Monday, June 9, 2014

30 Going On 18

             Seven Weeks from today, I will hit the big 3-0. Holy crap I’m no longer in my 20’s and I aught to slow down and take it easy a bit. Let my 30’s be a decade of losing a few hairs, maybe put on a little weight and let my testosterone drop a few points; not happening Brother. Turning 30 for many seems like a factor of aging and just plain sucks, not me my friend. I’m looking at it as being 18 with 12 years of experience. I’m pretty damn psyched turning 30, I’ve reached a milestone where I’m a little wiser and not feeling like I’m dreading a long road of vast experiences. I’ve experienced many things in my life, some good, some bad, a few uglies and plenty of weird and have survived an Earthquake, breaking my head open, meningitis, came back from a horrible leg injury and even went through a long-term relationship. I think I’m doing an awesome job.

            When you reach a certain age, health factors came into play. Certain things pop up like checking out how you fair out compared to your family history of medical issues and health issues like Heart Disease, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Cancer and all that stuff. My family does have a history with some of these issues maybe not so much diabetes but Blood Pressure definitely. Cancer has hit my family on a couple people but you know what, I’m not too concerned about these health issues. I may change the way I eat a bit but for the most part, I feel incredible, I’am stronger and healthier than at any other time in my life. I can still move pretty damn good for a guy my size. Does this make me arrogant and a bit selfish, I don’t believe so because I love what I do, I give my life to helping others in fitness and using the skills I’ve developed to stay in awesome shape. Do I need to check up on things one day, of course but until then, you’ll find me swimming, pulling heavy cables, sprinting, practicing internal power and utilizing the most powerful programs with a heavy smile on my face.

            Age is just a number right? It may just be but there are other things to look at, it’s not just a number, its how you feel, how you live with yourself mentally and what gives you a purpose to have fun, love and be an awesome person inside and out. You hear from many people that age is just a number but how many actually live it and factor in the things I just listed; not many. Hell I’m only turning 30 for Christ sake, it’s not the end of the world and I still have fun and get to do what I do, I still have goals and aspirations to get better and my mind is sharper than it ever has been. Turning 30 is big for me in a lot of ways but on the other side of the coin, it’s just another double digit that’s all.

            For some turning a certain age like 30/40/50 so on, they get this unnecessary sadness, grief, feeling like it’s the end of the road and seeing themselves as unworthy because they don’t have the “time and energy” like they use to, bullshit. Your body is an amazing thing and when you factor in how you use your mind, it is a part of the living, beautiful experience of not only gaining wisdom and knowledge but to still have an awesome body if you apply yourself. Let’s face it, I’ve accepted the fact that I won’t develop a six pack, I’ll be shocked if that hit one day but I can still go and am far more agile and stronger than most guys 10 years younger than me especially in this day and age when obesity has hit the jackpot plus I look younger than my age and I’m damn proud of that.

            In order to feel like a million bucks, you’ve got to feel it (no shit Sherlock), breathe it, live it and know in your heart despite all the crap you’ve been through, the positives outweigh the negatives when you make it so otherwise you’ll just be dreading like the rest of the world and doing your best to feel like you’re not good enough, worrying too much about nothing and then worrying about something else. When you turn a certain age, don’t dwell on it, be the best damn age that you are or think younger, not older or saying you’re this X years old or think Y is old age. I’m going to be 30 years young and haven’t peaked yet.

Be Awesome guys. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Why I love Training

            I’ve given you the reason on what I love about training, where I was before I began and how I got there but not really given the why, maybe I have but here’s my way of really telling you. Some people won’t like this, some may even call me out on it and others just might be inspired and do things differently who knows. Training goes beyond exercise, putting things together and developing a body that doesn’t have a six pack but is strong, fast, agile, and flexible and can take a hit. I love what I do because it keeps me from going back to my old eating habits, the way I did things in high school and the crap that I went through mentally.

            When I was a chubby teen in junior high and High School I often ate McDonalds for breakfast most of the week if I wasn’t going to my second mom’s house. I had no training or anything of that sorts back then until I was a sophomore in High School. I use to play basketball and then march into the weight room right after class, did that for a year and tried all kinds of different weights but my eating habits were just awful; McDonalds for Breakfast, Dominos Pizza slice for lunch and whatever I can get my hands when food was available. It wasn’t always like this but it happened often.

            I don’t eat anywhere near the same amount of crap I did back then, I may not have the best eating habits but it’s far better than before, yes I still drink soda from time to time but only every other day or few days or so compared to having a liter more often and I now cook some of my own meals like lamb, steaks, burgers and do better with fruits and veggies. I just didn’t want to go back to that plus I never smoked a day in my life which is weird because I had family smoke around me. I rarely ever drank alcohol and can go the rest of my life without having another drink because it just doesn’t appeal to me, not that I come from an alcoholic background I don’t but I just can’t stand it.

            This is why I love training because it keeps me away from all that stuff and it gives me freedom to do what I love, share ideas with the world, help people who need a spark in their life. It makes me happy in a way where nothing can hurt me and it makes me utilize my talents for writing and using my imagination and intuition to give others a chance to find their passion and their ability to overcome the bullshit we go through in life. I love what I do and how much I’ve grown as a person because there were times in my life where it wasn’t easy for people to be around me, I was bitter at times and had a bit of a temper to the point where I even punched my own window and scarred my hand. I love what I do because it teaches me how to live with happiness, intensity, love and being passionate about the things I write and the people I care about the most, I wouldn’t call it therapy I’ve been down that road, I’d call it a form of passion and helping me strive to be better than yesterday or who I use to be.

            I always find ways to write and learn from others on how I can go through my progress with not just training my body but my mind and my soul because that’s what drives me to be the best to my abilities and I’m only scratching the surface. I believe I was always a kid who had his ups and downs, hardships, trial and errors and learned some harsh lessons like everyone else plus going through the Special Education system wasn’t always fun either so I count my blessings and I keep driving to do what I love no matter who tells me to stop or just do something “more valuable for your time” than what I do. Do what you love and hold onto it because there are people out there who never strive to do what they love and will drag you down because they can’t take it.

Be awesome guys. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fitness By The Animaniacs

            Most kids today never heard of the show but if you're a fan of cartoons and like a good laugh here you go. If you remember the cartoon “kids” show back in the early-mid 90’s then you know how crazy and funny it was. It was practically a twisted version of the Looney Toons the most popular skits were of the Warner Brothers and their sister Dot, call her Dottie and you die and Pinky & The Brain. Sometimes you just need a good laugh to blow off steam and plus laughter helps you lose weight and stimulate growth hormone. Think of it as a mini episode.

            It’s time for another Good Idea Bad Idea:

Good Idea- Doing Bear Crawls up a hill.

Bad Idea- Doing Bear Crawls up a hill while being chased by an actual Bear.

The End….

            Dot’s Poetry Corner:

Little Miss Muffet sat on her Tuffet and what a Tuffet it was, she realized she needed to do squats to tighten that thing up so she did Hindu Squats and lifted weights and weeks later it came out nice and firm. Thank you.

            It’s that time again:

Dot: To see Jarell Lindsey with his shirt off?  (Hello Nurse)

Wakko: To lift Odd Objects and eat everything in sight later?

Yakko: No it’s time to learn the day’s lesson, and to find out what it is we turn to the Wheel Of Morality…Wheel Of Morality turn, turn, turn, tell us the lesson that we should learn…Moral number 8: And the Moral of today’s story is…Never make Bruce Lee mad or he’ll Wakka kick you in the chops.

            Pinky & The Brain:

Pinky- Gee Brain what do you want to do tonight?

Brain- Same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the Gym.

They’re Pinky & The Brain, one is a genius, the other’s insane, they do their mousy work, they try to overthrow the gym, they’re Pinky they’re Pinky & The Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain.

            It’s Time For Another Good Idea Bad Idea:

Good Idea- Doing a great workout with Lifeline USA Cables

Bad Idea- Doing a workout with Lifeline USA Cables set on fire.

The End.

            Hope you guys had a good laugh and although a good portion didn’t make much sense (let’s face it when did that show ever really make sense) it’s still a good visual for those who remember the show and adding in a fitness element to it. Have a great day everyone and Be Awesome.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Finding Your Passion In Fitness

            We are all passionate about something whether we realize it or not. Some never get a chance to use that passion to share with the world, others make that passion into a way of helping others in a productive way and then there are those who have a passion that makes no sense to anyone else. Fitness is no exception to be passionate about like an athlete who is passionate about his sport or a Journalist being passionate about reporting somewhere in their city, state or somewhere in the country/world. The question is, why do it, what makes your passion so great that you went into it in the first place? What makes you get the results you want and does it help in your life in some shape or form?

            For me, fitness is my undying passion, its my second language, its in my blood and it puts me in a state of mind that finds creativity, love, compassion and intensity for whatever thing comes also in my life. I eat, sleep, breathe and think training 24/7 (maybe not as big as Jack Lalanne or other Physical Culturists) yet I put my own take on it and live it on my own terms no one else’s. When I was a chubby teen, I just fiddled around, picking up a weight or 2 in P.E. In High school, weights were big with me and did my damndest to be the strongest I can be without drugs or any of that crap and managed ok, not great. In my 20’s after my accident, it just became an obsession and absorbed everything I can on it and for some they thought I was going through a phase, others thought I was nuts and then there were those who think it’s “just a hobby.” It’s beyond a hobby, it’s my life and I’m in it until the day I die.

            When you’re passionate about something and others think nothing of it, they don’t understand and they’ll never get it because they don’t see what you see, feel what you feel and get the fact that you are doing something that has meaning in your life when they do their thing day after day and feel miserable and never follow their true path. For me, fitness goes beyond the workouts, way past the basic lifts or bodyweight exercises and exceeds way more than what I expect it to be because I love the variety, the creativity, the way to see the world through history, film, philosophy. That’s the true look at fitness as a passion for me, it may be different for you because of your background and that’s great because we all have different ways to look at things, it’s not bad, good or whatever it’s your interpretation on what you see.

            To really know what you’re passionate about, it’s the consistency of what you see, feel and learn about whom you are in terms of your interests and how it makes you keep going and learning. Keeping consistent in what you do and love shows your passion on a very different scale. In fitness, we all do some form of exercise and if there’s something we like, we keep it around until another form of interest rolls around. Some like being on the elliptical, awesome you’re doing something but yet what are you truly getting out of it, are you finding the results you want, does it make you happy to be doing it? You see there’s a fine difference in what you do and what comes out of it. When you’re passionate about a workout, it’s not a work out, it’s an adventure and you put your body in a state where you love it even though it can be tough; on the other side of the coin, to you it’s just an exercise and nothing else, you dread and feel like crap, you’re sweating good but it’s just a pain in the ass and when you’re done you go about your day and then you put yourself through it again and again until it doesn’t become an interest it becomes a habit.

            It’s easy to be passionate about something but it’s hard to be consistent with it and that’s where the real fun is, it’s learning how to use it and keeping it on your toes plus when you share it with the world, share it not with people who don’t give a damn but to people that share similar passions yet still different. Love what you do and keep it with you no matter how hard people are on you about because there will always be that one person or more that’ll have your back and encourage you to keep loving and following your passion with heart, intensity and a love that goes with it.

Be awesome everybody.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Thinking With Power

           What if you can create a world internally and have it become your greatest ally in the quest for health, strength & fitness? How would you create it, what would sound like and feel as it vibrates your body from within? The power we have in our minds is far greater and mysterious than we care to understand. We have scientists who have studied the brain and still have many grounds to cover that haven’t peaked yet and we also have masters in various Internal Arts that have such great power even though they’re small in reality. The world you can create has limitless possibilities if you believe in it.

            The power you have can go far beyond the outside. When you train whether it’s for sports, competition, to be healthier, gain strength, lose weight whatever the case may be it is important to know you can do many things and you have the power to do them. I like to do sprints because they raise my testosterone like crazy, when I go out and sprint I don’t just look t the distance and how long or fast I need to get there but I imagine in my mind I could be a superhero or a wild animal with lightning speed. When I think like this, my body changes, my muscles start to fire on their own and when I take off I’m zooming down the path. If you like to lift weights, don’t just lift and go with it, think differently, change your breathing and feel as if you are able to tackle the weight with effortless power.

            To unleash your strength, it’s not always physical. Unlocking that super strength within you takes great focus and how you think. When you change the thought, your body reacts to it, don’t think like “ok I’m going to try to lift this and see if it’s possible.” Change the thought, think how would a god like say Zeus would pick up a weight, would he say he’ll try to lift it and see if he can, hell no, he’s Zeus and he’s a mighty god of superhuman quality and he knows he can lift it just by how he breathes, how he grips it and what’s already within the power of his mind, he believes so greatly it’s undeniable. Now I’m not saying to think like this and Bench Press 1000 pounds or something like that but this is a prime example of how you can think differently and excel past your plateaus and go as far as tripling your strength and speed or more.

            It takes practice to learn this kind of thinking and feel it with intensity and focus. Like with anything else, you progress and train your mind and body as if it they were one and the same. Little by little you’re edging your way up and building strength you never thought was possible. Nobody has a giant amount of strength in the beginning, we all started out weak in some shape or form and in order to get stronger, we progress even by a tiny fraction that can lead to a massive amount later on. Believe you can get better whether by a speck or more and you’ll start to realize where that true strength lies, it’s not how big your muscles are or how much you can lift off the ground or rack, it lies deep within your soul and the way you empower the internal entity that is your mind.

Be awesome guys and have a wonderful Spring Weekend.  

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