Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Way Of The Animal

With all the latest fitness fads today and the body shaming its no wonder we are confused, disoriented, quick to judge and killing the spirit of helping one another. I'm not putting down those that do Crossfit or practice extreme levels of fitness that's great for them and wish them the best but what needs to be realistic is the notion that in order to be fit you need to push yourself to the very brink of puking, passing out, getting injured just to prove how fit you are is sadistic, cold-hearted & just plain psychotic. I know what it's like to nearly pass out and get hurt in training and i'm telling you right now its not worth it. If your body can handle the stress that's one thing but if you're taking unnecessary risks to make yourself fitter its not worth killing yourself.

The human body can only take so much and putting it through so much stress that it ends up in the ER over a stupid workout will only add pain into your later years. I too have gone into the unknown of how far to push the body that was according to my size, age, stress levels & the will to go as far as I was willing to and i'm going to tell you right now your life is more precious than that. I do believe in being mentally tough to go through physical training but not to the brink on a daily basis or prove to myself that no matter how hard I train its never enough. That's why I train in the way of the animal.

Animals strive because they know they're not perfect, they don't give a damn what other animals think of them; they survive, they are predators & preys, they fight or run like hell & the offspring learn how to develop these elements by playing. Animals move naturally, they don't jog, they sprint like its a life or death situation, they have nothing to prove but be an animal living among other animals. We are the only species on the planet that fears more than we can talk about, we strive for perfection instead of striving for true development of our bodies and minds. Even in the fitness world, if you have a physique that is full of sculpted muscle & low bodyfat that somehow makes you superior than anyone else. Animals don't care how muscular you are or how much you can bench or how you compete to lift the heaviest weight, if they get a hand on you, chances are you'll die instantly if not live long enough to be in excruciating pain and die from injuries.

Moving like a wild animal builds real strength, develops functional muscle instead of grotesque comic book muscle, burns fat and put on lean muscle mass that increases hormones, metabolism, energetic stamina (I know redundant lol) and strengthens the brain. Moving like a wild animal gives you protective strength meaning builds strength in the tendons and opens up the joints so in turn can develop mobility and flexibility. This type of training is simple, to the point & isn't complicated to learn. If I were to learn any other method besides this and Isometrics it would be developing real man strength and old school muscle building that develops a crushing grip, hardens the tendons, makes you hungry as hell afterwards and creates an injury-proof body.

The power of the animal is not just in the movements, its the development of going into another state of mind that pits you against you, not against a clock or a series of obstacles that will cause you to break your leg or tear joints because of a misplaced area of the weight. Animal Movement is freedom, its structured but at the same time can change just by a single placement of an hand or leg and doesn't have strict rules.

Product Of The Day: Baran Brother's Basic Bodyweight Building Blocks

How many B's can you find in one title of a course LOL. Seriously though, for most, its tough starting a fitness program where it can be a struggle to keep up or feel that its too tough or not enough for you to start with. That's where this course comes in, it lays out a foundation where you're in the driver seat and the exercises are your key to put in the ignition. No confusion, no playing around the bush and no BS about where to start and how to progress. Be able to exercise anywhere, anytime without useless equipment and the freedom to listen to any music you want and do exercises that take off flab, build muscle and increase energy all in less than 20 minutes a day.  Do them at any age and its for all fitness levels from the complete beginner to world-class athletes. I do some of these very same exercises in my own training to help me recover, pick a variety on those days where I don't want to be so intense and they help me regenerate when I push myself hard.

(DOD): The Highlander Workout

"There can be only one." This workout gives you a piece of the type of training to prepare for battle of the sword and get ready for the quickening. An immortal is only as powerful as his/her conditioning and awareness for survival. If you're not ready for the fight you might find yourself getting your head cut off. Be ready for what lies ahead and be in the best shape because there are those that are gunning for you and they won't stop until your head is clean off your body. If you want more training then you'll have to look for Connor or Duncan Macleod of the Clan MacLeod's.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Jungle Training For Women

Happy Monday to all you awesome people. I was thinking about this in a meditation this past Wednesday and it got me thinking how sweet it would be for all the rocking ladies to get more involved with Animal Exercise. Now its not a must but I personally believe when it comes down to it, animal styled exercise will do more good for developing a sleek and feminine physique because mainly its not only really cool to move naturally but it would give inspiration for those who are confused as to what to do.

In reality, women are just as bad ass and far better than us guys than we give them credit for. Let's face it, for us guys we can never give birth so we have the luxury of not enduring the most powerful form of pain imaginable that a woman has to go through, plus its harder for women to lose weight, build muscle & burn fat like a furnace because they don't have the development of testosterone and the amount of growth hormone as men do. However, despite all that women have the ability to unleash that beauty that was breaded in their DNA both inside and outside. If you want to change your appearance; getting huge boobs done and having a fake ass isn't going to cut it and tummy tucks is definitely not the answer. Instead learn to move your body like in nature by crawling, jumping, swimming, balancing & coordinate like a wild beast.

Moving like a wild animal enhances beauty both inside and outside the body. When you jump like a rabbit or walk like a duck you're building your legs with strength & power no other "human" exercises can touch. You're developing crazy muscle that won't be bulky but shapely with real functional muscle from the hips down to the toes and not just muscle but strengthening the tendons as well. When you move this way, you're not moving isolated parts of the body but utilizing every muscle including the abdominals; one of the most fearful body parts women have. Think about it, being able to fire those abs without ever doing hundreds of reps of regular ab exercises that most of the time don't work (some do don't get me wrong but to get powerful abs is to not isolate them) and wouldn't you want an upper body that turns heads with powerful but beautiful arms, a crazy but proud bust-line & anything else you feel wants to be better. I personally think YOU are beautiful no matter what but if you decide to change the way you look, feel and have greater energy than you've come to the right place.

Be wild, be free and follow your instincts. I get it, you're really into Crossfit and seeing those muscular women (although a good number are on steroids) and you're seeing some of those women in those weird aerobics classes or using unnecessary very light weight but the truth of the matter is, you can't keep up that kind of training forever and its way too structured and could very much injure you and put you in the hosptal (trust me, pain through that kind of training is not worth your life). If you're going to lift weights, do so by learning from kick ass women such as Andrea Du Cane or Melody Schoenfeld. If you can't afford weights or want a better alternative than do Animal Exercises like Bear Crawls, Frog Jumps, Crab Walks, Rabbit Hops and many others. Beauty is within, so unleash that chick with a vengeance and show the world how awesome you are.

Product Of The Day: Athena Women's Formula

The inspiring Greek goddess Athena was the product of courage, philosophy, wisdom & more is the ideal outlook of a true woman. The combination of herbs that is in the depths of this formula are considered sometimes magical and i'll tell you why....Think about the energy you can possess of a wildcat, the sexual prowess of a lioness, mentally focus with ease and have support that is both hormonal & metabolic; developing breathtaking strength that most women that would envy and may even make Wonder Woman think twice before messing with you. That's how powerful this herbal combination can work into your mighty veins. One of its herbs alone means "She who possess 100 husbands" which should give you a crazy idea to what the benefits are. The benefits for the skin & hair are known to work wonders and have a natural level of beauty that helps these features better than the chemical crap you're used to doing.

(DOD): The Cheetara Workout

Speaking of wildcats; why not have a specific workout dedicated to the powerful Thunderian that is insanely strong and beautiful. Building a fierce but feminine physique that is always ready to battle, power up and feel the energy of the mighty cat. You can do this workout anytime, anywhere and modify it to your liking. Level up as you get stronger and unleash that inner Thundercat within and let the world hear your roar.


Friday, September 2, 2016

Jungle VIP For Superior Conditioning

For a while now I've been living in the jungle being among the wild creatures of my inner Amazon & Congo. I travel there everyday and every night where I get to be free and transform into all kinds of animals that bring me joy, strength, health and most of all the love I can't get enough of. Its become such a frequent visit, I was made a Jungle VIP, a lifetime pass to not only visit but learn from the very best the Animal Kingdom has to offer. You can be a part of this too if you believe in your imagination and the will to move using your natural body's abilities to crawl, jump, walk, sprint, go backwards, forwards, side ways and long ways like a wild animal.

The other night I watched a remake of a classic Disney tale that just amplified my love for animalistic movement and that was The Jungle Book. The story, the coming of age tale & adventure of a little boy traveling through the jungle is full of beautiful artistic CGI, the amazing characters that just make you laugh, scare you or don't know what the hell to think. As a fan of the original, it just brightened up my imagination to move like like the characters Baloo, Baghera, Sheer Khan, Kaa and others. The jungle is full of wonders, life & lots of ways to move.

The only true way to introduced to the jungle is to start moving like a wild animal and build up your imagination. In order to become a VIP, you amplify your movements, create scenarios & feel like you are living among the animals as you move. Picture yourself being that animal and developing your brain while you move. Its not difficult to do but its tough to master because there will be a time where looking goofy can make you seem weird but don't fret, stay the course and build on your enhancing your Animal DNA. This type of training alone, creates strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, motor skills and makes your brain work more than just good old fashioned "human" exercises.

I have taught this type of training to young kids as young as 6 years old to folks over 50 & 60. With the way they learn from me they all have something in common that shares a bond with the way they move; they have fun and are happy. When you move like a wild animal, you putting energy into the blood in your veins, you develop nerve force that can take away negative thoughts, work your mental muscles to enhance performance, intelligence & so much more. Although you are physically moving, your brain is doing so much more as you move; it sends greater impulses to the spinal cord, enhances strength not just in the muscles but the tendons & ligaments which can lead to less injuries and build power in your body that can't be experienced by regular forms of exercise. Be one of the VIP and live in your jungle where you are free to move anywhere you want. You can train indoors but the results will come when you do them outdoors. Either way you're getting something most people have forgotten today. These are the original forms of exercise and the oldest conditioning style of training.

Product Of The Day: Animal Workouts -The DVD Course

Seeing is better than reading so why not learn how an animal movement is actually done. A conditioning program that develops functional strength, health & enhances brain activity for all ages. Any animal can put a modern man or woman to shame when it comes to strength & speed not to mention health. It develops that instinctual aspect of our DNA where we use natural movement to crawl, jump, swim & balance. There is no equipment involved, its just you and the ground where you can change from one movement to another in the blink of an eye. Grab it today and get in the habit of moving like a wild beast that is waiting to be unleashed.

(DOD): The Primal Workout

A workout that can be addictive will give you a sense of power through your veins and unleash your inner Animality. Open your soul to the animals and challenge your body in a different way. There is nothing like having the power of a wild animal and moving with grace and superior body strength.


Thursday, September 1, 2016

Using Comic Books To Inspire For Training

For those that have always had a fantasy or two, comic book mythology is more than just words and pictures of different characters in various situations. Whoever has a read a comic at one point or another fantasized about having the powers or abilities of their favorite heroes. Some even wished they had the body, a muscular physique, a slender but wired build like Spidey, the indestructible power of the Hulk. Most will never achieve the dream of being super strong and healthy that was inspired by a comic book. I know I didn't up until a few years ago.

I was never a big comic book fan growing up like other kids were, I knew about superheroes from watching Saturday morning cartoons and watching them on film like Blade & the Batman movies. I didn't get into comic books themselves until a few years ago and started collecting them in various volumes and an omnibus or 2. It really kicked in for me seeing the Avengers films especially the titled name itself and decided to learn more about the mythology by reading the stories of my favorite heroes. The more I read, the more inspiring it was to do my training with a different style of imagination I never experienced as a kid or in my early 20's.

The one hero that started this for me was believe it or not Thor because of the hammers that were built by Stronger Grip. It helped me develop a level of strength I never experienced before and had a grip I can be proud of. It continued in different ways as I read about Batman, Spider-Man, Captain America and others. The very best book that inspired me to train in a specific will be today's Product Of The Day. It's not the greatest comic ever written, actually its not that huge in terms of popularity and its mediocre in writing style at best and more comical than serious but it gave me the very best ideal of imagination that I can relate to and made me believe in the type of training that suited me.

There is always something in a comic, the capturing of the situation, the faces of fear or victory, the dialogue that ignites a fight or a build up and way more. Some of my personal favorites are those of Thor & Batman. You train through them and they light up your brain with a vengeance as you do your damnedest to look like them and have the thought of super strength, unlimited endurance, invincibility, razor claws, teleportation or being able to shapeshift (one of my favorite powers). I believe if you want to heightened your imagination to train at your very best, go pick up a comic book.

Product Of The Day: Marvel Apes (Apevengers)

Remember that book I had a favorite on? This is it. The book that inspired me to unleash my inner animal while I train in Animal Movements. It takes you to an alternate universe where its similar to Planet Of The Apes but its all Marvel heroes and villains. There are gibbons, gorillas, orangutans & mandrills (baboons) that are alternate versions of the greatest heroes such as Captain America, Spider-Man, Thor, Iron Man and many others. The artwork, the storylines, the action and the feeling of being a mighty ape/monkey with not only the powers of a hero but the added strength entities of a primate just fuels my training to another level. The writing is pretty comical and the dialogue is not that great but when you get past that and see the power of an ape with hero qualities and similar personalities of the humanized heroes, it creates a very inspiring and hard to put down book that puts you in another world not normally seen especially through the eyes of a character or the writers themselves. Very fun read.

(DOD): Xena Workout

Women around the world were inspired by the Warrior Princess & her sidekick Gabrielle for years and lives on in reruns that continue to strike into the very heart of what it be like to be a bad ass chick. She to me is the equivalent in terms of badassery of Wonder Woman, a woman not afraid to stand up to men and show them not to mess with a chick that can kill you in so many ways and still has tricks you don't see coming. Obviously i'm not a woman but I do believe women can be a bad ass and rock it with the best of them and go to limits us men will never achieve and taken for granted. This workout is an idea of turning little girls into full fledged women that can take on anything. If you can give birth and go through all that pain, you can do this workout without much problem, start out at a level that works for you and build up to Level 3 sets.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Is It Better To Train In The Morning Or At Night?

This can be a big debate because you'll get an argument on both sides and the pros & cons of both but let's get down to the nitty gritty; either one works great but deep down it comes to the individual within different aspects of when its the best time for them. For most its good to train in the morning because it gives you jolt before heading into work and you have accomplished something for the day.

I tend to train way better at night because I wake up later and work on my schedule writing for you awesome folks. The truth is i'm just not a morning person and regardless of how much sleep I get I never feel my best in the morning and that's ok, just the way my body functions. I do however get more of my training in the afternoon in between writing and researching. There are at times where I have pent up energy that just needs to be out of me (not like that you freaking pervs) and I train my body until i'm just ready to go to bed and be knocked out. I'm still learning how to channel my body this way.

I believe the best time to train is when you have the energy to do so and record it in a journal. You have a different body so your energy levels are different. Learn how to channel your energy so when you are ready to train you can be at your best. Some are great for the morning sessions so they're kick starting the day and ready to rock, some are great for the afternoon where they're taking a break from work and putting in a few minutes of exercise to re-energize their bodies and function better that way, some do great at night because they have some energy left in the tank and get in some killer training that will help them fall asleep.

Now there are people who don't have a lot of time to exercise or train because of certain circumstances that get in the way like work for example, raising kids and having the responsibilities of being an adult. The best time is up to you and how you want it when its best for you. It can be very exhausting doing all these responsibilities believe me i've seen a lot of parents put in so much during the day it can wipe them out. So the best way to look at it is, when you have a little window is to do basic exercises for a few minutes and leave it as that. Some barely have enough time to hit the gym so utilize what time you have and make it work otherwise you're just using excuses. There's always time to train even if its 1 minute, that's 10 push-ups, 20 squats and 10 v-ups. Most believe that in order to get the best results is to do an hour of cardio and a half of strength training; that is flat out bullshit especially for those that spend the majority of time raising a family and busting their ass at work. Give yourself time, that's what the Darebee Workouts can do, help you save time. You don't have to do all the sets of the circuit to get results, just do what's possible for the given time you have.

So does it matter what's the best time between these 2 parts of the day? Not really, what works best will be up to the individual who makes the time.

Product Of The Day: The Indestructible Body

The course that teaches you to combine the best elements to develop an injury-proof type o body intellectually. When you train with the intent of mindfully challenging the muscles but have the respect to back off and do things moderately and structured to your body's abilities to withstand difficult and basic forms of exercise, you can live a long and healthy life without overstressing the joints & ligaments not just the muscles. Get the Hard-Copy or the Digital Downloads for a reasonable price

(DOD): Deep Fried In 60 Seconds

A great high intensity workout for those that are short on time but want to get quick results that can be done up to 2-3X a week. Rest as long as needed and only do each exercise for 20 seconds each. Very basic exercises that can turn you into a machine. Work up to a total of 10 sets per circuit. For some, the best can be only 2 which is a great start.......

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

What To Look For In A Fitness Program

Many times people quit on their program within a short period of time and these are some of the reasons....It's too tough, they get injured, not challenging enough, there's no consistency, harder than expected to be, no one to workout with, scared of it or they don't have the mindset to keep going. I know what its like to quit early and usually its for one of 2 reasons: I lost interest or I got burned out. Rarely ever got injured on a program and that's usually the first thing that signals you a program isn't going to truly work. I have been hurt from doing certain feats but never anything severe.

The type of program that you aught to be looking for in my eyes (this is based on more than a decade and a half of experience, wins & loses, trial & error and victories & failures) comes through these ideals, concepts & elements....

Is it something you are highly interested in?

Is it something that gives you opportunities to set goals that keep you going consistently?

Is it something that won't injure you or won't have you straining?

Does it motivate you?

Does it live up to the standards that congruent with your personality & mindset?

If you can find a program that fits all these you are set but yet most people won't find 3 things that fits these categories. The reason why this is because they are brainwashed into thinking how the "guru" or "trainer" thinks and becomes a sheep to his/her wolf. Its not all their fault, it can be overwhelming to choose something where there's a plethora of opposing opinions and both negative & positive feedback. I'm still learning these categories even after all these years and i'm no where near perfect at all of them but with consistency I have spent the majority of time hitting at least 3 of these minimum and the biggest one id of the interest. It doesn't have to come natural to you but it has to keep you at bay from overworking yourself, teaching you the value of backing off when needed and vitally important that it makes you happy because if you're miserable where's the true intentions of actually doing it.

Learn what works according to your needs, your personality, your self-observation & relying on your own mindset to stay motivated and being intense when needed & learning to take steps back recovering. I learned many years ago I had to be self-reliant in my training because i'm not in the habit of following others down to the very depth of the earth and hate being told to me that this or that is the very best. Live for interest, having fun & challenging both mind and body. We are all looking for the same thing and that's being the best we can be.

Product Of The Day: Hercules Pre-Workout Formula

A powerful mix of Herbs & Minerals; doesn't have the greatest taste but will power up your body to a high degree and allow you to not only possibly break PR's but give you excess energy left over even after your workout. Take it 15 minutes before tackling your training and feel the benefits kick in and hone that energy to a level that you may not have experienced before. Only take it before workouts not on off days.

Darebee Of The Day: The Harley Quinn Workout

For all the ladies that want a change of pace in getting in shape quick and utilizing combat entities suck as kicking and punching. Guys don't be fooled by the name, it'll kick your ass too trust me it almost knocked me on my ass a time or 2.The crazy girlfriend of Mr. J doesn't bite unless she's provoked and has skills that can take out even the toughest of men. Before you know it you'll be hearing her voice cheering you on (don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing).

Monday, August 29, 2016

Combining Fat Burning Exercise Systems

Sometimes 2 sets of Training Programs are better than one. Its only fitting to take in multiple concepts of strength & conditioning not because of "needing" to do more but to get experience in what can be useful and what doesn't. I have clocked in many hours on one exercise system alone so imagine when I do more than one system in a single day.

At the moment, I'm utilizing 2 very distinctive and very powerful exercise systems that has shown me results in a short amount of time. No i'm not losing so much weight to save my life but I'am however losing bodyfat and gaining awareness and healthy functional strength & stamina. The first one is Isometrics (Free-Handed) doing up to 2 body parts (Or sets of muscle groups) a day and the other is my all-time favorite form of conditioning and that's Animal Exercise. With the Isometrics, they help generate greater blood flow & maintain muscular definition while the Animals develop coordination, endurance and high intensity conditioning. Combining these 2 elements are amazing as in terms of balancing out the timing of the day plus I get a quick or long workout if I choose to.

Is it possible to do multiple types of exercise in a day? Very much so but its not a requirement or something you need to do the rest of your life. I do however believe in getting experience in as many concepts as possible but in a balanced way where you want to get better at something like a specific skill or building strength for a specific purpose. It doesn't need to take hours a day to do either so don't think you can't get experience from not doing something for a very extended period of time; building it over time creates more experience and when you do something daily, you gain more knowledge but don't kill yourself over it. I don't do extreme intensity all the time but I do hit it hard when the time is right and use everything I have, the other times is more focused based, moderate intensity and making time whether for a few minutes or longer.

Look into developing your body inside and out when you take on more than one type of exercise system but don't strain yourself or take it to the limit frequently, work into it slowly and focus on what's important for you and not letting certain things dictate what you want out of it. Don't force it, let it come naturally and challenge yourself intuitively.

Product Of The Day: Onnit Primal Kettlebells


Enhance the workout with kettlebells that not only look bad ass but might just have magical properties when you get a hold of one whether its Bigfoot, Gorilla, Orangutan, Chimp or Howler. Just the artistic style alone should get you pumped. Think of it as a Pre-Workout Formula just seeing these bad boys and then the adrenaline kicks in when you pick it up and swing it, press it, snatch it or if you're really ambitious Juggling it.

(DOD): The first Darebee Workout Of The Day. As a fan of the themed circuit workouts its important to find the type of workout that can inspire others to take on a fun challenge while using your imagination. I love these types of workouts and if you want to buy a book of 100 Darebee Workouts go to the right of the blog. Most comic book fans know about Bats but very few deep down understand the type of training it takes to stay in shape against Gotham's greatest criminals so he needs to be on top of his game every night. Here's a way to sample what it would be like to workout like the Dark Knight.

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