Showing posts with label Practice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Practice. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2025

What Can Be Looked Into & How To Spot Certain People

 Good morning. Not feeling my best but doing what's possible today. Here's something that ran through my head.....

A man of fitness and exercise is meant to encourage, teach with self respect and practice with firmness and help create opportunities. It's all great until you find out that person barely does any of those things at all and is nothing more than a self absorbed POS human being (which is putting it mildly) that shows more of treating people like dirt, teaches you how to manipulate and practices biased methods that ultimately wants you to believe it's their way or the highway.

I've seen guys in the industry like that and it truly is heartbreaking and fucked up they're like that. A lot of the time, they don't even talk about fitness at all, they act like spoiled rotten children with Sociopathic Tendencies and formulate some sick and twisted outlook on others, especially women and those that are doing their best to get their life together. They treat women like garbage and try to teach men how to be assholes.

Fitness is a constant journey of self discovery and learning from others in order to benefit you. Sure people need to make a living selling a few books here and there but most, If any, of those books are nothing special yet some fitness "gurus" treat them like if you don't buy their product(s), you're a loser. That's manipulation and guilt tripping.

The idea is to give people insights to what you bring to the table, not what the customer can do for you. Some guys charge decent prices for courses, others charge an arm, a leg and eyeballs in order to satisfy their bank account and many are gullible to fall for it. They're not really in it to help others get fit, they're in it to keep the dough rolling in. However, some are worth the price to train with or a course that changes someone but that's extremely few and far between. I know of maybe 10 people who are worth the price of badass training and courses, all of them are humble, encouraging and good people with little to no ego that are successful. 

The ones that are in it for the money, in the end are nothing more than greedy dickheads who act like God's gift to the fitness industry when hardly anyone with any credibility knows who they are. Shit I've brought up a few names to people I know who have great knowledge of other trainers and fitness entrepreneurs and not one has heard of or even cares about those names I bring up. Tells you a lot about those greedy money guys. 

In reality, a course is a course, it's not the Holy Grail of anything but it can do something for an individual that leads them down a path that has beautiful and amazing intentions. The opposite of that would be manipulating others to buy something that doesn't do much but has this false advertisement and doesn't bring Jack shit to bringing people down a noble path. Be careful who you look into. 

There are lessons in everything. What can you learn and find out? Be amazingly awesome guys and have a beautiful morning or afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

When Working Out Becomes Playful

Simplicity is the key to all aspects of fitness and Physical Culture but also the concept of Creative Movement opens up a new door to a world where you get to roam free and move your body in a more natural setting. The act of animal movements is nothing new but developing combos and switching from one thing to another in the blink of an eye, puts a new perspective on how you use your imagination.

Hard work is the idea but it's putting that hard work into an art form where it becomes practically effortless and it creates the illusion that it looks easy. This morning, I decided to just roam and move doing various movements switching from one thing to another using the concepts of Vahva Fitness, Animal Flow & Ginastica Natural. Granted I'm no where near the level of the creators of these awesome methods but it's not my job to be better than them, it's my job to be better than yesterday. 

I like to call it Playful Movement which gives the idea that it's something exciting, adventurous and learning things about yourself in the physicality of the moves you come up with. Just a few moves in, I feel stretched out, breathing like a madman and working my brain to control everything I do. It's not easy by any means and it's not to poke at other methods, it's the way to form self expression through the physical. As kids, we create games and pretend what we see, are and do is out of this world and different, venturing into the unknown and doing things you didn't know you were capable of doing. As adults, we lost sight of this because we stopped using our imaginations, we are told what reality is and that we should stop acting childish before we hurt ourselves because adults get hurt much faster as they age right? 

Yes if you had previous injuries and need to adjust that's one thing but to be told you can't be creative or use your imagination because it's a child's thing is pure bullshit. As humans, we were meant to create, we were meant to move and we were meant to imagine incredible things and act on them to become the best version of ourselves. Mickey Mouse didn't appear out of nowhere; he was drawn, made up in the mind of a man but that drawing became iconic, expressive and had CHARACTER. That's the beauty of Playful Movement, you develop a character and make up things that become reality. 

We all have abilities inside of us that we haven't discovered yet and can do things that can change the course of our lives or the lives of others. We have powers beyond our own beliefs and have been locked away because we were told this or that and this or that is how it is and being creative gets us nowhere. I would bet if we let go of the bullshit, this world would be a better place and you have the power to create what you desire and take things to levels others told you were impossible. Our imagination can turn into reality if we fully embrace it's power. 

Playful Movement goes beyond animal exercises and weird looking moves, it's the high rise to Self-Expression and forming patterns that generate strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination, balance, conditioning and all the mental aspects as well. It's like Dancing Gymnastics or Interpretive Dance. You may not be graceful at first or for a period of time, but once you start forming moves that become effortless through practice, you become something more than what you started out as. They say practice makes perfect? No, it's the practice to become effortless. Nothing is ever perfect, but becoming effortless means you have made the effort to make something happen that looks beautiful and incredible to do. If you ever want to see someone that made things look effortless, watch highlights of Bo Jackson.

Get up and move, be creative and be amazingly awesome.  

Monday, September 1, 2014

Pracitce Enlightening Yourself

    There is no bad reason to be helpful to people. When you choose to help someone for good reasons or no reason at all it's empowering and gives you a sense of spiritual strength that not many in this world have but yet you also can't help everybody. However you can always learn to help yourself. There are things we can't always control so we learn to focus what we can to stabilize that balance. The practice is not just sitting in meditation or unlocking some secret of happiness, it's channeling our energy to understand who we are from both the inside and the outside and making the choice.


    Give yourself a chance to relax from within. You may or not be up and about for long periods of time but if you don't give yourself time to just relax on a mental and emotional level it'll come back and bite you on the ass. Some people I know do so much for others and try to give them the love and/or help they need no matter what it might be but they don't take care of themselves emotionally and sometimes they can become bitter and negative, it's not a knock to them it's cold hearted facts whether they admit it or not. Being in enlightment doesn't mean learning a philosophy and try to imitate it or read a book about something and then be an expert on it because you seem to know everything and it sure as hell doesn't mean that you can be the sweetest person in the room then be a cold hearted prick or a bitch and talk shit behind someone's back. Enlightment to me means being in balance with who you are and how you present yourself from an emotional stand point that has positive influences regardless of the way life throws at you.


    It doesn't get easier but it can make life a little more interesting. I do my best to handle myself in a productive way; not fight (verbally or physically), be open, try not to get offended (although it takes a ton to get offended) and don't listen to negative bullshit. I'm not perfect and neither are you but together we can learn how to better ourselves on a deeper level and understand the true power of our own spiritual strength. I'm not religious and don't put myself through organized religion but I 'am however a spiritual person in the sense where I look to what makes me happy and use it in positive ways like philosophy, love and channeling my inner strength to have a brightened life no matter what but if you give me crap, you'll hear about it. It's that balance that makes us human, the yin and yang of our inner universe.


    One of life's greatest gifts is the power to learn (and this takes a lifetime of experience) to challenge who you are in all aspects but never let go of who you are. The challenge is to find what makes you balance those things in life that make you happy, strong, weak, sad, deepened positivity and the way you look at the world yet hold onto the best things about yourself because there will be others that will try to take that away from you and some don't have the strength to hold on and give in to those who are destroying them yet some will just find a way to overpower them with love, kindness or things that don't have any real meaning to them and let go of those people in general. You possess a greater power than you'd like to believe but in order to achieve it, it takes practice, it takes learning experiences that are out of your control and sometimes it takes hitting rock bottom to truly learn how to bounce back in all aspects physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Enlighten your being by choosing to learn how to better yourself from your perspective and build your own philosophy.


Happy Monday everyone. Be safe, be awesome and remember as a bonus for buying great stuff on the site you will get a free one-on-one coaching session with me. Look to the site on how to do this.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Fight For What’s Important

             If you’re truly committed to something, whether it be training or whatever, fight for it with everything you have because it’s worth making something happen. Some people half-ass it, some barely do anything an others don’t do anything at all but the real one’s who make the commitment go places. It takes practice to find something you want to achieve or have a lifelong goal.

            Taking a stand in what you believe in takes guts. In the case of training whatever it might be, if you believe in what you’re doing, no one can tell you right from wrong. Gymnasts bust their ass day in and day out for years and for what, to get a medal around their neck? Not all do this and more power to them if that’s what they want to shoot for but for some it’s much more than that. Many athletes have this same mentality but the difference is how they believe in themselves and in their sport. Michael Jordan is another prime example of believing and taking a stand on what he wanted to do to be better than anyone else.

            Your instincts are what separate you from the rest of the pack. Sometimes it’s all you can rely on but another thing to look at is listening to your heart. Your instincts help you be aware but your heart is what you feel and that can mean a lot of things but in the end you’re either going to go after what you want or you won’t. Value what you have but keep challenging yourself. Fighting for a goal makes you stronger and reliant on your instinct to make something happen but also feel it at the same time.

            If you value what matters, you’ll fight for it while being smart about it. Fighting for something can only take you so far and eventually you’ll have to rest and rethink. Think about what you’re doing and ask yourself “is this truly what I want?” I value what I have and have fought for what I believe in, not just myself but what I want to do. After my accident, there were times where I thought I wouldn't be able to walk or do the same things again. It became true but I fought back and believed that if I wanted to get stronger, I’d be damn sure find a way to do it. Making things happen puts you in a class very few achieve and the more committed you are mentally, the more you’ll want to shoot for. Fight for what’s important and do it in a way only you can do it.  

Just a reminder, there's less than 3 days left of the House Sale Logan Christopher is putting up at Legendary Strength, get on the bandwagon and you'll even find a course that's only $7. Everything is ranging from 20-80% off. Hell of a deal.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Practice Develops Knowledge & Wisdom

          We develop certain things that make us unique. Sometimes it comes naturally for us but the rest of us have to practice these things in order to be really good at them. What do you desire to do? Do you want to be a great athlete, a business man, a writer or better yet a better coach, well in order to make that desire is to practice and believe you’re practicing more than anyone else. My desire was to be strong, and a hell of a good writer. I practiced by applying the things that helped me reach my goals and not only did I get strong but I kept it consistent in various areas of my life but writing has been my love for a long time next to fitness. I was telling stories and writing about people long before I became an athlete. I learned my writing from my mom and I expanded what I learned to create my own style, I was determined to be great at it in my own right.

            To learn is to practice. It’s like if you never touched a kettlebell but wanted to be great at snatches, juggling and presses and so on but in order to do them you have to actually do them. Now there are those that say “Practice makes perfect” but what does that really imply? If you practice and its consistently terrible, does that mean you didn't practice enough, no it means you just have a consistent application at being perfectly terrible so it’s time to switch things up. There are certain things that we’re not good at and no matter how hard we try to perfect them it’s not always going to come in our favor. If we find something we love then the practice of that might be better and you’re going to get better because you’re mind is in the right place and it’s going to happen.

            Should you practice what you want to do more or less? That’s actually a tricky answer but I believe I might have an insight to how both work but one will do more than the other. Personally if you want to be the best at something you should do more of it because if you practice more and learn how it can make you better greater things will come and you developed that knowledge by understanding how it’s applied yet you also did it and have that experience. For less practice, there are those that have certain gifts and even though they practice a little, it still has that mindset that just translates to how their bodies move, the way they think and how aware they are with that natural instinct. Both have good qualities but the more you apply the more you develop and it becomes a second language to you.

            To be strong, is to simply practice. It’s not how strong you are physically or mentally, it’s the strength to apply the things you want to be really good at. Some of us can’t be huge and have a 700 lb bench press or be able to do certain feats of strength like tearing a deck of cards or bend wrenches and rip phonebooks in half, but we can get strong in areas for those who can’t because we end up practicing differently and that’s the beauty of it. Practice what you love no matter what it is and never stop learning it. Be strong at what you do and apply it the best to your abilities no one else’s. Knowledge knows and understanding, wisdom is how you apply it into action and doing it, mastery takes a lifetime but day by day practice makes it all that much sweeter. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Opening Your Mind To A Whole New World

When it comes to mental strength, people look at certain methods that help open the mind but not enough to walk through the door itself, very few methods do this such as some meditation, chi kung, postures in yoga or even muscle control can be a form of mental training. I have practiced this type of method and it’s given me a new look of the world both reality and imaginative and that’s coloring Mandalas. Mandalas are the different shapes and sizes of patterns that can have many angles and never knowing which one’s come next. To me it’s the adult version of a coloring book.

 Coloring in a Mandala takes practice but it’s a fun and healthy practice as you look inside your mind and see which colors go with certain patterns and shapes. Sometimes depending on your mood, you will find colors to draw in based on that particular mood and you won’t even realize how you did it. The best way in my opinion from personal experience to color mandalas is to use big bright colors that sparkle throughout the patterns and each color represents what you have brought to life. The beauty of this is, there’s no right or wrong and you don’t need to think too much about it. After good practice and finding what colors suit you, you can make your own masterpiece and turn it into your own Picasso or Degas painting that just captures the human eye and opens up a world only you possess and feel as your own.

 As far back as ancient Asian and Egyptian cultures, developing patterns and drawing was a form of meditation to teach the mind and body how to see the world through their own eyes. The Samurai are famous for this type of meditation because they weren’t just trained for battle and the life of the sword but were trained in many arts to view the mind from many angles and from different backgrounds of the mental side of the martial arts.

 One of the very keys to practice while coloring mandalas is to not concentrate so much on what colors go with what pattern, it’s to just learn to be calm and instinctive and opening up your imagination. Just choosing a color to go with a certain pattern isn’t going to help you be calm and instinctive, you choose the colors but the colors will do the work for you as you instinctively color in that pattern that gives you inner comfort and gives you the power to create what you want. This is one of the best ways to be creative because when you look at various patterns no matter how big or how small, you will find one way or another to use your imagination and see the colors in your mind. Even better is to come up with your own patterns and coloring them in. There are pre-made patterns you can find on the net and print them out so you can do what you want with them.

 The great end to coloring mandalas is what comes to life after whether 10 min or 1 hour of drawing it. Bringing a mandala to life is one of those moments that just give you a rush of pure unbelievable happiness that only happens when you make it happen. One way to look at it is, breathing is essential in all forms of training whether physical, mental and spiritual and when you breathe into your mandala, it almost seems like as if reading about God breathing life into Adam and becoming this awesome being with feeling, a body and a soul that is born innocent and pure. Not that I’m religious or anything but for those that are, drawing mandalas is one way to look at different aspects such as that notion from the bible. Find your own mandala, create it the way you want, not how it should be but what you make it to be.

 As kids, coloring was fun to do and saw different drawings of animals and designs of cartoonish delights, as a painter, you see the color and picture beforehand and you grasp it as if you can reach out and touch it with your very own hands, sculptors have that exact same passion and mandalas are no different. At the bottom you’ll see a mandala I colored in over a year ago and it’s still as beautiful today as it was being colored in at the time I did it. It’s fun to see something you can appreciate not just as a person but a creative individual.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Finding The Flow Of Your Training

All of us have different perspectives about the flow or high we get when we train. It can be a real hardcore workout, smooth and methodical, powerful or having the feeling of just taken on the world and won it in a glorious fashion. When you find how you flow through your workouts, you’ll be getting a sense of what true strength and power lies, not in the muscles but in the mind.

 What is the perfect workout? Is it hitting a certain sets and reps? Is it perfecting the very best exercise performance? Or is it just finishing everything and going home to rest? The answer can be any of those three things but to me the perfect workout is neither one of them. The very perfect workout is when everything comes together and you flow through it like the waves of the ocean. It’s when you create something special that you rarely ever do and it’s powerful and strong but at the same time it’s peaceful and vibrant. Very few people experience that but again it’s never the same for everyone so your definition will most likely be different then mine but that’s the beauty of it.

 Nine times out of Ten your workouts will be great or boring or even good to call it a day afterwards but that one time, that workout will make everything else look like nothing but you accept it and it gives you a sense of accomplishment. All leading to that one moment where you feel the world is yours and you take it in your hands and you felt like you were Zeus himself on the top of Mount Olympus. It may for you often or very rarely it doesn’t matter, what does matter is how you portray that one conquering moment where everything falls into place and you enriched in glorious freedom of power and might that even for a brief second, it consumes you and you want to keep that moment.

 There will be times in your workouts where everything falls into place and you have secured your perfect training session. How can you make this happen? Well, honestly it takes more then a couple workouts. Takes practice and patience and never expect the perfect workout to come, let it come to you and when you least expect it, it’ll happen like a bolt lightning.

 Don’t just find your flow in your workouts, you can find your flow in other things. Did you know the ancient samurai weren’t just warriors of combat and lived/died by the sword? They were artists, poets and men of honor. Like them, the Shaolin monks, the Vikings, the Romans and other ancient warriors of combat they learned many aspects of life that had nothing to do with war or fighting. When you learn many other things, that’s where everything with you comes together to create your own moments of self-discovery and find how things work for you. Find your flow and you’ll find who you are as a person.

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