Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Training At The Happiest Place On Earth

On those rare occasions when you find someone not training in a gym or the woods, in a barn or hell next to the damn beach but in an amusement park? How and why would anyone want to work out there. Truth of the matter is why not? The fact of the matter is it is one of the most oddball things to do other than rides, getting little toys and taking pictures with favorite characters. How would you even begin to exercise at such a place better yet at the mecca of amusement parks Disneyland? Well my friend here are a few tips to where you can burn calories and get in decent shape at Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom.

First off it is one of those really weird things to do and what can you do without anyone suspecting you or making weird gestures? Here's what i've done in my own experiences that have inspired workouts outside the park I use to this very day...I've held Handstands at both parks (California Adventure included) and have done power walks all over the place and even had a hell of a time stair climbing at Tarzan's Treehouse. Who needs a stairmaster in Orange County when you can go up and down the Ape man's pad. How about wall sits while waiting in line to build leg strength and endurance while maintaining good joint health for your knees and ankles. The very best method in my opinion is Isometrics. They are the perfect system because while you're in line waiting for that bad ass ride whether it's Pirates Of The Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Indiana Jones, Star Tours or whatever you choose to go on; lean up against the wall and press into it with your hands, forearms, legs whatever and all the while no one even realizes what the hell you're doing. Think what would be awesome for being in line say a good 15-20 minutes and you can get an entire workout in within that?

The fact of the matter is, you literally have no excuses and say you have no time to exercise. I've been to Disneyland multiple times in my life and only on a few trips I discovered how to get my workout in for the day other than walking all day. You can do dips at various benches all over the park, Do squat sits in various lines, grip different props within the confines of the ride, do isometric pushes and pulls on the handles of Splash Mountain, Press your feet onto a box in line of Roger Rabbit's Car Ride, do chest presses in new Orleans square I've even done arm exercises while riding Peter Pan, Isometrically pressed against the legs riding its a small world. There are endless possibilities, the only limit is your imagination. I'am telling you without thinking twice about it there are possible ways to exercise in the Happiest Place On Earth and nobody will ever notice and if they did who cares, you're not hurting anyone however I wouldn't be too hasty to do Push-ups smacked in the middle of the Jungle Cruise or do sissy squats around Mr. Toad's Wild Ride but yet creativity is in your grasp.

Here's something to think about; the next time you book your trip, make it a mission to do some form of exercise that doesn't have to be in the hotel room or a gym but in the park itself. After say a good hour of walking around, go in line to a ride that's roughly in the 30 minute range and do nothing but Isometrics ever so often every 5 minutes doing at least 3-4 exercises ranging from a chest press to wall sits and see how you feel once you get on the ride. Adapt your exercising on every line you're in. Play a game like say whenever you see a certain character more than once do 5 push-ups somewhere that won't make a scene, taking a picture with a character and doing 10 squats in a near by area afterwards. Whenever you see Jack Sparrow on Pirates flex your biceps ten times while sitting in the boat. Very awesome things to do while having a good time and if you're in line it passes the time faster than you originally thought. Be creative and have that no excuse attitude on your next adventure to one of the most amazing parks in the world.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Are Warm Ups And Cool Downs Really That Important?

In P.E we are taught to stretch before we exercise as a warm-up to the muscles and let them get heated before hitting it hard at whatever it was you were going to do that day. The gym applies the same principles and when it comes to cool downs; same thing you stretch at the end. Believe it or not, stretching or basic western style stretching can do more harm than good and it's not always a good idea to get injured before you train. I believe in loosening up the joints more than the muscles because if the joints are better prepared, the muscles will have a better chance at making your workout that much more efficient.

I'm not an expert at anything but after nearly 20 years of experience in fitness I have the right to a opinion on what makes workouts more efficient or not. I want the workout to go as quickly as possible without losing form and staying at a consistent pace. Breathing is a major factor and how you breathe can make you or break you in your training. Yes I believe some good solid stretching is good but don't take so damn long you don't want to go full bore in your workout. I rarely if ever "warm up" anymore because I listen to my body as I train, I don't separate a little routine just so I can be prepared. Everyone works differently and some need to stretch before training if they're inflexible, in the beginning stages or need to build a foundation before doing anything remotely hardcore. A lot of exercises I perform have stretching automatically like Bridging, Animal Exercises, VRT and other methods of training. Now if you're a maniac and lift heavy fucking weight often and need to stay mobile yes you should stretch before and after training usually for recovery purposes not for the sake of being able to touch your toes.

Cool downs are usually a form of stretching or "extra" training to recover from the hardcore workout you just put yourself through and I have mixed feelings towards that. One way I look at it is that if you stretch too much after training and not understand the concept of deep breathing and naturally stretch you can pull muscles that can affect your next session and you won't be able to go the way you'd like to. On the other hand; if you can make a habit of breathing deeply and letting the body relax as you move or stretch after a workout this can be a great asset to your overall training because you're giving your body the recovery it needs and give it that little edge to make your next session even more bad ass than the next.

So are warming up and cooling down really that important? Yes and no depending on the type of training you do and the essential recovery you need to proceed to the next workout. Better yet, make your warm ups and cool downs part of the workout itself as you loosen up then hit it hard than relax and be loose, almost like moving meditation. I train every single day whether for 5 minutes or an hour and I have not had any major injuries or issues that are worth going to the hospital for and my flexibility has actually gotten better as I got older since I do hardcore type workouts and recovery workouts where I practice deep breathing and qi gong to stimulate blood flow and give my muscles and joints some relaxation type exercises which helps me stay in awesome shape no matter what I do. This works for me so whatever you wish to do make it work to your advantage and stay as injured-free as possible no matter what method you do; if you do things that are a set-up for injury it's best to avoid that method as much as possible. I believe in long-term training and being able to do things that save me from torn shoulders, ripped tendons, shattered bones (had enough of that in my lifetime) and doing what I love to do. Training is a lesson that you learn every single time you do something for a period of time; something to think about.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Superhero Muscle

In the comics we have some of the most powerfully sculpted and muscular physiques in the realm of fiction. The power of Thor, the athleticism of Captain America, the gymnastic body of Batman and even the v-shaped muscle powered Superman. Muscles have been the defying moments of man and how stature has been the key. However; muscles these days have become controversial because of steroid use and the big thing of Bigorexia (the need to build more and more muscle despite the cost of health). There is still hope on building real and functional muscle in a variety of ways. Weightlifting, hard hitting calisthenics, lifting odd objects and possibly the most intense of them all Sprint Training.

I've always been fascinated with muscle building since I was 13 but up until learning about sprinting, I feel it is one of the very best when it comes burning fat, increased metabolism and age defying qualities that develop the very best in the human body. When you combine the elements of Superheroes and Fitness that is a very powerful and creative idea to instill motivation and bring to life one of exercise's most intense form of training. What would it feel like to have the body of the Flash or Gambit, Spider-Man and other heroes?

Shaping the body is not meant for Isolation but utilizing the whole body as if it was one piece. Hill Sprints are by far the greatest method for incredibly fast fat burning but not everyone has a hill nor can they train in very hot or cold weather so there has to be a solution. That's where the Superhero Sprints System comes in handy where it teaches not just how to sprint out in the fresh air but also inside as well. Want to lose weight, build muscle and increase your metabolism and only train up to 60 minutes a week? Superhero Sprints is there. Build real muscle that not only looks awesome as hell but also be just as strong and athletic to boot.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Not All Methods Are Created Equal

Around cities in every state of this country has some kind of gym, warehouse and studio dedicated to fitness one way or another. The problem is that with 99.9% of these places have a trainer and/or owner that say they're method is the best of the best not because it's true it's most likely because they don't want you going to someone else's place. That's one of the reasons why today places like Planet Fitness, the average Crossfit Gym and yoga studios try to lure you with promises of greater results than the other guy; the kind of promises that give you a monthly fee that is either stupid cheap or ridiculously expensive. You have to remember a gym's major profits aren't how much trainers get paid it's the memberships and sales pitches that get the most attention.

What does this have to do with methods of exercise? Simple, when you join up or get consulted, they pitch to you the type of fitness they represent and there's always that "one-all-be-all" program that tries to creep up inside your brain and brainwash the shit out of you until you either give in or you learn you have a brain and you walk away. The most common theme in most gyms has nothing to do with realistic training and consistent weight loss or muscle gaining. You have machines up the ass in these joints and they are more of a distraction than helpful. Very few can get buy on them but real training requires effort and sticking to something you believe in not what you are told to do.

If you're going to do a methodical program that works in your favor, the best approach is to be as minimal as possible, you don't need all those cardio machines or pullyes that can do more harm than good. Use simple and basic tools that have you working the muscles directly in congruent with the rest of the body; bodybuilders isolate muscles because they're sculpting the body using things that hit one direction of a muscle. I also believe in timing your workouts that is to the point and not making you stay or train longer than you have to. That's not the same as having fun if you're training three hours at a time; some guys do that because they're into it and gives them excitement but hardly anyone has time for that period of training. On average my workouts are less than 30 minutes because I get bored easily and I want to do things a little more intense, the only time I ever go an hour or longer is one of three things; I either practice Qi Gong and Deep Breathing exercises including stretching, Go after a deck of cards for reps hitting a tire with a heavy ass sledgehammer (current record is 59 lbs for 1252 Reps) or I train with my buddies and we get so into it time flies by.

The very best method is what works best in your interest; the way to time it, the amount of effort and the type of exercises that give you results with purpose and intent. Change things up, make them interesting and never feel bored whatsoever because the moment you are things won't go right and you can either hurt yourself or quit your training all together. I want you to learn what's best for you; maybe you're into sprinting but don't want to go outside due to weather conditions; that's what Superhero Sprints are for. Maybe you've gotten bored staying in stationary positions and want to move more; that's what Animal Movements or MovNat is for. Change of pace from weights and need to save some money; Darebee Circuits are perfect for that. You may even want more out of your workouts to help raise hormones to stay youthful; my bud Logan has a book for that called Upgrade Your Growth Hormone. Hell you may even want to spice things up and want to be odd yet also get out of your comfort zone; Bud Jeffries has two books perfect to look into and that's his Twisted Conditioning 1 & 2 series.

There are tons of stuff you can do but do your research and see what you can do for yourself. Even if you did go to the gym and want to spice up on the weights and dumbbells but need an extra challenge; I highly recommend Fat Gripz just slap them onto the bar and see if you can do the same weight with those bad boys. You have options, but make them count and not lose your brain trying to figure shit out that is overwhelming.

Monday, September 28, 2015

A Superhero Workout For The Ages

Being a superhero isn't about being the fastest, the strongest or the most charismatic. It's about being who you are with a sense of yourself learning to extend to your fullest potential. One of the greatest facets about Superheroes is not what they're powers are or how smart they are against villains but it's their consistency to keep on going even things are in dire straights they fight to the bitter end. Same thing with conditioning; it's to keep going until you are done. When I train, I do the best to my abilities to stay with form and making progress with what brings me the most satisfaction. For the heroes in comics it's saving the world; for us fitness nuts it's being in shape on a consistent basis despite obstacles. 

No matter how rough life gets on you, always find a way to train; I have trained on days where I didn't feel like it because of whatever, death in the family, moving to a new state, someone new putting me through hell and even when i'm by myself and got no one to motivate me but my damn self. You have a choice and that's to mope around thinking you can't train because there isn't anything to do or get off your ass even if its for 15-20-30 or 60 fucking minutes of pure training that will help you in the long run. That's why one of the systems I'm returning to is Superhero Sprints where you bust your ass for about 30 min. and turning yourself into a man/woman of Comic Mythology that is pure power and physicality that is fun, exciting and doesn't take very long. When you can burn off more fat and build greater muscle in that short amount of time you'd be a fucking moron to not want to do it. 

When it comes to physiques, the type of superheroes that are best to develop naturally are guys like Batman, Spider-Man, Robin, Gambit, Green Arrow and Hawkeye. For women it be Spider-Woman, Wonder Woman, Daisy Johnson (Skye), Black Widow, Catwoman & even Batgirl. Forget about the big tits thing for a second and realize that some female superheroes have a build that can be achieved with the proper training and eating habits. Training like a Superhero in this particular system combines the elements of explosive training, intense speed and powering up on basic exercises that use multiple muscles in one shot. Increase your metabolism by lets say an extra 50% (its far higher but i'm making it simple for you) and improve natural muscle mass by 80% in just a few weeks. Women need muscle mass to help level out unwanted fat and since they're less testosterone based than us guys it makes it even more crucial and also i'm not talking bulk here, its physically impossible for women to bulk up unless they're taking steroids so ladies you'll be fine. For us guys, having high testosterone gets to be a great factor beyond a certain age, i'm over 30 and mine will drop 1% every year for the rest of my life unless I do something about it and i'm not alone in this. This program induces growth hormone that not only builds lean muscle and torches fat like the Human Torch to butter but also helps us stay looking younger than our age. I feel blessed to not look 30, some have told me I look younger than 25 on most days. It is realistic hormone therapy that doesn't cost you a small fortune and won't drain your bank account from hospital bills for shots and all that crap. 

Do me a favor and take a look at this program, it's a great piece to look and get the concept of. You know how Planet Fitness promises memberships that are ten bucks a month with cool shit and pizza; well my friend this course alone is not only cheaper only paying $9 you not only get the entire course but as a bonus there are meal plans, bonus workouts if you're into weights and how to sprint for better performance. There are video demos and exact strategies to get the most out of your workouts, there's even a system for both indoors and outdoors so you have no excuses plus unlike driving to a gym and getting stuck in traffic you can do this system in the comfort of your own home or at your favorite park, hell you can do it on the beach before jumping in the water. Trust me, you will love this and I guarantee you'll have a blast with it. Picture being your favorite Superhero and go after your goals for being the fittest you can possibly be.

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