Showing posts with label Animal Moves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animal Moves. Show all posts

Friday, January 27, 2023

Results Of Leg Training

I normally don't like showing off my legs when it comes to the results I've attained because of the accident and some areas seem off to me but overall from years of Squats, Step-Ups, Sprints, Animal Walks, Isometrics and other things, I think I've developed some decent legs with some muscularity. Not shredded by any means and I wouldn't call myself Quadzilla or anything like that. These legs have been through a lot and have kept myself in really good condition for the most part.

For a long time, I have always believed in keeping the legs strong, durable and having that workhorse mentality of doing what was possible yet still have gas left in the tank. Stumbled a time or two and have gotten my ass kicked on a few occasions especially on the mat doing BJJ but never thought about not doing some kind of leg training almost daily. Numbers have come and gone, workouts change, forming exercises that don't risk injury and keeping the joints healthy. 

I was never big on the Barbell Squats back in my teens and have done around 400 lbs but that's about it. Squats & Sprints were the big thing for me in those early years of bodyweight training and as time went on, switched to Isometrics and Step-Ups but the Animal Exercises were always my favorite. Not the biggest fan of Plyometrics but I did like the Frog Jumps & The Hindu Jumpers. For a period with the Jumpers, they were part of my 500 Rep Workout with the Hindu Squats and have done as many as 100 Jumpers in a row but never went beyond that. 

From time to time I'll still do Squats and such like doing 100 or so with my 50 lb Sandbell and holding in various positions like Bear Hug & The Shoulder To Shoulder. Step-Ups are my big leg exercise these days as I'll do several hundred to 1000 in certain workouts but also because of my attention span, I have to back off and do other things to keep me interested. Doing hundreds or more of Leg Work isn't my biggest priority but I will do them in spades to maintain conditioning. When it comes to strength, Isometrics are right up there because as long as my tendons and ligaments are strong, it keeps me strong in the long run especially if I'm hiking for a long period of time, hauling furniture up flights of stairs. I haven't even touched a barbell squat since I went to a seminar way back in 2011 when I met Bud Jeffries for the first time and as weird as that was even just doing partials, I just never got right with that kind of squat.

One workout I've now done a couple times recently was doing Step-Ups & Hindu Squats using a Deck Of Cards. I have to where the numbers come out to 450 Step-Ups and 225 Hindu Squats and that's a pretty good workout for the legs. You get both the Unilateral Work and Squat work in the same session which is a hell of a test for lasting strength, quad building, cardio and conditioning. I do my best to only rest by flipping a card and getting into position other than that, I'm off and running at a good pace for myself. One of these days I'll have to time it and see how fast I can do it. It's like paying tribute to Bob Backlund & Karl Gotch in the same workout. I do get bored doing just one exercise for an entire workout and as many times as I've done 500 Squats with those cards, this workout I find more appealing cause I get great leg work from the best of both worlds. If you think Step-Ups are a "lazy man's form of leg training" than you haven't done something like this and do it with solid efficiency and are full of shit in the first place to think like that. It's anything but lazy and as you do the squats, you'll sometimes feel heavier going up the step to do Step-Ups, it can be that brutal on the legs. 

 Most of the time, I like to show the results of my upper body because that's what you see the most from me since I wear baggy shorts and they cover the thighs. I'm just more skeptical of my legs because my scarring from my shin and my legs aren't my best feature. It is what it is but with the way I train, my legs feel great and rarely ever get sore and do my best to work my joints so I don't stiff up. I won't ever have the legs of a Tom Platz (quite frankly who really would?) or a William Gerardi but I'll take what I can get and keep those Tree Trunk California Redwoods going for as long as I can. 

Condition your legs, keep them strong and keep being amazingly awesome. 

Lost Empire Herb Of The Day: Mucuna

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Could Movement Training Put On Some Serious Muscle?

Movement Training building Muscle? Is that even possible? For the most part, the human body couldn't even give more of a shit where the resistance comes from whether it's utilizing your own body or lifting weights. When given a good amount of time with the amount of resistance (in other words TUT), the muscles can create growth.

Believe it or not, you'd be shocked how amazing movement training puts on muscle, it's just a different version of it than typical weight training. This particular method emphasizes certain areas more than weight training. Let's give this a rundown: When we move the body in this manner, it's a more holistic approach as you form patterns, combos and mix and match using the body as a single unit. You're not isolating the muscles even though you could focus on certain areas as you move. 

Moving like a beast in the wild is a beautiful and even more phenomenal way to develop many parts of the body. Is it perfect? Hell no, nothing is but that's where you can supplement to really focus on the areas you do want even though Animal Moves are quite unbeatable. Here's one idea to look at it, walking like a cold-blooded'll hit your triceps hard and really tackle the shoulders, chest, hips and core like crazy. Another would be a variation of the Bear; going after the shoulders and core with an emphasis on the posterior chain while developing strength and flexibility in the hip flexors. When it comes to the wrists, Animal Moves are some of the best you can do. 

Leg Training wise, I found nothing more fun and exciting to do than moving like an animal. Don't get me wrong; Hindu Squats, Step Ups, Lunges, Bulgarian Squats and others work like a charm and can be kick ass supplemental exercises especially step ups (look up Bob Backlund and you'll know what I mean) but if there was anything close to putting a method on a pedestal, animal moves would be right up there with the best leg training you can do IMO. If you really want to tackle the legs in other ways, check out Warrior 20XX for more info on conditioning that area. 

From Hops to Duck Walks will work you legs far more dynamically and make you more Athletic than other traditional methods. Nothing wrong with working deadlifts and squats and have made many champions and athletes successful but they're still not the GOATs for hitting the lower body. In reality, the exercises in and of themselves could only work with the individual that gives them the best benefit. 

When it comes to Core Training, Movement Training is as close to perfect for that specific area. It's not just strengthening the abs or specifically targeting the front but everywhere around that area. In most cases, Gymnasts & Fighters have some of the most developed Core Muscles that actually makes them functional and athletic as hell. Because of the movements they use, that's where they mostly get those awesome abs that can make them soar through the air or take a punch. 

On Back Training; very few understand the concept that the back muscles work harder than you may realize when it comes to Animal Moves when you're crawling on the floor. That's because our back muscles need to work hard in order to stabilize the scapula or the shoulder girdle. With Animal type movement, the scapula is worked through 3D motions which in turn can develop the muscles in the back. Now there's still some pulling movements you can utilize especially in Suspension Calisthenics to really add on that development. If you look throughout ancient practices such as Yoga or Qi Gong, what is one thing that never comes up? Pulling Exercises yet some of these people have developed incredibly healthy bodies and balanced musculature. Even Ballet Dancers have some awesome back development and most don't do almost any floor work or weights. The arm movements when done with proper control develop the rear delts and backs by themselves.

Although there's more to Movement Training than meets the eye, you can develop a whole plethora of muscle through other means like I said before with Suspension Calisthenics or through Warrior 20XX or even Athlete 20XX. Isometrics work amazing too especially if you're new to certain aspects of training and strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments for the movements later on. Be strong, get wild and be amazingly awesome. 

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