Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Gorilla Is My Animality (And Being Thankful)

Thanksgiving is tomorrow so you maniacs better brush up on your training before having that huge feast. I know i'll be hungry as hell that day, hopefully the family i'm hanging with can make enough food for this beast. Other than that how the hell are you guys? Got a good mid-week going or do you have those mid-week blues? Sometimes it can be lonely for some of you and maybe you don't celebrate a holiday like this, i'm certainly not the biggest fan for a few reasons but I do my best to make it just another day but with insane amount of food.

The first thing I want to talk about is what are you thankful for? However the year has been for you what have been the positives? For me; i'm thankful for the people in my life especially my girl Holly. Only 7 months in and she has been a light that shines bright even in some dark moments plus has been the best thing to happen to me in a long time. There has never been a day where we don't laugh or are there for each other when we need it the most. I push her in training sometimes but she also pushes back even harder to have me step up my game and it has. I'm also thankful for my friends in the fitness world who encourage me and inspire me everyday to be creative and sharing their passion. These are the top 2 i'll mention but I've got more that I want to just hold onto myself.

The second thing I want to mention is; in the spirit of Animal Exercises I want ask all of you, what is your Animality? For those that don't understand it's a term that came from the Mortal Kombat video games I use to play as a kid and when you were the winner of a fight you could finish the helpless opponent by doing some really gruesome stuff but another option (if you knew the right codes and directions) was to tear the guy to pieces by turning into an animal that your character's spirit possessed like Liu Kang had the Dragon, Nightwolf was well a wolf or Sonya Blade being the Hawk. Every one of us has an animalistic spirit dwelling within. The easiest way to find that out (at least from my experience) to channel that is to do Animal exercises, practice as many as you can creating games, scenarios, competitions or learning the various moves and instinctively figure out which animals seems to be the most frequent and favorite that you do. The gorilla happens to be mine. I always train and seem to intuitively do this exercise more often than any other Animal. This isn't an invitation to figure out your animality and going out killing people or anything like that. It's unleashing that powerful spirit within you that helps shape your body, makes you stronger, powerful and full of insane conditioning.

It can be difficult finding out which animal suits you and the way you move but that's the beauty of Jungle Fitness is to find a new sense of yourself and unleashing that inner strength you may not realize is inside you. That internal force that brings out our instincts and gives us that glare most will never understand. The gorilla is mine because I love the strength it possesses, the sheer power of it's tendons, the musculature of it's chest, back, arms and neck. It is congruent with what I want to achieve and that's being as being big and athletic as possible. I'm the ground and pound kind of guy if I wrestled someone, I love to climb at times and walk as if I was King Kong. Your Animality might be different but you have to feel it and experience that passionate fire and how you move, the way your mind and awareness comes into play. We all have it yet only a small few have ever achieved it.

That's all for today you guys and I want to wish you and your family a very happy thanksgiving and for those that don't celebrate it, kick back and just be you. Before I go I have a surprise for you. One major company I represent will be having an insane Black Friday sale that will be 40% OFF and free shipping for orders over $100. Now that's awesome and I can't wait to share with you and it's one of the best fitness companies in the world today that has helped thousands of people all over the world and has been used by athletes in the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, Soccer, Rugby and College Sports. You don't want to miss out.

Kick ass today and everyday,


Monday, November 23, 2015

An Animalistic Weekend

Hey there my Animal Comrads,

 Did you guys have a kick ass weekend? I hope so. I stayed in most of the time since it's getting really damn cold outside. I'm a born and raised coastal Californian, the coldest I was ever use to until 4 years ago was no more than 38-45. It's getting as low as the 20's and i'm here most of the time in T-Shirts & Shorts (go ahead take your shots). It was more or less a quiet weekend in the house, played some PS3, promoted a little, got sent some bucks for selling a course or 2 a while back, watched the new series on Netflix Jessica Jones and finished up the first season of the Flash to catch up. All the while training like a wild animal and having a ton of laughs with my girl Holly whom you can read about here.

Over the weekend especially yesterday I was contemplating about what exact benefits you can get from actually doing Animal Exercise and consistently. On Twitter, I wrote 20 different and awesome benefits on what this method can do for adults and kids alike. I encourage you to click on the link and check them out. I have become more enthralled and excited than ever to do Animal movements. I do 15-30 min. a day everyday recently and it never gets me doing the same order twice. I average in those workouts (play time for me) around 25-60 rolls at a time. By rolls I mean doing the Dice Game where you roll once for an animal, a second time for numbered steps. Some animals are tougher than others but that's where you pace yourself, breathe after each set and check it off. I'm seeing incredible results right away; arms are getting more defined, my core is getting muscular, my chest is bigger, my legs are incredibly stronger and my explosiveness is powerful as well. Still got a ways to go to truly hit my animal peak but it's a hell of a ride.

What are you doing to get yourself in shape? What's preventing you from having fun while you exercise? Is it the weather, your job, family, the bills, stress? How do you expect to achieve your best self if you can't make the effort? Timing is a pain in the ass, it's understandable and it's about being realistic I sympathize with you. The thing is, you can get a great start if you're willing to put a little time even if 5 minutes is all you have for now. Did you know even 1 minute can make a huge difference in what you do. If you played the animal dice game like I talked about, do 5 rolls of animal movement just 5. Anyone can do 5 come on now that's nothing (but can be a lot) and it only takes a couple minutes. I know you may think that it's not enough to get results. In the beginning it does. I'm going to tell you something that most people are afraid to admit; when I first played this game I nearly passed out because I pushed myself too hard way too fast. I wanted to quit after that because it was too much and like most people I never thought i'd put myself in that position but I didn't quit. I screwed up and had nothing to do with the exercises or the game itself, it was my foolish pride and uncontrollable excitement to push the limits because that's what you're told right? I dusted myself off and went into thinking mode, creating a strategy to where I do only a small portion and build from there. I got better and it's become my favorite game to play.

Maybe the game is not meant for you and that's perfectly fine. If you're into animal movements maybe you want to only a few of them and do 1 minute each to start. Play around with them and come up with your own game. With the dice game it at times comes up with an animal I highly despise and gets me winded more than any other animal so unless it's low reps I don't do it. I choose a different animal for myself, something easier or one that I'm comfortable challenging myself on. I still get it done and keep going with the game that I want to play.

Over this weekend it made me think that when you do something consistently it becomes a habit; when you play with your exercise it becomes more than a habit; it becomes something fun and exciting to do. I never know what to expect everyday when I do animal movements. At times my muscles don't know what the hell is going on. After a while my muscles know what the exercise is after doing it so many times but things switch up in the blink of an eye where they still need to adapt. A lot can change with a single roll of the dice. What will you do when that movement comes up?

Hope you start the week with a bang and some movement of your favorite animals. Mark your territory by moving (not peeing) and have a blast with it. Get the kids involved, got some warm weather where you are, make a game outside. If it's too cold (like it is for me here) make enough room for you and/or your family and play a little game. There are ways to get in shape, you got the basics and now just a little imagination.

Welcome to a new week and tell me your stories of Thanksgiving and be sure to let me know what you're thankful for. Before I leave you I got some cool stuff to share with you. Having a big holiday dinner can knock you off your way of eating to stay in healthy shape. It's going to be tempting but I will give you a couple options. If you choose to eat, train first to really earn that meal so you can get the calories and sources of protein/carbs to fuel yourself and just eat. If you truly want to stick to your guns, I've got a few things I'd like to show you that can help suppress those big time cravings and make the best of eating well and enjoy your feast just as awesomely. Here are three things that will keep your hunger at bay:

Crave Check 
& Meal Replacement Shake (White Chocolate Peppermint)

This stuff works like a charm and has helped literally thousands of people so they can still get great results while eating well.

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Jungle VIP Is Just A Click Away

Hey what's up Parents/Guardians?

Do you have kids that have trouble sitting still or have trouble getting up and moving around? Maybe have a kid that could use a little structure and might have trouble making friends? There are solutions that maybe I can give you tips on. I would never tell you how to raise your kid, i'm not like that and I know you are doing everything possible but could use a little extra nudge.

Now I want to tell you something I have a hard time talking about because when I was a pre-teen and early teen I had a lot of issues when it came to my brain function, my emotions & my weight issues. I was in the Special Education system because of the meningitis I grew up dealing with since I was a baby. Learning how to do things differently than the majority of people. Had really bad speech problems & motor skills were extremely difficult for me. Luckily I developed an incredible memory (much like Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory if you've ever seen that) but yet had trouble figuring things out. I had to rethink everything and took me until I was about 6 or 7 to really talk normally.

I also had problems listening at times (like most kids but on a different level) because I couldn't understand some of the most basic things. Sure I made friends in school over the years but also was bullied. By the time I was 13 I ballooned up to 5'4 nearly 200 pounds of mostly fat and not too much muscle. The only workout I ever really did at that age was playing basketball and the things in P.E. I had been punched, scarred and once had a full blown basketball hit me right in the face because I made some stupid comment. Some kids are just freaking cruel.

A lot of the exercises I learned in grade school I didn't like, they just didn't suit well with me and I just wanted to play ball with my boys or play kill the carrier; games like that at my second mom's house. As I got older I got into more exercise like weights, swimming, track & field and others but somehow they just never gave me the passion to do anything I really could do. I was great at some weight lifting yet never really went anywhere. After high school I got into the gym scene trying out everything I saw in the magazines. Did ok but something just wasn't there you know. When I had my leg injuries at 20 nearly 21 years old I had an epiphany that changed everything. I rehabbed myself through sheer will using nothing but my own bodyweight and suddenly as I kept pushing day after day something just clicked inside me and I was really enjoying what I was doing.

A few years after I fully healed and kept learning as much as exercise as possible I finally found the one thing that not only clicked but had me do more than just working out, I was having fun. I was doing Animal Exercise, mimicking some of the most powerful creatures on the planet, my favorite movement was the Gorilla. I fell in love with this course. Kept doing it off and on for years but always ended up back on them some how. I was drawn to it and I was building muscle and stamina I didn't think I could gain (I was already crazy from other things but nothing could compare to this).

When I found out there was a kids version of this course I knew I had to find a way to promote it because not only do I love kids but I wanted to share something with them and you awesome parents or guardians what I wish I had back when I was their age. If I had learned anything about this course, my life most likely would've gone in a different direction. I never want a kid to feel what I did and be chubby and weak. Kids are meant to be strong, healthy and full of life. I want to show you what this course can do for not just them but for you as well. Being fit isn't a chore, it's an adventure with limitless possibilities. To get all that energy out before class, something to play at recess or P.E, create scenarios that enhances their brain cells (which can carry over to getting awesome grades), generate real muscle and endurance for sports performance and increase their ever growing bones for a healthy spine, strong core, athletic legs and overall agility and flexibility. A kid is meant to have all these things.

My favorite Disney movie growing up was the Jungle Book which you see in the pic above. Remember the scene where Mowgli is kidnapped by the monkeys and the ever crazy Orangutan King Louie singing "I wanna be like you"? It made me think that after all these years and seeing it more times than most kids today have been alive I wanted to be more like an animal than a human because a lot of human movement (with the exception of MovNat) is boring and always seemed stationary and full of machines you don't really need. Animal Movement is exciting and creative, using your body in all sorts of directions and awkward movement using your surroundings and most of the time nothing but the ground you stand on. Some schools today are doing this and it's start but I want to see it grow and develop into a curriculum and making it fun for everyone in a class.

I would like you to think for a moment and see in your mind what kind of kid you want to see develop. What are they doing to achieve their goals, where do you see them going as far as physically and mentally fit? It's not about pushing them so hard it's going to scare them off and resent you no; it's about compromising, learning valuable tools to help them in their lives. Doing chores, how to utilize their timeouts when they haven't been doing what they're told not as a major punishment but a lesson. Figure things out together as a family and although they may not like it at times it's better than being violent verbally or physically or just plain sending them up to their room. Make it work for all of you so in the end, you can achieve things even when you think something is wrong in the house. Being a parent is tough as it is, don't make it any tougher than it has to be on either end. Kids will be kids but in the end, it's you they look up to and what they will set themselves up in the future.

Please take a look at Wild Animal Fitness For Kids and get an idea on how to help your kid not only get fit but use their talents and imaginations to keep them out of trouble and have a happy life that is full of love, joy and the occasional family bonding. If I knew then what I know now things would be a heck of a lot different. Thank you for taking the time to read, you are amazing and i'll be rooting for you and the little ones.

Your friend of the Jungle,

Ben Bergman

P.S If you have any questions you would like to ask feel free to contact me by my email or you can reach me at my websites Advocare (Microsite), Fitness Pros or my Branded Me site which are all on the right side of this letter. Keep rocking and be awesome.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Wild Vastness Of Animalistic Abilities

How's it going my dear friends of strength? Life treating you good, your lady keeping you in check or living the lone warrior life and chilling with your boys when you get the chance? I've got something I want to talk to you about if you got the time....

These days I have been training like a wild animal. Although it's cold out where I'am, I still make time to train but not in the hardcore style some of these pretty boys in the fancy gyms that are full of mirrors and full of egos so huge the entire city of New York can't stand. You know you're a bad ass right? So you can trust me when I say this; that being a bad ass is a gift most will never have, it's about honor and having the balls to stand up for the weak and show them the way to be strong. To teach how to be cool to one another and defend yourself and not attacking with pleasure or no remorse. Being an animal is in our DNA fellas and there's nothing we can do to stop it.

For the most part training like a beast unleashed reaps benefits that most methods wouldn't even dare touch. You can hit the iron all you want (I do it too from time to time) but nothing will make you crazy stupid strong like moving like a wild creature of the Jungle. We are the decedents of the animals, we share the same color blood as a vast number of them. We have instincts and they got stuff on us we can never truly fathom but the same goes vice versa. I'm a man who loves the Jungle Training; to move using every freaking muscle in your body just even go a few feet sends billions and billions of neurons into the nerves of your body. Lifting heavy objects does the same thing, swinging a sledgehammer that is awesomely heavy works too. You want muscles that are for real and not just pretty little biceps or a back so huge you can't wipe your own ass; tendons that seem like they're forged from steel and not wimpering little tissues that break on a side walk curb.

These aren't just the type of benefits you'll receive, there's a hell of a lot more. You know those lethal and life-dangering HGH needles some of those stars of Tinseltown use or those corrupt Sports Athletes take just to get an edge? They got nothing on Animal Movements. This type of training naturally enhances your hormones that goes 10x the amount a drug does. Come on, why shoot up when you can do it with a few minutes of wildness a day. Hell I weigh in the high 250's and feel like an athlete at 230 or less, I can feel those hormones raging like a teen horndog going through puberty and never once touched Drugs and i'm in my early 30's bro. I have a big appetite especially for a good old fashioned buffalo cheeseburger and because of the way I do Animal Training, my metabolism goes through the roof sometimes. No matter what your age, you can develop the same benefits and do so without spending so much time training you forget who your family and friends are.

We are animals whether you believe it or not and accepting that is the first step towards Animality not immortality but Animality. It gives you abilities you didn't think were possible; forget the weight loss and dropping fat like a stack of bricks, your strength, stamina, flexibility, agility, explosiveness all within your grasp and you don't realize how much you can accomplish. We all have that Animal Spirit, the soul of a powerful creature that brings out our instincts and our powerful sense of internal power and sexual energy. Why hold that in when you can unleash all of it in it's glory and being aware on how to use it. If you guys are stuck in the same old rut and not getting something out of yourself and not feeding your muscles and tendons the most pure form of strength and longevity then you need to get off your ass and move brother.

For you young dudes in your late teens and early 20's, you have your whole lives ahead, the future is literally in your hands. Don't grow up doing what everyone else is doing, being normal sucks and most people suck the fun out of life so be unique and move with passion, train to stay healthy for a longer life, be awesome to kids and never let anyone tell you you're not good enough; everyone is incredible at something. You have amazing gifts, be wild and free. Train like a wild animal and you can't go wrong.

From the Jungle,

"Big" Ben

For All Ages: Animal Kingdom Conditioning

For The Wild & Advanced Animal Maniac: Animal Kingdom Conditioning II- Call Of The Wild

For The Little Animal Cubs: Wild Animal Fitness For Kids

For The Creative Mind For Movement: Animal Flow 2.0

Friday, November 13, 2015

(Urgent: Must Read) My Fellow Training Maniacs

What's up you crazy nuts?

Yesterday I put myself through a workout (damn I hate that word) that not only tested my conditioning but it tested me mentally in a way where I wanted to find out just how much fun it would be to really have no time limit and see how far I can go. To be honest, I had a fucking blast and I didn't want to stop but as you may have noticed (or didn't cause you were way too into it) too much of anything can get your ass in trouble. I'm all for pushing the limits and seeing what it takes to go from level to the next but we all have to learn the one thing when we push our asses to the next level: Recovery.

The workout (there goes that word again) was moving like a wild animal and using my 20-sided dye (read my article The Game That Gets You Animal Fit for more details) see how many roles my body and mind wanted to go through. Most would call this pure hell but since i'm a psychotic exercise guy I found it to be pure fun. I made to 51 rolls in around 30 minutes from what I saw on my phone since remembering what time I started. There was a time during this fun session that I literally thought I was transforming into a wild animal. Talk about going insane.

Now let me ask you fanatical beasts something....Do you think with that type of training people would be afraid of people like us? I mean seriously, for the average Joe or Jane they can't even comprehend this shit and you know why? They're not educated enough and motivated to make something of themselves. You & I, we are weird and don't apply to people like them but I feel like we should. We can't just be that one group people can't stand or understand and only do this for ourselves. I don't know about you but I love getting at least one person involved and turn them into guys and gals like us not to scare them off or tell them what they're doing is stupid (although at times I do question some methods these people do) but show them something that could be fun and take their normal routine out of their element and make it interesting.

I don't know how you nutjobs get that motivation to train as if your life depended on it (I do to some but the rest, holy shit Batman) but maybe we can switch gears and adapt to helping others find that motivation and get them to have fun, be excited and take them out of their boring routines because let's face it, boring equals death and no one wants to die of boredom. We've gone through enough crap in our lifetime to really make stuff boring. I'm sick and tired of these whiny, salt on the wound souls that feel like what they do is great yet they don't have any real life to show for it. Please for the love of Sandow; join me in this quest to get people out of their boring, wasted, do or die element and let's get them on the path to good old fashioned ass kicking training that gets them results they never expected. It won't be easy but it'll be interesting.

Before I head out for the weekend and chillax at the man cave near the lake let me ask you one more thing...What the hell have you been using for supplements lately? Please don't tell me that Met-RX and Whey hasn't been working for yeah? Aren't you tired of taking something that is making you feel like shit better yet wouldn't rather take something that actually tastes good for once? Don't get me wrong, I like taking certain things to amplify my training and recovery (That doesn't mean steroids, come on son you aught to know by now that crap is for guys who take shortcuts) but I rather take something that not only hits me like a bolt of freaking lightning but helps me be able to repair well so I can keep kicking ass myself. What I've been taking lately gives me that jolt that I crave and pushes me with a vengeance in my training.

I want you guys (and the lovely ladies of course) to take a look at and grab a box or canister of SPARK, the energy supplement that boosts you as high as Red bull & monster but without the messed up crash and burn later with that depressed feeling at the end. Tastes amazing and the flavor is just insanely good. You really want to pay 2 For 3 Can of Energy Drinks that would cost 60 bucks a month if you drank that crap 5 times a week? Think about your health brother.

Take care and let's show how awesome real training and nutrition is,

Big Ben Bergman...Laters

P.S I forgot it's Friday The 13th. Don't see it as a bad day, make it fucking awesome and inspiring.

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