Monday, January 4, 2016

My Review On Nighttime Recovery

As a consistent trainee, I practice many forms of training everyday and have been doing it for over 10 years. I believe in being able to stay in top shape whether for 5 minutes or 60 minutes and just as important I want to recover just as amazingly. Some of things I have taken have worked for me, some haven't.

I gave the Advocare Nighttime Recovery a shot and I got awesome results from it. Granted according to the bottle I had to take more than most but that's ok. I'm use to that and it was different. Because of the training I was doing I only took them 3x a week when I was doing my most hardcore workouts. They have a weight system for how many an individual should take. Because I was 40 pounds beyond the normal dosage for a 210 pound man I only took 5. There were only 60 capsules and I was taking 15 a week give and take taking some time off for a week. The only drawback is that if you do several months of training or in a professional setting where recovery is extremely critical you're going to need more than one bottle.

More on the positive side, the capsules really target the muscles that you need for recovery and while you sleep it really takes charge and repairs those muscles with a freaking vengeance. I felt amazing everytime I woke up. Refreshed and ready to go. I was always at my best and it really helped with my endurance. I just might go back to them sooner than I expected. I love being able to be at my best every workout and when it comes to the most intense ones, it's even more awesome. Since the Performance Elite Line has more than one product to use for recovery there are other options.

Overall, an 8 out of 10 for this product. If you're looking for kick ass recovery this is one of the things that will do it for you. You would get a kick out of this bad boy and look out for my next review for the Post-Workout Recovery Shake.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Getting Superhero Fit For Under $10

Happy New Year Everyone,

Welcome to 2016 and hopefully you're kicking ass starting off right and keeping it consistent. First off I really can't stand New Years Resolutions because let's face it, it's a bunch of gibberish on saying whatever you're going to do and end up quitting a couple weeks in. Why do that to yourself? Go for New Years Goals by starting something small and building yourself up. Too many people go into it with way too high expectations and think they'll be able to handle it. I'm already starting 2016 off right with being down 6 pounds, eating a bit healthier little by little, taking amazing vitamins and got some new stuff coming in from my brothers and sisters at Advocare and my training is back with the Superhero Sprints.

Speaking of the Superhero Sprints; you get a ton of info on it that doesn't happen a lot with other courses, not to mention it's one of the cheapest courses out there (That does not mean it doesn't have value). For less than the cost of a monthly membership at a Planet Fitness you can learn about one of the most effective fat burning systems ever created and do so no more than 3x a week. Fat loss has been an issue for many people but that's basically due to poor eating habits and not doing the right kind of exercise. Regular cardio is no where near the level this course has and i'll tell you why...Because with cardio you're going at a certain pace to keep your heart rate at a level that is suitable to a training session of about 30 straight minutes or more. This is what manufacturers want you to believe that this is the key to fat loss but in reality you have been fed full of Bullshit that is taking away your hard earned money. I'm not saying Cardio doesn't do anything it does wonders in a lot of ways but not what you need to get down to the nitty gritty of fast paced intensity that will shed fat, build muscle and increase metabolism all in one major shot.

I don't just want you to get insanely fit fast but save a shitload of money in the process. So just because i'm in a good mood starting tomorrow I'm holding a freebie month of awesomeness. If you order this course personally from me and letting me know you have ordered it, I will personally send you a secret link to 12 EXTRA WORKOUTS that are the next level of Superhero Sprints Training. This course will have you destroying fat so hard it'll sound like the wicked witch of the west will be screaming bloody murder. I want you to be in the best shape possible and have a new you dominate this year. Are you in? LET'S DO THIS!!!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Unleash Your Inner Superhero

There are real superheroes out there. Those with great minds, physical attributes, resistance to certain illnesses & disease, people in the Polar Bear Club (Those that can withstand extremely cold temperatures & water), Athletes & so much more. We love reading about awesome men and women in comic books. Favorites of mine are Thor, Captain America, Moon Knight, Batman, Harley Quinn, Dr. Strange and others. We get inspired by not just their abilities but by their unbelievable tenacity to scrape through obstacles, every day challenges and understanding some of their tragedies.

My superheroes in the real world are those that help people regardless of themselves and make it their mission to see how they can get fit, be humble, fight back and teach how to treat others. I was bullied like many kids back in the day, my hideaway was watching Pro Wrestling, the Power Rangers and watching heroes like Blade, the X-Men, Batman & Superman. I wanted to be strong so I can teach those that wronged me because of either my disability from the Meningitis or because I was a chubby kid. I was never able to run anything good on a 40 yard blast, bench press 500 pounds, swing through buildings or even jump like Michael Jordan but I did learn how to unleash my inner hero not just physically but mentally; writing about amazing things, sharing my knowledge with the world what I've learned and help them find their innerselves.

When it comes to training for those that don't know I love making things fun and interesting. Recently I've had to make some changes in my training to boost areas within my body that have been low for quite some time. I had a physical done for the first time in well over a decade and some blood work; only 3 negative things came up out of thousands of potential problems and I feel lucky that it's only three things....I have high blood pressure (which runs in my family), a low thyroid (another version of low metabolism) & low good cholesterol. I'm not highly concerned on these things because I know and was told overall i'm pretty damn healthy but I do know I need to make some changes; small ones mostly. I'm using various supplements to help with my metabolism, slowly cutting out bad carbs, processed sugar & breads & training like a Superhero, mainly going back to what burns off bodyfat and builds lean muscle and that's the Superhero Sprints.

The Superhero Sprints System will be my go to training for a while and see where it leads me. Not going to do those lame cardio workouts and move on machinery but do realistic heart pumping and fat burning powerhouse exercises 2-3x a week and on "days off" do some playful movement, walking, MovNat or whatever comes into my head. I want to open up that door again to lean down and drop bodyfat to have that true powerhouse build. Why don't you guys join me, check out the course for yourself, its $9 packed full of valuable workouts that will have you burning off fat like a torch man. I also know in addition to that I need solid nutrition that aids in the fat loss.

Some good Recovery Shakes shall do the trick with my Spark to jumpstart my metabolism more and have awesome smoothies using my Nutribullet and some other really cool stuff from the Advocare Shop I represent. Eat, train and think like a Superhero. Taking care of your body and mind is the key. Train using top methods that are functional, strategic and most of all exciting to do. Even those with amazing abilities need to take care of their bodies otherwise it just won't work. What would you like to accomplish? What goals do you want to achieve? 2015 is almost gone and 2016 is just less than a week away, get on it and unleash your power NOW & be open to new possibilities. Don't make resolutions, make goals and set yourself up for success.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Changing The Tune For A Better Sound

In music, the same song can be used in a variety of ways. Sometimes it sounds amazing, other times its pretty terrible. Same can be said about training; you can do the same exercises but changing the tempo, direction or mixing the order can turn it into a completely different workout. For the past few weeks or so I was raving about Animal Exercises but things have changed and need to do something else. Still kicking ass just in another format.

I was getting burnt out and had my eye on other things to do. Thought I'd focus on another form of Animal Training; Animal Flow. Still moving like a wild beast but more free spirited so do speak. Moving and just adapting from one thing to another and using your body in all sorts of directions.

Being consistent is key but also keeping your mind focused and adapting when you need to. Don't get me wrong, I love a good routine (when my mind and body can do it) but if your mindset isn't there and you do the best you can, you can end up hurting yourself or you don't have it in you anymore because you keep repeating things, that's when it's time to tune up the band. Becoming fit is not always how long you can go or staying with the same routine; it's about adapting, keeping your mind fresh so your body will flow through and take charge of your program. There are so many ways to train. This is my path for the moment and when I feel I need a change, it will happen when it's meant to happen.

There are people in this world who listens to the same songs over and over because that comforts them and although not very much music is that great today there are still some that sound amazing and breathtaking. Same about exercise, some like to do the same thing over and over again but never really get anywhere because they're not willing to change and adapt that could in fact make it better for them. Just like music; exercise is about emotion, being physical and bringing that fire and passion within your soul out and utilizing every muscle within you to get the very best out of yourself. When that fire starts to die out, it can be lethal and you'll lose a sense of yourself that can be difficult to come back from. When you're ready, you'll come back to that area but until then, feel things out, see where certain things lead and follow what works.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Powerful Nutrition For Elite Performance

For all athletes and those that want to be in better shape it's always good to know that when you perform better, your body becomes better. This isn't to say to get bigger, stronger and faster every single session. Some people are just hardcore that way but for others; it's immensely important to perform at a consistency with a hint of progressing little by little.

Nutrition is valuable to any kind of activity or a high reason to be in amazing health. There are many ways to develop the body using quality nutrition; I'm still learning this myself and been in fitness consistently for over 10 years (off and on a total of nearly 20). Although high quality natural foods like veggies, fruits, eggs, lean meats and plant based foods is at a sky high level; sometimes you may need other things that really hit into those cellular walls of the Blood Cells and going in deeper than you normally would from other forms of nutrition. Supplementation has shown to help hit those walls hard and give you the energy, recovery and muscle building entities to perform at your best.

Not all supplements are created equal so it's important to really dig into what you want to get yourself into if supplementation is your current route. I use supplements in conjunction with food I need to fuel my body the way I would like it too. Although i'm not the biggest on being a health nut because after all i'am human and I have my little vices but I don't go to a McDonald's everyday or hit up a bucket of KFC to satisfy my hunger; I do eat fast foods from time to time like Panda Express, Subway, Chinese Buffets and stuff of that sorts but I catch myself and eat foods that are pretty well in tact most of the time like Juicing my fruits & veggies, cook Bison Burgers, have scrambled eggs, drink Goats Milk plus some good chicken thighs to make sandwiches or healthy tacos with. When it comes to supplements my biggest beliefs are in Advocare & Superman Herbs.

The Performance Elite Line at Advocare bring out that true high quality nutrition in their muscle building, recovery and fueling bars help hit those cell walls that really target what they are meant to hit. Superman Herbs are a top of the line set of powders, tinctures and herbs that go beyond hitting the cell walls and bask in more nutrients than you can possibly imagine. The only drawback is the taste; some can take it, some can't and others like me put these herbs in smoothies rather than go completely Raw. That's ok, you do what works best for you. Whether it's pre-workout, post-workout or just fueling up before a game, its a powerful remembrance to get the nutrition you need. The Supplements at Superman Herbs are some of the most powerful on the planet and it's all broken down from nature itself. Since I have better taste buds for Advocare Supplements that's my biggest thing at the moment. My structured form of nutrition through the Performance line is to use energy & post-workout recovery nutrition because my muscles are already showing and don't need to fill out more than I have to, that works for me.

These are my top 2 picks for better performance nutrition. I like other stuff too that I take but these take the cake and there's even cherry somewhere in there. I really love this stuff and have kicked ass in my own line of training from using them. I believe in what they can do not just from my experiences but from hundreds maybe thousands of others. What would you go with? Personally, just flip a coin and run with it; either way you'll be amazed at the benefits that is within one or the other. A win-win.

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