Monday, October 24, 2011

Taking Thor’s Hammer To A Whole New Level

As a kid you always dreamed of being something different, something more then yourself, something people will look at and think you were one of a kind. You dreamed of being a superhero. Either you wanted to be Spiderman, Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wolverine or Captain America for that matter you dreamed about being them. Have powers that no one else has and given the strength to triumph over any obstacle and not let anything bad stand in your way. There is only one superhero however that is a god and thats Thor.

What if you had the chance to have Thor's Hammer in your hands and feel a surge of power and strength within you that you feel nothing will stand in your way and each time you use it you get stronger and stronger? Now lets be honest no one will ever be like these particular superheroes even Thor but you can however build strength and conditioning using various tools and other forms of exercise to transform you from a weakling to walking tower of muscle and might. How about the one tool that you saw in comic books and stories throughout the ages where it was a symbol of strength, courage, defining the odds and gives you a reason to become strong and powerful, would you want that?

What if I told you that its possible to have Thor's hammer in your hands and take your strength and conditioning to levels that is unheard of and surreal. Well my friend's here is your chance. Take a look at and if you look hard enough you will see that you can get your hands on Thor's Hammer and use it as a training tool to create insane strength and unbelievable endurance that will give you the physique you always dreamed of. When you have this in your hands you don't have your normal type strength, in your mind you are Thor, the god of lightning with strength that is unfathomable and you will not be defined as a weakling, you are strong, vibrant and full of energy. When you get into this mindset, your results will come quicker and it will teach you how to listen to your body and if you pay attention enough you can ever hear that Hammer telling you you're getting stronger and will help you reach your goals.

Let no one tell you you can't be strong or something like this is a myth and becoming powerful is only a day dream. Never settle for what your true potential is. Becoming strong is a journey not a dream or a myth. Take a chance and get yourself a pair of Thor's Hammer and learn how to be strong instead of thinking you can. Know you can and believe you can. Thor's Hammer is only a click away and its never too late to start your journey on the path to superhuman strength.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Getting Kids Back On The Right Track

On Saturday Night Live back in the early-mid 90's a big time comedian named Chris Farley played a character named Matt Foley, a motivational speaker who lived in a van down by the river. His antics of that character was freaking hilarious that believe it or not there are some motivational speakers out there that are almost exactly like that. Their funny to watch but its sad that they don't do what they preach to. Plus who the hell wants to learn from a guy with a big gut and has the temper of a 5 year old.

Now the kick ass motivational speakers out there that do practice what they preach help give those in need a chance. I was never fond of motivational speaking at all till I got a chance to talk to and hopefully meet the guy that is one of many that turned my life around after breaking both my legs and wanting to do something to not only walk again at a much faster clip but give me the strength to train my body and mind in a daily basis. Before I get into that I want to go over a few things.

The obesity in this country has reached an all-time high in any other time in history and its become of if not the biggest problem not just in adults but even more sadly the kids. I know what its like to out of shape and overweight that it was troubling playing with friends in basketball and football. I was the guy that was a frieght train with very little speed and although I was very big as a teenager I was still small and very sensitive towards a lot of things. I was depressed, humiliated a good few times, been called many names and also close to wanting to do drugs. Hated school and got picked on quite a bit, had balls thrown at me, been beat up and didn't have a remote chance with a girl. At 13 years old I was 5'4 and nearly 190 pounds. I had a monster gut, flabby arms and legs that were nothing to write home about. It was very hard to be a kid like that and with the friends I did have very few were there for me.

So even though at 5'10 and well over 235 pounds I'm still a big dude but in far better shape then at any time in my life. I took a stand to get in shape but it took me years to figure it out and do it the right way. Even in my late teens I was big and at one point after turning 20 I was nearly 260 pounds and most of it was fat from not training right and taking all kinds of bad protein shakes and whatever wasn't working. After breaking both my legs I began to learn and think about what I'm doing to myself both mentally and physically. I studied exercise more, I learned anatomy on my own and started becoming my own physiologist in the way where instead of treating people I treated myself and experimented. Now that I have mastered all these different things I want to pass onto you and your kids for those that have children.

From what I learned if you're going to get into exercise or want to get in shape and either lose weight, build muscle or whatever, a program should have a basic and simple foundation and progress your own way. Too many people never do basic stuff because they have this notion that if you want to get in shape you have to jog this many miles, lift this amount of weight, high reps for endurance, low reps for strength and do this for 30 min or that for an hour and so on and so forth. Who the bloody hell thinks anyone can try to do any of that stuff and be expected to get in shape. Believe me I was apart of that too and once I started learning basic forms of training my muscles grew, flab was coming off, my stamina skyrocketed and my flexibility went through the roof. Basic principles are the keys to not only get in shape but being happy, strong, healthy and mindful of who you are and what you want to do.

Children should have the oppurtinity to be fit and happy in their lives and not just sit around play video games and not joining in games. Children should be having a good time and live with a smile on their face while learning certain values, structures and ground rules so when they get older they can apply these qualities to what they do as adults. Exercise is one of the greatest things a child can learn but most exercise programs are boring and make kids quit faster before they even start. Exercise should not be a punishment, it shoul be fun and and make the person feel good when they accomplish something.

One of the best forms of exercise is moving like a wild animal. Pick your favorite animal and imitate it the best way you can. The guy I wanted to mention previously is one of my mentors named Ed Baran who has become one of the leading athorities in quick and fast results in exercise mostly basic principles in gymnastics and animal exercise. For the kids he even has a course called Wild Animal Fitness For Kids. It teaches kids and adults of all ages how to get in shape in as little as 5 minutes a day to start. Getting kids to exercise will get them on the right track to living a healthy and strong life.

Another way to get kids to exercise is to do it with them. As a family who exercises together builds bonds and being there for one another for encouragement, being competitive and teaching each other what works best for each other as a whole and as individuals. Get this course and not just for the kids but for you as well as you can get the same benefits as they will or if you want to build a level of pure animalized training get these as well....AKC: Survival Of The Fittest & AKC 2: Call Of The Wild. Get your kids and yourself a powerful body, strong heart and a great mind to boot as these courses develop brain power.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bending Steel Documentary- Process Is Now Underway

There have been decades where when it was time for the old-time strongmen would have the opportunity to not only show what they're capable of world-wide but would it ever get to the big screen? This time, its finally coming true where we will see what its all about when you see how strong the men of this film are. Learning from one of the strongest men on the planet Chris Shoeck is on his way from having self doubts about being a performing strongman to getting on stage and showing how powerful a man of his small stature can be.

In the film it shows Chris learning the craft of the mythical and somewhat surreal feats of the old-time strongmen that were the mega-stars of the early 20th century where you had men and women performing phenomenal stuff in vaudeville and ACT shows in the peak of PT Barnum's Circus. This journey is a heartfelt and somewhat courageous act of will and determination of going beyond the norm and becoming something more then yourself. This little strongman is only 5'7 and around 160 pounds but with inner power and a fierce will of overcoming impossible odds he shines over men twice his size.

Chris' trainer Chris Rider is becoming a legend in his own time. A man at nearly 6'5 and well over 300 pounds is one of the strongest men of our generation. Learning from Grandmaster Strongman Dennis Rogers, he has become one of the best performers of our time and there is no stopping him and you will see why in this film. Performing for only a few years Rider has already jumped up to a status that most other strongmen took more then a decade to get where they're at. He has ripped the thickest phonebooks with ease, bent steel that should never be bent and has become another version of what World's Strongest Man Champion Sven Karlson refers to as "Viking Power." Rider just has that mythical viking style of look and strength that you would see in the stories of the old Norwegian Vikings in middle ages. Take it from me when I say the man is strong he is STRONG!!!!!!

Back in August of this year, Rider, Shoeck and other strongmen performed their legendary feats at the famous Coney Island, NY Amusement Park. It was the first in nearly 60 years that a strongman last performed there. In its rich history as the mecca of strongmen it was only fitting to have the past, present and future strongmen to be at this event, even the last of the remaining old timers Slim The Hammerman was there who had been performing since the late 50's. This event was one for the ages and those who performed couldn't have performed any better then they did at this level. There were many feats performed and each strongman did his own unique style that kept the audience in awe of every performance. If you were there you know what i'm talking about.

The film is now in the process of editing and getting it into theaters by next summer. Paying out of their own pocket its a bit tough to get things done when you have a deadline so with your help they are looking for donations to help get this film finished and believe me when I tell you this its worth every dollar or more you donate because these not only will thank you but you get something in return as well which should be the right thing to do. Within a certain amount you donate you will get a little something back and the more you donate the bigger you get back. If you look up at
you will see what kick ass stuff you can get ranging from a sticker w updates to having Rider & Shoeck performing at your business, school or private event being filmed by the filmakers themselves and given a donated credit in the film. Thats a pretty awesome offer don't you think?

Last but not least I know the Mighty Atom would be proud that strongmanism is finally getting what it deserves and thats to show the world how these men of strength give everything they have to make the best of giving the people a show of a lifetime and building strength and power that is just surreal to everything else in this world. If a boy wants to become something that he believes in, a man should help show him the way and thats what this film is all about, having the heart and soul to put everything aside for that one moment that takes you from a boy to a man to a legend. Join me and others and get this film done and let it be shown the way it was meant to...A film for the ages in our sport.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Building Your Way To Greatness

Whether you're new to exercise or want to get into or even get back into the shape you use to be a key rule is to build a foundation. Start with where you're at and build from there. Doing basic exercises doesn't sound pleasing as much as people think but when you begin a program the basics are always the best. The reason why that is its because no matter how far advanced you are in any program or whatever level you're at doing the basics takes you further beyond your will to develop strength, conditioning, stamina and flexibility.

One of the main things I really don't like about most trainers is that they tend to put people on programs that is so general its stupid. Lets see how this works, take an obese person and put them through the same program that a trainer has with a skinny person who never works out. Who do you think will be in better shape? Truth is its difficult to tell on many different things. The structures are different, the shape is different they're body chemistry's are different so why put them on a generic program that a trainer "thinks will work." Fact is whether you're big, small, weak, strong or whatever, you have to train at your own pace because no one should have the same exact program. Its more efficient and logical for a trainee to set their own pace so when they get stronger the better they'll be.

I've said once I'll say it again, do not fall for that 30 min. of cardio and the hour of weights crap. Again see the generic outlook? People train differently so they're bodies need to train differently. If you start with 5 min. of exercise a day you will have a better chance at progressing then doing the boring hour and a half bulls*it. I personally cannot do an hour and a half of training because for one, its boring, two I'm very ADD when it comes to stuff like that. Give me 20 min. and I'm set easy. That works for me so I train at my own pace. Others do shorter or longer sessions which is fine but for an individual it shouldn't be so long they lose interest. I have done the 2 hours 3x a week stuff and I lasted barely 3 weeks so safe to say it sucks big time. What works for one may not work for another so that's why one needs to find what works for them.

In my friend Ed and his twin brother Andy's Baran Brothers' Basic Bodyweight Building Blocks they take the new trainee and help them through a series of exercises with progressions. Progression is one of the keys to building muscle and burning fat. Progressions help you reach from a beginning phase to a very difficult exercise. Start at your own pace and work your way up. In any program you can't just jump into an advanced program, that can lead to injuries and you can get bored or burnt out. Progressing with a starting point will help you find what works, how your body works and how your mind progresses as well.

If you're new to training a good tip to use is to see yourself in your mind how fit you are and that you are happy with not only what you have but that you want to keep going and train well. Training safely and progressively can help you lead an active lifestyle and help you be healthy and vibrant. Happiness and having a positive mindset along with patience and goal-settings you can build a great foundation for life-long health and fitness.

Generating HGH Levels To New Heights

When we use compound movements in any exercise program, chances are you’ll be in better shape then when you isolate the muscles and tendons of the body. Compound movements are of using multiple muscle groups at one particular time like in weight lifting you have the clean and jerk for barbells and presses and pulls using dumbbells and of course the squat. In bodyweight exercise believe it or not there are many isolated movements but there are more compound movements such as push-ups, pull-ups, squats and sit-ups (not crunches).

Using multiple muscle groups creates a chain reaction of how the body generates natural growth hormone which helps you stay young, healthy and strong. Say you do a hill sprint for 10-15 seconds you are actually creating more growth hormone and when you walk back down that hill your body shifts into overdrive and as you recover you are gaining much more strength and lung power which begins to burn off fat and build muscle. Now I’m no scientist or physicist but I can certainly tell the difference on how my body feels after its been cooked within a short period of time.

Human Growth Hormone usually sounds like you’re taking steroids and you’re building muscle at a rapid pace. That’s the injections aspect of it which in my opinion is pretty lame unless you need it from being severely sick in the hospital but other then that its very dangerous and injections usually come with side effects that look far worse then what its originally said. Natural Growth Hormone however comes from doing a certain exercise or activity that gets you out of breath fast and you have to try to breathe much deeper. One of the best ways to do this is doing sprints no more then 3x a week. This actually burns off fat 10x more then the leading injections and its safer and more efficient.

I do like Sprints but since I’m not a big fan of running whether fast or slow I don’t do it very often. I do however like to train like a wild animal. I believe training like a wild animal is a lot more doable because you don’t need 100 meters or a 100 yard hill to do them. Yes you may need to do them outside but there are some animals you can imitate indoors. The bottom line is doing animal movements gives you the freedom to move around and be your favorite animal and it doesn’t feel like working out, more like playing and having fun. It’s a lot more fun to do these and if you need to catch your breath every now and then do it. If you practice them well enough you can get stronger, healthier and develop more brain power.

To me the exercises in Animal Kingdom Conditioning and Animal Kingdom Conditioning2 create way better HGH Levels and take up less time to train on and it’s really all you need. Start off doing only 5 min. a day with these animals and get good at the exercises you want to master. You can do all sorts of workouts with them and do them as long as you want once you have mastered them. I do them very often and I never feel better. I love them and one day hope you will too and make them work for you as they have done for me.

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