Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Train To Play

I have developed a few philosophies over the last couple years or so. I've covered what I believe in what works and what doesn't, helping others find awesome ways to train but all in all nothing takes the cake more than using exercise as PLAY!!! When you start to play in your training, the word "Workout" becomes a thing of the past. Working out can be good but it has the word work in it and many times that drives people away. Now I know what you're thinking "Then how can someone take you seriously if you only play, isn't that the opposite of what you're suppose to in exercise?" Here's where I do take it seriously, by not putting a stamp on being so hardcore and fixated on a single system that I worship it's abilities. I take it seriously by being myself and putting effort into not just mentally seeing the power in play but physically I make it a mission to be creative and throw in some off the wall stuff you won't see coming.

Alot of us in the world think fitness is about machines in a gym, drinking nothing but protein shakes and lifting weights to look like a bloated freak with enough syntol or steroids his brain can't tell the damn difference. No, fitness is a journey of finding exercise throughout all walks of life. Some people get fit lifting weights, some use nature to crawl, jump, swim and anything else that the earth can be used, others get fit riding a bike or swimming in their pool or lake on the beach, hell some are so extreme they even get fit rock climbing without any gear (not recommended). I choose to get fit by doing different things and combining them together to create something unique and fun to do. How you feel gets you fit should be your biggest priority.

Playing bends the rules and even breaks them. You can color outside the lines, do something outside the box that makes people's jaw drop, you can even step out of the time depleted routines where you are have so little time to do round after round of injury-type exercises that can kill your potential and take away your psyche to which you based on your training in the first place. I get super excited for when I do my days of Playful Movement; just free to do what I want, how I want it and pick things I like and work them into the ground with a smile on my face and feeling like a billion bucks from beginning to end.

I believe when you start to play and let your mind loose and free, results will come when you least expect them to. You're relaxed and not so tense you become internally inflamed, you move better, your organs become stronger and you will generate greater breathing and flexibility. Don't become so rigid and narrow that you get stuck and can't get out. Be free and use your imagination.

****Product Of The Day****


For optimal performance it is vitally important to have as much energy from the beginning and ending of your training session. This bad boy is the ultimate replacement for high-risking and surgery substances/beverages like Coke, Monster, Red Bull, Gatorade and many more. This product is Sugar-Free and full of kick ass nutrients that help you have the best training in your life. My friend Adam Glass used it to help him enhance his strongman and bodyweight feats that make him one of the most physically powerful men on the planet today. This is not a steroid or a performance enhancing drug; it's to help you bring out the very best in how you perform with awesome benefits that will also help you live a healthy and full life.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Play Vs. Work

There are two sides to everything, its what makes life interesting and how obstacles and struggles play out. For me the word "work" is a bit harsh and very negative. Some say work is a positive which in a way it is depending on your perspective. You hear things like "I work hard", "She's a workaholic", "Nice Work Bob", "I'm proud of your work sweetheart." With a certain perspective Work can be used positively and negatively. The funny thing is though, people work all their lives, some more than others and even put their lives at risk for their work but more often not many people work so damn hard and still don't get the recognition they deserve. I knew guys who bust their ass 12 hours a day and struggled so much they're brains were caving in. Work a lot of the time feels daunting, harsh and downright sucks.

The word "Play" in my mind is something that is filled with fun, excitement, creativity, something effortless even though it doesn't from another person's view, time passes by like an 8 hour day felt like 5 minutes; it happens sometimes. Fitness is a prime example between the words "play" & "work"; when you work for your body, you push it to certain limits, sweat dripping down after a hard fought set of Push-ups or deadlifts or you put in a good hour or more battling exercises and busting your ass for the results you want. No matter how much work you put in, results may not come the way you want them to because your body will do what it can and it's a gamble at times. People workout so hard and most of the time too quickly then end up quitting. When you change the mindset to the word Play, it becomes a whole different ball game; hell it won't be in the same freaking sport. I like to use certain phrases when I train, things like "today, i'm going to play with these exercises", "my training session consists of playful movement", "I'm excited to play today." You can't help but feel happy about hearing stuff like that, using words like these can change how you move, the way you think and how you use your imagination.

Play is letting everything go, the rules fly out the window and all you're left with is your imagination and what course of action within your creativity you develop. Believe me it's not easy being creative but once you let loose and let yourself be anything, possibilities open up, you begin to have burning passion and it won't become work anymore, it becomes something to play with and create something out of your own world in your mind. Being fit is both a mind and body journey that has you learning all kinds of things but what you do mentally first will show in how you physically move in that next step. I pushed my body to limits I can't even bare to mention but I have bled, I've been hurt and I've been as sore as you can possibly imagine but once I change my mindset to play mode; my creativity comes out, I move more freely, I smile and have a greater focus.

Next time when someone says "work harder", tell yourself "No, i'll play harder". When you're in school, you work on your homework to get good grades, sometimes working just won't cut it, play with your homework, make something funny and find answers that both the subject and your creativity can co-exist. You're in a sport and you work on drills, now say "let's play on the drills" it goes in a totally different direction and those drills may be easier to do because you're relaxed in the mind and you're grooving through the session like a pro. Play with your heart and your mind and you can't go wrong.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Do You Want To Feel Excited Or Full Of Negative Bullshit?

Some trainers say that training aught to be serious and if you're not strict about it, it means you're either not committed or you're being lazy. Granted I believe training shouldn't be taken lightly but be serious while having fun man. Being negative about exercise won't get you the results you want or they do and they turn you into a complete asshole. Being committed to training takes effort yes, however; it's much more pleasant when you create something out of it and not reduce to a drill sergeant kicking your ass on every fucking rep.

Fitness is not always about pushing the limits and going to extremes to get the results you desire. Real fitness is meant to make you not only stronger on the outside but the inside as well. I firmly believe in the power of Playful Movement such as in Animal Flow, MovNat and stretching to a various degree. Being playful stops the negativity of a strict structure and makes it an adventure where you learn to tackle the way you move that works for you, even in weightlifting sure technique needs to be a factor but how you imagine that lift and making it a reality makes it all worth doing instead of do this, do that and never having any fun.

I'd say fuck what most people think and learn for yourself, find creative ways to exercise. Create your own road map and live within your imagination because your results will come in even if it's a small fraction. Learn from people you believe to be awesome, screw the hype of all these retarted guys who think training should be a spectacle chalk full of broken promises and bullshit training advice. You are the real trainer, you get to decide what your workouts should be, not what some jackass tells you to do. I believe in people I've been trained by and worked with but I dont worship them like fitness gods because every person I've come into contact with has their own style so i'm entitled to have mine.

Excitement is a blessing and shouldn't be taken for granted, whether it's a hardcore workout or light and easy, work and play within your own element. Get that blood pumping full of adventure and have the enthusiasm for what could happen next because no matter how you go about, you're going to feel different one way or another, I live for this shit my friend and I want to live it on your own terms. I believe in you and you are a bad ass. Take that negative bullshit and dump in the trash can of that huge mind of yours and jump in with both feet on your next workout and feel the excitement of training.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Wild One

Fitness can be complicated these days. Not because of how you get results, it's the endless varieties of workouts, programs, challenges and the eagerness to be as fit as possible while setting a certain goal. The problem is over 95% of the ideal fitness trends out there are complete bullshit and full of Marketing schemes that promises results inside of a few weeks, hell some say even days; how stupid do you think we are? Truth is the general population is so gullible that even the coolest picture can bring them false hopes.

For over 18 years, I have gone through many changes in my fitness life/career; I've been through the ringer of a bodybuilding workout, I have scaled the heights of circuit training, I made 20 lb. Sledgehammers feel like Wiffleball Bats, even lost over 20 pounds at one point on a diet I decided to try out but the one thing that has stayed consistent with me all these years is the ability to experiment and practice what I'm interested in. I can honestly say in the near 2 decades of Fitness Training one particular method that I thoroughly enjoy is Animal Movements. It's because unlike most methods, moving like a wild animal doesn't have a strict structure that is built on something. It's based on creating your own style of training and becoming enthralled in your imagination as a wild beast from within.

Like any of those assholes that tell you in the fitness world I can say that Animal Training will get you trimmed and toned inside of six weeks or have the body of a god in 30 days, hell I'll even tell you that you'll run faster and become stronger than a Super Sayain (for you Dragon Ball Z Fans) within less than 14 days but I know you're not that dumb because you have read my articles and you have seen my enthusiasm for real results. The truth is when you move like a wild animal you may not get ripped or have muscles in places you didn't think were possible but I can tell you that you'll change not just physically but mentally as well. How long do results come in? Do you really want to know, are you so eager to find out that distinct answer that will have you say "Shut up and take my money"? Well my friend here it is....The results will come when they are meant to. You don't need to put in a ton of time to do them because they use more muscles and tendons than practically any other method but they need to be done for a good measure of time in order to get the results you desire whether they take a month, 8 weeks or half the year; be consistent and do them as often as you like and I promise you, you will see results and it will be insane.

Sometimes even if you're having a blast with animal movements it's good to spice things up and look at animal style moves in another light. That's why I love Animal Flow 2.0; it is a course that has you moving from one exercise to the next in a series of what are called Flows & Forms that not only get you strong but develop cardio and coordination at the same time. Learn various forms and develop your own workout with your own rules and customized program. You don't have to follow someone else's workout anymore and why would you; you can't move at the same speed as them and not all exercises are created equal plus would you rather do something that's fun and exciting than to feel punished or bored? Like I said before how you get results is up to you and how much time and effort you're willing to put in. For me less than 20 min a day to a few times a week is it because I do get winded doing these quickly which is what I like because I'm generating loads of natural growth hormone and my endurance goes through the roof, not to mention feeling like an 18 year old roids at 31 isn't too bad either. Are you a Wild One?

Go Wild my friends and kick ass. BE AWESOME!!!!


Friday, October 23, 2015

Animal Flow 2.0 Review

When something upgrades you have to learn some things over again in order to be efficient at that next level; fitness is no exception. There are different levels and styles changing daily and it's sometimes hard to keep up but not with Animal Flow. Unlike other systems where they make it a bit more complicated, this sucker provides simple strategies with stretches, flows, combos and transitions that can be used in any workout as oppose to just splitting them up.

I got in my first workout on it yesterday and oh man it felt incredible. Tried out some of the new transitions that incorporated some stretches and movements to create a combo that stretched every single muscle of my body and utilizing a greater form of the Crab & Beast was just unbelievable. It's not just an upgrade, it's a whole new experience amplifying an old set of tricks and training ideals that will surely get you in awesome shape and have killer cardio at the same time.

Mike Fitch of Global Bodyweight Training has taken a formula from the original Animal Flow and with plenty of experimentation, practice and physical observation he has created a new element of the system and channeled it's very core to seek not only new life but even better a greater outlook and simplistic way to have fun, learn the animal moves from another perspective and just pulverize your body using muscles you didn't think were possible to use. Just in that first workout took a lot out of me moving from one exercise to the next holding my entire bodyweight up in order to transition properly. My hips were unlocking, my abs were sore and my arms were on fire just doing three moves.

You will never be bored doing this kind of training and it won't take very long either. With practice and self progression you can get crazy fit and do things you didn't think were possible. When you watch and absorb the instructional videos it will amp you up to the point where you just want to get out and have fun with them. These are for people who want to have a unique training experience and have an adventure; if you're already using Animal Exercises, think of the level you will climb to just integrating some of the moves from Animal Flow 2.0. Don't forget to practice but also don't forget to have fun either.

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