 

4 sets totaling 200 of each exercise 

Superset 2

Run/Sprint & Slam 20 lb Slamball (video below) x 10 

Step Ups x 50 (25 Per Leg) 

4 sets totaling 40 + 200

Total of 600 Step Ups during the workout.

So as you see the first part was just doing a timed exercise for several minutes and than going into Step Ups, the next segment was the Supersets. The second superset just about killed me as I was literally doing a sprint to the slamball and then picking it up and slamming it repeatedly until I hit a number of times and then doing step ups immediately afterwards while my lungs were still on fire. Only by marking off the set and getting back into position was my only rest and pacing myself with both exercises tested me in a way that I haven't experienced before.

This was the type of training that isn't meant for beginners and it takes on another level that was just unbelievable. I have no clue how I'm not sore AF today. It was hard and even for me, I wouldn't do it again any time soon because this wasn't something I had planned, I did it because I wanted to see if I could do it. This was more of a challenge than anything. This was probably the closest to a workout outside of wrestling that was so damn crazy, you'd have to have a sadistic mind to even try it. It was explosive, exhausting and it nearly put me on my ass. No question wrestlers have done workouts far worse than this but I'm proud that I was able to do it. 

I don't recommend you do this if you're not in shape or new to training. I would also say, be sure you're flexible and loosened up your joints because your whole body will come into play and you don't want to tear something especially in your knees or ankles. It's hard, it's rough and it doesn't care who you are, if you're still standing there's something to write home about. 

To get an idea of the Run/Sprint & Slam, here's a 30 second video of doing only 5 reps of the exercise which is more than enough for most in and of itself, adding onto it is just part of the nastiness. You will sweat, you will think about quitting and you will discover something you didn't know was there. If you're a wrestler or a world class athlete, you may find this workout tickling your feathers a bit. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

100 Seconds Of Fat Melting Training Like Nazis Standing Next To The Ark


Certain aspects of training can be hard as hell and you do the best of what your body allows you. Even with a strong mind, your body is quite capable of more than we give credit but there's always a limit that reaches maximum. In Sprint Training, no matter who you are, your top speed only lasts mere seconds. In those seconds however, you are training your body to tackle fat like Kevin Greene took down quarterbacks; hard, fast and with ferocious intensity. 

Sprints separate the men from the boys and turns them into lean, mean fighting machines nearly as fast as the Flash. You can have your life flash before your eyes and still see what it would be like to go so hard that you are fighting for your life at the same time. Sprints are primal, intense and full of benefits that we often ignore because of the various things that it does or doesn't do. In simple terms, Sprint Training gives off Warrior Vibes.

For 10 seconds at a time, you can imagine many things to make this as intense as it's meant to be: Chasing down somebody, running from an animal, racing your shadow, being a character, being a real life superhuman or whatever you choose to do, make it so you're creating the fastest version of yourself. Those 10 seconds can determine the ability to burn off fat at a rate that's almost unbelievable to comprehend. Now imagine working those 10 seconds multiple times and rest 2-3x as long in order to recover. It's Strength Training in its simplest form; no complicated things to do, no machines, no gym noise, nothing but you and the ground. 

Hill Sprints however make fat burning the ultimate workout that ground sprints doesn't get passed. Even by mere inches, Hills make your ground work better and you take on a whole new meaning to the words "Mental Toughness." This past Thursday and yesterday, I took on a Hill nearby the house and went as hard as my body allowed me for 10 Sprints at 10 seconds at a time. I wasn't always my fastest, but went hard as I possibly could and made each sprint and my recovery count. It's that time of year where flowers bloom, the weather gets warmer and the days are longer. It's time to hit the Hill to really make the most of what you want to achieve in having a lean physique fast. 

Like the Nazis standing and getting melted by an ancient and powerful box, your fat won't stand a chance with Hill Sprinting. Like always, pay attention to form but at the same time, pay attention to your intentions as well. This isn't some climb up a hill and going for a hike, you're going to work at the hardest you can possibly make it for those few seconds of training. Intensity is the key and your will to go hard as if your life depended on it. 100 seconds is all of the time it takes to induce the largest amount of Growth Hormone and Testosterone possible. Be able to breathe better, sleep better, eat more and feel that urge of sexual energy that every guy wants to feel. 

Training this way is only needed 2-3x a week and it's best to start off with a small number of sets and seconds if you haven't done them in a while. 4x8-10 seconds would be a good starting point, that's a max of 40 seconds of work. Each month, add one sprint and a few seconds to progressively get more out of it. Max sprints IMO shouldn't be more than 20-30 seconds and on most days, 10-15 is more than enough. Max amount of Sprints shouldn't be more than 10 because you're training merely to get leaner and stronger, you're not trying to match Walter Payton who did so many damn sprints it's a miracle his legs didn't fall off his body. At full speed may not be more than a few seconds and probably no more than 10. It's very difficult if not impossible to stay at 100% speed for 30 seconds. 

To build a program on Hill Sprints, check out Josh Bryant's 6-Week Sprint Training Guide to get you started. Also check out his Speed Training book.

Be fast, run hard and keep being amazingly awesome. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Developing A Physique That's Dangerous Through Natural Strength

 Let's forget for a second about false confidence and let's dig into the heart of building a physique that's real and functional in a practical manner while also being prepared for performance. If you ever pay attention to animals in the wild, you'll notice they can be totally at peace but even while in that state, it also radiates incredible strength and potency. It's important to remember that training in this manner, it isn't to create harmless sheep or just to feel good in your own skin. 

It's also not about building an ego that relies on crazy skills or lifting so damn heavy that it gives you confidence which can render false. Being soft isn't always ideal either when you train this way and living in fantasy land in order to become the best version of yourself. It's really up to you what you want to focus on but the true mission is to train for preparedness in performance. Training whether doing Animal Moves, lifting or other means is to truly shoot for practicality so the body is able to thrive when put to the test. 

There's great potential to be dangerous and you have a choice to be hard if needed be. Realistic training such as Isometrics, Movement Conditioning, Lifting & Carrying or even sledgehammer training for that matter should give you a direct advantage for competition and/or demanding scenarios if you're in sports, MMA or the performing arts. Being shielded, resilient and having a tolerance of pressure. Often times, the muscles and movements we display aren't just for show, they give us an understanding of how to tackle life's obstacles and whatever curve balls they throw at us. As a species, we can be a menace and many of us like it that way. Some of us can make training look pretty but don't forget that there's some harsh work there too and just because it may not look like much to the naked eye, training hard when needed can make a huge difference. 

Taking care of the body is a must obviously and sometimes "soft" training is needed in order to balance out the hard stuff by mastery yet making the body capable of withstanding power and understanding of pushing our limits (to a certain degree). Don't live in fear of your own power because in reality, we may not always know what we're capable of but also shouldn't be afraid of it either. We do put limits on ourselves and at times hold ourselves back (done this plenty of times myself) but the more we set our mind to becoming stronger, the more we find out where our true strengths are. In order to take full charge of developing the physique you want you have to go deeper than just typical means. That doesn't mean taking steroids or PED's, it means what are you willing to do naturally that brings the very best at what you can do and progress. By continuing to master ourselves utilizing both soft and hard training, we can become a great threat. 

Are we being stripped of our natural strength? Some will blame environment, others will blame their job or blame some lame politician (well maybe Donald Trump). Any one of those things can be a factor but realistically, the only thing to blame is ourselves. We buy into crap that make us believe would do us better; the influencers, the pseudo-science, trainers that get their info from horrible textbooks and programs that involve standing on stability balls while attempting barbell squats. If we are to become our strongest, we have to look at what we can do and progress from there. Some training methods can be very demanding but that's a good thing to the extent where if we want to get better, we must progress otherwise if we jump in blindly and not know what the fuck is there, it's going to bite us in the ass and sadly, too many people get bit and have to pay a price that's completely unnecessary.

We need to take back back what's ours and be the true masters of our bodies. Go from pet to beast and strengthen ourselves as naturally as possible. Train hard but train smart as well and be amazingly awesome.    

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