Showing posts with label Chest Expander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chest Expander. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Updated The Chest Expander

 It was time to toss out one apparatus and get an upgraded model. I've had my Chest Expander since about 2006-2007 and in that time, did many workouts, snapped a few bands here and there and built some solid strength with it. It has been wearing down recently and there was noticeable damage to it. I decided to get the updated model and see what I can do with it. 

Got it yesterday and tested it out. It was so worth getting this fucker because the lock in mechanism kept the bands way more in tact and the handles are longer than the previous version. Because of the better features, it felt more comfortable to handle and I actually felt stronger doing the pulls. With the other expander, I could pull 140 lbs pretty well for 10 reps but start shaking a bit around the 8th rep, with this new one, 12 felt solid and a hell of a lot more stable. 

I love Strand Pulling, it's one of my favorite methods for building strength and developing powerful shoulders. I've tested myself with various amounts of resistance and gotten pretty good around 150-160 lbs. and hit 200 with some exercises but not the gold standard ones like the Hands In Chest Pull. Strongman Kevin Wikse has legitimately pulled 220 lbs resistance in the chest pull. I wanted to see how far I've come and what I was capable of. I filmed a few exercises and they're up on youtube (there's a chest expander playlist I have on there). With the old model, I've now pulled 210 lbs Resistance in an exercise called the Hands Out Downward Pull Behind The Back which I managed 5 reps so that was awesome.

I wanted to take it to the next level and test my strength with the Gold Standard Pull Into The Chest at 210 lbs Resistance. This would put me 10 lbs shy of Kevin's Pull and he's one of the legit strongest men on this planet. I was nervous as hell but you never know until you do it and if you know the type of strength it takes to do this, you know this is not something to be taken lightly. I did and filmed it as proof so you won't just take my word for it. It was incredibly exciting and to put it in perspective, I didn't think in my 20's this was possible because I've seen strong dudes much better than me at this do this so for me it was a pipe dream. In my 30's, I figured it wasn't a priority and it wasn't going to be in the cards for me. At 40, maybe give this a chance, the chances of me pulling it off (pun intended) was not only slim but close to impossible in that specific exercise so what do I have to lose? This was one of the coolest moments in my life of Physical Culture and I hope I've honored those of the past in this method. 

It's a different kind of strength compared to weights and bodyweight training for sure but if you look back on the history of this method of training from the Spring Loaders to the modern day of Resistance Bands, the Chest Expander has been used by some of the strongest and built men in that time from Earl Liederman to John Grimek, Lou Thesz and all the way up to guys like Kevin Wikse, Bud Jeffries, Jon Hinds and others. It is one of the best tools for building incredible strength in the upper body and can build some serious muscle that is functional for the real world, not just in the gym. Never underestimate something like this. 

Give this bad ass piece of equipment a chance, you can take it anywhere because it's so light and small enough to fit in a bag to travel with. Switch to various exercises in seconds and adjust the bands easily. Be amazingly awesome and keep killing it you guys. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Getting Stronger With The Chest Expander

 I don't know if I'm falling in love with the Chest Expander or just really getting into it and reaping the benefits of it. Almost everyday lately, I've been pulling and pressing that thing from as many directions as I can without straining myself. In terms of resistance, I've kept it around 100-140 lbs but some days I'll go lighter and every few days or so I would see what my max amount of resistance I can do for about 3-5 reps. I don't do multiple sets of an exercise, I just do 1 and go from one to another either quickly or after a short rest so I feel at my strongest.

The workouts feel great and I'm feeling a difference in my back and shoulders since this thing works out the kinks where my shoulders may have lacked. Because of doing Bear Crawls, Push-Ups from time to time and other ground movements in animal exercises you're hitting more of either the front or back of the shoulders and not so much all around that area of the body so the Chest Expander really targets the areas that might not be as strong and need a bit of a boost and not getting in just one or two areas. Some cables I'll use relatively the same colors and use all three bands, or two depending on the exercises I do and mix and match to work different pounds of resistance together.

I'm not trying to utilize a bodybuilding approach and nowhere near the level of some of the old timers like Fred Rollon or John Grimek and Reg Park. These guys knew realistic strength better than just about anybody when it came to Strand Pulling. In the old days and even today, the Expanders had springs you can work with up to I think like 6 at one time. There are elastic cables today you can use that go up to 5 but most Expanders have about 3-4. I try to max out what I can do and from my research, one of the tests of strength with it is the Front Chest Pull W/ Hands Inside. This sets the tone for how strong you are with that apparatus.

My max pull right now is at 160 lbs resistance but I know I can do better as time goes on. As you can see above, yes I have to really put effort into it and it's not something I take lightly. It's awesome to experiment but it's also important to respect the bands as well and be in control otherwise it'll hit you hard and it does fight back with a vengeance the heavier the resistance. 

When it comes to the exercises, I try to keep a bare minimum of about 6 exercises that are the foundational pulls and work other exercises to hit other parts of the upper body like curls, tricep extensions, lateral raises with lighter resistance and others. In a single workout, I might do up to 10-12 exercises. If it's a heavy day, I rest a bit longer between exercises and keep the reps to 3-10 depending how much I have in me to pull or work with. For lighter resistance, I keep it around 10-25 reps per exercise for more moderate to near conditioning type training while resting as little as possible to not at all. Have no clue how long a workout is, I just grab and go with it. 

Now because it's mainly an upper body training session, what do I do for legs? Simple really, Step Ups, Animal Walks, Isometrics, Pick Up & Carry Sandbells and there you go. You do want to keep things equal but more often than not, you either do more of one or the other and do your best to avoid injuries and getting stiff. I like to stretch the body out doing my Flow Training or do Isometric Type Stretches from Bob Anderson's Stretching Book but my most common routine are mobility type exercises and loosening up the joints. Flexibility is just as important as Strength Training and regardless of our strength, if we don't have solid mobility and flexibility, what good are we?

Workouts don't need to be super long in order to create results. It doesn't matter if you're into weights, bands, bodyweight, machines or hammers, if you got a good 45 minutes for a long one or 5 minutes for a short one, you can have sessions that will make you feel like you just went through hell. One of my favorites for conditioning is Circuit Training doing Bodyweight & Martial Arts type training. Those are the type of workouts where I can go hard but not rest at all. Keep it to 10 rounds max and you're good to go.

Back to the Chest Expanders shall we? The stronger you get, the more you'll start to see how great the carry over is to other things you may not have realized. Some of the worst injuries for athletes are in the shoulders such as those who are Pitchers, Olympic Lifters, Martial Artists and Wrestlers. Rotator Cuff injuries are the most common and although like I've written before, we can't avoid injuries all the time but we can greatly reduce them by practicing prehab exercises and strength training that keeps injuries at bay for as long as possible. The Chest Expander is one of those tools that can do that even for the most elite athletes. If you had injuries that have a chance of being healed, this thing can work wonders using lighter bands. 

I know people love going to the gym but there are times that it's not always possible like during a snow storm or during hurricane season. I'm not suggesting you try to do workouts in the middle of a blizzard, it's the idea that because Expanders are very affordable that you can have an entire gym in a little bag, it's there when you need it for those days when going to a gym isn't there. It gives you the freedom to train wherever you want and they can be done everyday or 2-3 times a week, it's up to you. Train according to your goals but also make compromises with yourself so you don't feel obligated or frustrated that because you may not always get to do one thing but have something there that can be useful in the meantime. 

Be strong, be resourceful and keep being amazingly awesome. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Resistance Cables That Are Affordable

Because of the awesome response from my Chest Expander Article, thought I'd add some more things to the cause for building a body for those on a budget. Even though the most free method of exercise is bodyweight training, some might want to go the extra mile but can't always make it to a gym or afford a weight set which can set you back tens of thousands of dollars. It's more of a construct really and money can be tight for some people especially if you have to take care of a family, a mortgage and the skid mark of life we call BILLS!!!

They say money can't buy happiness and in many cases that's true and even if you're the richest man in the world (or a tanned Cheeto that we called a president at one time), it still can't make you feel as good as kick ass exercise can. That's where if you're on a budget, Resistance Cables can be a great option. Now, there are elastics out there that cost a horrendous amount of money which I never truly understood. Shit there are bands that cost as much if not more than half of a rack of dumbbells. That's why I have stuck with Lifeline Fitness for as long as I have been training the last 17+ years.  

Resistance Cables such as the Chest Expander, TNT System, Portable Power Jumper & Power Push-up Plus can be very beneficial and convenient if you're traveling. Imagine getting in a workout that can be done in your hotel room, while camping, being at a nice park, in your New York penthouse, your cabin in the woods or at a beautiful lake, it can be done just about anywhere. The ability to do all the exercises a gym provides that can be stuffed into a small bag is about as awesome as you can get. Some of the greatest bodybuilders and Physical Culturists such as Fred Rollon, John Grimek, Eugene Sandow and Earl Liederman all used resistance type cable training (originally spring loaded) to aid in their development and had some of the greatest physiques that even to this day can be seen in awe. Think for a moment being able to do the same exercises they did 50-100 years ago. 

You've seen some ideas for the CE especially with a video I put up and how Rollon was said to have built his mighty physique from the Expander almost exclusively. The TNT System is longer and can be used for exercises like the machines in the gym and then some. Get your pulldowns, rows, flys, curls, presses and more with just a simple apparatus that you can adjust resistance in seconds or go from one exercise to the other in a heart beat. I have used this to do supersets with Step Ups that give me the workout I need to stay in top condition and maintain my long-term strength. You can always switch to squats or lunges and still get a great workout in. The Portable Power Jumper is mainly for explosive leg training such as squats, lunges, jump squats and others. I've used it to where I added resistance to Hindu Pushups and the Back Bridge (just be careful not to whack yourself in the crotch area LOL). From time to time I did sets of Hindu Squats with it and puts you in a whole other state of hitting the quads and back.

For the Power Push-up Plus, it goes beyond just doing Push-Ups, you can essentially get in some awesome deadlifts, rows and good mornings for the back to even things out. There's more exercises but I'm just giving you an idea here. Be able to adjust it just by sliding a clip on and make as easy or difficult as you'll need. With all this how much is the cost of these? Overall, depending on your budget, the Chest Expander Set with the handles is around 27 bucks, this alone can be your entire gym for the upper body, the TNT System starts out at around $42 and the cost for additional cables van vary due to the amount of resistance but even the heaviest set of cables is around 20 bucks. The Portable Power Jumper is around $52 but you could find a cheaper price on Amazon like with any of these. You don't need to get any additional cables for this, for the most part, just the set it comes with would be more than enough. The Power Pushup is around $42, I don't know if you need heavier cables for this so just the set alone is really it. Total here, less than $165 for a full starter set. That may sound like a lot but compared to the amount any machine costs that's a fucking fraction. You don't even have to get these all at once and on Amazon, you can find them cheaper and get the same quality. 

For those that are worried about the wear and tear on these cables over time, I got something cool to lay on you guys. I've had only maybe 2-3 cables snap on me ever and had some of the same sets of cables for more than a decade. The thing that I use to keep their elasticity strong for an extended period of time is Armor All Wipes. Just take a sheet and smoothly go up and down on the cable for maybe a few seconds if that and that's it. Very simple and easy to do. You deserve great quality and use simple tools that will get the job done regardless of your budget. I never want you going broke or having to spend your paycheck. Getting in shape shouldn't always cost you an arm and a leg. 

Be strong, stay safe, save some money and be amazingly awesome. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

The Chest Expander And It's Underrated Benefits

 There are things we get inspired by and helping us get back into something or start up for the first time. When it comes to an underrated method of exercise, the Chest Expander ranks right up there especially in this era of modern equipment like machines and such. Chest Expanders have been around since the 1880's and have produced some of the greatest physiques in all of not just bodybuilding but in Physical Culture. From Eugene Sandow to John Grimek, at one point or another either endorsed and/or practiced with this apparatus.

I've been using the expander for years off and on and have reaped plenty of benefits including building my back that I consider the most muscular area on my body. What helped me get back into it? For starters, to build some strength and even out the shoulders. Working with hammers and animal exercises will always be my thing but often times, the shoulders are only hit in a couple areas and need to do more pulling exercises such as even the TNT cables but the Chest Expander works the upper body in places bodyweight, hammers and kettlebells can't touch. It also builds off a better posture. 

The other thing that inspired me to utilize this old school training style was finding videos of the great Fred Rollon who's claimed to have used almost nothing but Expanders, Isometrics (Muscle Control) & Bodyweight Training. Now even judging from the pictures of this guy, he had one of the most powerful looking physiques that even by today's standards would consider him on steroids. Ripped to shreds with muscle that he was given the nickname The Human Anatomy Chart and this was before major supplements and steroids even existed. 

The chest expanders of today compared to Rollon's time, have changed from Steel Springs such as These to Rubber Elastics which Lifeline Fitness has produced. In Fred's era, the amount of Tinsel Strength was said to be around 300 lbs at it's best. That's got to be one of the most profound feats at any point in history. Today with the rubber cables, the highest I've ever heard of him someone doing was around 250. Some Expanders go up to 120 kilos and before he died, Bruce Tackett produced a DIY version called the Hook which you can put cables on that reached a level of 400 lbs which I don't believe anyone has ever attempted and if they did, just budging it even an inch or two would be considered superhuman strength. 

Chest Expanders are truly underrated because of their versatility and ability to build muscle without needing a gym or tons of equipment. The amount of exercises you can do would be the equivalent to a complete workout that mainly hits most of the upper body groups such as the shoulders and upper back. I even came up with some exercises on my own like pulling for Arm Wrestling doing hundreds to a thousand reps at at time during certain periods of my life. They tackle the tendons and ligaments and one of the best pieces of equipment to help avoid injuries. Although the amount of resistance isn't the same as lifting a barbell or dumbbell, it does create greater tension the more you extend it. The peak of the resistance is towards the end of a pull but the heavier you make it, the harder it is to try and expand it. Lifting a weight like dumbbells utilizes gravity and is the same resistance from the top to the bottom of a move but elastic cables try to prevent you from moving them and the more you extend, the more it'll fight you. That's why when you pull, the contraction is greater in the muscles along not just isolating a muscle but using multiple in order to move it. 

When it comes to convenience, very few can match the elastic cables because you essentially can have practically an entire gym in the palm of your hands and are easy to adjust from light to heavy resistance. Most cables weigh less than a few ounces to just over a pound yet can make you have the workout of your life. In reality, resistance is resistance and the body doesn't completely know the difference between rubber cables or barbells. You'll build muscle either way from them with the right set of routines. It's always awesome to get a great workout in anywhere you can from a hotel room to the park, the beach, your backyard, your bedroom hell even at a dumb Trump Rally where you'll probably look in better shape than 99% of the people there. 

Add the Chest Expander to your training and you might be surprised how much your strength and conditioning goes through the roof, not to mention some bad ass muscle building (maybe not as crazy shredded as Fred Rollon or maybe you will). Grab a set and if you're into the really old school and want to do the 5 cable set instead of the typical three today, grab this sucker and have at it like the greats from yesteryear.   

Here's a recent video I do where I use the Lifeline CE at 150 lbs Resistance doing three exercises that showcase the ability to build a muscular back and shoulders. 

Be strong, stay safe and be amazingly awesome. 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Orion’s Arrow


       Not expecting a title like that huh? When most think of Orion it's usually about a mythical god known for a series of stars (Orion's Belt) but today it's about the strength of his Bow & Arrow. Back in ancient times, one of the most premier weapons of the age that was efficient to either the soldier or the hunter was the Bow & Arrow. Pulling a mighty bow in battle or to hunt food for your family was a key to man's survival of the time. Two great legends of myth that took the arrow into the very hearts of the people were the stories of Robin Hood and Odysseus. Each men had unique skill but had very similar outcomes to their stories. They both won the heart of a woman, they saved a kingdom from tyranny and they were both sharp men as much as their arrows. The Bow & Arrow was and still is to this day in some circles a test of man's skill, strength, accuracy and eye coordination.


    If you wanted to pull the strongest of bows, it didn't come overnight. It took most strongmen decades to pull some of the strongest bows the world had ever known. The Bow of Hercules is legendary for its near superhuman level in order to pull it back let alone shoot an arrow. Remember the story of Odysseus, in order to even win the heart of his wife and kingdom he had to strung the toughest bow in the kingdom itself and according to legend no man but him could not only string it but pull with every ounce of power to drive the arrow through the series of axes that were so narrow the arrow had to dead on accurate. The key type of training you learned to pull super strong bows was Isometrics. Think about it, at first you can barely pull the bow so in order to get to its maximum pull, you had to pull inch by inch isometrically. Because of this it took a warrior many years to pull back the strongest bow.


    In modern day, we don't always use Bow & Arrows unless it was for recreation or sport and although we still use it to hunt, it doesn't have the same affect that it had before in the ancient world. So one of the things we use to simulate the pulling of a bow is using Lifeline USA's Chest Expander. With this tool of rubber cables attaching to handles, we can hit our shoulders and upper back from angles that neither bodyweight or weightlifting exercise can touch. This can be used to an athlete's advantage because when you hit certain angles, you're creating strength and muscle you normally wouldn't use and I needed. It helps create flexibility and power that just has that raw strength very few methods can match.


    Now think what it would be like to test your strength and will against the toughest pulling cables and not only learn it from a specific program dedicated to it, but also use your imagination and picture being the very legends who handled the Bow with ease. A few minutes a day pulling from as many directions you can come up with and a program that can guide you to develop superhuman muscle in those particular areas of the upper body. With having that much flexibility and strength, think what an advantage you can have when you do other exercises like push-ups and other movements that you couldn't hit before and could do with ease. The Orion Program will test you in ways you haven't been tested before. Developing strength not just physically but mentally, spiritually and emotionally as well. It's not about just pulling a bow anymore, it's a test of your imagination and harnessing your body's brain power to create strength from your mind to the muscles and more.


Happy Monday my friends, be awesome and have a great start to a new week.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Build Shoulder & Upper Body Power & Strength With The Chest Expander

100 or more so years ago back in Europe they had a strength contest to see who can pull the strongest of cables in a variety of directions. These cables had springs that can be stretches as long as 18 inches (1ft 6inches) and whoever won the conest was considered the strongest puller in the world kind of like the World's Strongest Man contests today. This was called Strand Pulling.

In the early 20th century the old-time strongmen and bodybuilders of the time were using strand pulling to build strength and power in the shoulders, back, abs and arms. Men like Eugene Sandow, Thomas Inch, Joesph Greenstein AKA the Mighty Atom and even Former Mr. Universe Reg Park all used strand-pulling in their training and even Charles Atlas did it at one time before he made a killing in his course Dynamic Tension. What these men did was train the body from angles that weights and bodyweight exercises couldn't reach because the pulling from different angles built different strength in various muscles that can help other exercises be easier and more efficiant.

Now the springs back then had one flaw and thats they would either snap or they scratched the body and can really hurt you. Today the springs are gone and are replaced with Rubber Cables and with careful practice you won't get scratched if at all. Jon Hinds has created whats now called The Chest Expander. Its a modern day version of the stran pulling from years past.

If you want to gain an advantage in your training the chest expander will do just that, now like I said you will hit muscles from angles that weights and/or bodyweight exercises dont hit but you won't be isolating those muscles, you are still hitting major muscle groups and plus with cables unlike barbells and dumbbells you won't be using gravity to lift, the cable is going to try to bring you down  while trying to pull the cable up so you're building much more strength and need more strength to bring the cable up.

Build your upper body with strength that is just animalistic and mighty powerful. With cables they are also very reliable on being able to travel with. You can literally have a gym in your very own bag. In a hotel instead of going to the gym or just wanting to do it outside the cables are very resourceful. I myself have a few cables and I practice them when I need those extra angles to work on. Remember use caution and work with a cable thats right for you and not use one where you'll hit yourself in the face trust me I've done it too many times to tell you its not fun. Bring out that power in you and give those shoulders and your upper body the strength it needs to get through everyday life. Also I forgot to mention they will help your flexibility for certain stretches or yoga type exercises that you may practice. For me I love bridging and the gymnastic bridge (Wheel Pose) is a great one for me and cables have helped the flexibility in my shoulders to be able to hold the pose for quite a period of time, my longest was around 5 min. at one time.

Get the Chest Expander today and build strength for powerful presses, curls, cleans and some major pulling for the latissimus dorsi (upper back).

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Whole Gym In The Palm Of Your Hands

How cool would it be to workout anywhere you wanted, at the beach, the park, your backyard, garage, house, even at the top of a mountain? Having a gym is way overrated. I’m not saying going to one is a bad thing but if you wanted to train anywhere you wanted, what can you do? One way to do it is getting a device that could have endless ways of strengthening everything from your neck to your toes and that’s my dear friend, the Chest Expander.

 This little bitty rubber cable apparatus can work your body from more angles than weights never could and you need to strengthen those areas for overall functional strength and fitness. There are many types of cables to progress with ranging from the easiest to nearly impossible to expand. Weights can hit many muscle groups but the cables hit muscles that aren’t reached by any other method except this. Unlike weights that use gravity, you are fighting the cables because they don’t want you to expand them and you need that kind of power as if you’re fighting a person.

 The cool thing about this bad boy is that you can go from one exercise to the next in a snap, go from a curl to a press or from a row to a lateral raise; this is great for circuit training to help bring that conditioning element. Dumbbells are fun to use if you’re into them but it takes you a little bit to put down the thing, grab another and go through the cycle again, with the cables you can put as many as three on there and if its too much for you than take one off to ease the resistance, I find that more fun than taking the time to switch plates or dumbbells. When you see that you’re working from odd angles, you’re building odd strength and flexibility which can aid you in almost anything from lifting to bodyweight exercise to cardio or even to help rebuild injuries and heal old wounds to get that functional strength back for the things you want to accomplish whether it be sports, your job or helping out your family.

 One of my favorite things to do is use this thing for Arm Wrestling. This sport is one of the toughest forms of strength there is, period and you need well developed grip, wrist arm overall body strength to take even the toughest of opponents. Read about my article about Arm Wrestling Training to learn more details to get an idea of how strong you can get just using cables and never needing a machine or weights to get the job done. This is where it gets even prettier by the second where you can go from using it as a rehab tool to taking it to a superhuman level that even the strongest forces in strength athletics can appreciate.

 If you want to take it even further my man Bud Jeffries has a DVD course that specifies in Alternate Conditioning Methods which one of them is based on Cable Training and the things he has in stored on there will blow you away and just when you thought you only had a few basic ideas, he takes beyond another level. An extreme few courses out there on this type of training so that should tell you that there are secrets out there that can take your fitness to levels never imagined before. Being fit is awesome, being strong is great but being functionally fit and strong is the most gratifying thing you can achieve and becoming superhuman is that much sweeter.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Arm Wrestling Training For A Super Grip

 Testing one’s strength has been a quest for as long as mankind has been around; fighting for survival or just sport, strength has been the test of wills through physical, spiritual, emotional and mental endeavors. One of the biggest tests for man’s ego or even to prove himself is through Arm Wrestling.

  Back in the day when internet didn’t exist and phone lines were the talk of the town plus the only entertainment you can really find was in a vaudeville theater or watching a silent movie on the big screen for a nickel a pop, people needed to do something to keep themselves interested. Men worked on the farms or in offices in the city or sometimes they became entertainers and put on acts to entertain the crowd. Kids played ball in the streets and some even took up what was called Wrist Wrestling where they gripped their hands as hard as they can and do their best to slam the other’s wrist to the table and jump for victory.

 Arm Wrestling isn’t just a full on test of grip and people will only say that if they haven’t actually done it. I’ve had my fair share of losses and very few wins to tell you it’s a hard and demanding sport where you have your whole body engaged in a tight spot and it takes just as much power to keep from getting slammed as the one doing the slamming. It makes up a powerful grip once you get the basics down and learn from a few masters here and there.

 There are many guys in the world of Physical Culture who have at one point done some Arm Wrestling and were fierce at it. One man whom I consider the Great Gama of Arm Wrestling is the heavyweight powerhouse Ian “Mac” Batchelor, no one can match the level of strength this man had in his time and his unorthodox style of training is just as hardcore as his unprecedented wins over countless opponents. Another legend in the sport is a man that just defies logic in the realm of strength and for a man his size it just seems so impossible until you actually learn what he does and that’s Dennis Rogers. He became a strongman first by becoming an Arm Wrestling champion and winning countless awards and recognition, because of that, he dove into finding things that he can destroy and tear up that no one in the world can do. The way he does things is just surreal and if you want to learn about his specialty feats check out Legendary Strength and find out his secrets to incredible grip strength.

 People have this distinct notion that if you want to be strong, you have to use a gym, hate to burst your bubble pal but most gyms can’t handle the levels of strength being presented. You can build grip without ever leaving your house or you can take it on the road with you. If there’s anyone out there today other myself, Dennis Rogers, Logan Christopher, Ryan Pitts or Bud Jeffries for that matter who can teach you the value of grip strength it’s up incoming strongman of unlimited potential is my boy Matti Marzel. He has the distinct power of having some of the toughest hands in the world, bending and snapping steel, tearing decks of cards from very odd angles and tearing up phonebooks in several pieces like tearing a piece of paper. His fingers are so strong he regularly holds himself up on his fingertips and is working on being an elite rock and rope climber and is ripped to shreds and is one of the closest to having that Bruce Lee type physique. You do not want him on his bad side and he’s no pushover in Arm Wrestling, he has on occasion taken down guys twice his size and puts them to shame with his iron cord like arms and wrists. 

 One of my secret weapons for building strength in Arm Wrestling is using my Chest Expander which you can get at I take this apparatus and I use fairly medium to heavy cables and use one of the handles on my door and start simulating an arm wrestling technique or match and work up to 50 repetitions as best as possible. I also work on the wrist and do curls and rows to get that edge for that specific grip and work in high repetitions so I can focus on tendon strength. This is a great device because unlike weights that uses gravity, the rubber cables is fighting back from having you extend the cables out almost similar as if you’re in a match and your opponent is keeping you from moving him.

 Another great an inspiring thing about sports or just wrestling in general is that many little guys (under 200 lbs) are extremely strong when they have the right tools to just make your jaw drop. You wouldn’t expect a small guy tearing up guys twice their size and making it look easy as pie. Never underestimate the little guy because he can hurt you and have a big smile on his face doing. Dennis Rogers has made that believable and so has guys like Maxick, Farmer Burns, Matti Marzel, Bruce Lee and others that can just give you hell.

 Working the tendons is one of the most crucial keys to your success in developing your grip and one of the best methods is doing Isometrics. Being able to hold a certain position and make it as hard as possible without ever moving teaches you how to build strength from many angles. Arm Wrestling Isometrics is one of the most fun ways to build that level of strength that just raw and powerful. Get strong and find cool ways to develop your grip to a superhuman level.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chest Expander Can Create Super Strength

Back in the early days at the height of the industrial revolution there were a few physical culturists who gained fame by writing course after course on physical fitness and health. Some of these were doctors, gym owners, gymnasts, wrestlers and strongmen. During that time period cable training was relatively new at the time when machines weren't big yet and some of these cables you can use just about anywhere. Within them were steel springs that that the cables were attached to and you can stretch them as long as 18 inches. Some of the biggest names in Physical Culture at the time used them such as Eugene Sandow, Earl Liederman, Charles Atlas, Joseph Greenstein a.k.a The Mighty Atom and Grip Extrodinare Thomas Inch.

As time went on throughout America the cables sometimes were the stable of a person's fitness program and for good reason. Two Strongmen from two different eras held courses on this type of training. They were Joe Bonomo and Reg Park. Bonomo a legendary strongman was also in films as an actor and stuntman and performed feats of strength. Reg Park was and still is today considered one of the greatest bodybuilders of his generation winning major titles such as a multiple time Mr. Universe. He was one of the first bodybuilders to bench press 500 lbs. and one of the remaining few at that time that concentrated on physique as well as strength.

Nowadays the steel spring cables are replaced by one of the biggest manufacturing fitness companies in the world at Lifeline USA ran by Father and Son Bobby & Jon Hinds. They have invented some of the best peices of fitness equipment that some people have replaced weights with in using rubber cables. The new and improved Chest Expnder is one of the focal points on upper body strength and conditioning. With enough colored cables to replace an entire rack of dumbbells you can build strength and progression within seconds. I have played around with it every now and then and it always gives me a great workout and why? Because the chest expander hits your upper body from a variety of angles that nor weights or bodyweight exercises can touch.

With the thousands of dollars on a weight rack you can get these bad boys for a fraction of the price and they last a long time. You save money from going to the gym, you can pack them up in a breifcase and travel anywhere in the world and get a workout in. Believe me when I tell you this it can make your life a whole lot easier and convient for your workouts so you don't have to waste time waiting to get to a machine or which dumbbell or barbell to use. You can work out on the lake, in the sand, at home, in a hotel room, in your office hell you can even workout in the damn woods if you chose to do so there are endless possibilities for you to train in. Also it doesn't take much time either. 10 minutes with the Chest Expander would be all you need to get a brutal workout where you'll be breathing hard and gaining flexibility while putting on strength and functional muscle. If thats not enough for you then check out my friend Bud Jeffries and his course Alternative Conditioning Series where he teaches a simpler and convient way to train using clubs, hammers, maces, an Iso Ring, the Portable Power Jumper and even a more indepth look into the (drum roll please.....) chest expander.

Go and take a look. You will see that the chest expander will do wonders for you and your body. Learn as many as 20+ exercises with this one peice of equipment. You can have a whole gym in just this one bad boy. Go ahead take a peak.

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