Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Your Subconscious Mind And Weird Science

Here’s a 30 second crash course in the history of brain science:
In the 1990s, when the CIA declassified their secret files, subliminal music + technology was born.
Shortly after, binaural beats were “re-discovered” and proven to work better than subliminals.
By 2000s, hypnosis became real – and not just a magic trick.
SO real in fact, that pregnant mothers trained in self-hypnosis are giving birth painlessly – by triggering the release of natural anaesthesia in their bodies.
Bam! A powerful, measurable, bio-physical response produced by training the subconscious mind using hypnosis.
Just when we thought hypnosis was the KING…
Along comes a new breakthrough —
This new audio technology is a fast, safe, & effective way to reprogram your subconscious mind so that your conscious intentions and subconscious are in alignment.
You see, this is the SCIENTIFIC reason why you may struggle to make positive affirmations, visualisation, and the law of attraction work for you.
Scientific American Magazine Cover January 2014
“Our Unconscious Mind… It exerts a profound influence: shaping decisions, molding behavior – and running our lives.” ‐ Scientific American, Jan 2014
Be Awesome

Monday, October 6, 2014

Being Free To Train However You Want

    It's important to have a discipline mindset and a foundation where you learn the basics and understand the mechanics but too many people restrict themselves both physically and mentally to a certain system where they believe it's the only thing in the world and everything else is crap. I get it that you would like to do one particular system of training and if it makes you happy awesome but I feel for others it's a thing where they're told this or told that and if their system doesn't work for them they're horrible people. It's not good for your health to be restricted to something when you may want to explore something else and use it to what gives you the best results you wanted to achieve. You are a human being, not a puppet on strings and you certainly don't need to be confined to a cage where you're extremely limited. You have options and it's up to you to find which ones suit you the best. It's all about being your own trainer.


    Some people take pride in punishing themselves to make themselves feel better or if they don't do it they're going to hate themselves. It's not just pushing yourself to your absolute maximum it's the mentality that if you punish yourself in your training something good will happen. Don't ever punish yourself; you don't always need to be hardcore and lift this heavy or do this many reps and sets all the time. Also at the same time don't punish yourself by restricting your progress because if you aren't hitting your goals don't hate yourself for it, change it up and find the solution not a problem or excuse. I have punished myself a few times in my training because I felt like if I can't keep up with this guy or do what he says in terms of what is this ideal way to train I'm no good but I take a step back and realize that by punishing myself I'm making things worse for myself so why do that when you can do things that can make you happy and give you reason to train with heart, passion and to feel invincible.


    Back to restriction; another thing to look at is in training a lot of trainers have these rules and feel like if you don't follow them according to their standards you're not worthy of their time and you just suck and don't deserve anything worthy, bullshit. One thing I learned in the near 10 years of following physical culture, chi kung and energy practices in my training is that you can have all the books and DVDs you can get your hands on and you can find the best systems but in the end it comes down to what takes you to the next level from a mental stand point and making progress on your own terms. You know your body better than anyone and it's up to you to find what can help you be pain-free, gain muscle, lose weight, burn fat, achieve great flexibility and endurance and in order to do that you have to throw the rule book out and train the way you want. Learn what you want to do, you're in control of what works and what doesn't. It's important to learn basic holds and movements from others but do them according to your body's structure and alignment and pace yourself within your own level. I've learned my training craft from the very best I can find and it's helped me learn who I 'am through my movements, my breathing, my thinking and the way I align my mind and body to do what works best for me. I don't have rules, I have freedom and that's what it all boils down to. Be free to do what works best according to you.


    The best training system(s) is what makes you happy to do them and they work for you. You get something out of it no one else can and you're not uptight about it. I don't worship every system I've come across and I certainly don't agree with everything I've learned from everybody but what works for me makes me happy and relaxed mentally to do them. You have a right to be happy and doing what gives you the best out of what you put in. It's not even like working out it's more of like playing around, having fun and taking it to another on your own terms and pushing yourself when you're ready not when someone else tells you to. Train with an attitude and don't let others tell you how to feel. You want to get results and in order to do so it starts with having an attitude and taking the chance to make it work for you, if it doesn't happen after a while, most likely that system isn't for you so you change things up, find exercises or workouts that are interesting to you and that help you progress at your own pace. Don't put yourself in a position where you feel like you have to do this or that and it's going to make you feel like crap later and you're fighting the whole time, train yourself to be happy and when you do train do it with the best of YOUR abilities.


    Hope you all had an awesome weekend and welcome to a new week. For most Mondays suck but they don't have to be and it's important to start a new week with an attitude of kicking ass and doing it with a smile. Be awesome and have a great day.



Friday, October 3, 2014

Why Bodyweight Exercises Are Important

    Within the fitness food chain there's a source of many levels of different styles and forms in exercise and workouts. Some people do the cardio machines, lift weights, go to aerobics class, do those weird ass kangaroo bounces with those shoe springs and there are forms of fitness that are not normally associated with the gym. Within bodyweight exercises a lot of people see that as toe touches, jumping jacks, military push-ups, basic squats, planks, burpees or whatever and you see these in the gym every now and then but the key to remember is that bodyweight training within the right system are extremely important for any workout routine. If you take a look back in history say 100 or more years ago; Barbells and Dumbbells were in the early stages of the major weightlifting world but the main type of training these old-timers used were Bodyweight exercises and why is that?


    In another lifetime, using one's own bodyweight was a main source of health, strength, conditioning, flexibility and even looking the part. The reason why was because back then, gyms weren't as mainstream as they are today and if any young man or woman who weren't doing farm work, working in the coal mines or oil rigs hell even the railroad or skyscraping in the big cities they couldn't always afford a weight set so they had to learn to use their bodyweight in great many ways. Training in this manner teaches how to master your body from all sorts of angles the body is able to manage or develop. Think about it; if you mastered lifting your own weight that's a great amount of strength to withstand even in the most basic positions. There a lot of programs out there today that do work but very few teach how to go to a level of physical strength that is beyond the basic components. You do need a foundation and progress to a different level otherwise how will you achieve a higher status of mastery. Mastering the basic exercises doesn't mean how many reps and sets you can do and although that's awesome what more can you do; how about changing the tempo, speed, holding and slowing down the movement. Say you can do 250 push-ups in a single workout or within a few sets of up to 25-50 reps at a time, great now how about you change things up a bit like doing them on your fingertips or getting in the push-up position and go down for a ten count and up a ten count. You are taking a basic exercise and using the body on a whole other level that is not just using external formalities but building an internal strengthener.


    I'm all for pushing the body to its maximum capabilities, it's a test of your mettle of how the body is taken to a higher level however; with that being said I also believe in testing the body in doing exercises that are a little out of the norm and building that relaxed strength and moving at a much slower pace or holding a certain position that is difficult. It's creating that internal power that you don't always get from just a regular routine. Holding certain postures or creating dynamic resistance to get that heart rate up in another way. Its power beyond the typical strength and endurance concepts you're used to seeing. I've done well over 500 push-ups in a workout and for nearly an hour I did over 1000 squats but yet I can also do the exercises in a much slower pace like doing 15 count push-ups and going so slow in the squat it not only gets me breathing more but it also creates a sensation in my body I can't experience any other way. I'm mastering my body in a different way that builds energy from within. The next time you hear that "Bodyweight exercise is only good for endurance" bullshit, have that person tested on that theory by having do exercises at a much slower pace or holding a posture for say like 3 minutes max; they won't be giving you a hard time and they'll either run away or won't have a clue what the hell hit them.


    Are bodyweight exercises good for only smaller people like gymnasts? Fuck no, it doesn't matter what size you are, you can do bodyweight exercises. For big men, this is extremely important because if you master your body at a much larger size, you're doing something most can't even fathom. Say you want to do 10 pull-ups but you're a big guy say around 220 lbs. or more, is it possible? Of course it is as long as you understand the mechanics and how your body to weight ratio works in unison with the muscles needed to do that many pull-ups. I'm over 250 lbs. and I can do around 12 pull-ups if I chose to do so and that is exceptional for a man that size. If you are a big person and still want to do hard bodyweight exercises you can do them if you practice and learn how to use the muscles for that exercise. One of the greatest lifters of all-time Doug Hepburn was the first man to bench press over 500 lbs and was well over 260 lbs. but would you believe he was also an exceptional hand balancer? How about wrestler The Great Gama who was 5'7 and well over 250 lbs yet was capable of doing reps in the push-up and the squat in the hundreds, how about Bud Jeffries; at around 6'and 280 plus lbs. he can do push-ups that make smaller guys look like chumps from clap push-ups to one-arm and beyond. There are possibilities and don't think for a second that you can't achieve something because of your size. Make it work for you and don't try to surpass someone else, learn to surpass yourself and build strength that reaches your potential.


Have a kick ass Friday, have a wonderful weekend and be awesome.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Can This Be The Most Powerful Hypnosis Technology Ever?

My friend and esteemed colleague Niraj Naik – a pioneering brainwave entrainment and meditation expert has collaborated with John Vincent – an expert hypnotherapist and change expert trained directly under the father of NLP, Richard Bandler and world renowned hypnotherapist Paul McKenna.
I think they may have created what I believe in my experience of developing mind tools, is quite possibly the most powerful hypnosis audio technology of its kind.
It’s called Trypnosis™.

The reason why self help tools like affirmations and the law of attraction do not work is because you have to go deeper and change the story you tell yourself.
Trypnosis is an evolution of hypnosis and a powerful new method created by leading peak performance experts designed to empower your inner voice and thoughts.
Imagine your life with better health, confidence, creativity and motivation. Trypnosis™ – the heart of the full Peak Power Hypnosis system will give you this and more.
Download the first part of the full Peak Power Hypnosis System powered by Trypnosis™audio technology for FREE today.
» Download your free Trypnosis™ session called ‘The Conscious Mind Primer’

Be Awesome

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Recovery Workouts Are Essential


   Some people just love to get in the gym and just hammer out the weights and use their Bosu Balls, run like a madman on the cardio machines and just crank out rep after rep on those "machines." I love training hard too; getting out and hitting tire with my Epic Sledgehammer, play with Battling Ropes, and move like a wild animal and just go raw with my favorite exercises but yet I understand the importance of recovery. Unless you work all day in construction or at some heavy duty job or having to survive in the wilderness; you can't train that hard all the time without suffering some sort of consequence like an injury or being burnt out or whatever. It's great to push yourself but it's also important to let things die down a bit and let your body repair itself.


    My type of recovery training is to practice forms of Chi Kung to train my internal strength and use more of a flow of movements and holds that unleash that electrical vibration in the body not just outside. A lot of us can be filled with tension that deprives us from doing things that are fun and enjoyable. Tension can be used in a positive way depending on the situation but the negative side of it is it can cause damage to your body like inflammation, tendonitis, back pain, knee problems and it can take a toll on your emotional state as well. Exercise done right releases endorphins and is often a stress reliever which is why daily exercise is good for the body but like anything else if it's not balanced than you're in for a rude awakening which is why a lot of people quit after a week or 2 of training because they pushed too hard and not enough recovery time to balance it out. You don't have to do Chi Kung to recover but you can do other things that balance out your body's nervous system. Go for a walk, stretch your body and loosen up the joints, do deep breathing exercises for a day or before/during/after your workouts, do meditation; there are so many things you can do but it's up to you to find that balance.


    Now contrary to popular belief you don't always have to do workouts that only go 3-5 times a week and not do anything on you're off days. In this day and age, very rarely you find people in fitness who never take a day off. I have not taken one day off since I started training for rehab way back in 2005 around august. When I tell certain people that they often think "how can you do that everyday and not be burnt out, don't you get injured?" The truth is, I train hard when I can but when I need to back off I do which I'm currently doing right now. There's no such thing as a day off because you're constantly doing something every single day and it doesn't always require training in the gym or doing a few push-ups at home. Here's the thing, there are times we can get so sore from a workout or we become sick and need to take care of ourselves, what to do then? How about say you're sore from head to toe and you still want to get in a good workout, why not go for a brisk walk for about 30 min., go swimming and just tread water or swim a few laps so the muscles are loosened up, stretch your body to open up the channels within your muscles. What about being sick with the flu or you can hardly move feeling like a crowbar is hitting your body; well you do a fast or eat very lightly, lay back and flex the muscles in various places to bring blood flow to the body, you can also do light stretching, kick back and do some deep breathing exercises (trust me it's not easy to do when you're stuffed up but breathe from your diaphragm and not your nose) and mentally picture yourself feeling better and visualize healing yourself. You don't always need to move to train your body.


    A lot of us struggle to relax and go with the flow. It happens to me quite a bit and I get really tense sometimes and jittery. I'm known to be a night owl so sleeping at night isn't always simple to do like in my current situation where my body is just going nuts and my sleeping patterns are way off so I'm training myself to not fight and just relax and flow while listening to my body. Relaxing isn't easy for some people because they're so stressed from their job or something is wrong in the family or your mind just runs at a million miles an hour and it's causing you frustration. We have 24 hours in a day and so if you have time to ease down even if it's for a few minutes believe me you'll see a whole new look at training the body in a different perspective. Watch something funny, chill out and forget about the negative bullshit for a bit. Destress yourself with intent. I'm not always talking about positive thinking or be one with the universe but train your body to ease down when you make the effort to and let your body repair itself, sleep when you need to so the muscles can have time to rebuild and grow. Balance yourself according to your needs and recovery just as efficiently as you train hard.


Welcome to October everyone. Have a happy Wednesday and be awesome.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sprints Without Needing To Run

    When people think of sprinting, normally you'd think running very fast as hard as possible on a track/field, up hills and stairs but yet sprinting can be used in a variety of ways where you don't always need to run your ass off. As far as I'm concerned Hill Sprints and hard running on a field for up to 30 seconds is the very best method for burning fat faster than anything else. Some of you may not have that luxury due to being in certain places that doesn't have hills or you live in a city that uses more of the elevator and also weather can be a factor. I'm all for training in nearly any type of weather but I realize some of you like to be in inside and want to train in that environment or somewhere around your home.


    My training varies from practicing chi kung to hard hitting sledgehammer work and I even practice DDP Yoga from to time but if I want a quick workout that doesn't take a lot of time and is easy to set up, I go out to my driveway and work with my 50ft one inch thick rope and go to war on Battling Ropes. It has become a great trend lately in the last couple years due to its major influence from old-time strongman John Brookfield. Because of the way you need to use your arms to make those kick ass waves takes a ton of strength and coordination that it's almost impossible to not burn fat doing this. Although there is more than one way to sprint, I find this the most fun and interesting because you can vary the exercises by going in different directions, different grips and more often than not changing the tempo while maintaining a good clip and velocity that makes you sweat from head to toe within a few minutes or less.


    If you want a workout that will smoke you quick and you're pressed for time; do this and you'll be cooked like a Xmas goose in 10 min. Go after this workout once you have the basic exercises down and are efficient to keep going.


-30 seconds on/15 seconds off

Go for up to 10-15min. in this fashion.


It is brutal, hardcore and will test your limits and your creativity as you generate a great amount of strength and endurance that shape you into a machine.


    When it comes down to it, just training with the ropes a few times a week will generate a great deal of natural HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Because of the benefits of strength and cardio at the same time, the exercises will take your lungs and your breathing to the next level and you're working the whole body by holding a stance with your legs or squatting depending on the exercise and working your arms, shoulders, back, grip and anything else you can think of. This type of sprinting burns fat like crazy and the amount of strength you generate is immense. Think about it especially if you're over 35 or 40 to bring up your levels of natural testosterone and power up your metabolism like when you a kid. For women, this helps awesomely for strengthening the arms to get rid of that fat from the upper arms, being in a quarter squat for a period of time taking fat out of your glutes, thighs and hamstrings and building a killer core because you have to stabilize a certain position in order to stay efficient for the movement. It doesn't take up much time but if you want to train longer that's fine too, Brookfield can go for an hour without stopping so there are a great amount of possibilities. Get fit fast without wasting your time on hours of endless training that won't get you anywhere. Unless you're a pro athlete or training for competition, 45 min. to an hour of training should be your max and using compound movements that hit multiple muscles.


Be awesome and rope yourself into a powerfully fit body with endurance to back it up.




Friday, September 26, 2014

My Unusual Way Of Researching

    As a fitness fanatic, I always find certain ways to get stronger, interested in cool programs, watch films, listen to music and read books. There are certain phrases done in a certain tone that help me discover a way to unlock my brain power into training differently. I guess you can say I'm a total nerd when it comes to this stuff. Although I love fitness my research doesn't involve it. I have a very unusual way of laughing pretty much any time I wanted which is a workout in itself if you really understand it; I can think of something funny at the top of my head out of nowhere and I just start laughing my ass off. After I have a good laugh, my body is more relaxed, calmer, full of life and I can train very efficiently. Laughter is an awesome tool to help you train if you learn to apply it.


    The way I see things and hear things is different than most people. When I see an action flick or a scene that is emotionally intense, I see an opportunity to learn how to make my training more fun or serious to do. Remember those scenes in No Country For Old Men where the guy is just so cold he doesn't hesitate killing someone, its not one of those "maybe I'll kill you" kind of character it's destiny and that's the way it's going to be, most see that as a cold-blooded murderer with a psycho entity but me; I see intense focus and yes it's evil but for you it's a way of learning to channel your focus on what you want to do. How about listening to a certain quote not just reading it but how it's sounded. Reading a quote can be done in many ways but the way it sounds is more powerful, it can make you laugh or cry, make you think or it can destroy your way of seeing things. You can take some of the most ridiculous quotes from music, film, books and turn them into some of the most intense sayings. Kind of like a workout that just looks weird, odd and unorthodox and yet can turn it into the most intense and sweat drenching workout of your life and you're so focused it makes people run instead of laugh at. I have done workouts playing the animal dice game from Animal Kingdom Conditioning and yes some are tough and some a relatively easy but even doing what's called the Cartoon Workout which consists of looking at the exercises as your favorite characters can be the most brutal and fun workout of your life and you'll never see those characters the same way again.


    For a while now I've looked into certain aspects of Mythology from the Greeks, Norse, Irish and even Vampires to study not only the strength and superhuman entities of these beings but the way they're personality is conducted and how they live that can be both a blessing and a curse. Like the Vampire that has extraordinary gifts of sight, strength and speed but yet has to live with the fact that it's main source of food is blood. Also given its lifespan can last 100's of years which means knowledge and learning different aspects of culture throughout time. How does this apply to training? Well, you learn things you normally don't learn from other places, you're not into learning the normal way of training, you want to be crazy strong, super-fast and want to find out how to increase your length of life at the same time gain knowledge of the foremost secrets that mainstream people don't know, like an underground thing. In all of mythology there is always some power hungry god or goddess that think they're hot shit and if you don't worship them they'll find a way to destroy you in some form or another; we as humans can relate to that because we have people that are so full of themselves that if we think differently of them in a way they don't approve they'll get rid of you or put you down in some form or another. Think about it from a fitness point of view, there are "top gurus" who tell people that they're way to train is the only way and if you strike back at them because you have a different opinion they'll give you shit for it. Truth is we are all different and we can't do things the same way so in order to make something successful happen, we need to find a way to learn what can be the best for us and makes us the very best of ourselves. Train according to your needs and use exercises that use your potential to become very good at what you do.


    The few people who know this I'm a total movie buff (if you don't believe me than you ought to learn about my collection). Ever since I was a kid, movies have been my way to get away, have a few laughs, get pumped up or spend time with family and friends. I have many favorites from Indiana Jones to Spaceballs, Star Wars to cult films like The Big Labowski and yes I like some of the dumbest films ever like Adam Sandler films to Will Ferrell but I also like Marvel Films like the Avengers series, X-Men and Blade and even DC stuff like Batman & Superman. I get pumped every time I watch Indy or get great ideas about training from Pumping Iron and I even get a kick out of the sarcasm and references used in the Avengers. As a fitness fanatic, this is an incredible way for me to learn how to channel my focus when I train because of the way a character moves or his intensity in a scene helps me find an intense way to focus so much on what I do that nothing else gets past me. The Expendables are awesome to watch because you have the nostalgic thing of seeing the greatest action stars in one flick and you can't help but want to train and just get that flow of testosterone going.


Happy Friday everyone and have a kick ass weekend. If you have a weird way of researching ways to train or have an unusual way of doing what you love, that's great. If it makes you happy and it helps you be unique than don't ever let it go. You may have the most oddball way of learning things and you know what, that's awesome because you found a way to do what works for you. Keep it up and use it to make yourself successful.

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