Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Do You Even Superhero Train Bro?

Funny things aside, we all should strive to have that spirited Superhero/Animalistic style training ideal that could take us to the far reaches of our soul and develop our bodies with pure powerful hormones and maximum metabolism strategy. HIIT is nothing new but with a little imagination we can create workouts that bring out the very best in our abilities. Ever wondered what it be like to have the physique of Captain America, Batman, Green Lantern and other heroes? Why do bodybuilding when you can have a body that is far easier to obtain and be able to eat what you?

My ideal physique is a cross between Batman & Spider-Man, a build that is rugged but not bloated or skinny as hell. At 5'10 and 267 lbs. I'm no where near that but with patience, training hard, eating as good as I can while having a cheat day every now and then I believe I can attain it and be able to have that physique at around 230-240. That's the beauty of body-weight exercise, you can turn them into styles of training to help you be big or smaller depending on how you train, eat and program your strategies. For the most part I like being muscular and looking more like an NFL Fullback than a marathon runner that looks like African children should be feeding him something (bad analogy I know).

My style of training these days is utilizing sprints/burpees, circuits and finishers while using compound movements and MMA simulation in a circuit. Its not about training to be a Superhero, anybody can be a hero but being fit to not only look good but be functional and strong, agile enough to help others when needed. Your imagination is the key and applying it to action can have a massive impact on your progress. Already done 4 workouts of Superhero Sprints and seeing some definition and fat melting like Judge Doom at the end of Roger Rabbit sounding like a discount wicked witch of the west. You see, when you go hard for only less than a few days a week, it may not be much but when you think less is more and gaining more than losing it puts you in a different perspective. There are many ways to do HIIT but I find this to be top of the line that anyone can do whether a beginner or an extreme lunatic with a hard-on for crossfit. It's tough and kicking your ass six ways to Sunday but with consistency, you bring in a level of fitness many never achieve.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Making Big Workouts Three Times A Week

Since the Superhero Workouts are my big thing right now it's important to know that I don't do them more than 3 times a week. Many workouts people do believe to be optimal you need to do them 4-6 times a week because its the go hard or go home attitude isn't it? In order to get the best results is to compromise your body to train hard for short periods and relax/recover the rest of the time so your body can repair itself and build the muscle it needs.

Also if you train hard too much with little recovery, you won't just get muscle tears but rupture tendons, ligaments and possible cartilage. When you hit maximum intensity it doesn't need to be more than 3 times a week because mainly when you do short bursts, you're generating greater hormones and your body pumps more oxygen. The Superhero Workouts consisting of sprints, circuits & my personal favorite, a finisher consist of powerful calorie and fat burning effects that even after the workout you're still burning and creating more muscle over fat.

Although it takes time like everything else, HIIT burns fat faster than any other method and the whole workout without the rest periods take no more than 20-25 of hardcore intensity. It is a powerful method that doesn't just build muscle and give you a run for your money, it saves you time and it's quick to do at any point in the day. Using Finishers creates an even greater effect on the fat burning process through its ability to be efficient in sending signals to the body to burn more than you normally would in a regular cardio workout.

You can create your own Superhero Workouts of HIIT using nothing but your own body weight and you can do it with a small amount of space. To find the top courses to get more ideas, head on over to ben-bergman.branded.me and take a look at some of the books that can get you going without ever stepping foot in a gym.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Have You Taken The Testosterone Test?

Lots of men would like to be more successful...
In the office, in the gym, in the bedroom...
What most men don't know is that their perceived impotence could be due to a hormonal imbalance.
Low testosterone: it affects millions of men across the globe.
But how can you tell if you suffer from low testosterone?
There's a simple and free report that any man can review, that will give you an idea of where you're at.
Most men are surprised by what they find...
Testosterone is crucial for just about every aspect of health. From working out to the bedroom, it's also been called the "success hormone".
With it you feel on top of the world.
Without it you can get angry, depressed and anxious.
On top of that, Lost Empire Herbs produces amazing herbs and formulas that help your health and performance.
They've got great stuff for energy, hormonal support (in men and women), working out, and even thinking better.
It's high quality stuff with no BS.
Right now they're holding a BIG SALE where you can get 15% off everything they offer.
And that's not all. In addition to that they have valuable bonuses they're giving away.
Buy anything and you'll get free stuff. Buy big and you get some amazing stuff!
Head on over to this page to get the full details and see what they've got.
Be sure to check that out, and be sure to check out the testosterone test.
Be Awesome
P.S. This sale with the extra bonuses is only available for a limited time. Make sure to act quick on this.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Is It Better To Train Sprints Outdoors Or Indoors?

Sprints as you may well know are the fastest form of training that burns fat, builds muscle and increases metabolism. They don't take very long to do and develop powerful Human Growth Hormone that gives you the ability to stay young, vibrant and have incredible energy. You can do sprints indoors or outdoors but which one is better?

There's pros and cons to both but either way, they're very effective and can give you an incredible physique as you get better at them and do them no more than 3x a week. Outdoor sprints especially hill sprints are the optimal when it comes to burning fat the fastest humanly possible; however, the weather may not always be in your favor and you might need another option for whatever reason and sometimes you just want to be safe but still get an insane workout. Indoors give you the option to train in your home where you run hard in place for 30-60 seconds. You can go hard for a minute but only at that maximum amount of time because you may not be going at higher speeds than if you were to do them outdoors but they do fire up the body really quick.

Because of the weather I'm training my sprints indoors for my Superhero Training doing the Sprints, a Circuit and a finisher. As you saw yesterday if you watched my video, I showed what my workout was that kicked the living crap out of me but loved it with a passion. This workout including the finisher is no more than 20 minutes of work and nearly twice as long just resting. I rest as long as needed to be efficient in a upcoming sprint or circuit and there times where I might change an exercise to where it's not killing me but I can keep going to keep my heart rate up and sticking to it. It's not the easiest workout whatsoever and it shouldn't be but I had the best feeling afterwards especially when I did my meditation listening to Calm Meditative sounds on Pandora, doing deep breathing exercises while doing so then finishing off with a blasting cold shower to balance out my body's heating and cooling systems. For warm ups I would do a dynamic stretching routine of loosening up the joints in the ankles, knees, shoulders, hips, wrists and stretching certain muscles such as the hamstrings, obliques, chest, neck and back.

So which one is better suited? I suggest you figure out what works best for you and if you have decent weather than by all means go for it outside. Imagine the power and surge of vitality when you only train 20 minutes 3x a week and get results faster in mere weeks than you can in 6-8 months. It is a great theme and it can be done on a beginner level as well for those who have never done it before. It is so powerful it causes an afterburn effect meaning within 24-48 hours of that kind of workout you're burning up to 3x or more calories without doing much of anything which in turn can help you lose weight and build up great amount of muscle in a short period of time and recovery becomes your greatest ally. It's helped me sleep way better in the past and believe it or not, I've used this very system to drop 30 points of my blood pressure within 3-4 weeks when normally I couldn't do with other programs that went on for a couple months like the animal exercises. For more info, give me a shout and we can talk on skype or through email and I'll do what I can to give you the best possible ways to do this.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Back On Superhero Training

Its not even Xmas yet and I've already been thinking about my New Year's "Resolution" or should I say Goals because Resolutions just sound like something negative to me and something of a bad cliche. Not going to tell you the full extent of my goals but I'am heading back on the bandwagon of Superhero Sprint Training where you run hard or do Burpees for 30-60 Seconds then rest for a period then do a circuit either Tabata Style or doing repetitions.

I'm always fascinated by the physiques of Superheroes ranging from Batman to Green Lantern to Black Panther and Spiderman because they represent powerful and functional athletic muscle that is backed up with fat burning metabolism and enhanced strength & virility. This type of training I have mentioned in the past but thought I'd give you new readers an idea of what it does; it is by far a top quality intense training system that has you burning fat like there's no tomorrow and it burns insane calories 24-48 hours after the workout so when you do this 2-3 times a week you're developing natural testosterone and HGH that goes through the roof and produces energy that brings in a greater amount of muscle and tosses out fat faster than butter on a hot plate.

I'm doing something different that not only burns even more fat but allows greater natural HGH and that's adding Finishers into the mix. With these little nail-biters that last 3-8 minutes and can be done after a workout or on a day off to aid in the conditioning I will be taking on a challenge many don't tend to accept. It's very tough and it takes training to another realm but with a little imagination and believing in the art of fun and adventure, this will be a phenomenal experience regardless of the outcome. I'm going to just start out with maybe a month testing this out and seeing where it goes. I'm going to be adding my own twist on it doing exercises from various books and doing circuits that really target the fat burning mechanism plus using Finishers from a couple courses and workouts that I can send to you for Free when you order at my Advocare Store. I'm doing a Indoor version of this course since I'm not a fan of cold weather so It'll still be as effective or even more so.

When you go after a goal, make it work for you because if it doesn't than you're not using your full potential and you'll be missing out on the amazing benefits of what can bring you your most amazing transformation. I'm doing this for the purpose of enhancing my conditioning, training hard to burn off fat like crazy and still put on a solid amount of muscle. I'm not too worried about whether I lose weight or not, this type of training in itself can help lose weight but in the end you can still weigh the same but look completely different. Can't wait to share my progress with you guys. This is something I have thought of for a while now and want to do the very best of my abilities and utilize my imagination and thirst for self-discovery. More on this in upcoming articles.

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