Showing posts with label Conditioning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conditioning. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Snow Battles, Dopa Band Training & Isometrics

 Well, more or less just shoveling snow when it comes to the battles. It has started snowing here a little more consistently but it isn't too bad. Get up at 5 in the morning, put on the jacket, the beaning, snow boots, got sweats on, put the gloves on, grab my shovel and have at it. It's so peaceful out, just the sound of the light wind, seeing footprints of deer, still dark out and being in the moment. The perks of being out in the fucking cold LOL.

Staying consistent with the Dopa Band Deck Of Cards Workout doing a total of 500-1000 Reps at a time. It has become more of a breeze to get through and my breathing is steady throughout most sessions. It's fun, quick and practically meditative. My favorite deck to use is the Golden 100 Dollar Bill Cards, easy to shuffle and it's just cool to look at. So far my best time doing 1000 Total Reps is around 43 min and change, high as a kite afterwards and have such a huge grin on my face (mostly cause that fucker is finally done). 

At times if I need a break from the band, I'll do 500 Step Up Workouts and/or do Isometrics to keep the joints strong. With the Isos recently, I have mimicked picking up and moving a shovel to stay durable and strong. Shoveling snow isn't too difficult but it does have you use muscles that aren't used everyday unless that's your job or it snows 95% of the time where you're at like on the East Coast or something. It's important to keep the joints healthy as well and Isometrics can help make things like this more consistent without straining yourself. Never had issues with snow shoveling whether it's powdery or wet and heavy but some people have and it can make a person ache afterwards cause the movements can be hard on the body. 

More on Isometrics, it's just also another method to work with on days where it's better to do holds than do crazy calisthenic stuff or weights. Some holds I'll do for 7-12 seconds of high intensity, others I'll go for 30 seconds to a minute or longer depending on what I want to do. Have a variety and strengthen areas that will help you keep active without pain. It's another part of the journey and doing what works best for you. Stay in shape as best as you can at just about any point in time. You never know what you'll need to be in it for.

You can keep going with what gives you the best benefits. There's no one method that will give you every result you ever wanted, spice it up, learn things and see what makes it enjoyable, challenging and fun for you to do in order to live life like a badass. You got this and you have the power to make things happen. Get at it and keep being amazingly awesome. As always, if you're interested in the Dopamineo Bands, use my discount to get 10% OFF your order and have a blast with these bad boys. 

Sunday, February 2, 2025

A Conditioning Mixer

 You do various things to stay in shape not just because you're dedicated to it but also it's important to keep things fresh and interesting. Yesterday, I got a great workout in where I mixed in DDP Yoga + The Dopa Band Deck Of Cards Workout to work on not just cardio but adding in core strength, flexibility and mobility to aid in the development or maintaining of muscular endurance and explosiveness. 

You've seen what I wrote about DDP Yoga and how beneficial it is but it goes beyond the benefits, it's about training to feel alive and to be a part of something that is for you. Mixing methods together can have an interesting impact especially if it keeps you on your toes and raises your awareness of what's to come. That's what keeps me going and what I can do to maintain my health. 

Fitness is a journey, you never know where you'll end up. You can do the same exercises consistently but you can always mix them up or do variations that makes things harder or easier. It's up to you but don't forget that you are the one having the journey, it's yours and no one else's. You can look fit but appearances don't always show the whole story, it's internally that really shows. Not saying you shouldn't strive to look better, that's always a perk but don't mistake looks for what goes in your body. Are your organs healthy? Are you prone to injuries? Are you aware of when your body has had enough? These are things that are important to look into. 

As we get older, looks may not always be the biggest priority. It's about preserving the health of our muscles, joints, organs and getting the most out of what's possible. Some people get better as time goes on and can go with a vengeance, others need more time to understand what they can do and learn how to properly work things. Everybody has something going on whether they're starting out or not.

I'm a big believer in conditioning more than having big muscles and making myself look like a model. I sure as hell ain't no model and don't look like I should be on the cover of anything but I do love what I do and know that I can go and be able to do things consistently without getting hurt. I put things together to build myself from the inside, not just what the results show on the outside. Dedicate yourself to the practice, not always the destination. 

My training is not your journey, there are things I do some people don't like or think they're "gay" or dumb shit like that, so what? I'm not in competition with anybody and I do things according to what makes me happy and gives me purpose to share with the world. Create your workouts to get the most out of your goals, dedicate yourself to what keeps you going and gives you purpose. It's not your job to please or do things that others think you should do, practice the art, not the dogmatic approaches. Be in control of your fitness, be in control of your destiny and be in control in how you move forward. Mix it up from time to time but always look to the horizon. 

Be amazingly awesome and know that everything the light touches in your journey is your kingdom (to paraphrase Mufasa...RIP James Earl Jones) and know that you have opportunities to make changes, maintain and/or build something new that is within your reach. Don't just live to be fit, be fit to live. 

Monday, January 27, 2025

So Nice, Did It Twice

 Get your mind out of the gutter, what is wrong with you?.....

For real though, being in shape isn't just a necessity, it's part of maintaining a good quality of life that keeps you on your toes, keeps you young and brings you amazing benefits. With my recent stints with the Dopa Band, testing out exercises and doing my 500 Rep Deck Of Cards Training, thought I'd spice things up. Thought I'd take a page out of Karl Gotch.

His idea of decks of cards training to maintain extreme conditioning was to do a full deck twice in a row. Doing this consistently with Hindu Push-ups, Hindu Squats, Jumpers & Half Moon Push-ups, it was painfully obvious that this was one of the reasons why the man didn't know the word tired or fatigued on the mat. He was just a beast and can hold his own with practically anyone. Gave this idea a shot with the Band.

The other day, I tested myself with the following exercises for the workout...

Chest Flys

Wave Pulls

Uppercut To Squats

Ski Jumps


I really wanted to test myself with this and see what I can do. Did the workout doing a full deck twice in a row in under 45 min. (43:55 to be exact). It wasn't so much the difficulty of the exercises, it was to keep going while maintaining good breath control and focus. This was a total of 1000 reps which isn't always easy to do. The idea wasn't to tire myself out, it was to keep a good level of cardio while keeping the joints safe and the muscles worked to be stable for muscular endurance, durability, flexibility and lasting strength. 

That's the great thing about these bands, they don't strain the joints and can increase or decrease the level of resistance just by positioning how the band is stretched, the longer you stretch it, the harder it is. It's important to be at comfortable levels of resistance to not only work the muscles but not have it be so loose either that it doesn't do anything. Which is why I enjoy it so much.

I love maintaining my conditioning that it keeps things intact and don't need to go as hardcore but have the ability to keep going. The 500 Rep workouts give a variety of exercises to do so there's always something to do. At times I'll do Chest & Back stuff for the upper body, other times do the arms, for the legs I like to do squats and jumps so those can vary with the uppercut to squat combo and ski jumps to Hindu Squats and Jumpers where unlike swinging the arms, you're pulling the band slightly to smooth out the swing which takes a bit of focus and balance to be in control of the speed and rhythm. 

Full body workouts in a short amount of time is key. I'm not trying to keep up with these wrestlers who use them, I can't and there's no way I can maintain that level of intensity at 40 and not be injured. Got to go at your own pace and focus on what benefits you. Conditioning may be your greatest asset whether you're an athlete or not but it's important to keep your joints healthy as well in order to keep things flowing with the body. So nice, it's fun to do it twice.

Be amazingly awesome and as always don't forget to use my discount code to get 10% OFF your order with the bands using POWERANDMIGHT at checkout.   

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Variety With The 500 Rep Dopa Band Deck Of Cards Workout

 That's quite a mouthful. Best thing I can come up with at the top of my head. Been killing it with the Deck Of Cards Workouts with the Dopa Band, working on exercises involving a push, pull, squat and jump exercises that can be done in a variety of ways. Most workouts is either a chest press or fly exercise, wave pulls, uppercut to squat combo and ski jumps. All are awesome to maintain conditioning and explosiveness but one workout I decided to give a go that actually got me more winded than usual but managed to do the deck.....

The two lower body exercises were the ones that were tricky cause I also had to control the swing of my arms as I squatted and jumping into a squat with the band. They were Hindu Squats & Hindu Jumping Squats variations that hit not only the legs but the shoulders as well. They were tough but I kept at it.

Workouts like these are some of the reasons I love conditioning and getting the most out of the simple things. That's also one of the many perks with the Dopa Bands, you can switch from one exercise to another in the blink of an eye and it doesn't take long to get your ass kicked in a fun way. It helps you find your creative side but will give you feedback if your technique is off. Fitness is about discovery and taking the very best to suit your goals. 

With the Deck Of Cards, it's never the same workout twice, you can do the same exercises but never do them in the same order. When you add variety or switch exercises around, it builds not just knowledge, but learning how to control your body and breathing in each workout. You're learning to expect the unexpected. With great focus and being in the moment, magic happens. Results will come when you at least expected, have more energy, lasting strength, better coordination and insane durability. 

Get your hands on these bands and harness the ability to enhance your own fitness or even get better at your sport, you have many options. Be amazingly awesome and keep killing it. Don't forget to use my Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT to get 10% OFF. Who doesn't like saving a few bucks?

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Playing The Animal Dice Game Again

 Always come back to it at some point or another. It's just fun as hell and doesn't take up a ton of time. A good 15-30 minutes and most would be smoked. If you're not used to it, start with beginner versions of the animals and build your strength and balance from there. Wrote about this workout many times in the past because it's that valuable and can do wonders for your health. 

For those that don't know, what's called the Animal Dice Game is very simple.....

Roll a dice for an animal 

Roll a second time for Steps or Distance 

Repeat until you're done.

You can create all sorts of games with this. You can do games of Tag, Races, Relays, Tournaments, Sports Conditioning, Upper or Lower Body Workouts, whatever works for you. Been playing with this off and on since 2008 and have taught it when I was in college and have taught it to friends, family and others. Played this game with one of my nieces at the park. Rolled for an animal and we'd play tag. Did it until she got tired. She loved it.

Fitness sometimes can feel rigid and strict. You're supposed to follow these rules and stick to this or that and if you commit one little sin of a program, you're a loser and have no ambition. Dude, this isn't fucking prison LOL or a bootcamp. This type of training makes you feel like a kid again from a bygone era in your life where you get to live out being your favorite animal and having a good time. You didn't have to think about getting in shape or WORKING OUT!!! You just played. 

It doesn't matter if you do Steps/Reps or an amount of distance with this type of program, what matters is you learn the fundamentals, learn how the games go and have at it. Do what you can and get amazing benefits. I like to do it for conditioning purposes and keep my brain active. Practicing balance is another great benefit cause if you can handle your bodyweight in awkward positions, imagine being able to move without pain and do things like going up a flight of stairs easily, bend down without injuring your back, keep up with kids or grandkids, perform better in sports, barely ever get tired and minimize the chances of osteoporosis.

"One of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the invention of good games." – Carl Jung  

Games showcase the mighty tasks of what we can accomplish while the concept of having fun marks the inner child in all of us. We don't have to do them perfectly, we just do them with enthusiasm and imagination. 

Have a great time and get fit while at it. Getting fit is an adventure, make it worth while and the results will come when you least expect them. Be amazingly awesome. Be wild, be an animal

Monday, January 6, 2025

500 Rep Deck Of Cards Workout With Dopamineo Bands

 Working on your conditioning is one of the best things a person can do for their health. The ability to last as long as needed whether for sports or for daily life is a gift as well as a necessity. There are a variety of ways to make it happen, while some methods can seem boring, others can be very interesting especially if you use specific things that can target various muscle groups in the blink of an eye. Dopamineo Bands are one of those things.

Some of the best wrestlers in the world train with these bands to keep their skills up and enhance their cardio to last in as many matches as they can. There's a reason why several wrestlers in the UFC like Khabib didn't know the word tired. The man was a machine and outlasted many opponents. These bands provide a level of resistance that takes stamina and long lasting strength into space where it may seem endless. It doesn't take a ton of time to train with these so no need to go as long as a marathon. 

Since September of 2023, off and on, I've used this band to amplify my own cardio and keep me in shape for whatever lies ahead of me. Done many workouts from circuits to HIIT to just a quick and simple session. Every time I put my hands on it, I feel like I'm learning from the most conditioned athletes in history and trying out various exercises at different speeds and technique. 

I took an idea from my own workouts using a deck of cards and wanted to see what it would be like to do it with the Band. Consists of 5 Exercises (Push, Pull, Squat, Jump & The Propeller Exercise) and do 500 Total Reps going through the deck. It's intense and simple. It's not easy and sure AF isn't for the weak at heart. It can be done as warm up for athletes, a post-practice cool down or it can be on its own and focusing on targeting areas you want to be better conditioned in. Here is how it goes.....

Hearts: Push Exercise (e.g Chest Press)

Diamonds: Pull Exercise (e.g Chest Pull Waves)

Spades: Squats (e.g Uppercut To Squat)

Clubs: Jump Exercise (e.g Ski Jumps)

2-10 As Is

K/Q/J Is 10 Reps

Aces Are 16 Reps

Jokers Are 50 Propellers

This particular workout hits many muscle groups that keep you on your toes. Focus on technique, let the speed come naturally (you're not trying to break world records here) and pay attention to your breathing. You can start with a few cards and work your way up over time or you can go through the whole deck and take breaks periodically and each workout you reduce rest time until you can get through with very little rest other than flipping a card and adjusting the exercise. If you ever wanted to experience what a wrestler or fighter may feel during intense training and not be a competitive athlete, this is pretty damn close. This is also a way to get fit without all the hassles of gym training and getting a good session in 15-30 minutes depending on how long it takes you to finish. 

Have fun with this one and let me know how it goes for you, love to hear your feedback from this workout. Be amazingly awesome and keep killing it in 2025. Save a few bucks using my Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT to get 10% OFF. 

Thursday, December 5, 2024

All Hands On Deck: Another Look At Step Ups And Squats

 Training the legs can be done in a variety of ways and some of the best exercises don't always involve weights. Working them with weights have their place and many people have been successful at it. Some of us just go in a different direction in how we keep them going as we move along through life.

As you know, I'm a big advocate for Step Ups and how they are one of the best exercises for the legs you can do. They're not superior to other exercises like squats or lunges but they're also not to be underestimated either. They have a way of creeping up on you and they can be a challenging with the way you can go about it. Some of the best athletes in the world have done them from wrestlers to baseball players and others. Bob Backlund made them a huge piece of his training to the point where he can go as long as he wanted, he was just that crazy. Other wrestlers like William Regal did them and even the real Suplex Machine Taz taught them to his students at his school many years ago (he has it on film). 

When it comes to squats, they're awesome in their own right. Hindu Squats were the exercise that helped me get back into shape after my accident but you already know that chestnut by now. The only time I really do them now is when I do my deck of cards workout with the Step Ups and the numbers vary. They're not a huge part of my training where there are some exercises I find better for me but the squats do hold a place in my heart and when I do them, they're firing. When combined with Step Ups, it's a recipe for some killer leg conditioning, there's no way around that and if anyone says different hasn't fully understood the magnitude of them.

My deck of cards workouts for the legs is combining these two powerhouses to the point where on average these days I'll do 500 Step Ups & 250 Squats respectively and that's within roughly 30 minutes, maybe a little longer but I do the whole deck and it's an incredible feeling afterwards. It's conditioning that matters and utilizing both unilateral and bilateral movements together to form incredible stamina and strength. Training this way is fun, challenging and although you reach the same destination, you never take the same road twice when you do the cards. 

Card Workouts have been around for decades, maybe longer and if anyone truly made that with the best of intentions was Karl Gotch and his system of Squats & Push-Ups. Hell, I've done enough of them to where I did 400 Squats & 250 Push-ups on several occasions, it's brutal. Long ass time since I've done it that way and who knows, one day I may do it again, never say never. The point here is, You want to get the best out of your training and make strides to get a little better but also keep yourself healthy. It's not easy by any stretch and it's not meant to be but you do what is possible and expand on it. You can do it everyday if you want or do it a few times a week, it's up to you but you progress to what your body is able to handle. If you need to back off of it, do so and when you're ready, get back at it. You got this.

When you do the workouts with the cards, start with as many cards as you can possibly do. If you can do the whole deck on the first try, that's awesome, you're ahead of the curve, but not everybody is able to do that. Even I had to build up to it and once I did, it felt glorious. A deck of cards can be deceiving and it will kick your ass. It's one thing to do one exercise for the legs in this manner, it's another when you add one more to it and it's all legs. Be humble and don't think it's just a workout to weez on by, it'll make you think twice and it'll put you down for the count if you don't pay attention. 

Take a shot at it, you never know what you're capable of and it's a unique way of training the body that has incredible perks and benefits. Keep being amazingly awesome and kill it in your own training.    

Monday, November 11, 2024

4 Animals And 1100 Reps Later

 When you need a pick me up or even the urge to challenge yourself, sometimes you just go with your gut and hope for the best. This morning, I wanted to do some Animal Conditioning and did my Deck Of Cards Animal Workout. Doubled the reps/steps to really sink things in and feel the wrath of the wild. The animals were as follows....





-The way the deck of cards goes....

Hearts = Bear Crawls

Diamonds = Crab Walks 

Clubs = Sasquatch Walks

Spades = Duck Walks

-Rep Count

King/Jack/Queen = 20

Ace = 32

Joker = 100

2-10 = Doubled

All together, its 1000 total reps. Crazy thing is, I had three jokers in the deck I used so it came out to 1100. A lot of crawling and walking in a half squat and full squat. The only rest was getting up and flipping a card, that was it. For the Animal I did for the jokers it was 100 Steps of the Sasquatch. Walking in that position for a period of time really puts tension in the thighs and works the tendons and ligaments with a vengeance. It's almost walking in a wrestler's stance or a football stance getting ready for a tackle. 

This particular workout hits practically every muscle in the body and you can move in all sorts of directions and revs up your cardio that is unbelievable. Awesome conditioning for combat sports, health, coordination, agility, upper & lower body strength. Doesn't take very long (just around 30 minutes or so) and targets quite a bit of the brain since you need to send the nerves to the muscles to keep them going and stay balanced. It's like a jolt to the noggin along with building lung power. 

Training is an adventure and when you can play like a beast in the wild (even a duck), it makes your workout all the more enjoyable. With a workout like this, it's like a game and you can create the difficulty. Have fun and keep being amazingly awesome. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Does A Six Pack Really Mean Anything?

 Many would say having a six pack has many benefits and a indicator of health. In a few cases that is true, low bodyfat can be an indicator of health but how low is too low and where does the balance formulate to say someone's healthy? A great six pack shows you've worked hard to build the abdominal muscles and made strides to make yourself look good which by itself isn't a bad thing, however; does those muscles help minimize or prevent injuries as much as possible? Can it take a hit? Is it strong enough to work the Stabilizers? Is it conditioned?

These are the questions I look for when I see those with a six pack. Seen some strong people that look average and seen bodybuilders who can barely walk, plus crackheads have very low abdominal fat and have a six pack at times so where is the line drawn that a six pack meaning something healthy? The truth is, because we're all different, our bodies don't always develop the same way as others but it is important to understand it's not always the abdominal muscles that should be looked at for an indicator of health, it's the entire realm of the Core (abs, low back, obliques) that should give you an idea of how strong it truly is.

Core Strength is one of the true indicators of how healthy a person is. You can have extremely low bodyfat and still have a weak core structure. Being able to twist and turn without hurting yourself gives off some strong vibes there along with utilizing those muscles in how you perform your workouts. The tension vs the relaxation in your performance. Understanding how to brace yourself as you control a movement or hold. Think of Gymnasts, the control over their bodies is one of the most fascinating things about the human structure. The way they can move and hold positions on the Rings, swing on the High Bar, flip in the fucking air during a floor routine or on the vault, its captivating and eye popping. Sure this is sports specific but it doesn't take away the fact that if they couldn't control the way they do things, they would be crippled for life.

The greater your strength is in your Core from a certain POV, the stronger you'll be not just physically but overall. It's one of the reasons I train a lot with Isometrics, Suspension Training, Sandbags, Bands and Hammers....In order to perform these methods well or even to get a pass by, I need to be in control of my Core otherwise I'd be injured a hell of a lot more. Core Strength goes beyond just doing Abdominal Exercises, it's about creating a strong foundation to what is needed for things in life that can be a saver for people. Hauling furniture takes Core Strength, doing Farmer's Carries takes Core Strength even when you're off balance, moving in awkward positions without injury starts with Core Strength. 

Having a strong Core may not always be obvious just on appearance alone, again, you can look like a million bucks but do you have the strength and control that comes with it? That's the true indicator there. Keep yourself strong and healthy and keep being amazingly awesome everyone. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Dopamineo Playlist To Help Get You Started


When you get an idea in your head and have something good going on, you might as well share it and see where it leads. For a while now in addition to my Dopa Band Workouts, I wanted to create a playlist on my YouTube to show some basic moves you can do with the Band. Some are a little more advanced and others are the basics with the volume turned up so do speak. 

These bands are insanely fun to use and the creativity you can get from them are limitless. It doesn't matter if you're a wrestler, MMA Fighter, Fitness Nut or a bad ass Olympic Champion; Dopa Bands create a unique way to build strength and conditioning that not only lasts but enhances your energy levels, the way you move and the way you can have a better quality of life. That's why I created the playlist to showcase what you can do at least on a simpler level. Exercises you can start with and build a foundation on. 

They're not just for building athleticism and fitness, they can be great for rehab/prehab, mobility training, flexibility, rotational work, loosening up muscles and a hell of a lot more. From time to time, I'll use them to loosen up my back and legs. My joints always feel amazing after training with them and because they're not time constricted, you can get in something great in as little as 5-10 minutes. If you wish to go longer, that's awesome, you get to decide what could work for you and take the amount of steps needed to get better and better. 

Now, one of the perks of getting a band is that once you learn some of the exercises that can get you started, you can access even more tutorials from the DopamineO company themselves that will send your fitness into the stratosphere. Get your hands on workouts and exercises from World & Olympic Champions, MMA Tournament Winners, College Wrestlers and other Pro Athletes that will showcase their explosiveness, strength, power, speed, reactions and more that made them some of the very best on the planet. I can give you samples of things that can get you going and have some fun with, but when you learn from the cream of the crop, you'll find out what you're capable of and harnessing a new level of cardio that is just unbelievable. 

One of my favorite exercises is the Squat & Row Combo which is very simple, take the band, Squat down, come back up and pull towards the rib cage. Nothing too complicated and works multiple muscle groups which can aid in conditioning training along with agility. I do this often in my own training doing either circuits or HIIT Workouts where I would do this for up to a minute or so with other exercises for a total of 15-30 minutes of a full workout. It's great as it can be used to train for wrestling working on the duck under and pulling your opponent in for the kill or it can be done to work on knee mobility and working the upper back muscles to build strength for rehabbing. There are so many things this exercise can do it's nuts yet it's so simple to do. 

With practice, a good work ethic and utilizing your imagination, these bands will benefit you in ways that I can't even fathom and who knows what you'll be able to do. You can take them anywhere, even to the gym to use for rest periods, warm ups, cooldowns, finishers or part of your routine. You can bring them to the park like you'll see with some of the exercises in this playlist. Take them down to the Lake and work on some stuff before going swimming like the Propeller for example. It is a great companion for at home training or to travel with. 

In this playlist there are more than a Dozen exercises at your disposal to get you started that range from working specific muscles to explosive training and combo moves. Grab a band today and start on the path to a new you and have a kick ass time. Don't forget to use my Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT to get 10% OFF your order. You got this and keep being amazingly awesome. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Putting In The Work Yet Making It Adventurous

 So many influencers today try to tell you this or that and whatever else to get you to buy into their shit. It can be hard for many out there to trust what's being given and how to apply their methods to your goals and daily life. Not saying all are bad, a few out there are top notch, legit and have realistic outlooks on how you can be in better shape when you make the choices to do so or continue in your journey. 

With me, I sure as hell wouldn't call myself an influencer. I do what I can to help others and give them resources to look into from people I've either personally had experienced with or worked with their methods and molded it into my own from their inspiration. The ability to create your own style to suit your life is one of the best things you can ever do. Learn from the very best. You may make mistakes along the way and adjust to what benefits you but as long as you put the work in and make it adventurous, you can make things happen that would never expect.

It can be overwhelming to find the absolute best from one single trainer or author that has the ultimate end all-be all training system. The truth is, that doesn't actually exist. If anyone says differently, it's a sales pitch or it's only for a specific demographic. My style is a smorgasbord of different people and systems that I've taken bits and pieces of and created something that is entirely me. If you're more of the one author/system approach and it works for you, that's awesome and I hope it benefits you greatly. We all have different bodies and work on things that aren't going to always work for the same person so we adjust accordingly. Take control of what is possible for you and expand on it. 

With my training with the sandbag lately, it has taken me to new heights of what hardcore strength and conditioning can be. Hell a few days ago I took three exercises including the Sandbag and did a circuit workout that went more than 30 minutes with the only rest being to check off a set and keep going. That workout made my heart want to explode out of my chest and test my strength & cardio in ways that were different and so intense that I don't know if I want to even top it. My strength has gone up to where I made PRs at the gym I didn't think were possible but they were and proud to have done them but it doesn't change how I keep training. 

When you bust your ass and you're making gains whether in muscle building or strength building regardless of age, things will come to light when you thought it would stay dark. Do what benefits you and help others find their opportunity to create something for themselves. Don't be an asshole and tear them down because they're overweight or wear a man bun or they're weaker than you are, everybody has a journey. Some have let themselves go and need help, others could use a tip or two that can tweak their program and some are just starting out. Make training an experience that people want to continue on and help them find opportunities to make themselves better, this world has enough dipshits and asshats. Be amazingly awesome and keep on kicking ass.   

Monday, August 12, 2024

Training With 100+ LB Sandbag

Love my Sandbells but I wanted to up the ante a bit and go even heavier and with only a few workouts, it feels awesome. Got some sand at a Ace Hardware store down the road and poured it into my 100 lb bag I've had for a while. Weighed it at 104.6 lbs. Just getting used to it and feeling it out was tough at first but knew I was strong enough to play with it. 

From carries to squats to overhead presses and more, this thing is making me work my ass off pretty well. Don't get sore all that much but I'm not killing myself with it either. With the carries, I marked 15 yards on the grass from the side of the house and would do a full revolution (30 yards) for however many times. One workout was 300 yards Bear Hug Style and another was 600 Yards doing shoulder to shoulder. Those exercises alone with a bag that heavy can make you rugged. 

Love going old school with this type of training and just sticking with one to a few exercises per workout and just hammer them. The last workout was 300 Total Yards & Over 1000 total pounds carried, 5x5 Deadlifts and 5x5 Overhead Presses. Might go for 100 Bear Hug Squats in sets of 10-12 reps but haven't decided yet or maybe I haven't reached that type of training yet but you'll never know. The idea is to see what's possible and work from there. 

Will I got even more say 150-200 lb? Someday but not anytime soon. Just working with this weight is still a great way to keep myself in shape. Sandbags are no joke and they can be brutal especially since they force you to work the stabilizer muscles and have the closest to training against a human. The transfer to regular weights is enormous and if you can easily work a 100 lb bag, you can work plenty of good weight with a barbell or dumbbell. One of the grips I use when I hold it in the bear hug position is the Gable Grip like in Grappling as I pull to keep the bag steady against my torso and work my back, shoulders and arms all at the same time as I Squat or Carry. It's a full body workout regardless of what you do. Just make it work for you.

I mostly use it for Strength Training and when it's needed, I rest long enough to go tackle the next set. These workouts can make you breathe harder than usual and quite hungry afterwards. If you want greater power in your training, a sandbag will do the trick plus if you're in wrestling or BJJ, you can do bag training by mimicking certain moves and throws as if you're going against an opponent, one of the oldest types of workouts around. Imagine building explosiveness in your throws, having insane grip strength, handle opponents like rag dolls or if you're a firefighter and able to carry a human being with ease out of the flames of a burning building. Strength Training with a Bag can be life saving.

This type of training is suited to the real world and being able to handle your own when it's called upon. Strength is more than just a look, it's having the ability to be strong enough to help others and not everyone picks on the rugged looking guy who can probably take your ass to the cleaners 6 ways to Sunday. Train to handle yourself but also be humble. You don't get strong to become an asshole bully, you become strong to have a greater quality of life and to make others feel safe. Get a Sandbag and see what you're capable of. Have an amazingly awesome day and check out the video below for some samples of exercises you can do. There are all sorts of exercises you can do but these few would get you started. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The O2 Trainer From Bas Rutten

 "Deep Breathing exercises alone can make many a weak man strong and many a sick man well."- Farmer Burns 1914-1937.

Having control over the breath is one of the most essential things you can do to have a better quality of life. Everybody breathes right? Cause if you don't, you die. It's that simple. We can go for weeks without food, days or so without water but can't go a few minutes without breathing. Training to control your breathing can make or break your performance not just in sports but in other areas of life too. In combat sports such as Catch Wrestling, BJJ, Boxing and others, you can tell a person at times by how much gas he has in the tank and if they start to wear down too early, they're done.

Having strong lungs and being in good condition has its merit in how you do in certain situations especially if you can overcome asthma. I'm always experimenting with different things and testing my abilities when it comes to training. When I was in BJJ, I was strong and worked with what I could but not understanding how to handle certain situations in sparring, I wasn't breathing properly and didn't know how to be calm and rely on my strength which bit me in the ass a time or two. Once I understood how to breathe in that particular environment, I improved and was able to keep up and go rounds with guys, even my coach noticed it. Wasn't easy and one day hope to get back on the mat.

I've been a fan of MMA for years and knew of guys like Dan Severn, Ken Shamrock, Tito Ortiz and Matt Hughes. One guy I would hear about from time to time was Bas Rutten "El Guapo" who was one of the best fighters of his time that specialized more in Kickboxing & some Submission Grappling. One of his claims to fame was being a former UFC Heavyweight Champ and working against some of the best in early MMA. Years after his career, he wanted to get something going to help others achieve great levels of fitness and worked on what is now the O2 Trainer. It's a breathing apparatus that supposedly mimics high altitude training and help with those who struggle with Asthma. 

I heard about it for a while but only got it just recently. Like I said, I'm always experimenting with certain things and wanted to give this a shot. It first came up when me and my wife were talking about how she can continue to lose weight and improve her cardio (she's already lost more than 60 pounds and has great cardio that continues to amaze me) so we did some research and the O2 Trainer popped up. I figured, if she wanted to try that, I'll give it a shot too to improve my own cardio and conditioning. For both of us, it was a little tricky to understand how it works but after a couple sessions, wasn't too bad. It comes with 14 different levels of the apparatus to create resistance for the inhale. Because of my strong lungs from years of doing Squats, Step Ups, Sprints and other things, I really got things going working with the #6 level. 

There are 3 exercises he shows to really work it and have you focus on more of the inhale along with training using the Diaphragm & Intercoastal Muscles. One of the exercises is lying down on the back and using the trainer from there breathing in lifting the stomach and breathing out pulling the stomach in. Normally this isn't that hard to do but with the trainer and inhaling with a bit of force, it's a different ball game. I like laying on the back since I get more out of it and feels comfortable. Still an ass kicker but it works well. The idea is to do about 4 minutes a day or do 30 Breaths and alternate the exercises on different days. If you're an athlete, you can do it twice a day which I just started doing only a few days ago. I would do a total of 300-400 Reps before moving onto the next level, the #5. After maybe 500 total reps with that I'll move on to the 4 but probably train with no more than the 3 after that. 

This for me is more of being able to not only maintain cardio but also keep good levels of energy for other things like hiking, swimming and just enjoying life. I start out with the trainer in the morning and do a second session later in the day or evening doing 30 reps each time. It can be quite a workout once you get into it. Experiment with it yourself and see what it does for you. Research it and then make a decision, if it's not for you, that's ok there are other things out there but I do encourage you to give this a chance. Whether you're in a sport or just want to have better lung power, it has a lot of benefits that even I am still finding out.  

Have an amazingly awesome day and breathe with power and vitality. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Athletes And Everyday Folks With Dopamineo Bands

 The amount of info and equipment used for certain methods can be overwhelming and trying to find a good routine or type of workout to keep things in tact isn't always easy. Quite frankly, it's not meant to be easy. It doesn't however, need to be complicated. Some people think you need the gym as if it's the only option out there to get healthy and fit. Some even think that you need to train for X amount of time to get Y results. The truth is, you don't need a building to go do something unless that's a goal of yours or just want to utilize what can be beneficial to you.

Sometimes it makes my head want to explode with the crazy shit influencers these days try to "promote" and although some are very creative, many just don't fucking get it or want to make someone feel like if they don't do it their way, you might as well jump off a cliff. We have the same 24 hours like everybody else but we don't live the same lifestyle or utilize the time we need in order to be efficient. If you make time for the gym and have a consistent routine with that, that's awesome and want you to continue that but you don't need to tell people "If I can do this, so can you", that's not always how life works.

When it comes to Athletes, it's very specific because they train for purposes that aren't meant for everyday people nor are they on the same level. You're not going to see a high school or college football player train  the same way as a 60 year old man who hasn't trained in decades and is just getting back into it. You're not going to see a 50 year old that's jacked train the same way as a 21 year old Olympian. We all train according to what our bodies can do at the given time whether starting out or been around the block longer than John Cena has been in the WWE. The idea is to train with intent and getting the most out of what is useful and with the time we are able to use.

One of the perks of Dopamineo Bands is that they can be used either by Athletes or Everyday People who could use a boost to keep things in check. You can use just about anywhere, even the gym. You don't need to follow the same rules as many influencers try to put on you like "you need to do this for that" or "you have to work out for an hour or more that includes cardio and weights", you can learn exercises and routines that don't take up a ton of time and can get results. Athletes need to train in order to become better at their sport and formulate methods with or without a coach that ensures they're prepared for upcoming fights, games and practices. For others, it can be a leisurely thing where they can get something going and be able to tackle their day with vitality and energetic entities. It could also be for maintaining health and wellness while also keeping up with or developing better attributes to sustain quality of life. That's what the beauty of the Dopa Bands provides. 

These bands may have been inspired by wrestlers and other combat sports but they also bring something much more; an idea that you can have an incredible physique and great levels of fitness by training only minutes a day, you don't need an hour unless that's what you choose to do. Pick a few exercises and have at it. Hell most of my workouts with them aren't more than 20 minutes on average and always feel like I can take on the day. If I wanted to go longer, I have that option and that's the point, you have options. The bands are fun to use and have so many exercises to choose from it's crazy but you only need to do a few to get yourself going. The exercise library is expanding and the types of routines you can find or create on your own is another perk. The bands can be used in many ways from learning certain techniques without a partner to basic exercises you normally would use in a gym. Some use them everyday, some only a few times a week. You can use them as a stand alone, as a warm up, cool down or even in between sets with your regular routine. Many athletes use them to warm up to get themselves ready for the hard training ahead but also quite a number use them at the end of a practice to get extra conditioning in so they have an advantage over the competition.

I've written about using them for Circuit Training and/or HIIT Workouts because they're a favorite and get to move in all sorts or directions. Make them work for you and be sure to learn the techniques for the exercises cause there are right ways and wrong ways to do them. Another perk is being able to do them on your days off of your regular gym routine where they can be used as a recovery tool to keep muscles loose and stretched. They are unique and they pack a punch but they get the job done and turn into a fitness beast.  

Get more bang for your buck by using my Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT to get a cool percentage off your order. Let's get fit together and have a kick ass time with bands that even some of the very best Olympic Caliber athletes use. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Comfort Zones And Expanding On Them

 Some people are so adamant against others or themselves being in the comfort zone when it comes to training. It has to be so hard that it makes you tough and resilient. Plus, the more difficult it is, the better off you'll be. Who the fuck really came up with that? 

Training is about discovery, the ability to find what works and expand on it. Sure some things are tough, but they become a bit easier with even the smallest of progressions. To me, once I get good at something, I want to make it better, not so difficult that I can't really do much. People throw comfort around like you're either lazy as hell or you're not willing to toughen it out. The truth is, when you become comfortable in this scenario, it doesn't mean you stay in that area. It's about expanding it and getting better. 

When I first got back into DDP Yoga, I couldn't even remotely get into positions that I can do now. I had to modify them (in some exercises still do) to where I can be comfortable to keep myself going. As I increased my flexibility, I expanded where my comfort level was in the positions I was doing. The workouts were still tough and are hard to do on some days but my comfort level to what my body can do increases as I progress little by little. 

Life can be a royal pain in the ass as is, it's not always going to sunshine and rainbows, everybody in most cases understands that but that doesn't mean that you try to be so tough that it makes you bitter and or give the right to put people down and call them names because they're not as tough or hard as you. Not saying you have to be a goodie two-shoes but it is important to have an attitude to what makes your life meaningful and what is comfortable while facing certain challenges.

When I workout, I can seem like some crazy nutjob doing all these things and making some things look easy but it's because I'm comfortable at being able to do those things and listening to my body. Do I go further into a routine at times, hell yes but it's because my body and my energy allow me to do that and I'm comfortable with it, it doesn't make me lazy or that I'm not allowing myself to go to my limits. 

You learn certain aspects of your capabilities when you progress. Once you get comfortable at a certain point, make an add on and get comfortable with that and keep using that momentum. Some things are tough to do like carrying a heavy rock or walking with a sandbag or sandbell held to your chest. It may seem uncomfortable because for one it isn't easy depending on the weight you use and the distance you do but you become comfortable with what you're able to do, next time go a little further and become comfortable with that distance and so on and so forth. Comfort is making things look easy when they're not, they're still tough but to you it's another day at the office. 

Have fun with what you do. Expand on your capabilities and progress little by little. Train with intent but don't be so gung ho that you're going to end up injured. I've been there and it isn't fun. Enhance your ability to be comfortable in what you do and expand it. It could make your quality of life that much more interesting. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Propeller Exercise From Dopamineo

 Always finding ways to train so I can get the most benefit out of a workout. Off and on with the Dopamineo Band, doing circuits and HIIT Workouts hits the spot in many ways to tackle my cardio, coordination, agility and explosiveness. One exercise in particular I held off on doing until recently was the Propeller exercise. I've seen several videos of people who own Dopamineo and other athletes do this exercise at various speeds and style and I figured it was time for me to learn it. 

The reason why I held off on it for a long time was because for one, it's a complex movement that hits muscles where I was having my sciatica and was afraid of getting hurt again because of the way the band moves and the way you have to move with it. The second reason was because I wanted to get good at some of the other exercises that were complex as well but not as difficult coordination wise. Once I felt I was good enough to where it felt automatic, I started putting effort into this crazy looking exercise.

The Propeller Exercise in itself is a workout just to not only get the movement right but it also hits many muscles and there's a reason many wrestlers use it to condition their bodies. It does like a Duck Under like move where you shift the body and can duck under an opponent for a takedown and/or utilize the Fireman Carry Technique. Take it slow to get an idea on how you unify the band and your body together to work in sync. Start speeding up little by little as you get better and before you know it, it makes you look like you're spinning. At a certain clip, it becomes quite the conditioning exercise and will get you breathing hard. 

Before I did a workout with it, I tested the waters and did what I could with it. It can be a bit of a brain teaser because there's many things coming into play with the arms, the shoulders, the slight squatting, the turning of the torso, working with the band instead of against it. Once I got going, it tested my breathing because of the intensity. You don't stretch the band to the point where you can barely move, you get it just long enough to where it creates resistance but also is in a "relaxed" type state yet not "loose". In the workout, I did a circuit of exercises of my usual 10 reps of 5 exercises and did this last. Did a total of 100 reps with the Propeller and out of all the exercises I did in that workout, that was the hardest one and the one that tested me the most. It is a fun exercise once you get the idea of the mechanics of it. It's not easy and I still need practice on it but it is getting better. 

In the video below, I took the band out on a windy day at a park behind a church down the block from the house. It took a few takes, not because of the wind or anything, I had a good set up with my phone and able to keep it steady with one of my bags, it was the movement itself along with angles, speed, not messing up smacking myself and doing reps to get the amount of time to show it for more than a few seconds, I really wanted to show the progress without making a blooper out of it. I hate messing up. After several takes and several minutes of doing the exercise, it turned into a mini workout cause it wore my ass out. This was the end result and like I said, it still needs work but in time, it's going to be a hell of an exercise to work with.

Some people do this movement with a twisting motion of the torso, some just twist the arms, I'm still figuring out which way to go on the up position at the end. It's all about experimenting and having fun. Don't forget to grab one yourself or for your athletes if you work with wrestlers, MMA Fighters, BJJ, Judo or other combat sports. These are also great for training and playing with Kids. There are bands for little ones as young as 4 years old. Great piece of equipment to get kids moving and playing. Play along with them to create bonding experiences. Get a cool discount when you punch in POWERANDMIGHT at checkout. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Why Do Only 10 Rounds And 500 Reps???

 The majority of the time I do my Dopamineo Circuit Training, I do my best to complete 10 rounds of that circuit in the shortest time I can. With little to no rest other than marking off a set, I would cruise through it and focus mainly on technique and breathing. Rarely would ever go past 10 rounds like 12-15 just to add some zest or to test my conditioning. Why do I pick only ten rounds, why not go for 20 or 15 a lot of the time for that matter? When I used to do circuit work with bodyweight training, I worked into the system of Darebee's protocol to test myself. The idea is to reach 7 rounds and your rest between sets was 30 seconds to 2 minutes. Because some of those workouts were fairly easy to get through with little rest like under 30 seconds, I wanted to push myself a little further and do an extra 3 rounds to feel satisfied. It became my thing.

The total reps of my Dopa Workouts or Circuits comes out to 500 Reps these days. Why did I choose 500 specifically? It mainly has to do with the rep standard from doing Squats and Step Ups (which in most cases with the Step Ups). I figured, why do 500 of one exercise when you can add variety to multiple exercises and total it up? I'll still do 500 Step Ups within 20-25 minutes when I'm in the mood for it and ever since I healed up, I've done it a few times in succession. On a few occasions with the Dopa Band, I've gone up to 1000 total reps doing 5 Exercises for 20 reps each and do the 10 rounds that way. Those times are when I'm really ambitious and want to crank up my cardio. 

I enjoy these types of workouts because they don't take very long, they're effective in getting in solid conditioning and when you use the same equipment as some of the best wrestlers in the world from MMA to the Olympics, it gives you goosebumps. They're fun, you get to be creative and do the same drills or at least in a modified way that world class athletes do is feeling like you're a part of something and enjoying benefits that are pretty damn incredible. I know I can't do the same exact same style of training that these men and women do and it's not something I wish to pursue but it's inspiring and learning some of the exercises done in Freestyle & Greco-Roman along with amplifying your fitness to a level where you get to do other great things in life. 

I don't go as fast as I did before, this time around with the Band, I focus a lot more on technique and my breathing that I didn't do before because it was one of the factors of me getting hurt and not paying attention. It happens and it's my own damn fault. I was good and can really go but my awareness wasn't where it should've been and I focused too much on the timing and didn't pay attention to my body the way I needed to. It was a tough lesson and I paid a hefty price for it. My speed is still there but I stopped forcing it and although my cardio was good before, I find it's way better now because I pay attention to my breathing and relax more into the movements themselves. The more I let myself relax, the better it got and my movements are far more efficient then in previous workouts. The speed comes naturally and my technique is far better especially in certain exercises where you work with the hips and working movements that flow with you. 

I love doing my 10 Round & 500 Rep protocol type workouts, they work for me and I keep the exercises to a more basic level and work with variations that have me flowing throughout. The time I go through circuits is never the same and I don't worry about how fast I'm going anymore. The length of a workout ranges from 10-20 min in most cases, if I want to do more rounds on a certain day, it might go up to 25-30 minutes but I'm happy regardless. The goal is to consistently get 10 Rounds and 500 Reps total. 5 Exercises, 10 reps each and work with it. If I want to double the reps and go for 1000 total that day, cool but it's not a priority. The idea is to move with efficiency and working with technique, your coordination and what can be done with intensity in a good amount of time. 

Get yourself some bands and get a discount on top of your order on the house. Enter the code POWERANDMIGHT and get 10% OFF. Be amazingly awesome and have fun with these. Get the kids one so you all can train together.    

Friday, May 31, 2024

Hiking DDP Yoga And Dopamineo Conditioning

 Taking into account of what you can do on certain days or using the energy you have with using the time to do other things can be a bitch. However, we can do things in the capacity of how we utilize the discipline and the awareness of what is possible at the time. For busy beavers, micro workouts is always a great option, I do them myself often with the other things I do but some if that's the only option people have in their present state, use it to your advantage. 

Working with the DDP Yoga Program is not only giving me greater flexibility and durability, it has also given me great endurance that goes along with other methods I do. Some days I'll just do one workout from the program, other days I'll mix and match various workouts into one bigger workout like doing the Fat Burner & Energy workouts together or work with a 10 min warm up and then one of the hour long ones like Diamond Cutter. I even tried out the Extreme Psycho Workout for the first time in years and although that needed modifying big time, I did the best I could to get through it. Some of the push-ups from Extreme were pretty tough but hey it's all about learning right? DDP Yoga is definitely my go-to training system for now.

 Train to what you can handle and progress little by little. The Dopa Workouts are coming back more and more doing circuits of 10 rounds totaling 500 Reps within 15-20 min depending on what I do. One day this past week, I went a little further testing my conditioning by doing a Fat Burner DDP Yoga Workout and immediately going into a Dopa Workout. That was nasty but effective and the total time was just under an hour. I'm not doing the Dopa Band Training everyday like I used to which isn't a bad thing, I like to do other stuff and when I do, I go after it with a vengeance. I filmed some exercises one day day and then did a full workout, didn't time that one but I wasn't resting much either. 

There was a song back in the day by the Country Bear Jamboree called "Ain't nothing like the great outdoors" so I would take my Dopa Band with me to a park or in the video below, my backyard and just get after it, being in the sun and just having a good time. Can never get enough of this band. The other day, I did a HIIT Workout where I took 5 exercises and did them 3 times for 30 Seconds on, 15 Seconds off each for a total of about 11 minutes. Short, quick and effective as hell. 

Yesterday, me and the wife went on a Hike for the first time in a long time and this particular Hike we haven't done since we first met more than 9 years ago. It was out on the outskirts of Coeur D' Alene Lake called Mineral Ridge, the loop was roughly 2.5 miles long (the grand total of the entire trail is just over 3) so we did a good portion of it. At the top you get a beautiful view of the lake, might see some Bald Eagles or Hawks and just awesome scenery. With all the Step Ups, Squats and other leg work, this Hike felt great and I was wearing my new Bareway Shoes which surprisingly did a hell of a job holding up the rugged terrain. The narrow pathway made my ankles feel a little weird and awkward but it came out ok. It'll get you a bit with some of those steep climbs but that's all part of the fun right?

Make the most of what you can and train to do great things in life. Go on adventures, test yourself out with certain things and have the time of your life man. Get in awesome condition to do fun shit. Have an amazingly awesome day.  

Monday, May 20, 2024

Slowly Getting Back Into The Dopamineo Workouts

 Spending the majority of the time on DDP Yoga, I've also been getting back into working my neck more consistently and even thickened it up a bit along with developing greater mobility. That type of training is merely just standing and working the neck in different directions doing 10 reps each way. On the 10th rep, I would hold the position isometrically for a 10 count and move onto the next move. That has helped my spine a lot and its a great short workout before or after a DDP Yoga Session or as an addition to doing Joint Loosening Training.

Another thing that I've been anxious to get back into is the Dopamineo Workouts. Done a few of them so far and filmed doing some basic stuff at a park. I always enjoyed those workouts doing 15-30 minutes of a circuit. Most of the time I was hitting 10 rounds totaling 500 Reps but I also did workouts that went sometimes up to 12-15 rounds within a 30 min. period. Since my recovery however, I've had to either switch things up or slow the pace down and focus on technique which isn't a bad thing. Not trying to be a wrestler or a fighter in training, just keeping myself in shape and being aware of what I do. 

I love circuit training, to me it's one of the best forms of conditioning and keeping yourself going at a good clip while resting as little as possible. With these workouts now, it's more technique than speed. The intensity is still there but I'm not focusing on being so explosive, just enough to where I can keep going with a comfortable pace. Some workouts I won't time them because I don't need to beat the clock or set some kind of record all the time. Enjoying what I can do and have fun doing it while making little goals. 

The video I did was doing some basic moves that I'm getting back into at a park down the road from the house here, it's really no more than like 3-4 blocks if that. Set it up on a tree using my Iso Strap as an anchor and have at it. 

Some moves can be tricky to learn at first but with time and practice, they become like a flow, a sequence if you will of understanding the body's mechanics and mobility. The objective of the band isn't to stretch it so you can't really do much, it's to work just enough resistance so you can feel a movement without being stiff. It's about being smooth, in control and having technique as if you're drilling like in wrestling or martial arts. 

Although inspired by wrestling, it can be used for a lot of other things like swimming and doing road work on the beach or something. I love it for the fitness and cardio aspects of it. It's a great experience to do exercises that are different and formulate a program based on movements used by the most conditioned athletes on the planet. What's even cooler is that these same bands are now being used to train Olympic Athletes such as Freestyle & Greco-Roman Wrestlers and Judo Players. One female Freestyle Wrestler is officially the first to be a 3-time Olympian and part of her training was with this specific type of band. If someone who's dedicated to her sport can pull off an accomplishment like that, imagine the possibilities you can achieve in your own training whether it be for sport, fitness, group training or whatever. 

You can create all sorts of workouts with these bands and take them virtually anywhere. You can use them in a pool or in the ocean, take them to a park, hook it up at home or at the gym, in your hotel room, do a quick session during a break at work, take them on a hike and work them on a trail, in a parking lot or wherever. If you got a partner to train with, he/she can hold the band while you do drills and then switch. Do little games or work together in sequence, use them to challenge each other and whatever can work. 

Don't forget to use my Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT to get 10% OFF your order. These are some of the most durable and flexible bands in the world. Some of the best athletes have trained so hard on these that it's a miracle the band hasn't snapped. They're so incredibly strong that Superman would have trouble snapping these. Grab a set for yourself and/or your friends, training partners, family members or students in group sessions. There's bands for kids to use to train for youth groups and to help them stay healthy and have fun with. These things are worth every penny.  

Monday, May 6, 2024

It Is Quite A Habit

 Making the DDP Yoga workouts my primary training program has been a godsend, more than just recovering and rebuilding my body again. It has enhanced the flexibility in my back and staying strong in positions I haven't done in years. If I start to have even a slight flare up in the morning, a warm-up and a main workout really makes it fade and I can go about my day. 

It has become quite the habit and I love. I would do a different workout almost everyday and every few days or so I would do a really hard one or go for more than 45 min to an hour and still able to keep up. Modify from time to time in every workout but I manage to stay in solid positions pretty well. The beauty of it is that Dallas wants you to make it your own and you don't have to exactly like he does or the others, just do what you can with what's possible at the time. Some moves I'm not very flexible in, some I can go into easily but regardless, my flexibility gets better each time.

I've added a few things throughout the day after my initial morning workout. I've added some Neck Mobility doing various directions and on the 10th rep of each exercise I would Isometrically hold it for a count of 10 to really sink into it. Keeping that neck strong and elastic man. I've also now done a couple Dopa Band Workouts and did a circuit on the second one where I did 10 Rounds of 5 Exercises for a total of 500 Reps with little to no rest. I felt excited as hell on that one and kept them basic, nothing super fast or explosive, just enough to where I can keep going and be able to focus on my breathing as well. Conditioning is definitely back.

One of my next steps or ideas for getting back into great shape is rucking with the 40 lb Weight Vest again. Start around the neighborhood and work up to hiking up the mountain next to the house. Always loved going for walks with that thing on and would sometimes end up going 3-4 miles door to door. Going up the mountain and back home would take an hour door to door when I was doing things like that. The other night, I even managed 250 Step Ups for the first time since my recovery, wasn't easy and I paced myself but I was determined to get at least 200 in. Was thrilled about that too and little by little I want to hit 500 Step Ups again. 

It's getting a little easier day by day to be at my complete best again but I'm still pacing myself, not going as hardcore as I normally would and just do what I can in the moment. Not looking at what happens at the end of a workout, only looking at what's possible in the moment of time. Breathing deeply and being a bit more active. Putting in the work to be healthier and being more aware of what I can do hasn't been easy but it's not impossible either. Not pushing to be better than anyone, it's not worth the effort, the only thing that matters is that I'm a little bit better than I was the day before and the only person I compete with is me. There will always be someone better than me, I may do certain things that others don't do or haven't achieved yet but it's not my place to be superior to them. I have my own journey, they have theirs.  

Build habits that help you climb the ladder to your success. Be mindful of what is possible and set aside the ego trip. Be a little stronger, stretch a little longer and be in a bit better condition each day. Before you know it, you'll be doing things that seemed impossible at first and they become your greatest victories. There is the importance of discipline and making the effort but at the same time, be in control of the things you can do right now and expand on it little by little. The more you can expand even by the smallest fraction, the more you'll see what can truly be possible. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this, I really appreciate you and I hope you have an amazingly awesome day.  

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