Monday, August 15, 2011

Guiding Your Way To Handstand Push-ups

In any form of training we all have to start somewhere and that's at the basics. Building foundations are keys to successful training with learning the basics comes with intelligence. When you start out its new and sometimes difficult to understand but as time goes on you become smarter and smarter.

With the case of Handstand Push-ups, you are learning the basics of Hand Balancing in this manner with using the wall. Now contrary to popular belief this type of training does not mean its working just your arms but the entire body and with good reason. You are practicing your body as a unit and with the arms you have to use the stabilizing muscles such as your core, chest, shoulders, back and yes even your legs.

When doing push-ups in this manner yo have to use the body as one solid piece just like a steel rod. If you don't master this first, you won't have much to do and holding the position won't help either. Once you have mastered this there are many ways to do Handstand Push-ups.

Take for example your hand placements can determine whether the exercise will be easier or harder. Even shifting your head from looking at the floor to looking forward will make a huge difference to see how far down you can go. The ability to overcome these differences is up to you and see how far you're willing to go to create awesome push-ups.

If you're a weight lifter, Handstand Push-ups can help increase your pressing power because this type of training increases your awareness on how you apply the body and its also a full body press. Because of this type of training I'm able to press a 88lb. Kettlebell without that much effort and even did it the first time I picked one up. Will that hapn with you? Maybe, maybe not but when you practice this regularlly you can rest assured your pressing strength will go through the roof.

Now that the physical part is out of the way you still have to learn how to use your mind. At first it can be scary being upside down and not know what the hell to do. This is one of the true tests of mind over matter.

The ability to overcome fear to increase your strength. Take into consideration the olympic gymnasts and acrobats on how they do their hand balancing stunts. They make them look easy as if they're a cake walk but deep down they are just like you and me. They started out fearful and learned to practice over and over again to overcome that fear and become strong and powerful. Now does this mean you have to be a gymnast or acrobat to understand this? No. You just need to learn to infuse your mind with your body and develop the way its meant for you.

Learn to become im"press"ive with Ultimate Guide To Handstand Push-ups and learn the basics that has taught some of the strongest men on the planet on how to become strong and powerful.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Strongmen: From Vaudville Onto The Big Screen

In the Golden Era of Physical Culture you had some of the strongest men on the planet doing what they did best on the stage in Vaudeville houses in America, Germany, France, India, Canada and many other countries across the globe. In that time strongmen weren't just a piece of the show, often times they were the rock stars of their era and were the headliners over many top acts. You had great men like Sandow, Saxon, Arco, The Mighty Atom, Warren Lincoln Travis, Apollon and Hackenshmidt. There were many others and the reason why is because people want to believe in the power of being strong, to be able to do anything that gets in your grasp and gets destroyed or lifted with your bare hands.

As time went on like so many things in the world, the strongmen shows started to die out and become a spot as a piece of what once was good and meaningful to the people who came to see these mighty giants give them something to believe in. Now very few people in the world know who even some of these men of strength were and the respect and love they have for them and help spread the word of what can possibly be a comeback starting with its roots all over again. With the growing of a new film just might bring that old school quality of what was is now slowly coming back to reality instead of a memory. The film is called Bending Steel: A Documentary.

The film takes place where a small strongman named Chris Shoeck has big ambitions to perform at one of the most famous strongman sites in the world, Coney Island, NY where men like The Mighty Atom, Warren Lincoln Travis and many others flourished in the realm of strength. To help get him there he is guided by another strongman who's becoming quite famous himself in recent years and that's The Viking Chris Rider. Theres a clip in the film where Rider is telling the little strongman about the crowd and how to channel his fear and overcome it with using his feats. Trust me guys, Shoeck may be short and skinny at stature but he is one strong dude and bad to the bone at what he does. Rider is no slouch either but is a towering giant with some of the powerful hands that's anyones ever seen.

When you watch the trailer of the film don't be fluttered with how great or not great it looks but picture in your mind the love and majesty of who the old-timers were about and what they represent. Its very difficult to perform certain feats of strength but in the mind its a limitless possibility of what you can achieve. That's where the real story comes to life is how far are you willing to go to push yourself with great power and great focus. You will find in this film how far one man will go to perform the biggest show of his life to solidify himself in the annals of strongman history. In one scene where Shoeck is at Coney Island you can almost hear the ghosts of past strongmen and giving him the call of a lifetime (not literally).

This film is set to release in the Summer/Fall of 2012 and I for one and hopefully many of you reading this will be seeing it with love, respect and the true honor of knowing that the strongman are coming back and Rider, Shoeck and others are the driving force of bringing back what truely belongs in this world. The world wants to believe again and now its here.

For more info go on Facebook and "Like" Bending Steel: A Documentary Film at!/pages/Bending-Steel-A-Documentary-Film/192032960849713

There you will find a few extras of the film as shooting and editing progresses and friend Rider & Shoeck. Also you will find info on how to get tix to see The Strongmen At Coney Island themselves and see Shoeck in his first performence ever.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Two Week Trip....Finding New Things To Write

Starting tomorrow I will be going on a two week trip up north with my family. My main goals for this trip is to meditate and find new ways to bring info to you in the best way I know how. I will not be writing on this blog for that amount of time because I want to build up new ideas to write and put in more effort to create the best possible writings for you to inspire, laugh at and get intouch with what I will be writing for you the fans, visitors, subscribers and my friends.

I will be training daily as usual and be swimming, relaxing and have a kick ass time. When I get back you will see a few new changes and some new fond of writing for affiliates and some of my own work without it. You may even find me on Tough Guy News. A lot of new things are coming my friends and stay tuned with a new plethora of products being promoted by me and some of the websites I will be representing. Thank you for your support and I wish you all the best and be sure to check up the blog here and take a look some of the recent, late and past posts and shoot some comments, tell me what you would like to see in the coming fall and I will take some into consideration. Big things are coming. Stay tuned and keep a look out for new links.

So for now, take a look at the links on the blog and spread the word around about the blog. Share with your friends on facebook & twitter, subscribe and visit often. I look forward to be hearing from you guys.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Superhuman Strength & Endurance Within Its Reach

To know Physical Culture is to know its history and majesty of pure and natural strength & conditioning with the fullest intent to create the ultimate athlete. Many of the men and women have come and gone. One however out of very few that has taken a grasp on the real important aspects of Physical Culture and mold the old-time methods and scrambled together the very best of what makes the ultimate athlete and that's strongman Big Bud Jeffries.

He has taken some of the biggest courses around and molded them to help you become the fittest person you can become. To develop such strength and endurance takes observation, will, believing you will get strong and work together the best to create strength & stamina at the same time. Not many people believe this is possible and if it is how is it done? Is it amount of weight? Is it amount of sets and reps? Is it conditioning along with Strength? Well its all these things and then some.

At you will find the best of the best when it comes to developing Superhuman efforts of Power, Strength, Stamina, Flexibility and Muscle/Tendon building all at the same time. These methods have been passed down over the last century by men like Bob Hoffman, Eugene Sandow, Aurthur Saxon, Maxick, Otto Arco, George Hackenshmidt, John Grimek, Reg Park, Brooks Kubik, Bradley J. Steiner, Thomas Inch & many, many more.

Take a look at what you will find at this Monstrosity of a strength website.....

Twisted Conditioning 1


Twisted Conditioning 2

Strength & Endurance For Martial Artists

How To Squat 900 lbs.

Secrets Of Massive Functional Muscle

& More....

Bud in my opinion and quite a few others...He's a modern day Paul Anderson and has become one of if not the strongest of super-heavyweights drug-free and has overcome obsticals that would make your mother cry and he's still living large and incharge and keep a level of strength and stamina that is somewhat not human. So stop on by at and find out the true and time-tested methods of our forefathers of physical culture.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Strong Or Weak.....He's Got You Covered & Then Some

Every living person strives to be strong at something whether its business, strength, health, fitness, sports, carpenting or what it is they want to do it is important to maintain your health and keep up your strength no matter how old you are whether you're 10 or 100. Being the strongest as best as you can be is not only a lifelong journey but more of a quest.

My friend Logan Christopher has been on that jorney ever since he was a young skinny high school kid starting with bodybuilding and supplementation. Once he felt that didn't work he began studying bodyweight exercises from a few courses and that started his quest to find the best ways to get super strong, healthy and functionally athletic and he has done so many times over and still has much to learn just like the rest of us who are looking for the holy grail of superhuman fitness. Most of what you'll see at Legendary Strength is what kept the old time tested methods that the old timers came up with going back 100 years or more.

Within the site you will find a variety of topics that may seem unorthodox or may be even controversial but thats the beauty of what he represents. He doesn't always use lay back topics or skip over a thing or 2 no he gets straight to the point and some of it is pretty funny but also its as educational as you can get. He doesn't leave any stone unturned and puts himself right in the brink of his writing and products. Some products are bodyweight but a good portion of them also include barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells.

You will find at Legendary Strength a real test of what can work for you or what can't work for you but either way he wants YOU to be the strongest you can possibly be and not just for looks but for daily life. A good portion of the products you will see will take you to another level and some of us even have surpassed that level and he helped bring in more. I mean take a look at what he has to offer....

Advanced Bridging Course

Kettlebell Snatch Domination

Ultimate Guide To Handstand Push-ups


The Superhuman Training Membership

There are many more but these are a top pick for me because I have experienced first hand how to do all of those things and more. Snatched a 53lb. KB 83 times in 5 min, fell back into a bridge & kicked over and back, got as high as 20 handstand push-ups and am a proud member of the superhuman training programs. You may not want to do all that stuff but you can become strong and healthy. Be apart of Legendary Strength and help us bring back the time honored methods of the old-time strongmen.

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