Thursday, January 19, 2012

No Time To Train During A Snow Storm? Think Again

It can be difficult to travel or just stay home during a wicked snow storm. Shoveling snow so you can get your car out of the driveway is no easy task and requires some strength and a lot of physical labor. I live in a state where this happens a lot in the winter time. I still consider it exercise as you're using more then just your body to shovel snow. After doing this for period of time make sure to stretch your body as this type of work stresses a lot on the body.

One of my favorite workouts to do warm or cold is moving around like a wild animal. Training like this in warm weather gets rid of toxins in your body and forces you to drink more water then you normally would because of the fluids that run through you and plus you're building natural Human Growth Hormone which helps burn off fat, build muscle and makes you grow younger. In the winter however where in some places around the country its cold as hell and training in the snow in this manner forces you to be fast and explosive just to stay warm and eventually just trying to stay warm burns more calories and burn off fat even faster. The breathing is also different in various weather climates.

Another way to train during winter time is to do some form of Rocky training like in Rocky IV when he ran, pushed, pulled, twist in the snow and used what he had to bust his ass in every way he can. You can do the same thing with what you have and if you don't have anything then just use your own body.Yet if you want some kick ass tools then don't look any further then here.

Whether you like it not if you're a gym goer and can't get to the gym during some bad snow weather you're shit out of luck. At least you think you are. I have a solution for you that will save you from not only trying to drive to the gym or walk but to give you a small workout that lasts only 4 minutes and brings you down quicker then Andre The Giant getting knocked by Hulk Hogan. What you do is do an animal exercise for 20 seconds and rest for 10 sec. Continue doing this until your 4 minutes are up. You don't need to move around that much in your own living room, do frog jumps, hop like a rabbit, move around like a bear in a circle whatever you want to do. Another thing you can do is do Squats and Push-ups and get those endorphins in your system so you will be in a blissful state instead of feeling like crap and bored.

I will say thi for sure, if there's too much snow, its best to just stay in, stay warm and you really need only a few spaces to train on and you're set. After you train, take a nice warm/cool shower or bath and let your body go. Feel blissful, be thankful for your accomplishment and just breathe naturally. After some time feeling incredible and happy, get out, dry off, put on some warm clothes and settle near the fire watching your favorite movie or tv show eating some good healthy food. Embrace the snow and never take for granted your own winter wonderland.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Women Can Be Superheroes Too

If you were a young girl in the late 70's or early 80's then chances are you wanted to be just like Linda Carter as Wonder Woman or were a comic book fan in general and wanted to be the superhero a lot of women wanted to be. To have the power of an invisible plane, whip the living hell out of your enemies and tie them up with the golden lariat and force them to tell the truth. Feeling the power as a woman with strength, character and charisma and best of all look gorgeous as hell doing it. Lets face it, Linda Carter was and always will be Wonder Woman of the small screen but can a woman in real life be strong and powerful? I like to think so.

Now another superhero (originally a villain) who was quick, fast, agile and stronger then the average woman that can overpower men with the crack of her whip and the charm of her beauty that is Catwoman. In all fairness, the best catwoman in my opinion was Michelle Phieffer from Batman Returns outweighs far better then Hallie Barry in the title name from '04. Although we're talking about a feline who's been both good and evil she still has the inspiration for other women to conquer their battles over being seen and seen for their true character. As a woman its a constant struggle to be beautiful and what to be like for this or that and if a man sees her for who she is and not for being used in the bedroom (sorry guys I broke the bro code but somebody had to). Not all guys do it but some.

Other then trying to be beautiful and be seen, women also fear of building too much muscle when they work out. Yes some women have lots of muscle and that's usually caused by steroids and not by natural training. Women look for that sleek, toned body that gives them confidence and nerves of steel that gives them the power to tackle anything they want in life but still are afraid of building too much muscle. I'm here to tell you I've seen both very muscular women and beautiful, sleek and lithe women and I'm here to tell if I had to choose one, I choose the latter. A woman's body produces far less testosterone then a man's period. On the other hand I have seen very beautiful and gorgeous women that have incredible natural strength and make me look weak some of the time and I like that better then a roided up chick who doesn't know real strength from her elbow to her feet.

To produce natural growth takes progression and patience just like any other training program. A good friend of mine helps women all over the world give them the body of a goddess and turn them from weak to strong and look incredible doing it. In Body Sculpting Exercises For Women you learn the real ways of achieving lithe, sculpted and beautiful looking musculature that coins with your body's strength to weight ratio and gives you the ability to train anywhere whenever you want and takes less time to do then it takes to go to gym, change and find a machine to use. All you great women out there, don't be afraid anymore because a new awesome body is right at your doorstep and all you have to do is answer the door and welcome it with open arms and the will to make it happen for you.

Its been proven that exercise helps relieve stress and with this program you will not only relieve emotional stress but will turn your joints and ligaments into iron cords that will help you stay flexible and pain-free plus build sleek and beautiful looking muscle that will have heads turn. If you can do this for yourself then put the word out for other women who were just as skeptical as you at one time and help them achieve the body they're always looking for. Be strong, be one with your sisters and be the strongest woman you can possible be both in and out. Being beautiful starts on the inside and it ends when you want it to end. So whats it going to be?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Having The Power Of John Henry In Your Hands

We've all heard stories of men with super strength and the ability to move mountains, rivers and show artificial things who's boss because real strength comes from man not machine. I've heard stories like this ever since I was little and one of my all-time favorites is that of the Legendary John Henry. The man born with a mighty hammer.

A poor african-american boy born into slavery wanted nothing more then to be free and stronger then his fellow man. That dream came true when he was set free by Honest Abe and the Emancipation Of Proclimation and grew to be a towering man of pure powerful muscle and strength that we still talk of today. After being married to a lovely and beautiful woman, they set out to find work with no more then a few things and the trust of John's powerful sledgehammer.

Working on the railroad back in those days was common for african-americans so building tracks was honest work but very hard labor and bosses tried to find the best they can get to build as many tracks for trains as possible. All were hard working men but none had the strength and might Big John Henry did and he pounded every nail and spike into those tracks until he couldn't stand anymore. As civilization started becoming more industrialized, machines started their trend of taking over the working man of the railroad and most of them just couldn't stand the speed and power that machines had. Machines were building tracks faster and in less time. One man couldn't help but stand and fight the machine and prove that man was better then machine.

Certain stories of John Henry said he couldn't beat the machine, some said he did but either way, the towering man of strength put every fiber in his being to conquer and out power that overloaded metalized machine and almost every story has said he died doing it. No matter what story you remember of old John you must remember its message. Focus on the very thing that gives your meaning and putting your heart and soul into it and everything else won't mean a damn thing. John gave us the inspiration to conquer our own machines in life and that you don't need so many things to live your life, all he had was his hammer, the clothes on his back and a bride that stood by his side till the very end. The point I'm making is never let something stand between you and your dream of success.

Now whether John Henry was real or a made up anecdote to inspire men of that era and from generation to generation onward there was and still is however a reincarnation of John Henry and his name is Lawrence Farman. In the strongman world he is known simply as Slim and in full Slim The Hammerman. A man who worked tirelessly in a rock quarry for over 50 years became the strongest man in hi specialty feat of leverage lifting using a heavy sledgehammer. He performed strongman shows showcasing his power of bending nails, driving through boards, mangle long bars of steel, break chains and of course lifting his mighty hammers. No one will ever beat Slim at what he did and if it does happen I want to see it. Now you too can become Hammer Strong and use Slim's and Henry's inspired strength to lever and beat tires with your own sledgehammer and if you're a Thor fan you can get a set and work hard that will make the go himself proud.

Never try to be a second rate somebody, be a first rate you and build your own legendary status just like John Henry before you has done as well as Slim. Trust the tools you have and let them be your guide to super strength, power and might.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Gymnastics For Super Bodyweight Power

There are athletes that are very strong at what they do. Wrestlers can take down the best of them, some basketball players are very strong down the line, football players are extremely strong when it comes to tackling and pushing past the defense in the running game, shot putters can throw with power but one breed of athlete stands out from the rest when it comes to Bodyweight. The Gymnasts. The way they move and the way they have to use their body is just incredible and its all in their own body.

Their abdominal strength is off the charts and that's because its a major factor and piece of the puzzle that not many people realize. When you have the abs of a gymnast, you are strong everywhere. Strength in the core requires focus, concentration and power.

Most acrobats are originally gymnasts and one of the requirements to be an acrobatic is to learn Hand Balancing. The reason why that is it's because Hand Balancing carries over to a lot of other gymnastic stunts. Being able to stand on your hands is quite an impressive feat because you're not just using your hands but you're whole body. You're in a different state of mind and your body needs laser-like focus to even hold a handstand let alone walking or doing stunts.

Now do you need to go to a gymnastic school to get the best for your buck? Not really because certain schools charge way too much money and if you're willing to pay for it you'd be lucky to even find a good coach and teach you the progressions you need. I went to gymnastics in college and I didn't progress that much especially in hand balancing because you had a coach that had to teach more then one person and it was hard to get real one-one training. You don't need to be a gymnast to get the great benefits of this kind of training. Using basic principles and learning the secrets of the handstand is really all you need to get in great shape for whatever you want to do.

This isn't just for men but women as well. Male gymnasts are strong as hell for what they do but ounce for ounce I feel women are the stronger and faster gymnasts. Yes their feats are different but I see it more impressive a woman holding a handstand then a guy. The cost for a couple courses in Gymnastic Conditioning is far lower then a school and you can have even better progress as they take you step-by-step and give you everything either as a beginner or advanced athlete. If you're a fan of gymnastics but are below the beginning phase and need something to work with don't look no further then here at Basic Bodyweight Building Blocks.

If you're a woman and want to get that beautiful toned figure and be stronger then most guys then get your hands on this Body Sculpting Bodyweight Exercise For Women as this takes the best of basic gymnastics and other methods and can mold you into the woman that's within you and take your fitness to levels that most women envy and without the fear of bulking up because it won't let that happen.  Never get bored with your workouts and learn fun, progressive and powerful ways to become strong, athletic, powerful and flexible. 

So it doesn't take a gymnast to become strong and flexible like one. No more spending thousands of dollars on gymnastic schools. Because of this type of training, you can take it anywhere you want. You can train in a hotel room, house, cabin, at the park, your backyard just about anywhere you want and can still have the workout of your life. Start off doing only 5 minutes a day of exercise. You can squeeze in 5 minutes of your day can you? When you get up in the morning or before bed. If you have kids that are taking a nap, use that time to train. There's no excuse so make an effort and not procrastinate. Training a few minutes a day saves you 2 hours of regular training getting to the gym, changing and trying to find an empty place to lift or use the treadmill. Plus it saves you time for the things you want to do during the day. At best if you have kids, get them to work out with you as this helps build bonds and to challenge each other.

Whats also great about this kind of training is that it doesn't take much time to do and it strengthens the joints and ligaments and doesn't compress the spine like heavy weight lifting does. Learn it and go through your own pace. Give yourself time to do them right and once it gets easy, move on. Progression is key and having fun is a must. If you're not having fun then you're not doing it right. You can do all the exercises you want but if you don't smile and just go through the motions you won't see the big picture. Keep track of what you do and find what works for you best.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Can YOU Become A Real Life Avenger?

In many ways, comic books help us stretch our imaginations to places we never thought of before. Read about superheroes that have powers beyond the strongest or smartest of men and takes us on a rollercoaster ride with their travels, adventures and triumphs over those who do harm. Now in the next year of 2012 heroes from those same comics are coming back onto the big screen with The Avengers. You will see your favorites, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man & the strongest of them The Incredible Hulk on the same team. What nerd and comic book fanatic can ever ask for?

I have a personal favorite but I don't want to give it away but who's your favorite? Are you into high tech technology and use it as a weapon for goo like Tony Stark? How about being a god and having the Hammer to destroy the evil that's in your path like Thor? Why not have superhuman speed and take out Nazis with your bare hands like Captain America? Or better yet use your anger in a positive manner and bring out the ferocious monster that gives you Optimum Super Strength like The Incredible Hulk? Well, my friend you can become one of the avengers in your own unique way. Not like the comics or the movies but you do have the ability to build your mind and body in ways that separates us from the animals.

When it comes to Tony Stark, he's a charmer that researches and develops weapons. When he becomes Iron Man he turns into a superhero with a suit that makes him fly and have super strength. Now I can't help you on how to fly but I can however tell you how you can find your own research and turn yourself into a super being yourself and become far stronger then the average human.

The Incredible Hulk is big, powerful and has strength 100x higher then 10 of the strongest men on the planet and when he gets angrier he gets stronger. How can this apply to you? Well simple really, you can use odd objects like the Hulk and toss, twist, push, pull and press overhead anything you get your hands on. Does the Hulk lift weights, put up machines, no he throws tanks, parts of a building, uses light poles like a sword and just uses his supreme power and strength over anything he picks up. You can learn to do the same thing in more of a practical manner like using Stones, Barrels, Kegs, Logs and Rocks for example. In Bud Jeffries' DVD course Odd Object Lifting Series you will learn the best of lifting some of the coolest things you can find and turn yourself into a Hulk yourself.

Thor is the God of all superheroes and his best weapon is his Hammer. Now back in the Golden Age of Wrestling in India and other middle eastern countries, wrestling was the king of sports and one of their primary tools was using thick looking clubs and whats called a mace where they use a stick with a ball on top. They would use these tools to help their upper strength & flexibility. They were used for hundreds of years. These clubs can help build strength in ways that weights and bodyweight exercise doesn't hit. Now because of Ryan Pitts at he has modified the clubs and the mace and turned them into a nearly perfect version of Thor's Hammer. With this you can train like the God himself and gain strength in your shoulders, wrists, lower arms and whole lot of the upper body in general and take your conditioning to levels even Thor himself will be impressed.

Captain America out of all the superheroes shows real compassion and value's the strength he has. Some guys are very strong and never respect the strength that they have an some take advantage of that strength and use it to bully people who are weaker then they are. Not Steve Rogers though, as a weakling himself he understood the value of strength and unlike other weaklings he never once felt of backing down from a fight. Once he became Captain America he used his new found strength the way it was meant to be used. He used his speed to run down his enemies and used his upper body strength in ways that can be only experienced. You can learn this as well by doing sprints either on a track or on a hill a couple times a week or no more then 3x a week.

Running sprints can build explosive power and amp your metabolism up far greater then you can imagine. For upper body strength one of Chris Evan's exercises when he was training for Captain America was doing Handstand Push-ups. This exercise builds strength like crazy and can turn you into a pressing machine. You can learn this from either Ultimate Guide To Handstand Push-ups or from Gymnastic Handstands and learn the secrets of upper body strength.

Whether we like it or not we all strive to be the hero that saves the day, some help those in need and others want to build strength even when we're weak. I was once weak too a long time ago but I learned the values of having strength now and helping those build it themselves. Learn to be your own Avenger and put your heart and soul into your training because you'll never know when the day comes when you'll need it.

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