Monday, December 18, 2017

Building Blocks For A Killer Foundation Of Health And Fitness

Going from weak and flabby to awesomely lean and crazy strong isn't impossible, it is a reality and you have an opportunity to make it happen. I've been a fanatic for Ed Baran's Courses for roughly a decade and have seen my body change off and on in a positive way but the one thing that never changed was how much fun I was having and that time was never an issue. This one course however is one that I should've had when I was a teenager and who knows what would've gone down if I started this.

In the words of Magnum P.I, "I know what you're thinking", not another off the wall testimonial or a stupid and lame attempt to help sell a course but yet it isn't stupid or lame at all. You've heard my story about breaking my legs and my recovery so it doesn't bare repeating; however, I started out with just a book on bodyweight exercises and just pick and chose the exercises going along with them, I didn't have a full on instructional element to progress in a very specific manner. This is where Baran Brothers' Basic Bodyweight Building Blocks come in.

It lays down the groundwork down to the very root of how to progress and advance to greater exercises to build that foundation and harness your strength to become a better individual physically, mentally and emotionally. This isn't just some rinky dink program from the shelves of a mediocre book store, this is a top level system that takes you to the very core of getting into awesome shape without the need of Supplements, Drugs, Machines or the Gym. Many courses show just hints of how to get better, this goes into deep and scary details of what to do and where to go when it gets easier and how to apply the exercises in specific workouts without all the confusion.

It's not fun getting older in the sense where after our 20's and some point during our 30's, our bodies don't have the same energy levels and can't metabolize as it use to; we can though prevent ourselves from going off the wagon and maintaining great shape. It's not as easy as when we were younger but it doesn't have to so damn difficult and frustrating. Sometimes its good to rebuild that foundation and get into the habit of staying lean and strong regardless of age. Don't let age and your body be a downfall, let it be an opportunity to be reborn again in the sense where your body is the tool and taking it to a level that is close in reach and able to reclaim that youthful look or even better than when you were younger. I'm 33 and have greater energy and strength than I ever did at 18 so imagine if someone over 40 can have the same. 

Hone that foundation and build your blocks to your monument of a physique that doesn't just look awesome but has the go along with it. It's never too late to start and be able to go at your own pace anywhere you wish.

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