Showing posts with label Dopa Band. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dopa Band. Show all posts

Sunday, February 2, 2025

A Conditioning Mixer

 You do various things to stay in shape not just because you're dedicated to it but also it's important to keep things fresh and interesting. Yesterday, I got a great workout in where I mixed in DDP Yoga + The Dopa Band Deck Of Cards Workout to work on not just cardio but adding in core strength, flexibility and mobility to aid in the development or maintaining of muscular endurance and explosiveness. 

You've seen what I wrote about DDP Yoga and how beneficial it is but it goes beyond the benefits, it's about training to feel alive and to be a part of something that is for you. Mixing methods together can have an interesting impact especially if it keeps you on your toes and raises your awareness of what's to come. That's what keeps me going and what I can do to maintain my health. 

Fitness is a journey, you never know where you'll end up. You can do the same exercises consistently but you can always mix them up or do variations that makes things harder or easier. It's up to you but don't forget that you are the one having the journey, it's yours and no one else's. You can look fit but appearances don't always show the whole story, it's internally that really shows. Not saying you shouldn't strive to look better, that's always a perk but don't mistake looks for what goes in your body. Are your organs healthy? Are you prone to injuries? Are you aware of when your body has had enough? These are things that are important to look into. 

As we get older, looks may not always be the biggest priority. It's about preserving the health of our muscles, joints, organs and getting the most out of what's possible. Some people get better as time goes on and can go with a vengeance, others need more time to understand what they can do and learn how to properly work things. Everybody has something going on whether they're starting out or not.

I'm a big believer in conditioning more than having big muscles and making myself look like a model. I sure as hell ain't no model and don't look like I should be on the cover of anything but I do love what I do and know that I can go and be able to do things consistently without getting hurt. I put things together to build myself from the inside, not just what the results show on the outside. Dedicate yourself to the practice, not always the destination. 

My training is not your journey, there are things I do some people don't like or think they're "gay" or dumb shit like that, so what? I'm not in competition with anybody and I do things according to what makes me happy and gives me purpose to share with the world. Create your workouts to get the most out of your goals, dedicate yourself to what keeps you going and gives you purpose. It's not your job to please or do things that others think you should do, practice the art, not the dogmatic approaches. Be in control of your fitness, be in control of your destiny and be in control in how you move forward. Mix it up from time to time but always look to the horizon. 

Be amazingly awesome and know that everything the light touches in your journey is your kingdom (to paraphrase Mufasa...RIP James Earl Jones) and know that you have opportunities to make changes, maintain and/or build something new that is within your reach. Don't just live to be fit, be fit to live. 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year 2024

 A new year has begun and things will change but will you adapt to the change or come up with something that will be an excuse not to change? This is the time to take your world by storm by taking small steps leading up to large footprints in your journey. 

Resolutions suck, period. Instead, set goals to create a new and better version of yourself. Learn new exercises, test out workouts you've never done before and be aware of what you strive to become. For me, it's to be in even better shape than the year before because not only do I want to get better, I want be better by the time my birthday rolls around in which I will turn 40. Make the workouts count and keep them alive by making them interesting. 

Things are constantly moving, always in motion is the future as Yoda would say. Training is no different, you train your body in various ways but you're always finding a way to do them. Fitness is not always about looking good, that's merely secondary, it really is about self discovery and creativity. There will be days where you won't have the energy to do all the things you want to accomplish so you do what you can. Do micro workouts, don't push so hard that you end up hardly able to move the next day and find your balance to achieve your goals.

Not going to reveal what my actual goals are but I do want to get better at certain methods like Dopa Band Training and be a bit more consistent with Isometric Training. Be able to play with movements that don't take up a ton of time and write a bit more often. That's the idea for the moment. The Dopa Band will be one of my go to systems of exercise where I can develop my conditioning while maintaining muscle and it can go with me anywhere I can hook it up. Although it's a mainstay for wrestlers, football players, MMA Fighters and other forms of athletics, this thing took me to places in my training that I haven't had in previous years. The only limit is the imagination. 

Look to the horizon when you go for the goals you want to achieve, it won't be easy and sure as hell won't happen overnight but taking small steps and being progressive and adaptable, you'll achieve things this year you didn't think were possible. I believe that for you. Make things happen and do the best to your abilities to create what you want for yourself and those around you. 

Happy New Year everyone and make this one the best yet because life is too damn short to waste what isn't worth doing. Get your hands on some of the best bands on the market today and achieve levels of fitness that aren't the norm and developing a conditioned body that lasts. Get 10% OFF your order when you punch in the Discount Code POWERANDMIGHT. No harm saving a little to achieve something massive. Be amazingly awesome and continue to grow. 

Monday, December 18, 2023

Workout System With Dopa Band That Promotes Heavy Conditioning

I do my best to keep my workouts to a minimum for maximum results that I can produce. Never waste time doing things just for saying you did something. I want to accomplish the best workout I can to get in better shape little by little each time. When your life can be a whirlwind at times and the people in your life depend on you, it's important to take the time to make an effort on your training so you can be strong and fit for those that need you. 

Experimenting with the Dopa Band has been wonders and testing out workouts has been awesome. One of the things I've come up with to get the most out of my workouts lately with the Band is to do interval training by going for a good period of time while resting only half the amount. This has led to doing a 30/15 For 4 Protocol that I enjoy doing because I can go hard, rest half the time and get in a few rounds per exercise to get whatever I need done. The idea is to work an exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 15 and repeat for a total of 4 rounds. Pick up to maybe no more than 6 exercises (you can do more if you want but the point is to be efficient and getting a workout in within 20 minutes or less) and do what you can with them. 

The most common exercises I would do are rows, chest presses (sometimes adding a squat to make it a combo), waves, sprints and lunges but also at times I'll throw in Bear Crawls, Duck Walks and shooting drills like in wrestling to really tackle the lungs. I'll even throw in the Sandbell doing a Clean & Press or a Slam by combining either a sprint or Bear Crawl to it. Doing this type of training a couple times a week will be more than enough, hell you're working more than resting and testing the limits of your body's abilities. Be sure to recover well between workouts and maintain a good level of mobility and flexibility training. This can feel like hell and it's very intense. 

I've done a few workouts with this protocol, even doing one after "warming up" with a Deck Of Cards Animal Workout that takes me roughly 16 min to complete. Do the deck, take a few breaths and went into the Dopa Workout with a vengeance. Went hard but not to push to the limit of a possible injury, you're not trying to break records here. I've only done that the one time and I wanted to sleep it off afterwards, the endorphin high was crazy. I rested as little as possible between exercises of the Dopa Workout only to mark off a set or putting tying the band around my waist. The most rest I would take is around a minute or so. 

I'm no wrestler or even a world-class athlete but I do admire the training these guys go through and want to test myself to see what I can do. I never thought I'd be doing this type of training in my late 30's going into my 40's, if I was able to do these back in high school or in my 20's, who knows what kind of shape I'd be in but certain things have led you on a path to this point and I'm able to train at a level most people in my age group think is fucking nuts. It's heart breaking seeing people my age or younger dying because of the dumb shit they put themselves through or what they put in their bodies to create this illusion of health at a rate that's scary to think about. All I care about is doing the best I can while lessening the amount of injuries. We can't 100% avoid an injury but we can reduce the chances by doing things in a smart way while challenging ourselves. The band has done wonders for me and I love what it can do to make workouts more interesting and taking less time to train for maximum results. 

Get one yourself or a bundle deal for friends, family, group classes, youth groups, wrestling/MMA school or whatever and take in the benefits of being able to train with top quality equipment that you can carry in a bag. Use my discount code POWERANDMIGHT to get 10% OFF your order. Train hard, train with intent and kick ass in whatever sport or fitness endeavor you're in. We all deserve to be in great shape. Be amazingly awesome. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Are Resistance Bands Really that Effective?

 For decades, Resistance Bands have been a part of workout regimens for many people from Weekend Warriors to World-Class athletes. The big reason? They're pretty easy to use, about as versatile as you can get and very effective in developing muscle while also conditioning the body. Regardless of your fitness level, bands such as Chest Expanders & Dopamineo Bands are awesome for working the muscles that other pieces of equipment aren't always able to touch.

The simplicity however is not to be underestimated. There's a great way to use bands to get their muscle-building benefit. Let's go over a few tips to help you out....

Depending on the type of band you get, the amount of force to stretch the band will work the muscles like with Free Weights or Machines. Now, the latter two uses the same weight in every direction you work with but with bands, the big difference is the more you stretch it, the heavier it goes. It will literally fight you to prevent you from stretching it. 

For the muscle building effects, there was a study done in 2019 that shows similar strength gains that conventional gym equipment provided. Bands may not look like much but they can strengthen the body and build a more natural physique. In a lot of ways, bands create greater tension on the muscles and are able to work them longer during certain movements. 

 Although bands are incredible for rehab and strengthening the body to work through injuries, they've also become a great deal to those who practice certain sports even such as bodybuilding to condition the body in a capacity where they don't have to rely on big equipment to get the job done, they can do it at a park, in a hotel room, at the beach, in their backyards and many other places. For the Dopamineo Bands, these are extremely effective in getting in serious condition just about anywhere and can be used for a variety of ways and also because of the elasticity, has a longer life span than most bands out there today. 

Bands are incredibly adaptable because even with a shift change in a movement, you can make it harder or easier. Some bands you can be very explosive with but with others, you can make them slow as well and have almost an isometric component to it. Whether shortening or lengthening a band, the resistance can be tough as hell or have you working in a greater capacity such as cardio type training. Like I said above with being able to train just about about anywhere, that's because the majority of bands are extremely portable, meaning you can stuff them into a duffle bag or suitcase and be able to travel with them. Hell if you want to get a micro workout in at the airport you can (I would recommend shorter bands because I don't think you want to be sprinting or doing longer distant exercises towards people using a Dopa Band). Besides, bands are better at getting past security than a kettlebell or barbell ever will.

When it comes to cost, bands are perfect for those on a budget and depending on the type you get, you can basically put an entire gym into a carrying sack. I've got my Dopa Band and TNT Cables in one bag that weighs less than a couple pounds and able to carry and travel with. Some bands are more expensive than others but when it comes to the comparison of a machine or a set of dumbbells, its a fraction of the cost. 

For the final tip, it's important to stay focused on the technique. No matter what band you use, don't ever get so sloppy that you're going to end up hurting yourself. The great thing about this is, bands force you to utilize technique in order for an exercise to be effective. They help keep your posture in line otherwise the band won't move as much or will snap back at you. They're a hell of a coach in that regard. It's also important to not put so much tension on a band because you want to be able to move as smoothly and with precision as possible to have an effective workout. With the Dopa Band, it can stretch a great deal but it's not about just stretching it, it's about working with the resistance at a level that you can do well even if it's challenging. If you screw up, the band will let you know so pay attention. 

So are they that effective. I've been using them for way longer than a decade and have used them to heal injuries. You read about how the Dopa Band helped me get over my sciatica? If not, go find that article and see for yourself. Bands are top notch when it comes to training with minimal equipment and working with your body in ways bodyweight and other forms of equipment can't match. Don't forget to use my 10% OFF Discount on Dopa Bands when you enter POWERANDMIGHT at checkout. Have fun and enjoy the journey.  

Monday, October 23, 2023

Dopa Band Conditioning Workout

 Yesterday, I did one of the most intense workouts I've ever experienced and if you know how intense I can be, that's saying something. It was one of those workouts that has that inspiration from Wrestling and testing my mental toughness to the point where I just needed to see what I can continue to do to keep going.

This particular workout was divided into two parts (all together did my best to rest as little as possible where I only really marked off the set) with doing work with the Dopa Band and Step Ups just using my bodyweight. The Step Ups provided a cardio element while the Band was done with explosive movements and fast paced work. It was so intense that by the end, I thought my heart was going to rip out of my chest. Did a total of three exercises with the band and 2 supersets of exercises were added in to really tackle my conditioning and mental toughness.

Here's how it went down....

-Dopa Training & BW Step Ups

Alt Waves x 15/15 For 10 Rounds

4x50 Step Ups (25 per leg) = 200

Superset 1

Alt Rows x 50 (25 Per Arm) 

Step Ups x 50 (25 Per Leg) 

4 sets totaling 200 of each exercise 

Superset 2

Run/Sprint & Slam 20 lb Slamball (video below) x 10 

Step Ups x 50 (25 Per Leg) 

4 sets totaling 40 + 200

Total of 600 Step Ups during the workout.

So as you see the first part was just doing a timed exercise for several minutes and than going into Step Ups, the next segment was the Supersets. The second superset just about killed me as I was literally doing a sprint to the slamball and then picking it up and slamming it repeatedly until I hit a number of times and then doing step ups immediately afterwards while my lungs were still on fire. Only by marking off the set and getting back into position was my only rest and pacing myself with both exercises tested me in a way that I haven't experienced before.

This was the type of training that isn't meant for beginners and it takes on another level that was just unbelievable. I have no clue how I'm not sore AF today. It was hard and even for me, I wouldn't do it again any time soon because this wasn't something I had planned, I did it because I wanted to see if I could do it. This was more of a challenge than anything. This was probably the closest to a workout outside of wrestling that was so damn crazy, you'd have to have a sadistic mind to even try it. It was explosive, exhausting and it nearly put me on my ass. No question wrestlers have done workouts far worse than this but I'm proud that I was able to do it. 

I don't recommend you do this if you're not in shape or new to training. I would also say, be sure you're flexible and loosened up your joints because your whole body will come into play and you don't want to tear something especially in your knees or ankles. It's hard, it's rough and it doesn't care who you are, if you're still standing there's something to write home about. 

To get an idea of the Run/Sprint & Slam, here's a 30 second video of doing only 5 reps of the exercise which is more than enough for most in and of itself, adding onto it is just part of the nastiness. You will sweat, you will think about quitting and you will discover something you didn't know was there. If you're a wrestler or a world class athlete, you may find this workout tickling your feathers a bit. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Keeping The Body Loose

 As we get older, the numbers game when it comes to high rep isn't so much a priority as to what keeps the body flowing and being able to move with ease. Not everyone at 70 or 80 is going to be doing 500 push-ups or jacking up weights like they did in their 20's and 30's but they can learn to do things that lessens the injuries and gains certain aspects of energy. It's called mobility work.

We all at one point want to prove ourselves that we can keep up with others and fill our egos with such pride that we forget to do what keeps our bodies going even after all those "glory days." You do what you can but at some point, there's nothing left to prove unless it's to yourself and understanding that the numbers game was just part of the process and not so much the resolution or the true answer to what happens once we can't always do those things anymore.

Mobility Training and/or Joint Loosening Workouts have a much greater impact than we give them credit for, hell I've taken them for granted at times and learned some hard lessons that the less you do them, the harder things might get but if you consistently do them with intention, the more you find out that keeping the joints healthy bares greater merit than seeing how many push-ups and squats you can do. If you're consistent with certain numbers and sticking to the basics, that could be a totally different story but don't mistake what keeps the body loose yet powerful as some side piece for training. 

My style of Mobility Work consists of utilizing Joint Loosening, Flexibility and Flowing exercises that give my body the juice it needs to stay healthy. The Joint Loosening is more doing movements to relax the ankles, knees, shoulders, elbows, neck and hips, the Flexibility can be something like static or isometric stretches, DDP Yoga, Stretches from the book Stretching and other things, the flowing movements are more animal combinations and mix and matching things that go together to create a workout that can be intense but feels great at the same time. Sort of like Movement 20XX.

You don't have to turn yourself into a contortionist to have a flexible and mobile body but it is important to make sure the body is healthy for the long haul. Injuries come and go, some have been more severe than others and it is apparent that we keep our joints strong more than how big our muscles get or have some type of physique that looks like a million bucks but buckles quick after a bum knee. Our body is a tool that should last as long as possible and not go through such extremes to make it look or act like it only has a short time and the rest is just waiting for death. 

When it comes to Strength Training, you can lift weights, do bodyweight or whatever that keeps the body strong and durable but when it comes down to it, the most versatile form of Strength Training IMO is Isometrics. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Isometrics are the Game Genie Of Fitness meaning they're the cheat code to youthful strength that keeps on going and makes the joints so damn powerful that it may seem like you have an adamantium skeletal structure. If you ever heard of Wolverine from the X-Men you'll know what I'm getting at. I've had my own share of injuries but if it wasn't for Isometrics, I'd have tons more and may even be completely crippled but I do my best to not think or dwell on that kind of thing. There are many ways to do Isometrics but my favorite style is Overcoming & Hybrid. Some days, my workouts are exclusively Isometrics, others are in combination to what else I do. 

Another way to keep the body strong and loose is doing Dopa Band Workouts. You may not be as explosive, fast or even technically sound as a wrestler or MMA fighter but you can adjust things that strengthen the muscles in a variety of ways that reduces injuries and have an automatic coach that shows you what you may be doing wrong and helping you correct mistakes so you can be better at your other endeavors. I've done enough workouts now with this thing that I know what it can do in terms of keeping the body strong and healthy without needing to go full bore all the time. It stretches you, it makes you learn new ways to move effectively and you can adjust the resistance by just a few steps. 

Keep up with maintenance even when you're young, it goes a long way because the less you do mobility type training, the more it might bite you in the ass later in life and end up like a lot of injured people that do things like hardcore Crossfit, Powerlifting and other things. Be amazingly awesome.   

Get your 10% OFF Discount at Dopamineo by entering POWERANDMIGHT at checkout.  

Saturday, October 14, 2023

A Dopamineo Band Analysis


With the recent articles on these bad ass bands, let's take a look as to why they're top quality and the differences between these and other resistance bands on the market with my own spin on things and the research through trial and error.....

Right now there's about 5 different types of Bands on the market at the moment and all have their unique qualities and styles that are useful. Because of the variety, the choice to pick one isn't always easy and it can be confusing as to what to choose from. Most of my career in fitness when it comes to bands has been from Lifeline and I will always cherish those especially with what they've done to keep me in shape in all these years. That doesn't mean I'm now exclusive to them. Because of the Dopa Band recently, it has given me a new perspective on resistance band training and the type of training that keeps me fresh and interested.

I want to give you a hand in how to find not only the type of band for you but to give you tips and compare notes to these bands and the others. Some bands are traditional tubing, loop and power type bands (such as the lifeline format, X3 and others). These mostly target the muscle groups with workouts normally associated with gym type training where you can mimic almost any exercise in the gym just about about anywhere you want. With that said, in comparison to Dopa Training, although different, there's some lack in versatility with other bands. This band targets everything and can create any workout you want without needing different bands to choose from. You can of course but variety is more packed into the Dopa Bands than other bands that I've even used.

The material in the Dopa Band is a bit different than other bands, these are laced with silicone and pack a wild punch with their durability and lasting effects as you train with them. I've had the lifeline bands snap on me a time or two and it doesn't feel good trust me unless you got some S&M thing going on. With the Dopa Band, you can stretch it pretty damn long and its flexibility and time tested strength is just unbelievable. There's a podcast on Dopamineo's Youtube channel where wrestlers and other athletes test guests on the Blue Short Band (which is mainly used for stretching purposes) to see if they can snap this freaking thing. These men and women are freakishly strong and as far as I know, no one has been able to snap the band. Even shorter ones that are more likely to snap are still almost impossible to break. That's how crazy strong these bands are. Hell, I've even tested this and I can't do it and I've done some nutty strength feats. 

Now when it comes to cost effectiveness, I've always looked to saving a buck or two which isn't a bad thing but when bands snap on you and you have to replace them after a while, it can get steep depending on the type of bands you get but with the Dopa Band, the chances of it snapping especially if you use certain things to keep it flexible and strong are so freakishly slim it's jaw dropping. Some of the best wrestlers in the world use these frequently in their training and do all sorts of exercises and hook ups that should make it snap within months if not weeks like with other bands yet they don't. It's just awesome how bad ass these bands can take a beating. In the long run, the Dopa Band is more cost effective than even the lifeline bands I use. I can relax a bit and not worry about this band breaking on me as opposed to being cautious about using something like the TNT Cables or the Chest Expander, they're great in and of themselves no question and have used them for years but I always had to be extra careful to stretch them to the limits that is only just enough otherwise, I get a stinger in the arm, chest or leg. 

When it comes to providing videos, you would have to find videos for specific bands which isn't all that hard to find or figure out or buy specific videos either digitally or on DVD for that particular band like say videos for the X3 or the Chest Expanders. With the Dopa Band, you're given just about 300 Workout Videos and Exercises that provide every muscle group imaginable with just the one band. In comparison even coming from me, there's no contest in that. You can find lower body, upper body, core, flexibility, strength, endurance, conditioning and sports specific training all in one shot with this band. I can do quite a bit with the TNT Cables and Chest Expander but you can't utilize wrestling drills, jumping jacks, sprints, crawling, sprawling, kick throughs, jumping exercises or battle rope type exercises with them. That's just the tip of the iceberg with the Dopa Band. With that in mind, the Dopa band is that versatile and can give you a complete workout just about anywhere, if you used additional bands like the ones I just mentioned, you've got an arsenal that can give you a crazy strong and powerful physique, the type of conditioning that makes others' jaws drop and have a wealth of knowledge of exercises very few can possess. 

If you go with cheaper bands, that's awesome but either by itself or as an addition, the Dopa Band will take you to places in your training you didn't think existed and put not only a new stamp on the realistic functional training but have the opportunity to train (even moderately) what some of the greatest athletes in the world use to keep themselves healthy, in peak condition and developing a physique that can just as go as it does look good. I still use my other bands which I love and adding the Dopa Band is the cherry on top of the most bad ass cake you can imagine. If you think that was enough, I've got a cool Discount for you when you make an order, get 10% OFF  when you punch in POWERANDMIGHT at the checkout (which can also deduct price with discount bundles as well). These are the highest quality I've ever come across and I don't regret one bit getting this, it has been a game changer and it has helped me get in better shape than in the last few months with the already good shape I'm in. 

Be amazingly awesome and train with the best guys. It doesn't disappoint.    

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Women And Dopa Training

 Sometimes just getting fit is more than enough for most women and staying fit can be even harder. With consistency, it is possible to not only be in awesome shape but to kick ass in other endeavors as well. My wife for example has lost 50 pounds doing gym work, eating better and doing amazing things in her own life. I'm beyond proud of what she has accomplished and continues to push herself to getting a little bit better, she may need some tips along the way but she's fierce and can do things that continue to surprise me.

For many women, it can be daunting to be in shape and worry about what things are missing so she has a good physique. Some train just to feel better, others for attention (booty shorts anyone?) and plenty to better themselves physically. Change is hard and no matter what you do, the results will come in unexpected ways at times. If I had to pick the top women right now to look for when it comes to fitness; it's Melody Schoenfeld (Ms. Ant Strong), Kirsten Tullock (The Scottish Superwoman), Tara Scott and a few others but these three are incredible at what they do when it comes to training people. 

Now with that said, when it comes to the Dopa Bands; women have another great option in getting in killer shape using a band that can be used in a variety of ways especially gym oriented workouts that can be done practically anywhere you can hook it up. From little girls to the over 40+ Cougars can use this thing to train their body that will blow most people's minds. Some of the best and brightest women in World & Olympic Wrestling use the bands as post practice tools to enhance their explosiveness, chain wrestling, throws, takedowns and utilize some serious strength. One 16 year old BJJ champ uses it to keep her conditioning at its peak and to increase her power for the guard and blocking submissions. 

Do you have to be a wrestler or an MMA Fighter to use the bands? Hell no, they can be done with exercises you do in the gym and then some with intensity and take up less time. You can do sprints, jump squats, running in place, rows, chest presses and other "isolated movements", I put the two words in quotes because although you're focused on specific muscle groups, those aren't the only ones without realizing it. I'm not going to lie, the band makes you work hard but it's also like a coach as it will tell you what you're doing right and wrong just by how the exercise feels and your positioning. 

What would you do if you not only got in bad ass shape physically but have the stamina, strength, flexibility and durability to go along with it? Women deserve to be in condition too and to be able to do bad ass things that you didn't think were possible. I want to see women of all ages thrive in their lives whether it's being a business woman, a mom, a trainer, a teacher, clerk or a god damn truck driver; you all deserve to be noticed for being you and not what some of society wants you to be. Although we are more open today than decades before, there are some people (mostly men but plenty of women too) who can't let go of those outdated conservative roles they expect women to just accept and not have a mind of their own. Shit one guy can't almost go without writing or going on youtube talking about his now ex wife, another who hates tattoos on women and says it makes them look ugly doesn't realize how dumb that is when two of his three daughters have tattoos (which are awesome btw), so by his logic without saying it out loud he's calling his own offspring ugly. 

From my own point of view on women, growing up seeing different personalities and behaviors, some take things to extremes, others are just as bad as us guys and some are freaking bad asses with a beautiful soul and a nurturing or take no shit demeanor. Women aren't as strong physically as us guys that is true in nature but that doesn't mean women don't have the right to become as strong as they possibly can (within reason and without the drugs) and be successful, many men today are intimidated by what women can do and that's the insecure little boy in them that was conditioned into their brains as kids. If you push certain buttons, there are women you don't want to mess with and not just when it comes to physically harming or protecting, they're far more intelligent than given credit for. Some men today (even some old school blue collar types) can't stand fit women who can lift and/or do amazing things athletically, their type is women who only need to walk to stay fit (pretty sexist and insecure if you ask me). 

Sometimes, I just want to acknowledge how amazing women are whether they're athletes or otherwise but the point I'm making is that women should be as fit as they need to be for whatever they do in life and have impacts that make them successful and strong. To excel takes work whether man or woman but training can have a positive notion that transfers into other areas. That's why the Dopa Band can be a huge asset to women who don't always have to go to the gym. Train anywhere, be a bad ass even if you're just starting out because you have opportunities to make something of yourself that will lead down a road of possibilities. 

Whatever your goals are, feel that fire within and have the strength of a Tigress or whatever your animal spirit is to push through your obstacles. Ladies, you got this and you've got great things headed your way, just look for them and they may show up unexpectedly. Get a Dopa Band and get in some of the most awesome workouts anywhere and shape yourself into the best fucking woman you can be. You can even get a workout in at the Las Vegas Welcome Sign. I see you and you can make it happen. Be amazingly awesome and don't forget that 10% Discount you can use when you enter the code POWERANDMIGHT. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023

A So Not Walk In The Park Sub 45 Min Workout

It was intense, insane and one of the longest workouts I've done in a while. I keep raising the bar on myself and just making things more interesting and finding out what I'm willing to push to see what my body can handle. Some might call my workouts crazy but even for me, that should've put me in the nuthouse (maybe). 

The other day, I wanted to see what I can do with Supersetting the Dopa Band and Step Ups. Haven't tried it before so I figured what could possibly go wrong? Not only did it go right but it made me sweat so much, I thought I was going to need a gallon of water to get all of it back (slight exaggeration). In all seriousness, this was a workout I needed and elevating my conditioning. The only real rest was marking off sets and getting right back into it. The weird thing was, by the end, I was moving faster and had that "runner's high" feeling where I went into a state that felt great and my focus was at its peak. 

The idea was to do upper body movements with the Band and just do bodyweight with the Step Ups. Here's the workout...

100 Lateral Raises (4x25)

200 Step Ups (4x50)

100 Curls (4x25)

200 Step Ups (4x50)

100 Chest Presses (4x25)

200 Step Ups (4x50)

200 Alternating Rows (4x50 - 25 per arm)

200 Step Ups (4x50)

Total: 500 Reps Of Upper Body & 800 Step Ups 

Time- 44:09

Each superset was 25-50 reps of a Dopa Exercise and 25 Step Ups per leg. I take great pride in being able to do this but it's also important to be humble in that to not fill my ego because this isn't meant to be done all the time unless you're one of those insane Dagestani Wrestlers that are just machines with levels of conditioning that rank right up there at the top of the food chain. 

Yesterday, I did another workout that hit my legs a little differently which is why I most likely will end up just "taking it easy" today and do low level work with the band and doing isometrics. This workout was to work as many reps as possible while taking in 20 breaths and doing drills and techniques of going out as far as the thing can stretch 10-20 times going Forward, Sideways & Backwards. The reps taking in breaths were waves, tricep pulls, alternating rows and ski jumps and the legs were a walk out or a slower version of a shooting wrestling drill for 40 total reps (20, 10, 10), 20 walking at the side (10, 10) and drilling backwards for 40 (20,10,10). This hit a lot of the muscles in the legs especially in the hips since it's been a while doing side to side movements. 

Practically everyday there's been some kind of workout with the Dopa Band and just love experimenting and finding ways to work with this thing. There's so much you can do with it and it will humble you. This band has been the closest to wrestling since I was on the mat years ago, I know it doesn't have the same flare of actually wrestling but the drills, the conditioning, the fight against the resistance, the intensity and the ability to strengthen the body in ways that are new to you are all part of the process. 

I even weighed myself today and I'm sitting at 241 lbs. Only gained back about 3 since I've had my appetite back and doing what's possible for me workout wise. I was feeling it yesterday after some frustration with something in the backyard and felt it in my hip but other than that, I feel much stronger, more explosive, energetic and my stamina has skyrocketed. I'm telling you without thinking twice about it, the Dopa Band is a fucking game changer and it makes training a bit more fun and interesting. You don't have to be a wrestler or a fighter to get the benefits out of it, just a good old fashioned workout is more than enough for most and there are so many ways to use it it's practically endless. 

Use my Discount to get 10% off your order by using the code POWERANDMIGHT. You can even do custom bundles or have pre-set bundles that give you even more discounts. Get some for your family, group classes, gym, Fight School, Wrestling Room or just to get a great workout in at home, there's tons of options. Keep killing it guys and stay amazingly awesome.  

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

A Workout Blaster Of Pure Heavenly Brutality

 Quite the title don't you think? In reality, the workout I put myself through yesterday was hard as fuck but it didn't feel like a chore and I loved it. It's probably the hardest workout I came up with since getting over the sciatica injury. It was another test to see what I'm capable of and the work I've put in. 

For some, it is annoying that I've mentioned the injury several times now and quite frankly, it is especially if it's on your brain everyday like mine. The thing is, it really has opened up my eyes to look at training from another perspective and to see a workout beyond the movements and the mysticism of it. Although they're simple, they're not meant to be easy and when you go hard, you learn what you made of. I may not be the fastest, the strongest or the most coordinated, but I do make up for it by finding ways to push myself to a different level than I was before. It's really a testament to having invested in the Dopamineo Band

I never reach failure in any of my workouts and for good reason, there's really no need to because you can still go hard without feeling like you can't get up and walk with some gas left in the tank. I do however, learn what my body can do and make it stronger and a bit more resilient as I pay attention to how it operates during workouts. I've always believed training is about discovery and coming to grips with what it can do and what it helps reach as time goes on. This workout hit a little differently and it made me learn where my conditioning was and how I can move forward.

Here's the Workout......

I started a "warm up" of going through my Animal Deck Of Cards Workout in full to get things going and get my energy up because I knew I wanted to do something more. Usually it takes me 15-16 min to complete.

After a short break going through the deck, I had the Dopa Band prepped and ready for another exercise that lasted a total of 6 1/2 minutes which was 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 20 Rounds doing the Alternating Wave exercise. I'm still learning the kinks of keeping the wave smooth but all in all, it was awesome and got some killer lungs firing as well as keeping my core tight and working my arms and shoulders. 

Not done yet....

Next was another brutal exercise of doing 10 seconds on, 20 seconds for 10 Rounds of the Bear Crawl Sprints with the band on my waist. The energy was there and my conditioning was on it. I was breathing hard but I didn't feel tired. I went through it and it was amazeballs.

But wait there's more. The final stretch....

I finished off with two exercises with the Band for 100 Reps each (in sets of 50) doing Curls and Chest Presses. Two simple exercises to target specific muscles (Pulling & Pushing). After doing 50, would take a small break to write down the numbers and return for another set. 

So here's what the full workout was in full.....

Animal Deck Workout 

10/10 For 20 Rounds Alternating Waves

10/20 For 10 Rounds Bear Crawl Sprints

100 Curls (50, 50)

100 Chest Presses (50, 50)

This took all together including resting was about 30 minutes or so I'm guessing. It was like a light that came on and my level of energy was just crazy. I did all that yesterday and still had gas in the tank. It didn't make me want to take a nap but I was hungry as hell so after putting things away and taking a shower, I cooked myself 5 Fried Eggs, 5-6 pieces of bacon and four slices of buttered toast to make a couple sandwiches out of them. Washed it down with some great juice and just felt euphoric on top of  the high I was already feeling from the workout. 

I won't be doing that kind of workout all the time but it's one of those that just clicked and I felt at my very best at that moment. That was for the record, a full on conditioning workout and it was tough. Tougher than some of my other ones but I made it through and it was another day of feeling like myself again. Make it count, but always feel like you can walk out after with your head held high, gas left in the tank and feeling like a kid again. Some people never get that chance, some don't have the drive and others haven't discovered it yet but those that do, understand that it's important to have those entities and never take them for granted. Keep being amazingly awesome and get cracking.

Be sure to snatch up some bands and use the bad ass discount code I got for you. Take 10% OFF your order when you enter POWERANDMIGHT at checkout. Awesome deals going on right now especially if you grab a hold of a bundle you can use for athletes, the wife and kids or for building a team of great fighters/wrestlers. Even right now, you can get a 1 For 3 Deal where you can order a band and get 2 extra bands that can be used for stretching with a string bag so you can take them anywhere. 

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