Monday, March 20, 2017

A Hard On For Cold Water + Animal Movements + Pine Pollen

You want to talk about testosterone and building crazy growth hormone? You're going to need something to write with because you're going to learn a GOLD STANDARD for developing one of the best ways to burn fat, build lean muscle and engage your body's abilities to create a powerful and natural physique.

When you eat healthy meals and exercise right, it could work but for some people it isn't enough. You need a few things that will help you get an edge on your lifestyle. It can be difficult getting lean and it can be difficult finding the right workout program that suits your needs.

When you add the triangle of health, I believe things will fall into place for you. They can be tricky, bitter and it takes a level of mentality to get past a few things but in the end there is gold at the end of that beautiful and kick ass rainbow. For us guys, a healthy sign of testosterone is having our little soldier rising in the morning. It is apparent that he is alive and well because if isn't and doesn't rise very much it could mean a miserable life as a man.

When we sleep, we can't be too hot or else our boys will drop way too low and that can affect your life in a very bad way. That's why I recommend taking a cold shower an hour or 2 before you drift off and have sweet dreams of that pretty lady you had your eye on or live with. Cold showers may seem weird because of the "shrinkage" that occurs. Well what if I told you you because your body has to burn off a lot of calories to stay warm that blood flow also hits that area too. As you cool off at night while sleeping, that blood flow takes on its fun little journey and when there's morning, it could also bring a wake up call and have little johnny stand at attention.

Among the flow and having the happy salute, an exercise program should have a standard of using the body as a unit instead of isolating parts like you're painting a damn portrait or think you're made of clay; you're not. That's where Animal Movements come in, you're using your body to move throughout various ranges of movement that includes crawling, jumping, balancing and other areas that nature intended for us humans to do. Explosive movements create a jumpstart in the growth hormone process as you utilize the nerves in your body to generate great force to jump up, forward, backwards, side to side or 180 degree turns. Now that doesn't mean you do this for hours at a time, your body is not meant to have that kind of stress and can cause a decrease in your testosterone. Crawling is a great plane of motion as you shift your body in all sorts of directions and move in a way where you walk/run your hands as your legs follow and keeping the core tight so you don't hurt the lower back. A good 20 min. Animal Workout will do the trick and make you lean and mean in no time.

Pine Pollen is a insanely powerful herbal supplement that contains more vitamins and minerals than you'll know what to do with. It takes getting used to because it is bitter but one you get past it, you'll feel things you didn't before or when you were a teen having urges out the ying yang. Start in small dosages and as you get better and need more of a boost, increase to a MEGADOSE and gain even greater benefits. I've taken it and it worked like a charm.

The triangle of Cold Water, Animal Moves & Pine Pollen won't just give your soldier a powerful boost but your hormones, health, strength, endurance and energy will skyrocket and may as well give you a greater boost in the sack and have your lover begging for more.

Friday, March 17, 2017

(1000th Article) Brand Spanking New Herb That Helps Your Joints & Skin Health

Our joints keep things together in the body and produces great movement; without strong joints we wouldn't be able to run, jump, swim, climb, crawl or balance the right way.

This HERB is a low growing plant that flourishes in swamps & moisty areas. Found in countries such as India, South Africa, Sri Lanka & other tropical climates around the world. The leaves are about the size of a British penny.

GOTU KOLA as it is called is also named Brahmi in Ayuveda sharing also with the herb BACOPA. It's been claimed that the shape of the leaves seem like in similarity two hemispheres of the brain which in turn is indicated of of it's powerful brain effects.

A legendary Sri Lankan tale claims that elephants have lived amazingly long lives because of their eating of the GOTU KOLA. Watching animals eat this herb could be why us humans learned to consume it as well like many others.

Get your hands on this powerful herb that is pure and simply brain food. Certifiably Organic and rich in vitamins & minerals that can lead to great skin health, joint health & much more.


P.S...Find out how you can save $5 on this *BRAND NEW* Herb

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

With A Great Memory Comes Great Responsibility

With the effects of the Spinal Meningitis I sustained as a baby, a lot of things generated certain issues but one thing that came out of it whether it was the result of the condition or not I developed an insane memory that is a bit difficult to explain. I can recall things most people can't and often when I do remember something, I would also feel as if I was there at that moment and at times its been scary for me.

When your brain is wired at a different clip, certain aspects of the nerves hit different areas of the brain where it can create personal individuality and have a person's personality aware and unaware of others. Everybody's brain works differently, some have incredible cognitive skills, others are wired to have greater coordination and awareness. Look at Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest minds in history has a brain that is off the charts yet has no physical movement whatsoever.

 Some people with higher memory applications don't have any sense of practical awareness. Some who are very aware and have practical skills don't have a great memory. The brain is still a mystery after decades of research and figuring out how it gives the body special abilities, some may refer to as superhuman in some cases. The one thing that I have come to accept as a man with a very unique memory is that its my responsibility to act using that to areas I want to strive in. I have been able to recall certain statistics, certain times in my life where it was either tragic or triumphant, I can even recall things at random that either make me laugh or at times very angry.

It's very difficult to control how my memory operates and have come to the fact that I can't shut it off no matter how much I want to at times. There are days where it feels more like a curse than a blessing but a high percentage makes me feel extremely blessed because it can help people I know remember things they either blocked out or have forgotten. It is valuable and crucial to have a strong body but if you also have a strong brain, it becomes a more distinct advantage in certain parts of society. We all have strengths, weaknesses and mysterious findings when it comes to our brains. Even science has come up with certain pills and determined some natural foods that enhance brain activity.

There are Herbs that not only increase brain function with enhanced blood flow, it also creates a higher level of focus. If you want a natural way to increase the levels of your brain, go and grab a bag of Bacopa Organic Extract. Take it from me, having a powerful memory can be a very big advantage to help you with your job, getting awesome grades on term papers, concentrate better in your studies and even reduce anxiety and calms your nerves in a really awesome way.

When you add this and do full body exercise routines; you'll have a very strong sense of the body's abilities to get stronger both physically and mentally, increase hormones, develop greater coordination and even increase intuition. In these times it's important to have a solid strong brain. Develop a great memory and use it to give yourself a chance to get ahead of the game wisely and positively.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Surge Of Testosterone Through Animal Exercise

For us guys its crucial to build our hormones as we age. As teenagers we go through those "wonderful" years of puberty where testosterone is basically in a whole other universe and our hormones raging like a fire to oil.

As we get older, our hormones slowly start to dwindle and if we don't eat right and train the right forms of exercise it will dwindle even faster. Its amazing what two things that go together really can do however when it comes down to it; I personally believe Animal Exercises take the cake for developing insane levels of testosterone and loads of Growth Hormone that gave us that youthful feeling earlier in life.

I'm over 30 and I do understand that the right training ideals are essential to stay on top of the heap when it comes to leveled hormones. I'm already getting the sense of what its like to not have that fire in the loins every now and then and mainly because of food intake. I've dabbled in bad fast food and heavy doses of soda in the past but its gotten a little better but Iv'e also noticed now that when I eat fried chicken especially the high salty kind, let's just say my libido is nowhere to be seen or felt so looks like that food is out the window man. I do find however when I do Animal Exercises, my energy levels rise, my endorphins kick in and the BOYS along with the SOLDIER are extremely happy and full of vigor and sexually strengthened.

Trust me, you don't need to train very long to FEEL it and the workouts last no more than 20 min. One of the reasons why I love the Animal Dice Game; its random and the animals come out of nowhere and my body is adapting to the style on a constant shift. When you move like a beast, you're not isolating muscles or working a couple muscles, you're hitting EVERYTHING!!!!

The irony in this whole realm of training is that I have a greater surge of energy now than when I was a teenager; can only IMAGINE what I could've turned into if I had done this type of training at say 13 or 14 and stayed consistent.

Get in on The Way Of The Animal and experience life in a whole new way and have greater energy, stronger bones, powerful muscles and develop Growth Hormone like nothing else. These exercises are much more intense than regular "human" exercises and when that intensity is being done, the intensity of what goes on in your body will be known.

Monday, March 13, 2017

1000 Reps In Animal Workout

Yesterday I made the decision to go after a goal that I knew I could do within this month but never thought I'd get there this fast. In my animal workout I went for doing 1000 Reps or Steps playing the animal dice game. I had to stop a few times to catch my breath and making sure the numbers were on par because the number of steps or reps you do come at random so after 35 Rolls I stopped to check the totals and it came out 704; OK so I had another 296 to go, at 44 Rolls it was at 920 so only 80 more to go...YES!!! I did 2 rolls of 40 each of 2 animals and low and behold....1000 was in my hands.

Felt amazing and although going through so many animals, I wasn't sore at all and just felt high and invigorated (:

Lots of energy flowing, hormones were hitting the roof and a smile that felt warm, awesome and beautiful.

Going after a goal like that can be intimidating. I mean come on its 1000 Reps, many people never total that high in any workout but it is achievable and once you set your mind on it don't ever let it go until its done.

Can you hit 1000 in a workout?

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