Showing posts with label Isometrics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isometrics. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Snow Battles, Dopa Band Training & Isometrics

 Well, more or less just shoveling snow when it comes to the battles. It has started snowing here a little more consistently but it isn't too bad. Get up at 5 in the morning, put on the jacket, the beaning, snow boots, got sweats on, put the gloves on, grab my shovel and have at it. It's so peaceful out, just the sound of the light wind, seeing footprints of deer, still dark out and being in the moment. The perks of being out in the fucking cold LOL.

Staying consistent with the Dopa Band Deck Of Cards Workout doing a total of 500-1000 Reps at a time. It has become more of a breeze to get through and my breathing is steady throughout most sessions. It's fun, quick and practically meditative. My favorite deck to use is the Golden 100 Dollar Bill Cards, easy to shuffle and it's just cool to look at. So far my best time doing 1000 Total Reps is around 43 min and change, high as a kite afterwards and have such a huge grin on my face (mostly cause that fucker is finally done). 

At times if I need a break from the band, I'll do 500 Step Up Workouts and/or do Isometrics to keep the joints strong. With the Isos recently, I have mimicked picking up and moving a shovel to stay durable and strong. Shoveling snow isn't too difficult but it does have you use muscles that aren't used everyday unless that's your job or it snows 95% of the time where you're at like on the East Coast or something. It's important to keep the joints healthy as well and Isometrics can help make things like this more consistent without straining yourself. Never had issues with snow shoveling whether it's powdery or wet and heavy but some people have and it can make a person ache afterwards cause the movements can be hard on the body. 

More on Isometrics, it's just also another method to work with on days where it's better to do holds than do crazy calisthenic stuff or weights. Some holds I'll do for 7-12 seconds of high intensity, others I'll go for 30 seconds to a minute or longer depending on what I want to do. Have a variety and strengthen areas that will help you keep active without pain. It's another part of the journey and doing what works best for you. Stay in shape as best as you can at just about any point in time. You never know what you'll need to be in it for.

You can keep going with what gives you the best benefits. There's no one method that will give you every result you ever wanted, spice it up, learn things and see what makes it enjoyable, challenging and fun for you to do in order to live life like a badass. You got this and you have the power to make things happen. Get at it and keep being amazingly awesome. As always, if you're interested in the Dopamineo Bands, use my discount to get 10% OFF your order and have a blast with these bad boys. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Upper One Day Lower The Next

 The fun thing about training is the experimenting and seeing what comes out of it. Being an advocate for Isometrics especially Overcoming, it is a method that not only strengthens the tendons and ligaments but also enhances the quality of life as you move through ranges of motion. Yeah sure you're hitting various angles in a single point but as you strengthen those single points that leads to greater range of motion later on, it puts another perspective into play. 

A good routine that helps build that strength can be done almost in a split style; doing various muscle groups on certain days or you can work on doing Upper Body one day and then Lower Body the next. The possibilities are endless. Working on certain muscle groups can help find your weak points from another point of view and hit the muscles hard without spending a ton of time. Although I prefer the 7-12 Second contraction method, you can vary the intensity and length of time however you like or what gives you the most benefit. That's the true secret is what helps you move forward and have a wealth of knowledge that puts you in the driver seat instead of being the passenger. 

Having an upper and lower body split routine can be beneficial because you can hit muscles hard and then rest them while working on the others. You can even make a point of working on say shoulders and chest on let's say Monday, Legs on Tuesday, Back & Arms on Wednesday and Legs again on Thursday. You can then have the option of taking a "rest" day and do some casual stuff or repeat the program, it's up to you. Just remember to pay attention to your body and get a feel for it, you don't want to go into overkill mode. If you need a break, take it, your body, your choice. 

Isometrics in my eyes and in many, is one of the most underrated methods of strength training for a reason. It's not glamorous nor is it easy but it also doesn't sell a whole lot cause all it looks like to the untrained eye is just a hold for a few seconds or longer. Looks too simple and people shrug it off. It's simple but even the most basic holds can test your strength and even show your weaknesses almost immediately. When you utilize Isometrics into a routine, it can make you faster, lift with greater efficiency and hit spots you may be lacking at. It's more than just a stand-alone or add on, it's a next level style of work that gives you tools that bring you into another realm of strength. The type of strength that means something, life saving, the difference between winning and losing, the way you shake a person's hand, your performance in sports and combat. It is an essential part of physical fitness that can't be ignored. 

Learn the value of Isometrics and incorporate them into your life, see and feel what you can accomplish. Keep being amazingly awesome.  

Friday, November 29, 2024

12 Push-Ups That Kicked My Ass

Wow, only 12 push-ups. Can't be that great if that's all you can do. Why not? Some people haven't done any either in a long time or ever, everyone starts somewhere and has their own journey. Granted it also depends on the variations you're talking about. Most likely though, some crazed nutcase might think doing only 12 push-ups is pathetic and they should be doing better. Should they?

Now when I say I did only 12 Push-ups, that doesn't mean I did 12 straight through doing regular push-ups. Come on, after all these years, do you think it would be that simple and easy just to say that coming from me? That sounded a little egotistical don't you think? Shiver at the thought of it. No, these 12 Push-ups were spread out in a span of time that is more than meets the eye. Always experimenting with stuff and seeing how to do simple exercises that are still tough to do but effective AF. 

What did I do that only ended up with 12 of them? Well, first off, I did them on my fists so it manifested more into the tendons and ligaments. Second, it was in a timely manner and third, I made a game out of it to really make things interesting. These push-ups were a minute each. Literally, I would hold the top position for 30 seconds and then hold the mid point position for 30 seconds and push back up, that was it. Truth is, it's not as easy as you may think. These really tackled the little muscles and worked my core like crazy, let alone hitting everything else just to be stabilized.

So how did I make a game out of them? So 9 of these were done while I was playing MLB The Show 24 on my PS5. I would do my set, play one full inning and do another minute of the pushup until I did all 9 innings in completion. The other 3 sets were done prior to playing the game. Some innings were shorter than others cause I out quicker and some were longer cause I just kept scoring so it was a nice little rest. Some sets were tougher than others but I held onto them each and every time. Did this the other day.  

You see, exercise doesn't have to be boring or some crazy chore, it can be be an interesting entity whether it's one big workout, or doing stuff throughout the day. It's good to have discipline and a solid mindset to train but at the same time, you want to have fun with it too. It's a hell of a motivator and if you're a gamer, it helps you stay fit while playing your favorite games. Now I wouldn't recommend playing online against other people cause it's unpredictable and if you pause or leave a person stranded while playing, you lose quite a bit of things but that's for another time. 

Fitness is about discovery, experimenting, being consistent and doing what needs to be done but also get to live a life. Keep yourself moving, it can suck at times but we also can't always afford to lose out the important things in life. Find what works for you and get into it. You might be surprised what you could accomplish. This is just another idea to use and mess around with. You can do all sorts of exercises and create weird yet awesome scenarios and still kill it. Be amazingly awesome and GAME ON!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Exercises Throughout The Day To Stay Energized

 Spreading a few exercises here and there throughout the day is never a bad thing. Matter of fact, it's probably better for many than getting one big workout in that takes up some time. Some do like getting in that hour long or so workout either before or after work which is awesome and I applaud you for making that effort, if you enjoy it and it's meaningful to you, keep at it. There are other options though if you need it to save yourself some time.

 Doing a few moves or holds over the course of the day can help you stay strong and fresh for what is thrown at you and getting the most out of it in little bits of time. Even certain exercises that seem basic can be very challenging when done right. One of my favorite exercises believe it or not I like to do for a couple minutes a day along with the other things I do is doing Push-ups either on my fists, palms or using my handles and I would hold at the top for as long as 30 seconds, then go down to about mid point and hold that for 30 seconds, come back up and hold for 15 seconds, mid point for 15 and repeat that 15/15 one more time for a total of 2 minutes without a rest. It's tough as hell but it gets the job done. Picked up that version of push-ups on youtube but do different variations instead of just one (variety you know). 

 Combining dynamic and isometrics is a great way to keep your strength and condition up and keep things flowing. Do a wall sit for a minute or go bear crawl for 30 seconds to a minute, these will add up as the day progresses and it'll feel like you're getting more done than you thought. Micro Workouts are a key ingredient to successful training and it pits you into a style that can be creative using simple moves and holds. Got a way to do Suspension Training? You can do some assisted pull-ups to build strength and muscle in your back or do rows as you advance. Washing dishes? Every few plates cleaned or so, press down on the countertop for 10-12 seconds and tighten the core muscles. Want to work the legs a bit, if you're going up a couple stairs or so, take a step and press hard with the front leg for 5-10 seconds each leg to build strength in the quads and knees. Sometimes the littlest things can create the biggest impact.

 A great exercise for the lower body is the Amosov Squats which I picked up from Steve Maxwell in the case of doing assisted type squats using a counter space, a door or using a Suspension Strap. Go down as low as you feel comfortable and come back up within control. As you get better, get down a little further and slowly build up speed. This builds great strength in the legs and conditions the entire lower body. Some do this to get the blood flowing as a warm up, others for conditioning purposes and to help with building strength in the knees if they can't do squats unassisted yet.

 Build a foundation and utilize your exercises the best way you can. Don't be afraid to experiment with something and don't think for a second that simple exercises are too easy, when you utilize the right tension and timing, they can be crazy tough to do but yet be as effective if you were doing a long workout. A few seconds can feel like an eternity at times. Making even 5 reps feel like 50-100 is a killer way to train. Have fun with them and keep being amazingly awesome. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Isometrics And How It Has Continued To Help My Training

 Being consistent with Isometrics isn't easy but it can make things interesting, especially if it helps with your other training adventures and keeping injuries at bay. One of the things that I will credit Isometrics with is my journey with Pull-Ups. I'm sure you've seen some of the videos by now and yeah there's still some improvement needed but I'm getting better than I was before. That's the beauty of Isometrics, it helps your weak points and strengthens areas needed or to get more strength in the tendons and ligaments so you can do certain things like Pull-Ups and such.

A good portion of my Isometric Routine is pretty basic by sticking with exercises in 1-3 positions doing 7-12 second contractions at a time. In most workouts, I keep it around 20-30 total contractions, sometimes more, other times less but work into the exercises I'm doing and hammer them out. Exercises are mainly, Bicep Curl, 3 Variations of the Wall Sit, Chest Press, Deadlift, Zercher Squat, Shoulder Raises, Overhead Shoulder Press, Hybrid Push-Up and Core Exercises like Hybrid Plank, Side Bends, Hollow Body Flex, Arch Body Flex, Dead Bug Crunch and Side Planks. I switch some exercises around depending on what I'm feeling that day and do them in a various order to go from one to the other. Some exercises I take a breather on but others, I just hit one and then adjust and keep that going until I feel like I need a breather. Not complicated and doesn't take a lot of time but gets a lot done.

When I go to the gym at times with the wife, I'll test myself on some stuff and slap on the Fat Gripz like Pull-Downs, Farmer's Walks, Bench Press or Rows. I'll throw in bodyweight exercises like Dips doing 5x5 and Pull-ups doing sets up to 3-5 and keep it there or do a countdown method. Suspension Training as well like Rows, Amosov Squats, Curl, Push-Ups or whatever I can come up with. Most of the time, I have no plan at all and just run with whatever pops into my head. Keep the reps at a minimum depending on what I want to do. Never to failure and try to keep gas in the tank. Take rest periods as long as needed, plus it helps to pass the time so when the girlie is ready to head out, it pans itself out. 

Because of methods like Isometrics, it has helped maintain my strength and even increased it in some things like being able to pull nearly the whole stack in pulldowns with the Fat Gripz on, Smith Bench up to about 280 with FG's on and so on and so forth. Never feeling sore or even feel like my joints are wearing down at all. They've helped me be in better control when I do movements and harness that mind/muscle connection. At the gym, it feels more like a day off than anything but it's fun and I do get questions from time to time with the FG's but for the most part, I keep to myself, nobody bothers me and every now and then, I'll let someone know they're killing it in their routine. That's really the thing is to cheer each other on and let others know what they're doing is awesome. 

I kind of look at Isometrics as not only the Cheat Code to training but also (in a fun way) like the way the Sith's powers in Star Wars. Paraphrasing a quote from Emperor Palpatine in Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith "Isometrics is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural." It's very true from a certain point of view (again channeling my Star Wars nerdom) that Isometrics develops strength that still continues to be studied and learning the concept of what it means to be strong and resilient. It formulates power that can turn your weakest links into something that could be considered superhuman or become so strong that you wonder why you didn't learn this in the first place. In my own training, it is giving me abilities at 40 that I didn't think could keep going from my 20s and 30s along with being leaner since losing the weight. 

Keep at it guys and make Isometrics a part of your training, it does wonders for your body that will help things in later years and give you levels of strength that will give you a quality of life that seems like an impossible dream but can be very much real. Get the course Overcoming Isometrics from Red Delta Project and get yourself a WorldFit Iso Trainer that you can take anywhere and get some awesome training in. Great quality, AFFORDABLE and building a foundation to the type of training that will have you soaring into the stratosphere. 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Why Pulling Movements Are Important

 I'm not talking just pull-ups as if they're the Zeus of Pulling Mount Olympus, it goes beyond that. It's pulling from an overall perspective that is the key thing here. It's not merely a method of training to help with muscle imbalances, it's more on the likes of building grip strength, working with various objects and having the strength to help yourself up or others. Machines, Deadlifts, Pull-ups, Chin-Ups all work to a degree within each other. No one move is superior to the other and no one movement is going to solve all your needs in that area.

When you learn to get better at pulling, you're getting strength that is essential in ways you may not even realize. From my own experiences, I may not be the best at pull-ups but I've done a lot of pulling in my time, more than I lead on. It truly started when I was laid up after my accident and being in a hospital bed was very discouraging. If you've had major injuries or have/are wheelchair bound, you have an idea of what I mean. It wasn't easy for people to lift me in order for me to do what I needed to do so I made it a priority to use what strength I had in my upper body to get myself around which turned to more pulling and dipping. In the hospital, they have those hangers where you pull yourself up to get into a wheelchair or to pull yourself up in order to sit up. I did a lot of those and when I had to get into a car without using my legs, I had to pull and grip on the Car Handle basically with one arm in order to get myself in. One time, I had to get in the passenger seat this way and I said to myself out loud "Come on motherfucker" in order to muster the strength to get in. 

Pulling isn't as big of a priority as pushing is but it is important to understand that Pushing and Pulling is the Yin and Yang to the Upper body and be able to work with both in a synergetic fashion. I like to do Pull-downs, Rows, Pull-ups & Chin-Ups when I train especially when I use my Fat Gripz to really utilize the muscle groups as best as possible to their maximum potential. I love to use the WorldFit Iso Trainer and make it work as a Suspension Trainer, you can do so much with it, the list is only limited to your imagination. From Isometrics to Partials to Full Range as good as can be, this thing can do wonders for your pulling strength. One of the best authors on Suspension Training is Matt Schifferle with his Grind Style Calisthenics Training System. It teaches the true fundamentals of Pulling along with the other chain of muscles so you can build muscle and strength. 

An idea of doing various pulls is a video demo I did where there are exercises such as the Hybrid Iso Pull-Up by strapping a loop on each side of a rack or in this case Monkey Bars and pull yourself up until the strap has you at a stopping point and hold it. This is essentially a 2 For 1 Exercise as pull with with as much strength from an Overcoming POV and you're fighting against Gravity at the same time. Another exercise is a beginner's version of Pull-Up where you squat down and hold onto the handles and then pull yourself up using your legs as assistance but also do your best to focus and use tension on the muscles of the back, arms and core. This version is a great strength builder and puts on muscle in the upper back. The last one is the Hybrid Iso Row where you create a stopping point and then row until you hit that mark and hold it. Hell of a grip and core exercise. 

Work with what's possible and make little bits of progress at a time. Even the tiniest form of progress builds into a monumental goal. I do believe in building strength in pull-ups but it's great to work with the other things together to create really insane pull strength. Pull-ups are a key move but they're not the only ones, do some work with the other exercises and you'll see some awesome results. 

Be amazingly awesome and build strength so when it's needed the most, you can not only lift yourself up but lift up others in need. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Pushing, Pulling, Squatting, Sandbags, Bands And More

 Keeping things basic is the way to go but don't always look to them as a generic boring thing. Make the basics interesting, make games out of them and have fun while kicking your ass. Daily training and being smart about what you do will make all the difference. If you're more keen on doing things 3-4 times a week, that's great too, just don't fall for bullshit that'll get you hurt or worse. 

Building muscle at 40 these days isn't surprising or as shocking as it was back in the day but it's still incredible that people can still accomplish it and continue their journey. For me, it's becoming more and more of a realization that the more you can make it happen and without TRT, HGH, HRT and other things that many even as young as their 20's are doing, is something to celebrate and be proud of. 

Old school methods are what keeps the world going around when it comes to Fitness in the long run. Been doing it for ages but there's always been fluctuations in terms of what my physique has gone through over the years and I blame no one but myself on what some of those fluctuations entailed. The best thing to do is to keep improving, making better decisions on the type of training you do and getting the most out of it. Some may say Daily Hard Workouts will get you better results but some of those same guys look like Bean Poles and have less muscle than Karen Carpenter (bad joke I know). I say, do what you can and go hard when needed, go hard for too long, too frequently, it can bite you in the ass.

There was a reason I fell in love with training and it went beyond my accident and all that, you already know the story by now so you don't need me to repeat it like a broken fucking record. It's the love of doing things that mean something, that are valued and making adjustments. Doing 500 Push-ups and Squats are great for some but there are plenty of things that don't require hundreds or thousands of reps in one shot. Play it over time and spread them out. If anything I do 500 these days is Step Ups or a total of 500 doing 5 exercises for 10 reps each for 10 rounds doing Circuits with my Dopamineo Band. The rest of the time, I'll do lifts with the sandbags, work on isometrics, consistent deep breathing training with the O2 Trainer and play with the hammers, chest expander and other kick ass equipment I got laying around. 

Working on bodyweight training is always fun to do especially when you learn from people like Matt Schifferle of the Red Delta Project. Guy's knowledge and applications of movements are so freaking awesome, it's shameful he's not ranked up there with being one of the very best in Physical Culture today. His method of Grind Style Calisthenics and Isometrics brings that old school mentality with a humble notion of encouragement in the modern age is refreshing. 

Keeping the grind going and putting up content of Push-ups, Pull-Ups (Suspension), Sandbag Work, Bands just keep getting better and better man. My physique is changing for the better as well and losing weight has been a great blessing. When I turned 40 back in late July, I was already down 17-18 lbs within the last several months since my recovery from that fucked up Sciatica injury which I will aways take responsibility for. This time around, I'm down to roughly 230 lbs and the muscle just keeps packing on little by little. Often these days I take a longer time to eat during the day, only eating when I'm hungry and consistently eating Meats, Eggs, Rice, using the Air Fryer and other things. Still have my vices like pizza, fries, burgers (not always fast food), Burritos, Pasta and sandwiches from Subway or this little place here called Local Deli where even half a sandwich looks huge yet still losing weight and dropping bodyfat. Haven't had Burger King in months and been more than a year that I can remember having McDonalds.


When you put in the work but keeping the stress to a minimum, things will pop up for you and being consistent with your eating habits and training smart and not like a maniac frequently. It's good to go crazy a couple to a few times a week but don't push to where you're so sore, your muscles are screaming at you "You are a fucking asshole for doing this to me." Have gas in the tank, make little progressions and keep your mind sharp when you train, even on those days when things around you suck. Don't go overboard with the junk stuff but don't have to 100% cut them out of your life either unless it's dire and need to clean things up. 

Training at this age and beyond is crucial and valuable but don't make it so that you're going to act like a dick and tell people how much of a loser they are if they don't train. Be more encouraging, share your progress and utilize what gives you the greatest benefit in your journey. Calling people derogatory names because they don't do pull-ups or some shit like that makes you more of the loser than anything else. Do many these days need a tune up in their health, absolutely, but preying on their insecurities and mocking them with such vengeance is such a copout and just downright mean bro. Being a goody too shoes isn't ideal either so it's important to find a balance of being encouraging and giving people a reason to train and giving tough love when needed. It's hard enough when the biggest critics is ourselves. 

Stick to the basics as much as possible. There will be days where things aren't always there and the chaos of life just throws you curve ball after curve ball, don't give up and do a little something even a few push-ups or holding a few postures during commercials while watching your favorite show and if you got a streaming service, pause the movie for a little bit and do a quick mini workout that can be as short as a few minutes like this Core Workout, it's not easy but it'll do some good in a span of 4 minutes. You got this and keep your journey alive. Be amazingly awesome.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Real Painkillers You Don't Need To Shove Down Your Throat

 Pain can be a great teacher but it also can be a ferocious and intense demon if you let it happen. At times we can't control the pain but we can do our best to avoid it as much as possible. For all intents and purposes, the no pain, no gain thing is a bullshit myth. Being in pain is not fun and when it hits hard, it can be debilitating. Been there, done that and not very fond of it.

I understand the need to be on painkillers, I did it while I had my sciatica and was so bad I couldn't walk. I hated taking them and made a conscience decision to stop. The real painkillers that are worth taking is to train doing mobility, flexibility and old fashioned strength training. It's not easy and you won't always have the best day but even a bad day is better than getting addicted to pills to numb anything. Trust me, I feel you and I sympathize but it's important to be as level headed as you can. Some people turn to CBD gummies which more power to them if there are severe cases but if you can find a way to put drugs or even alcohol aside, do what's possible to utilize exercise.

One of the best painkillers, is DDP Yoga. Modify your level and work around things if you can and build that flexibility and strength little by little. With consistent effort, it potentially can get you out of pain and make you feel like you can take on the world again. It did for me and made me strong again that I'm doing stuff I never thought I'd be doing at 40 like hoisting up 100+ lb sandbags, being more mobile than before and even getting stronger in certain lifts I haven't done in years. Hell, at a fair here earlier this summer, walked around with the family and there was the Marine Recruitment tent that had their pullup bar to test people. I hadn't touched a pull-up bar in roughly 2 years or so and weighing 240 lbs. I knocked off 5 chin over bar pull-ups. That felt great to do and apparently I did the bare minimum they gave a little lanyard. I'd say that's a win for not doing almost any pullups at all in a while.

Another set of painkillers is using various tools that utilize many muscle groups at once like Sandbags, Kettlebells, Mace & Sledgehammers. Sure it's best to use lighter weight to work technique and you don't need to go super heavy to get something going. Train for real world application, don't push yourself to the point of pain, do enough to satisfy a good workout and challenge yourself, progress little by little and keep yourself healthy.  

Be active and keep a solid level of it each day. Beating yourself up will only lead to misery and it's important to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Exercise is more than just getting to the gym and doing some things and then head home. Yes, it's better than nothing and many thrive on it but also there's a whole other world of possibilities that you can learn to work with instead of fighting against it. The only fight you should really be concerned with is fighting aging and gravity. It's sad to see people my age, older or younger either letting themselves go or not giving themselves opportunities to get better and beat the notion later on of "when I was your age, I could do this" blah blah blah. Be able to do things now and get a little stronger and mobile even down to the smallest fraction. It still gets 10-1000 steps ahead of the majority in the world. 

Have the ability to adapt and adjust what you're able to do and expand on it. That's the greatest painkiller of all, training as you adapt to be out of pain as much as you can. Can we 100% avoid it? No, but we must take a stand to minimize it anyway we can without resorting to pharmaceuticals. Take notes, pay attention to your weak links and strengthen them. Be mindful and go at your own pace, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. 

Be amazingly awesome and continue to kick ass in your journey. Another great Painkiller that reaps many benefits is Isometrics. Some of the best training in existence comes from training Isometrics as they can help heal joints and strengthen tendons and muscles that other methods can't reach. Ask the legendary Brooks Kubik who's still going strong at 67 doing Isometrics to keep his body sharp for workouts that had him set records in his age group in AAU Olympic Weightlifting. The man is still a monster and has a physique that people in their 20's would be impressed by.  


Monday, July 22, 2024

High Rep Training Or Isometrics: Which One Is Better As You Get Older?

 With advances in science, nutrition and fitness training, it still boils down to how an individual adapts and maintain throughout their lives. High rep training can be very beneficial when it comes to being in top condition, hell I'll do up to 500 Step Ups in a workout and have written about it a time or two, also do 500 total reps in circuit workouts with the Dopa Band. To an extent, it has its perks and can do wonders. However, certain exercises are not meant to be done in high reps like one arm push-ups or hundreds of burpees, what's to be gained from that? Where's the long term benefit? 

The greasing the groove method of high rep training is a lot more beneficial than trying to hundreds of reps within a fixed time. Do pushups here and there throughout the day, pull-ups or whatever BASIC movement. Gives you time to rest and be fresh when you get to a new set. Herschel Walker was a big advocate for this and other athletes. Do what works for you. As you get older, you might need to do as high of reps or total reps. You're not going to see many people do hundreds of squats and pushups at 70 or 80, some can at that age and it's incredibly impressive but how necessary is it?

With Isometrics, it can benefit just about anybody. If you've never worked out a day in your life or are a seasoned vet, you can enjoy the benefits of Isometrics. Once you feel it, even at a small percentage, it can work your musculature like a charm and develop strong tendons and ligaments. There are different types of Isometrics but the Yin & Yang are Overcoming & Yielding Isometrics. Overcoming is doing a hold at a fixed point and you can't go any further. Going against something immoveable. Yielding is holding a position where you fight against gravity and keeping that position as best as possible (plank, horse stance, wall sit, L Sit etc.). Now there's a way to combine the two called Super or Hybrid Isometrics where you take a position where there's a stopping point but you're fighting to keep that position using a strap or a loop like putting a strap on your legs to squat up but you stop and hold that position while fighting gravity at the same time. 

Isometrics can be extremely adaptable and virtually done anywhere and depending on the intensity, it can be short or long with the type of goal you're going for. Isometrics can be used in a variety of ways to warm ups, cool downs, in between sets, working around injuries, strengthen an area of the body to even things out, a workout in and of itself or as a method to use for purely strength training and do activities the rest of the time. 

What method of training is better for you as you get older? In a nutshell, neither is better or worse than the other. It comes down to what benefits you the most and gives you the type of quality training that helps you live long and prosper (for you Trekkies). Both have their pros and cons but both can be used in different ways. They can be used on alternate days, used for recovery, used as supersets, do splits for certain muscle groups, whatever keeps you strong and going. We all follow different things and make changes but it doesn't mean we can't do what we love. Train to what helps you. I've done both in the same workout and on different days or done one exclusively for a period and changed it up. 

Keep training and make the most of what's possible and learn the basics. Have an amazingly awesome day. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

A Month In Hell

 It has been a minute since I wrote anything here as of late and for a reason. My sciatica came back and I've been dealing with it just over a month now. Don't know exactly what caused it to come back, maybe a factor of things but it did happen and the pain was so severe that I could barely even stand up, let alone able to walk.

Couldn't sleep in my own bed for weeks and had to sleep on a soft mattress on the floor. Not going into gross details about using the restroom so I'll leave that out. Couldn't sit upright to even eat or drink anything so I had to lay literally on my back or on my side to do those things and needed help getting supplies in order to brush my teeth or even shave. I didn't have anybody lift me up to walk because let's face it, it's not something I want people to attempt with me. When I did walk, every step felt like pin needles and a crowbar hitting my lower back and my right leg like Babe Ruth swinging a baseball bat. 

You know shit gets bad when you can't even sit down to do anything. I' am very grateful for the help I did get and made a vow to myself and to them that when I'm 100%, I'm making up for those things as if my life depended on it. For exercise, I was barely able to move my legs to stretch without feeling pain. I had to fight for every inch of movement just to even get some in. In the beginning, I focused mainly on stretching and using my Iso Bow for Isometric Training so my upper body was still strong enough to move around. A lot of crawling took place and couldn't go up a flight of stairs for at least 2-3 weeks. The pain was so horrible I didn't want anybody around me at times because I would've just been a terrible person to be around. 

I ended up losing some muscle mass in my legs because the pain was so bad I couldn't walk a couple feet without collapsing. Even the last time I went to see a chiropractor I was in such bad shape walking in and out of the building felt like an eternity. I didn't take a bunch of pain killers or heavy doses of muscle relaxers, for supplantation I took Vitamin B, some Ibprophen and a pain reliever throughout the day every few hours, a couple capsules for Nerve and blood circulation, Zinc, Potassium & Magnesium. When I did take relaxers, I took a small dose (or at least to me it was small) of them at night but that barely even helped at all as most nights I wouldn't be able to sleep. Lots of Heat & Ice as well.

One of the worst feelings other than the pain was having no appetite. I would barely eat once a day and that was just so I can take the supplements so they can kick in. Little by little as time went on, I did start eating more and ate mainly eggs, bacon and toast. The only things I drank was mainly water and liquid IV to get some extra hydration in. I would never wish this on anybody, no one should suffer like that and it did feel at times that I wanted to die because I practically knew nothing but severe pain. Because of the loss of appetite, I ended up losing 11 pounds in less than 3 weeks (roughly 18 days to be exact), it was that bad. That's not a healthy way to lose weight I don't care who you are.

Once things started to die down, I would move around more, able to stretch out as best as possible and kept up with my Isometric Training with the Bow doing Bow & Arrow Pulls, Pull Apart, Chest Squeeze & Bicep Curl. Each exercise was done with 3x10 countdown. That's really all I did for my upper body other than the crawling. I started doing DDP Yoga again, making up my own routine or what I could do. It was an instinct and researching every single fucking thing I could on how to fix myself as naturally as possible without being on a bunch of drugs. I could barely even stretch out with most of the moves at first, all the moves are embedded into my memory from doing them years earlier but getting back into it was like being in a fight with Mike Tyson. I kept up with it and ordered the DVD's to fully work them, I'm not the biggest fan of following along to a video but I needed to do something and because I was able to modify the moves, I was able to work around the workouts. The first week or 2 back into it, I made up my own routine and just worked moves as best as I could with the limited mobility I had. Shortly later, I'm able to do a good portion of the moves, modify a few here and there but my flexibility and strength was slowly coming back. After more than 2 weeks straight of doing this, I'm now able to do full on workouts without taking a break or having to pause. It's only been three workouts but those three really got me going again and my endurance is coming back as well. The third workout which I did yesterday was one of their main Leg Workouts called Below The Belt which lasted roughly 40 minutes, I pushed through it modifying only a couple of the moves and did it in its entirety without stopping (unless he said to take some water and wipe off some sweat which at times was only a few seconds). That was one of my biggest moments.

I set little goals for myself and my wife gave me daily goals to accomplish and I did them all. I'm not looking for sympathy, I did this to myself and wanted to do whatever was possible to get out of it on my own, I did have quite a bit of help on a number of things but I wanted to keep fighting and was doing things I didn't want to do and/or feel embarrassed to even talk about because I was and still am ashamed of myself. Only a few people knew what was going on other than the people with me. I didn't want to talk about it until I felt I was getting better to even attempt to write it out and was comfortable to say what I needed to. 

I'm almost completely healed, I have no pain in my back and only feeling discomfort in the nerves in my leg. I'm able to cook and do dishes again, able to bathe without collapsing or having to lay on the bathroom floor to ease the pain, able to walk down the street and back, hold a deep squat without being in agony, walk around with little limping and able to work around things I couldn't even attempt when this started up again. I'm not taking anything for granted and will be smarter about training and making things I normally didn't an asset. I'm not going to push myself the way I used to, I'll still challenge myself but not be gung ho as much and only go hardcore when I'm absolutely confident enough I can get through it unscathed. If I'm doing high reps of anything anymore it would be the Dopa Bands for circuits and Step Ups for leg conditioning, other than that, keep things just enough to be healthy and strong in the long run with better mindfulness. I'll still do some stuff with kettlebells, bands, hammers and bags but not go as crazy, just enough to feel good. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I appreciate all of you and if you're ever in a situation like I was or worse, get the best possible help you can and take care of yourself the best way you can. Be grateful and understanding and know that there are people who would have your back, those are the real people that make the world a better place. If you want to do your best to avoid this type of thing, get DDP Yoga, its worth it. Do what you can with it and make it a part of you, it's one of the best things out there and am very blessed I'm able to do it again. 

Here are pics I took yesterday to show the progress I made. I may look whiter than Casper's head and because of the weight loss, I' am a lot slimmer than I used to be. I'm currently at around 237-238 lbs at the moment. Have an amazingly awesome day and do your best to be positive even in the toughest moments. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Are Isometrics The Forgotten Secret Of Strength Training?

 If you've ever read my article on Isometrics being the Game Genie Of Fitness, it should give you a hint to the answer to this question, but just in case you haven't gotten the memo....When it comes to the old time strongmen, the one thing they have in common in most cases throughout the early 20th century to today's legends is the use of Isometrics. For some in today's world of the influencer and trendy shiners of gadgets and other equipment, Isometrics isn't as big of an influence or not as understood as it should be. It can be seen as a foreign thing and it doesn't give off a massive following. 

For centuries, Isometrics whether inadvertently or intentional, has been used as a means to keep certain aspects of strength in the realm of warriors, laborers (slaves in many cases), athletes, archers, gladiators, farmers and many more. I didn't understand much about Isometrics until I read Matt Furey's Gama Fitness Course and started studying up on it all the way up to learning about Zass, Maxick, Otto Arco, Dennis Rogers, Steve Justa and the man of the 1000 lb Squat Bud Jeffries. Getting several courses like Overcoming Isometrics and others, it became apparent that Isometrics truly have stood the test of time and have become a lost art along the way.

I've shown a few Isometric videos here and there and performed a few myself on film and it's awesome to see how known they've become in some circles but at the same time it's sad that many can't even do some of the simple holds, but hey there's always time to learn them. The truth is, despite the simplicity, even the simple Isometric holds can be very demanding and holding for 30 seconds can feel like an eternity. It happens a lot and it can be grueling doing various Isometric positions for 7-12 intense seconds and then with little rest, adjust to the next one and keep going, most can't handle that.

When you truly start to understand the concept of Isometrics and how to apply them whether doing Overcoming, Yielding or a Hybrid style, you'll start to see why they've been a real backbone to how getting fit and strong is. Do what you can and make little progressions but never turn away from the basics and using Isometrics to enhance your strength and fixing some of the weak parts of your body. 

For simple equipment to train with Isometrics, check out here... 

Happy Veterans Day

Monday, November 6, 2023

Isometrics, Cables, Step Ups & Dopa Training

 Some days I get in one workouts, other days more than a couple like 3 or 4 but every now and then, sometimes a couple workouts where one huge one just hits the spot and your energy is just there. On Saturday, it was one of those days.

In the morning I got some Isometrics in and felt really good. Later on in the day sometime after having a kick ass shake, I went through another one that I made up on the spot and just went with whatever was going to push me. First part of the workout was doing the TNT Cables with 180 lbs Resistance and Step Ups. Do a set with the cables and either rest or go after the Step Ups doing 50 (25 per leg), 5 sets of 10 Curls and 100 Step Ups. Next was Pulldowns and doing sets of 40, 20, 20 and another 20 with 100 Step Ups (25 per leg in between sets or so) and last was Rows doing 5 sets of 20 and another 100 Step Ups. So all together was 250 Reps of Cable Work and 300 Step Ups.

The Dopa Workout was more of a finisher than anything and just an add on to what I just did to make it one big workout. Merely did three exercises for 100 Reps each. First was doing Hooks with a pull like movement doing a couple sets of 50 (25 each arm), next was Chest Presses for 4 sets of 25 and finished off with a combo exercise of a squat and alternating row where you squat and then pull one arm at a time for 4 sets of 25. Sweating like a waterfall would be an understatement and just feeling you're on top of the world.

When you have that energy and you use it productively whether training or working, it makes some pretty interesting results and getting stuff done. Fitness is more than just developing a physique, losing/gaining weight and getting rid of unwanted fat; it's finding out what gives you the most benefit with nothing to lose in the long run. Doing the same shit that rarely ever works won't do jack shit for you but learning and adapting to exercises that are useful to your goals and changing things up to keep things fresh often brings another entity of excitement and interest to your training.

You can do micro workouts throughout the day, do circuits that last for 20 minutes to an hour or go with whatever you're feeling that day, do what works for you. Some days when I don't have a ton of energy, I work on more mobility training and little workouts doing flows or do a couple hundred step ups. It depends on what you're willing to do within the time you can use. No matter what, get some form of training in daily, even if it's going out for a walk or playing a sport. Make the time that is important even if it's for a few minutes. I've always believed in conditioning and maintaining levels of strength and endurance but at times, it's best to just train so you can feel good and go on about your day. It doesn't have to be hardcore all the time or so easy it doesn't do anything but do something that gives you that accomplished feeling like a daily chore for yourself that keeps you on your toes and playing with it.

Workouts like the one posted here isn't for beginners but once you're in the type of shape to do those things, it becomes an adventure. Hell, you can spread out the damn thing for all I care, that might be better for you, it's about experimenting with what you know and what you can adjust to. This wasn't even planned, I made it up as I went and used my knowledge for when to go hard and when to rest a bit to let things sink in. As time goes on, yeah mostly I like to keep going as much as possible without taking a breather but I also have no problems walking it off to get my bearings and then go again; it's instinct and understanding of what you want to do in that time. When you've done workouts every single day without failure since you were barely old enough to drink, it doesn't just become a habit, it becomes like second nature. Very few people can do that. 

Take small steps, gain knowledge, learn the value of daily training and have it take on a life of its own as you keep going day after day. Stay amazingly awesome. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

6 Min Isometric Workout

 Experimenting is part of the fun when it comes to fitness and exercise. You learn what works and you find out where you are when it comes to being in shape. Isometrics are a hell of a way to get in shape and will test your strength and durability if you do them right. Isometrics can also be a test of your cardio cause if you hold for a certain amount of time like 30 seconds to a minute or longer, you may find yourself breathing hard quick.

Most workouts shouldn't take too long, you do what you need to do and move on. You can also do micro workouts or shorter workouts throughout the day like doing a few push-ups and squats in between commercials, do holds, punches, kicks, burpees or do a sequence for a few minutes like a Flow using Animal Exercises and so on. Sometimes I like to do a 5-10 min workout of supersetting a mid push-up hold on my fists and a horse stance back to back doing a 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off going back and forth until those 5-10 min are done, it's a hell of a workout.

This morning after some meditation, I wanted to try something different for an isometric workout. I wanted to see how I would do with supersetting 1 min. Iso Push-ups On Fists (5 sec plank, 5 sec mid hold repeated for 1 min) and a 1 min Horse Stance for a few rounds. Managed 3 and it was pretty tough, struggled a bit on the Iso Push-ups on the last round but made it through. Short Workouts can be intense as hell even though you're not doing a whole lot but a whole lot is going on. With this workout, you're hitting major muscle groups and as a superset, you're working on your conditioning as well. Try even 1 round and see how it feels, many aren't able to do it. 

6 minutes doesn't seem very long and it really isn't but when it comes to Isometrics, it'll feel like hell on earth and you're having issues holding positions that really tackle the tendons and ligaments while strengthening the muscles throughout the body. They toughen you up and give you some awesome speed and power that you don't get with other exercises. Overall, in the words of Elmo from Vision Quest "It's not just 6 minutes, it's what happens in those 6 minutes." 

Be amazingly awesome and test yourself out on different workouts to learn what YOU are capable of.   

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Keeping The Body Loose

 As we get older, the numbers game when it comes to high rep isn't so much a priority as to what keeps the body flowing and being able to move with ease. Not everyone at 70 or 80 is going to be doing 500 push-ups or jacking up weights like they did in their 20's and 30's but they can learn to do things that lessens the injuries and gains certain aspects of energy. It's called mobility work.

We all at one point want to prove ourselves that we can keep up with others and fill our egos with such pride that we forget to do what keeps our bodies going even after all those "glory days." You do what you can but at some point, there's nothing left to prove unless it's to yourself and understanding that the numbers game was just part of the process and not so much the resolution or the true answer to what happens once we can't always do those things anymore.

Mobility Training and/or Joint Loosening Workouts have a much greater impact than we give them credit for, hell I've taken them for granted at times and learned some hard lessons that the less you do them, the harder things might get but if you consistently do them with intention, the more you find out that keeping the joints healthy bares greater merit than seeing how many push-ups and squats you can do. If you're consistent with certain numbers and sticking to the basics, that could be a totally different story but don't mistake what keeps the body loose yet powerful as some side piece for training. 

My style of Mobility Work consists of utilizing Joint Loosening, Flexibility and Flowing exercises that give my body the juice it needs to stay healthy. The Joint Loosening is more doing movements to relax the ankles, knees, shoulders, elbows, neck and hips, the Flexibility can be something like static or isometric stretches, DDP Yoga, Stretches from the book Stretching and other things, the flowing movements are more animal combinations and mix and matching things that go together to create a workout that can be intense but feels great at the same time. Sort of like Movement 20XX.

You don't have to turn yourself into a contortionist to have a flexible and mobile body but it is important to make sure the body is healthy for the long haul. Injuries come and go, some have been more severe than others and it is apparent that we keep our joints strong more than how big our muscles get or have some type of physique that looks like a million bucks but buckles quick after a bum knee. Our body is a tool that should last as long as possible and not go through such extremes to make it look or act like it only has a short time and the rest is just waiting for death. 

When it comes to Strength Training, you can lift weights, do bodyweight or whatever that keeps the body strong and durable but when it comes down to it, the most versatile form of Strength Training IMO is Isometrics. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Isometrics are the Game Genie Of Fitness meaning they're the cheat code to youthful strength that keeps on going and makes the joints so damn powerful that it may seem like you have an adamantium skeletal structure. If you ever heard of Wolverine from the X-Men you'll know what I'm getting at. I've had my own share of injuries but if it wasn't for Isometrics, I'd have tons more and may even be completely crippled but I do my best to not think or dwell on that kind of thing. There are many ways to do Isometrics but my favorite style is Overcoming & Hybrid. Some days, my workouts are exclusively Isometrics, others are in combination to what else I do. 

Another way to keep the body strong and loose is doing Dopa Band Workouts. You may not be as explosive, fast or even technically sound as a wrestler or MMA fighter but you can adjust things that strengthen the muscles in a variety of ways that reduces injuries and have an automatic coach that shows you what you may be doing wrong and helping you correct mistakes so you can be better at your other endeavors. I've done enough workouts now with this thing that I know what it can do in terms of keeping the body strong and healthy without needing to go full bore all the time. It stretches you, it makes you learn new ways to move effectively and you can adjust the resistance by just a few steps. 

Keep up with maintenance even when you're young, it goes a long way because the less you do mobility type training, the more it might bite you in the ass later in life and end up like a lot of injured people that do things like hardcore Crossfit, Powerlifting and other things. Be amazingly awesome.   

Get your 10% OFF Discount at Dopamineo by entering POWERANDMIGHT at checkout.  

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Double Whammy Of The World Fit Iso Trainer

 When it comes to equipment, very few can top the other but depending on the goals you have, the type of equipment is more suitable to what you want to do more than just having tons of stuff laying around. Over the years, I've gotten Sandbells, Resistance Bands, Hammers, Clubs, Mace, 60d Penny Nails and have a few ab wheels and they're all essential to my regular training but a personal favorite is the Worldfit Iso Trainer. I got the thing on accident as it was part of the wrong order I ended up getting since I ordered the Worldfit Pull-up Handles originally. I got the handles eventually but the Strap was a blessing in disguise.

The Iso Trainer is not just a thing for Isometrics, it doubles as a Suspension Trainer as well. I call it the double whammy because you get more out of it than you think. Having it as a Suspension Trainer adds variety and a whole other plethora of exercises to choose from. I've done Pull-ups, Push-ups, Rows, Rollouts, even Tricep Extensions with this thing and it just feels awesome. The handles are very comfortable and the strap is very sturdy and durable as it can hold up to 400 lbs from what I understand so many people are able to use it. 

You can mimic many exercises of isometrics and when I train with it along with my other Iso Strap, it gives me some of the best workouts I've ever had. It brings that old school vibe like the way Alexander Zass did with his Isometric Chain exercises. You can mimic practically the same exercises as he did and build serious muscle along with developing the tendons that look like they were carved out of granite. It's also very simple to use and van be put into a carry on bag for traveling. I would take it to the park with me, put it around the back of the basketball hoop and do some suspension work or do Isometrics on the ground. Very light as well.

Equipment should be versatile and utilized to the degree where it gives you a good workout almost regardless of where you are. Since my Sciatica is healing up, I will be getting back to Isometric Training and it's making me anxious to whip out that strap again. Isometrics is one of my all-time favorite styles of training and have written countless times about the awesomeness of Overcoming Isometrics. Some days, Isometrics is all I want to train on and it fuels that relaxed yet at the same time ready type of energy and strengthens those weak areas. 

How much does this thing cost? Well certainly not more than 200 bucks like some "Bodyweight Exercise Guru" sells for a single book (fucking ridiculous man), it's roughly 40 bucks which is crazy since you are able to make up so many workouts and learn way more exercises than you would've thought of. When you add Red Delta Project's Suspension Calisthenics book for maybe another 10 bucks on Kindle to the mix, you get a great variety to create virtually any type of workout you want almost anywhere. That's less than the cost of the average monthly gym membership. You'll learn the ins and outs of what works and what doesn't along with having fun with this bad boy. If you throw in a door attachment, there's no reason you can't do some solid suspension training at home and progress. These three things can make the world your oyster and train in ways that didn't seem possible before and it's very well within most people's budget. 

That's one of things I love about training is finding things that are suitable for a budget that works and get the most out of it without needing to use up your paycheck. I'm sorry but I'll take those things over a book some shmuck who thinks it's worthy of pricing that looks like shit and can't make it affordable to people that could use it for their benefit. If it's worth it to you and you've saved up enough to get it, go for it and I really hope it brings you incredible results but it shouldn't take you weeks or even months to save up for something like that, that's a lot of money that doesn't involve groceries or bills. It's robbery in my opinion and full of snake oil crap. There's a difference in someone being cheap and someone who's on a budget, learn it. I believe in top quality things that are in a comfortable range for someone, never should someone be guilt tripped into choosing either a book that costs more than a family meal or getting groceries for your family for the week, that's just not right. 

Anywho, I hope you find this article interesting and take a chance on the Worldfit Iso Trainer, the book and door attachment can be bought later if you want or not at all, it's up to you. I just want to give you an idea of what is possible without the need of a ton of equipment and you can snatch it up and use it for long term health and fitness. Be amazingly awesome and keep at it. 

Friday, July 21, 2023

Why Are Hybrid Isometrics So Effective?

First of all, what in the blue hell are Hybrid Isometrics? Some kind of supernatural entity of exercise? Doubled forms of fitness to create some kind of Superhuman? Although it sounds cool, Hybrid Isometrics are mainly an advanced variation of Isometric Exercise that takes you some steps further to achieving great strength and muscle building. I didn't make up the name, that goes to one of the most prominent trainers in the art of Isometric Training today and that's Matt Schifferle.

Now, what makes up of Hybrid Isometrics? It's literally a combination of Overcoming Isometrics & Yielding Isometrics. Overcoming is the style where you work against something immoveable and stay at that sticking point for intense contractions in a Push/Pull/Squat/Grip Format. Yielding in a nutshell is the type of Isometric Training where you're fighting against gravity such as a plank or horse stance for example. The Hybrid style by definition of the first two styles is the combination of hitting a sticking point while going against gravity at the same time. Here's an idea of doing a Hybrid Plank (This engages the Core far more than the regular Plank plus you're working your lower back and hips from sagging by pressing against the strap). 

How are these as affective if not more than typical Isometric Exercise? Because of the combination of both Yielding & Overcoming styles, you're generating a different level of strength training in order to successfully hold positions for either time or through the 7-12 seconds of intense contraction. It puts a different spin on what constitutes being in a position where the muscles are working harder than normal and not particularly isolating certain muscles either, you're literally working many muscles in order to stabilize yourself. The real effectiveness is that it doesn't take long to really feel it and you aren't going to last very long doing some of these exercise which in the case of plank, if you can hold the elbow or even palm plank for 2 minutes or more, the hybrid would put most people down within 30-45 seconds or less. It is very tough to do and is a plank on steroids. However, because of the short amount of time you'll hold this position, you're going to build strength in ways that the regular plank can't. 

Isometrics are a fascinating form of training and the plethora of ways to work them can turn you into a fitness machine or can help you in rehabbing injuries. When it comes to Hybrids, they rank right up there as some of the simplest yet toughest exercises you can do. I use them as an addition to my regular Isometric Training. A great product you can use to work Hybrid Isometric is the Iso Loop. For other forms of straps to work your exercises check out StrapWorks on Amazon. Get the most out of your Isometric Training and for more info on what Hybrids are and some of the exercises you can learn, grab a copy of Overcoming Isometrics by Red Delta Project. RDP also has a Youtube Channel that shows tons of exercises, workouts and other tips on fitness training. 

Have an amazingly awesome day and train well. 

Monday, July 3, 2023

It's Always Good To Have A Backup

Always keeping my training simple, the workouts can vary to either going hard one day and "taking it easy" the next. Physique wise, it could be better and putting in more effort to trim down since I couldn't do a whole lot while I was injured. Keeping an eye on doing more Isometric Style training (with an emphasis on the Hybrid Forms, check out Overcoming Isometrics on that one) and other things. 

I love going to the park and playing basketball and shooting around, some days I bank them in, other days not so much but I enjoy it. Every now and then, some guys would want to shoot around or play one on one. In addition, I like to bring along my Worldfit Iso Trainer and when I'm not shooting, I put the strap around the back of the hoop and do things like Rows, Pushups, Squats, Hangs and Pull-ups. One day not too long ago, I went to the park to shoot around but there was an event going on and there was a promotional jeep covering the side of the court, not wanting to hit the damn vehicle, I had my back up Iso Strap and just did 50 Rows & 50 Push-ups in 5x10 each exercise. Always good to have a back up, after the exercises, went onto the grass and did an animal workout doing my favorite dice game until I was ready to head back home. 

Sometimes you just have to adapt and improvise. You won't always have things align right, the stars won't always be in your favor and you won't always know if you'll get an empty space around you or getting a crowd of people. Do what's possible with what you have. That's one of the reasons why I love Isometrics, they're always there with or without equipment and having the strap in your bag can make up some stuff you're not always able to do. Training is about discovery, conditioning the mind to always have something there and be able to come up with stuff on the fly if needed. It's important to have that knowledge because some workouts may not always be at your disposal so you come up with something doable and something you can do for the moment. 

Find ways to train that will be in your favor, learn to improvise in certain situations and get what you need with what you have at the time even if it's just your own bodyweight. Never settle to just one thing or one type of workout. The knowledge and creativeness you can possess can take you places that many won't or be able to come up with. I mean seriously, who the hell puts a suspension trainer around a basketball hoop and can do an animal workout on the fly? Not many but that's the beauty of being intuitive and understanding what you know and be able to act on a workout you didn't expect to do. When I got to that park, I expected to just normally shoot around, put on some tunes, get some exercises in with the strap and that was it but that didn't happen. There are events that go on about every other weekend at that park and most days, I'm just there by myself with literally no one in the vicinity other than the restaurant right next to it and the houses around the corner. It's peaceful, get a great view of the mountains, getting in fresh air and just having a blast putting on my speakers. On that particular day, I had to do something different and had to tone down the volume I normally use with my speakers to where only I can really hear it and just do a couple of exercises and an animal workout which turned out great and had fun. 

Always good to have a backup in mind whether training or whatever. Hope everyone is having a great summer so far and stay safe tomorrow for Independence Day. Be amazingly awesome. 

Monday, April 24, 2023

Over 100 Done So Far

 The journey continues as I keep grinding with my Hill Sprint Training. Thought I'd share my results so far. There isn't a huge difference but I'll take what I can get and keep getting better and better. I've now reached over 100 Sprints since I started a little over a month ago. Had to reduce the amount of sprints after the first three workouts since I was doing too much just to begin with. I was doing 10 sprints a session and reduced it to 5 each for the next three weeks, I'm now in my second week of 6 sprints a session for 12-15 seconds each. 

Results don't come easy for me and I've actually changed my eating habits around since I started this up again. I've cut back on a number of things and focused more on Steak, Rice, Eggs, Homemade Shakes with Milk & Raw Eggs, Chicken Salads from time to time and some other good stuff. On my days off from sprints, I'll do mainly Isometrics but I also go on walks, play basketball, work with hammers, do circuits and even one workout where I managed 105 slams in 5 minutes with my 20 lb slam ball. I thought I was going to die from that one and that felt more intense than the sprints LOL. 

Isometrics help a lot with the recovery and some days I'll do the intense 7-12 second contractions but other days I'll do 30 seconds or longer doing various positions. Overall like I said there isn't a massive difference in my physique and I still have quite a road ahead of me but I'm loving it and I feel different. I feel lighter even at around 255, my legs feel springy, the definition in the legs is awesome too and haven't felt I lost any strength. Stamina keeps getting better little by little and the endorphin highs are just flat out incredible. 

Not planning to look like Zach Efron from Baywatch but the idea is to slim down more, eat better, drink more water, harden the muscles up a bit and just be in better shape. This is my last year in my 30's and I want to be in the best shape I can be in when 40 hits. Getting a head start isn't a bad thing now is it? I don't want to feel like an old man and still want the ability to keep up. Too many people I know let themselves go after they approach 40 and many younger than me are already starting to wear down from injuries and even dying because of certain lifestyle choices. Although looking like you're in shape and actually feeling and doing things that keep you in shape are different things, I just want to get better little by little and feel like I'm not wearing out and can't keep up. Conditioning and Flexibility becomes more crucial as we age and staying strong is part of that puzzle. 

Sprints are more than just running hard for a few seconds, it's about fighting yourself and discovering where your true strength and will lies. Keep at it and keep being amazingly awesome everyone. 

Mar 20th

Today Apr 24th


Monday, April 17, 2023

Combining Isometric Equipment For A Great Workout

 Isometrics can be done in so many ways that it's almost impossible to understand what's better when it comes to equipment or just your bodyweight. Right now I have three different things of Isometric Exercise Equipment that has more exercises than anybody knows what to do with: The Bullworker Iso Bow, The Worldfit Iso Trainer & The Transformetrics Isometric Power Belt. The Power Belt never really got off the ground because of the lack of reasons I'm not going to get into but it is a hell of a piece of equipment that you can take with you just about anywhere. The Iso Bow may not look like much but it packs a hell of a punch if you use it right and gives you a hell of a workout. The Iso Trainer is extremely versatile as it not only does Isometric Exercise but it can also be used as a Suspension Trainer that holds up to around 400 lbs so you can do pull-ups, dips, rows, one-legged exercises, Triceps Extensions, Twists and other things as well.

Yesterday, I worked on all three to get in a great workout doing exercises ranging from pulling apart, curls, squat, presses, bow and arrow, hybrid isometrics and others. It was one of the most fun Iso workouts in a while and felt like I got a lot done in a short amount of time. I've been leaning towards Isometrics in addition to Sprint Training which has helped me shed some fat lately and although I have a good road ahead of me, I'm already ahead of the curve. I will be showing results around next week in regards to achieving over 100 sprints since I started. 

All three of these pieces of equipment can fit into your bag and you've got an entire gym that weighs less than a few pounds. The only people that I know that have experimented with Isometrics far beyond most people were/are Bud Jeffries, Steve Justa, Zenkahuna and a few others. They practically wrote the book on what you can do with your imagination when it comes to Isometrics. There are authors who've written basic elements and a few creative ideas but these guys took Isometrics to heights that just can't be matched. With the exception of Matt Schifferle's Hybrid Isometrics which are very innovative, very few can match the amount of exercises you can come up with. 

From the days of Alexander Zass & Maxick to the overwhelming plethora of training modalities today, Isometrics are a timeless form of training that can be done in so many ways it's not possible to count all the exercises you can do when there's so much to be added onto. As long as you keep it basic, creative and just enough to work with, you can go a hell of a long way to getting strong, fit and keeping you interested for years on end. Isometrics are essential to a healthy life and reap more benefits than I care to count.

Sometimes one piece of equipment isn't enough because to me, it's not about expanding equipment per se, it's about expanding your horizons and creating workouts that hit those sweet spots that certain things may not hit. I'm not saying MORE is better, I'm saying that options can be a good thing. You don't need to try to build an entire gym in less than 300 square feet, just a few things that give you that edge and that are inexpensive without killing your budget. 

The closest thing to the Iso Power Belt I know of that can be used is the Iso-Loop but you can also utilize a strap from Strapworks which you can find on Amazon as well to use for the length you need to get the most out of your workouts and are very affordable as you can do DIY work. It's just as strong and durable. The Iso Bow is just a bad ass and yeah it's smaller but like I said before it packs a punch as you can do both isometrics and dynamic tension exercises. 

Get crazy strong using Isometrics and unlock some of the creative exercises you can come up with to achieve insane goals. In recent times, one guy who did Isometrics for the majority of his workouts got so freaking shredded that it took notice on the bodybuilding stage while being in his 60's. Richard Monoson is a chiropractor in Southern California that has one of the most intense physiques of a man at any age. His Isometric training is pretty basic but proves what it can do for your body regardless how old you are. Very humble man as well. 

Keep being amazingly awesome everyone and keep achieving your goals. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Isometrics In The Days Of Zass Compared To Today

 Isometric Training has gone through many variations over the years from the days of the Shaolin, Yoga and throughout the 60's. The man that took Isometric Training to a peak until many decades later was Alexander Zass who utilized Isometrics to create the best strength program for building tendons and ligaments which evidently helped solidify him as one of the greatest strongmen of all-time. Using handles and an adjustable chain, Zass turned simple and advanced exercises into a powerhouse of training modalities that still baffles those in the Physical Culture World today.

Although he was around 5'7 and 170 lbs, Zass had strength that many today can't even fathom. The way he bent steel was extraordinary and the musculature would make even today's physique contestants look weak. His style of Isometrics can still be seen today from another perspective. Very few famous strongmen since then have really dug into the very depths of Isometric Training and some even refer to Charles Atlas as an Isometric Advocate. Although Atlas did practice certain aspects of Isometrics, Dynamic Tension wasn't an actual Isometric intended program. The exercises done in DT can be used as Isometric Exercises but it was never programmed that way. 

In today's world of miss/complicated information, gadgets, gizmos, gimmicks, equipment that is sometimes a little out there and costs more than a down payment of a car, Isometrics is pushed more to the side and even fewer people truly practice it as an art and programmed training system. I would think in some ways, Zass would be rolling in his grave in shame to what has become in Physical Culture. Don't get me wrong, some of the stuff today is good and some people really go after Isometrics with a vengeance such as the Bioneer, Matt Schifferle of Red Delta Project, Johnny Grube, the mysterious Paul Wade with the Iso-Chain and others. The two biggest advocates of Isometrics in their time were Bud Jeffries & Steve Justa. In their time here on this big blue, green and crazy rock we call earth, they were experimenting with Isometrics more than anybody else. They came up with stuff some of us are still doing today and there were things they were doing most wouldn't even try to attempt cause of how crazy they were. Justa himself was doing workouts that lasted hours, did holds that ranged from 3 seconds to over 5 minutes and exercises that hit angles more than the Wonkavator went around a city in England. They were revolutionary in the modern era, they were our generation's Zass.

More studies have been done in recent times on Isometrics but it's still not so much a taboo in fitness but more of a Black Sheep in the world of Fitness in the sense that it's pushed to the side and doesn't get the attention that it deserves. It isn't sexy or glamorous looking unless you see some crazy motherfuckers at a playground in New York where exercise is treated like the badassery of Basketball in Rucker Park. One of the best authors today on the subject of Isometrics is Matt Schifferle of Red Delta Project who's enthusiasm is just contagious. His take on using your bodyweight and/or minimal equipment goes to another level of building muscle and strength. His style of Hybrid Isometrics takes strength training to another realm of 21st century Physical Culture. Although guys like Steve Maxwell gives a ton of credit and powerful admirations to Isometrics, Matt brings that youthful and simplistic approach that's relatable to a younger audience. Maxwell is a legend no question and his style works great with most people, I'm just a bigger fan of Matt's approach. I find he brings more energy and excitement as oppose to Maxwell who's a bit more low key, still simple and full of knowledge since he's been training longer than most trainers today have been alive. 

I will always say that the best Isometric Equipment is the Transformetrics Isometric Power Belt but it's hard to promote that since it never really got off the ground. You can use just about anything to do Isometrics with and some have made DIY equipment like Maxwell, Schifferle and the late Bruce Tackett that made the Hook. Today's big products on Iso Training is more geared towards the Bullworker (like the Iso-Bow) and the Worldfit Iso Trainer. These are incredible for training Isometrics and can be used by anybody from the couch potato to the world-class athlete. Create workouts that take your fitness into the stratosphere. Zass would be a big fan of these. 

Practice Isometrics regardless of your age and make them interesting, simple and as low-skilled as they can be because those are the best exercises that will get the job done. Build strength most would be baffled by and lessen your chances of injuries. Keep being amazingly awesome everyone. 

Another piece of equipment that is great for Isometric Training is using The Rings, grab a set and use my Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT at checkout to get 10% OFF. 

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