Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Isometrics For Fat Burning & Building Muscle

These days while i'm circling with Animal/Playful Movements & various circuits when i'm in the mood, I also do Isometrics. Mostly free-handed but a mixture of different things. On Sunday, I tackled isometrics through the use of my pull-up bar. Contracting and relaxing using different grips and doing them in three positions (standing on the ground & the two steps on a stool). Don't know how long the workout was but I felt it immediately and very much at the end.

The thing that always struck me about Isometrics that I sometimes forget to realize is that they don't just make you stronger but denser in the muscular structure that can aid in the fat burning process and put on greater natural muscle mass. This isn't bodybuilding muscle but the type of muscle that is functional and strengthens not just the big boys but the little ones too on top of strengthening the connective tissues such as the tendons & ligaments and literally fires up those muscle fibers when contracted.

When most people think of Isometrics the one that comes to mind is the Plank exercise where you hold yourself up in a push-up like position either on the forearms or hands. This exercise is more known for being what's called a Aerobic Isometric where you hold a position for an extended period of time instead of using full on contractions. The real exercises go far beyond just holding a position, its a form of extensive laser-like focus and utilizing specific muscles or the whole body depending on the position where it's in isolation, in other words Pushing, Pulling, Squatting, Gripping against an immovable object or staying in a static position where you where you don't move the muscle(s).

Some have the belief that isometrics don't really work if you're trying to build muscle; that can be said within the depending goal of the type of muscle you're building. I do believe it works because I have done it plus its been used by some of the strongest people on the planet dating back 100 years or more. The original muscle builders of the early 20th century did in fact use isometrics to build their bodies, the other term for this is Muscle Control. In America the most famous for coming up with this concept was Alois P. Swoboda that had a course called Conscious Evolution. Another famous name which in turn became a much bigger legend in the world of Physical Culture was Maxick that made not only muscle building a way of life but also made it an art form which became part of today's Bodybuilding Culture. Not only did he build his body through this style of training, it also helped him become pound for pound one of the strongest men of his generation.

Isometrics in simple terms develops Positional Strength where you do fixed positions and strengthen that area. Bruce Lee has done this, Dennis Rogers, The Mighty Atom & others have generated incredible strength, power & speed utilizing this method. To me the most powerful example of this method of training is from a wrestler named the Great Gama of India; aside from his insane regimen of high rep calisthenics & wrestling practice, his method of Isometrics made him so tough that it kept him undefeated throughout his entire career. Never losing in over 5000 Matches even the greatest wrestlers of America & Europe couldn't touch him. His longest matches were no more than 10 minutes if that and threw guys around like rag dolls even though some were far bigger than him. So what was his Isometric Workouts? Well legend has it that every morning he would get up and wrap a belt around a tree and proceed to throw it in every position he can come up with. Never was able to make the tree come out out of the roots but because of this, his opponents didn't stand a chance.

There are many ways to use isometrics especially if you're tackling the weights because if you're stuck in a certain position, you put the bar in that position (using a rack) and strengthen that position. It aids in developing strength so when you use the full range of motion it'll be easier to lift because of strengthening the positions little by little. That's all for today but if you want to pick up some great courses based purely on Isometrics here's a few places to check out.....

How To Learn Muscle Control

Muscle Control By Maxick

Power Isometrics

Isometric Strength

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Playful Movement & Isometrics

Its not always wise to cram so much into a short amount of time. When you do your best to make time but you scramble for it and move too fast, it can bite you back in the ass. Use your time wisely, get up a little earlier, do the very best you can in the time you do have. We have responsibilities that to which is obvious but you can never not have fun when you exercise. Whether its for a few minutes or longer, make your exercise enjoyable, live in the moment.

I love Isometrics not just because they work like a charm but are in my eyes the very best forms of exercise when you're short on time. For 5-10 min. you can get in a full body workout utilizing Isometrics but you don't have to do them in one workout, spread it out throughout the day. Pick a body part and do a few minutes here and there. Personally I do 2-3 body parts a day that is spread out for example yesterday I did shoulders, Abs & Legs and today i'll be doing Chest & Arms.

When I do my so called Playful Movement training, I customize a sequence of move going from one to the other and flow through utilizing my mind and body together so when I go through it, its not overly difficult or straining but like the name implies Playful, being creative and learning how MY BODY operates under the selection of where every ties in with that sequence. Its never the same one twice. Develop a variety of exercises and infuse them together to create your own super routine that increases strength, stamina, flexibility & mobility. Be playful.

For more info on Isometric check out these courses.....

Isometric Power Revolution

How To Learn Muscle Control

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Four Awesome Ways To Get Involved With Advocare

With the foundation of building a healthy lifestyle, its not only important to be involved in it but encourage others to do the same. I have been with Advocare since November of last year and decided to become a Independent Distributor by not only selling the products but also take in the amazing discounts they have to offer. I'm here to give you 4 really cool ways you can get involved and not only bask in the discounts if you choose to be a Distributor, you can sell and build a business out of it. Here we go.....

#1 Retail Customer: Enjoy the products themselves as you become a avid customer and build your health from there.

#2 Wholesale Customer: You can sign up as a Distributor & start off with a 20% Discount that is offered to you.

#3 Distributor: As a Distributor you get discounts from 20-40% OFF, sell those products and make a kick ass profit from them. Once you have a discount, you have it for life so when you get to 40% it will never go away so you can enjoy the insane savings and even potential massive profit you can generate.

& #4 Advisor (Business Builder): Build up to Advisor Level @ the 40% Discount & get full on access to the 5 MASSIVE TIPS to earn Income.

I'm currently the type of person who enjoys the products and slowly building up to that advisor level and go from there while @ the 25% OFF Discount. My journey is on the 24-Day Challenge which is their best selling program that teaches others how to take in product utilizing a healthy lifestyle of food, exercise & learning the value of your long-term healthy regimen. Its only the first week and really enjoying the experience of fat loss and energy building entities that is helping me be more alert, fitter and more.

Click here for more info >>>>>https://www.advocare.com/1511305/ContactMember.aspx

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Hack Your Brain?

Who hasn't at one time or another wished they were smarter?

What if you could improve your focus, concentration, and memory in just 3 seconds a day? Would you do it?

Click Here to see the "secret weapon" of countless professional athletes and celebrities...

How many opportunities to make a great point or make your friends laugh pass you by because that word gets stuck on the tip of your tongue? 

What could you accomplish if you could apply unwavering focus to any task you wanted? 

Two double blind clinical trials conducted by the Boston Center for Memory showed improvements vs placebo in memory, brainwave patterns, and focus.

This powerful Supplement may help you remember names and places, focus on complex tasks, and improve your mental speed in response to stimuli. Whether it is a work project, a social gathering, or an athletic performance, taking this is like another gear for your brain.

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Jungle Was Screaming To Have Me Come Back & An Update From Vacation

For the past week or so I decided to challenge myself to a program I thought would give me an opportunity to see what I can do on a Cardio level. I decided to part ways with it yesterday, not because it was too tough or because it wasn't challenging, I just mainly lost interest and you know what I'm ok with it. I'm also going up for the 24-Day Advocare Challenge but this is something i'm interested in and using my hard spent money wisely on.

When you take on something that can last a while, it is vastly and critically important to be interested in it otherwise you're just going through the motions and if your heart isn't in it regardless of your results it will feel like an empty shell of what you truly wanted to accomplish. I also lost interest in trying to lose weight because let's face it, numbers on a scale for the most part don't mean a damn thing when you feel what really matters. I get it you want to be slimmer, more toned up and many other aspects, the only reason people should truly lose weight is if they are in critical health and don't have any choice but to lose weight for health reasons. I'm a big dude but no where near obese since I have a more solid muscular frame and my body can do things even better than some 50-100 pounds lighter can. I do believe in Fat Loss however where you build a foundation of training and nutrition to burn fat and put on muscle.

You see, two people can weigh exactly the same say like a man at 200 lbs. who is muscular, has vital energy, radiant health and has strong bones and tendons to carry him as oppose to another man of the same exact weight but has had a few too many beers in his lifetime, has arm fat, puffy legs, man tits, sausage fingers and can't even see his own dick. Looks can be deceiving so unless your health is in a crisis where losing weight absolutely needs to be the number one priority than do so but do it with an open mind, make it vital to your success, learn about exercise and research nutritional value for the foods that are important in your eating habits. When you take on fat loss, its way different and in some cases far easier than just losing weight.

I decided to go back to Jungle Training, putting forth what I feel is my ultimate program for adventurous fitness that doesn't have a ton of structure, I'm not limited to the exercices I do and it makes me HAPPY!!! I personally feel that when you do things that bring you joy, doesn't stress you out in a negative way, builds your brain and builds your intuition that's where the true adventure lies. I condition my body to tackle movements that are unique and developing my connective tissue instead of mainly muscles. Puts me in a state where I don't feel like a human and expand my potential to get stronger, faster and build on my stamina. I love bodyweight training and what it can do, this is just my preference and i'm willing to teach it to anyone who wants to do it or learn the ways of the animals.

People like structure, I get that it makes them feel safe, secure and knowing exactly what to do in order to reach their goals whether its making money, getting in shape, doing better in school or whatever but from my own experiences there comes a time where you won't know what the hell to do and you need to make a choice and whatever you choose will be your path. I'm going to tell you right now I don't care if I make 10 grand a year or 100 million a year, either way I live my life according to what makes me happy. I pay rent at home, I love where I'am, I love the wonderful people in my life, I love what I can use to better myself. Do I want to learn how to make more money in my life, yes and no and I'll tell you why...Yes because it be awesome to do great things like travel and own a house one day but in the same sense no because if I have to put down a ton of freaking money to learn how to make money and I get screwed over, who truly wins here? I'm not saying all of that will have that affect but in the end, I want to know what I'm getting into, I want upfront honesty, no lying, setting me up so I can pay you to teach me and I want to be taught how I can turn up the volume of my own personality; sales pitches can make you rich with the right tools but is it really really you that people are talking to or is it a piece of you but using a salesman's personality to have people hand over their hard earned money?

I don't give a damn if you pay me $1 or $100,000 I will be my true self to you in the best way I can and share with you my love and enthusiasm for fitness and nutrition and find possibilities to help you in your en devours. The Jungle is calling to me and I must obey its will. Till next time, keep kicking ass, be happy in whatever you do and if you want to get a hold of me shoot me a comment or go to ben-bergman.branded.me.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Six Degree Flow

What's Up Everyone,

I want to take this moment to tell you about 6 Degree Flow, one of the latest fitness products from RMAX International. If you have never heard of RMAX, they have been the global leader in health-first fitness products for the last 17 years. 6 Degree Flow is a product designed from over 2 decades of research and applied practice in developing a fitness workout that restores our bodies innate “FLOW”.

In 6 Degree Flow, Coach Scott Sonnon has developed a simple, fun, fulfilling, and painless method for losing unhealthy levels of fat, watching inches disappear AND eliminating harmful distress to your physical and mental health. It will change the way you fit in your clothes for certain, but more importantly, it will return the way you feel powerful and graceful in your movement.

These benefits and much more are attainable in less than one hour per session just a few times a week. The program is outlined in user friendly format and available for immediate digital download. Move like our bodies were designed to do and begin enjoying an improved quality of life right now with 6 Degree Flow.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


What's Up Guys,

Have you heard about the Clubbell? The most ancient tool known to man, the club, has been reinvented for the modern athlete. The most ancient weapon, the club, evolved over millennia into devastatingly effective martial arts worldwide.  Many cultural martial traditions across the planet utilized the club not just for combat, but for restorative health and developed strength: Indian Kalaripayat, Iranian Pahlavani, Okinawan Karate and Russian SAMBO.

Due to the center of mass being far away from the hand, the Clubbell® can be very light and yet produce superior force. Other tools must weigh much more because the center is in your grasp..Swung not Lifted: Due to the design, the Clubbell® can be swung in three dimensions rather than lifted in one or two dimensions to give you true whole-body functional strength.

Aging and weakness are a process of losing complexity. Our nervous system craves increasing sophistication. The greater the variety, and the greater the depth of skill potentially available, the more versatility and greater satisfaction you get out of it. No other piece of equipment can be used in so many ways, with such variety as the Clubbell, which is why RMAX Says: one tool – infinite possibilities. What are you waiting for? Let’s go clubbing today.

Be Awesome & Grab A Hold Of This Amazing Training Tool

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