Monday, January 8, 2018

I Find Your Lack Of Energy Disturbing

I bet at times in your life you have struggled to get out of bed in the morning or/and had a slump within the mid-afternoon. I would even guess that your energy is lacking to even do anything other than sit and watch your favorite stories. You have fought tooth and nail to get your energy kicking by getting hopped on energy drinks and a grande coffee. You can have that buzz going for sure but after a while but later on it's only going to make matters worse for you my friend.

The feeling of insane energy from when we were young is a feeling we all share whether we admit or not. However, this isn't NORMAL!!!! No matter what your age is, you should have an abundance of energy. What makes our levels of energy go down or completely go off the grid? There's a lot of contributing factors so how many of these apply to you?

Overwhelmed With Stress?

Trouble Sleeping?

Hormones Not Up To Par?

Having Issues With Your Immune System?

Lacking Nutrition?

There are so much more but I think you get the idea. It's a shame but overall, it's our root not having the support it needs. In Chinese Medicine, they discuss the value of tonic herbs. Now unlike most areas of medicine or even typical herbs that mainly treat symptoms, these specific tonic herbs are designed to support your health. Your Root Energy. For the greater approach that deeply supports you having the energy you truly need, take a look at the Phoenix Formula.

This bad ass motha has a wicked combo of Pine Pollen, Ant Extract, He Shou Wu & Shilajit that will synergistically work together to give you that "Get off your ass and go." Just imagine for a second what it would literally feel like to have energy at 100%, maybe 50%, hell even 10%? What could you do with that much energy? Now don't take my word for it, let's take a look at what others have said about this awesome formula:

“I took this a few times off and on before realizing how much better I felt when I did take it. Six years of midnight shift up until my retirement left me exhausted and badly burned out, and this formula has helped my recovery more than any other sup I’ve tried.” – JC

“It’s like an energy shot. Working great for me.” – Inderjit

“I am on my second bag now, the results have been excellent…more energy and focus, better sleep and a nice libido boost.” – Bryan


“Love this stuff. Gives me the power I’ve been envisioning myself with in a balanced, holisitic way. Def some valuable stuff as in incorporates all the right herbs in a good mix. Tastes awful but love the effects.” – Ryan

That's right, it doesn't have the greatest taste in the world but only because it's not chalk full of sugars and artificial sweeteners, those 2 tend to cause root issues anyway. Just incredible and pure herbal bad assery. Come and jump on the bandwagon with JC, Inderjit, Bryan, Alfred, Ryan and countless others in feeling an abundance of pure, awesome energy. Click HERE now.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Lion's Mane For The Brain

Pretty catchy huh? Having a solid level of a memory can have many benefits, trust me I know what I'm talking about. However, as we get older, sometimes our memory can go a little downhill and when that happens, our brains tend to go a little haywire. I do know you're going to love this if you want to keep your memory intact.

A favorite at Lost Empire Herbs is a brain boosting, memory enhancing and even more so focus sharpening herb has just gotten better. It is the Lion's Mane. It is without question one of the most powerful herbal nootropics (Cognitive Enhancer) on the planet bar none. Studies have proven that it helps grow, maintain and proliferate NEW NERVES, specifically in the brain. The studies have made this herb a world renowned supplement to those groups of people who are looking for that cutting edge in work and life as well for better memory and to think as clear as damn crystal.

If your mind is metaphorically dirty, it's going to be an issue on what's inside. Your memories won't be so clear which can lead to problems making decisions. Now here's how Lion's Mane can really kickstart that nogging; it washes away that dirty entity in your mind by generating powerful elements called Nerve Growth Factors. Here's what one person had to say about this mighty herb:

 "Lion’s Mane has become a staple in my morning coffee. Not only does it boost my immune response but it provided me with a superior cognitive enhancement. I had a literal change in mind when I first started regularly taking it at the beginning of my college anatomy class. I began recalling vocabulary and visualizing images of the anatomy studied that week which became clear images in my head. I had to stop and acknowledge the fact that I am remembering significantly more information than before. I aced my anatomy tests which consisted of 150+ anatomical terms, correct spelling and all! So, to say I was thrilled would be an understatement." - Kevin

LEH has now even developed a stronger and more potent formula to really get things going by extracting both WATER and ALCOHOL to kick in those NGFs.....

For more info check out Lion's Mane Here

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Making Animal Exercise Games Interesting And Challenging

Regardless of who you talk to, everyone wants a challenge even when we don't want to admit it. Challenges teach us how to handle ourselves in certain situations and in this case on fitness, it's to challenge your will and creating results. When I take on the Animal Dice Game almost daily, i'm constantly challenged because I never know what comes next and when something tough comes up, I must be prepared or I won't be able to finish it. I keep going until I feel I've had enough.

For some, the dice game isn't for them, maybe they'd prefer a different game that keeps them interested. Challenge yourself in ways that keep your brain stimulated because if you get bored, it could make you weaker from an overall point of view. How about a game of Tag? That could be one of the toughest playouts of your life yet it can be fun; of course you'll need someone or multiple people to do this with but still. Why not have a race, this builds speed, cardiovascular/muscular endurance and pushes you to great limits. Pretend you're caged up and there's very little room to move around in, for animal moves this is very challenging because you can't go past a certain amount of space so you have to coordinate how you move around, it's not easy trust me.

So what's the point of having a silly game in order to exercise? For one it's not silly at all, it is taking yourself out of the norm and thrusting into a world of the unknown and although you understand the objective, what comes next is out of your control. I like the dice because it is unpredictable and you have to be constantly aware of what comes next, you can use it to apply any game you wish and it is literally a form of exercise roulette. Getting fit doesn't have to be boring in order to get results; a matter of fact, you can get results faster if you're stimulated and it makes you keep going without actually telling you to. You're enjoying it and having a good time, sure it can be tough and yes it takes effort but it is also an adventure. Makes you feel like a kid again.

If I'm really ambitious with the dice game, I would roll sometimes for doubles or tripling the amount of steps/reps per animal so you want to talk about challenging, this is the pinnacle; think about it, the amount of steps needed to play this is tough on its own when you just have a 1-20 rep scheme but double or triple that, it is insane. It's not easy bear crawling for up to 60 steps but what about 60 Frog Jumps or having to hop on one leg each for a total of 120 in one set, it is brutal and you can only go so many rounds until you're just ready to collapse. After hundreds of rounds and literally thousands of reps, I still want to go back and do it again, does that make me crazy? Maybe, but it keeps me interested and actually wanting to challenge myself. Be bold and have fun, it is just a game after all, or is it?

Take the plunge and hone new skills and build a animalistic body by checking out the following courses:

Animal Kingdom Conditioning: Survival Of The Fittest

Animal Kingdom Conditioning 2: Call Of The Wild

Wild Animal Fitness For Kids

Animal Workouts DVD Course

Each have a series of progressions to go from a complete beginner to advanced beast. Make these a part of your journey and learn the Way Of The Animal.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Restore Your Greying Hair's Color With This Herb (And Get $5 OFF)

Even better... We have $5 off our Top Sellers of 2017 (Details Below)

If your hair has been losing its color then you're going to love this herb I'm about to share with you.

The legend behind it says there was a man who had been weak all of his life.
Skinny, impotent (and never married), and his hair greyed much earlier than most.

... until one day at the age of 58, he got drunk in the forest and fell asleep.
He noticed roots that appeared in his mind to be “making love”.

He dug these up and later made it into a tonic he could consume.

Within a short period of time, he noticed a new energy flowing through his body.

He began to feel virile, and could hardly contain his drive in the bedroom.

He continued taking He Shou Wu for years which made his gray hair turn black and he fathered many children.

The legend says he lived to 160 years old and fathered 19 sons and daughter. Not bad for starting out with a weak constitution and beginning on the herb at 58.

This herb he used is called He Shou Wu.

To this day it's still a popular herb in traditional Chinese medicine.

And folks are still getting great results with it, specifically for their hair's coloring.
"Ive been taking He Shou wu for a while now, pleased to say, my gray hair and beard is growing in BLACK AGAIN. Very happy and pleased to have this result! Thank you LOST EMPIRE HERBS. HE SHOU WU works for me." - Mark M

The best part? Until Friday you can get $5 off He Shu Wu (or until supplies last).

And remember, you're backed by my 365-day money back guarantee.

So if you're on the fence and skeptical about trying this... well really you've got nothing to lose.

Try the herb for 3-4 weeks. If it doesn't work for you, simply hold onto the empty bag and let us know. We'll make things right.

Until this Friday ONLY you can save $5 on ANY of Lost Empire Herb's 5 best-selling herbs of 2017.

What are they, and what are they good for?

Pine Pollen Megadose & Tincture (Enhances blood circulation to your penis and the powder guarantees morning wood)

Everything Nettle Root (Helps with prostate problems, specifically BPH)

Tongkat Ali (Boosts free T up to 440%)

He Shou Wu (Helps with sex drive, greying hair, and immunity)

Ashwagandha Tincture (Lowers stress and anxiety FAST)

No discount required. Simply click on the product you like, and they'll automatically give you $5 off each of these products.

Why are they doing this?

Well, this is their way of saying THANK YOU for being a loyal subscriber.

And what better way to start the New Year with some powerful, potent herbs to help you take your health, hormones and sex life to the next level. 

Friday, December 29, 2017

How Do Animal Exercises Carry Over To Other Areas Beyond Fitness?

When you move in awkward directions, you're generating strength in areas not normally used and often times the muscles and tendons get worked in ways more common bodyweight exercises don't hit. Take the Bear Crawl for example, there are quite a few variations but all have one one thing in common; you're having to use your entire body from head to toe in order to stabilize and moving at various speeds. When you're walking and crawling on your hands, they're like a second pair of legs which means the arms are gaining some serious strength and conditioning which can be used in other areas of your life. The stronger you are and the more conditioned, the more you an accomplish.

Because of the Winter Season here in Idaho, we're getting some heavy snow and that means having to shovel it out of the driveway and walkway in order for my fiance to get out so she can go to work. Snow shoveling isn't all that difficult but at times the snow can be heavy and picking it up and tossing it works your body in a serious manner. Because of my conditioning and great strength from doing countless rounds of the Animal Dice Game, it has helped carry over to shoveling snow a lot easier regardless of weight of the powder or slush. This is just a prime example of how it helps create other physical tasks at greater ease.

Moving like a wild animal doesn't just make you strong and more conditioned, it develops agility and flexibility plus you're strengthening the tendons which keeps everything attached so you don't live in a painful state which isn't fun at all. Because of the amount of stretching and the way it forces you to breathe, you're also generating youthful hormones and having the feeling of having great energy. There have been people in Martial Arts who love this kind of training because it has similar ideals to their style of fighting such as balance and coordination plus not to mention moving in awkward angles like in wrestling, jiu-jitsu, chinese boxing, judo and other fighting styles.

I will say this, it won't make you lift a thousand pounds in the deadlift or bench 500 pounds off the bat which is obvious in this case but animal moves give you strength and build a physique that's unique and that has you lasting longer in the long run. You get strong in weight lifting by lifting but I have experienced some great effects from this type of training when I do hit the gym once every 10th eclipse; I can still move some pretty heavy weight without risking injury like a 315 deadlift with fat gripz or curling 50 lb. dumbbells or more or picking up 100 lb. dumbbells in each hand in the suitcase lift. Animal Exercises have kept me strong even though I don't lift weights very often and this doesn't mean it'll do the same for you, everyone is different but don't go knocking this kind of training because it may not carry over some how.

The main thing that programs like Animal Kingdom Conditioning 1 & 2 carry over so well into other areas is because of the muscles being used to moving in such a variety of positions in a compound way that when you do other tasks, your core strength and your joints will automatically comply with the muscles being used in those tasks. You target everything when you move like an animal and the more often you do it, the greater your overall fitness gets. They don't take long either and can start for as little as 5 minutes and can be built up to however long you wish. You don't need to push beyond the limits with these exercises because they're so intense that they'll have you down within no time flat. I once did these for an hour and that was more than enough for me, around 30 minutes for me is more than enough on a good day. They enhance cardio, HIT, strength in every muscle, coordination and release incredible endorphins that cannot be experienced with most other programs.

Get these courses and never be bored ever again. They're worth every penny and have a great set of progressions for each animal and have ready to go playouts that will get you in shape fast whether you're a beginner or advanced. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Disney Inspired Animal Workouts

When I was little I loved the Jungle Book; it's my all-time favorite Disney movie and for good reasons, who doesn't want to be a part of the Bear Necessities or the Jungle VIP? Animals are a mythical and inspiring area of Disney that many of us have overlooked. I for one loved being a bear like Baloo, a fox like Robin Hood, a smart and brave mouse from The Rescuers and totally could never get enough of Sebastian The Crab.

Although many of us adults today exercise from time to time, we have also become very analytical and rigid to the point where overthinking and and not paying attention to the spatial awareness when we move has become the "Norm." This is where the beauty of Animal Exercises come into PLAY, it's disguised as a way of having fun instead of being so frustrated and full of frowns. It takes away the complicated schemes of reps and sets and thrusts you into a world of movement and letting everything go. This reminds of a quote by Yoda where he says "You must unlearn what you have learned", in a nutshell that means even if you think you know how certain exercises work, there's something new about them and have a way of teaching you how to apply the mechanics without realizing it.

When you act out like an Animal from courses such as Animal Kingdom Conditioning I & II, you're going beyond just typical exercise; you're literally thrown into a world that full of adventures, ideas, imagination and not having the feeling of working out. Sure it takes effort and there's no point in being lazy about it but whether you're new or are an advanced animal, something can catch your eye and build on something exciting and full of ways to make animal movements feel awesome both internally and externally. 

Disney has been telling stories with animals for decades, long before Zootopia. Some stories may not sit well with a lot of people but there are stories that are pretty awesome and have some really cool creatures that take our breaths away and bring joy and laughter to kids and adults alike.

Also grab Wild Animal Fitness For Kids and find out how the little ones can have fun of their own with Animals such as.....

Baloo The Bear

King Louie The Orangutan

Sheer Khan The Tiger

Sebastian The Crab

Princess Tiana The Frog

Louie The Alligator

Judy Hops The Bunny

Rafiki The Baboon

Kanga or Roo The Kangaroos

Donald The Duck

All sorts of animals can be incorporated and when you add the imagination of Disney, your workouts can virtually be limitless. Be playful and have fun. It's what its all about.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Do You Know The Art Of Working Out Without Working Out?

I love Bruce Lee movies especially his last major film before he died: Enter The Dragon. One of the scenes in the film has Lee talking about the Art Of Fighting Without Fighting; this was a curious philosophy and one that seemed to etch in people's brains. Not so much for the A-Hole messing with Bruce in the film, not going to spoil it for you so you'll have to see what happens.

It made me think of another philosophical ideal; the Art Of Working Out Without Working Out. Now how does that work? Sounds confusing right? Not if you look at things from a perspective. The type of exercises based on the Animals like in the programs Animal Kingdom Conditioning I & II give the illusion of a workout but more than not it's based on play really. It's tough and can be difficult at times but it'll get you in awesome shape beyond most areas of fitness.

It is too much fun to be considered a workout. I call them playouts because that's what they are, they're challenging and make you use your imagination while you develop through the mechanics and progressions. You're using muscles you didn't think were possible to use and you're moving in directions you're not used to. By doing this, you're transforming your body to something beyond human by literally becoming 3x stronger and more conditioned than the average person.

When you get into the realm of the animal, you're not just training but also BEING as well. By programming your mind and body to move like an animal, act like an animal, you're becoming an animal. People love this because it is disguised as play and they have the imagination of acting out like an animal. The benefits go way beyond the norm and you won't feel like working out but just playing and living a real world fantasy that reaps results.

So what are the payoffs for doing this just a few minutes a day? Here are a few of them just to give an idea.....

1. Becoming a lean, mean, fighting machine.

2. toughing up and gaining real muscle.

3. Honing incredible agility and insane speed.

4. Highly conditioned and gained durability.

5. Super strong and off the wall powerful.

6. Living with unadulterated health and beautiful happiness.

Does that sound like a reasonable trade for just minutes of fun each day? Like I said before they don't take very long and the most you'll ever do is no more than a half hour tops, you can go longer if you wish (I did an hour a couple times) but it isn't necessary. It all depends on what you want to accomplish and where you're at. Has there been an animal that's out of shape? I certainly haven't unless it was domesticated. Make your day brighter by moving like a wild animal. Get the Kids involved and see them flourish. When you start practicing the Art Of Working Out Without Working Out, your whole world will have a new shining light and you'll see things in a greater sense of mind, body and spirit.

Happy Holidays everybody and may all your gifts bring joy, love and warmth to those around you.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Reducing Diabetus

Could exercise alone reduce the risk of Diabetus (You just totally said this word in Walter Brimley's voice didn't you?)? A particular study showed that exercise in in itself can reduce the risk of Diabetes in obese young men without really changing their eating habits. That's insane don't you think?

For anyone, changing eating habits is very hard especially with kids. Just adding a little exercise each day can take down Diabetes little by little, but will just any exercise do the trick? Serious researchers have found that resistance training is the BIG key. Weights can be a component but from my experiences and seeing how others have done it, bodyweight training is one of the fastest if not the fastest way to lose flab and build muscle on a functional and long-term level for example Animal Exercises (For Kids & Adults).

Making your body move in all sorts of directions using multiple muscle groups at the same time is the pinnacle of resistance training and slowing down the risk of Diabetes. I'm not saying go out and gorge yourself and be gluttonous but it is important to eat as healthy as possible no matter how good a fitness program is. However, when you add in the right form of exercise that works well with your body and gives you an opportunity to adapt, progress & get better, you'll be seeing fat fly off the body, build stronger muscles and cutting down the risk of Diabetes.

Animal Movements don't just build muscle and all that, it actually also takes on greater brain activity which can turn on powerful neurons and make it stronger. Make them a habit especially for the awesome kids out there.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Intelligence And Muscle: Could Exercise Make You Smarter?

The answer quite simply is YES!!! Exercise has been shown to not only help you get healthier physically but also added brain power to the mix. Generating brain function and cognition has been well established and here's an example: Studies have been done with Identical Twins where one initiated an exercise program while the other just didn't bother. What were the results of this? The fit one flat out smoked his twin in school and had greater job opportunities. 

But can any form of exercise do this?

In short, yes and no. Quite frankly any exercise is better than none don't get me wrong but one form is far better than the typical style and a study showed that the harder you breathe, the greater of brain development. This is why you ought to be doing Animal Exercises specifically from Animal Kingdom Conditioning II and here are the reasons:

1. Moving like a wild animal is a top of the food chain form of a exercise as a means to build the brain because they cause you breathe hard like a madman (or madwoman). Practically nothing can match the ideal of building brain power and function like Animal Exercises.

2. They work extremely well due o the fact that through the compound movements, you're hitting everything in one shot so you get that killer synergistic effect. Moving in this manner is also very unique which many people aren't used to doing. The main result to this is those lungs are firing and that in turn causes stronger brain activity and better function.

3. They're incredibly fun to do and don't have that boring, unsatisfied effect on the human psyche like most exercises are. It's almost like you're not even working out, just playing and messing around like when you were a kid. This helps you develop a habit for exercise for life. As it goes, if you love something, you'll keep on doing it.

It doesn't take long either because these exercises are so intense, at times only a few minutes is needed. As you get stronger and progress, you can go longer if you wish. 

For more info on having a fitter nogging get over here

Monday, December 18, 2017

Building Blocks For A Killer Foundation Of Health And Fitness

Going from weak and flabby to awesomely lean and crazy strong isn't impossible, it is a reality and you have an opportunity to make it happen. I've been a fanatic for Ed Baran's Courses for roughly a decade and have seen my body change off and on in a positive way but the one thing that never changed was how much fun I was having and that time was never an issue. This one course however is one that I should've had when I was a teenager and who knows what would've gone down if I started this.

In the words of Magnum P.I, "I know what you're thinking", not another off the wall testimonial or a stupid and lame attempt to help sell a course but yet it isn't stupid or lame at all. You've heard my story about breaking my legs and my recovery so it doesn't bare repeating; however, I started out with just a book on bodyweight exercises and just pick and chose the exercises going along with them, I didn't have a full on instructional element to progress in a very specific manner. This is where Baran Brothers' Basic Bodyweight Building Blocks come in.

It lays down the groundwork down to the very root of how to progress and advance to greater exercises to build that foundation and harness your strength to become a better individual physically, mentally and emotionally. This isn't just some rinky dink program from the shelves of a mediocre book store, this is a top level system that takes you to the very core of getting into awesome shape without the need of Supplements, Drugs, Machines or the Gym. Many courses show just hints of how to get better, this goes into deep and scary details of what to do and where to go when it gets easier and how to apply the exercises in specific workouts without all the confusion.

It's not fun getting older in the sense where after our 20's and some point during our 30's, our bodies don't have the same energy levels and can't metabolize as it use to; we can though prevent ourselves from going off the wagon and maintaining great shape. It's not as easy as when we were younger but it doesn't have to so damn difficult and frustrating. Sometimes its good to rebuild that foundation and get into the habit of staying lean and strong regardless of age. Don't let age and your body be a downfall, let it be an opportunity to be reborn again in the sense where your body is the tool and taking it to a level that is close in reach and able to reclaim that youthful look or even better than when you were younger. I'm 33 and have greater energy and strength than I ever did at 18 so imagine if someone over 40 can have the same. 

Hone that foundation and build your blocks to your monument of a physique that doesn't just look awesome but has the go along with it. It's never too late to start and be able to go at your own pace anywhere you wish.

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