Friday, January 30, 2015

Smart Training

    There's a fine line between being smart about your training and being a complete dumbass and not knowing what the hell you're doing. Granted some people just can't understand the concept of how idiotic certain things are till it's too late. A lot of people these days are looking for the coolest trend, it peaks their interest and want to see what it's like because hey everyone else is doing it right, why not you? Truth is those fads are geared for those type of people; gullible, not too bright and willing to jump in with both feet without looking at things from under the surface or another perspective. I've been there I've tried the bodybuilding gig and taking protein shakes and trained so damn hard I was ready to pass out (I'm not actually joking about that). It's easy to see something new, exciting and something you feel you want to fit into and I can't blame yeah, some of these fitness fads look incredible and the promises are unbelievable but in the end, it's money stealing and 95% of these fads will just fade away quicker than a calorie burn on a treadmill.


    What most need to realize is that in order to even get the results you want, its not always the program that's the problem, it's the understanding of your own body. The body is capable of great things and we sometimes take for granted the way our bodies repair themselves and grow both the inside and outside but none of us are invincible. There is a limit to what our body can withstand but that threshold isn't the same with everyone, some can handle things far greater than others. To get the very best out of your training is to learn your body's capabilities and learn when to stop and when to keep going. Some of these workouts like those crazy Crossfit WOD types are insane and they expect some chick or dude who is a beginner to do that advanced workout that even Superman would say "uh uh." Not saying Crossfit isn't bad but it does have its cons like everything else and in more ways than one. I believe in finding what the body is capable of but to a certain degree; I want to able to train everyday even if it's just a qi gong workout to build that internal power but if I can't even move a single inch of my body there's something wrong there.


    There are three types of people in fitness; one is the guy/girl who is smart about what they do and understands when to push and when to back off, the second is that person who believes in pushing to the limit practically every workout and would rather die getting that last rep even if his form is way off and the third is that poor gullible shmuck who doesn't know their ass from their elbow and chases after fads like a woman who's a shopaholic (sorry ladies) and just puts themselves in harm's way without even taking the time to go through the techniques and what could be useful. It is a challenge we all face and I go through phases where I'm particularly interested in a certain program but if it's new to me completely, I test out the waters and find out if my body has the greenlight to do some tough stuff and more so if they actually have any interest to me afterwards. I have pushed myself to limits that would make most people cringe and have seen great friends push themselves so hard it took them awhile to get back to the frontlines. I'm a firm believer in pushing to see what you're capable of but only do it when the time is right and you're 100% ready because if you're not you're going to suffer some consequences.


    To make the right choices in your training is by experimenting and if something doesn't feel right regardless of what the workout says, it's best you don't so it. If it something you're interested in and it helps you plus you're happy and you're not fighting it that's what you ought to get good at and utilize it within another program that perks you up. Mix it up, make a game out of it, use your brain and don't always listen to what some dumb trainer told you to do, do it because you love it. I've seen some awful trainers in my time but the best ones I know of helps you find that passion, the type of training that excites you regardless of what you're feeling and they will push you but they also know what buttons to push. Don't be a shmuck who's a sucker for every fad that came his way; be that person who trains with passion, willing to push when you need to and smile about it not frown and bitch because bitching just makes things worse. I get it sometimes we can't be giddy all the time when we train because I'm certainly not the type of guy who jumps for joy like a little school boy who saw the coolest candy in the candy store at every workout, I have days where I just want my workout to be over with and let it go the rest of the day but at the same time even in that state at times I know I'm making things happen for myself because it's my passion and practically my birthright for doing this so even on the bad days, it's still awesome in the end. Do what works for you and celebrate your accomplishments and your challenges, find what you love and let it be the driving force for anything that comes into your life. Be awesome.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Batman’s Conditioning

    For anyone that has the read the comics or has seen Batman Begins, we know how rigorous the Caped Crusader's training is, although exaggerated in some ways, in others it is admired. He doesn't do much in the realm of weights although it's been seen a time or too possibly in the cartoons but what you see from him is a no bullshit entity of superior conditioning; Push-ups, Squats, Pull-ups, Gymnastics, Martial Arts, Parkour, unbelievable endurance, crazy strength for a guy without super powers and his awareness and understanding of his body is just incredible. To get a basic idea of the closest thing to a realistic Batman workout is by doing the Batman Workout. There is even a challenge which has you doing the main three bodyweight exercises; Push-ups, Squats and Sit-ups over a 30 day period that has an increase in repetition.


    When it comes down to it, some of the best athletes in the world relied mostly on bodyweight training it's a known fact; guys like Rocky Marciano, Ricky Henderson, Hershel Walker, Stan Musial, Mickey Mantel, Frank Gotch, Karl Gotch, The Great Gama, Lou Thesz and others. So whether you want to believe it or not, bodyweight training is an incredible staple of physical conditioning and it's even made its way not just in Batman but others like Doc Savage. Batman in my opinion takes it to its very peak doing things that weights can't even measure even if he was equipped with a gym chalk full of machines and weights. He uses what's practical, efficient and can be used anywhere because as you know he stalks the night for viscous criminals and needs that reserved endurance and strength to take them down and brought to justice. Think about it, if you're the city's night watchman and need to stake out the most notorious crooks even those that freaking huge (Bane and Killer Crock ring a bell?), do you really think weights are going to help in the long run for the strength you need as you're fighting them off? I'm not saying weights aren't good they are in many cases but yet when it comes down to it you need that reserved strength like a conditioned fighter. You have to able to use it a moment's notice and not for a short term workout; it's got work outside the gym as well as in.


   Despite no superpowers and doesn't heal quite as quickly as most heroes, Batman is the only human hero that is practically superhuman. Sure he doesn't have much sleep and has to keep up appearances as Bruce Wayne but when he gets in that zone, in that mindset where no matter what the odds he finds a way to get the job done and that goes along with his training. Like I said if you ever read what his actual workouts are like it is grossly exaggerated and makes even the most conditioned athlete look like a small chump but yet there are possibilities if we even cut down to a 1/3 of what he does would benefit anyone who wants to get in some serious shape. If he actually existed and taught even remotely a small dose of his conditioning secrets, think of what that would mean to a MMA Fighter, Boxer, Baseball Player, Track Athlete and Strongman.


    His training is in my opinion, underrated yet led by example because you don't have to do the exact same things he does (quite frankly no one can) but you can however do something and think in a different perspective on elevating your strength and conditioning to another level using a progressive system and the understanding of food intake, recovery and sleep. Batman in most people's eyes is the greatest Comic Book hero ever created and why; because he's more relatable as to being human and struggling to do well in the world like the rest of us. Sure we don't have his billions of dollars and a secret batcave or hell even the damn gadgets but even without those things he's still human and has developed himself through hard fought training, brains and the will to fight for what he believes in. So the next time you knock a system of exercise that seems too basic and is only good for endurance; do half of what Batman does and see how well conditioned you are.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Get It Right In The Hole

    I was never really that big of a fan of Golf unless it was on a video game or watching movies like Tin Cup, Happy Gilmore or Caddyshack. I barely think it's a sport but yet in a way I admire Golfers for their key eye on how to go for the right shots and those unexpected putts in the hole from 100 ft is pretty awesome. It takes much more than hitting a ball with a messed up looking stick and knocking it in a Gopher hole. Your eye sight needs to be sharp, timing your swing is a key and regardless of power you need a rhythm in speed and technique. Sure some guys can knock a ball 300 yards or more but how many can accurately secure a ball on the green from say 75 yards and have it be less than 20ft from the hole, that's some serious Golf right there.


    Now beyond the swing, you don't need to grip the club that hard and you don't need to hit it so hard you pull a muscle, you can have a great swing with a solid grip that is stable but not crushing. There's not a whole lot of strength in it once you get the hang of it. Flexibility is a factor and the ability to breathe. Some of those guys pull muscles not from straining their swing but because they're holding their breath and yet lose their power. Think of it this way, you're an avid Golfer; what if you can jump up your game just by your thoughts along with your practice? The mental part of the game is even more essential than the physical and knowing the ability on how to use your mind within your own realm of imagination. Also your breath is your power more than your muscles, when you know how to breathe and have that pattern in your swing, you can generate more power without needing to tense up.


    Picture yourself in your own little Movie Theater, you have your own seat in the press box or wherever you choose to sit, no one is around and the only thing that is going on is you watching a movie. Breathe a little deeper and sink into your private film as you watch yourself hit the ball further with that perfect swing, feel the air in your body as the wind runs through the course, it's the perfect weather and it's just you, your clubs and the hole you're shooting into. Picture walking up to the ball with ease, feel the grass in your feet, see it as if your shoe padding felt like the grass you are walking on. You take out your next club and you intuitively know it's the right club. You make another perfect swing, you breathe into the club as you go up and come back and hit the ball, it goes another 60 yards or so, you're getting closer, feel your heart riddled with joy and feeling happy. Everything is quiet, feel that warm weather, the sensation of power in your hands as you grip the club, you zoom in on the flag, zoom out and get ready for your shot, you are confident, you have incredible control of the ball and it goes where you tell it to go. As the ball is heading to the flag you know right there it's going to land just mere feet away and your winning shot is in your grasp. You get to the top of the putting green, your shot is just a couple feet away but you want to savor the moment, take in that deep breath of fresh, crisp air and as you take out your putter, you are not only going to win this match but you made it ahead to where the other golfers can't keep up. The shot is yours, bring that putter back breathing into the pull back and as you come forward in your swing, it becomes a magnet for when it hits the ball that magnetic field puts it right in the hole. You are the champion, the big winning check is yours and you earned every penny of it. Picture this often and see what happens in your game.


    When you take that long driver and you want to put that ball so far out, the blast of the club to the ball is so loud it carries over to the next course. That is power my friend, make that club crack with super accuracy and majestic strength, your fellow golfers will think you're on steroids. The sound of lightning striking, thundering power into the ball with effortless aim and sending that ball into the stratosphere as you send it home while having it go for the ride its life. This is beyond the game, it is your game and you have the power to become a champion.

Monday, January 26, 2015

The 1000 Rep Barrier

    Yesterday, I went out with my 26 pound Sledgehammer and a tire. It was in the mid 40's weather wise but I didn't care, I was determined to make my mark. After all the sweat, the heavy breathing, numbers running through my head and the physical torture I put myself through I hit 1000 reps hitting that tire. To calculate 26x1000=26,000; that's the amount of weight I lifted total, that's 13 tons of pure, hard and super powerful steel in my grasp. This was my fourth 1000 rep triumph in the near decade since my leg accident. The other two were 1050 Hindu Squats/Jumpers, 1000+ reps using a deck of cards and 1000 Arm Wrestling Pulls. Doing 1000 reps of anything is pretty awesome and a great goal to shoot for. It goes beyond logic when it comes to specific exercises and it puts you in the realm of an elite group. It really is a cool number to achieve.


    Now does doing 1000 reps require only one exercise? No it doesn't, you can 2 exercises at 500 reps per one or 3 exercises at a 500/300/200 scheme or whatever you want it to be. It is achievable but it takes more mental than physical and your heart and mind need to be on the same page otherwise it won't happen the way you want it. Some people do 500 Push-ups, 400 Squats and 100 pull-ups in a workout that can be done once you're in a high level of conditioning. It doesn't even need to be done all in one workout, it can be spread out throughout the day until you've hit that mark. However, if you do it with a single exercise like I have done and others that is some serious work and mental strength to go after. I did mine in sets between 20-100 reps at a time and when I needed a breather I took it, it takes a lot out of you and you need to conserve your oxygen. This is not an everyday thing, this is in the realm of three times a week at best and that's if you're at an advanced level. Also it takes knowing your body and intuitively knowing when to go at it and when to take a break or stop.


    Like I've said before doing 1000 reps of exercise can have magic wonders happen; increased testosterone, strengthened tendons, muscle coming out of nowhere and a level of endurance that is off the charts. A friend of mine told me magic things happen when you hit 1000 reps and I understand what he meant. Think about it, doing 1000 reps of say like push-ups or squats is quite a feat of endurance but also comes with insane strength as well because after a while when you become a little sore it's tough to keep moving and the strength you need to get up is much more utilized. You are in a level of conditioning not many people have achieved and could never understand. It's beyond physical at this point and like I said it's not an everyday thing unless you're superman or someone with an insane amount of endurance and can recover well. After doing this many reps in a short or certain period of time, you're going to need recovery and letting your body repair itself but that doesn't mean you shouldn't stop training, stretch, hold certain positions, do Yoga but not anything too hardcore otherwise you can injure yourself or burn out from too much training and over exhausting the body's nervous system. However, when you do this every once in a while, like I said magic happens; fat burning at a rapid rate, increased muscle mass from specific exercise using heavy weight and incredible stamina along with crazy strength.


    You can make the 1000 rep barrier all you want, one of my favorites is taking a deck of cards and going through the deck, I have used both a hammer and done push-ups/squats. Make it interesting and creative for you so you don't always have that dread of thought most people get. A friend once said "it never gets easier" which is true but it can be more interesting; change the speed, rep count, do less sets, go slow; there are so many different ways to do 1000 reps. As I may have mentioned this is an advanced level of training that is not for the couch potatoes or the lazy weekend warriors; it takes guts, heart, mental power, physical progression and a great deal of focus I'm not going to lie it is tough and you will be hungry as hell; I went through 2 huge plate fulls of Panda Express eating noodles, veggies, rice, chicken and beef just to feed my body enough after all that training. You will need to fuel your body and a protein shake isn't going to cut it, you will need to eat to fuel up because unless you're fasting that day eating is mandatory but don't be eating mcdonalds or burger king or any of that crap (Panda Express does have some very healthy options and have eaten there many times and do not have an extremely large gut) so pack it on and eat the way you're meant to. None of that eat a small salad or Vi Shake afterwards when it comes to this kind of workout you'll need fuel. Eat veggies, fruits, lean meats and a good amount of carbs and fats because they supply tremendous energy needed. If you drink milk, I suggest Raw Milk over the Pasturized stuff or Almond Milk for those that are Lactose Intolerant. Have it and be prepared to sweat, breathe hard and burn off fat like a freaking furnace.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Why In A Rush?

    The magic pill, 6 minute abs, fat to fab in 6 weeks or less, circuits to beat the clock and a very personal favorite of mine; train like the movie stars you see in your favorite trash magazine. In today's society with things constantly changing, people want their quick fixes and if they don't come out right they bitch and moan plus blaming others for their faults. We have become a move it or lose it type people and the latest fads make "promises" of making you look like a greek god or goddess in under a month even if you weigh 300 lbs. and are under 6' tall. It's heart breaking and at the same time pathetic that these money scamming pricks who charge an arm and a leg just so you can have the perfect body here and now as if it was even remotely possible. Hate to break it to you my friend, it's bullshit and it's always been bullshit. Sure some people have a gift of putting on muscle quicker than others or in a lot of cases take drugs and other "supplements" to heighten up the process. There is no such thing as a quick fix or a magic pill that will help you build instantaneous muscle that is remotely healthy or logical.


    Why are in such a rush? You excited about what you're going to do and get, are you just beating your body to death just to lose a single pound and are you really going to tackle a workout you're clearly not ready for just to see if you can beat the clock? People want results NOW!!! They don't give a damn about what they do as long as you look like something Michelangelo cut out of stone; don't need to worry about having healthy bones, they'll just break and heal, maybe pop a few tendons and dislocate a few joints all for the sake of having a powerful looking physique. In a way I feel sorry for these people it's sad and gives others who want results and are willing to keep going in a safe manner a bad name. It's like a little 4 year old who wants a piece of candy and if he/she can't have it they throw a tantrum and scream and cry as if somebody was just murdered. Don't believe me, it happens with some people I've seen it first hand and I just have no sympathy for the poor bastard. Results are earned and they must be respected otherwise it will backfire on you and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.


    It took me nearly ten years after my accident to do squats and leg flexibility exercises efficiently and with control, for a number of years, I fell, barely balanced on a few things, had trouble standing up for even a few minutes, be able to stretch beyond my toes and never once felt like giving up because if I did, it would've been too easy and I wasn't going to let myself go after coming this far. I pushed through, sweated, was even in a great amount of pain at first because I just started learning to walk again. What's the point to all this; the point is results come when you have earned them and just you didn't make a goal or two and you didn't get what you wanted right away doesn't mean you should quit. You need to be patient, believe in yourself and take responsibility for what you do, if you screw up, it wasn't the trainers fault or the program you did didn't work; you weren't ready and your results became what they were meant to be. Whether it takes you ten years, 10 months or 10 hours, results will come when the universe tells you you're ready to have them. I have busted my ass for years doing plenty of ab work and no six pack but I have built a strong core that can take a beating far better than the guy who does have a six pack. I not only earned what I have, I have tremendous gratitude for it and continue to get better not just in having strong abs but great flexibility, upper body strength that is just crazy and have kick ass speed for my size to swim fast, sprint like a madman and a lower body that is strong, durable and agile. When you earn your results, you'll have a greater appreciation for what you have accomplished.


    Challenging yourself is a great thing but sometimes pushing too hard can lead to a lot of problems. I have blacked out from running when I was in high school, I nearly passed out at the gym from dizziness and over exhausting my body and believe it or not I have been hurt to the point where I needed to rehab. There were times where I couldn't get out of bed because every single shred of my joints hurt and I could barely move a few inches without being in great pain; want to know the kicker, I wasn't even 21 yet when all of that happened. Be safe when you go after something, don't sacrifice form just for a quantity amount of reps or sets. Understand how your body works, think outside the box and do the best you can to not get injured or worse end up dead, yeah you read that right people have died from pushing themselves too hard. Don't rush your workout, be efficient, resourceful and use some common sense for Christ's sake. When you challenge yourself, do so by adding a little more than what you normally do, not a freaking ton trust me it's not fun. Challenge yourself by the smallest fraction because little by little when you have made a killing in your obstacles you're building a bigger picture. A passionate painter doesn't take huge chunks of color and slabs it on otherwise it's not going to come out right, he has to take his time, see the picture in his mind as he paints and little by little puts his colors where he wants them to be, he's efficient, cunning and patient. Be like a painter, form your colors to see your masterpiece even by the smallest swift of the brush and when you're done, you have an artistic beauty come to life.


Here's a little Philosophical Fitness for you on setting goals:


When people set certain goals, some are pretty huge, some are doable, even some are very illogical and just so wrong but yet they're goals nonetheless. There comes a point in time when the goal is either in reach, doesn't have a chance in hell of making it or you become so obsessed that come hell or high water it's going to commence with sheer will power and a driving spirit. The reality is no matter how far or close you are even by the smallest fraction, you are making progress one way or another and when progressively increasing that fraction you are still better than when you started. People need to face facts that not everything will happen the way they planned it, however, you do get better despite failing and when success hits, you not only become stronger, you become wiser. Failure is apart of life but there's always two sides to every coin, when failure is evident, success is right on the other side waiting for you.


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