Friday, February 5, 2016

Combining Elements For Ultimate Movement Training

Studying various systems has been my schooling for over 10 years and like being in school, there are things you'll find interesting that really hit you and guide you to where you want to go in life. Learn to absorb things like a sponge and finding the right things that suit you and your interests. There's never been a person that truly likes what he can't stand; its like a leper judging a beauty contest it doesn't really work.

I don't do just one thing as you may have read or seen in my videos. I like to take the very best elements of training that I have learned and mold it into my ultimate style. When you choose little things here and there, not just exercises but a combination of different programs, workouts & others. It took me a long time to truly find what works because I'm constantly experimenting, observing, learning and tackling what peaks at me. Most people go through the motions and the trends that only last a few months or week if that. They don't want to learn what suits their personality and how it absorbs their brain and muscular structure.

I'm a big dude and most of the time I'm considered a weightlifter or possibly a football player but the truth is I practice mostly bodyweight and other styles of movement like Animal Exercise, Gymnastics, Circuit Training, Primal Movement, Ginastica, Strongman exercise and more; I don't contend myself with the latest trend or what is said in a muscle magazine because I learned to be self-reliant; finding areas that are outside the box and molded into my own world of things that strike with that jolt of lightning-like feel. If you're interested in follow along infomercial programs that's your business I bare no judgement but what if you took little things and created something for yourself. Whether in the gym, a park, your home or hell at the freaking beach; practice what makes you feel interested, motivated and not what everyone else is doing. I have literally gotten looks from people when I do certain things like Animal moves, hand balancing, even qi gong in the middle of a cabin living room in Tahoe where there's at times more than 5 people in the cabin.

For beginners; learn the basics of what you want to learn; don't worry about not being strong enough yet or working the clock enough. Start at your own level, progress little by little down to the smallest fraction. Let me give you a very weird example; in the movie Ant-Man, during one scene Scott Lang got so freaking small he shrunk into the smallest molecules of dust in the air that seemed like a whole other universe, as he got smaller the world around him got larger and larger in a billionth of a fraction within that speck of dust. The point of this is no matter how small you progress, the progress becomes bigger and bigger as time goes on and before you know it you'll be far stronger and more interested in what you want to do.

Combine things to create your own Ultimate Style Of Movement and see how far you're willing to go and I don't mean push to the limits until you start puking; that's not what I represent. I want you to go as far as you are willing to without being in pain and agony and injured. People get so caught up with that "Push till you puke" "No pain, no gain" & god forbid "Injured? Suck it up Nancy boy" kind of mindset that there are far better options that can have them live very strong physical lives that prospers in the future and not have that "I use to be able to" life later on. Be resourceful and do what's useful to you.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Playful Movement Exploration

For years I'm always coming up with different things to train on because that's just how my brain works. I don't stick to routines very long because I get bored with them fast. I love to Sprint, I love learning about Finishers & I definitely love doing Animal moves to work my body from all sorts of angles. Overall, I just love to explore & move because it opens up new possibilities and ruling out the singularity of focusing on something that is so one or two dimensional.

I call it Playful Movement Exploration; the ability to explore movement in a playful mindset. Routines are great for some people because it gears them towards being focused and driven to a specific goal setting but for me; exploring just seems more simplistic and natural. Thinking outside the box, moving from one area to the next while infusing imagination, creative patterns & utilize personality in practice. I was never one to use my brain like the general population. Growing up and having to learn in complete 180's and honing my skills for things that most don't understand.

It's very powerful when you learn to explore yourself physically, emotionally, mentally and more. You are one person that is different than everyone else. Unless you have a full on Clone, you are one person among billions that are rich in very unique ways. Some never realize what they have until it's too late, others just watch the world go by and there are some that just don't have the sense to come out of their selves and be like everyone around them. I combine different elements that reflect on my brain functioning capabilities, my best physical movement that hits me like a bolt of lightning and use my memory that's very unique to recount things most wouldn't even fathom.

You are a person who aught to explore themselves in a powerful way that makes you feel alive in a positive and spirited way. Learn who your true self is. I learn it everyday of my life and sometimes it becomes very difficult when you have to hide who you are from people that you believed could show your true colors. Its beyond movement that is being explored; its your whole being, your soul that goes into what you do, who you are and where you will go. It becomes exhausting at times trying to be someone else; i've been doing it for more than 3 decades and its a total pain in the ass. Little by little I don't just explore moving and staying fit, I explore my real self and how it has been used to help others and make people smile. You can do it too. Move with passion and feel it deep down no matter how far it is. Its tough, can be painful and it hurts inside at times but when your true self comes out and people notice it good or bad, you made the choice to do it because you are done hiding.

Explore and have like child-like quality of personality, movement & deep profound power within to become the Ultimate Self.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Review On Steel/Sandbell

I'm a simple guy when it comes to equipment. I don't fettle with Barbells & Dumbbells unless i'm in the gym on a rare occasion. I'm also big on the quality of the equipment I get and use them to have fun and be enjoyable; whether it's hammers or cables or my pull-up bar there's always something useful. One piece of equipment I use however is very unique and takes it out of me practically every single time in less than a few minutes. The Sandbell is in a class by itself with the endless variety out of one small thing.

Its versatility is incredible and its powerful adaptation to any workout is beyond comprehension. My all-time favorite exercise is purely picking it up and slamming it as fast and hard as possible for a short amount of time. It even is better than sprints some of the time. Anyone can use this for any style of training because it not only packs a wild punch but has not one or two but THREE types of equipment in its arsenal: Kettlebell, Dumbbell & Medicine Ball. I've been in fitness close to 2 decades and never have seen or felt such a powerful force like the Sandbell.

What a lot of people don't realize is that the Sandbell is not just meant to be used in a variety of ways but it puts on realistic results to generate natural Growth Hormone. Because of the epidemic of obesity and lack of nutrition these days, exercise has become a last resort and far too much info on what to do and how to do it. With the Sandbell, it doesn't have to be complicated whatsoever. You can do practically any exercise in the gym using only this bad boy and you can get in a workout that's no more than 15 minutes.

I realize a lot of people get told about weight progressions and all that which I highly bring on for others to understand but when it comes to the Sandbell, you don't need all that much weight to get your ass kicked and here's why; because of the changing of the grip, you're working not just the muscles but the tendons in many ways from pinching to thick and anywhere in between. The most weight I advise people on is no more than 20-30 lbs. I get it there are challenges and are told you need to use this weight for that challenge or whatever, who doesn't love a good challenge but in the end, its not about the weight its about what you're willing to create that can make 20 lbs. feel like 100 when you do it right. Just some of the exercises alone can be brutal for most people. One exercise I do is called the 360 Exercise and I do it for 100 reps (50 per side) and hits me enough. Sure it be cool to do it with 40 or 50 lbs but that's not the point. Use it for long term use and not how much weight you can move.

Another amazing thing about this tool is that it can be used or kids to play with and toss it around with friends. Even toddlers can use this thing when its under 5lbs. I had my 7 and 4 year old cousins play with my 20 lber and couldn't get enough of it. I had the 7 year old do rows and slams and the 4 year old (who has down syndrome BTW) just see if he can flip it on the floor and he got it once or twice and was smiling. My girlfriend uses it for slams and for resistance when she does SIT-UPS; this chick rocks it doing sit-ups in sets of 10-15. It is one of the most playful and fun tools on the planet period.

There are so many benefits with this thing its difficult to list them all. I will give you a couple that are not only kick ass but awesome as well when you realize how many ways you can really use it. When you slam it, it doesn't wreck the floor so no worries about breaking furnished floors or carpets, it can be put in a backpack to travel with (that I would recommend under 20 lbs.), there is no such thing as boredom because no exercise is ever the same with the changing of the grip, can be added to any regimen, gets you fit in a short amount of time, develops finger & hand strength, develops a very strong core and powers up Testosterone (come on guys how could you not want this).

One guy I had connected with has had some severe joint problems and asked me about the Steel/Sandbell and wanted to know if it worked for him. He had read what I had done with it and seemed intrigued. I told him to give it a shot and told him to go with a ten pounder so its light enough to where it wouldn't hurt him and get something out of it. His name is Lou Delpha from Lakeland Florida and this is what he had to say after only using it a few times......

I'm 67 years old, have had 69 Surgeries, including 2 cervical fusions, both shoulders, both knees, left hip, both feet, 4 hernias operated on, several major abdominal Surgeries, Lower Back surgery and a pacemaker. I also have degenerative joint disease from head to toe. With all these Medical problems the Steelbell Workout felt great. My arms felt like rock when I was done. If I can do it, so can YOU!!!

That to me is one of the most bad ass testimonials I've ever read. It's inspiring and it makes guys like me feel blessed to be doing this and not even have all those issues. That makes him stronger than most people on this earth. It truly is a gift of fitness and everyone should have one and get one under 5 lbs for their kids. One of the best investments that is worth every damn penny.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Finishers For Extra Boosting

Lately I've been getting into Finishers for my workouts or use the day after to help accelerate fat loss. Finishers are micro workouts you can do after your main one to boost extra fat loss or amp up your conditioning. During my sprint and Darebee days I would pick a little something that sounds exciting to me and do up to 10 min. or so to really hit the Spot. Granted some are crazy but if you want to get a little more juice this would be it.

You don't have to do these at the end of your workouts, they can be used for next day extras or when you only have a few minutes of your day. They can cook you and depending on what you do, can be a little out there. Now some of these are not for beginners because they're very intense. I'm not big on trends like you have read on but I do like training systems with certain themes attached to them; mainly superheroes. It just gives that added motivation and triggering of the brain that just boosts confidence and fun times. These bad boys are no more than a few minutes and you can either do it in a circuit or in a tabata style workout where you do something for 20 sec. and 10 sec. o rest time. Go for time or just see how many rounds you can do.

One of my favorites is one called Legs Like Ms. Marvel where you guessed it its all leg work (and don't be laughing just because its a chick workout, my legs were dying at the end of it). Here's how it goes.....

Its a 20/10 Protocol and you go for 8 minutes.

Lateral Side Jumps, Ice Skaters, Squat Hold & Split Squat (20 sec. each leg) its only 4 exercises but you're resting 10 seconds at a time and trust me it ain't easy.

There's a whole course devoured in Finishers that goes well for beginners and hardcore maniacs. It's by a guy named Mike Whitfield called Workout Finishers. Imagine getting that little jolt of testosterone after a great workout at the gym or getting in some good no BS training if you're strapped for time. Do workouts in as little as 3 minutes. My biggest one was no more than 10 1/2 minutes. Get a good session in and then hit those last 3 minutes like a beast. Ladies this sheds fat like a cheese-grader and if you want to tone up and need that boost after putting in some work at the gym or at a park wherever you may be at. What can 3 minutes really harm huh? This would be great to do if you're on vacation and want to get in a quick workout before taking in the sites or jumping into the lake or the pool. Make it fun and remember, its fast and intense but so worth it. Don't do these everyday, do them at the end of some workouts or the next day to make up for something. When I was doing my sprints I would do a finisher at the end and that was only 3x a week.

Hit it hard and make that fat scream bloody murder.  

Monday, January 25, 2016

Funtastic Conditioning

When you have an imagination, you want to make it useful and open things up to bring in opportunities to showcase your mind on a physical level. I feel bad for those poor souls who do very and utterly tedious & worst of all boring exercise programs. Some of the exercises are great but a lot want to treat it as the hardcore no pain no gain crap. To me; exercise is about emotion, bringing in your entire being into a series of movements or holds that turn you into a machine full of passion and the willingness to go for more. 

I've seen many dread going to the gym or seeing the latest trend and think its going to make them happy. They're only motivation is what everyone else is doing. Not me brother, trends are temporarily objectives that don't belong in many areas. I believe going outside the trends, creating ideals that are inspired by programs that I personally enjoy. My workouts are emotional, content and lust for awesomness. My training these days is doing High Intensity or a great level of intense cardio with a finisher that blasts my body big time. Although they're a bit nuts I find them fun and exciting. That's what training is suppose to really be. The pink dumbbells and isolated machinery most of the time when it comes to conditioning is completely useless. 

What you can get truly out of training with excitement and adventure is endless without boundaries or rules & certainly can do stuff only you decide to do. Granted I believe in coaching but it's the right kind of coaching; I teach others how to have fun in their workouts and share with them the value of kicking ass while having a good time. If you train for complete seriousness and no emotions you're either a freaking robot or your soul is corrupt. With the many ways you can adapt your training its crazy to think you'd get bored but yet people do and its a damn shame. I'm not saying be all ditzy and act like you don't care, train like your life depended on it but use your imagination. Build scenarios, create an environment and see in your mind what you're training and put it into action. When I do my hammer workouts, I pretend i'm taking out the toughest form of rubber and steel with this massive hammer and hitting the tire as if I was in the land of the frost giants with Thor going into battle. When I do certain bodyweight exercises like Burpees or step-ups, I pretend i'm in Indiana Jones, running up steps with whip and ducking and dodging boulders or those boobie traps in Last Crusade. 

When I play with the Sandbell, I imagine making the earth quake every time I slam it, create an imaginary circular shield around my body when I do the 360 exercise or whatever else. The greater you can put your imagination into your training the greater your results will be. My girl's favorite bodyweight workout is called The Harley Quinn. I can just imagine her kicking ass in that awesome outfit taking out baddies with the Suicide Squad or finally sticking against her former "puddin" (If you know who this is kudos to you). Our greatest ally is our imagination but not many people use it. A lot of trainers want to suppress this beautiful entity because they want you doing things their way and anything you do just beneath them. You are an amazing bad ass underneath; unleash that little by little. When I started out, I was more of a superhero's assistant's assistant, learning the ropes and not knowing a damn thing; climbing that ladder step by step. If you're willing to put in the effort you can go far, how far is up to you. 

Train hard, condition up and have a lot of fun guys.  

Monday, January 18, 2016

Extreme Cardio For Fat Burning

When it comes down to it, modern day version of cardio is most of the time is pure crap. When it comes to fat burning it rarely if ever really does anything that is worth its time. Cardio to most people is spending 30 minutes or more on a treadmill at a moderate pace that is either walking or jogging. Sure you burn a few calories but you also lose muscle mass and store more fat than you want to believe. To truly take off fat like you would take off a t-shirt, you have to be very intense and short.

When you're jogging at a moderate pace your heart rate goes up a little but stays there for as long as possible in the long time to keep it there. That's great for endurance training but you're getting one shred of realistic muscle from doing this. Having a good glimpse of lean muscle mass goes a long way to increase your metabolism, athletic stamina and filling your lungs with powerful oxygen. When I say muscle mass i'm not talking bulky and grotesque looking like a bodybuilder but more of a classic muscular man pre-1970's. Cardio is good for a few reasons but to truly build insane lung power you need to up the ante.

Extreme cardio is purely blowing up your heart rate to a level where you're huffing and puffing in a matter of seconds instead of minutes that's where fat burning comes into play because your oxygen levels need more blood to pump through the heart and other vessels of the central nervous system. When you do short bursts you're installing those hormones that burn calories like a flame to gasoline. That's why I love developing my style of the Superhero Sprints Program. It's purpose is to keep your workouts short and sweet to where you're basically resting more than working and the reason is because every fiber in your body is taken to optimum levels. Workouts at a great clip are no more than 20-25 minutes, when you add a finisher no more than 35 minutes total of high intensity interval training. When you train cardio for 60 minutes or more at a moderate pace your strength and muscle diminish but you still have your stamina yet build up a level of flab. When you train crazy hard on Superhero Style Training, you're decreasing fat, improving both strength & stamina and you pack on natural and lean muscle.

This style of training is no more than 3x a week because of the need of the muscles and tendons to recover from an insane session. It has been proven from experiments around the country and parts of Europe where HIT is the best way to improve muscle and burn off fat the fastest way possible. I have been studying and testing things out for over 18 years (everyday in the last 10+) and I have no other method to increase growth hormone and metabolic conditioning than HIT Style fitness. That's why I enjoy the workouts I do because I get to eat what I can to fuel up and i'm still burning calories hours after the workout barely doing anything. The basics of Superhero Fitness is doing 5 Sprints (8 if you're outdoors), a circuit & (if you're willing to go even further) a finisher that's roughly no more than 10 minutes. Take a look at the program and see what I mean, there's all kinds of exercises to choose from both weighted and bodyweight, a beginners program, indoor and outdoor training plus training on Supersets. This truly is one of the best courses I've ever come across.

This isn't some rinky-dink training where you go very slow and do little jogs, this is high levels of training that is meant to increase your fitness and building a realistic muscular/lean physique with the purpose of being able to eat enough to fuel up, drink plenty of water and taking a rest day and that could be a walk in the park, hike, swimming whatever you want to stay active but to a level of degree.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Share What You Love & Possibly Get Paid For It

I was always taught if you do a good job and work hard you'll be rewarded. Well I bounced around a couple jobs in my life and did what I could but never could be proud of what I was doing. I had short stints as a janitor, helping out giving people massages, made $100 helping a family friend and chopping wood a time or two but nothing was compared to working just by sharing my favorite things of fitness and on Amazon. I felt at ease doing this kind of work because it naturally came easy to me. I can create my own hours, gave me the opportunity to enhance my creativity by writing and making funny memes and posting on places like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and forums.

This is what has helped me buy the things I wanted and use to save up for things later on plus getting food and sharing a part of the rent. This has become my main source of income and although I do some things from time to time even if it's getting paid to help out this is what made me a hard worker. I have signed on with various fitness companies that hold dear to my heart because they got a ton of stuff that I personally believe in and have used a lot of their stuff to enhance my strength, endurance & flexibility. The most recent place I signed up where the Fee was decent and not freaking ridiculous was becoming an Advocare Distributor.

I'm not giving you a get rich scheme or places where it's phony bullshit. You get out of what you put into it and things vary from a couple bucks to hitting more than few hundred dollars in commission. I'll give you a personal list of places to sign up as an affiliate where you can have your own link and share cool stuff like books, Cd's, Courses, Equipment, PDF's and way more. Share with your friends and family; be creative and let your mind learn new things that you can come up with. You've seen what I do so what makes you think you can't do the same in your own way. For me I don't plan on becoming a mult-millionaire, if it happens its because it was meant to happen but for now I'm happy where i'm at and I want to get better and learn from others on what I can do to adapt to my style. For you, it might be different and you want some extra cash to put in for a college fund, put a kid's favorite cereal on the table, buy a prom dress for your daughter, get a commission and use it to save up for a Playstation 4 or XBOX; there are so many possible ways to do it and reasons for it.

My personal reasons for being in this line of work and making time for it is to save up to go to Disneyland with my girlfriend, save up to get a place of our own, buy my mom a house one day, get foods I like to keep me fueled up from training hard and most importantly is to share the awesomeness of the things I have used and knew of people who use them. Here is a list of places to sign up and get familiar with......

Rogue Fitness



Dragon Door


There you have it. One of the great benefits Amazon provides is you creating your own store. How cool is that to pick what you want to promote and spread it around the net. One thing that can be very useful when you're an affiliate is to shorten links so customers don't have to type or copy and paste so much. This is where I like to use the site Tiny URL to help with my personal links. Do whatever you find creative to get people to go to your direct links and share with them why you like a product or specific type. Make it work for you. Whether you want to do this as a weekend thing, part time or full time it's your choice. Learn what people like and make it creative for them to look at what you are sharing with them.

Don't get discouraged if the dough doesn't roll in right away. My first paycheck as an affiliate was just over $10. Over time things started adding up and I was racking in a few hundred dollars here and there, to this day I made money well into the THOUSANDS and it's still growing. One of my biggest pay days was getting a commission of $250 off of ticket someone bought for a Strongman Seminar. There are limitless possibilities and I want you to do what you can even if it's worth getting a paycheck to get groceries for your family for the week. Grow a network and have other sign up so they can join you; those are called Subaffiliates where they work under you and you can get paid from some of the work they do. Create opportunities and grow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My Current Training Program

I love posting about certain things like my philosophy on training or life, my favorite products, what I consider good or bad in fitness and keeping you thinking and laughing from time to time but I rarely talk about my actual training. Mostly the reason I don't talk about it directly on the blog is because I don't always know what I'm doing on a particular day. For the last few weeks I've created my own training "routine" that is based on a few different ideals mixed together inspired by a course I can't stop loving. I'm currently training to lose fat and build leaner muscle based on the program Superhero Sprints.

I'm currently 9 Workouts in doing this and the last few workouts have added a Finisher of different styles whether it's circuit training, tabata, animal, Kettlebells, Sandbell or whatever. Although it's inspired by the course, I came up with a few tweaks to make it to my liking. Here is how it goes.....5 Sprints (30 Sec. Each), 4 Circuits of 3-9 exercises and a Finisher of 1-9 exercises for rounds or time. No matter what I do with this thing it always comes out brutal and somewhat out there but it seems to be working. It's done 3 times a week and on days off I mostly stretch doing something fun or recovering using DDP Yoga or Animal Flow. It's a good balance and i'm seeing quite a number of results including muscle definition in my abs, chest, calves and back, gives me a ton of calories to burn and it really cranks up my appetite for fuel. One night at Applebees I had more than 3,000 calories in a sitting because my body needed fuel so I had a burger, fries and a very large oriental crispy chicken salad. Not the best meal but come on man a guy's got to eat.

Designing workouts inspired by courses is a passion of mine plus it gives me a chance to develop my own style of intensity; although always high I sometimes shift the number or order of exercises around to get rid of boredom. Here is a workout that really kicked my ass on Monday......

5 Sprints

4 Circuits: 20 Climbers, 10 Lateral Jumps, 10 Push-ups & 10 Burpees

Finisher: One round of the Darebee Chapter 1 Workout (took about 3 min. to complete)

That was freaking insane and I needed plenty of fuel just to even feel satisfied. I had a Post Workout Smoothie with Banana & Goat's Milk then not too long after, went to a restaurant and grabbed a nice bowl of salad with blue cheese dressing, a crispy chicken sandwich and some fries. Again not great but I needed food. I'm actually losing fat even with a below average good eating habit and building muscle. Not too shabby it's helping in the testosterone department. Thought I'd share that with you today and i'll keep you posted on my progress and you all have a great hump day.

Reminder: I'm giving away ***FREE** workouts and meal plans to give you something extra for the purchase of an advocare product. The meal plans I will send out to you with the purchase of the 24-Day Challenge and help you along your journey feel more at ease. Order today and get some cool stuff personally from me.

Monday, January 11, 2016

My New Year's Gift To You

Welcome to a new week guys. We've been in the New Year almost a couple weeks now and it's been crazy. Training like a maniac, writing about all kinds of products and sharing with the world why I believe they're bad ass. I'm even playing around with various ideas to help customers achieve their goals. This isn't a resolution to me but more of something to push forward and experiment with.

One of things you may have noticed throughout my articles and promotions throughout social media is Advocare products. Whether you buy them or not that's your choice, all I do is share a few benefits and give you an opportunity to check them out and see if they work for you. However, I want to do more than just show you how awesome they are, I want you to really succeed in your goals. In that manner I want to do something different and something I think you'll get a kick out of. Here's my gift to you: Whenever you purchase a product from Advocare, I will call/text you not only to thank you but ask what specific goals you're looking into and whatever you come up with I will personally send you 1-5 Workouts for you to do at home that is within those goals; either ones I have found or created myself.

You deserve to rock it in your journey and as a fitness enthusiast myself, I want the best I can find that makes it interesting and outside the box. This is something I feel and believe is my duty to go that extra mile for you and help you in your journey as much as I can. Not everyone will do this and I've always had a knack for going outside the box. I want to go beyond a product and help you as if I was training you myself. You are important and want you to know that. What do you say? You in?

Friday, January 8, 2016

Super Man Herbs

When you get outside the box you run into some interesting things.

Conventional methods of working out just don’t work very well. But so many people, hopefully yourself included, have gotten great results when they tried something a little different.

When it comes to health it’s the same thing. The public health model has some obvious flaws. Following the USDA’s food pyramid and taking pharmaceuticals (did you know the average American is on at least one?) is not giving people great health.

Although people claim that our life spans are longer than ever, if you actually account for things like public sanitation they really haven’t improved much since ancient times.

But there is a different way…

Did you know that ancient Chinese doctors were paid when they’re clients were healthy and not when they’re sick? That’s because if the person was sick the doctor wasn’t doing his job in preventing illness.

In fact, from the Chinese Daoist tradition you have the concept of “Radiant Health”. This is health beyond danger. This means you’re body is running in such an optimal way that you can’t become sick. Think about that.

Zero illness.

And that’s not all. Generally health is looked at as the absence of disease, but that’s just focusing on the negative. What if you had such abundant energy that you could work tirelessly each day, and turn your life into how you want it to be?

What if there was no struggle in doing the things you know you should be doing?

Eating the right foods, living a healthy lifestyle, and dealing with the stresses of modern day living are all important towards this aim.

But there is a “secret weapon”.

For the average person if you become sick you go to the doctor and get medication for it.

Even if you turn to the alternative health world, it’s the same flawed model. Got a problem? Then take these supplements or herbs. Or follow this method to fix yourself.

But what if you desire to achieve Radiant Health? There is a certain class of “Superior Herbs” that do this for you. With their adaptogenic properties they can work intelligently with your body to increase your health regardless of where you’re currently at. And they do this in a powerful way.

Many people look at these as their secret weapon, the thing that gives them the extra 10% they need out of life.

And I want to point you to a great resource on these herbs. Not just where you can grab them, but learning a whole lot more on what they can do for you.

Its called Super Man Herbs (and no its not just for men, these are equally great for women too).

Go here now to check it out...

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