Showing posts with label Strength. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Strength. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2023

Why Hybrid & Overcoming Isometrics Are So Damn Effective


The bulk of my training, at least 70% of it is Isometric Training working exercises from all sorts of angles and using my bodyweight, a strap, a hand towel and a wooden dowel as equipment. The rest of the time, I just pick and choose various things like step-ups, loaded carries, hammers, mace and resistance bands. When it comes down to it, Isometrics is the most versatile form of Physical Culture. You can do them practically anywhere and just about a limitless variety of exercises that can stretch the imagination. 

My favorite forms of Isometrics are the Overcoming & Hybrid variety. For those wondering what these are, Overcoming Isometrics are exercises where you push/pull/squat against an immoveable object such as a strap, a wall or using your own bodyweight. A Hybrid is a combination of both Overcoming & Yielding Isometrics where you do an exercise such as a Push-up, Pull-Up or Squat that tackles the immoveable format while fighting against gravity. To learn more about Hybrids, check out the book Overcoming Isometrics by Red Delta Project. These forms create what I call the Game Genie of Strength Training (In other words a cheat code) to develop strength that not only can be utilized maximally but also doesn't put wear and tear on your joints while also developing a powerful physique.

The results you see above are just part of the journey of my fitness career and one that has helped me heal injuries when needed and to build strength in the tendons and ligaments to sustain a strong skeletal structure. Isometrics are so damn effective because of the intensity you can put into it and create workouts that are short and to the point without needing to do hundreds of reps of anything unless that's your choice to go for. They provide a structure of being utilized as a warm-up to get the muscles ready for dynamic movements but also as a cool-down or finisher to keep yourself strong and energized after a hard workout. By themselves they're incredible for those days where you don't want to do a whole lot but can get plenty done and depending on the intensity, you'll feel it almost immediately when done right.

I try to keep the exercises to a minimum working as many muscle groups as possible without tiring out. Hitting the arms hard with curls and Hybrid Push-Ups, work the back doing mainly deadlifts and various rows, shoulders are bow and arrow pulls and overhead presses, legs are wall sits and Zercher Squats, Chest are also done with the Hybrid Push-up & Hybrid Plank along with The Crossover using the Iso-Bow and the Core is pure Bodyweight doing Gymnastic type Isometric Contractions such as the Hollow & Arch Body Holds, Side Planks, Dead Bug Crunch & the Side Bends. All in all, a workout varies from 5-20 min depending what I want to do that day. To make the intensity effective and efficient, I do the classic "SSSS" sound on the exhale for the 7-12 seconds or until the breath is completely done. 

I like the Yielding Isometrics which is basically fighting against gravity and just holding a position with less intensity which I do from time to time such as Fist Planks, Horse Stance, Iso Pull-Ups, Lunges and the Gymnastic/Wrestler's Bridges. They're awesome for building strength and endurance in certain positions and sure as hell are great for flexibility but the Overcoming versions always made me feel tighter, faster and gives me greater focus on what I want to work on. When I really focus on them, I always also feel lighter and leaner. You do have to be careful however because if you go too hard for too long, they can wipe you out and tax the CNS so be sure to recover when needed. You can do them everyday just vary the intensity. 

They're also very effective because it doesn't also rely sole on strength, they can have a cardio effect too because you can blast through a ten minute workout and feels like you ran sprints because of the jacked heart rate. When you contract hard and put as much as you can into it, you can be breathing hard after just a few seconds and need to recover. With less intensity, you hold for let's say a minute or more and slowly but surely your heart rate goes up and the lactic acid builds up after a bit (try doing the Hybrid Push-up or Squat for a minute and see what happens). I've done a Hybrid Push-Up for a little over a minute and was breathing hard like I just ran a 10 second sprint, it is that intense. 

In Overcoming Isometrics, the author throws in the scientific analysis along with the compartments of the various chains (Push, Pull ect) that equip the level of intensity and strength needed to make a workout effective. Now many know that Isometrics have been around forever yet is still so underrated because it's not fancy or so complex like with other Mainstream Fitness Formats. The real key here, is the simplicity in how you train the muscles to contract along with low-skilled exercises that just about anybody can do. 

When it comes to equipment, there isn't a whole lot you need but if you want to add variety to get the most out of your Isometric Training, you can use the Rings, The Worldfit Iso Trainer, The Iso-Bow or the Swisses Pull-Up Handles. Just these few alone can provide more exercises than you can name. BTW, when you click on the rings and pull-up handles, there's a special discount in it for you when you punch in POWERANDMIGHT at checkout, just FYI.

Get the most out of your training with little equipment and build incredible strength and power that gives you explosiveness, agility, endurance and mobility in your other endeavors such as sports or other recreation. Be amazingly awesome and keep the journey going.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Putting The "Free" In Freedom Of Exercise

 From a training perspective, spending time on it should be the only thing that costs you but alas the reality is, in order to train successfully, it does cost some dough if you want to learn from the best. However, investing in a course that gives you the real freedom to move and do some cool stuff is as great as you can get. That doesn't mean the quality of a course is equal to the investment you put in. 

When you research and find top quality information, it's important to be vigilant in how you proceed with that investment. If you're looking for top quality courses on a budget, check out my Fitness Courses For Under $10 article for some bad ass info that doesn't cost you an arm and a leg. Now, if you got enough saved up to where you're looking for long term training that keeps going without having to invest more than you need to, this is where it can get interesting. I've invested in many courses over the years and at this point, very few utilize the best quality of not just exercises and routines but how to apply them outside of their given program. 

I firmly believe whatever you choose to invest in, make the most of it if possible otherwise you spent your hard earned money on something that looks promising but is pure shit. Think about this for a second, there are books out there that costs on average of 35-250 dollars for a KINDLE on only training specific body parts or specific exercises at a time like one for squats, one for push-ups, one on pull-ups, one on just calisthenics alone and one on jump roping. Don't get me started on the paperbacks or hardcovers, it's ridiculous. The cost effectiveness isn't really there for somebody even if they're willing to put in the work, you might as well take out a mortgage to pay for all that. The guy selling them is also kind of what you call skinny fat, he "can" do these things but has a look that is relatively unappealing and some of the time looks like a hobo with fancy shades on. 

When it comes to cost effective and long term programming, I have found that very few can match the likes of Vahva Fitness. It's one of the best quality of training information around today. Once you buy a program, it's there for life and doesn't require much if at all to pay for more when they do addons with that specific program. Movement 20XX for example shows you how to progressively get better at various movements using nothing more than your own bodyweight. It has calisthenics, it has animal style movements, it has isometric type training and teaches you how to tie them all in together inside of one program. You get flow routines, animal movements you can do exclusively, push-up training to build up to levels of crawling, flexibility training, monthly workout routines and a hell of a lot more. This is all you can have with the cost of a one year membership to a typical gym. This alone would set you pretty much for life when it comes to bodyweight training.

Warrior 20XX is a course that creates more specific routines based on the type of goals you're looking for (Strength, Fat Burning, Muscle Density and others). You get to pick and choose whether to train 2x a week or more if you wish and learn exercises for specific body parts to train. It isn't the same as bodybuilding or purely "isolated" movements, everything comes into play but you target certain muscles more than others which can strengthen your weak points to create a complete physique. You can choose to do bodyweight, use a dumbbell or a kettlebell to do the exercises and routines, you can even create your own workouts once you mastered the basics and progressions. Along with all that, there are Bonus Routines with exercises and minimal equipment not shown in the main program which doesn't cost you a thing to learn. 

Athlete 20XX is just about as bad ass as you can get when it comes to specific training for conditioning and sports specific type training for beginners, intermediate and advanced routines. It goes into phases to give you the best progressions possible without the wear and tear on your joints and utilize the quality of speed, strength, mobility, performance and more. It focus on keeping the core tight to be most efficient with the exercises you are performing. 

Just one of these individually can do wonders for your health, fitness and physique. The guy who does all of these programs is not only fit like a Greek god but can go and has stupid conditioning and long term strength. One of the bonus routines he does is taken from a wrestling workout from Finland that has conditioned the very best athletes of that country. If you want to save more in the long run, getting all three programs is the best option. It may seem expensive but if you look at it from a perspective, that cost is a lifetime guarantee. They truly give you the freedom of training as you can create your own programs using one or all three throughout the week, one for one week, one for another or mesh-up anyway you see fit. Make it your own and build your own style. Learn new exercises as they come up and never have to worry about monthly fees or annual fees that can hinder your finances. 

Remember about the cost of the kindle books I mentioned earlier? The same guy that sells them, also has a "forum" or "membership program that costs around 1200 bucks annually, for a 5 year term, that's around 6000 out of your pocket. If you get all 3 Vahva Fitness courses, that's it, you don't need to pay more than what you're getting and be set for life, once again, no annual fees. Check it out for yourself, believe me when I tell you, these are a hell of a better investment than most and as a practitioner of Movement 20XX, you can learn some of the best movements on the planet and find your creative side that builds you flexibility in your spine, easy or hard beastly moves that take your strength to another level and create flows that tackle your conditioning to its very core without counting reps or sets. 

Be free to make your own style and invest in YOU without any financial burdens later on. Be amazingly awesome and move with grace, power and athletically strong. 

Share, Comment & Sign Up For Emails. 

Lost Empire Herb Of The Day: Rhodiola 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Sandbells & Kettlebells: A Lethal Combo For Destructive Strength

What we have on hand can be a great asset to what we want to achieve when it comes to building strength. One of those tools is the Kettlebell and thanks to Onnit, I have one of the coolest kettlebells on the planet and that's one in the shape of Darth Vader (yep, even Star Wars nerds train). I think the company stopped selling their Star Wars line a while ago because of limited supply for a brief period. It weighs a whopping 70 lbs and one of my personal favorites for Presses, Farmer's Walks, One Arm High Pulls and a couple others. 
Most who train with Kettlebells don't use more than a 53 lber which in most cases is more than enough to build some crazy strength and conditioning with. Any higher is more in the pure strength department and I'm in awe of guys who can do just about anything with a 100 lber. Think one of the few people to ever juggle one is John Brookfield who's about as strong as you can get. With the 70, it's a great implement to use every now and then especially for demos since it's the Dark Lord of the Sith and Star Wars is the GOAT of all Franchises (sorry Marvel, DC, LOTR, Star Trek NOT SORRY!!). 

Kettlebells have been around for more than a century and have been used by some of the strongest and incredibly fit athletes of all time. Valery Fedorenko ranks right up there, Steve Cotter is probably one of the best instructors in the field and Bud Jeffries was probably the greatest natural lifter to use a kettlebell up to 150 lb or more for reps. One of the greatest feats (somebody might correct me on this) that a kettlebell was used in was the Two Hands Anyhow that Arthur Saxon performed with a 350 lb Bent Press and a 98 lb kettlebell Clean & Press totaling 448 lbs in a sequence, no one has come close to matching that.

When it comes to the Sandbell, it's one of the most versatile implements around today. The combination of a Sandbag, Medicine Ball, Kettlebell & Slam Ball provides a near limitless supply of exercises you can come up with. I've been using it more in my demos lately because it's such a fun implement to use and safe to use on just about any surface that doesn't have something sharp to puncture the bag. From Squats to Presses, Windmills, Shoulder to Shoulder Carries, Snatches, Slams, Flipping & Catching whatever your imagination can come up with. Sandbags are extremely bad ass for conditioning because of the live weight as it shifts almost like moving a body around (not that is a good idea unless you're a wrestler or MMA fighter) but can strengthen the body using awkward angles and learning to expect the unexpected.

One workout that is very simple but effective is doing loaded carries with the Sandbell and going for as many yards as you can in total. I did this for a total of 1000 yards (just over half a mile) in around 20 minutes carrying the bell for 50 yards on my left shoulder, 50 bear hugging it and 50 on the right shoulder. Continue doing that until you've reached 900 yards and do the last 100 doing 50 for each shoulder. It hits a lot of muscles and tackles your strength endurance, grip strength, balance and your conditioning. The idea is to never rest...You pick it up, shoulder it, carry it for x amount of yards, drop it, pick up and bear hug it x amount of yards, drop it and pick it up shoulder it and carry. One of those workouts that tackles real life where you have to carry furniture, potato sacks or flour to and from a truck for an extended period of time. 

Another good workout is to do Farmer's Carries with a kettlebell by walking it in one hand for x amount of yards, put it down and switch hands, walk it, put it down and do Step Ups or Squats for x mount of reps. Set a timer and work this sequence until the timer ends. I've done this for sets of 20 yards with the bell and 20 Step-Ups for up to 20 min or more non stop. This builds incredible strength in your grip, leg conditioning, balance and stamina. Like the title says, these tools can build some destructive strength that can be a great asset for sports training, labor conditioning, bone strengthening and lots of other benefits. 

If you didn't have any other equipment, these two can be still be made to have the workout of your life. It's an idea where you don't always need a gym to get something cooking and build strength that very few possess. You want to be strong from many angles and doing so that doesn't cause injury or lessens the chance of an injury. These implements also develop incredible explosive strength as well.

Check out some of the videos below for some ideas you can use in your own workouts. I would caution you that some of these may be too difficult so if you're not sure about them, go with your instincts and don't do them. I would also advise to use lighter weights for most of these because it does take some strength and coordination as it is and to do these with heavier implements can be a total mind fuck. 

There you have it and do what's possible for you to do. Don't use heavy weights for the sake of it, it took me a while to build up to these and only did a few of these moves only recently these are just demos. Have fun and make your workouts interesting. Use your imagination and as long as you stick to the basics, that's really all you need. Be mindful and practice. Keep being amazingly awesome in your endeavors. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Fitness Courses For Under $10

 When you're on a budget, priorities need to be in order to make things efficient. When it comes to fitness, it's best to keep things to a minimal utilizing basic exercises and routines that suit your needs without resorting to buying into the crap of needing this set up or this amount of equipment to fulfil the goals of getting fit and healthy. This holds true for those that sell fitness courses that showcase the best resources of information and training programs while on a budget. 

Although what I promote can be bought on Kindle, it's important to look at things from a perspective that some may not realize. These are options you can have, not always a necessity but to find the best resources within your way of saving some moolah. Not everyone can afford a fitness book that costs more than a weekly grocery trip and doesn't utilize the quality and structure needed to give you the best chance at being fit. Seriously, who the hell would really pay $150 for a book ($49 on KINDLE) when you can grab 5 kindle books or several paperbacks for the same price and not only get far better quality, but far greater information on the subject and have a better variety of exercises that not only build muscle but can build strength in ways others couldn't.

One of my favorite Authors in the last couple years has been Matt Schifferle who's approach to muscle building is not only top notch but has incredible enthusiasm and an honest direct attitude. He's mainly in the business of utilizing bodyweight training with minimal equipment of no more than a suspension trainer and an Isometric Strap most of the time that pits you into the realm of creating a physique that is strong but well conditioned using tactics that focus on tension. All of his courses on Kindle are under 10 bucks and provide the best quality of training information, scientific analysis, simplicity and how to control your body and not just show an exercise for the sake of exercise. His paperbacks are mainly in the 25 Dollar range but they're still very well written and bring a more positive approach to fitness and not acting like some jerk who thinks putting people down is a good idea to put in a book. 

Another author who I greatly admire and have bought from over the years is Brooks Kubik who's a modern day historian into the old school style of training that took strongmen, bodybuilders, everyday people and combat athletes to the moon and beyond. Dinosaur Training is one of the best books when it comes to training in the last near 30 years since its inception in 1996. Since that time, he's written countless articles, newsletters and many books to training for the best quality of life and health. In his mid 60's now, he's changed his approach over the years to showcase the adaptation of training hard while also keeping your bones and muscles strong as you get older. The man is built like a tank and trains on the freaking beach using logs to carry, drag, curl, squat and other things that give him incredible strength and bone thickening power. He mainly sells books on Kindle that are all under $10 and has information on nutrition, classic exercises and routines of the old timers, training for combat sports, training for those in their 40's, 50's and beyond with a hell of a lot more. Highly recommend him.

Last one would be a rugged and stupid strong of a guy named Josh Bryant who's mainly known for his Jailhouse Strong & Gas Station Ready approach to intense training that (like Brooks Kubik) utilizes old school tactics and programs that will put you into the ranks of some strong and tough motherfuckers. I've used his Sprint Training  program a time or two and its simplicity is just awesome. For a man his size to haul ass and run hard up hills is incredible to watch. He's built like a lineman with the speed of a linebacker and the crazy strength of a powerlifter. He utilizes bodyweight, weight training, speed training, sandbags, kettlebells and overall an all-around approach to strength and conditioning using historical references and training protocols of the old timers. His courses on Kindle are all under 10 bucks and takes in the nonsense and rugged style to another level. Talk about a no bullshitter. His knowledge ranks up there with the best today. 

I wouldn't ever tell you guys how to spend your money, that's not my call and you make the choices of what works best for you. I want to give you options that are out there and can give you top notch information that is simple, in your face and make you feel like you can take on the world. It's bad enough when you have snakes who try to con you out of your hard earned money that is cheap quality and full of bashing yet BELIEVE it should be this "golden" nugget of training when in reality, it's pure shit. Trust me you're far better off with the guys above alone than the majority out there. 

Be amazingly awesome and I wish you nothing but success in your endeavors and I'll do what I can to help you find the best resources that are affordable and high quality. 

Lost Empire Herb Of The Day: Bacopa

Friday, January 27, 2023

Results Of Leg Training

I normally don't like showing off my legs when it comes to the results I've attained because of the accident and some areas seem off to me but overall from years of Squats, Step-Ups, Sprints, Animal Walks, Isometrics and other things, I think I've developed some decent legs with some muscularity. Not shredded by any means and I wouldn't call myself Quadzilla or anything like that. These legs have been through a lot and have kept myself in really good condition for the most part.

For a long time, I have always believed in keeping the legs strong, durable and having that workhorse mentality of doing what was possible yet still have gas left in the tank. Stumbled a time or two and have gotten my ass kicked on a few occasions especially on the mat doing BJJ but never thought about not doing some kind of leg training almost daily. Numbers have come and gone, workouts change, forming exercises that don't risk injury and keeping the joints healthy. 

I was never big on the Barbell Squats back in my teens and have done around 400 lbs but that's about it. Squats & Sprints were the big thing for me in those early years of bodyweight training and as time went on, switched to Isometrics and Step-Ups but the Animal Exercises were always my favorite. Not the biggest fan of Plyometrics but I did like the Frog Jumps & The Hindu Jumpers. For a period with the Jumpers, they were part of my 500 Rep Workout with the Hindu Squats and have done as many as 100 Jumpers in a row but never went beyond that. 

From time to time I'll still do Squats and such like doing 100 or so with my 50 lb Sandbell and holding in various positions like Bear Hug & The Shoulder To Shoulder. Step-Ups are my big leg exercise these days as I'll do several hundred to 1000 in certain workouts but also because of my attention span, I have to back off and do other things to keep me interested. Doing hundreds or more of Leg Work isn't my biggest priority but I will do them in spades to maintain conditioning. When it comes to strength, Isometrics are right up there because as long as my tendons and ligaments are strong, it keeps me strong in the long run especially if I'm hiking for a long period of time, hauling furniture up flights of stairs. I haven't even touched a barbell squat since I went to a seminar way back in 2011 when I met Bud Jeffries for the first time and as weird as that was even just doing partials, I just never got right with that kind of squat.

One workout I've now done a couple times recently was doing Step-Ups & Hindu Squats using a Deck Of Cards. I have to where the numbers come out to 450 Step-Ups and 225 Hindu Squats and that's a pretty good workout for the legs. You get both the Unilateral Work and Squat work in the same session which is a hell of a test for lasting strength, quad building, cardio and conditioning. I do my best to only rest by flipping a card and getting into position other than that, I'm off and running at a good pace for myself. One of these days I'll have to time it and see how fast I can do it. It's like paying tribute to Bob Backlund & Karl Gotch in the same workout. I do get bored doing just one exercise for an entire workout and as many times as I've done 500 Squats with those cards, this workout I find more appealing cause I get great leg work from the best of both worlds. If you think Step-Ups are a "lazy man's form of leg training" than you haven't done something like this and do it with solid efficiency and are full of shit in the first place to think like that. It's anything but lazy and as you do the squats, you'll sometimes feel heavier going up the step to do Step-Ups, it can be that brutal on the legs. 

 Most of the time, I like to show the results of my upper body because that's what you see the most from me since I wear baggy shorts and they cover the thighs. I'm just more skeptical of my legs because my scarring from my shin and my legs aren't my best feature. It is what it is but with the way I train, my legs feel great and rarely ever get sore and do my best to work my joints so I don't stiff up. I won't ever have the legs of a Tom Platz (quite frankly who really would?) or a William Gerardi but I'll take what I can get and keep those Tree Trunk California Redwoods going for as long as I can. 

Condition your legs, keep them strong and keep being amazingly awesome. 

Lost Empire Herb Of The Day: Mucuna

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Yielding Isometrics With A Weighted Vest

 Even with the most basic exercises, it's fun to challenge yourself every now and then to test your physical and mental conditioning for everyday life. During the spring and summer I would go for walks or hikes with my 40 lb Vest on and just get some killer cardio in. On the hikes, I would sometimes lose up to 2 pounds by the time I get back home, they can be brutal. 

As of late, I've dabbled in Isometric Training with the Vest on and that is a whole other sport of conditioning training. Mainly in the Horse Stance & Fist Plank for Tabata style workouts. Do 20 sec on, 10sec off going back and forth for a number of minutes and just see what I can do. Last night I took it a step further and added more time than usual by going for a total of 15 minutes for a workout with those two exercises. Just doing it without the vest is tough, add in a 40 lb Vest and you're going through hell.

This tests not just your strength but also your ability to hold the posture/position as best as possible being still. A lot is going on beyond just concentrating, you're also having to control your breathing because the longer you go, the harder it is to keep your breathing at a solid pace. It gets you breathing pretty damn heavy to the point where it feels like you going for miles even though you're not moving. These exercises also dig into the smaller muscles and works the tendons and ligaments like a motherfucker.

You may not think two basic and plain exercises can get you breathing hard, test your core strength, leg conditioning and grip strength but they do and it makes isometric training all the more reason to do them. They can be just as effective or even more so than doing hundreds of squats or push-ups. Doing hundreds of reps are great but yet it's a very different form of strength when you have to hold a position for as many sets as this and rest only half the time. This workout alone with or without toughens up the muscles and give you that hard and rugged feeling, not to mention incredible speed and power to boot. This is great for martial artists, football players, injury rehabilitation, conditioning enthusiasts and those who are a little twisted in the head. 

As we get older, doing hundreds of reps is not always going to be priority since it becomes more of a thing to do every now and then (you're not going to see many people over the age of 50 doing 500-1000 squats or 500+ push-ups), Isometrics on the other hand can be done by nearly everyone at any age and have unbelievable benefits of strengthening the body from the inside out. You can get a great cardio workout without ever moving a muscle (or in this case being still as much as possible). You think you can't get cardio, try holding a Horse Stance for 5 straight minutes or do the Horse Stance/Fist Plank Tabata Workout for 10 minutes and tell me you're not breathing heavily. 

It's important to do forms of training that make us uncomfortable to do in order to withstand whatever comes our way in the real world. Carrying furniture, going up and down hills, going up flights of stairs, lifting odd objects such as logs and wood chopping all have a hand in how we handle ourselves and Isometrics provide opportunities to make ourselves stronger to do those things whether young or old. 

Be resilient but as safe as possible, build strength without getting injured, condition your bones regardless of your age and develop levels of stamina beyond conventional means. Having muscle on the outside may look great but if you can't back it up, what good is it? Isometrics can show you weaknesses you didn't realize you had, make them strong as hell. This workout also burn a stupid amount of calories and have fat burning effects. Be strong everyone and keep being amazingly awesome. 

Lost Empire Herb Of The Day: Phoenix Formula

Monday, January 16, 2023

My Thoughts On Texas High School Football Coach And The Boys Hospitalized

 There was an article I read a few days ago that was a little different to read but it's partially not that surprising. A High School football coach from Texas (the Mecca of Football) was suspended and investigated for putting his players through a Push-Up challenge as a punishment and the challenge was to do 300-400 Push-Ups within an hour. 8 boys were hospitalized because of it.

Now whether this is just another story that could be fabricated who really knows and I do see both sides to the issue but let's stick to the big thing here. Many kids today aren't in the shape this challenge calls for and yes it can be a tough challenge but it's not impossible to do WITH THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAIN FOR IT!!! Do I think these boys are pussies for being put in the hospital? Hell no, I do sympathize with them and hope they get back on their feet soon. The trouble I have is, yes these boys should train to be able to do that however, since the coach is very old school from what I read, he pushed them to the extent where their bodies didn't have the capacity to withstand that amount of stress. I believe in a kid training for any sport to prepare themselves for whatever challenge comes to them and they weren't prepared. 

Those boys should not be in football if they can't put themselves through that hard training and it's not entirely their fault, the parents should've helped them prepare for that. I'll give you an example: When I was in high school, I was in nowhere even close to the shape I'm in now and I went out for Shot Put & Discus and Wrestling. The Shot Put was purely using Weight Training but even with that, I wasn't that good and didn't need a ton of conditioning but I also had no preparation to handle injuries and I got elbow and shoulder issues because of that. The wrestling was the hardest and if I hadn't gotten hurt from a bad knee and nearly breaking my wrists, I would've kept up with it as best as I could. We did push-ups, squats, wall sits, drills, sprints up stairs, suicide runs before, during and after sparring. It's brutal but I sure as hell never went to the hospital. 

One of these boys was reported to have a disease that was prone to kidney failure and that was what got me because for one, the coach had to have known this otherwise he wouldn't have let that kid on the team and two, the parent(s) pushed that kid most likely or the boy wanted to be on the team so bad that the parents couldn't let go of his ambition and let him do it. That kid needed help. I understand also the need to want to prove yourself even at the risk of one's own health. It's human nature.

These days, many boys have no conditioning or structure or discipline because it's easier to just chill, play video games and not play outside so much since many parents today are either way uninvolved or too involved that it can screw up a kid's future. I've been around kids my whole life and have observed many parents in my lifetime and can't wait to be a father one of these days but if I were a parent, I would challenge my kids to help prepare them so they can handle certain things that will be thrown at them and physical fitness is definitely one of them. Trust me, I didn't really get fit until I was 21 years old and was never a fit kid that could do countless push-ups and sprint till my legs were ready to fall off. Yeah I played outside and all that but I didn't have a coach or a person to teach me how to condition my body or better yet gave me an interesting concept to help me. P.E helped to a small degree but I was never in decent shape until after I was in high school. 

Now that we got all that out of the way, let's play a math game here. 300-400 Push-Ups in an hour is tough but not impossible if you look at the math from a certain point of view. These boys were probably pushed to doing consecutive reps their bodies couldn't handle and they ended up having piss that was darkened and had injured their shoulders and arms. Now if either they, or the coach for that matter, taught or learned the math that shows how it is reasonable and applicable to handle that many reps in that span of time, none of this would've ever happened. I get the punishment and disciplining the kid, I'm not faulting that, kids need a kick in the ass every now and then but not to the point where Life and Death is creeping up at a faster rate than Usain Bolt's 100 meter sprints. 

If a person can do 20 Reps in a span of a minute (which is roughly 3 seconds per rep), it is very possible to do 300 within less time and have a small increment of rest before the next minute. Apparently there wasn't much time to rest according to the coach and no water breaks until they finished (that's a bit of an issue in itself since this took place in fucking Texas where high heatwaves are normal). At that pace, the boys most likely couldn't do that and even tried to do more than that and paid the price for it. If they did 5-7 reps per minute, get the reps in and rested until the time changed and repeated that for the hour, they could've easily done 300-420 reps in that time. 

5 Reps (at a pace of 2-3 seconds per rep) is still 10-15 seconds with a max of 45 seconds of rest time....5 Reps = 1 minute, 1 hour is 60 minutes, 5x60 is 300. Now if they attempted to do the 400 in that time frame which they can do 6-7 push-ups per minute (pace of 2-3 seconds per rep) is still 12-18 seconds for 6 reps and 14-21 seconds for 7, still gives them the rest period of let's say 35-40 seconds till the time changed. 6 Reps = 1 minute, in the span of an hour that's 6x60 is 360 reps. For 7 Reps = 1 minute, in that hour 7x60 is 420 reps. These numbers would've been very easy to shoot for to complete 300-400 in that span of time. Isn't math fun? The parents never saw this (neither did the coach apparently) and all the parents saw was how horrible to put the boys through that many because it's such a huge number (in reality it isn't).

Like I said, I see both sides to the issue and the coach did his best at punishing and disciplining, it just could've gone a different way and both the coach and those players would've been satisfied (even though those kids would've been pissed off at the guy anyway since hello teenage boys). On one hand, if a kid can't handle the stress of the training, he shouldn't be in a sport because sports are hard and if you want to be good at them, you need to train accordingly and sometimes that means taking it to the limit (without suffering injuries of course) in the training process, injuries happen, there's no getting around that but there are ways to limit it. You can't expect a kid to be just thrown on a team and expect it to be just sunshine and rainbows and not feel the wrath of exhaustion or playing a little hurt. There's going to be an injury somewhere on the field but it shouldn't be as frequent in practice. 

All in all, I never want to see a kid hurt in a sport or pushed to the point where he/she ends up in the ER over something that could've been prevented with progressive training instead of pushing so damn hard the body couldn't handle it in the first place. There needs to be balance which many times is thrown off but can be done in most cases because each kid is different and handles physical and mental stress differently. It is a small complex issue but again kids today don't have the same drive as others did even 20 years ago. Much has changed, not always for the better but we can do great things and get fit if we applied it to the individual's needs and not try to make people do the same thing the same way for everyone involved, it's not going to work that way the majority of the time. 

Be safe, get strong/conditioned and if you have a kid going out for a sport of any kind, prepare him/her beforehand in small increments so they can be ready to tackle the challenges ahead and learn how to make the most of what's possible. Keep being amazingly awesome.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Killer Squats For Bad Ass Strength, Conditioning & Muscle

In the past, squats were my go to method for rehabbing and building strength back into my legs after my injuries. Did all kinds from Sumo Squats, Hindu Squats (mainly), Side Lunges, Isometrics & Hindu Jumpers. They worked and I was stronger and completely healed up within 6 months after walking again. It was painful but I did it. For brief periods off and on since then, leg work was a priority but not much of the squats per se. I would come back to them every now and then and always believed that if you did extremely high reps, it would keep you in solid condition which is true to an extent.

I was doing up to 500 Hindu Squats for brief time in the summer years ago and it was fun for a while but it got boring and I got burnt out from them. Some people do very well doing them consistently and it's a great exercise no question about it. However, if you're someone who's got some form of ADD and doesn't always have the capacity or interest, it's not going to work out for you because it's going to feel like a drag and a chore more than just doing a workout. 

As I got older, I started learning various ways to work my legs beyond just the squats and Isometric stuff; do loaded carries, sprints, walking with a weighted vest, animal moves, a quarter to half squat while working with sledgehammers, horse stances and step ups. I will always be convinced that Step Ups are incredible for conditioning, strengthening the legs from another perspective and a great alternative to jogging and running. One of the best athletic stories I ever heard was a Marathon Runner believing he could keep up with Bob Backlund in a step up workout because after all, 26.2 miles sounds much harder than Step Ups (to be clear, it isn't. It's just different styles of training) right? Barely 20 minutes in, the marathoner stops and walks out the door to never be heard from again and Backlund just keeps going.

Not to go into talking about my personal goals, I can say however; the squats are being done differently this time around with a different mindset. Not going to do 500 Squats everyday any time soon but every now and then do them with the deck of cards because for one, the idea of most training should be around stimulating the muscles along with strengthening the tendons and ligaments for strength, growth and conditioning. Doing 500 Hindu Squats is a great goal and will challenge anyone's cardio to an extent but IMO, start with a smaller number and build up to it but as you do so, make the road to them different in some aspects meaning, shoot for certain amount of sets until you reach a certain number and go from there. Another idea is to make it interesting and not always going the same route to get to 500 once you can do them. If you can do them nonstop that's freaking bad ass. Once you understand the steps taken to do them nonstop, change certain around so that type of workout doesn't become stale like the cards, you're still doing a full deck but the way to get to 500 is always different so you're stimulating the legs while doing those high reps. 

Do you absolutely need to do 500 Squats on a daily basis? Unless that's what your goals, interests and if you're a high level athlete, I don't see the need to do THAT many all the time. You can do 100 one day, 200 the next, take a day or two off and do 300 or just do 50 for the day, that's your choice, there's no limit, the idea id to train for stimulation. You can even do a mesh-up of various squats to keep things interesting and consistent. You should never get bored in your training, it's meant to be adventurous, challenging at times and making it work for you, no one else. 

As of late, I've been doing squat workouts where I do 100 or more a day with my 50 lb Sandbell. I would hold it and do an X amount of reps while Bear Hugging it or switching from shoulder to shoulder or just yesterday, did multiple sets of 30 where I would do 10 on my left shoulder, 10 Bear Hugged and 10 on my right shoulder without putting it down until the last rep. I would rest a bit until I can almost breathe normally and do another set. I'm still doing the "minimum" of the amount I want to total but I'm getting there differently each workout so it gives me the stimulation my legs need and I'm not bored out of my fucking skull. It's challenging at times and one day I might do a full squat workout without ever putting the bell down. Wouldn't that be an ass kicking workout?

It's about taking small steps to create the big picture you want and being creative so you can make your training work for you and to keep coming back more and more. I would do other things throughout the day like Isometrics, animal moves, cables, step ups or whatever springs up in my head. If you're more on pure bodyweight, you can go for extremely high reps if you wish or you can program them into a different plan for building more muscle and strength while staying in top condition doing RDP's Grind Style Calisthenics Training. It's about taking simple approaches and formatting workouts that don't take a ton of time and be able to stimulate the muscles from another perspective. I use this format myself from time to time and it can be tough as hell. You can even make them into Micro Workouts so you're saving even more time. You can find a ton of workout ideas on Red Delta Project's youtube channel and dig into the heart of realistic approaches and progressions that will keep you coming back for more. Really valuable stuff.

Below is the Squat Exercises I've been doing with the Sandbell. You can grab one or more here if you're interested in them.

As you can see, I do these practically in a full/deep squat to really get into the muscles and hips. Doing them up to 100 or more in a workout can have you breathing hard like a madman which can target your natural HGH Levels. These are just ideas you can do, there's all sorts of ways you can use squats to target your lower body. Brooks Kubik is also a fanatic on Leg Training especially since he's now in his mid 60's and going at it in a way most men his age would be baffled by. He does log carries, drags, squats and some bodyweight stuff down at the beach frequently and still looks like a fucking beast. He does teach older trainees how to stay consistent so they can stay strong and healthy for as long as they can which you can find here. His Dinosaur Strength Training books are still great ideas to keep that old school style alive and all under $10 on Kindle. From progressions to workouts to testing your strength and plenty of exercises to choose from, you have a plethora of awesome ways to get your ass in gear.

Keep trying new things to not just train your physical body but working the brain as well. The Sandbell Squats are amazing to do and they test your cardio, your balance, control and can build some phenomenal strength for the long-haul. You can use other things but I highly recommend these because of the shifting of the weight and so many exercises you can do with them. It's a new year, get something new for you and get cracking. Fuck resolutions, set new goals and make them work to your advantage, not against you. 

Share, Comment & Sign Up with this blog to have them sent to your email. Happy New Year, be strong, build yourself up and keep being amazingly awesome. YOU GOT THIS!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Hitting 1000 Even Faster In Step Ups

Yesterday, I attempted to do 1000 Step Ups again just to see where it went. Recently for Step Up Workouts, I would go for 30 min or more non stop. Never counted how many total, just set my timer and went at it doing 12-15 per leg repeatedly. I have tested myself to see how fast or consistent I can do a certain amount of reps per minute, my fastest is 30-33 within a minute, at a decent clip for pacing it's around 24 per minute, so for a 30 minute workout that means I'm ranging around 650-720 reps. 

If you hear someone say Step Ups are a lazy man's form of leg training, they're talking out of their ass and have no clue how tough that exercise can be, he's feeding you bullshit for something else in order to make a buck. Last time I did a thousand was about a couple years ago or so and managed to complete 1000 reps in 50 minutes. That to me was beyond crazy and I didn't think I would go any lower than that. This was using a deck of cards and just going with the numbers you would do for each suit. This time, I used a deck of cards again and something incredible happened, I went even faster.

Now when I did the amount in 50 minutes, I was using a 14 inch step stool which was relatively difficult and I was feeling it in my hips, lower back and knees. Since then I changed it to a 12 1/2 inch stool which is only an inch and a half difference so nothing huge in terms of a matter of speed and consistency. This height is perfect for me when it comes to consistency and keeping pace without feeling discomfort in my hips and knees along with the low back. This time, I not only went faster, I shaved off a ton of minutes. I finished 1000 reps in 41:23, nearly 8 min and 40 seconds were sliced off. That was fucking incredible and it's an awesome feeling.

There were times where I was practically sprinting and other times keeping a solid pace. Around 3/4 of the way I wanted to quit and just say fuck it and call it a day but I felt something encouraging me to keep going and telling me I got this. For some reason, I kept hearing Bud Jeffries in my head and he wouldn't have let me stop. I know that sounds New Agey and full of shit when it comes to the paranormal stuff but it was weird that I felt his presence and just felt like I couldn't let him down, so I kept going. I don't know maybe it was the endorphin high, the heavy breathing, the mental state I was in or whatever but it was surreal and I couldn't stop to let it sink in, I had to fight a bit but I made it and I did it.

Doing that many reps in that span of time was on another level of fierce will and determination along with mental toughness and the ability to push through even when it got hard. I have no fucking clue where that puts me in the realm of fitness nor do I really care, I just wanted to see if I can do it again and god damnit I did and it was absolutely glorious. You have no idea how it feels to do that many until you've done it yourself. You can talk shit all you want and contradict what the idea is but that means you couldn't possibly fathom the mentality and the physicality to push that hard with such a simple exercise. I don't know if I'll do it again any time soon or even go past 1000 for that matter but I can say I did it and I was cruising through that shit with the spirit of a dear friend encouraging me and the will to make it happen even when I was fighting myself. 

When you take on a challenge, you may completely know what the outcome is or where that challenge will lead you. A challenge is more than just attempting something physical, it's a challenge to your mind, the heart you have and the fire that burns within in order to accomplish that challenge no matter what it is, so big you can see it through space or so damn tiny it's barely microscopic. There's a time and a place where you push yourself to limits that most people would fear for their life. It doesn't have to be all the time, you're not setting world records in your workouts, but it is important to have that curiosity and see what you are capable of. If it's with a friend or a workout partner that's great but also when you're by yourself and there's no one to help you, you have to dig deep into the very depths of your soul and there's no one to blame if you fail. 

1000 reps in anything whether it be push-ups, squats, pull-ups, step-ups or moving weight over a period of time or in one workout is a feat for anybody. If you do it consistently, you're in far better shape than the highest majority of the population. No matter what your challenges are, face them and find out what you can do. You may fail quite a bit but sometimes those challenges can make you succeed and you're putting in the fight to succeed. Don't be afraid to fail yet make your successes as pieces of a puzzle that is your journey. There's always a piece that fits, question is, how many pieces does it take for you to get to the big picture?

Kick ass everyone and I wish you all the successes you make, if you fail, pick yourself back up and keep fighting whether it's right there or at another time. Keep being amazingly awesome.

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Thursday, December 15, 2022

Yielding Isometrics And The Benefits

Although I'm more on the side of Overcoming Isometrics, Yielding versions still hold merit especially if you want to develop strength from another platform. For those playing the home game, Yielding Isometrics is a style of training where you're going against gravity and keeping still for short or extended periods of time. The most common example would be the "almighty" plank whether on the forearms or on the palms of your hands. 

Some people have set world records in the plank position but it's not necessarily the only type of Isometric exercise that produces killer results. There's the Wall Sit, the Horse Stance, Side Planks, The Superman Hold (Arms Extended Out), The Warrior Pose in Yoga, The Gymnastic Bridge and all sorts of ways to do Yielding Isometrics. Each one has it's own variations and progressions but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

One of the things that I get a kick out of these kinds of Isometrics is that they can deceivingly hard and many have trouble holding certain positions for more than 10-30 seconds. Another thing is when you get into a certain position, many things are going on beyond just the sight of the exercise itself. You're trying to control the posture, your breathing, prevention of collapsing and targeting areas of your body you don't always realize you're targeting.

Back to the plank for a sec. I've held multiple variations for up to 3 minutes at a time and the key aspect is not just what's going on inside the body, it's about learning to be in control despite what is around you. One of my favorites is the Fist Plank whether holding straight up or with bent elbows, it's one of the most powerful core building exercise around. Holding it even for a minute can help you develop some serious strength. The Wall Sit is another favorite because you can do several variations from flat footed to heels up, toes up, one-legged or whatever. This was one of the exercises that helped me during my rehab. 

One of the toughest of them all was the Gymnastic Bridge. This exercise alone is brutal from head to toe even though your feet and hands are only touching the floor. In Yoga it's called Chakrasana and it takes a tremendous amount of Strength & Flexibility just to get into the position, let alone hold it for an extended period of time. This particular bridge is one of the most result producing exercises in existence. 

What are the benefits of these? First off, they can be done just about anywhere and anytime, think about how much time and money you can save just doing these exercises for a few minutes a day. Now, it is important to do dynamic movements as well but adding the Yielding Isometrics either as a warm-up, cool down or in between sets of your regular training can really give you a run for your money. Second, the longer you hold a pose or particular position, sooner or later the whole body will come into play and it will harness the power of fat burning and toughening your tendons and ligaments like steel. They're a hell of a strength and conditioning form of training. 

In sports like Wrestling, holding various positions and toughening the body can make you feel immoveable. The Wall Sit in particular is a love/hate exercise for wrestlers because it's either going to most likely end up being the first or last exercise of a practice and after drilling, conditioning and training until near exhaustion, doing any sort of isometrics would be far from the list of the last things to do because you'll be quivering and shaking like an earthquake is happening, your muscles are shot to hell and you're just so fucking out of it at times you won't always know what day it is. But it is effective.

The Horse Stance is a basic exercise that has been done by practitioners for thousands of years to the point where some of the strongest masters of qi gong, shaolin training and even Yoga can hold that one pose for mere hours without fail. Just holding it for 5 minutes would make most people drop to their knees let alone be able to concentrate for more than 1-2 hours. 

Try a few exercises for no more than 30 seconds and see how they feel, if you can go longer than do so. Remember, even a few minutes will make most quit but in the end, you're not setting world records or try to show off your strength, it's about the journey and getting the most out of it. Strength is more than just lifting, in a sense, Isometrics like these are a great metaphor for keeping yourself strong and composed in the midst of adversity. They could skyrocket your conditioning to another level. Try this workout for 5-10 minutes. Do Tabata Style timing of 20 on/10 off of the Horse Stance & Fist Plank.  

Stay strong, hold on for dear life and keep being amazingly awesome.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Step Ups & Minor League Baseball

It's interesting how you find certain exercises you wouldn't expect to find in certain areas of sports let alone in fitness. Step Ups is one of those exercises that gets pushed back by the wayside because there are fancier and cooler looking exercises that make this exercise look "inferior" or as one jackass likes to call them the Lazy Man's Leg Training. It's actually far from inferior than people are led to believe. Even the legendary powerlifter and strength historian Terry Todd believed in the benefits of the Step Up.

I found an article recently on how Minor League Baseball players would train with Step Ups to keep up with their strength and stamina since most teams don't have the million dollar facilities and access to elite coaches in the Majors. The article is a little over 5 years old but it still holds true to the extent that you won't always have the best of the best when it comes to equipment and getting coached by the masters of strength and conditioning so you go back to the basics. 

It does take a solid level of conditioning to play the game if you want to rise to the top. If you want to give a full on analysis on players that play at the very best in their field, you have to look at the conditioning and longevity of Rickey Henderson. This was a guy that could do just about anything on that field and his statistics at the plate and on base was a once in a lifetime sight. I've seen this guy during my childhood steal bases like it was nothing to him, nobody could catch him and was the most powerful leadoff hitter in history with nearly 300 homeruns. What was his conditioning method? Basic push-ups, sprints, squats and sit-ups. Guys in the locker room hated yet admired what he was capable of and rarely ever saw him move weight.

What does this have to do with Step Ups and the Minors? The main reason is because even at the major league level, it's still important to understand that you don't need a million dollar facility or access to elite coaches to get in top condition. You can't completely get elite base stealing speed from heavy squats and sure as hell won't hit jaw dropping homeruns from a 500 lb bench press. Step Ups give the legs a different output to say bodyweight squats but both have the ability to give the legs incredible strength and stamina. The Step Ups will always be an underrated Leg Exercise and yet it's variations can take your conditioning to another level.

I love the game of baseball ever since I was little watching the likes of Henderson, Barry Bonds, Barry Larkin, Albert Bell and pitchers like Greg Maddux, Roger Clemens, Mariano Rivera and Rob Nen. These were some of the greatest the game ever had and yet only 3 of these men are in the Hall Of Fame. I even love the stories of the dead ball era and the dominance of Babe Ruth in the roaring 20's, the history of the Negro Leagues and how one of the last players ever was a hero to my father in his childhood. In the old days (I'm talking from Christy Matthewson, Ty Cobb, Honus Wagner to Cool Papa Bell and Satchel Page), fancy equipment didn't exist much in their day and the hard travels in buses, trains and lemon cars made them tough bastards. They didn't do a ton of "conditioning" per se and did what was possible with what they had and just played the game hard. 

Whether a little leaguer or a Major League legend, basic exercises will get the job done and being in top condition can be practiced anywhere if you know what to look for and have the knowledge. The Step Up is just one of those bad ass movements that can turn you into an elite machine and who knows, maybe one day if you're ambitious for the Big Leagues you could hit like Wagner, Run like Henderson, have the quickness of Brooks Robinson or Ozzie Smith or have the legs of Willie Mays. Try your hand at Step Ups and see the benefit of having powerful but durable and well conditioned legs. 

Train well, little by little reach your goals and be amazingly awesome.

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Friday, November 25, 2022

Are Step Ups The Lazy Man's Equivalent Of Leg Training?

I saw this recently and it kind of made me laugh and just thought "wow, what kind of bullshit is this?" Now granted, Step Ups don't get as much attention as Squats and other forms of Leg work such as Sprints, Lunges and others but in reality, they're one of the key ingredients to building some crazy conditioning. Just ask Bob Backlund, think he's lazy?

Step Ups have been used for a very long time and they're a simulation of what people do everyday such as climbing stairs or going on rugged terrain, going up a ladder, hell if you're really ambitious you may find a tree to climb the branches. One of the things it was used for from a Fitness standpoint was to test students at Harvard to determine how their heart rate was after a 3 min set. Hence the name, the Harvard Step Test. Ever see those delivery boys going up and down those stairs in apartment buildings in New York or Chicago? You'd have to have some good legs in order to keep that job and some of those guys can haul ass. Doesn't sound lazy to me?

Bob Backlund, in my eyes was the man when it came to Step Ups. He started doing them sometime either during or after his reign as world champion before Vince Jr. took over the WWWF and made it the phenom today. After years of running jarred his knees and needed something to keep his legs strong yet durable and conditioned, he found out about the Harvard Step Test and since then, he's probably done more reps in more sessions than some of the greatest athletes before or since. He was still capable of doing high level reps in squats, push-ups, burpees and other exercises but he still believed the Step Ups made him the most conditioned he ever felt.

It really is a phenomenal exercise and many athletes and everyday people use it to help with building strength and stamina in the legs. Some have used it to train for long hikes or expeditions, others such as pro baseball players use it to help with their speed and strength throughout games. It's one of my personal favorites and have found them to be better than squats in many ways, not to say squats aren't good, they're awesome but Step Ups just have a better feeling and they're just different.

I've done hundreds of reps with both Squats and Step Ups and in comparison, Step Ups don't ever make me feel sore. On about 2-3 occasions I've done 1000 Step Ups and the fastest time was 50 minutes using a deck of cards and have done 1000 Squats twice ever and that fastest time was 33 minutes. These days if I did squats, it be around 100-300 and it's been a while since I did 500 in a row but during my circuit workouts, I would do them in sets of 10-20 depending on the circuit and the amount of squats in that circuit. For the Step Ups, around the same amount of reps either in a row or in a circuit. My favorite workout is to do a Superset of Step Ups & Shoulder Carrying my 50 lb Sandbell. Set a timer for let's say 20 min and just go back and forth with those exercises and I'd do around 10-15 reps per leg and carry the sandbell twice (once on each shoulder) for ten yards each without a rest. For circuits, I don't rest on those either. I have tested myself in doing 500 Step Ups and my time was just under 22 min (21:52 to be exact) and feel really proud of that.

Doing this exercise may not be the most spectacular looking, but it does work wonders beyond what some shmuck thinks it does or doesn't do. Take a step stool of about 12-15 inches in height and have at it. Some stools hold up to 300 lbs or more and others lower but for most people, as long as it's sturdy you're good to go and there are some that are foldable so you can store it easier. It gets you into pretty damn good condition if you're consistent with it. Be sure to understand your leg to step ratio because if you have a step up that's too short, it won't do a whole lot for you but also don't use a step that is too high for your legs or you'll overextend the hip joint and put more stress on your knees than you need to. I work with a 14 in stool from time to time and was my primary step stool until I started noticing some weird things in my hips and hamstrings so I switched to a 12 1/2 inch step stool and that felt just perfect for my leg to step ratio and can get in workouts that are challenging but it's not going to hurt my joints in the long run. 

You work with what's best for you and make it your strength. It's all about progressing and finding the right niche in your arsenal to where you're kicking ass but also being safe on your joints as well. I don't even really count reps much these days in this exercise mainly because I've set my goals to do as many as I wanted to test myself with and just make it more of a "moving meditation" type exercise where I set a timer and just do the amount of reps I want per leg and keep going until the timer runs out. Some like to count and time, others may have a goal in mind and go as much as they can, it's up to you and have fun with it. 

So is the Step Up the lazy man's exercise of training the legs? Hell no and whoever says it is, is either trying to sell you the illusion of something else pr bullshitting his way into some form of training that is superior. That's not the true way to train. What is superior is what gives you the best chance at being fit and continue doing it for a long time with very little chance at getting injured and creating challenges that are interesting to you. If Squats are more your thing, that's awesome and I hope you succeed at them, if they worked for the Great Gama and Jaromir Jagr, I have no doubt they can work for you, if you prefer Step Ups, have at it and make it the best damn exercise you can do because it keeps you wanting to come back to it. Now if you're one of those crazy bastards that has a mind for both, well bro, you've got some serious shit going on and I hope it gives you the most bad ass set of legs ever. 

Be strong, get conditioned, be safe and keep being amazingly awesome. 

Side Note......

Stay safe this holiday season and don't get trampled today for Black Friday. Be with your families and shop with better intentions than to try to go to the stores to get hurt over a damn TV. Here are some cool Black Friday Sales you can check out for your early Xmas Shopping. Happy Holidays and be good to each other. 

Amazon Black Friday Sales

Save 20% At Lost Empire Herbs on selected products using the code: CYBER2022 at checkout

Huge Savings at Vahva Fitness for some of the best fitness programs on the market today from Movement Training to Warrior. Get all three of the top programs there for a stupid price that's a one time fee. 

Check out some cool stuff at Onnit Fitness for equipment, programs and supplements to help your journey. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Resistance Cables That Are Affordable

Because of the awesome response from my Chest Expander Article, thought I'd add some more things to the cause for building a body for those on a budget. Even though the most free method of exercise is bodyweight training, some might want to go the extra mile but can't always make it to a gym or afford a weight set which can set you back tens of thousands of dollars. It's more of a construct really and money can be tight for some people especially if you have to take care of a family, a mortgage and the skid mark of life we call BILLS!!!

They say money can't buy happiness and in many cases that's true and even if you're the richest man in the world (or a tanned Cheeto that we called a president at one time), it still can't make you feel as good as kick ass exercise can. That's where if you're on a budget, Resistance Cables can be a great option. Now, there are elastics out there that cost a horrendous amount of money which I never truly understood. Shit there are bands that cost as much if not more than half of a rack of dumbbells. That's why I have stuck with Lifeline Fitness for as long as I have been training the last 17+ years.  

Resistance Cables such as the Chest Expander, TNT System, Portable Power Jumper & Power Push-up Plus can be very beneficial and convenient if you're traveling. Imagine getting in a workout that can be done in your hotel room, while camping, being at a nice park, in your New York penthouse, your cabin in the woods or at a beautiful lake, it can be done just about anywhere. The ability to do all the exercises a gym provides that can be stuffed into a small bag is about as awesome as you can get. Some of the greatest bodybuilders and Physical Culturists such as Fred Rollon, John Grimek, Eugene Sandow and Earl Liederman all used resistance type cable training (originally spring loaded) to aid in their development and had some of the greatest physiques that even to this day can be seen in awe. Think for a moment being able to do the same exercises they did 50-100 years ago. 

You've seen some ideas for the CE especially with a video I put up and how Rollon was said to have built his mighty physique from the Expander almost exclusively. The TNT System is longer and can be used for exercises like the machines in the gym and then some. Get your pulldowns, rows, flys, curls, presses and more with just a simple apparatus that you can adjust resistance in seconds or go from one exercise to the other in a heart beat. I have used this to do supersets with Step Ups that give me the workout I need to stay in top condition and maintain my long-term strength. You can always switch to squats or lunges and still get a great workout in. The Portable Power Jumper is mainly for explosive leg training such as squats, lunges, jump squats and others. I've used it to where I added resistance to Hindu Pushups and the Back Bridge (just be careful not to whack yourself in the crotch area LOL). From time to time I did sets of Hindu Squats with it and puts you in a whole other state of hitting the quads and back.

For the Power Push-up Plus, it goes beyond just doing Push-Ups, you can essentially get in some awesome deadlifts, rows and good mornings for the back to even things out. There's more exercises but I'm just giving you an idea here. Be able to adjust it just by sliding a clip on and make as easy or difficult as you'll need. With all this how much is the cost of these? Overall, depending on your budget, the Chest Expander Set with the handles is around 27 bucks, this alone can be your entire gym for the upper body, the TNT System starts out at around $42 and the cost for additional cables van vary due to the amount of resistance but even the heaviest set of cables is around 20 bucks. The Portable Power Jumper is around $52 but you could find a cheaper price on Amazon like with any of these. You don't need to get any additional cables for this, for the most part, just the set it comes with would be more than enough. The Power Pushup is around $42, I don't know if you need heavier cables for this so just the set alone is really it. Total here, less than $165 for a full starter set. That may sound like a lot but compared to the amount any machine costs that's a fucking fraction. You don't even have to get these all at once and on Amazon, you can find them cheaper and get the same quality. 

For those that are worried about the wear and tear on these cables over time, I got something cool to lay on you guys. I've had only maybe 2-3 cables snap on me ever and had some of the same sets of cables for more than a decade. The thing that I use to keep their elasticity strong for an extended period of time is Armor All Wipes. Just take a sheet and smoothly go up and down on the cable for maybe a few seconds if that and that's it. Very simple and easy to do. You deserve great quality and use simple tools that will get the job done regardless of your budget. I never want you going broke or having to spend your paycheck. Getting in shape shouldn't always cost you an arm and a leg. 

Be strong, stay safe, save some money and be amazingly awesome. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

The Chest Expander And It's Underrated Benefits

 There are things we get inspired by and helping us get back into something or start up for the first time. When it comes to an underrated method of exercise, the Chest Expander ranks right up there especially in this era of modern equipment like machines and such. Chest Expanders have been around since the 1880's and have produced some of the greatest physiques in all of not just bodybuilding but in Physical Culture. From Eugene Sandow to John Grimek, at one point or another either endorsed and/or practiced with this apparatus.

I've been using the expander for years off and on and have reaped plenty of benefits including building my back that I consider the most muscular area on my body. What helped me get back into it? For starters, to build some strength and even out the shoulders. Working with hammers and animal exercises will always be my thing but often times, the shoulders are only hit in a couple areas and need to do more pulling exercises such as even the TNT cables but the Chest Expander works the upper body in places bodyweight, hammers and kettlebells can't touch. It also builds off a better posture. 

The other thing that inspired me to utilize this old school training style was finding videos of the great Fred Rollon who's claimed to have used almost nothing but Expanders, Isometrics (Muscle Control) & Bodyweight Training. Now even judging from the pictures of this guy, he had one of the most powerful looking physiques that even by today's standards would consider him on steroids. Ripped to shreds with muscle that he was given the nickname The Human Anatomy Chart and this was before major supplements and steroids even existed. 

The chest expanders of today compared to Rollon's time, have changed from Steel Springs such as These to Rubber Elastics which Lifeline Fitness has produced. In Fred's era, the amount of Tinsel Strength was said to be around 300 lbs at it's best. That's got to be one of the most profound feats at any point in history. Today with the rubber cables, the highest I've ever heard of him someone doing was around 250. Some Expanders go up to 120 kilos and before he died, Bruce Tackett produced a DIY version called the Hook which you can put cables on that reached a level of 400 lbs which I don't believe anyone has ever attempted and if they did, just budging it even an inch or two would be considered superhuman strength. 

Chest Expanders are truly underrated because of their versatility and ability to build muscle without needing a gym or tons of equipment. The amount of exercises you can do would be the equivalent to a complete workout that mainly hits most of the upper body groups such as the shoulders and upper back. I even came up with some exercises on my own like pulling for Arm Wrestling doing hundreds to a thousand reps at at time during certain periods of my life. They tackle the tendons and ligaments and one of the best pieces of equipment to help avoid injuries. Although the amount of resistance isn't the same as lifting a barbell or dumbbell, it does create greater tension the more you extend it. The peak of the resistance is towards the end of a pull but the heavier you make it, the harder it is to try and expand it. Lifting a weight like dumbbells utilizes gravity and is the same resistance from the top to the bottom of a move but elastic cables try to prevent you from moving them and the more you extend, the more it'll fight you. That's why when you pull, the contraction is greater in the muscles along not just isolating a muscle but using multiple in order to move it. 

When it comes to convenience, very few can match the elastic cables because you essentially can have practically an entire gym in the palm of your hands and are easy to adjust from light to heavy resistance. Most cables weigh less than a few ounces to just over a pound yet can make you have the workout of your life. In reality, resistance is resistance and the body doesn't completely know the difference between rubber cables or barbells. You'll build muscle either way from them with the right set of routines. It's always awesome to get a great workout in anywhere you can from a hotel room to the park, the beach, your backyard, your bedroom hell even at a dumb Trump Rally where you'll probably look in better shape than 99% of the people there. 

Add the Chest Expander to your training and you might be surprised how much your strength and conditioning goes through the roof, not to mention some bad ass muscle building (maybe not as crazy shredded as Fred Rollon or maybe you will). Grab a set and if you're into the really old school and want to do the 5 cable set instead of the typical three today, grab this sucker and have at it like the greats from yesteryear.   

Here's a recent video I do where I use the Lifeline CE at 150 lbs Resistance doing three exercises that showcase the ability to build a muscular back and shoulders. 

Be strong, stay safe and be amazingly awesome. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Tire Cutting & Smashing With Authority

On Friday, I asked a neighbor of mine (let's call him Jay) to see if he had any tools that could cut my tire in half. He ended up getting the set he needed and was eager to get it going. He never cut a tire before and was willing to help me out. Took 3 saw heads and a butcher knife (Michael Myers eat your heart out) to get the thing cut. It was an enjoyment to say the least and I begged to repay him cause it wasn't an easy job and all he said was "that's what neighbors are for." There would've been too much money to spend on getting a half tire and ended up with two so there was that.

Hitting a half tire with sledgehammers is a more convenient way to get some bad ass training in without a huge tire taking up space and could be hauled easier to places like a park, parking lot, camping or wherever. The flatter surface has a better "bounce" which when hit consistently throughout a set can generate greater cardio benefits and anaerobic conditioning. You've seen my latest posts about Sledge Training from Big Bertha to the Thor Hammers and Big Barry (25 lber) and its benefits on strength, explosiveness and other things. It's taking your anger or aggression and using it productively cause life can be stressful and it's important to manage our emotions as best we can (I know I still have some learning to do).

We all need a release and it's a hell of a lot better than beating on objects or worse somebody else. Ever heard of these places where you pay to go smash shit up in a room? I've seen them from time to time in TV shows and movies. They're in various places around the country where you pay the price of basically a concert or sports ticket to go into a room for 15 minutes with a hammer and just smash the living hell out of everything in site (wearing protective gear including glasses so the shattered glass doesn't hit you). It's supposed to help with using your aggression in a different manner to just let everything out and get yourself to calm down. Some people find it helpful which I'm all for and it's a hell of a lot better than going home and beating up someone you love or destroying property somewhere but others like Psychologists tend to have mixed feelings because it's believed it promotes violence.

Now don't me wrong man, we are a species that is violent by nature and our animalistic instincts tend to get the best of us but also because of our complexity, there are certain aspects of our aggressive nature we still have yet to discover especially when it comes to our brains. When us guys have a very high level of testosterone, it does bring out that animalistic aspect of our DNA and can turn us into a vicious person at times. That's where when it gets to a point where aggression has overrun our other emotions and we can't stop it, it can turn so violent that it's possible to black out and not know what you have done once you've "woken back up" so do speak. 

Testosterone in men is a must obviously and being aggressive is part of our nature. We fight, we wrestle, our sex drive shoots through the roof and the dominant areas of our brain can overload our nervous system. The thing is, like everything else in life, there has to be a balance somewhere, a yin and yang. Too much testosterone and aggressiveness can be a bad thing. Now with that balance, every guy is different and his genetic makeup won't have the same impact as other men so it's important to find that balance even into the golden years. A solid peak of testosterone even at an older age can be a good thing doing physical stuff, great sex, eating real foods and other things. 

Training with Sledgehammers is a powerful way more than what is being seen in order to utilize our emotions, aggression and reproductive health in a positive manner. If you're on adrenaline too much and that level of emotion is so high it can be seen from outer space, you won't sleep optimally, the satisfaction of being calm isn't where its at and if you have that overload of needing to fight somebody and it consumes you, it could have you end up in places you don't want to be (mentally & physically). Exercise is one of those things to channel our nervous system to get stuff out of our system that balances us out. Is hitting a tire violently a good thing? In this manner yes because when you get so wrapped up and need a release it's a hell of a lot better for your health than keeping it held up and turning it into a possible criminal act later.

We do need to find a source to release that dopamine and make the most of what can be used productively to channel our aggression. It's important to not go so far to the point where your faculties aren't there anymore. Control the emotions you have as much as you can and use them when they're needed. We can't 100% not get emotional (unless you're a fucking robot) but it's important to instinctively be able to know when an emotion comes on and be aware of it. When I really need a release and get some of the aggression I'm feeling, get the hammer and tire out, put on some tunes and just whale on that damn thing, sets and reps don't exist, only going until my anger has subsided. 

This is just an idea of what you can do. I love using hammers and having a half tire is just another of platform of training used for health and balancing myself inside and out. It can be very meditative and that feeling at the end where you're blissed out of your skull and and you're full of smiles more than sadness or anger or even depression for that matter. This is my definition of getting high.

Find your resource to channel your aggression without hurting someone else or something that can break easy. Be strong and keep being Amazingly Awesome. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Grip Strength And What It Says About Health

 Having a solid grip while shaking hands with someone is known to be a form of confidence at a higher level. Strength in our hands and fingers can also be a process of longevity. Grip Strength according to researchers has great potential to predict our overall health and well-being. As we get older, the stronger we are in the grip aspects, the greater chances of blasting through diseases like cancer.

While maintaining muscle mass, it also indicates a strong importance of mobility and strength. If we lose muscle, we also lose mass. I'm only less than a couple years shy of 40 and need to keep up with what I do for as long as I can because after hitting the big 4-0, muscle mass will start going little by little each year from then on. Some say it happens after 25, some will say 35 but 40 seems to be the majority among those that research. A powerful grip is a large indicator of longevity so it's apparent we do our best to keep that intact. 

A study done in 2015 which 142,000 grip measurements were taken, along with obtaining info that tested ongoing diseases showed some pretty interesting results. It was suggested that for every 11 lb decrease in grip strength was a 16% chance you could die at a higher percentage from any cause. There are ways to measure our grip but there are great ways to build it as well using various tools while keeping a solid level of overall strength training as we age. Smashing a tire with sledgehammers builds incredible grip strength and also builds insane conditioning. Working with a Thick Bar or implements such as Fat Gripz you can attach to pull-up bars, barbells, dumbbells or even handles like with the TNT Cable System. One idea is about as simple as you can get is what John Brookfield has demonstrated where you take a towel and put in a bucket full of water, elongate it and start twisting the water out of the towel until it dries. This will fire up your forearms like crazy.

Building muscle and maintaining it can go a long way more than just looking good, it could be life saving and keeping things in order has great potential to keep you from getting injured easily and keeping your organs strong for a long time. Grip Strength is a piece of a big puzzle that continually comes together in order to live a quality life. Stay away from the steroids and find resources that will help you stay strong for many years to come. 

Stay strong, build some mighty mitts and be amazingly awesome. 

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