Showing posts with label Entrepreneurs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entrepreneurs. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2025

What Can Be Looked Into & How To Spot Certain People

 Good morning. Not feeling my best but doing what's possible today. Here's something that ran through my head.....

A man of fitness and exercise is meant to encourage, teach with self respect and practice with firmness and help create opportunities. It's all great until you find out that person barely does any of those things at all and is nothing more than a self absorbed POS human being (which is putting it mildly) that shows more of treating people like dirt, teaches you how to manipulate and practices biased methods that ultimately wants you to believe it's their way or the highway.

I've seen guys in the industry like that and it truly is heartbreaking and fucked up they're like that. A lot of the time, they don't even talk about fitness at all, they act like spoiled rotten children with Sociopathic Tendencies and formulate some sick and twisted outlook on others, especially women and those that are doing their best to get their life together. They treat women like garbage and try to teach men how to be assholes.

Fitness is a constant journey of self discovery and learning from others in order to benefit you. Sure people need to make a living selling a few books here and there but most, If any, of those books are nothing special yet some fitness "gurus" treat them like if you don't buy their product(s), you're a loser. That's manipulation and guilt tripping.

The idea is to give people insights to what you bring to the table, not what the customer can do for you. Some guys charge decent prices for courses, others charge an arm, a leg and eyeballs in order to satisfy their bank account and many are gullible to fall for it. They're not really in it to help others get fit, they're in it to keep the dough rolling in. However, some are worth the price to train with or a course that changes someone but that's extremely few and far between. I know of maybe 10 people who are worth the price of badass training and courses, all of them are humble, encouraging and good people with little to no ego that are successful. 

The ones that are in it for the money, in the end are nothing more than greedy dickheads who act like God's gift to the fitness industry when hardly anyone with any credibility knows who they are. Shit I've brought up a few names to people I know who have great knowledge of other trainers and fitness entrepreneurs and not one has heard of or even cares about those names I bring up. Tells you a lot about those greedy money guys. 

In reality, a course is a course, it's not the Holy Grail of anything but it can do something for an individual that leads them down a path that has beautiful and amazing intentions. The opposite of that would be manipulating others to buy something that doesn't do much but has this false advertisement and doesn't bring Jack shit to bringing people down a noble path. Be careful who you look into. 

There are lessons in everything. What can you learn and find out? Be amazingly awesome guys and have a beautiful morning or afternoon or evening wherever you are.

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