Monday, June 16, 2008

Jack Lalanne....Fitness Pioneer & Living Legend

They call him the "Godfather" of Fitness and they call him a legend. I believe that not only the 2 are true but they even go beyond the great wisdom of the man. He is one of my greatest influences and inspirations to be fit and be happy with myself. The story of this great man has more words then I could ever write. I'll do my best to put it in my view of this powerful infuence to millions of his students:

At a young age little Jackie was like a lot of the young boys of the early 20th century, sickly, ate a lot of junk food and had short fuses. He was hooked on ice cream and the such and didn't exercise and just didn't put in the effort to give himself the change. At age 15 his mother took him to see one of the biggest names of the fitness industry and that was the late legendary Paul Bragg and he talked about nutrition, daily exercise and a clean living and that changed Jack Lalanne forever. At the height of the great depression that destroyed people's financial and emotional well being, Jack learned the power of exercise and nurtition and opened the first Health Spa in the U.S that gave people the oppertunity to change their lives and physical as well as emotional success. He created machines that would revolutionize the fitness industry and encouraged people from all walks of life to get fit and become a new and a new well put human being. All this around the ages of 22 and up. He made a solom vow to get people fit the best way he knew how. He studied many things from under the sun from chriopractic to nutrition to anatomy and physiology. Within 20 years after his successful practice as a physical culturist and lecturer he decided a very rare thing that only the physical culturists of the past did and thats to stay fit and strong after the age 40 when at that time most people barely lived to be 50. This was such a shocking hobby at the time for just about every american in the U.S and he proved that by doing 1000+ push-ups and 1000 pull-ups in over an hour on a tv show in 1954. Doing this feat and things before this feat gave him the oppertunity to do something never seen before in the history of television and thats teach his methods of exercise on a weekly exercise show. This became the longest running fitness show in TV history. At each birthday every few years or so he would put himself in a situation where he would do a feat of strength/endurance that he felt fit his fancy and every feat he did never was broken again. Throughout the years Jack continued to practiced what he preaches and still does it to this day at the age of 94.....Thats not a typo, 94 years young and still has the strength of men nearly 3 times his age. Who else can say that about someone let alone men his age who can't walk nor move without assistance. To quote him about his practice "I can't die, it'll ruin my image" that is by far one of the best quotes ive ever read and all I can say is Jack is an immortal human being and very rarely you see men of his stature in this day in age.

It is an honor to have this man as one of many influences of physical culture and continue to read and listen to his powerful wisdom and humor cause in todays society looking good is the way to go to get ahead in life but he never believed that to be true and nor do I. He sais it best "Exercise is King, Nutrition is Queen put them together and you got a kindom."

To find out more of this Living Legend go to:

Yours in Health & Strength,

Ben Bergman

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Handbalancing & Could You Use It For Training????

In the Golden Age of Physical Culture where exercise and nutrition were at its dominance and Strongmen ruled the world all over there were a great deal of those men and women who were exceptional hand balancers ranging from Sandow to weightlifting legend Doug Hepburn. This was another source of training for them as it gave them not only upper body strength but a powerful kinesthetic awareness.

 They had learned from acrobats in the circus and wanted to imitate them, some did and others wanted another form of strength. Today rarely do you ever see strongmen and other experts in fitness doing this form of training. These days the only way to see true hand balancing and awe dropping feats is from its show-business orgins now known as Cirque Du Soleil where the world best acrobats/gymnasts perform. Its just awesome seeing someone hold themselves up o they're hands and on objects, but imagine doing something not as far fetched as this but can do it yourself. Wouldn't that be awesome?????

  I certainly have done some HB and have been able to hold up on my hands for a few seconds but even then it feels incredible. So to answer your question from the main title, YES!!!! You could use it in your training cause been able to hold handstand without a wall takes balance, skill, coordination, strength and well rounded flexibility. All those into one single thing that could turn into a powerful show of moves and then some. Now is it for everyone???? No but most could depending on your weight-to-body ratio and structure. Where could you learn it, its 100's of dollars to see Cirque De Soleil, most hand balancing books are worn out and out of print these days but there is one place that gives you the secrets and teaches the true art form of it. Look below to go to it.

Hand Balancing Mastery Course

Ultimate Guide To Handstand Push-ups

Hand Balancing Stands

Free Handstand Video

Lost Art Of Hand Balancing

Yours in Strength & Health


Monday, June 9, 2008

My experience W/ the Push-up Power T's

These 2 little peices of equipment have made a huge difference in my strength training. These were a gift from my good friend and brother of physical culture John Peterson and believe me what he told me about them I didn't believe it until I tried them out. Got them and the moment I tried my first rep it was disasterous to say the least and here i'am a guy who can do 12 pull-ups at a bodyweight of 220 pounds, can knock off 200-250 push-ups within a day and hold out a sledgehammer until it touched my face and back and yet I fell on my face trying to do a push-up with 2 crazy looking T handles. It wasn't easy getting in the right position and struggle to keep balance. I trained at him hard and learned to channel my mind/muscle connection and low and behold I did 5 reps with the best form possible. Now you must understand that if you have an idea of what isometrics is then you know how difficult they are, now lets add movement to it. You have to contract every single muscle in your body just to keep balance and takes in deep deep concentration. I'am not up 18 reps in a few sets within a very short amount of time with 13 consectutive reps in a single set. That takes a ton of strength and if you're not winded after doing that many you're either not doing it right or you're superman.

Check them out at go to the forum and look for topics on them.

Yours in Health & Strength,


Sunday, March 30, 2008


It doesn't cease to amaze how many people are missing out on the wonderful benefits of push-ups.........If there was one type of calisthenics that could give you strength, flexibility and endurance plus not to mention an awesome physique it would be the push-up and its variations. Many physical culturists around the globe for the last thousand years made the push-up they're ideal training exercise.

 Now a lot of people plus the "experts" say the push-up only works the triceps, shoulders, upper back and chest and if they want to be stronger they should do the bench press. Now if you really looked beyond then just running your mouth you would know that the push-up actually works more muscle groups then the bench press.

 It takes good strength/endurance to work all those muscle groups at once. There are hundreds and hundreds of variations of push-ups and even the most basic ones can turn you into a beast of a man, for women your working the muscles you wanted toned. When you hear someone say "when you do 50 or more push-ups you're only building endurance not strength" well how many people can actually do 50 push-ups even better how many can do 50 push-ups using a different variation, like:

Handstand Push-ups

Planche Push-ups

One-Arm Push-ups

Fingertip Push-ups

Superman Push-ups (Arms Extended)

Now point someone to me who can do any one of these 50 times in one set full range......

Never fall for the "push-ups are ok but Bench will make you stronger." You can get strong on the bench no question but with a heavy price, the heavier you lift the more prone to injury then doing push-ups.......When you master the push-up and the way you are comfortable positioned you can have not only an awesome physique but the strength, flexibility and endurance to show it.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Training To Be At Peace!!!!!

I haven't been on in a while.....Been working on new training principles both mentally and physically while having fun in both Swimming & Gymnastics. But today or should I say tonight since its 11:23 pm I want to talk about being at peace with your workouts:

We all start out not knowing what the hell we are doing so we sometimes move too fast to get where we want to go. Almost everybody goes through this so heres a tidbit to make your progress seem like childs play. When you begin your workouts learn where you are right there at that very moment in time. What is it do YOU want to accmplish in your training? When you start to exercise learn to cope with the space around and keep an open mind to your exercise. Keep as best form as possible. When you exercise smile be positive with yourself. No excuses for what you can or cannot do. When you are done with your exercise put yourself in a state where there was never a dull moment and theres always room for improvement.

You are never bad at what you do, but you are always going to do better, question is how do you want to be better. Being at peace is a big difference then cranking out reps, anybody can do reps but not everybody can be at peace at what they do. When I train I wanna think of my body as the universe and my mind is what I want it to work on and thats not only hitting reps but where i'am right there in my moment my only moment. When you work on your own moment in time and you are alone in your own training wherever you are you can and will be at peace and theres no better time then now this moment.

Friday, January 25, 2008

DVRs For Muscle Building!!!!

Dynamic Visualized Resistance. This type of training teaches the person to control what kind of resistance they imagine. Lets do a bicep curl for example: You imagine that you're lifting the heaviest weight possible it weighs a ton and only you have the power to curl it. Now flex your entire arm as hard as possible and start to curl that weight until it nearly touches your shoulder. What you just demonstrated is tackling your mind/muscle connection.

The exercises for this particular bodyweight training can create the body you want, you want powerful muscular arms, back, chest, abs, traps then add high tension and do low-medium reps. If you want that tone athletic look and being lean and mean then ease up on the tension from medium-high reps. This is a form of muscle control and body sculpting without the wear and tear on the joints and tendons from weights.

I have a thick muscular body at 210+ and all I do is this type of exercise plus other types of BW training. If I had to pick the number one system that creates the outmost form of muscle control its DVRs. You can do these anytime and anywhere and they will energize you throughout the day and you can get functionally stronger and when you have the ability to control your muscles anyway you want then you got the secret to rejuvinating, theraputic and muscle sculpting exercise.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Adding a Variety To Your Grip!!!!!!!

We all do various things to add grip strength, use weights, kettlebells, self resistance, Isometrics......Towels???

How in the hell can someone use a towel to add grip, I mean dude the only thing a towel is good for is something you dry yourself off with when you're done with the shower or drying off at the beach. Now what i'm about to reveal if most of you don't know this or never done before this is something to look at. Take ant type of towel, now take a bucket. Put about half to three quarters of water in that bucket. Take the towel and put it in the bucket and get it as wet as possible. Now take one end of the towel and start twisting the water out back into the bucket and work your way down. Seems simple and easy right? WRONG!!!!!!!!! This is one of the most brutal exercises you can imagine and will infact pump your lower arms like never before. If you can make it all the way to the other end of the towel then you have some great strength/endurance in your wrists and forearms. This not only can give you a great pump but if you're into bending then damn you're gonna have some strong hands man. Don't take my word for it try it out for yourself. You only need a towel, a bucket of water and a little commitment you can develop strong powerful hands all in a few min. a day. Check it out and tell me your arms don't get tired after doing half the towel.

Yours in Power & Might


Friday, November 23, 2007

Whats More Important? Doing Something Easy Or Something Hard?

In this world too many people want to take the easy road to get ahead of the compitition. Same thing happens in Bodybuilding and overall fitness. Yes bodybuilders work hard to build their bodies but yet they rather do roids then show true hard work. Not all of them do this but most. But what is doing something hard? Overtraining, Putting more effort or simply just put everything into it. We've all done all three but I feel the most effective is add effort and the hard work will pay off. Nothing should be taken the easy way out. If they did there wouldn't be the fun in having a challenge for yourself of what you want. You can't have someone make goals for you, you have to make them. For fitness there are many versions of hard work but no matter what you do there is always something there to challenge you and you have to put in the effort. Heres an idea: The easiest thing to do to quit but the hardest thing to do is to keep doing what you love. Which are you willig to take?


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pull-Ups for Grip Strength!!!!

We've all seen someone do a pull-up but do you actually know what kind of strength they're building? Its not just pulling strength or building a powerful back but in fact they are building phenomenal grip strength. But now very few people know how to develop grip strength through this exercise. The exercises in this type of training build the grip in great many ways. From the type of exercises I've used it helped my bending strength a great deal. For a beginner hanging from a bar is a great start and even the advanced trainee can benefit from this as you can do various ways to tag the entire body to its core to create a grip that can crush steel (take it from me I do a lot of bending) and add a little power to your weightlifting if you so chose. You can increase the reps in your pull-ups if you are stuck. Now we all know if you have to get a phenomenal physique you have to tie the body together as pairs, Back/Chest, Triceps/Biceps, Hamstrings/Quads. Pull-ups are a piece of the puzzle its up to you to find the other pieces.

Pull-up Strength Training Workout

Yours in Power & Might


Friday, October 26, 2007

Same Fitness Routines Are Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you go to the gym and you see the people training what are you actually looking at? Never mind the posing or the sweating or the talking but at the way they train. If you look hard enough most people at the gym do the exact same routine and most of them look sluggish and yet they feel they're getting something done. Thats the biggest peice of bullshit i've ever heard. When you train certain routines get boring after a while and you feel theres no way to change things up here's a tip: Change shit around instead of doing the exact same exercises in the routine why not change the exercises around to change momentum or add/take away certain things or even heres an idea completely change the routine and try something different. When you do the same things over and over again you're not only screwing up your body but you're losing your sense of creativity and adventure in your training. Its not easy doing something different but it is easy not to and to me thats just not acceptable. When I train I lijke to change things around in every workout and confuse the muscles and tendons i'm working to make better progress and add progression. Sooner or later that routine you've been doing for years is gonna haunt you for life cause thats all you're gonna think about and when you go to the gym you're gonna find out you're not happy not excited and even not enthusiastic cause thats what its all about being able to enjoy the moments of training and living in a world all your own, how you gonna achieve that with the same old shit all thw time. Not saying exercising is bad its not but exercising to the point where when you train you're already gonna know whats happening before hand. Don't. Matter of fact get rid of that shit in your brain and do something out of the ordinary whether you like it or not it'll impact the way you think. I love not knowing what i'm gonna do, I know what to work on but I never know what'll happen when it does cause I want to experience exercising like its brand new and always leave something to enjoy. Enjoy what you don't know and never stop learning cause you're never gonna progress in life if you stay in one spot.

Yours in Power & Might


Monday, October 15, 2007

What is required to Bend Steel????????

This was a similar question asked to Slim The Hammer Man and a ton of other physical culturists and men of steel. Now before we get to the answer heres a little tidbit:

Bending Steel when done properly can toughen your hands, wrists and build a mighty grip that no other system can touch. Crushing steel with your bare hands will make you one of the strongest of men. The old-time strongmen knew of the ways to bend and knew of the ways to break them. A lot of them paid a tremendous price but a few have reached heights that no man anywhere of anytime can match.

Now the answer to that question. If you want to bend steel then its simple just bend steel. When it comes to feats of strength you should practice the feat in itself through isometrics and through sheer will of the mind. When you can bend the toughest of steel you're a man among men. Its not required to do something else that'll make your feat perfect its an option but if you want a mighty grip you gotta bend what you want and hammer it.

Wanna learn how to toughen your grip like never before. Then check this out.

Yours in Power & Might


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Exercises that resemble Weights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now everyone of us in their lives has done weights and we all did them for a number reasons but the number 1 reason was to what? Get stronger by any means. I have been doing bodyweight training for over 2 years now and one of the best things I learned from was a method John Peterson wrote in his book Pushing Yourself To Power where you work exercises called DVRs which means: Dynamic Visualized Resistance. This method is what I like to call Invisiable Weightlifting. What you do is say you want to do an overhead press so you have your arms out like your holding a barbell now visualize that your lifting extremely heavy weight and you flex your muscles and lift the weight. Now you may think "this is goofy why not just hold a real barbell." Well what we are doing here is bringing imagination to life with exercise. You contract and press up as high as you can. Can you get strong and have an awesome physique with this method? Why hell ya you can, I did it and my arms are now reaching the 17 1/12 inches mark. You can do this method just like using weights only they're not there. You learn muscle control and your working your body into nerve force and bringing life into your body's system. From contracting the muscles you are giving your body the fuel it needs to grow to a more natural and efficiant state. When you practice these exercises on a daily basis, you're putting strength and vitality into the body and will create a new physique for you to look at in the morning. If you want the full version of this method go to:

Here is a exercise you can test for yourself and see what you think and if interested get Pushing Yourself To Power and build the body you've always dreamed of.

Bicep Curls: Picture in your mind that you're lifting more weight then the mighty samson and you know you're strong. Now flex and curl and flex as you come down & repeat for nine more reps. Give this a shot, you'll feel a tingly sensation from working not only the biceps but the triceps and foearms.

Yours in Power & Might


Thursday, September 20, 2007

John Peterson- Conditioning Master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to talk about one of my heroes of Physical Culture and thats none other then John Peterson. He grew up having physical culture in his family through his grandfather and his uncles. At ten years old he suffered from polio and it went into his leg muscles. In order to stop this from happening he would have to have both of his legs broken at the same time w/out anestisia (hope I spelled that right lol) and had to have a good and long recovery. After his recovery he began his normal ways as any young kid and like young kids growing they got picked on by bullies and John fell right into this. In order to feel better about himself he wanted to learn exercises that'll built his confidence up and this began the realm of what he would become today.

His uncles and grandfather taught the lessons in Dynamic Tension by the great Charles Atlas. As soon as he began learning about this phenomenal course it started to make him not only stronger but far more energetic then his peers at that time. Its said in his books that in school they'd have these tests of push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups and he outlast every one of his classmates. All that from DT. Damn if that worked for him it could work for anyone willing to give it a shot.

Over the next few decades John would participate, study and research in various forms of bodyweight conditioning and then he started teaching what he has learned and made a few books here and there because of it. In the last decade or so he has developed a system of exercises and methods called Transformetics and put together possibly the best form of conditioning anywhere. While studying and creating this system he was into the martial arts and still is to this day I believe but one of his teachers he spoke of quite fondly and now is upstairs looking on the earth was a man named John McSweeney and taught John a method of training called DVRs which stands for Dynamic Visualized Resistance. After learning this method he decided that he was going to make a book that not only featured what he had learned from Dynamic Tension but put together the DVRs plus calisthenics from various courses for example Combat Conditioning by Matt Furey. This would be the first of successful courses in his Transformetics Training System.

At nearly 55 this year he has had what most people would find unbelieveable starting with polio at 10 years young and grew up to be one of the top names in Physical Culture today. I can't describe how much I admire this man for how he has done himself in his life for his students and his family. I'm very proud to be apart of his system and from talking to him by phone every now and then i'll tell right now he's one of the most honest people i've ever talked to and he always knows what to ask and never says a bad thing about anybody and thats a rare thing to have in this world. He's one of the most conditioned guys around and almost no one in his age group can do what he can. All in all if you have a chance to talk with this man and be apart of the forum you will be apart of what seems like pure gold and treasured information.

In my part I just wanted to say if he ever reads this I would like him to read this:


I have had a tough road these last few years. I've been through broken bones, frustrated families, being put down for a lot of things for very unessasary reasons and i've put up a lot of crap in my life where at one point I was told by family that as a baby I had a ailment that came to the point where i'd either be dead or being mentally challenged for life. I count my blessings that neither one happened. To get to the point, you have taught me through your books these last couple years a method that not only made me stronger physically but far stronger mentally then i've ever been in my 23 years on this earth and I can't thank you enough for it and no matter what you teach i'll be right there following it to the day I die. Thank you for what you have giving back to me and thats strength, health and vitality. I'm grateful that i'm apart of not only transformetics but apart of your legacy and this I will always cherish. You will always be a friend to me and I will always be your student.

Yours in Power & Might


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Self-Resistance Exercises

In the early 20th century, a young man weighed around 97 pounds at the age of 15-16 years young and got beat up in an alley by a punk kid on Halloween night. He was so humilated that he did the best he could to not let that happen again but still he got pummeled by bullies. At the beach one day this scrawny teenager along with his girlfriend at the time were having fun having some laughs and coming up to them was a guy with a physique that can make a woman blush kicked sand into this kids face and walked off with his girl. Now he had gotten himself into a mess he didn't know how to handle so he started lifting weights to feel good about himself. This didn't do too well for him. He went to the zoo one day where he went to think and began noticing certain things animals demonstrated and began to realized how these animals strengthened their bodies in nature. He got himself a course from a man named Alois Swoboda and learned the lessons of physical culture through Bodyweight Exercises. He came up with a way to adapt to this course by pitting one muscle against another. This is the true story of Angelo Siciliano A.KA the world famous Charles Atlas. He worked his body using what I and other members at Transformetics call Dynamic Self Resistance exercises where you work one muscle against another. Not only did this work for Atlas but it made him a legend in Physical Culture. He created a course that had the same exercises he developed his body with and it made him a millionare over night. For over 50 years his course helped break the mold of how to develop a body without the use of equiment and not get "sand kicked in your face." This went on well after his death in 1972 and his course still to this day is being used by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world developing strength and will power by these exercises. If you want to build the body of your dreams check out these sites and order the course Dynamic Tension or other books similar to it brought on by students of Atlas, John Peterson & Jim Forystek.

Yours in Power & Might


Monday, September 3, 2007

Eddie Baran- Modern Day Gymnast!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A man that grew up in the Silicon Valley in Nothern California wanted to be in the best shape he could possibly be in. He put his heart into everything for 20 years (Weightlifting, Endurance Training ect). He trained most of his life in Bodybuilding, Olympic Weightlifting & Powerlifting and became a powerful 215 bulky lidter. It was difficult for him to realize what he was doing to his body was actually tearing him up and wanted to find a way to make better use of his strength abilities. He met an upcoming internet guru by the name of Matthew Furey and Furey taught him in the ways of bodyweight exercises for condition strength not maximal strength. Baran was extremly skeptical about this "bodyweight" Idea and thought that this was was going to be a walk in the park. Sadly he realized that not only did he fail what was made for him but it proved to be too much for him.

Now after being frustrated and discouraged he was determined that bodyweight exercises would not only make him stronger but more agile and flexibilty, he dropped the weights and focused exclusively on these exercises. This led him to go to the biggest source for bodyweight exercises and thats Gymnastics. He took up the sport for the conditioning not the competition. He began training at the odd age of 35 when most gymnasts at that age are long retired and became coaches for the new generation. Baran began at 35. It wasn't long until he became such a hit with the coaches that they had him start teaching the kids his new found conditioning. Eddie has become an author and co-author of several fitness courses including:

Gymnastic Abs

Animal Kingdom Conditioning

Body Sculpting Exercises For Women

Gymnastic Handstands

These courses have helped put Ed Baran on the map of being a physical cultrist in this modern day and age. He has helped trained thousands of people in turning their conditioning levels from weak and overweight to lean and muscular machines. If you ever want to get into the best shape of your life, this is one of the true men to go to.

Yours in Power & Might


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