Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Back On The Deck

Over the last couple days I've tested myself on the Deck Of Cards Workout changing it up from One variation of 4 exercises to 3 exercises using multiple variations of 2 of them (Squats & Push-ups) doing V-Ups for the 3rd Exercise. So far I've beaten the deck both times and yesterday beating it in just over 30 min. That's a hell of a workout for only 3 exercises but they each lay a foundation for building solid conditioning and building strength, flexibility and agility.

The Squats are 3 variations of the Hindu Squat (Heels up, feet flat & jumpers) where the push-ups are more than a few variations to add variety but still keep them basic (Military, Dips, Different Hand Positions ect.) and the V-ups stay the same variation since it has a full body element of it having both a sit-up and the leg lift in the same movement. I would do a total of 388 Squats, 119 Push-ups and 119 V-Ups for the whole deck. Once its completed I add 12 Squats and 1 rep each of a push-up and v-up for a grand total of 400 Squats, 120 Push-ups & 120 V-Ups. I like to keep things rounded to the closest denominator of specific numbers to even them out.

As I get better I most likely will add reps to the cards to get things even higher for conditioning purposes. I'm not so much going for being ripped or looking like world-class athlete, I'll let this workout speak for itself and the results will come the way the universe will have it. I don't like talking about my personal goals much because whenever I do, 99% of the time I end up quitting early on and when I don't mention them they come quicker. Some will be very open about goal-setting and share them with others which is cool I love that about people but i'm more private about it and believe that they're my own and no one else needs to really know unless under certain circumstances. The reason why I love this particular Deck which I call the Indy Deck because its got Indiana Jones and scenes of adventures in all 4 movies that inspires me and gives me greater energy than music and/or training with somebody else. I know what you're thinking "come on man, they're just cards like any other, what makes them all that special", for one; It's F-cking Indiana Jones and 2; It's got 3 jokers instead of the normal 2 so it adds a challenge and amps up the conditioning even more with the Squats.

Eventually i'll add back the Hindu Push-ups & Tablemakers but they'll be a part of the multi-variation team of Push-ups. This is my way of looking at what Karl Gotch use to say on conditioning "always work your muscles from every possible angle." I do want to hit the 500 Squat goal again and do 250 Push-ups and more than 150 V-ups but it will take time and i'm not going to reveal it until I have actually completed it. I do have the discipline to go after 500 Hindu Squats in a row and I've done it a couple times but I choose to do them in sets for the purpose that once I get up to a certain number in a row, I get very bored and it becomes more of a dull grind than a workout. This way I can shift from one exercise to another and still keep things fresh, fun and exciting. The workout is never the same twice, the reps are the same but each card can be different from the last workout. It builds crazy stamina, strength from doing different push-ups, adds in coordination and balance from the Squats and it gets both the upper and lower abs on the V-Ups where you're working the entire Core using a full body movement and if I had to take a break I would leave my arms overhead and straighten my legs to open up the obliques so I'm getting the most out of the whole session.

 You can do other exercises with your own deck but always use a foundation of basic exercises and keep things fresh and you'll never get bored. You want an Indy Deck of your own? Go HERE and grab them. Have fun and never find an excuse, find an opportunity to train.

Monday, October 31, 2016

What Makes The Deck Of Cards Workout So Effective And How Often Should You Do It

Spare some time? Is it cold and wet out on an Autumn Day in October? Can't get to the gym or just don't want to deal with traffic? Got any room in your hotel? All of these can still be your asset to getting a workout in. I have gone through some very effective workouts over the years and nearly at the top of the list is the Deck Of Cards Workout. It was made famous believe it or not by Late Pro Wrestler Karl Gotch who believed this workout helped enhance a man or woman's conditioning to last in a good old fashioned match and have reserves in the middle and ending of a fight. For the most part the only exercises he would put in would be the Hindu Push-ups & the Hindu Squats.

In Japan where Karl was praised as a Wrestling God, the wrestlers who trained under him would go on to be successful wrestlers and passed on the conditioning to students of their own. It's evident that if you want to get in shape fast this is a hell of a way to do it. The objective of this "game" was to get through each card that had specific exercises attached to it and as you got better, you reduced the rest periods each workout until you can burst through it without much problem. The one thing to remember especially if you've never done it or haven't done it in quite some time was to see how many cards you can go through without fatiguing and rest as long as needed and move onto the next card. I admittedly was stupid and got my ego in the way knowing I was in good shape but my body needed a little time getting back into it and ended up hurting my elbows. Don't ever make that mistake because this workout alone can get you in supreme cardio shape for practically any sport but like everything else, ease into it and build up.

Now in terms of exercises, Karl used mainly 2 exercises or variations of and made it a point to go as fast as possible and build up those lungs to where no matter what sport you're in you'll be in shape throughout the duration of a game/match. Some people do 4 exercises, some will do 3, some will do multiple variations and take on different style of repetitions. For me, I like the concept of Squats and Push-ups and have gone through the deck multiple times ranging from 20 min. workouts to just over an hour and the reps are set and stone and rarely if ever change.....

Aces=20 reps
Jacks/Queens/Kings=15 Reps
Jokers=50 Reps
2-10 are at face value

If you really wanted to be a stud and make it a little more interesting; you would double the squats and keep the push-ups at face value. Some people go way over the top and sometimes triple the numbers in all the exercises. Ric Flair in his heyday would go as far as doing a total of 440 Squats, 440 Push-ups & 440 Sit-ups with the deck and if anybody knows what Ric did in the ring or how long he could last every night you know why those cards were effective for him. For the average person, you don't need extreme high reps to be in good shape. If all you care about is getting lean and mean and have good cardio to go along with it, this workout will do it. I've seen guys in videos do things like Burpees, Mountain Climbers, Pull-ups & even used kettlebells its all about your creativity and seeing what can challenge you. I'm going to tell you its no cake walk and it never gets easier but it can be more interesting in seeing what you can come up with.

Why is it so effective? Did you not read what it could do for the Dirtiest Player in the game? It's effective in the sense where it challenges the norm and unlike other routines it changes every workout. You're not doing the same cards every time and you can change the repetitions depending on your level of fitness. When it comes down to it, it blasts your cardio greater than being on a treadmill for an hour and it gets you lean fast and I mean really fast, like you'll lose weight and drop fat almost in the same workout on the first day. During my small stint with the cards recently without ever changing my eating I dropped 3 pounds in under a week. You can take it anywhere with you and it can be done on your own schedule; if you're short on time, have an hour lunch at work, do it in your hotel room before leaving for the day or do it a park and really go nuts. The only equipment you need is 52 playing cards that's it.

Now how often should you do it? For those who are beginning to do it, start with how many cards you can do and each workout add one or 2 the most. Once you can do the full deck in a workout, start with once every 4-5 days because it is very intense and it can drain you. Once your cardio id better, do it once every 2-3 days. If you need to back off a day or 2 because you're either sore or don't have the energy than do so, you can always go back when you're fresh and ready. To really go sadistic, some people are in such world-class shape they'll do it everyday, sometimes as a warm-up before their other routine. I use to be able to do this every other day for weeks at a time and would get it done in under half an hour. My best time on the cards is roughly under 23 minutes. Now that i'm healing and really want to get back into it once i'm 100% I'll be doing once every 4 days or every other day in between workouts for HIIT. I have learned my lesson and going to instead do the 2 upper body movements I was doing before, I'll be taking on multiple variations of the Push-up and stick with Hindu Squats/Jumpers & the V-Ups. That way i'm not putting my elbows in jeopardy on one or just 2 variations and be able to hit muscles from different angles.

Here's a bonus for you.....What kind of deck is good for this workout? Well, any type of 52 cards will do but for me I like the themes and having different cultural references on the cards for motivation and having pictures and such to keep me pumped. My all-time favorite is using my Indiana Jones deck where it has scenes from all 4 movies and there's three jokers in the deck so I'm doing not one not 2 but 3 sets of 50 Squats that could start at the beginning, the middle or at the very end of the deck and its going to be challenging either way. If I don't have a deck on hand, I find an app on my phone and do it that way, typing down the exercises for each card and have it. Some apps have jokers, others don't so find the best one for you. Have fun with this workout and write me a note on how you do or have any questions on conditioning or what exercises you can start with and if you have injuries but still want to do them, I'd be happy to give you tips on that as well.


Happy Halloween Everyone and have a great night getting candy around the neighborhood and dress up like a boss. I'm rooting for ya in the Costume Contest wherever it is.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Healing Bad Elbows

Sometimes in training certain things happen and I ended up a little hurt. Really got into the Deck Of Cards Workout based on Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning exercises and ended up in-flaming both my elbows around the joints. Got caught up in staying consistent with doing Hindu Squats, Hindu Push-ups, V-Ups & The Tablemakers. The Push-ups & the Tablemakers were the ones that pinned me down. My form wasn't that great although it wasn't terrible either and my flexibility in the Tablemaker wasn't very good. I'm only human and get so caught up in it I didn't stop it sooner. Luckily I finally let my body tell me to stop before a serious injury would've occurred.

These exercises are without question very powerful and work very well for practically anyone. This is only a setback where I plan on healing myself through other methods that have less impact on the joints. I'm not in terrible pain but when I do try a couple push-ups I feel it right away. The exercises are not to blame whatsoever, its my own fault and I paid the consequences. I never had an issue like this before so its a learning experience. I'm happy i'm able to finish the deck roughly any time I wanted and plan on beating it again one day.

Its important to listen to your body and when there's even the slightest bit of danger where your joints don't feel right stop. Joints are more precious than the muscles. Muscles heal faster but joints take a little longer. That's why for the time being I'm focusing more on Ab Work using Gymnastic Abs, Stretching through little bits of Playful Movements, VRT to work the muscles and not put a strain on the joints and most of all, the healing powers of Qi Gong. I can still move my elbows and lift stuff if I need to but not pushing hard on a workout with them; better to train smart than to train stupid.

Once my elbows heal, I might start again on Darebee Circuit Workouts or create circuits of my own and get back to doing Burpee HIIT Workouts starting 2x a week and build up to 3x a week maximum using exercises from 50 Shades Of Burpees. Just because you can't do one thing doesn't mean you can't do another. There are ways to work around minor injuries and power up on the healing process. The type of qi gong I practice is from different areas of the arts but the ones I highly recommend and have helped me immensely in the past have been Shaolin Qi Gong & Matt Furey's Chi Kung Methods which are from his Membership Site which to me is a powerful and wonderful investment.

Don't be mad at yourself if you get hurt, think of it as a learning experience and take it in with laughter. You will heal, work on getting back and do things to help prevent it from happening again. I don't plan on ever doing the deck again on an everyday basis, its just not practical and it drained me for the most and didn't have the brains to take it easy at first, I got caught up in the glory of being able to do it. Something to do maybe a couple times a week just to get some good conditioning going; not to go at it everyday and even if I do happen to do it, I wouldn't always do the repetitions, I'd do lower reps on some workouts or even a no rep workout where I just hold positions for breaths or seconds and I have experienced going through the deck that way too and it gives even the toughest men a run for their money. Make compromises with your mind and body. Take it from me, you do too much it'll bite you in the ass. I know I can do it and I will do it again but in the meantime my body is more important than the glory of beating cool looking cards.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Be In The Best Condition YOU Can Be In

It's never easy to get in shape or be healthy physically, mentally & emotionally and when we do, a lot of times is because we want to be like people we admire or want to have their figure/physique, have washboard abs and have bulging muscles. There's nothing wrong with admiring others but we can never truly be exactly like them and i'll tell you why; It's physically impossible to look and feel exactly like another human being. You can get plastic surgery, train hard, eat the same exact foods, impersonate them and do whatever it takes but in the end, you will always be you.

I wanted to train to be like Arnold when I was lifting, that didn't pan out because I got too exhausted trying his routines. I wanted to play like Michael Jordan when I was in my teens but that definitely pan out because I couldn't grow like him and had no where near 1/10th of his abilities. I wanted to be like my favorite wrestlers but I never could wrestle or be in the shape they were in because I just didn't have that kind of passion. I did however get in better shape at the age of 30 than I ever did in my 20's and it was because I made it my mission to not be like anyone else and focus being in the best shape for me.

You see, we focus so much on impressing others and wanting to look like others because for most they have very low self-esteem and have very little respect and admiration for themselves. I'm not saying you have to be a narcissistic prick to make that happen but when you learn to see you're worth something regardless of what anyone says and you have the power to make things happen for you and you alone, things become a reality. I'm no millionaire and believe in working for myself plus as much as I love getting paid for what I do I don't have thoughts on getting so much money I wouldn't know what to do with it. When I was growing up, money always made me feel weird inside because people I know and cared about used money to buy someone's love and used it against their very own blood. I'm not saying it happened all the time but money to me is nothing more than to be used to pay bills when needed, have a little spree here and there and get food. Do I think its evil, absolutely not, I think it has a lot of worth to a person's life but it should never be used against someone or make someone believe because they have money they're more important and controlling everything. Condition yourself to trust money that works for you. Unlike other people I know, when I spend money on someone else whether its for my girl, my family, friends or a complete stranger I don't ask for anything in return unless its for a purpose other than that it makes me happy to help someone or just do something nice, there's no agenda, no back stabbing and no secrets of what I want out of it.

Being in condition whether physically, financially or whatever is more on the journey than the destination. We don't realize that being in shape really has no deadline and if you push too hard it'll bite you in the ass. I exercise everyday not for the sake of being better than somebody but because its fun and I do it with my heart and soul only for me. Don't waste your time becoming someone else, that's what second rated people do, first rate people get in shape because they have something within themselves and go through the struggles to better themselves. There are things I can do a lot can't but the opposite is also true, there are things I couldn't dream of doing that others can do and you know what, that's cool with me. There's always room for improvement and its important to be around those that believe in you and when people are jealous of your accomplishments, they will do whatever or say whatever to bring you down or in so much fear of what you can do, they'll try to suck the life out of your goal setting and point out negative bullshit. I say bring it on. I firmly and passionately believe in what I do and have been told a number of times that I what I do won't get me anywhere or that people won't care about what I have to say yet I'm still going through walls like the Juggernaut bitch.

Be the best possible YOU!!!  

Monday, October 24, 2016

How Do You Spell D-E-C-K (Never Look At A Deck Of Cards The Same Way Again)

Today is my HIIT Day and I'm going to dominate it with a vengeance doing 4 different Burpees for 8 Intervals for 30 Sec. On & 90 Sec. Off; that works best for me and seeing results with this method. Yesterday however was just a brutal and a bit of a longer workout where I took out my deck of The Matt Furey Exercise Bible and hammered out Hindu Squats, Hindu Push-ups, V-Ups & Tablemakers. Normally it takes me a good 45 minutes or so to finish the deck but since its been a while it took much longer to finish but I finished it nonetheless.

When it comes down to it, using basic exercises and molding them into a conditioning workout with a deck of cards is one of the best ways to get in awesome shape period. I have done the deck in a variety of ways; from animal exercise to Squats & Push-ups and the Matt's Exercise Bible and it never gets easier every time. I train to be in the best shape possible for my size and changing things up works my brain better because if I repeat too many of the same workout I get bored and become grumpy. That's the beauty of a good deck, it's never the same and the reps change with every workout. This is the same format that Karl Gotch used on his wrestling students and beat the holy hell out of them. Although it took me a while, in between cards I didn't just lay down and die, I stretched and did plenty of deep breathing and drinking water, I was determined to beat that sumbitch come hell or high water and if it meant taking a breather every now and then I did so but when I was ready I hammered them out.

At first, you're going to need to take breaks because your body is not use to that kind of stress and if you go too fast too early you can hurt yourself and you're going to need an iron lung. Build yourself up, takes less breaks each workout, let your conditioning come naturally and never give up and break away from the cards. Remember, they're just a plastic-coated pieces of paper yet the longer you go, the more you may hear them screaming at you to quit. The more conditioned you are, the less breaks you'll take and eventually you'll be bursting through them like a cake walk and when that happens, you'll be extremely fit and you'll be looking more like an athlete with the stamina to back it up.

 This type of workout has been used by athletes from all kinds of sports like Pro Wrestling, MMA, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey and many others. Some of the most famous stars have done this workout to maintain insane shape from guys like Ric Flair, Ray Lewis, Ken Shamrock and others. It doesn't have to be the same exercises you can change them up to say Burpees, Sit-ups, Pull-ups, Kettlebell Swings, Sandbell Slamming, Battling Ropes, Hitting a tire with a sledgehammer (A personal favorite of mine) or whatever you decide. It gives you variety and an ever changing landscape of building great conditioning and being in shape fast. Here are some cards to look into that are pretty awesome and can be a motivator instead of those boring generic cards....

Indiana Jones



Football (Oakland Raiders)

Get in shape and make it interesting. Remember my motto "It doesn't get easier, just more interesting." In the words of The Nature Boy "Learn to live with it and learn to love it."

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