Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Strong Or Weak.....He's Got You Covered & Then Some

Every living person strives to be strong at something whether its business, strength, health, fitness, sports, carpenting or what it is they want to do it is important to maintain your health and keep up your strength no matter how old you are whether you're 10 or 100. Being the strongest as best as you can be is not only a lifelong journey but more of a quest.

My friend Logan Christopher has been on that jorney ever since he was a young skinny high school kid starting with bodybuilding and supplementation. Once he felt that didn't work he began studying bodyweight exercises from a few courses and that started his quest to find the best ways to get super strong, healthy and functionally athletic and he has done so many times over and still has much to learn just like the rest of us who are looking for the holy grail of superhuman fitness. Most of what you'll see at Legendary Strength is what kept the old time tested methods that the old timers came up with going back 100 years or more.

Within the site you will find a variety of topics that may seem unorthodox or may be even controversial but thats the beauty of what he represents. He doesn't always use lay back topics or skip over a thing or 2 no he gets straight to the point and some of it is pretty funny but also its as educational as you can get. He doesn't leave any stone unturned and puts himself right in the brink of his writing and products. Some products are bodyweight but a good portion of them also include barbells, dumbbells and kettlebells.

You will find at Legendary Strength a real test of what can work for you or what can't work for you but either way he wants YOU to be the strongest you can possibly be and not just for looks but for daily life. A good portion of the products you will see will take you to another level and some of us even have surpassed that level and he helped bring in more. I mean take a look at what he has to offer....

Advanced Bridging Course

Kettlebell Snatch Domination

Ultimate Guide To Handstand Push-ups


The Superhuman Training Membership

There are many more but these are a top pick for me because I have experienced first hand how to do all of those things and more. Snatched a 53lb. KB 83 times in 5 min, fell back into a bridge & kicked over and back, got as high as 20 handstand push-ups and am a proud member of the superhuman training programs. You may not want to do all that stuff but you can become strong and healthy. Be apart of Legendary Strength and help us bring back the time honored methods of the old-time strongmen.

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