Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Double Whammy Of The World Fit Iso Trainer

 When it comes to equipment, very few can top the other but depending on the goals you have, the type of equipment is more suitable to what you want to do more than just having tons of stuff laying around. Over the years, I've gotten Sandbells, Resistance Bands, Hammers, Clubs, Mace, 60d Penny Nails and have a few ab wheels and they're all essential to my regular training but a personal favorite is the Worldfit Iso Trainer. I got the thing on accident as it was part of the wrong order I ended up getting since I ordered the Worldfit Pull-up Handles originally. I got the handles eventually but the Strap was a blessing in disguise.

The Iso Trainer is not just a thing for Isometrics, it doubles as a Suspension Trainer as well. I call it the double whammy because you get more out of it than you think. Having it as a Suspension Trainer adds variety and a whole other plethora of exercises to choose from. I've done Pull-ups, Push-ups, Rows, Rollouts, even Tricep Extensions with this thing and it just feels awesome. The handles are very comfortable and the strap is very sturdy and durable as it can hold up to 400 lbs from what I understand so many people are able to use it. 

You can mimic many exercises of isometrics and when I train with it along with my other Iso Strap, it gives me some of the best workouts I've ever had. It brings that old school vibe like the way Alexander Zass did with his Isometric Chain exercises. You can mimic practically the same exercises as he did and build serious muscle along with developing the tendons that look like they were carved out of granite. It's also very simple to use and van be put into a carry on bag for traveling. I would take it to the park with me, put it around the back of the basketball hoop and do some suspension work or do Isometrics on the ground. Very light as well.

Equipment should be versatile and utilized to the degree where it gives you a good workout almost regardless of where you are. Since my Sciatica is healing up, I will be getting back to Isometric Training and it's making me anxious to whip out that strap again. Isometrics is one of my all-time favorite styles of training and have written countless times about the awesomeness of Overcoming Isometrics. Some days, Isometrics is all I want to train on and it fuels that relaxed yet at the same time ready type of energy and strengthens those weak areas. 

How much does this thing cost? Well certainly not more than 200 bucks like some "Bodyweight Exercise Guru" sells for a single book (fucking ridiculous man), it's roughly 40 bucks which is crazy since you are able to make up so many workouts and learn way more exercises than you would've thought of. When you add Red Delta Project's Suspension Calisthenics book for maybe another 10 bucks on Kindle to the mix, you get a great variety to create virtually any type of workout you want almost anywhere. That's less than the cost of the average monthly gym membership. You'll learn the ins and outs of what works and what doesn't along with having fun with this bad boy. If you throw in a door attachment, there's no reason you can't do some solid suspension training at home and progress. These three things can make the world your oyster and train in ways that didn't seem possible before and it's very well within most people's budget. 

That's one of things I love about training is finding things that are suitable for a budget that works and get the most out of it without needing to use up your paycheck. I'm sorry but I'll take those things over a book some shmuck who thinks it's worthy of pricing that looks like shit and can't make it affordable to people that could use it for their benefit. If it's worth it to you and you've saved up enough to get it, go for it and I really hope it brings you incredible results but it shouldn't take you weeks or even months to save up for something like that, that's a lot of money that doesn't involve groceries or bills. It's robbery in my opinion and full of snake oil crap. There's a difference in someone being cheap and someone who's on a budget, learn it. I believe in top quality things that are in a comfortable range for someone, never should someone be guilt tripped into choosing either a book that costs more than a family meal or getting groceries for your family for the week, that's just not right. 

Anywho, I hope you find this article interesting and take a chance on the Worldfit Iso Trainer, the book and door attachment can be bought later if you want or not at all, it's up to you. I just want to give you an idea of what is possible without the need of a ton of equipment and you can snatch it up and use it for long term health and fitness. Be amazingly awesome and keep at it. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Farmer Burns & Deep Breathing

108 years ago, one of the greatest wrestlers of his time published a course based on Physical Culture Exercise and Catch Wrestling. His name was Martin "Farmer" Burns. By the time it was published, he had already been in his mid-50's and this was also 3 years after his student Frank Gotch beat the Russian Lion George Hackenshmidt for the second time at Comisky Park (Brand New Chicago White Sox's Baseball Park). The book itself had some interesting notions about wrestling that even in that time would've been considered legendary. It's called Lessons In Wrestling & Physical Culture.

These days, the book can be found in reprints and also on Matt Furey's website where there's a DVD version of the course. For the most part, it is a pretty damn good book, if you can get past the blurry pictures of the holds and takedowns. One of the interesting aspects of the book are from pages 7 & 20 where it shows various Deep Breathing Exercises and the Farmer's Isometric Ab Exercise. Now I'm sure in that time, the Abdominal Exercise he presents may have some outdated and possibly dangerous notes on the elements of breathing. The other exercises are great and have awesome benefits but the Ab exercise does have some problems. You also need to realize back then, life expectancy was low (dead by 45 or younger) and certain aspects of scientific studies weren't as rational and safe as many are today (although still questionable in some cases).

When I first learned the Ab exercise, the breathing pattern was completely different. I learned the breathing pattern from Furey's Combat Abs book. The original version in Burns' book was focused more on the inhale and holding while contracting as opposed to a greater focus on the exhale and the sound that was made as you contracted the abs. I've done both and found the latter to be much more suitable and safe. It's the same breathing pattern when I do the 7-12 second Isometric Contractions. I also would go as long as 5 minutes doing this exercise which for more experienced people who have practiced it can be good but just doing it for a minute was more beneficial in my opinion. It just worked that way.

The breathing exercises on Page 7 however; are extremely powerful yet simple to do. I would practice them from time to time but also found a "routine" I do where I take various breathing exercises including the Isometric Ab Exercise and blend them together for a greater sense of a workout that works for me. Some are from the book, others are from a course I learned based on Breathing Exercises from the Shaolin Monks. The exercises themselves from the book, have been called American Chi Kung by some people which sounds cool but the same was said about John Peterson's DVR Exercises which were loosely based and "refurbished" from John McSweeny's version of them, they were also referred to as American Yoga which just sounds weird. 

Was the Farmer onto something when that book came out? Who really knows, I want to believe he did and those same exercises are still being used today in some circles which should tell you something. Deep Breathing is probably the single greatest element we can learn to keep our body healthy because let's face it, if we don't breathe, we die in minutes. Shallow Breathing can be more fatal than we realize and yes many people have overcome asthma and other things that affect the lungs but that should also give us a sign that breathing is just as important as anything else. Just mere tweaks of our attention to breathing can be a huge wake up call and develop levels of strength, endurance and conditioning that are freaking astounding. 

Breathe deeply and see what happens with your body from the inside (or should I say feel) and what happens with the exterior as well. Grab the book for yourself because it's also a hell of a great thing to add to your Physical Culture library. 

"Deep Breathing exercises alone, when done RIGHT, has made many a weak man strong and many a sick man well."- Martin "Farmer" Burns 1861-1937

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