Showing posts with label Follow Your Fitness Destiny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Follow Your Fitness Destiny. Show all posts

Monday, August 8, 2022

Putting Exercises Up On A Pedestal And Approaching Fitness In A Dogmatic Fashion

Training can be done in a variety of ways and there are millions of exercises that we can all choose from, but from a "no shit sherlock" point of view, we can't do them all. There are even certain exercises that have a high risk of harm or an extremely fatal entity that some should never attempt because of either previous injuries, doesn't match from a structural stand point or it's too early during a progression period. No question many programs and exercises work very well but they're not equal to every individual. 

The trouble is, many trainers and "gurus" have a dogmatic approach to fitness or physical culture in general where the exercises they show or demonstrate in order to appeal to a certain audience or group of people are the only ones they aught to do and anything else is wrong and should never question it. In other words, they put certain exercises or programs up on a pedestal and treat them in a cult-like fashion. I've said it before, not every exercise is created equal. If they were, everyone on the planet would be able to do them just like that, life doesn't work that way.

I've seen and read about guys who treat certain exercises like they're gods on Mount Olympus and force feed people into them like it's a hardcore religion. Don't get me wrong, I love the simple approach and progression with a keen eye for the basics which would take someone further into their journey than push so many advanced movements that has a very high potential of putting them in the hospital; however, I don't believe in shoving an exercise down someone's throat as if it's the fountain of youth and if you question it you might as well go to hell. I love animal movements and have a passion for them but not everyone has to believe in them like me and if they want to do something else, that's awesome because everybody should have an opportunity to be passionate in what they do for training.

These days, very few people in fitness and physical culture have a non-agenda approach and actually care about a person's well being and wants them to succeed whether with them or someone else. Trust me, I've been trained by various people and merely a handful ever gave me a reason to be passionate about this stuff. I wouldn't put them on a pedestal, but I do listen and observe how they do things...The body language, the confidence, the energy they create and making you a priority. 

No program or exercise is the end-all-be all. There are people who try their damndest to tell you differently cause they're style is the only one that works and force feeds your brain into believing their way is god especially with many of those ad copies and putting their program into this cult-like formality. That doesn't mean they're not good, some are very well written and a number of them are successful, but it's all about reading between the lines because if you look at certain styles of an ad copy, many have specific words or words within them that some people stole from somebody else by writing something and practically verbatim writes the same thing but in a different context if that makes sense.  

Hey man, I believe in certain people and take what I can absorb to develop my own style. I don't however follow them to a "T" in the sense where they're way is the only way. I hate that in every bone in my body. I guess that might be hereditary if that kind of thing exists because my grandfather (mom's father) just did things his own way, he would pick up on something, follow to a certain extent and took it to another level. The man was a genius (literally) and whatever he absorbed or learned, he took the best of those things to form his own style and developed abilities that would make people's jaw drop. Many don't know this but my gramps was a high school graduate at 16, went to Northwestern & did Graduate Studies at MIT as a Navy Man. 

So formatting what you absorb and utilizing the best meant for you is the true sign of freedom in your fitness journey. You can take so many things but only a few will give you the greatest benefit and no one can truly tell you otherwise. Learn and absorb, do the things that suit you best. It is really about freedom and simplifying the ideals of what truly benefits the exercises and programs you use. Be strong and amazingly awesome. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

30 Going On 18

             Seven Weeks from today, I will hit the big 3-0. Holy crap I’m no longer in my 20’s and I aught to slow down and take it easy a bit. Let my 30’s be a decade of losing a few hairs, maybe put on a little weight and let my testosterone drop a few points; not happening Brother. Turning 30 for many seems like a factor of aging and just plain sucks, not me my friend. I’m looking at it as being 18 with 12 years of experience. I’m pretty damn psyched turning 30, I’ve reached a milestone where I’m a little wiser and not feeling like I’m dreading a long road of vast experiences. I’ve experienced many things in my life, some good, some bad, a few uglies and plenty of weird and have survived an Earthquake, breaking my head open, meningitis, came back from a horrible leg injury and even went through a long-term relationship. I think I’m doing an awesome job.

            When you reach a certain age, health factors came into play. Certain things pop up like checking out how you fair out compared to your family history of medical issues and health issues like Heart Disease, Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Cancer and all that stuff. My family does have a history with some of these issues maybe not so much diabetes but Blood Pressure definitely. Cancer has hit my family on a couple people but you know what, I’m not too concerned about these health issues. I may change the way I eat a bit but for the most part, I feel incredible, I’am stronger and healthier than at any other time in my life. I can still move pretty damn good for a guy my size. Does this make me arrogant and a bit selfish, I don’t believe so because I love what I do, I give my life to helping others in fitness and using the skills I’ve developed to stay in awesome shape. Do I need to check up on things one day, of course but until then, you’ll find me swimming, pulling heavy cables, sprinting, practicing internal power and utilizing the most powerful programs with a heavy smile on my face.

            Age is just a number right? It may just be but there are other things to look at, it’s not just a number, its how you feel, how you live with yourself mentally and what gives you a purpose to have fun, love and be an awesome person inside and out. You hear from many people that age is just a number but how many actually live it and factor in the things I just listed; not many. Hell I’m only turning 30 for Christ sake, it’s not the end of the world and I still have fun and get to do what I do, I still have goals and aspirations to get better and my mind is sharper than it ever has been. Turning 30 is big for me in a lot of ways but on the other side of the coin, it’s just another double digit that’s all.

            For some turning a certain age like 30/40/50 so on, they get this unnecessary sadness, grief, feeling like it’s the end of the road and seeing themselves as unworthy because they don’t have the “time and energy” like they use to, bullshit. Your body is an amazing thing and when you factor in how you use your mind, it is a part of the living, beautiful experience of not only gaining wisdom and knowledge but to still have an awesome body if you apply yourself. Let’s face it, I’ve accepted the fact that I won’t develop a six pack, I’ll be shocked if that hit one day but I can still go and am far more agile and stronger than most guys 10 years younger than me especially in this day and age when obesity has hit the jackpot plus I look younger than my age and I’m damn proud of that.

            In order to feel like a million bucks, you’ve got to feel it (no shit Sherlock), breathe it, live it and know in your heart despite all the crap you’ve been through, the positives outweigh the negatives when you make it so otherwise you’ll just be dreading like the rest of the world and doing your best to feel like you’re not good enough, worrying too much about nothing and then worrying about something else. When you turn a certain age, don’t dwell on it, be the best damn age that you are or think younger, not older or saying you’re this X years old or think Y is old age. I’m going to be 30 years young and haven’t peaked yet.

Be Awesome guys. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Follow Your Fitness Destiny

           I believe that no matter who you are, you aught to follow your own destiny. It’s important to learn who your true self is and that nobody aught to tell you who you should be and that you need to live by a higher standard according to society’s standards. Fitness is really the same thing. The truth is, if you are passionate about something and it helps you in your life than that’s where you aught to go. There are many methods you can learn and my hope for you is take bits of pieces of what you learned and apply them to what makes you happy. For real fitness and getting real results find and use what brings you those results.

            In almost 20 years in fitness and health, I’ve learned a great deal of things, some work, some don’t. In that time I’ve also seen a great many people who tarnish certain things because it doesn’t suit their standards, they want to drive you away from your destiny and teach you only their methods and if you’re not on par than you’re going to fitness hell. Open your mind to different things, challenge your body and brain to what yields them a great learning experience. I have fallen to the “one true method” mindset and it nearly killed my expansion to be able to understand different ideals. Some people do only one method and for them it’s the end all be all and that’s fine but last time I checked there are 7 billion people in the world, not all of them are going to follow you.

            I want you to find what you love to do. If you don’t like something and it doesn’t help you much, that’s a clear sign that you aught to look into something else. I’ve seen countless people bicker at each other what they don’t like and tell people that because they don’t like it, it’s not going to work others as well, bullshit. If you’re a fan of kettlebells and they do well for you, then you go get whatever kettlebell course is out there and you bust your ass on them because it’s what you love, if you don’t like kettlebells, don’t buy them and don’t give others crap about it because it’s not for you.

            There are a lot of things I love in fitness like cables, hammers, bodyweight, ropes, isometrics and other things so I take bits and pieces of these things and mold them in my own unique way. That’s the true beauty of fitness is the ability to be unique and creating the best way for you to get what you want for your body and mind. Don’t let assholes who tell you that because of what you do, you’ll get injured, you’re depriving to train like a man or better yet because of what you preach and love, they’ll come up with any lame way of what is terrible about it.

            I’m not an angry guy, as a matter of fact I’m very happy about what I do and I get to learn from very amazing people; however I do get a bit irritated when I find out about people who over criticize about another person’s methods and tell them their an idiot or that you’re not an animal you’re a man, train like it; just makes me want to slap those people. Be unique, if you like doing just one method that’s great for you but I believe in learning multiple methods and taking different parts that you find suitable to your needs and goals.

            Build your own destiny, find your calling and passion and run with it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman or a man, we all have something unique about ourselves and it’s important to find what our true self is and grasp it by grabbing it by the horns and create something out of it in an awesome, positive and beautiful way. Help others find their creative side and give them the power to fulfill their own destiny, you don’t have to like what they do but if they’re important to you make them feel important and guide them.

Take care and have an awesome day wherever you are.

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