Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Adventure Of Movement

    As adults especially in today's society, we overanalyze movement and how it is supposed to suit us as oppose to just move freely and how it makes us better and fitter. As kids movement was practically mandatory for our everyday lives; running, playing tag, jumping, climbing on jungle gyms, digging in the sand, playing ball with friends on the streets or at a field and not having a care in the world. As we get older what happens to us; bad backs, eating a ton of crap, drinking a beer with our buddies and working until we can't even lift a finger cause of developed carpal tunnel or overdoing work that puts too much stress on our bodies and we "never" have time to just chill out and be free. Movement is supposed to be fun and exciting, the way we can adapt and learn our body's capabilities. Sure we have more responsibilities and making a living but that shouldn't stop you from having an awesome time and just move with glee.


    The key elements to moving naturally is running, jumping, climbing, swimming, lifting and moving in various practical directions, also the way we sit and crawl. Now lifting doesn't always mean moving dumbbells and barbell around but why not a rock or a keg to move onto a truck, lifting up yourself like in a pull-up or holding a handstand. We have been planted in our brains the last few decades that in order to get strong, we need to lift weights which is not entirely true because dumbbells and barbells have only been around maybe over 100 years as oppose to countless centuries of humans moving heavy boulders, Egyptians moving Pyramid stones to build monuments, loggers chopping down than moving heavy logs, pulling carriages out of the dirt and mud and what about moving a wheel barrel uphill to your cabin with firewood to keep your family warm in the winter. It's using the practicality of moving a heavy object whether just lifting or carrying it for that matter.


    Making movement an adventure would really begin with the imagination. You imagine being in a certain situation that has you moving in a specific and real life manner; say you're a under a house and need to crawl out, you can either go on all fours with the knees off the ground, your feet and hands are on the ground but your hips are off the ground like a crab walk, on your stomach and have to stay low or being on your back and using your shoulders/hips/feet to move out. There are all sorts of ways to make movement interesting. I like to imagine myself as Indiana Jones going into the catacombs of the temple of the Holy Grail and if I don't want my head or my body to be chopped up I need to kneel (or squat down) and roll, balance on the letters of Jehovah, walk across the path of god leaping from the lion's head (the bridge to the knight). Move with intent and creativity that is useful to help you stay healthy and strong, not just looking fit but being fit. I'm not a religious person and I normally don't associate myself with any organized religion but when you have a bad ass like Indy needing to move in serious ways in order to get to these religious artifacts and/or supply yourself with internal life from one of the last three Arthurian knights, you need to have an imagination to have that much fun. Your imagination enhances the adventure as you move even if you're in your house and can't go outside for some particular reason.


    Bring out that inner kid in you that wants to be free and move around; crawl, jump, run on the beach, go swimming, climb a tree (or do pull-ups), pick up a heavy rock and walk 10ft just to drop it, sprint down the dock and dive into the lake (just be careful). It's living to be happy and using practical and exciting meaning to move and love being able to just play. Money cannot buy happiness, useless materials can't bring a smile of joy and adventure has no boundaries. Yes making a living is important but never believe just because you make a few bucks here and there think it's going to solve all your problems. Want to be fit, move but move with joy, learn what works for you, get out for a few minutes and just be free and be yourself. Being cooped up can be a bitch and it's not always healthy (trust me I've been there) and make it wonderful. Be happy on your own terms, don't let some bullshit force come in and kick you to the ground, you have the power to fight back because your happiness starts within you not on the outside.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Smallest Fraction Factor

    When you see a fitness program you're really interested in or want to see what it's like, you jump in right away and just think you're so advanced and it's going to turn you into some kind of superman/woman. What happens when you do this; a lot of things, injuries can occur, you burn out too quickly and quit plus after doing it for like a week you think it's like every other program and it won't work. This is what the majority of people do when they join a gym, buy certain equipment or have some trainer down their throat pushing them when they can't possibly be ready. A lot of people feel that they need results within the first day and because their possibly far overweight it's not going to work for them and they discouraged. You want to talk about tough, take it from me, after my accident and learned to take my first steps again I dove into a fitness program that consisted of not 10-20 exercises but 3; squats, push-ups and bridging and I couldn't at first do 25 squats, 10 push-ups and a 30 sec. bridge felt like an eternity. It's about doing what you're interested and progress by even the smallest fraction.


    I call this the Smallest Fraction Factor because when you start out with something it doesn't matter if you're into Powerlifting, Hand Balancing, Pull-ups, Steel Bending hell even Crossfit; you learn the techniques, build yourself a foundation and start with little increments. Say you want to be a Powerlifter which consist of the Bench Press, Deadlift & Squat so you build up to a heavy weight that you can handle but that doesn't mean you go for a world record every workout. You progress the weight little by little because after a certain period of time and being smart about things you're making progress to lifting heavier and heavier weight over time. Sometimes you don't always do the full range of motion in a workout, sometimes you do partials to get strong in certain positions that will help you along the way in the full range of motion. Pull-ups are the same way, you may not be able to do a full pull-up at first so you start to just hang to build the grip strength and do so in different places of gripping the bar, as you get stronger you begin to pull yourself up but again don't be discouraged keep at it and as you pull-up hold the position you're stuck in and isometrically flex the muscles hard in that position, as you get better go up a little higher and same thing, flex the muscles in that position. You see little bits and pieces create a bigger entity. It's like putting together a puzzle with very small pieces, it takes patience and it takes thinking so when you do get all the pieces together what does it create? A big picture right?


    Like pieces to a puzzle, you're creating a small increase that makes the biggest impact later on. Think of a really incredible painter, he/she just doesn't slab on a few coats of paint and oil to create a picture they see it in their mind, the shapes, the abstracts, the colors and bit by bit they begin to see a beautiful piece of artwork. The smallest goals in your training can become your greatest ally because you're working towards something big right, so like the puzzle use the pieces that you have and even the smallest piece can fit into the big picture that you're creating. Create the picture you desire with the pieces you have in front of you.


    Why is Progression the key to all training? It's because when you start out, you just aren't strong and fit enough yet but you do little things here and there, increase weight by a mere couple pounds, hell some increase only a quarter of a pound and yet later on become extremely strong. In the pull-up, go up in mere inches and before you know it you're getting your head over the bar. In Hand Balancing, you start with a wall and as you get stronger, you move out to just using the ground and hold yourself up freely. Progress with great intention and be intelligent about it, use what's useful to get you to the next level even if it takes you a long time. Work into your goals that are reasonable for you and be adventurous with it. Too many people take things way too seriously and never make it fun enough to progress even quicker. Sometimes your goals don't always hit when you want them to and that happens but remember, you're doing something not many others will shoot for and that is what makes you unique.


Do the best you can and build yourself up with great emotion and fire burning within you. You want to be greatly fit and don't want to put in a whole mess of time, get yourself a copy of DDP Yoga and even if you can't hold yourself up at first or can't do a push-up, don't worry it will come and even by the smallest fraction of a movement you can make it happen. Be awesome and have a blast.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Unleashing The Beast Within

    There comes a time in your training whether it be within a few weeks, days maybe even months when your body begins to tell you something. You start to feel like something just isn't right even though you may have gotten great results and/or you just need to go a different route and not feel like you're dreading the same shit over and over. I love sprints and from personal experience they are a key to burning off fat faster than any other method and will put on muscle quick but after nearly a month of them, my body and my mind have decided to tell me to move onto something else. This has happened to all of us and we can be the most dedicated trainee we can be but also it's time to do something new, exciting that will bring you results you haven't felt or seen yet. It's time to change it up a bit.


    Your body can speak to you if you listen closely. There can be times where it's screaming in agony even though there's silence all around you and you feel something that isn't right, that's your body giving you signals and it doesn't matter whether you're sore or tired but in your mind there's something to give here. We can push to our absolute limits and we won't always listen to what our bodies are telling us because we block out the pain or the agony which is not always a good idea but if you pay attention let your body be heard. Unleashing our inner beast is not about pushing to the outmost limit but about letting it out in a certain time that we need it and then let it rest until we are ready again. You can't expect your body to be pushed to the limit and then keep going for days on end, you'll end up injured and/or burnt out and you won't get the results you deserve so you'll end up with what you'll get. It is perfectly fine to just go hard for a while and then rest when needed.


    One of my all-time favorite training methods is doing Animal Movements. You mimic the style of animal that is powerful, strong, and fast and develop strength in awkward positions that you normally don't go into and using muscles you didn't realize existed. They are the perfect prototype of the term "Less Is More" because they don't take a long time to do and you're unlocking a part of yourself that you normally don't use in the gym or wherever else. They make training interesting and exciting, there's no need for sets and reps you can just go for distance and/or time if you wish and you have more freedom. If you happen to find an animal that you like to move more often than the others that's another way of listening to your body. It is telling you that you are moving like your Animal Spirit or as they say in Mortal Kombat your Animality. If you want to do long workouts with them great but it's also ok to do them even shorter because they take up the whole body to be able to do them and the tempo changes, you move from one animal to the next and you can even set them up for playing. You don't need to do a ton of exercises to get results, pick a few and hammer them out for up to a half hour or less and you're golden.


    If you listen to your body, you can actually hear the beast within you and when you're ready to unleash it, look out and get ready to jump start your hormones, create a better metabolism and develop strength and other attributes you haven't seen before or in a very long time. It's not easy listening to the body because people believe in order to get results they have to push themselves more and more and let the mind take care of your body and not your instincts; now some of that is true when your mind pushes you more but also you have to take care of yourself and rest when you need to. Think of the wild animal, it doesn't push itself to the limit so they can have a great body, they need to survive otherwise they're a goner so they use their instincts by moving fast when they need to, resting when they need to and use their strength when it's called upon them. We can learn a lot from this because as humans we are the most complicated species on the planet and we don't listen to ourselves and our bodies when they may need us the most or not needed as much. Believe that you can get strong and healthy but also listen and learn to read signals within you. It's like the concept of Three Bears; there are things that are too big to handle, others that just don't work well for you but there's something that is just right and it works well in your favor, learn to harness that and listen to that beast within you. Use your strength when it's called upon, train with the intent of pushing your body just enough and rest when needed. Simple, easy to remember and also have fun and make it an adventure instead of an unwanted chore, you'll notice the difference when you find that out.


Hope everyone had a great weekend and get the start of a new week off right. Unleash the inner beast within and be awesome. 15 days left until I take down my offer as a bonus for buying great stuff on here.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Why Build An In Home Gym?


      Actually it should be create your own in-home gym but the principle still applies. Now most people who want to work out feel like they need to join a gym. They pay sometimes up to $100 or more a month but on average it's between 40-60 a month and how often do you go? Have you gotten results, do you just slack off or bust your ass? How about what you use like mostly machines or cardio and how about your aerobics classes? There are times like a lot of people do where they just spend money to join up and not even go at all so what did you really gain out of it? I think for some people the gym is awesome and it can be if you really know how to work into it and have fun plus you get to do crazy things (then again crazy is a sin at Planet Fitness go figure) but also it can be a pain in the ass when you have to drive there which in a nutshell you have to pay gas eventually, there are people at the gym who complete idiots and at times complete assholes who only think of themselves and you have sweat all over the equipment and the hygiene is not always pleasant. I say save your hard earned money and invest in a creative home gym.


    When you build up your gym over time you don't need to get the machines or the cardio crap but a few things here and there that don't take up too much space and there's enough for you to train with. You can even put a few things outside and train in the outdoors where there's fresh air and you're getting your vitamin D and not some screwed up heated gym with a fan blowing. Some of the strongest and fittest people in the old days made gyms out in their backyard, a barn, ran sprints on their speck of land because back then gyms were an extreme few and you'd be lucky to find one that wasn't in a major city like Philadelphia, LA, New York, Chicago or even San Francisco. When you have equipped yourself with certain things that are simple to use and not complicated, you can use them anytime you want and nobody will ever bother you to ask for them in the middle of your training. Whatever is available to you would be right there. For me I have my own little living space with enough room to train and have some space for my stuff in the back wall. If you rather put them in a box awesome, when you're ready take out what you want and have at it. Get yourself some Lifeline Cables to supplement your weights because they're easier to travel with, get some kettlebells if you're into that and put them in a space that's convenient for you, why not a few sledgehammers you can pick up at Home Depot and a tire from the junk yard. Be creative and if you can't afford all the things you need than do what you can, find deals for cheaper things that won't break when you first use them, get a pull-up bar you can hang on the door and take off when you want for under $40 and far better useful than $2000 pull-up rack. Find what you can and invest overtime.


    One of the greatest things about having a home gym is that there's nobody to distract you (unless you have neighbors who are complete jackasses, trust me I've been there) but you don't have excuses, you can turn on your own music instead of listening to random tunes at the gym (some are good but I don't find it training acceptable to listen to Michael Jackson or similar tunes that just don't work for me) and even more importantly you can focus on what you truly want to do instead of having to cater to people by moving out of the way, listening to some dumb ass on his cell and see some jerkoff laughing playing angry birds on his IPad. The only person that can distract you is you in this case. When you're done training, your shower is right near you, have your own clothes just a few feet away and you can eat what you need right in your own fridge. Look at it this way; you save yourself a shitload of gas money, you're investing in your health, you save time by using only a fraction of your training time to do your responsibilities at home if you're trying to raise a family and you don't have some perv gloating at you (sorry ladies but it does happen whether you realize it or not) and you can wear whatever the hell you want.


    Last thing that has great benefit to training at home is that with certain things (like Cables, Push-up Handles ect) you can take them on the road with you if you choose to do so. If they can fit in your car and you're going on a trip it's very beneficial. I have the Lifeline Chest Expander which you can use for many things and I've taken that with me down to my trips to California because it's extremely light, can put it right in my clothes bag and get some awesome training in when I have the opportunity. A Kettlebell or Dumbbell might be stretching it because if you're going on a plane you might as well check it in instead of a carry on but on the bright side if you're at home and have some of those things you can get in some great heavy loaded training that makes cardio machines seem obsolete. I love being able to train at home, can do what I want whenever I want, get a great workout in under 30 minutes then hop in the shower, change, watch my favorite movie and kick back all within 10-20 feet. It's greater freedom and you get to spend time with the people you love and don't have to worry about being stuck in traffic just so you can run on a cardio machine. Invest but do it wisely, research and look into what can be beneficial for you and hell if you have kids, have them work out with you, a family that trains together bonds together.


Have a great Thor's Day everyone and get strong, be healthy and get in the best shape you can. Be awesome.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Pull Your Way To Incredible Strength


      Most people tend to do exercises that focus mainly the front of the body because that's what they see in the mirror more often. What they don't realize is that when they don't give the time to work on the pulling muscles that work the lower back up to the latissimus dorsi it makes the upper body look far worse than it needs to be. You're big into Bench Press and curls and crunches and the thigh muscles that you don't realize you're developing a hunch back and your chest is caving in as well as the rest of your body. Building strength and power in the pulling muscles help correct the posture in the chain of other muscles needed to be congruent with your body's powerful stance. Chest up, shoulders back and being able to tuck the pelvis.


    The wings of your body is your upper back which you can do a lot with when it comes to pulling by doing Pull-ups, hanging as you stretch, Clean & Press which works every muscle in the body and other styles of pulling that give that area the strength it needs. Muscle Control is a great way to open up the back because although you can use it to isolate the muscle, it teaches to use that muscle for particular reasons that can help keep you injury free. Watch guys like Otto Arco and Maxick who are masters of Muscle Control that can open up the back in ways most can't even fathom even today after they were around 100 years ago. They're not big dudes yet they can make the muscles look big and move with such grace and power it's practically majestic. Although small but very built they were still strong as hell and at one time were the strongest of their size. Open up your back and unlock the posterior chain.


    Now contrary to popular belief you don't always need weights to build back strength. You can lift other things that work the back like rocks, logs, kegs and other odd objects because they don't isolate the muscles, the whole body has to come into play including the stabilizer muscles that keep the balance flowing even when balancing is difficult. Handstands build incredible back strength because in order to even keep your body in alignment your back and your abdominals need to hold you up, your arms and legs won't get the job done unless everything is working together. Pull-ups in different variations set off a chain reaction to the back muscles needed to get yourself over the bar plus the stretching you get at the same time if you apply it right is in unison with the strength you're developing. Think about it although you need strength to pull yourself up, you still have that stretch in the torso especially the oblique muscles that gives off the power you need to complete the pull-up. Cables work great as well especially the TNT Cables from Lifeline USA because when you use the door attachment in a specific place say the top of the door and you hook the cables around and strap them into the handles you can do pull-downs that are more effective than the machines and go in different directions. Pulling down using your own resistance gives the muscles that energetic feel of actually working those muscles in that area. Picking up weight is great too and not always a barbell or dumbbell, try picking up a heavy boulder; it's not the same and you have to use more than just your back but it hits it awesomely.


    A key element that helps develop a super back is the strength of your grip. Grip strength is essential in all kinds of exercise because if you can't hold onto a weight or be able to hold yourself up in the pull-up you're not going anywhere. If you can't do a pull-up yet because you have a weak grip than work on that area until you can, like on a pull-up bar just hang there until you can hold for about a minute. Work your fingers, your wrists and if you have grippers don't just open and close them; close them and hold it for as long as possible, this develops a powerful grip and can help you in other areas. Your back has more strength than your grip obviously because of how the muscles are developed but your grip needs enough juice to even get the back muscles firing even more. Use Sledgehammers, Fat Gripz, Arm Wrestling Isometrics, hang with your fingers, Isometric Pull-ups all these develop an incredible grip. The little muscles can be your biggest ally so use the best you can to build your muscles that are congruent together to work in harmony. Get your back crazy strong and open up your posture.


Have a kick ass Wednesday everybody and keep an eye on for more articles to come. Share, like, comment and be sure to take up my offer as a bonus coaching session if you purchase $50 or more products on this site. Be awesome and have a wonderful day.


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