Monday, January 5, 2015

Are You Too Old To Train

    Once someone reaches a certain age, most feel they're beginning to wind down and letting their age get to them. Sure as we get older we lose a few things here and there but there's a lot more to gain in my opinion. I'm only 30 but yet starting at this age things will get low but at the same time; I feel way fitter, stronger, agile, more flexible and can move pretty good for my size. I don't believe we should stop doing our favorite things or challenging ourselves as we age. This mentality is based on a person's mind set, once you reach a certain age it's over and you can't do the same things you use to and live life like you did when you were younger. I have talked to and met people way over 40 & 50 yet they have this aura about them and a zest for life and challenging the norm. One of my dear friends Bud Jeffries is in his early 40's and has lifted heavy weight since he was a teenager, do you think because of his age now he can't get any stronger or fitter? Nope, he is breaking personal records left and right and is now stronger, fitter and far healthier then when he was in his 20's. Garin Bader of CoreForce Energy is over 55 and is one of the fastest, strongest and most noble people I've ever come across. Back in November of 2010; I spent the day with him learning his ways of training and the core of his system to even the degree where we tried to see if he had enough strength to push my 240 lbs. frame around and yet without he practically knocked me from one side of the room to the other and he was less than 205 lb. at 6'.


    Another example of not letting age be a factor is a man named Lawrence Farman; in strongman circles he is honorably nicknamed Slim The Hammerman for his exploits lifting extremely heavy sledgehammers. Working in a rock quarry his whole life he developed strength that is unmatched to this very day. He believed in his early 20's he was pretty strong (that's an understatement) yet at 40-50 he thought he wasn't just dangerous but felt invincible. Think about that for a second, feeling invincible at that age is practically unbelievable even back in his day. He is now at the young age of 80 and can still go way beyond 99.9% of men his age, still lifting hammers that would break the average 25 year Old's wrist like a toothpick. He is an inspiration to me because he kept challenging himself, was still driven and kept achieving things decades after he should've stopped. He is a man among men, not just a towering presence (6'6) but a larger than life figure in the field of Strongmen.


    If you still crave life and have a zest for adventure even at 100, do what you love and find out what you're capable of, some people just let themselves go and die before they have a real chance to find the real parts of life that they can make of themselves. There are folks in their 60's-90's in the senior Olympics, lifters over the age of 70 breaking world records, a woman at 86 does gymnastics and look at Jack Lalanne who died at the age of 96 and was doing what he loved everyday. You don't have to be the biggest, the baddest or the strongest but if you want to be adventurous, spontaneous and have incredible energy you have the power to do that. Challenge the norm and say no to those who say you need to stop, need to let go, sit out your golden years. If you get the chance look up a man named Stephen Jepson who is in his 70's and has the energy of a man half his age or more; he's got a video out there called Never Leave The Playground, it's an awesome and beautiful thing to watch.


    Living with strength grows with age and wisdom not just mentally but physically as well if you put in the effort and utilize your interests. Compared to these folks I'm still a young buck but yet I'm doing things at 30 I couldn't even fathom when I was in my 20's hell even my teen years. I've got many decades left and I intend to enjoy them, do things that are fun, challenging and interesting. I think it would be awesome to do 100 squats at 70, swim 500 meters at 80, hell I believe I'll still be bending spikes in my 60's. So as the headline asks; are you too old to train? That's up to you to find the answer, not science, not religious beliefs or the people you love; only you.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Strengthening Your Nerves For Great Health

    Strength doesn't always come from the physical, it comes from all of the body's energy; your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. Your nerves are what electrifies the body's system of running normally with the cells moving where they need to go, your blood flowing with great power to the muscles and fibers, and how you remain in a state of emotion. Our spines are one of the greatest acts in the nervous system, it's the electricity that flows from the brain down and if any of that flow is compromised either by a broken bone or discharge within the brain, your whole body is affected. Training the body from the inside out is crucial although most don't realize that when all they care about is how they look or how big the muscles are. Your nerves are no exception, when you exercise you're using that electric impulse to move your body in the positions your body is able to withstand, there are however certain exercises that actually make your nerves stronger and one system is called Isometrics. Isometrics for those who don't understand is when you push/pull against an immoveable object using your own body as resistance and not moving. You are squeezing every fiber in the body for a period of time and as you correctly breathe, you're utilizing your body's nervous system to jumpstart everything.


    With regular practice and finding creative ways to do them, doing isometrics can strengthen your nerves and help you build a calming and powerful demeanor. I know that sounds like a contradiction when you are striking every muscle in your being into a non-moving exercise but believe me they work wonders. When you squeeze (or flex), you're amplifying the blood's flowing mechanism and when you relax after a contraction the blood begins to flow at a more relaxed state and even generates more of it to the cells. This is why it's helped with people who have had injuries, strengthen the bones and joints because when you have that powerful flow of antioxidants and fresh blood going into those areas, they help regenerate the body's functioning abilities. If you are in a stressful state of mind, Isometrics can help relieve that stress by flexing various parts of the body and once relaxed more blood flow becomes imminent and this can calm down your stress levels. You can do this type training virtually anywhere and any time.


    I have already talked about blood flow but yet it's worth talking about it more because our blood is one of the major keys to help our body's system. Think about it with people who have been injured, killed or whatever, what's one of the most common things that happen; the loss of blood and when that happens, the body begins to shut itself down and goes cold. If your body can't produce the blood it needs, your heart begins to fail, and the vessels in your organs stop working and your brain stops functioning. When you practice Isometrics, you're creating more fuel for your body's system which is a beautiful thing in of itself. Although Isometrics is not a stand-alone method, it can aid in your exercise goals in ways you never thought possible. Think what it would be like to be much stronger in a specific position, be able to have the grip strength to lift your favorite weighted exercise, be able throw a ball with greater speed, jump higher, run like the wind and even have the strength to save someone's life. This type of training has been used in various ways for eons from the war mongering romans to spiritual yoga masters, wrestlers, Astronomers (they had to train in isometric form so their muscles can be strong while floating in anti-gravity otherwise they would atrophy) and athletes from all kinds of sports because this type of training didn't just give you an advantage it helped you from getting injured.


    One thing many neglect to learn is the proper way to breathe, sure we breathe everyday, we have no choice otherwise we die but the way we breathe can determine our strength and our weakness. When you see a bodybuilder on stage posing and he's flexing hard one of the things you may or may not notice is that most of the time he's holding his breath which can lead to a series of problems including muscle tears, ripped tendons, and even a brain hemorrhage if they're not careful. A great method of breathing which I use to help in my training of isometrics is to flex the muscle and take in a deep breath, once I get enough of the inhale, I breathe out still flexing and making an "sss" sound until the exhale is completely done; I learned this method from a couple people and it's helped others get stronger, lower blood pressure and strengthen the abdominal muscles which in turn strengthens the organs. It's building great power from the inside out. Another method of Isometrics is holding the exercise for an extended period of time and only contracting at a lesser percentage. Say you held the push-up position (The Plank) and held that position, don't push so hard into the floor but contract the muscles for about 30% of your max level and hold for 30 seconds to a minute. When you contract at 70-100% you're only going to last a few seconds, 7-12 at best because if you hold an isometric longer than 12 seconds say try 30 seconds to a full minute at a very high percentage you're setting yourself up for injury which can lead to tears and popped vessels which you don't want. In the longer isometric holds, you just breathe as naturally as possible. So get on it and become as strong as possible. It's a new year and it's time make a new you; stronger, healthier and more confident in your life.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Producing More Growth Hormone

    I'm vitally against the use of artificial steroids and always have been not because of the scientific and media crap that is portrayed but because there are better options for you than risking your health for some trophy or to look like a pretty boy in a speedo. Unless you're in need of something artificial that could be life-saving and it helps you with some major disease than maybe there's that exception but for the most part you're better off learning how to do things more naturally. With the right info and the right tools you can jump start your hormones that naturally helps you increase metabolism, healthy caloric intake, help you stay young and vibrant and even give your libido the power it had when you were a teenager.


    It has been shown that normal cardio routines actually diminish hormone balance within an extended period of time your muscles start to lose what is truly needed. I'm not saying endurance training is useful, it is and it's an important component for optimum health but yet if you're getting the amount of balanced muscle mass and fat burning ratio than you're just wasting your time. I believe more in fat loss than weight loss with the exception of those that are heavily overweight and need to drop the poundage needed so the body can function properly. In order to truly fire the nervous system and your muscular structure at an optimum level your training needs to be intensified so the muscles can generate as much power as possible within a short period of time. This can happen with training methods like Sprinting, Battling Ropes, Animal Exercises, heavy weight lifting/odd object lifting and various styles of concentrated isometrics. The more muscles used in a single exercise ups the ante of increasing growth hormone. After say a 30 second burst from a sprint your body shifts into overdrive and when you're huffing and puffing and feeling like you're going to die, that is actually opening up your body's system and jump starts that process of increased blood flow to the muscles and powering up the heart muscle and firing your lungs to produce more oxygen.


    Unlike spending thousands of dollars on artificial crap that could end up killing you, the methods I just pointed out are not only free but they're legal and they don't come with gross side effects. The media may have portrayed artificial steroids really exaggeratedly but the fact of the matter is, when you inject/swallow/insert you're putting chemicals into your body that aren't in a natural state and there can be dire consequences. Why settle for destroying your hard earned paycheck that ends up having possibly disappointing results when you can do it using your own body's capabilities and more using proving methods that has helped people get a good level of balanced muscle mass and bodyfat. When I'm talking about muscle mass I'm not talking about the grotesque look you see on bodybuilders; I'm talking about the type of muscle mass that gives you natural health and good solid levels of growth hormone that has looking young, vibrant and athletic. One of the best methods to add in for this is taking Cold Showers to learn more about the health benefits of Cold Showers check out The Art Of Manliness, it's a pretty cool read.


    Another thing that makes a huge difference on using natural methods and artificial steroids is the work of your organs especially the kidneys, heart and liver; when you use natural methods of quality intense training and recovery periods, your organs become stronger and generate more power to maximize your overall health and sexual energy (trust me especially for us guys we need this) as oppose to artificial injections and unnatural chemical replacement that can cause damage to the organs and inflate them in a way that puts too much strain on the central nervous system and can cause your body to internally destroy itself. Now I'm not a physician or a doctor but unless proper precautions have been legitimized (and even that is slim) but in theory it can ruin your health to lengths you can never come back from. Sure it's been said that chemically enhanced steroids have helped those with major diseases and help balance things out hormonally in both men and women but that's where the exception ends because it's medically used within the resort where there aren't too many option and/or the individual can't produce their body's system naturally. The majority of people however, don't need that artificial crap when you have methods proven by old-time physical culturists, natural supplementation in organic foods and using sleep balances. Stay strong, be healthy and use the best methods that give you the greatest benefit both long term and high quality of life.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Training Until Eighty Percent Fatigued

    From today's training with the TNT Cables I wanted to test a theory on the exercises I performed. This theory is based on your intuition, awareness of muscle fatigue and knowing when good form starts to diminish. This can be used in both a strength workout, endurance workout and/or both depending on what you want to focus on. It is performed within a percentage of your fatigue level meaning once you have hit a certain amount of reps, your muscles begin to break down. Within this concept, you do as much of the exercise you are willing to put into but you don't keep going when your form becomes poor. You can always do another set if you wish but instinctively know when to let go and move on. When I mean 80% fatigue I mean in the sense where those last few reps of good form and you have had enough, this doesn't mean you try to end the exercise by hardly being able to move.


    This isn't anything new but learning a different take on it may help you find that piece of training info that will give you more of the results you're looking for. You see the muscles break down within a period of time after or during such intense work and they need to repair but what if you don't completely break them down and only hit a certain spot they're just almost at that stage and move on. Taking a breather and breathing deeply and taking as much time as needed for the next exercise so your blood flow can run smoothly and letting the muscles "get some air" so do speak. Experimenting with this is only for doing a single set possibly two or three depending on your energy levels and repping it out until you only have a couple reps of good form. This isn't a speed exercise although if that's what you choose but it's more important to focus into the muscles being worked and breathing right otherwise you're just making yourself crazy and if your form becomes poor, your fatigue levels are too much.


    The type of training here is not for merely getting a pump out of the exercise to hit a peak in the muscles although it does feel good but what we're attempting to do here is being to hit the muscles at a certain level of degree where staying in good form reaches it's end and you'll know this when a certain amount of reps become slower to move but can still hit the range of motion needed. Training this way whether with light or heavy weight and low rep/high rep schemes using your mental awareness of how the body feels within a period of an exercise can help you find where you're getting strength and cardio at the same time. If you're a bodybuilder this can apply there as well but this is for mere strength and cardio purposes and knowing the use of good form. Odd Objects can be used for this but because of the unstablizing factor of moving a weight such as a log, heavy rock, keg, barrel; good form won't always play a factor because you may not pick a weight the same exact way as you would a barbell, dumbbell or cable but do believe in the realm of possibilities, it just takes some experimenting to figure out what works for you.


    The results of this is amazing and as I experiment more with this theory I'll let you know more of the results but as I theorize it, I do believe you can gain great strength from doing this and the recovery factor is being utilized in a different way. Don't do this every day but maybe 3x a week at best because you want to get the best recovery possible and letting the muscles repair themselves at a good rate. I recommend with all types of training is to take a cold shower after a workout to help the muscles speed up the process and exhilarating your metabolism and hormone levels and let the repairing go faster in a natural way. Experiment with this and let me know how it goes. Listen to your body and never go to the point where either you're using bad form or can't move the muscles needed otherwise you're fatiguing beyond what I'm telling you here. Also you don't need to do a ton of exercises, no more than 10-12 is needed because you want to focus on the exercises and using as many muscles as possible in one exercise. This is nearly like Dinosaur Training, using the basic exercises and hitting them hard with peaking at a level of fatigue that won't be painful or prone to injury.



Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Do You Even Lift Bro?

    Apparently that's the new generational question for fitness nuts. It's practically become synonymous with the dying old "ancient" fitness question "How much can you bench?" To me, it's one of the dumbest questions these days. Makes people feel inferior, weak and unappealing. Funny I've never been asked it but thank god I haven't, it's a bit annoying and it's usually asked by macho, stuck up pricks who think there're better than others. It's not even a general question it's more sarcastic and unfunny. And those that answer shouldn't have to open their mouth, they got nothing to prove to anyone except themselves.


    What I'm wondering is when people ask that are they asking if you lift weights, odd objects or bodyweight because it seems to be way too general and not necessarily specific. It's become a bit of a downer and very tedious. Sometimes it makes me want to slap those morons. Do I lift? Here's an answer for you, no I don't lift much weights but I can handle a pretty damn huge sledgehammer, lift my entire body weight in both a pullup and a handstand, I can press up heavy cables, lift some nifty rocks but if you want to call me out on it I'd be happy to oblige but not for your benefit to prove anything but only because you asked so be careful what you wish for.


    The real question should be "Do you even train?" Who cares if you don't lift or look like a bloated bodybuilder, as long as you train and it makes you happy so be it. Anybody can lift a weight or pick up a thing or two but training is different, it's doing something for a purpose and what gives them results. Train for what you want to do not because someone asked you about it. You don't need to lift but believe in training, finding what you're good at and believe in it. Don't listen to those shmucks. Real people don't ask stuff like that, they help and show you how to draw your own path.


    What matters is not how much you lift, but how much you're willing to train. Making goals come alive, seeing the results that bring meaning to you and doing what makes you happy. Take chances, break a few rules and answer by doing and not using your mouth that would only stoop to their level unless you've got some good method of psychology on them. Don't be a jackass, be smart and be honest.

Monday, December 22, 2014

What Makes You Is You Only

    People these days want to defy others by what's different, what's wrong, or praise them by great efforts/deeds and tell them what they can and can't do. It's a vicious cycle especially when it comes to parents, teachers and politicians. Some like to play favorites and tell off that the other person is not good like that kid or that councilman, or defying a person's personality by the color of their skin or religion or whatever. It's like there's no neutral compromise of what is good, bad or different. Let me put it to you this way for you Twilight fans, you're either team Edward or team Jacob, that's what society is defied in today's world there's no middle. We are so consumed of what's different and fearful when there's a whole other door to be open that is beautiful, compassionate, loving and wholesome. To tell you the truth, I'm not a religious person, I'm not all about being a liberal or conservative hell I don't give a damn what color your skin is, to me you're another human being.


    What defies you is not what you are but who you are. You may not be a pro athlete or were in the top 3 in a spelling bee or won best debater but you have done something you must be proud of. Awards are only an object they are not what makes you a wonderful or awful person, it's who you become through experience, mistakes, triumphs, raising up and hitting rock bottom. I have won a few things in my lifetime, made a choice to fight back to walking again, I have exceeded people's expectations of me and I have experienced certain things in my life a kid should have no way of seeing yet I'm still here. I don't look for praises, to be someone's go to guy or to be the world's greatest writer. I've been told a lot of things some negative and some positive yet I choose to not to go with one or the other, I go for what works for me and learn about what I'm good at and what I can do to share my passion with the world. Don't ever let anything or anyone defy who you truly are, the only person or thing that can defy you is you and your passion. It doesn't matter if you're black, white, Jewish, Christian, Gay, Straight, rich, poor, comedy or action lover, writer, athlete or whatever if you're passionate about something and it's part of your personality and the way you look at life and those around you that defies who you are. I may have hidden who I really am around certain people but it's not because of what I think, it's about who truly deserves to see it because I've been judged, beaten up, ridiculed, told I would never make it somewhere yet I choose to not let that scare me away from my true self, it fuels me to want it more to become better and not do it for them but for me. Finding who you are is life's greatest adventure.


    Stick to what gives you the greatest benefit. If your heart is set on something and you're so passionate about it, there's a good chance you'll become great at it if you practice, see it, feel it, energize you and it helps others in a productive way. Some will drive you away from your passion not because they know you'll be good but apparently they have their hearts set at seeing you fail. It is sad to feel fear, to think that people have the nerve to tell something "you're going to fail" and it's not really you they're directing at, they're directing themselves in disguise because they don't have your passion, your strength to go for what's important to you and making something of yourself. Whatever makes you happy, brings you joy, anything that gives your soul and deep universal mind peace and warmth that's what you should be doing. I have known people who work at these jobs where they are just miserable and don't have any real life to them, no enthusiasm or passion it's "just a job", sure you may make good money to provide for your family or just you but if you have no reason to be joyful and inlove with what you do what's the point? For me when I get the urge to write I make it a habit to put passion into it and my soul with deep meaning and love for it because it's a part of who I'am and what I love in this world. I don't give a damn if you're a pizza delivery boy or a lawyer for some famous celebrity, if you truly put your passion into what you do it's no longer a job, it's getting paid to have a blast.


    Family & Friends may claim to really know the true you and maybe some do I'm not discounting that but for those that really know you don't reject your passion or tell you it's a hobby, they encourage you, want to help you because they believe in you with no agenda, no strings attached and no hidden bullshit. I have some friends and family that could care less about what I do and wouldn't have a clue on what encouragement really means and show they're care at all but you know what, I'm ok with that because there's another group of those two things that will learn about my passion and they will encourage me and they do believe in me because they know what I'm capable of and what I'm doing about it one step at a time. You can have all the people you want to have your back and give you love and affection and praises for what you do or believe in your passion but the only person that has your back despite all the trials, tribulations, failures, success and the choices throughout your life is you. You know the real you, you know what goes on in your head, you know what you're really feeling and you know what makes you happy or sad. No matter how many claim to believe in you or not the only thing that matters is if you believe in yourself.



Friday, December 19, 2014

The Gym Is Everywhere

    About 99.9% of the gyms out there today are horrible and I want to tell you why; they have no regard for people who truly want to get fit and strong. They have no class for showing fitness in a simple manner, they make it complicated by having too many gadgets and very little amount of free weights or they play their little con games to get you to sign up. Hell there's even a gym where they have pizza and bagels once a month and yet this same gym told a beautifully fit woman to leave because she was intimidating, what a bunch of crock. One gym I went to with my sisters, cousin and brother-in-law I got a ton of odd looks because I was lifting quite a bit of weight (apparently a partial press of 465 lbs. is a little odd to them). The reason most gyms today suck because they rather cater to people who are skinny as hell and feed them crap both physically and psychologically or to those who are overweight and put them on little baby weights while putting them on a machine feeding them celery. It is a travesty and I'm not surprised if the old-timers are rolling in their graves right now.


    What you deserve is to be healthy, fit, strong and vital. Now I realize some programs won't work and hey that's ok because there will be something out there for you to find that will have you glowing with energy, hormones are at their peak, your strength becomes stronger, you lose bodyfat and gain muscle. Most gyms don't deserve you because quite frankly if you look deep into it, they don't give a damn about you or how unfit or fit you are. What I don't get is, you have a gym that has some great free weights to use but yet the moment you start to show some real strength they give you shit for it, it's confusing isn't it? You deserve to be happy, challenged and cared about your progress, how can that be when your gym is making you do the dumbest stuff and yet you feel miserable. That's not real training.


    If you open up your mind and believe in possibilities, you can train anywhere you want, it doesn't have to be in a room full of (or empty for that matter) people that don't care or have any regard for hygiene and respect for the equipment; it can be in your home, backyard, park, beach, office, grocery store, restaurant even you're damn bedroom. Buy free weights if you want them, do sprints at the school yard, jump in the lake and find a rock or two to lift. We have become so narrow minded that in order to make us happy we have to join up somewhere that costs a ton of money or very little and not go plus wait for assholes on their cell phone to finish his set. Not every gym is like that, I've been in a couple that are actually worth going to and it's always awesome in the atmosphere and the amount of encouragement you actually get without pretending. Be open to do kick ass things without being crammed into a place that looks like the cysteine chapel or Bloomingdales and make something of yourself, flip a big tire if you find one, go do cartwheels, climb, run down the field, lift a heavy rock, swing a mace, throw a keg there are so many things to choose from. I haven't been to a gym since Aug. and only went just to get away from the complex for a while and spend some time with my sister and her husband; while there I made the best of it, lifted heavy, did a few exercises with a 53lb. Kettlebell, DDP Yoga, Arm Wrestling, one arm snatches for reps and other stuff and loved every second of it. At the time it was in Lake Tahoe but my gym was the lake, the rocks, climbing the ladders, push-ups, squats, bridging and more.


    The real gym is out there, you can create your own gym overtime in your garage or den if you have the space. No distractions, no bullshit gym politics and you're free to do whatever you want when you want and however you want with no judgment or someone telling you what to do. At the park you are free to move and do what your heart desires, practice your hand balancing, run sprints on a nearby track or the grassy field, dance if you feel like it, just getting out in the open air does wonders for your overall health. Go to your local beach either by the ocean or lake (if it's not too polluted, the cleaner the better) and go for a kick ass swim, if there are rocks around I'm sure there will be some to lift, carry, throw, curl, squat or toss that tickles your fancy. Why not do Isometrics while you're dining out, no one really looks at what you're doing so you can curl your fists under the table or press your arm down for a few seconds, squeeze your abs (maybe not while you're actually but between eating). How about while you wait in line at the movies or at your bank, sometimes those things take a while depending on what's going on so you can do things like circling your wrists to strengthen the tendons, open and close your fist, press your feet into the ground, work your shoulders. There are so many ways to do things that don't require those pesky piece of crap gyms. Do some research, experiment with a few things, find what can work for you and be flexible about it so you can go about your day and taking care of your responsibilities. Be bold and open up the possibilities instead of impossibilities.

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