Showing posts with label Supple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supple. Show all posts

Monday, December 30, 2024

High Rep Grip Training

 In my last post, I wrote about the pros and cons to High Rep Training. That was more on the lines of Bodyweight Training but it still goes along with weights and other things. What about Grip Work? Just like with anything else, it's important to look at what could be useful and what could be harmful.

When it comes down to it, High Rep Grip Work can go either way and depending on your fitness levels, previous injuries or if you've ever suffered from Elbow Tendonitis, Carpal Tunnel, Wrist Problems or whatever, be mindful about what you're getting into and how to handle stress with Hand and Finger Exercises. Certain things aren't meant for some people because of old injuries and what have you but if you can adapt and learn certain protocols, it's possible to be able to train the hands efficiently.

I first got into grip work when I was bending steel, tearing phonebooks and levering sledgehammers because in order to perform these things, my hands needed to not just be strong, but also supple and flexible along with making sure the tendons and ligaments were healthy. I did some high rep training for them and also just in general because back in high school I did have problems in my elbows and hands from throwing shot put & discus and didn't take care of them the way I should have. If I knew then what I know now or even in my 20's, I probably could've gone further with the throws. 

When people talk about high rep training, most would say to train doing lots of reps in a single set and continuing for a period of time. My style really is by the totals, not always single set numbers. Yes I can do certain things at 100 reps or more in a row but some exercises or numbers become mind numbing and wondering if it it's really doing anything? Stimulating the muscles or smaller muscles is more important than just an arbitrary number and most numbers I go after these days are really no more than 25-50 depending on the exercise. 

For my grip training, I focus on health and doing enough to really tackle things. One of my favorite courses I do for my hands is what's called Finger Gymnastics by Garin Bader. I've written about this in previous years but for someone who's new to the understanding, I'll do my best to give you an idea....

Finger Gymnastics is based on the principles and simplicity of Garin's training system that kept him in good shape for the things he does. He's a magician that also performs incredible stunts along with playing several instruments including the Piano which he is famous in his field for. The way he performs with his hands is a sight to see and his grip strength is awesome. I've felt it myself when he trained me for a time back in 2010 when I visited him at his Vegas home. He takes simple finger and hand exercises and utilizes implements and mental techniques to create a style that gives a person the strength, suppleness, flexibility, durability and other attributes to do things in everyday life or even as an entertainer such as a musician, performer in cirque du soleil, dancing and other things. It's a great course that everybody should have in their arsenal and I don't say that for a lot of things.

Totaling in high numbers has its perks but can also have its drawbacks if you're not careful and overwhelm the muscles and the things holding you together. I recently got this Hand Training system called Alpha Gripz where it has three levels of Doughnut shaped hand grippers and Finger Bands to work the Extensor muscles or the back of the Forearm. Already done workouts where I did up to 400+ reps in a single session going back and forth with the grippers and extensors. Kept it to about 25-50 reps and they're not too difficult but they're not easy either. Working more on the lines of building greater dexterity in my right hand because for nearly 40 years of my life, I've had nerve damage due to the meningitis, so it's a continuation of that long journey. I can't open my hand on my right hand fully with even the Level 1 Extensors because of the 4th and 5th fingers having no dexterity. I can't move most of my fingers in that hand individually so I have to adjust. 

If all you do is open and close for countless reps without having any stimulation, there's not a whole lot you're getting out of it, sure it's better than nothing but in order for the hands to be effectively strong and supple, there's more digging than you normally go towards. With certain focus, you can build strong hands that not only can have a crushing grip, but also have a greater delicate feel to them. Think of a Barber who uses scissors like they're electric, build that up over a period of time, that man has some insanely strong and supple fingers. How about a farmer that carries buckets or milks the cow, all that holding, tugging and pulling builds incredibly powerful hands. 

Use exercises that give you great benefit and build up a total, not just how many you can do in one shot. Strong hands have built foundations, supple fingers have written masterpieces, thrown 100 mph fastballs, played guitars with such accuracy and precision, bent steel, lifted heavy weights and can be so powerful, a fighter can have trouble getting out of a hold. The hands are the tools that have created, destroyed, fought, made peace and strengthened societies since the dawn of man. Don't just be a handful, be mindful as well. 

Be amazingly awesome and keep your hands healthy everyone.   

Friday, June 28, 2013

Powerful Functional Legs

             It is one of the most solid foundations to have strong, agile, functional and powerful legs. If you’re in a sport, your legs are your carryover. You can’t kick a soccer ball, score a touchdown, jump shoot a basketball or run the bases in baseball without the use of your legs. It is important to have the best legs possible, not just in sports but in real life, if you’re in law enforcement you might need to run down a suspect, if you’re a strongman you might need to use your legs for certain feats like bending or maybe pulling a large object like a truck possibly. You see way too many guys in the gym that have flamingo legs meaning large upper body and bird legs. Never fall for this.

            Having a powerful lower body is essential to the many things life offers but power doesn't always mean super strong, it’s crucial to also have flexible and supple joints, tendons and ligaments. I know this all too well because of the recovery from my accident 8 years ago. I started out with squats but as I learned flexibility training it became more important. Stretching is a key to lifelong health so it’s important to find the best ways to keep you from having burned out legs as you get older. Remember to learn to relax as you stretch, the key is to release tension because the more relaxed you are, you can be more explosive and powerful later on.

            We all know the key to superhuman legs is squats but that’s not the only exercise that builds them. Squats are usually the straight up and down exercise but what about directional movements or isometric holds for different directions. When you lift odd objects, your legs aren't always going to go up and down, you need to move in different patterns to lift certain things like Rocks, kegs, logs and furniture. You want to keep strong in every direction possible. Think of it like wrestling; you don’t always shoot in for the kill, you need to shift the body for certain moves or holds that require flexibility otherwise you’re just going to be stiff and you’re down for the count.

            The single most important reason the legs need to be super strong is because they also build crazy lung power which amps up your conditioning. I have repeated it so many times but certain people need to get this planted into their brain, the late Karl Gotch has said “Conditioning is your best hold.” This means the more conditioned you are, the longer you can go and can stay in the game. This goes for everything. Endurance is essential and yes it’s possible to have big legs and still have insane stamina (Great Gama anyone). You don’t always need high volume training to build endurance and certain things won’t build lung power the way you might think. Powerful muscle and endurance go hand in hand. Keep your legs strong, supple and crazy powerful because you never know when they might come in handy when the time calls for them. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Is this the next evolution of mobility training?

Mobility training has been popular now for many years. There are lots of teachers.

I personally like to use it for loosening up the joints and ligaments to keep my body flexible and supple.

But the truth is, besides maybe a few adaptations and maybe some new exercises, there hasn’t really been anything new in the field for years...

Until now!

I’m certainly intrigued by this idea. Go watch this video to find out all about it.

Ben Bergman

P.S. Is it a way to get better in tune with your body and better correct or prevent injuries?

You be the judge.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Taking Natural Pain Killers

No not the pills you take when you have a minor/major injury. These pain killers will revitilize your body and recharge your system. Like your car the oil needs to be changed otherwise it will die without notice and thats because if you don't take care of your joints and ligiments your body will die out prematurely.

When you learn to take care of your joints, tendons and ligiments, your body will be more resiliant to injury and your workouts will be much more efficiant.With the right exercises you will find your joints more mobile and flexibile but with the wrong exercises they can make you prone to injury and if you're in pain you are really doing something wrong. Don't waste your time with training that can cause you limitations to your daily life and put the effort into turning your joints into solid steel but fluid in movement.

If you stimulate the body the right way you will heal much quicker and you will start to live much better and pain free. In my case I have to work my joints, tendons and ligiments on a daily basis because of my legs and the way I need to keep them flexible and agile and keep my body charged and powerful. I have had days in my weight training years where I would be so stiff I couldn't get out of bed in the morning and my joints would ache like hell. Once I learned how to keep my body supple and flexible the pain would be gone and I can handle anything I wanted.

The real benefits of supple joints is that as you age and keep a consistant watch on your exercise you can feel like you can take on the world even after your prime or better yet never know if you reached your peak yet. For Strongman Bud Jeffries, keeping your body supple is one of if not his biggest priority for the weights he lifts or the bending and breaking he performs. At 270 pounds he needs to have a strong body all around.

In this course you will find the following ways on how to keep your body recharged and supple......

Cables that are used to help your joints in the ultimate manner.

Can high reps wear out your bones?

15+ Exercises for the low back.

Find around 10 exercises to keep you lower arms in great shape.

Neck Pain????? There are 10 exercises to fix it.

And any more. Take charge of your body and revive the system with Pain Killers.

Pain Killers

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