Friday, January 5, 2018

Lion's Mane For The Brain

Pretty catchy huh? Having a solid level of a memory can have many benefits, trust me I know what I'm talking about. However, as we get older, sometimes our memory can go a little downhill and when that happens, our brains tend to go a little haywire. I do know you're going to love this if you want to keep your memory intact.

A favorite at Lost Empire Herbs is a brain boosting, memory enhancing and even more so focus sharpening herb has just gotten better. It is the Lion's Mane. It is without question one of the most powerful herbal nootropics (Cognitive Enhancer) on the planet bar none. Studies have proven that it helps grow, maintain and proliferate NEW NERVES, specifically in the brain. The studies have made this herb a world renowned supplement to those groups of people who are looking for that cutting edge in work and life as well for better memory and to think as clear as damn crystal.

If your mind is metaphorically dirty, it's going to be an issue on what's inside. Your memories won't be so clear which can lead to problems making decisions. Now here's how Lion's Mane can really kickstart that nogging; it washes away that dirty entity in your mind by generating powerful elements called Nerve Growth Factors. Here's what one person had to say about this mighty herb:

 "Lion’s Mane has become a staple in my morning coffee. Not only does it boost my immune response but it provided me with a superior cognitive enhancement. I had a literal change in mind when I first started regularly taking it at the beginning of my college anatomy class. I began recalling vocabulary and visualizing images of the anatomy studied that week which became clear images in my head. I had to stop and acknowledge the fact that I am remembering significantly more information than before. I aced my anatomy tests which consisted of 150+ anatomical terms, correct spelling and all! So, to say I was thrilled would be an understatement." - Kevin

LEH has now even developed a stronger and more potent formula to really get things going by extracting both WATER and ALCOHOL to kick in those NGFs.....

For more info check out Lion's Mane Here

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