Friday, December 23, 2016

Cold Showers Building Endurance

For a while now I've been experimenting the method of Cold Water Therapy mainly Cold Showers; yes even in the winter time when it's 20 degrees or lower outside. I've gotten to a point where I can get in and just let the cold water hit me and i'm talking as old as it gets and I mean FUCKING COLD!!! It forces your body to open up on the inside because in order to stay warm, the body burns calories from the trillions of cells rushing through the bloodstream thus when you are literally turning red that's blood rushing throughout your body. Now what does this have to do with endurance?

When you first expose yourself, you breathe hard and fast because your body is in a state of shock and your lungs are needing to produce more oxygen (I'm no scientist, I'm going by how my body feels from starting out till now) but what it really does is that once you become acclimated to the rush of cold water hitting you, you begin to breathe far deeper and thus the greater the deep breathing, the greater your body produces oxygen and burns fat like crazy. When this happens you also produce possibly insanely powerful testosterone and for guys can build up a sperm count by nearly 500%. Who needs steroids when you can produce hormones naturally using techniques like this.

When your body produces insane amounts of oxygen it can lead to greater stamina in your exercise routines or even better in the bedroom with that special someone and believe me, stamina is something you want to have in those reserves. Add in HIIT exercise and holy shit your woman might just be in serious trouble. It takes a powerful level of mental toughness to do Cold Showers and it doesn't get easier but it does get very interesting. If you want more info on Cold Water here's a really fun video by The Art Of Manliness on the benefits of Cold Water Therapy......

Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Ultimate Weapon That Will Build Muscle Just By Swinging It

Doing my superhero workouts is becoming a great habit since i'm near my second week into them. They are going to be my Winter training sessions since i'm not the biggest fan to be outside although it is fun from time time time. In the Spring & Summer however, one type of workout that has brought me strength that I never had before or since will be back with a vengeance and doing so twice a week to build steel powered muscle, vibranium corded tendons and obliterate fat like no other is my hammer workouts using two of my most precious and mighty tools of the trade; my Thor Hammer & Epic Sledgehammer made by the modern Blacksmith of the Gods Ryan Pitts.

When you work with sledgehammers, you're getting a feel for that manual labor, back-breaking man's work that will form muscle in ways conventional weights can't and never will. In the past I've called the Thor Workouts Thorsmithing in which means instead of building tools, you're developing a physique being carved out by your own merits and smashing your way to glory. The Epic Sledgehammer workouts are even worse but way more interesting because even though you're smashing a tire to smithereens, you get to be the Mighty John Henry for a period of time. Being able to break through barriers of strength and feeling the surge of the ultimate levels of Testosterone & HGH that steroids cannot ever be measured otherwise. I do take steroids and they're called Hammerbol, its not a pill or a drink or an injection; it is pure hammers that is a tool for very few who are willing to subject themselves to.

Hammers can be fierce, intimidating, full of fear and downright scary as hell. They may look cool and they give off mighty vibes but when you pick them up (if you can) and thrusting it downward onto a tire will bring you power and strength that only the Norse Gods can truly understand. Imagine, hitting a tire 100's or even more than a 1000 times with 30 pound Thor Hammer or a 60 pound Epic Sledge and feel every ounce of your being going into that strike and having the surge of energy that is so strong, average humans run in fear. Only two people have ever joined me in a Hammer workout, one is a beast of a man, the other is a modern day Superwoman less than 5ft tall of pure explosive dynamite. It takes guts to do this kind of training; moving literally a total of 10's of thousands of pounds in a single workout would make most people beg for mercy. I have literally smashed tires with a 60 pound hammer 1000+ times on multiple occasions, that's over 60,000 pounds total in a single workout, that's 30 tons or more being thrown in and I beg for more. It gets you out of breath, it sucks out your soul and your life force is in sheer agony yet it brings out the very best in yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. These are the only true weights I will ever lift, barbells and dumbbells are no longer in my league compared to the hammers. Anybody with a half brain can lift a dumbbell or a barbell but very few can move a hammer with sheer velocity and insane amount of guts just for the opportunity to feel the embodiment of our strength ancestors.

Want to know the closest of feeling like a god of strength and amazing universal muscular empowerment, take on the hammers, I guarantee you it will get you addicted.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Do You Even Superhero Train Bro?

Funny things aside, we all should strive to have that spirited Superhero/Animalistic style training ideal that could take us to the far reaches of our soul and develop our bodies with pure powerful hormones and maximum metabolism strategy. HIIT is nothing new but with a little imagination we can create workouts that bring out the very best in our abilities. Ever wondered what it be like to have the physique of Captain America, Batman, Green Lantern and other heroes? Why do bodybuilding when you can have a body that is far easier to obtain and be able to eat what you?

My ideal physique is a cross between Batman & Spider-Man, a build that is rugged but not bloated or skinny as hell. At 5'10 and 267 lbs. I'm no where near that but with patience, training hard, eating as good as I can while having a cheat day every now and then I believe I can attain it and be able to have that physique at around 230-240. That's the beauty of body-weight exercise, you can turn them into styles of training to help you be big or smaller depending on how you train, eat and program your strategies. For the most part I like being muscular and looking more like an NFL Fullback than a marathon runner that looks like African children should be feeding him something (bad analogy I know).

My style of training these days is utilizing sprints/burpees, circuits and finishers while using compound movements and MMA simulation in a circuit. Its not about training to be a Superhero, anybody can be a hero but being fit to not only look good but be functional and strong, agile enough to help others when needed. Your imagination is the key and applying it to action can have a massive impact on your progress. Already done 4 workouts of Superhero Sprints and seeing some definition and fat melting like Judge Doom at the end of Roger Rabbit sounding like a discount wicked witch of the west. You see, when you go hard for only less than a few days a week, it may not be much but when you think less is more and gaining more than losing it puts you in a different perspective. There are many ways to do HIIT but I find this to be top of the line that anyone can do whether a beginner or an extreme lunatic with a hard-on for crossfit. It's tough and kicking your ass six ways to Sunday but with consistency, you bring in a level of fitness many never achieve.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Making Big Workouts Three Times A Week

Since the Superhero Workouts are my big thing right now it's important to know that I don't do them more than 3 times a week. Many workouts people do believe to be optimal you need to do them 4-6 times a week because its the go hard or go home attitude isn't it? In order to get the best results is to compromise your body to train hard for short periods and relax/recover the rest of the time so your body can repair itself and build the muscle it needs.

Also if you train hard too much with little recovery, you won't just get muscle tears but rupture tendons, ligaments and possible cartilage. When you hit maximum intensity it doesn't need to be more than 3 times a week because mainly when you do short bursts, you're generating greater hormones and your body pumps more oxygen. The Superhero Workouts consisting of sprints, circuits & my personal favorite, a finisher consist of powerful calorie and fat burning effects that even after the workout you're still burning and creating more muscle over fat.

Although it takes time like everything else, HIIT burns fat faster than any other method and the whole workout without the rest periods take no more than 20-25 of hardcore intensity. It is a powerful method that doesn't just build muscle and give you a run for your money, it saves you time and it's quick to do at any point in the day. Using Finishers creates an even greater effect on the fat burning process through its ability to be efficient in sending signals to the body to burn more than you normally would in a regular cardio workout.

You can create your own Superhero Workouts of HIIT using nothing but your own body weight and you can do it with a small amount of space. To find the top courses to get more ideas, head on over to and take a look at some of the books that can get you going without ever stepping foot in a gym.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Have You Taken The Testosterone Test?

Lots of men would like to be more successful...
In the office, in the gym, in the bedroom...
What most men don't know is that their perceived impotence could be due to a hormonal imbalance.
Low testosterone: it affects millions of men across the globe.
But how can you tell if you suffer from low testosterone?
There's a simple and free report that any man can review, that will give you an idea of where you're at.
Most men are surprised by what they find...
Testosterone is crucial for just about every aspect of health. From working out to the bedroom, it's also been called the "success hormone".
With it you feel on top of the world.
Without it you can get angry, depressed and anxious.
On top of that, Lost Empire Herbs produces amazing herbs and formulas that help your health and performance.
They've got great stuff for energy, hormonal support (in men and women), working out, and even thinking better.
It's high quality stuff with no BS.
Right now they're holding a BIG SALE where you can get 15% off everything they offer.
And that's not all. In addition to that they have valuable bonuses they're giving away.
Buy anything and you'll get free stuff. Buy big and you get some amazing stuff!
Head on over to this page to get the full details and see what they've got.
Be sure to check that out, and be sure to check out the testosterone test.
Be Awesome
P.S. This sale with the extra bonuses is only available for a limited time. Make sure to act quick on this.

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